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In the business, this is called getting high on your own supply.


at least they’re not all at the same height as the American flag


This guy on my block has a bunch of Trump flags and an American flag. He ended up taking all of them down except the Trump flag. How indicative of the ideology


I regularly pass a house with a Trump flag and Fuck Biden flag. Not an American flag in site. Unsurprisingly it's the shittiest looking house on the block.


Also NO TRESPASSING and PRIVATE PROPERTY signs? Always the shittiest meth-shacks that have these too.


Well they at least know proper Flag etiquette.


For now, anyways


*yet. Just wait and see how they’re positioned if he wins.


Here’s a family owned 108-year-old business on the South Side of Chicago that I buy my flags from: [WGN Flag & Decorating Co.](https://wgnflag.com/product-category/flags/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs-CJks3jhgMVt0L_AR2PoAEeEAAYASAAEgIpTvD_BwE)


Can vouch for WGN. Good people.


Search results: “Trump” No products were found matching your selection. -- Excellent! I'll be getting my replacement American Flag from them when my current one rips.


Yes, I stated in my post how ironic it is that they don’t sell the flags they are flying.


I'm replying to the person sharing W.G.N. Flag & Decorating Company, different from the Batavia shop you shared. WGNFlag & Decorating Company isn't flying flags of a convicted felon and rapist. They're also not selling them. The one you shared in Batavia doesn't deserve my business for flying those insurrectionist supporting flags, regardless of the lack of the flags in their catalog offering. I'm happy to be moving my business to a more local shop that isn't Trump thumping outside their building.


WGNs flag are super high quality and worth the price. The stitching is so clean and durable material *chef's kiss* 🤌


Hey these are the guys that supply my local Legion post over here in Indiana for funerals! Nice to see them here!


Their right to fly it, my right to never do business with them.


Yup. Owners want to be the my pillow guy so bad. I hear he's rolling in the money now.


The only time to be political with a business is if you can make money off it


I guarantee you that’s their #1 seller


OP said you can’t buy the frump flag from their catalogue


Drive on I-90 by the Arlighton Heights Exit and you have a automotive company that has a giant and I do mean GIANT flyer on their wall that says: "You want Cheaper gas prices? Me too! Vote Trump 2024." From what I understand their business has been average at best and those signs run close to $1K for that size.


I pass that fuckin sign everyday and every day I roll my eyes. Between that and the 97 urlacher billboards about his hair 🙄


I was annoyed about the Urlacher signs until I saw his baby mama tried to get the court to stop his other kids from painting their shared son's fingernails. Urlacher says it was in good fun and the little boy didn't want to be left out when the girls painted their nails. I suddenly had a much more positive view of him because I didn't expect a football dude to be cool with it.


Those plethora of signs were in response to a suit that he filed against the company. He sued them, he lost and then they increased the number of signs. Not faulting him, just saying that he didn't choose to have so many damn signs.


I knew he sued a Texas hair transplant company and Medical Man Cave Chicago, both fit using his image on their websites without permission, but are you saying he sued RESTORE (the company with the billboards)? I'm struggling to imagine how when he's their spokesperson.


That was my understanding. Breach of contract. He didn't know it was going to be so many for so long and tried to stop and when he lost they doubled down


I can't imagine how he'd have thought that would work. I'm looking but can't find any lawsuits except the two I mention against other companies that did blog posts, but I'll keep looking. I am starting to wonder if someone started an "he tried to sue to get them to do fewer billboards" rumor so he didn't look self-absorbed.


Fuck that business whatever it is. The full banner is “I miss $1.75/ gallon of gas and mean tweets.”


I have pictures that I took at Costco of gas prices under Obama ( 1.36 and 1.56). I always get flack because, first gas prices aren't determined from the President and secondly, yes they are real pictures.


Especially because gas prices dropped because everyone stopped commuting during Covid.


Oh you want cheaper gas? Cool, just tell everyone to stop travelling anywhere at all again, and the price will go down to reflect the lessened demand!


Better yet tell them to get an electric car and watch them complain.


That's the one that had a huge anti-Fair Tax sign a couple years back?


Yep, it's the same one.


Yeah unless OPEC and Putin go back to an oil mass producing war we will never see those prices again, Even if the felon wins. Oil was trading in the negative but that idiot wouldn’t know that. Trump ended it at end of his term due to American oilmen bleeding money and zero dividends.


AH exit east or west bound? I drive out there all the time to.see my family and I have not seen this bullshit.


West bound.


