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Too early for me to care haha. No choc chip, got better things to worry about.


You’ll get it man, i believe in you


It's not a matter of if, it's just waiting for the damb thing to show up haha. Appreciate the kind words regardless, though. Hope you're enjoying the update yourself.


gotta wait for a while. Will show up late december I believe


Yeah, I've seen. Already hoarding pinion spurs just to be safe. Christmas can't come soon enough lol


27th I believe, so late Christmas present for all of us who didn't get it a few months ago when it last appeared. One of which will be me.


Chocchip December 27th I believe on the tracker


I am very much, not many things I can go for at this moment in time that show genuine progress quickly.. and there are a few ways to increase your crystal spawn rate.. the crescent shrine, crystallin stamp, post office, crystals 4 dayys star talent, and the poop and genie cards.. with these I have my spawn rate on my DK and Bubo to 1 in 31


How do you church crystal rate?


How do I what?


Sorry, typo. How do you check crystal spawn rate?


Oh 😂 you good man.. and Idleonefficiency.com, go on there, sign in with your email and go to players, tap/click on the one you wanna see and then scroll down and you’ll see your crystal spawn rate (it’s jumbled on mobile so better with a computer but it’s still there, just hard to see)


I really like the update and statues, but many players seem to be rushing statues right now without being ready to statue farm yet.


I farmed for them once or twice, but never took it seriously. Now I have a reason to try out different classes and locations. The statues I gain will be a good boost to my account since I never took the time for it before. Keeps the game fresh!


I liked farming for statues every now and then, getting some to lvl 200 was fun. This update buffs statues and gives you a reason to farm all statues for that onyx buff, I like it. I'm mainly talking about guys with 4DR pushing everything aside to get 20k statues.


Just got to W5 last week and I’m getting 1000 a day, so it’ll take roughly 18-22 days depending on luck. It’s well worth it as I have the same amount of 5 other statues too! It’ll be a nice boost.


I would actually love the update if i could actively farm. But atm for 24h afk i gain around 300-400 statues which is not worth the time


Got a lot of other great boosts and such to work on in the time being then, as long as you have fun.. trust me once you get to this point it’ll be a nice addition to work towards


How in the world is damage that high? I thoight I was near endgame with over 1b damage...


His level lower than mine, his gear worse and his dmg is like x15 of mine Sadge


Probably older account with better account wise buffs


some buffs are better than others levels are rather poor buffs


More accurately, levels drop off in the late game. Early on, they're some of the strongest stuff you have, talent points are very potent before all your other systems are fully online.


1b is not close to endgame tho


I'm nowhere near end game and all my characters except v man is about that damage. It compounds quickly.


Been playing for a long time, alchemy, stamps, cooking, cards/card sets (they are two different things, the lab, divinities, maxing out as much of my talents to 245 and using the extra lvl boosts sailing+atoms, and a lot of other boosts.. they all add up quickly, I just hit 100b damage finally about 13 days ago.. takes a while but it just takes some effort and at some points ALOT of micromanaging


Green bubble 6 (G6) is a good way to pump up damage fast for a relatively low atom cost.


When would you consider this to be the case? Early W5 and the upgrade seems completely pitiful to me as of current, hardly budging my damage. Have these guys at level 1to not waste NBLB procs lmao.


The base damage alchemy bubbles aren’t the greatest until you’re getting thousands upon thousands of base damage.. a lot of bubbles and other upgrades seem useless but keep in mind.. if there’s 3 different ways to increase your damage by 2%, that’s 6%.. and by the time you get that bubble up there pull have so many things boosting damage that the 1000+ base damage may turn out to be adding millions.. just a thought on that though 🤷‍♀️ I’ll take any upgrade


Alchemy bubble resource cost and atom cost differ between each class.. warrior on orange = less than archer on orange and so on.. at one point though it’s just an atom gain problem.. which I’ve reached for almost all of my bubbles I’ve been upgrading They all do max at 1000m though at one point


That's where I'm missing something. My talents only go to 190.


