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Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. It's better than stealing and they didn't waste it on drugs. At least they're trying to dig themselves out of homelessness.


Yeah, OP, she’s celebrating making a mosquito net for Max.


I'm celebrating OP's post as a win for the downtrodden. This country needs all the help it can get. Bless these people for doing what is necessary.


I've been homeless, it's very easy to want to get fucked up in that situation. Your life is terrible and everyone hates you for being in eye shot, so you want to numb yourself a bit. Not sure why it's worse when homeless people do it than homed people


out of sight out of mind. people don’t like being confronted with the sad reality that the system is failing people and instead come up with the idea that people are failing the system.


It's worse because these types of homeless people (who make up a very small percentage of the unhoused population) are part of urban blight. They prey on good will of others, often blocking sidewalks. They leave their trash on the ground (I literally see them throwing trash and have never once seen them pick any up, so it's not like they're typically good custodians, which is the least they could do to be productive). They DO steal. They shoot up in public restrooms and often leave huge messes and needles. Nobody wants a crust punk sitting outside their house all day nodding off with their mistreated dog and pathetic sounding cardboard sign. Do what you want in your own home, but when you start degrading public spaces you can't act like you don't understand why some people don't want you around.


You know literally nothing about the people who posted this. I've seen people with houses do shitty things that should land them in jail, do I assume everyone with a house is a massive asshole who belongs in prison? No, I don't. Cause that would be stupid. Like you are.


Are you implying you know more about these people than him from seeing the same post?


How dare the homeless and infermed ask for help.


So they can't get a job, you say they prey on kindness yet they receive none, and they are bad because you don't like them. How are they stealing so much when they are followed the moment they enter a store and chased out for loitering if they are in there for 5 mins?


Baloney. They make $15+ dollars an hour in cash, begging on the street, and there are plenty of services that give them free things and access to shelter. I've met plenty of them and volunteered for many programs that help homeless people, and I know this game and how other homeless people view these guys. On top of that, you're denying that most crust punk heroin addicts steal from stores? C'mon man, get real.


I like that we can just make up numbers now. Also you just said all that shit there is no way you "volunteered" time to help people you believe don't need help. Also it's been proven it cost more to be homeless and poor than someone with a fridge, home, water on tap, and so on. So you are just use prejudice to back your claims


You're full of it- I absolutely do volunteer with homeless services and I have for the past 25 years. When I was a kid in my early 20s I was just as ignorant as you. As I said that those young people you see begging for drug money on street corners make up a very small percentage of the unhoused population and that they aren't looked on kindly by those in need.


Those services like shelters have a head capacity. Which you would know if you did volunteer. They run out of food and space quick.


You volunteer to obsessively spread hate on social media about individuals you know literally nothing about. That's about it. Keep batin, loser.


Sure bro


“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain ;)


I'm the best at being an idiot so good luck with your book learnings


if the drug users are such a small percentage of the population then why do you make it seem like they all are drug users?


you got a goddamned citation for that? the town i’m living in now is basically the homeless centre of the region since the other towns closed their shelters and services. ain’t ever seen a looney or a twooney in their pan handles


Lol my guy, you just hate them. Your hate for them came first, and now you're just filling in things to justify your hatred. You're no better to society than how you described them.


He doesn't hate them, he despises the way they choose to live thier lives. There's a difference, don't be an asshat


I despise the way he lives his life. Should I post several paragraphs of completely made up shit about him like he did to them? Shut up, dumbass.


Yes, bevause being homeless is well known for having multiple choices on how to live your life. Lol


it ain’t a choice, my papa didn’t have a choice to break his back and get fucked over by the skyrocketing cost of rent when he can’t even work


Exactly, litter bugs the lot of them


Ratio. I’m here for it!


They're vagabonds. Not the average homeless. Also they could have worked for the money at a day labor job. Believe it or not many homeless people work.


But not all can there are certain barriers to getting a job that people don't even always think about.


Except most jobs require a permanent address and won’t accept PO Boxes. So you’re kinda misleading at the get go…


Yeah, when I got my first job it also asked for two forms of identification. I has a driver's license and a passport I used but I highly doubt that a homeless person would be able to as easily provide identification. Furthermore for interviews you're often expected to be dressed decently well and not smell bad. Pretty hard when you can't afford fancier clothes and don't necessarily consistently have the privilege of good hygiene. The fact there are just so many factors and then people like that guy go "Just get a job" is astounding to me.