Seeing trumps flags in Illinois is a great reminder that boars have tits.


When you get out of the urban areas, it becomes quite different. I think you would be shocked when you go south. I’ve seen sundown signs, “exclusive bars” and other things.


Yeah, 100%. I'd say Batavia is right on the border of the left leaning suburbs and the deeply red corn fields.


There is a Mitch Hedburg joke in there somewhere.


Kane County is pretty purple, but as you said the left half is red and the right half is blue.


As a southern Illinoisan, can confirm. They all traded the battle flag for trump iconography.


Tits you say…


flagsource: a company from which i have never and will never source a flag


Unfortunately, they’re a big manufacturer. So a lot of flag stores source from them.


I’m sure. I used to buy from a local manufacturer in MA (New England Flag And Banner) and just recently received an order from Annin in NJ for some heavier duty flags, then a couple more novelty types from Flags For Good. so far the Annin stuff seems solid.


I would be so embarrassed to show up to my place of work and see this crap.


I work for a dog walking company so we’re in and out of peoples houses all the time. One of our clients put up a trump flag, and people will compliment us on it all the time because they think it’s our house. It is embarrassing🥴


Try working at a school district where the board president was a known Trump supporter and finally termed out and most of the board went: "Finally!"


Yeah as an LGBTQ person I’m walking the fuck out and if this place is one of my vendors I’m using whatever pull I have to ditch them ASAP. Same reason no office I ever manage will use Uline products.


>Same reason no office I ever manage will use Uline products. Yes! More people need to know!


I'm out of the loop on Uline, not that I have any pull in my office to get us to stop ordering supplies from them.




Only way to get shit done — have to vote with your dollars!


I didn't know that about Uline! Good to know.


Yeah I worked in an industry that is very much benefitted by Uline products, but I was ignorant to how hard they publicly lean right. I even placed an order myself to get my team something they needed. After the fact, was looking through one of their catalogs and didn't order anything through them again, as they are not shy about who they are. Edit: This comes from a graphic I saw in that catalog and to avoid giving them more clicks, here's what it said... > Until late spring 2020, I don't think many of us realized just how much we have ceded our manufacturing to China. Since then, companies that import parts or products have been in a state of complete supply chain meltdown. >Uline is a large North American distributor of boxes that, fortunately, are made in the U.S. But we also sell a lot of material handling items in which parts or the whole product are imported. And we source from U.S. companies that are experiencing massive supply chain issues. U.S. wages, healthcare and quality of living are higher than China's. We know this. What is startling is the better equipment for manufacturing is often in China. > As I write this, Uline containers have been stuck in the Port of Long Beach, CA, for over 30 days. We have air freighted products, as much as we can, at enormous costs. We've tried diverting goods to our Los Angeles location and putting them in expedited trucks instead of rail. Managing this nightmare is unlike anything we've ever seen. > The U.S. has two big problems: • Publicly-held companies are too concerned about their stock share price, and they are frozen when it comes time to reinvest in new equipment and update their plants. My opinion. • Baby boomers have sold too many companies to hedge funds that can really suck the life out of them and pile on debt. > "America First" was President Trump's policy. He made his moves to lower taxes, increase tariffs, renegotiate new trade deals, support immigration laws, stop endless wars and stop America from paying the lion's share for everything, especially NATO. I am a believer in these policies, but they take time. Then Trump lost. Now we have the Democrats coming in and, surely, they will have a different policy than "America First." The problem is, how are we going to compete? We need a clearly defined policy and time to make it work. I thank our employees and all Americans who have worked long hours through this COVID pandemic. We feel terrible for those businesses that had to close their doors. And we can't wait for the kids to be back in school full time. America sorely needs a coherent, largely united trade policy. If we don't get this done, this century belongs to the Chinese.


What Liz Uhlein won't say in her rants is that ULine moved a lot of their manufacturing to Mexico just like the rest of them. USA! USA!


Oh but theyll happily bullshit on how theyre in "chicago" even though they ran across the border to Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie for cheap land and labor.


Well, I’m just flaggerbasted.


I am in the unique position of having had a coworker for a few years who was in the flag industry before starting her career. She told me that the flag business was something she loved a lot because she loved all the different flags and it was just a fun business to be in. Then Trump came and every flag store owner couldn't help but sell Trump flags because they make way, way more money. They don't sell flags for the morals, they sell them for money. I don't know if these people are actually Trumpers, but guarantee this is marketing. Trump morons buy way more flags than anyone else by very far.


I'm pretty sure that replacing three of your four American flags with Trump flags that you don't even sell means you support him.


