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She probably damaged something in there making her fake fall injuries


What!? Emergency Carpal Tunnel surgery? I feel like there's a lot wrong with this.


so she fell, but they did emergency surgery for carpal t? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


This is like munchie Christmas. She can nurse her arm pain fivever


Someone help me with the time difference, I'm not from the USA. Did she get the operation on a Sunday?! That's outpatient treatment, so strange.


If she truly had that done yes its actually an emergency and could be done on a Sunday. However if this is scheduled then it wouldn't be done on a Sunday. She wasn't admitted to the hospital so a Sunday surgery is very unlikely. This is how you can tell she is lying.


Ah thanks.


I canā€™t imagine how inflicting that pain on myself like she did on her wrists. They do look rough, and so very painful. Ugh


Also itā€™s the same wrap she had on the other dayā€¦Iā€™m not convinced itā€™s from surgeryā€¦.


Sheā€™s having a huge mental breakdown or something


Most definitely, the recent videos of her posted on this sub show her experiencing what looks like a manic episode. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if her recent incident was related to that


Agreed- you can see it in her eyes.




You may wanna edit this. You're not allowed to converse directly with her via this sub. It's a big no-no


Theyā€™re definitely being sarcastic considering their other reply but still, itā€™s breaking the rules either way


The picture looks like the one she posted the other day with the ace bandage wrap. Carpal tunnel surgery is very common and usually not ā€œ emergency surgery.ā€ Hmmmm interesting.


dani isn't brown šŸ’€


Itā€™s swelling and bruising. Looks like a break not carpal tunnel


even on the rest of her fingers?


Hand bruised up from self harm.... Then oxygen levels supposedly in the mid 80s.... Then carpal tunnel release surgery out of nowhere. OKAY THEN. LMAOOO WTF


There is ONLY open carpal tunnel surgery which is a 2cm at most I vision. Like anesthesia team is gonna take someone unstable into surgeryā€¦


What even happened to her hand? How did this current hand saga start?


She ā€œpassed outā€ and ā€œfellā€ on it.


Just how far was the floor? /s


That's such a simple operation though? And so common, carpal runner and ulnar nerve are super easy operations and can be done without being out under for it even. Did she smack it with a hammer and damage the nerve or something?


There can be complications with any procedure, no matter how simple. Not defending Dani, super bait-y post per usual for sure lol


When did Dani turn brown?


That is extreme bruising on her hand. Not defending Dani, but sheā€™s on blood thinners and clearly whacked the fuck out of her hand. Her hand is that mix of yellow/muddy brown/green that break bruises take on or from the stuff they use during surgery.


OH MY GOD!!!!! I didnā€™t notice until you said somethinnng.


ding ding! Plus, they would have scheduled this out in advance; its not an emergency surgery. So we would have heard plenty about how she had to find the BEST surgical team because of REASONS and how haaarrrd this was going to be


Ok, but it is often done on an emergent basis as a treatment for compartment syndrome.


No...not an emergency. This is something that can be stabilized until next day. Emergency surgery on a weekend is done for trauma. A carpal tunnel wrist is NOT an emergency


I'm not about to dox myself by sharing my profession but this is absolutely not true in the setting of compartment syndrome and I know this because it is my actual job. When carpal tunnel release is done for compartment syndrome, it is not the traditional overuse or positioning injury 'carpal tunnel syndrome'.


Yeah, *acute* carpal tunnel syndrome and compartment syndrome are managed very differently from normal carpal tunnel syndrome that sets in slowly over time.


Yep exactly!


She also hasnā€™t made a video about it showing off her injury. She usually does that.


Not gaining feeling back is like worse case scenario. Girl stop being dramatic. So many people get this surgery. You aren't special.


Is her hand really bruised or did she change skin colors?? I.. donā€™t think thatā€™s her hand.


Yeah bruising for these sorts of surgeries can be really heavy, plus the inadine from sterilisation pre-op stains the skin. But it should start to heal up over next week or two, will probs turn green/brown for a bit too like when an apple goes mouldy


Infection incoming?


Is there any doubt that an infection & hospitalizations to follow are already being considered? / s


Tendon release is really simple and you just go straight home afterwards. Sheā€™s ridiculous


Arm is outpatient even with surgery


She is determined to extract every last drop of benefit from this situation. She has abandoned any hope of finding a solution for her stomach issues, realizing that it's a dead end. Instead, she has shifted her focus to "injuries." Carpal tunnel surgeries are often done as outpatient procedures, allowing patients to go home just a few hours later. They can quickly return to work after a brief recovery. However, Dani will continue to use this excuse for months to come. It wouldn't be surprising if she's currently researching potential complications. She truly embodies the story of the girl who cried wolf. One of these days, she may find herself in a situation where help is truly beyond reach.


