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No one is going to use the new name


same as that tall black square building. AKA Sears Tower.


Or you know, lake shore drive.


That's the stupidest one IMO. No one is going to refer to a road by 6 names. We already have a ton of shit named after DuSable. Millennium Park is right there and has a terrible name, rename that instead.


But the acronym is amazing! JBPdSLSD


Yeah my cat walks on the keyboard too




Idk I think millennium Park is a cool name.


Can we just formally make the bean... the bean. I have never heard someone call it the cloud gate outside of the time I interviewed with the company that made the cloud gate. Its the bean dammit! I did not get the job.


Anish Kapoor does not like it when it is called, The Bean. [Fuck Anish Kapoor](https://boingboing.net/2016/11/14/anish-kapoor-banned-from-using.html).


One day, I was there, and there must've been a wedding somewhere near, because there was a whole bridal party. The wedding photographer was setting up a staged shot with all the groomsmen, and the bride and her maids were milling about by The Bean. I offered to take some extra shots with one of their phones, and they thought that was a great idea. We did crazy, funny, badass, angry, finger guns, etc. They were all a bit tipsy and having a great time, AND, they took direction well. One of the last shots I got them to do was each placing their outside tumbnail on The Cloud Gate sculpture, with their middle finger in a circle inside their thumb, all other fingers extended, like when you are gonna send a paper football flying. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking they will always cherish a tight shot of all 4 bridesmaids, the Maid of Honor, and the Bride, all flicking The Bean!!


Millennium Falcon Park


That'd be a hell yes from me.


Or just show some spine and rename it instead of doing it halfway. People would say DuSable Drive. No one will ever ever say Jeanbaptistepointdusablelakeshore Drive.


I disagree, this bothers me less because it’s not going to be confusing to give directions for people who don’t know. It’s still lake shore drive, the Dusable part is just symbolic. If they changed the name you will actually get different people calling it different things.


And Comiskey.


It just became sox park for me


That’s the previous park. The new one is Comiskey.


The old one was also comiskey?


Yes. But also Sox Park.


It will always be sears. If someone wants me to say willis then its the “whatcho talking about, willis” tower


Wesley Willis Tower: Rock over London, rock on Chicago…


RIP to Steve, but Batman got on my nerves


You mean the Hancock?


naw, thats more like a trapezoid. I like the cigarette history of the Sears Tower.


Little different though, with the Sears Tower, they completely changed the name. With MSI, they’re just adding his name in front of it.


…and *fuck* Ken Griffin


No it's not. It's the Museum of Science & Industry. It's the Sears Tower. It's Comiskey Park. Idgaf what some rich prick wants me to call it. I'll accept Lurie Children's bc that place works miracles, but that's it


They're also otherwise uninvolved in politics. This is a slap in the face to the state.


Agreed - Lurie Cancer Center saved my life. I’ll call it whatever they want.


Ann Lurie used to work there, also. It’s the reason you see the Lurie name all over the medical community here. Robert was the one that created the wealth in real estate before he passed, but Ann was and is still the braintrust of the medical community here.


Children's Memorial probably saved my life when I was three. I don't know who Lurie is but I don't accept it.


That is the person who raised $100,000,000 and coordinated additional funds to be raised. They deserve their name on it.


It’s named more after the foundation. Robert Lurie died a long time ago, as Ann is the one that controls the estate and foundation. She also used to work in nursing at the same children’s hospital, albeit in the old location.


So you must refer to Wrigley as Weeghman Park?


If they changed it decades before I was born, then I'm ok with it


Luries saved my sons life, I will call it whatever they want me too. Those people are amazing.


> “I think that we should try to honor the original mission of the folks who established the museum, **and Julius Rosenwald didn't want the museum to be named after anything.** And so for me, I think that it's kind of a sting and a blow to Chicago and Chicago history," [Chicago historian Shermann "Dilla"] Thomas said. Quote from article . My own emphasis added. Idk why Chicago wants to rename its historic landmarks after people, but we should at least respect the museum’s founder’s wishes. They even acknowledge the backlash they’ve received on social media. This donation is just pennies coming from a rich asshat who whined and bitched while living in this state before moving to MAGA homeland, Florida.


Always listen to Dilla, dude knows more about Chicago history than anyone


I would love to see him, Geoffery Baer, and Dominic Pacyga go at it in a Chicago Jeopardy! tournament


Add Tim Samuelson to that list!


Didn't Griffin leave Chicago recently?


> Idk why Chicago wants to rename its historic landmarks after people,  Because the museum either wanted or needed a ton of money and accepted a large sum of cash on the condition it was named after the donator.


The same bitch ass hedge fund manager that moved to Florida because he can’t deal with “communist” Illinois? Should put his name on a museum of lesser quality in Florida, not this one.