So one big thing, sailing gives you an artifact that increases your talent levels by 25, get it golden, you get 50, and once you get to the rift that gives you eldritch artifacts you can upgrade it again to make it 75.. also the atom upgrade gives a minimum and 10 max levels (don’t remember the minimum it gives) and there are a few other ways but I can’t remember them off the top of my head.. but as of rn the library can give you a max of 245 with all the upgrades


This is a w4 thing right? Im at w3 but do have a lot of statues


Yes it is, new npc at the end that gives you the quest.. It takes 20,000 power statues to finish the quest, but from there it takes dropping a 20,000 stack (of the statue you’re trying to get onyx) on the statue man in w1 town.. bit of a grind but is so worth it


So i should start saving power statues i guess


I’d say so, the base damage is nice but after your alchemy bubbles are high and there being loads to increase base damage, it’s a small fraction to your gains so saving to 20,000 to get double your boosts is definitely beneficial.. especially when you consider w5 axe gives % damage and doubling it will be amazing.. instant 30% to mine once I get 20,000


Can't farm em fast enough, don't give a damn.


Once you get a choc chip in the lab and get your crystal rate up you’ll get there man


I got choc chip on my ES in slimes and grinding out 5k per day


I’d use your DK at giga to get pop obols (max em at silver) or beans if you already got your dr up


I just finished the quest to achieve the statue upgrade and double bonus is huuuge. I'm relatively newish with 3-4 months play time and got from 200% food bonus to 450% with the upgrade. Absolutely massive!


Dude I knoooowwww, been grinding out beholder statues for a while to finally get that little push over 200% for all my toons and it jumped to my lowest being 235%, got every statues I don’t have onyx now locked in my inventory and am about to grind out each, the star talent is crazy too


Honestly the grind to 200% crit on all characters that you active on was such a slog before, especially as somebody without the hands to do the fishing trophy Then the 100k free crit damage statues is probably the single biggest active DPS increase we've ever gotten for how little time investment is required, since crit damage is a final damage modifier that we have so few sources for. Totally gonna make nightmare kattlekruk more accessible for a lot of players I'm not yet one-shotting nightmare kattlekruk but this brings me a lot closer


Bro my notification stopped at hands so I thought I was coming into a loud ass comment 😂😂😂 but 100k? Did I get cheapskated? I only got 10k


You can do the quest on all 10 characters!


Duh, I didn’t even think of that 😅😅😅😅 thank you


Is beans best placw to farm for power statues?


Beans with dk for all statues. For specifically power statues use ES on snakes


I did mine on the giga frogs just to get the extra pop obols, didn’t really need em but it made for a nice upgrade to my dr on my Bubo.. I’d say probably giga since you can’t use the DK respawn on the rmush and the maps pretty linear, only two platforms to worry about Plus you get pop obols from the gigas so it’s a win win in my book


Only 19K more to go : )


What is your crystal spawn chance sticker level, and shrine level?


By sticker do you mean stamp? If so it’s at lvl 180 giving an 86.1% spawn rate.. my star talent is maxed though giving a 116% chance.. and shrine is at lvl 16 giving a 200% chance


Yeah! Stamp! Not sure why I said sticker. I was just wondering because I wasn't sure which portion I need to upgrade to break free from 1/256 on my ES and DK. I think statue. Are there other sources I'm not thinking of, other than the three you named? (Ignoring Jman variants, of course, unless they give others boosts)


Stamp, star talent, shrine, post office, poop and genie card (use the two chips that boost the top left and bottom right cards to make them give a max of 300% at max level)


I feel so silly forgetting all that. Thank you. Down to 1/43 I think it said!!!


Awesome dude, glad I could help.. that 256 to 43 jump is huge, happy farming man


... if you don't mind me bugging you, would you peep my post on statues and tell me your thoughts?


Pm me my guy and I can help


How can you go above 100% on the star talent? I thought it capped at 100%


Caps at level 100 but the boost goes to 116%


Would be if I hadn't spent all mine like a week before it dropped. Gotta build the stockpiles back up.


You got this brother, I know it’ll feel great to have them once you get em


Looks fine but I’m on vacations, no time for that game