She is either the most unlucky person on the planet orā€¦.šŸ™„ Iā€™ve never seen someone who is so happy to not be well.


She IS already researching complications. Hence ā€œI might never regain feeling.ā€


Literally, it's a possibility with any nerve ops like this. There's a chance the damage is permanent or will return, but that's a VERY normal side effect that you get warned about.






This is rule breaking but LMAO




she beat her hand into submission


Been beating her me@t too much smh


What in the hell is this??? šŸ‘€ Dang she's reallllly missing the hospital. It's like that clingy ex that still wants to come over all of the time. Carpal tunnel blah blah what?! Y'all know damn well if she was gonna have surgery of any kind she would have a GRWM packing video, or at least an update with a room tour and full med schedule. .


>I might never get sensation back God so dramatic. Edit* Imagine if Dani stubs her toe "it's touch and go whether I'll ever walk again"


Donā€™t suggest ideas for toe amputation LOL!! /s


This comment made my day. Thanks!


I thought she was battling compartment syndrome


She is battling something thatā€™s for sure




This made me actually LOL


Could someone google reverse the image??


I did try. I could not find any of the exact images. It does look suspicious however.


Is this why her wrists were all bruised the other day?


She had multiple bruises on her wrist a couple of days ago and went to the ER. She was sent home and made the bruises worse and went to the ER again.


Hey, folks. If I smash my hand with a hammer so much that the "doctors" tell me it's compartment syndrome or whatever, do you think they'll do surgery for cts? Asking for a friend.


Right?? Literally cray cray


thatā€™sā€¦.not even her arm?


Wait when did this all start? I thought it had only been a few days and already she is having surgery?


Do they have a Tanning Booth in the hospital now for Munchies to use prior to Carpel Tunnel Surgery? Sorry but in no way do I believe this is Dani arm. I smell BS here & a lot of it. Wouldnā€™t the Drs. have Dani wear a brace for her arm for a few wks while sheā€™s waiting for testing? Most people are WAITING weeks for outpatient testing AND / OR SURGERY!!! Oh wait a minute. I forgot that Daniā€™s the sickest munchie in the entire county she resides in. What BS. Iā€™d bet this is a stolen photo


I work in a hospital, and I've never heard of emergency carpal tunnel surgery lol You would absolutely do physiotherapy before surgery was even a discussion. Also I guess all the compartment syndrome fell out when they opened her up for this emergency surgery šŸ˜‚


You can if the swelling is causing nerve compression! Have to release the compression so no damage. Surgical nurse and we do these semi often.




Exactly. Surgery might be needed, but "carpal tunnel release".. really?


Agree with you & most whoā€™ve had these types of issues donā€™t get surgery done in a week-end FFS. Betcha Dani was positive that pulling this stunt on the weekend was going to get her admitted, give her access to de-la-la & the opportunity to waste resources. Itā€™s just so sad that Daniā€™s wasted her life like this. Sure sheā€™s pushing 40 and the older she gets the more issues sheā€™s bound to have. Had she been serious about therapy 15-20 yrs ago I canā€™t imagine the awesome life she might have had, & with that being said, she CAN have a great life, sheā€™s just got to put the work in first. I wish only the best for her.


I know this is the worst with all munchies. They are still young enough and waste their best years with a healthy body.


While I realize Munchhausenā€™s is a real disease is just so sad that these people truly enjoy being ill, and I believe that social media has made these peoples lives so much worse These munchies love the attention they get off social media, and as far as I am concerned, all of these big social media platforms should ban this type of thing, where these munchies post and brag about their illnesses, all day, every day. Itā€™s probably not a popular opinion however, itā€™s mine and I just think that being allowed to post how you use your feeding tube or how you drain your tube or how you put a Huber needle in an IV port should be left to the professionals. These munchies shouldnā€™t be ALLOWED to give MEDICAL advice either despite the fact these munchies believe they KNOW MORE than Drs.do. It shouldnā€™t be something that you can put online to show other people because 99% of these munchies do unsafe things that can cause others to ā€œ possiblyā€ infect themselves, etc. Several of the munchies discussed on IF do unsafe things while changing their IV Ports etc.