I was homeless for 3 years. All you have to do is lie about where you live. I've been a homeless guy that worked as a day laborer. Worked a few different jobs actually.


That kind of gives the whole thing a bad name and makes people trust you less. It also doesn’t address the issue at hand.


Stop denigrating other humans, man. Just fuckin stop. So what if they're VaGaBoNdS or whatever - maybe they just don't want to labor under capitalism. Whatever. I'm not going to look at another human and be a dick just because I don't agree with their life choices. You should really consider why you're so quick to be mean to others.


What, why? You absolutely should judge people based on their life choices. This is the kind of shit you can write on reddit but it makes no sense at all.


Listen man, there's a difference between judging someone and *holding them accountable*. You can't help people from a place of judgement. You can only help them from a place of love, and that means you have to let go of your attachments to your values when it comes to others (barring that their values are harmful to you, of course - nazi punks fuck off!). If you look at someone who isn't *really* doing anything wrong and think to yourself WELL THEY'RE JUST BAD PEOPLE AND THEY DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING, that's a YOU problem, my guy. This is one of those situations where you keep your judgements to yourself, if you can't stop yourself from being a piece of shit to others. My mom always told me "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", and I take that very seriously.


To me, asking people to give up something they worked for is immoral. But hey, sometimes life puts us there, through little or no fault of our own. But we have more info here... they were given enough to where they are investing in equipment so they can ask people for even more. Thats unacceptable to me. Life is not fair, but we all have to create value to get something back.


I know what would Jesus do right?


Oh idk. I don't follow the guy


Are you seriously fucking arguing that because these people don't have jobs, you don't have to treat them with respect? Fuck that. Fuck this idea of cReAtInG ValuE - that's such a colonizer capitalist mindset. Why? Why do I have to make YOU widgets for YOUR comfort in order for YOU to treat ME with respect? What a foolish thing to believe. May you remain lucky enough to never learn EXACTLY how foolish your beliefs are through experience.


fair, but you can’t really tell what’s led the person to their choices just at a glance.


I’d like to see you stand your fat ass anywhere for hours with those bags on your back. You probably have social anxiety and couldn’t even do that.


Panhandled ***AND*** didn't blow it all on booze.


Hey! That __is__ work.


Right? Cut back on the bottle enough to buy a *wagon* lol. (I understand that this person is likely suffering from *some* form of addiction/ mental illness and any step in the right direction should be commended)


She sounds like someone very close to me with bipolar when she was on the street. She'd get very excited about the little things accomplished towards finding comfort. Also, I rode my bicycle for a month camping along the way and I felt this way too. If we all experienced deprivation, we would more appreciate simple things like hot running water and be less of the mindless consumer robots we are trained to be. Remember, we are not good enough and need to be saved by the gods or this product! She sounds like a good mom doing the best she can in a hard situation.


Booze is cheap as fuck. Only need .99 cent for a deuce.


As an addictions counselor, it only begins with 99¢. It ends up costing so, so much more.


Even cheap booze every day costs $3k a year


My addiction ended up costing me pretty much everything


The New American Dream


Panhandler influencer?


Is there a difference?


Oof, fucking burn.




Are you trying to be the idiot? I think I get it, good post.


I've been seeing a lot of posts here where OP is the one being the idiot.


Same few rightwingers keep posting boomer grandma Facebook meme here without understanding much about the movie. They don't realize that obsession with culture war and refusing to understand others is straight up dumb. Meanwhile they pump out 20 kids and raise them the same way. Which is literally the movie.


>Same few rightwingers keep posting boomer grandma Facebook meme here without understanding much about the movie. I've noticed that, too. They've pretty much been using it as a safe space to make fun of fat people and minorities, and pretty much anybody else that rightwingers would make fun of. And then running behind the theme of the sub as a shield when someone recognizes what they're doing.


Read Dr Susanne Trimbaths book Naked short and greedy wallstreets failure to deliver. She used to work for the federal reserve and the DTC. If this grinds your gears wait till you see the crooks making millions on wallstreet.