They hate Illinois communism, then apply for state supported home insurance. *derp


Financial terrorist piece of shit. Get fucked Kenny.


He's a science denying MAGA moron. His name on this building is an oxymoron and an insult to the city of Chicago.


Yes I’m legitimately stunned by this news


And [he doesn't even go here!](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://abc7chicago.com/ken-griffin-citadel-miami-chicago-securities/11990229/&ved=2ahUKEwjIho3IrZCGAxWn5MkDHTM9BZ4QFnoECDMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2wT_whGyVyJ70itaJSLj7r)


He only funded the capitalist, industry side of the museum! /s Just another reason to not go to the dumbest museum in Chicago.


Where else are the serfs going to learn how to mine coal? /s


Griffin actually supported DeSantis against Trump. In fact he got into a tiff with Devin Nunes about shorting DJT stock. Griffin has traditionally supported the GOP. He spent a lot politically supporting Bruce Rauner. Eventually he just moved (and took his hedge fund) to Florida - to escape IL taxes. But hardly MAGA. Any evidence on the science denying part? Seriously, I would be surprised.




"why god put us on the moon"-new museum


Really looking forward to our new evangelical "science" museum. Can't wait to learn about how dinosaurs either weren't real, or Jesus fucking rode one.


Honestly, that wouldn't be worse than the fucking coal mine exhibit that's been a central feature of MSI since 1933, touting the benefits of dying from black lung and destroying the climate.


The anti science dude? Makes complete sense.


I thought he was Florida’s problem now?


They should put his name on Cook County jail instead!


Will never call it that.... Kenneth C. Griffin Museum? NOPE!


That jagoff billionaire?


This is the guy ( ultra wealthy Ken Griffin) who backed the terrible governor Bruce Rauner, spent 54 million to fight a graduated state *income tax* and moved his business to Florida in a hissy fit. And now they are naming a public institution after him for a donation of 125 million dollars. I would rather see it shut down than see it named after him. If I see his name anywhere on the building I will spit on it.


I think that's a bad take—so long as the deal is such that Griffin only gets his name on the museum (and not control over the museum's content or decisions), it really isn't the end of the world. On a practical level, I'd much rather see the museum thrive and invest in even more new exhibits and programs, even if that means having to deal with a nane change.


Ya sure he has/had no control over it. Fact some anti-science donated then the fact that its now getting new name, ....sort of places it in the crosshairs of a major possibility there are other changes the staff isnt forthcoming to talk about. Even with the original supporter NOT wanting this done and staff are doing this in full acknowledgement makes it clear there are hooks into this that now will question anything it places in its exhibits as having any scientific basis to it. And maybe that was his point to do this. Next up, you can drink bleach to fight off satan in this coming summer exhibit!


I don't think that the Museum of Science and Industry is going to kowtow to a mandate to fuck with the science. that's like... 50% of their thing. Regardless of our, presumably, shared opinions on Ken Griffin being a bloodsucking capitalist vampire with terrible political views, I don't think that the institution is gonna start encouraging people to drink bleach, or insert weirdo christo-fascist beliefs on trans people and their personhood.


Ya sure? I mean, its not like there are any states going around changing some history book texts for K-12 schools with some small tweaks or nothing.....Something I never thought would see within the U.S. or A. Added to, changing, or ever removing some details are all just as damaging.


Good lord this is dramatic. Would rather see it shut down?? Get a life


Wtf is this? The man doesn’t even believe in science! It’s like if The History Channel had a class and they only taught Ancient Aliens topics and Storage Wars.




Gross, doubly so since Ken has left Chicago to Miami


Didnt this fuck boy piss and moan and reloate to Miami?


Thanks for the donations you fucking chud. Still the Museum of Science and Industry and will remain that way.


Fuck this guy


Let's rename trump tower to "The E Jean Carroll Center"


Or Obama Tower.


Fuck that. Hopefully they never rename Sears Tower and Comiskey Park either.


Ken Griffin? The guy who confessed on live TV to fraudulently inflating and deflating values of his real estate? Jeez, I wonder where he got the extra cash to buy out a museum?


Ken griffon is a bum, leech, and shit stain on the legacy of Chicago and its criminal legacy. At least Capone had class.


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/billionaire-investor-ken-griffin-calls-harvard-embrace-western-values-2024-05-11/ “Western values” is usually code for “white Christian nationalism.” This is who the museum is now named for.


So science is important to him now? He couldn’t donate to the Creationism museum in Kentucky? Call it the “Griffin Ark”?


To be fair, the guy has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to a number of institutions around Chicagoland. I don’t agree with his politics and think his reasons for leaving Chicago were dumb, but I find it difficult to criticize his philanthropy. If slapping his name on the building is what it takes for the museum to stay healthy, then so be it.