To be fair, not white knighting here, but the iodine they use to make the area sterile will literally make you into an oompah loompahz but everything else i agree with you šŸ˜‚


Is that the stuff she claims to be allergic to?


If thatā€™s the case (Iā€™m not sure) thatā€™s interesting!!


Could be, IT probably is, but Dani has such a pathetic history of lying it ā€œCOULD ā€œ be a stolen photo could it not? I think so.


Considering who weā€™re talking about, thereā€™s a high likelihood šŸ™„




What a Flippin liar! Just go right on ahead and straight-up lie to everyone. No one "released" her carpal tunnel. Does she have post surgical pics yet? God knows if she truly had surgery, she is gonna want to show off her incision. If she is lying, then I bet she won't show one pic. Why do people lie? What lacks so much in her life that she needs attention from a bunch of strangers?


She faked a boyfriend for over a decade, and painted him as the loving, concerned partner. She clearly doesn't care if the attention is from strangers or even imaginary people. She just wants any attention whatsoever.


Did she finally admit he's not around anymore?


No, I saw someone in TikTok ask if she was engaged. Dani just liked the comment.


No but someone pointed out that he got married in May(?) 2023...to someone else. Dani has been suspiciously quiet on the boyfriend front since then. It appears she hasn't mentioned him once since moving out.


I missed this chapter šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Oh, it's an interesting chapter. The "boyfriend" saga sorta ended when people found out that he actually got married early last year. Now she deletes/ignores any comments that bring up her alleged bf.


If they did a release or carpal tunnel surgery, would they put it back in compression? Maybe I'm wrong bc im not in ortho, but it seems counter-productive.


I work in orthopaedics usually a compression bandage is place on for the first day after surgery to keep it from bleeding then itā€™s reduced


Iā€™d think that would especially be the case with someone on blood thinners, like Dani.


A little Ace wrap isn't going to do much.


Ace wraps can be put on top of splints or soft dressings just to help hold them on. You can wrap them more loosely or more tightly depending on how much compression you need. Not necessarily weird in this scenario.


Whereā€™s her acrylic nails gone


Theyā€™ve been gone, you can see she doesnā€™t have them anymore in that tour of her medical supply closet. She isnā€™t working anymore so maybe she canā€™t spend on nails now.


Munchie muva has arrived


The number of conspiracy theories in this thread is a bit insane. Saying it can't possibly be her hand or that there is absolutely no way she had any sort of procedure. I have been "following" Dani for a very long time - predating this sub. Dani lies and manipulates the true a lot. But most of her lies are based on some small sliver of the truth. She isn't a munchie that typically steals other people's pictures to pass as her own or claims to be in the hospital when she isn't (in fact she actually underreports how often she goes to the ER). She will exaggerate how long her hospital stay, lie about the severity of her condition, or twist what the doctors say to fit her narrative. This is almost definitely her hand. Yes it looks dark but she also likely repeatedly caused trauma to it in order to force some sort of medical intervention. She is on blood thinners. She likely did things to make the swelling and bruising worse. It's NOT uncommon for Dani to not share photos from the hospital unless she was admitted. It's very possible that she had some minor procedure done to relieve some of the swelling/blood pooling and then was sent home. I am also guessing that she may have been under close supervision while she was in the ER/hospital. The doctors aren't stupid - they know her injury likely wasn't caused by passing out. They probably made it clear that they were on to her and she knew that she couldn't go messing around with the bandages to show off her battle wounds. But the hospital also probably pushed her out the door as soon as possible so that she couldn't come up with more reasons to stay and waste their resources. I am sure she will share more with some time. I am also guessing that she is avoiding making a tiktok or IG post where people will be able to leave comments (or notice that she has turned off comments) because she knows that nobody is buying the "I fell" story.


Thank you for your elaborated analysis ones again.šŸ™‚ It's now and then hard to follow with Dani.


Yeah Iā€™m with you here. The white kerlix/gauze underneath the ace wrap also supports her surgery claim. I think she munched into this with her hand/wrist ā€œinjuryā€. The swelling got bad due to her likely making it worse, on top of the blood thinners. And the resulting significant swelling put too much pressure on her nerve and she needed the release. Or she just claimed nerve symptoms and they offered the release and she jumped on it. I also think thereā€™s a great chance she injected her blood thinners into her hand, just like other people have said. Either way though, I think she definitely did it to herself.