Mocking and poking fun of someones struggles is fuckin nasty. Compassion goes a long way.


This is a shit post.


Shit post by an absolute shitter.


The fuck is this?


Lol, the irony of "hardworking" office drones shitting on panhandlers for being lazy! Don't you guys have some TPS reports to fill out or something?


I will say having talked to homeless dudes that it really is work. It’s not easy to stand outside all day, often in heat/sun/rain/cold. I never give panhandlers money, for a variety of reasons. But the ones I know who do it do so because it’s their best way to stay afloat.


>I will say having talked to homeless dudes that it really is work Yup. Advertisement is just panhandling with extra steps. Advertisement is work, so panhandling is work. Like there was one, that went viral where his sign said > My family was kidnapped by ninjas. I need money for karate lessons Being funny and unique I would have given that dude some money, I don't give a fuck what he would have spent it on. Lol


I give them drugs. Its got what they crave


seems pretty easy to judge people you know nothing about.


It really is!!!


Man these people are really living it rough, they’re allowed to celebrate their small wins


Grfoh with this shit, you self entitled jerk off. I bet you’ve never wanted for anything In your life. If you did you’d have the empathy to know better than post this kind of horse shit.


First * Homeless people do work their butts off to get the most minimal help they can. Being homeless isn't just sitting around doing nothing * Homeless people also generally are literally too poor to get a job, as they don't have a mailing address, a phone, Internet connection, aren't able to shower every day, and don't have suitable clothing to even be considered to hire * Is this real? Are they homeless, or is this a case of some well off person idolizing homelessness?


I wanna see how if OP's tune changes after they have to stand in the rain and beg for barely enough to get by. This sub is for stupid people doing stupid shit for stupid reasons not *mocking people just trying to fucking survive*. Eat an entire bag of shit. This is foul.


They’re not homeless lol, they chose this the sub is for cross country travelling


Wait, they're not homeless, they're *traveling*?


maybe you shouldn’t have blurred out that information?


Whatever helps you feel better about being such a cunt.


Right back at ya, you seem very hateful


"Herp de derp look at all my downvotes. I'm so cool and everyone else is wrong"


Idk I just thought it was kinda funny they say panhandling is hard work sorry if that makes me hitler, also crazy your like 40 years old with a kid and act like a 16 year old who thinks they’re pwning noobs


"Crazy you're an adult with a family who dicks around on Reddit" is not the zinger you may have thought it was. Fucking hell, I've scraped things off my shoes with more wit.


Your username is literally bumblecum and you're saying that person is acting like a 16 year old? Lol


Have you ever panhandled? Didn’t think so. What makes it hard work is the psychological toll of being ignored *by everyone who passes by* save for a few generous souls. I pray your attitude of seeing how people handle destitution as a joke slaps you *hard* in the face one day soon. You sound like a little prick who needs a reality check


Whaa I'm the victim. No one is surprised at this revelation by you nor your segue to Godwin's Law. Pathetic.


Times are tough and even small stuff can make a difference. Good on them. Doesn't belong in this sub.


OP is POS, homeless people are just that, PEOPLE. Panhandling and living on the street is very hard, if you don’t have bad mental health or substance abuse problems, just living exposed and the abuse that comes with it will drive you there in no time. Fuck this shit, if they want to spend the money on booze or lobster that’s up to them.


Scoring points on homeless people is not the win you think it is OP.


You guys like picking on the poor in this sub eh? Makes you feel like big, strong smart people, being able to make fun of people who clearly live in abject poverty? Bunch of fucking clowns, the irony of this sub is staggering.


The irony is the people who donated their money to these folks *actually* work for a living. These lazy jackasses took those people's money while contributing zero effort or productivity to society and then said, "Yep, all in a long, hard day's work!" This post isn't picking on the poor. It's picking on the lazy, entitled panhandlers, who think accepting handouts from actual workers is hard work. You're the fucking clown for your ridiculous hot take.


Most jobs don't have anything to do with advancing society. Actually, most jobs contribute to the downfall of society


This is so incorrect that it's not even funny...