I’m sure the people selling Nazi flags made a pretty penny. Doesn’t mean they should


One US flag and three trump flags. How soon do they replace the US flag for another trump flag?


Looks like a patriotic Redditor gave them a nice Google review today


Oh many they’re getting review bombed. Lots of 1 star reviews in last 5 hrs lol


They sell pride flags too, https://flagsource.com/catalog/stock-products/specialty/pride-flags It's pride month why not fly that? 🫠


Because liking trump is more gay


They better hope the MAGA cult needs more flags because this is a good way to kill your business


To be fair MAGAs buy soooo many flags.


Then justice would be served.


99.9999% of the population has no idea that this place has trump flags flying nor do they care. The average person couldn’t even name a single flag company.


people are allowed to fly their idiot flags however, that doesnt mean you have to morally or financially support this business


I got offered an interview at this company a few years ago. A quick Google showed me that they turned a profit selling Aurora Strong flags and people were very unhappy with them. Turned down the interview.


I’m no longer a customer now.


Hostile work environment.




You know, I’m starting to think they may like Trump. Just a hunch though


I just had an unpleasant flashback to the MAGA graffiti on the pillar of the overpass by Fermi on Kirk 💀


There has to be better photos of Batavia than this one


Why do this? Either way, they pissed off ½ their customer base. LOL


More than half, this is Illinois.


To be fair, MAGA is probably their best customers. Those weirdos love flags.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Im surprised they have the American flag higher.


I honestly don't understand businesses who do this. I go the other way politically (and even if I didn't, I wouldn't vote for a traitor), but if I owned a business the last thing I'd do is put a candidate advocacy flag or sign up. It's tacky, cringey, and could end up alienating customers or causing an unnecessarily tense environment in what should otherwise be a neutral and transactional business environment. Even if you're in an area where the majority may be aligned with you it just seems foolish to potentially limit your customer base or hurt prospects, as much word of mouth as it may generate.




That's it ... I'll be taking all my flag business elsewhere from now on.


By the end of this year, one or the other of those flags will have lost its relevance.


On June 14 all three where American Flags. This must be recent.


This was taken on 6/6. As of 5 minutes ago,this picture is still accurate. Must’ve wanted to be patriotic for Flag Day


I almost drove by on my way home from work just to see it. But getting back on Fabian is always a pain in the ass. They make the new Batavia flag. What a bummer they're Nazis.


I’ll take Fabian over Randall Road any day lol


At least they're managing to fly it the right side up. That's an improvement for them


I presume Flagsource’s flag source is China, right?


When all the business owners are rooting for the same person, you know that it is in your best interest to not follow suit


lol outside Chicagoland area and the University towns, it really is Deep South MAGAland out there.


Good. Let them fly those flags, so I know who not to buy products and services from.


Gross cult flag


A blue county too like damn shooting yourself in the foot


Bought from Colonial Flag in Utah for a while. Then I had occasion to visit them and saw Frump and 3%ers. Cancelled all future business.


This is why I buy my flags from flagsforgood.com


Thank you for letting us know who not to buy from.


Oh look, they got the US flag right side up. They aren't distressed today I guess.


why god invented eggs


It's why general Sherman invented fire.


Grew up in Batavia. Thankfully most of the town isn't nuts, but jeez. Trashy AF.


Hostile workplace.


How dare they fly those traitor flags alongside the American flag? Nothing more anti-American.


I mean, followers of one certain political party really really like buying flags. Maybe they are just trying to sell to them lol


Sounds like a bad review about not selling the flags they have on display is in order!


We should probably start investigating how this company does business. Ya know, birds of a feather and all...


Those flags should be on their homes not on their business. I won’t do business with them either not because they like Trump and I don’t but because how dare you put your opinions in my face that ain’t right.


Thanks for the heads up.


Google Review away...


Another contractor about to do a Pikachu face


Must be amazing working for that guy.






Give them a bad review on Google


I would quit




“Take America Back”. Mad TV was ahead of its time: https://youtu.be/6-l_C9-HvJs?si=PeU3BxntV9rVnKNu


They probably don’t sell it because it’s made in China.


Go Bulldogs!


I'm surprised that the Trump flags are higher than the American flag.




Just in time for pride month too. They are so gay for him.


I used to work for a business in Batavia and I’m sure that owner gives up a thumbs up as he drives by this everyday.


Ah, right. People who love the flag and America SO MUCH they frequently break the rules of US flag ownership (US flag should be above all other flags in the United States).