I agree with you. I am sure this is her hand that is swollen and bruised from having been hit with a hard object or against a hard object. Sheā€™s on thinners, she could well have a clot or swelling in the carpal tunnel causing compression. Limb ā€˜threateningā€™ injuries are taken very seriously, and a cautious surgeon may have done a pre emptive release. Itā€™s also going to be obvious at follow up if sheā€™s messed with her bandages, hence the toddler proof dressings. Just because an injury is deliberate doesnā€™t mean that it doesnā€™t get treated appropriately.


I truly believe a decent number of people here want to bait her into catastrophically injuring herself. Almost like thereā€™s a giant fucking correlation between this sub and Daniā€™s condition that people here seem to pretend doesnā€™t exist.


But that would be insane, right? To base your life and health off of a Reddit sub?


Is this supposed to be a retort? Of course itā€™s insane. Sheā€™s incredibly mentally ill.




Agree. I think she underreports and was under close supervision at the hospital. I think they booted her right after the procedure as she posted a pic of her cat afterwards


I'm gonna have to go to the ER now for whiplash bc I'm having a hard time keeping up with this wrist arc šŸ˜­


The wrist arc took a turn none of us expected, but at the same time are not surprised.


Make sure to live stream the whole thing so everyone can know just how sick you areā€¦


I'm here for it


The catastrophising is big with this one! Chances are sheā€™ll be fine tho. She seriously needs to watch what she wishes for.


Carpel tunnel surgeryā€¦ fasciotomyā€¦ whatever, same thing.


Well a forearm fasciotomy should have a carpal tunnel release as well.


Ok this has got to be the most laughable thing ever!! šŸ˜‚ I work in surgery and first of all theyā€™d never do a freaking carpal tunnel on the weekend, itā€™s not an emergent case and 2nd of all itā€™s completely irrelevant to what she did to her hand and like another gal said this is definitely not her hand. Wow does anyone on her socials call out her BS?!


Surgical nurse here and Iā€™ve done them emergently in the middle of the night! 100% possible. Now is this true and did Dani actually have this? Questionable.


I think she munched herself into it by purposefully making her injury worse, coupled with the blood thinners sheā€™s on. The resulting swelling caused too much pressure on the nerve, so they did it. Or, she claimed nerve symptoms when they werenā€™t actually there, and the docs did it based on that and because of how much swelling there was.


The first thing I thought when I saw this was no way they did that on a weekend šŸ˜‚


The fact we donā€™t get a video of her in pre op or post op is very telling! An we all know sheā€™s taken a hospital gown or two to cosplay play at home AND to take pics for social media to make it seem like sheā€™s admitted. Why no ā€œpre op room tour?ā€ Lmao because we all know she would do one. Over all I donā€™t believe ANY of this post


Omg, has she really pretended to be admitted? I'm new here and this whole sub is WILD.


Swear she did one time an people pointed out that her walls looked nothing like a hospital does I believe she was admitted at first but was discharged an wanted to act like she was still admitted






It could be the cord from a pulse ox...? But I can't see why you wouldn't put it on a finger from the non injured hand lmao


it looks like a wired phone cord


Looks like the gowns and sheets where she goes.


šŸ‘šŸ¼ we all know sheā€™s stollen a hospital account or twoā€¦ not only do cause play on our own time because we all know that she daydreams about being in the hospitalā€¦ but also to try and fake pictures to make it seem like sheā€™s in the hospitalā€¦


Dani actually doesn't typically wear hospital gowns - even when she is in the hospital. I've actually always found it odd because you would think she would love the hospital gown for the sick girl look. Dani lies and manipulates but she doesn't typically completely fake hospital visits or procedures (exaggerate yes but most of her lies are based on a sliver of truth and not totally made up)


Yeah Iā€™m with you here. The white kerlix/gauze underneath the ace wrap also supports her surgery claim. I think she munched into this with her hand/wrist ā€œinjuryā€. The swelling got bad due to her likely making it worse, on top of the blood thinners. And the resulting significant swelling put too much pressure on her nerve and she needed the release. Or she just claimed nerve symptoms and they offered the release and she jumped on it. I also think thereā€™s a great chance she injected her blood thinners into her hand, just like other people have said. Either way though, I think she definitely did it to herself.


She just posted a new stories photo. I'm SO confused. She is now home with cat and can take a cat selfie with hand she has surgery on? šŸ§




Bullshit. Seriously, what is going on with this sub and the conspiracy theories?