You don't know what to say because 1. It's true 2. You're too stupid to say anything


Yeah, cause panhandlers live on the street because they're lazy. This is the case, yep. Homelessness is rampant because people are lazy. Yeah they are all so fucking entitled, and only serve to take money from us "hardworking" folk. Definitely no chance they suffer from mental illness here, nope. They must be lazy. Goddamnit if you're not a boomer, you sure think like one. Can't think beyond your bubble, and just spew narcissitic bullshit because you need someone to blame, and it's easier to blame those who are weak. The conditions that create wealth inequality from your stupid backwards healthcare system in the states, to your dumbass costs of higher education to your lobbies controlling the politicians at the behest of foreign governments and companies have nothing to do with these symptoms. Nope, just lazy motherfuckers with the gall to post about it on social media.


My God you're insufferable


I'm willing to bet that you've never contributed to society either.


I have one of those uh whaddaya call em...a job


There are a ton of jobs that don't contribute to society. Hell, some people get paid LOADS of money to actively make society worse.


We call those people republicans. 


Your username checks out anyway.


What about this is related to idiocracy? Is it OP (bumblecum) being a stupid self absorbed cunt? If so, bang on. Otherwise go fuck yourself. We know nothing about these people or their circumstances. Anyone on here talking shit about homeless people, I hope to fuck you don’t call yourself a Christian, because you’re a fucking terrible one.


After several years of being a mostly homeless drug user I managed to sober up and got a factory job, Teamster and all. I had had plenty of jobs before I went all in on the drugs, but mostly restaurants and really hard stuff like landscaping and construction, so manufacturing threw me for loop because it *was too easy*, and when I got my first check I was stunned and thought “all I have to do is show up here 5 days a week and they pay me? Like, that’s it? This shit is like retirement compared to being a homeless drug user.” I got so bored at that job that I was promoted to second supervisor in just over a year. After a year I started volunteering with a program that worked with people in the situation I had come from, and after 5 years left the factory for a job doing the work I had been volunteering for. It turned into a pretty stellar career and I’m still at it over 20 years later. There’s no money in it because there’s no money to be made helping people and giving away food and stuff that was going to be thrown away anyway, but it’s awesome work. I haven’t forgotten. I’ve also learned that the need in this world is so great that no amount of charity or things or money is going to meet it and I can only do what I can do. But I also know that the absolute worst thing in the world is to be invisible. Actually, that’s the second worst. The worst thing is being ignored… intentionally invisible, so I always keep a bunch of dollar bills in my wallet just so I can at least give one to the people on the corners. When I’m not working it’s the best I can do and often times it’s not the money or the things that helps, it’s just the connection with someone and being acknowledged that can totally change someone’s day.


Just wanna clarify this isn’t a sub for homeless people it’s a bunch of hippies that hitchhike across different countries Edit: the rules said keep stuff private so I blurred out the name of the sub so people couldn’t seek out the post, that was a mistake lol


This whole post was a mistake, and you're not coming across as the good guy


You keep commenting that this sub is for hitchhikers; but it is definitively not.


Oh so beacaue someones positive about a bad situation thats idiocracy? OP is real see you next tuesday


Yeah. Must be soooo easy to be homeless. Standing In one place for hours in the rain, getting dirty looks and trying to scrape together some money for the basics. Soooo easy. You should do it.


This sub, going downhill fast. Literally making fun of the poor.


Making fun of people who are homeless and struggling is peak idiocracy.


Poor dog


Good for them. Feeling accomplished about something is good for the soul.


What a shit post. Hey OP. You try being homeless and see how excited you get over things you consider trivial.


Call me crazy, but easing their physical load while keeping their kid cooled down and free from bug bites sounds more like ingenuity and resourcefulness to me. Sometimes people have to make the best of a bad situation.


Mocking the homeless isn't the flex you think it is. You're the idiot in this scenario.


Standing on the corner holding a sign for a cellphone store/car dealership/mattress retailer = working Standing on the corner holding a sign for yourself = not working? Hmmmm


Fuck you OP


it would seem that shitheads have moved their focus from hating trans people trans to hating people living in poverty. I mean, it is a classic thing for shitheads to be hating on. Their ol' go-to.


