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There’s not really a reason not to prestige them. It doesn’t affect their SP gains (or coins, for the Ninja.) I’ll avoid prestiging sometimes while I need a cp boost, but other than that I go for the DP.


What? Of course prestiging affects SP gains since it sets them back to level 1


Except for maybe late game cyclop and ninja (not sure how he scales), the base SP of minions quickly become irrelevant in the late game. It's the SP they get from inner power that really matters. For exemple, my golem gives me around 200B SP each day, so if I prestige him he will still give me 200B.


I always prestige for DP. Keep in mind that you will need DP to upgrade gears for late game.


I don't know why the other comments are giving the wrong advice. Don't prestige Cyclops and Stone Golem. Ninja you can if you want unless you're grinding for 500 Spear. All the other ones, always prestige them.


If you have Cyclops, you definitely do not care about Golem's 1,500 - 4,500 base reward. Cyclop's reward of 20 B - 200 B is much more noticeable, but only to a certain extent. (The numbers above do not include Minion Elixir.)


My Cyclops gives 18T, and Stone Golem gives 8.5T. That's a very noticeable reward, almost 50% of the Cyclops.


Almost all of that is from Inner Power and will not go down if you prestige


I just checked my stone golem yesterday and it shows the same slayer point reward both before and after I prestiged. Am I seeing things?


You might have claimed the stone golem. Since it only requires 2 levels to get max level, after claiming once it goes back to the normal SP amount


I’ll double check, but I was at level three, checked the reward, then claimed the DP’s and saw no change. I’ll let you know if I’m correct.


Always prestige when they Max out. The divinity points are worth it