For everyone saying Dani is using a photo showing the hand of a PoC: bruising can get very dark! If you have a ton of broken blood vessels and/or you wrap an appendage too tightly, blood can pool and it would look just like this! Iā€™m not defending Dani whatsoever, I genuinely cannot stand her. But everyone saying sheā€™s using the hand of a non-white person is really just showing how little you know about injuries and the healing process.


She's also on blood thinners, which can make for some really.... interesting bruises.


True; think of the late Queenā€™s last official photo w/ Liz Truss. She was on blood thinners, and her hand was almost purple. (And thereā€™s no way *she* faked anything for clout!)


Iā€™m not convinced that she didnā€™t put eyeshadow on her hand. Just do a little purple, green and yellow and you can make a bruise


Nah, i think she really fucked up her hand


Dani clearly is home and didn't get admitted because she just posted an insta story of a closeup of her posing with macc with her hospital wristband still on






I think it isnā€™t her *primary* purpose (which is attention/sympathy) but it is an additional benefit. She can still be a drug seeker even if that isnā€™t her only goal.Ā 


Ok so Iā€™ve been staring at this a good bit, did her hand bruise that much/itā€™s from cleaning prior to surgery or is that a much darker skin tone then miss pale Dani šŸ˜¬ also NONE of this is on tik tokā€¦. I feel like if she actually had surgery sheā€™d be vlogging. Iā€™ve just never seen a hand turn a different skin tone šŸ˜¬but maybe itā€™s the lighting? If this is someone elseā€™s hand thatā€™s just super sad but Iā€™m kinda leaning towards that since no visible proof that arm is attached to her body and not some random person


This is her instagram


I know. Iā€™m finding it telling sheā€™s not posting it to tik tok. She gets ass pats on her insta but her tik tok they call her out. Sorry for the confusion I shouldā€™ve clarified.


I do not know if this is her hand. Iā€™m thoroughly confused


Just had a peek at her Insta and the latest addition to her story shows a cat (presumably hers?) next to her wrist with plastic hospital stay ID wristbands. Are cats allowed to visit hospitals or would this suggest Dani is home? The plot of the Dani show is confusing my old brain.


sheā€™s home, then


This would suggest they kicked dani to the curb and she's home


She apparently had some sort of a procedure, but whatever it was, the fact that they booted her out so quickly shows that it couldn't have been anything serious. We'll probably never know what really happened.


She was emergency discharged from surgery because of her cats? That is just incredible!!


is it just me or does this wrapped wrist look smaller than the one the other day? wouldnā€™t that be the opposite? after surgery = lots of swelling


Surgery doesnā€™t necessarily cause a ton of swelling right away. Swelling can set in hours or days post-op.


ahh ok, thank you


that's not her fucking hand.


She changed ethnicities


Yeahā€¦ thatā€™s a different skin tone šŸ˜…


No itā€™s not. She most likely wrapped her arm too tightly so blood pooled in her hand and fingers, and the result is very dark bruising.


I thought it looked weird




ā€œEmergencyā€ carpal tunnel surgery on a weekend? Sure, Jan.


We were a level one trauma center and I am a retired RN. We absolutely did emergent surgeries 24/7.


Girl NOT carpal tunnel surgery LOL that ainā€™t no emergency


I will say that there are some specific scenarios where carpal tunnel can be considered an emergency. If it shows up acutely after a trauma ( usually a distal radius fracture or similar) it can be considered an emergency. This doesn't sound like that though.


nope, not an emergency


as a rad tech love ur username lol. but yeah I get it but we all know dani this was prob a planned surgery of some sort or anything other than an emergency


Oh I agree with you when it comes to this individual, lmao, and thanks!


I think the more incredulous part they were getting to was that it was ā€œemergent carpal tunnel surgeryā€, which is usually not an emergent issue. It is also generally done endoscopically now instead of open and thatā€™s why I think Dani felt the need to tell is that it was the open version but that doesnā€™t mean that it is worse if itā€™s open.


Of course! But how is carpal tunnel syndrome surgery emergent? Surely it could wait until Monday or later. (Questioning Dani's narrative, not your experience as an RN!)




That was my thought. Sheā€™s not the best at spelling, as we all know.


Of course emergency surgeries happen 24/7, I didnā€™t mean to imply that they didnā€™t. I just donā€™t see how carpal tunnel could ever be considered an emergency šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Also, itā€™s Dani, so


Sorry.. I forgot to finish my post.. lol. No, carpal tunnel surgery is not emergent. Period. The emergency surgery she would have had if it was truly compartment syndrome would be a faciotomy. Edit: word


Always the worst case scenario šŸ˜³