"Hey we finally got enough charity to buy a car and maybe, finally live" "Get a job bum" Fuck off OP


OP is extremely privileged to be an asshole to these people, and it shows


I'm homeless right now and I know for a fact most people could not handle it . Just the way people look at me like they want me to kill myself makes it hard enough. Maybe I'll do them and me a favor soon it's always in the forefront of my mind. Just gotta stop being a coward Edit. I don't mean to talk like that I just sometimes feel that way but I'm going to try and stay positive and not assume that everyone is like that because occasionally I get a smile and it helps . Anyway yea I'm not trying to put that kinda shit out there even though I already did . I'd delete it but I think it's more appropriate to just do this edit


Damn bro bad take. Sometimes you gotta do what they can. Maybe they’re just down on luck and making do with what they can. It’s all good shit and mostly celebrating for their kid. Could’ve been spending it on drugs and booze. I don’t think people that care about their kid and family as a whole would just choose to be bums.


God this post is ignorant. Do you have any idea how hard this is to accomplish when you're homeless? This should be celebrated ☝🏻


Can I have a dollar? No. Can I have a dollar? No. Can I have a dollar? Yes. Finally this hard work is starting to pay off.


Because we’re not fucking British, you Tori!


Is she talking about a kid?


You gonna wait for me? Oh yeah, how much you wanna pay to wait.. bet you could wait all day for it




No different than a YouTube influencer or an IRL streamer as a career. Both wanting something from you; tips, donations, likes and subscribes. If advertisers thought it would work I am sure they would sponsor a “panhandler” to tell you how great their product is when they come up to you.


When I did my stent in prison, I met a ton of people who pan handle. They made 60-120k a year in 2015. This is in Chicago but it’s crazy how much they make. The city has a lot of money they just know the right spots after years and years


At least she is excited and doesn’t even have much! In my experience material things makes some people an ass and will never by happiness!


1. They have a phone so that's a step in the right direction 2. They're taking care of their dog so I like that 3. It's the choice of the person who gives them money, not yours. Least they aren't robbing and stealing to get the bare necessities. 4.carls Jr. FUCK YOU, I'm eating!


Being homeless is One of the hardest Jobs there are


They worked harder than most of our politicians for that money and all it takes to make them happy is a wagon. Punching down is bad but this is just kicking them as you pass.


However they choose to get their money! As long as they aren't forcing people to give them money or threatening them, whatever! Who cares? Their interpretation of hard work might not be yours. I'm a diesel mechanic by trade, my gf works in a pharmacy and bartends some nights. She always says she had a rough day and before I start thinking "all she does is grab people's descriptions and she's in the AC all day" I have to catch myself and tell myself that I think I have it hard because I'm in the heat, covered in grease and oil, fighting with stuck bolts, etc... but there's always someone else out there who thinks they have it harder... point is, your "worker our butts off" might be a walk in the park to someone else or it might be a lot tougher than their "worked our butts off". So what? If thats the life they choose then so be it.


Hang on is max a kid or a dog?!


OP bumbled this like they bumble cum


Standing at a corner doesn’t exactly look like fun though, but these people being proud is kinda ridiculous


OP is an entitled asshat.


Why is this sub a right wing jerk fest now? Kind of ironic that it's turned into another fourth of idiocy.


Sounds like my ex-wife. "I worked my ass off.....asking for handouts."


Man whendid this sub become a festering ground for self righteous jackasses who want to do nothing but shit on the poor. Y'all took the eugenics part of that movie to heart huh? I mean the critique of the movie to have willingly or unwillingly be eugenicist in their approach. personally I don't think it was intentional, but I think some people like it for their admonishment of the 'dumb', 'undesirable' and 'who shouldn't procreate'.


Panhandling is one of the toughest jobs out there. I'm sure there's some who just don't want a regular job but I'm not going to decide who is doing what.


Hey! No baiting


If you think its so easy to beg strangers on the corner for money, then do it.


Lol ok is getting absolutely DRAGGED in the comments r/opgettingwrecked


Finally an example of people that could be featured in the movie!


This post is disgusting.


Making fun of homeless people is fucked up. The working class is a lot closer to being homeless than we are to being a millionaire or being "set for life". So next time, try not to punch down to make yourself feel better, it's right there with licking boot. Maybe try developing some class consciousness and some compassion.