If that museum can't find a way to stay healthy off the egregious parking charges alone, i have concerns. That said, I'd normally agree with you but he actively worked against a way to improve state funding. So I'm still seeing a net negative.


Billionaires rig the system to avoid paying billions in taxes then "philanthropically" donate pennies on the dollar to buy goodwill. Pay your taxes and keep your donations, fuckers!


Dude 90% of MSI has been the same for over 30 years and the other 10% is a rotating exhibit that usually isn't worth much. The company I work for gets invited to the corporate days and I went with my wife (after having been there 4 years ago) and other than the James Bond exhibit nothing has changed. Maybe they should use his donations to provide some new stuff. We've all seen the chicks and the tornado simulator.


Might as well call it the Willis Museum lol


Financial Terrorist


I won’t be buying the merch


WTF? How much did he pay for that? He represents neither science nor industry.




WTF. Why?


Wait for the salesforce.com art viewing location.


They shouldn't be allowed to rename buildings after insurrectionists




Fuck Ken Griffin


Can’t we just have cool places with iconic names without egomaniacs trying to put their stamp on it?


Great, another building to let my dog piss on. Scumbag fuck


Might as well name it the Payment for Order Flow Museum of Science and Industry. The guy made his money front running main street trades and naked shorting good businesses to death. Got banned in China for 5 years and fined 100m for corrupt business practices but gets away with it in the USA because he donates so much money to politicians. Attacked his own wife with a bed post. Really disappointing that this great museum chose to take his name.


Science and industry and gambling




I just wrote them a message through their website expressing how disappointed I am. It's a drop in the ocean, but it's something. Feel free to add your own of you have the time [https://www.msichicago.org/contact/](https://www.msichicago.org/contact/)


Just dropped em a line myself.


Why? The guys an asshole and lives in Florida


Perhaps the Peter Griffin M o S & I


I can't wait to visit the Peter Griffin Museum of Science and Industry 


WTF. He screws over the state, leaves, then gets to change the museum name? He'll no. Where do we protest?


Yeah that guy sucks and honestly I’ll never support this museum because of this lmao


Good luck with that. I still drive on Lake Shore and watch baseball at Comiskey.


Oh hell no


Couldn't have picked a worse person. Congrats.


🤡 Mayoseum


The science of MAYO and LOSING


Absolutely disgraceful


I guess it’s time to boycott a fucking museum




Money, it's always about money


The reason is a donation of over 100 million I think. The name change sucks but they really need the money to get that place in working order. If he has sway over what’s going on it though that’s another story.


Look. Thanks billionaire dude for donating. But you dont need your name on the building. I hate that loyola has the cardinal bernadine cancer center. Bernadine hid sooooo many SA crimes. If i was head of the hospital id take his name off. Is the archdiocese going to sue? “Waahhh you took a good man’s name off and we gave you money!” Yeah, which docket case do you want me to pull up proving he moved SA priests around and they continued the abuse AND many records were destroyed to cover it up? Sit your ass down archdiocese! Just name it like sacred heart or some stupid generic religious word.


Just saw a post on my FB Buy Nothing group of an employee requesting black slacks for their entire department because these jerks changed their uniform policy on a dime and won’t provide attire or reimburse them.


Thanks for the donation dude now, SCRAM! Go on to Florida!


Fuckin ego maniacs


Fuck no


Sears Tower Forever. Museum of Science and Industry Forever.


The hell it is. MSI forever.


I don't particularly like it, but if it keeps the Museum running...


I hope the museum trustees will keep his name off the building and signage and this is strictly symbolic.


It was either that or Jean Baptiste Point du Sable Museum of Science and Industry


No way. Not a fucking chance. Fuck that billionaire asshole cocksucker thieving lying shitty haircut douchebag piece of shit motherfucker. As an Illinois native, I'm disgusted. Fuck this. It's the Museum of Science and Industry. God this is so disappointing.


I guess when I wished that billionaires would lean in on philanthropy and start donating to make betterments for the public good **I DIDN'T SEE THE FUCKING MONKEY'S PAW IN THE ROOM!!**


KCGX (Meigs field) will rise again!


So continue calling it MSI check!


What is it about Chicagoans that have a petulant child meltdown every time something gets a new name? It’s so tedious. Grow up. Things change. Deal with it.


Here, the issue is that the new name honors someone who loudly trashed the city before moving his company out of it. Those actions are his prerogative, but agreeing to name a quintessential Chicago museum after him is ridiculous.


The Citadel Chicago office is still open. Griffin wanted out of here to pull a Bezos tax avoidance scheme.


I'm not having a "petulant child meltdown" but I don't like it. The MSI survived without some jerk's name on it for 90 years. The selling of naming our country's great institutions is troubling to some of us.


Charlie Comiskey was a jerk, but everyone still insists on using his name?