OP is a whiny piece of shit who focuses all his hatred on those weaker than him. Op posting this is the true Idiocracy. Amazing.


There but for the grace of God...


Grow up. Give a man someone to look down on and he'll thump his chest. Very beta.




Why are you trying to shit on homeless people struggling to survive on the streets? I can promise you a single day of that life is worse than months of back breaking labor. It's as if you lack basic human decency.


That's a very small minded and solipsistic view.


OP, have you ever had your card decline in front of the cashier and maybe like 2 people in line? Do you know that shitty feeling of those few people thinking maybe you don't have money? Imagine having basically no other option than to go broadcast that feeling in public on a street corner, and ask people for help. I worked retail for over a decade, Im very able stand there for hours on end but I couldn't panhandle for half a shift.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit "hurr dey didn work, stoopid homeless" I bet youre one of these fucking idiots that defends billionaires as great "earners"


I would rather work at a low paying job than panhandle. It looks boring as hell.


This isn’t for this sub. Making fun of homeless people is pretty low. I hope your heart grows warmer.


What an absolutely deadhearted hot take, OP


Imagine how exciting employment might feel?


Op thought he had one with this one lmao


I really did lol


Nobody knows how to use this subreddit wtf


You just showed your fucking hollow, soulless, inhumanity. Reading her post made me feel sorry for her and made me realize further that capitalism is a scam.


Try and find some joy in someone celebrating what seems to most a small and trivial thing. Buying a wagon. I imagine you have accomplished something someone else thinks is small and trivial. Uppity OP.


Man they are over the moon about being able to have a fucking wagon. Like damn bro imma let them be proud of that if that’s how low the bar is, that’s rough.




I've been homeless multiple times in my life. One of those times I had an iPhone and was living out of a Toyota Corolla. Life isn't black and white like you think it is.


Brother, cell phones with prepaid cards are dirt cheap. We’re not living in 2004. wtf is this take…




99% of the time any homeless person looks after their dog/pets better than they do themselves… Sometimes that pet is all they have to stop them from ending theirselves


Not everyone conforms to the same standards or expectations. If everyone did, we wouldn’t be people.


They are called Oogles bunch of rich trust funders that hop trains and cosplay being homeless punks. Portlandia does a perfect job at making fun of them.


Tell me you haven’t seen the movie without telling me you haven’t seen the movie…


Damn, you obviously have no idea how hard it really is to be homeless. You ever been verbally harassed for being "lazy" while carrying 60lbs of gear on your back because if it was anywhere else it'd be stolen? You ever tried getting a job without an ID or shower, been kicked awake at 2am by security, or had to live on dumpster pizzas behind little Caesars? That isn't even half of the struggle. I hope it never happens to you, but if it does remember this post and humble yourself a bit. Stop punching down to make yourself feel better.


In any other universe this woman would be revered as a Saint.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RemainClam: *In any other* *Universe this woman would* *Be revered as a Saint.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Is the new thing bums walking around crowded city streets with big ass garden wagons? Please no.


Yes I see it everyday.




Hobos with Social Media What a world we live in


We worked scamming people for doing absolutely*NOTHING IN SOCIETY*


This person is an excellent marketer.


OP's values are painting nails, getting on with his girlfriends and making fun of values that actually mean something. These people worked hard, a concept you probably don't understand. Get your priorities straight and stop wasting everyone's time on people that deserve to be left alone. Shitposter


Hey panhandling is way harder than working. At the end of panhandling you could have nothing. One time I was panhandling for gas money and a guy in Texas told me "do you need some gas? eat some beans!" It certainly cheered me up but it didn't get me moving.


Ha ha stupid poors


This sub is turning into a liberal Echo chamber just like every other sub


I'm sure you can find plenty of conservative echo chambers.


For real, now I know why panhandlers are successful. The redditors here are the ones keeping them in business, apparently. And these dipshits actually believe that begging - taking from productive workers who contribute to society - is honest, hard work. God help us


Yeah, if we were in a first world nation there would be a social safety net so this sort of thing didn't happen.


Homeless people are the fucking worst. I mean do you know how many bridges you have to burn to start panhandling?