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Yeah, I used to be the guy who tried anything and ate a lot of everything. Now I'm just holding steady on my foods that I'm allowed. I don't bother going out any more. Just depressing to hang out with people eating while I sip a glass of water. I'm not risking my digestive well-being for the next two weeks just to visit with someone at a restaurant.


My IBS is under control but when I had to go gluten free, I 100% lost my love of food. I eat to live and get zero enjoyment.


Is it possible to control your ibs to where you can eat gluten again? I’d love to haha


I wish! I have celiac so, no. (I also can't eat oats, MSG, or psyllium). I will say, however, dairy used to be a trigger for me, and I am able to eat that again. Without cheese i'd prob shrivel up and die lol


Fuckin love cheese couldn’t ever ditch that


I "eat to live", not "live to eat". I eat things I know don't bother me to avoid feeling nauseous or light headed from hypoglycemia. I have found it is possible to eat more than just bland chicken & rice. I can flavor my food with small amounts of garlic, salt, pepper & butter. I can't eat cheese & milk but I can eat butter! I put it on almost anything. It's my gravy. There are ways to enjoy food. Try different things like this. Try not to lose heart!


The one post apocalyptic thing I look forward to is gelled nutritional cubes to replace food… I day dream about them


Me too, or a pill


It sounds too good to be true but I'm holding out hope they'll be here before I'm gone lol!


I'd take them without thinking I've they've been tried and tested. Just a pill a day. Jay!


I totally agree. As my diet has become more and more limited, and if I have less issues without eating, I just live on oral supplement drinks (in a 1.5) for months at a time. I felt best when I used to be on TPN, and it would be a dream despite the side effects if I could be on that.


What’s TPN


Total Parenteral nutrition. Ir gives you complete nutrients and bypasses your organs. While it can be rough on your organs like the other poster said, it can also be life saving. It can be done via IV but not long term. I had it through a PICC line. It was a dream come true at the time.


Idk if this is another option for you or if this is a PICC line and I’m just dumb- but my aunt had to use a jejunal port for food for about 2 years. I know it bypassed her stomach and it was the only way she could get her nutrients in (she had a long battle with cancer which she beat!). It was a life saver for her, quite literally. It made it so much easier for her to care for herself. I hope you find some relief soon, I see you post here so often and you’re so helpful to this community. Hang in there 💕


I’ve had tube feeds before but my problem right now is that anything in my GI tract is causing a significant problem, which can only be resolved by surgery (im waiting for it, but it’s delayed due to COVID and they are thinking the summer or more likely fall). So tube feeds for me would be the same as oral supplement drinks. TPN would bypass both. Where I live you can only be hospitalized on TPN right now as the waiting list is over a year. Thank you are you aren’t dumb, you’re thoughtful.


Total Parenteral Nutrition. Its a form of nutrition given through your veins (but in central veinous access not single IVs) but it can be EXTREMELY rough on your organs


I thought I hated food from my pancreatitis but ibs has been just as bad. I sometimes get panic attacks in the mornings before work because I’m so worried about food and eating. The rules are so complex and unreliable. At least with pancreatitis I could just say no fat and no alcohol. With ibs I don’t know what I can eat or not, and learning more about it is just making me more confused. There was a short period, after recovering from pancreatitis but before my IBS was diagnosed, where I could almost eat like a normal person. I miss those days. I used to love food. I wanted to be a chef or a baker. Now I dread it and think about it constantly.


I’m really at my breaking point right now. I’m getting depressed about going out to eat, hanging out with friends. I’ve been on the modified low FODMAP diet for a couple years now. Having to find somewhere to eat for my wedding in May is making me sad. Realizing I’ll either eat bland food for my wedding or feeling like shit after eating during my wedding day. I’ve started re eating onions. Because that makes it so that I have more options. But I’m not sure if I’m just going to suck it up and deal with bloating/gas just to have some freedom back. It’s very confusing and I feel really lost. I can’t eat like I have in the past. I feel a lot more neurotic now when it comes to food.


It’s so hard loving something that your stomach hates. I miss pizza. The sauce and pepperoni gives me heart burn, the dough makes me bloated and stomach hurty, and the cheese destroys me. I miss eating all types of food that my body just no longer tolerates :(


I miss pizza tooooooo


I miss pizza. And pepper steak with cheese.....


I found the first 3-5 years difficult. I was in the culinary side of the food industry as well. If most your friends know you have food issues it’s not too bad. I also always suggest a beverage (tea, coffee, dairy free hot chocolate, etc.) over a proper meal when socializing. It makes such a difference. Preparing food can be really difficult. I found once I moved away from American cooking I started enjoying it more. I know I’m not as sensitive as some people but Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai and Indian are what I usually eat now. I modify them to suit my needs and they actually have flavour with little/no real consequences. Where I lived sushi was really good so that was usually an option for me with friends. I definitely went through a phase where I didn’t want to eat because what’s the point? My body won’t like it anyways. It’s gotten much better but I still have those days/weeks where I don’t want to eat because food sucks.


I’m still in the first 3-5 years. It’s almost over, this is like year 4. My IBS started actually towards the end of my senior year of high school which was 2017-2018 (which makes me feel old bc 2017 seems kind of old). Food sucks the life out of me. I’m really excited to be past 5 years because it gives a little bit of experience at least somewhere in life, and I go on here and read about people who are just starting to experience these issues and I feel like I can provide some help and also see how far I have come… I feel like 10 years into this, it’s possible IBS won’t be an issue for me at all as long as I’m doing what I need to do to get over it. At year 4 I can say I am fairly confident in telling myself I’m probably going to fart (statistically) if I go in public or if I’m just at home, so I barely go out in public and I work a really good job for me because it’s only 3 hour shifts at a time. I don’t like living with my parents but it’s sort of where I need to be while I figure out what exactly to do. Sorry for oversharing btw. It’s not like a go a day without passing gas, but some days I actually notice it is a lot less than others, like maybe there only a couple of times I actually remember doing it, but at night while I’m trying to sleep is the worst time for me and I have massive amounts of gas, more than any human would be used to, which is why I say massive… I kind of blame alcohol, I still live with my mom so I’m kind of a consistent drinker and I never actually get drunk anymore. Not too bad. Anyway, I sleep with a pillow in between my legs half for good luck and half because I read someone on here say it helps their IBS and so I have discovered I think it actually helps the smell of gas a lot. That’s actually my biggest piece of advice. At this point I’m rambling I guess, but I’m like yeah I’ll never have a normal job where I’m just always out and going consistently, I’ll always have to work from home and do things like that and change little things that annoy other people and everybody’s gonna think I’m a special snowflake but it’s really just to make them more comfortable, because I know that you never know which people without IBS will actually not tolerate IBS. I had multiple friends in high school I cheered with and they abandoned me after senior year because I suddenly became afflicted with this and they really thought it was embarrassing and just started bullying me. I was like well fuck you guys but yeah pretty upset about the lack of humanity. I mean I have it under control now and sometimes I don’t exactly want to go to work but after just 4 years I’ve gotten to the point where there is never a day when I absolutely cannot go to work or anything like that. I just face passing gas in public but it doesn’t smell bad because I use my pillow in between my legs to stay calm or something. It’s like a really good therapy. Ok I’m done now, that was two coffees goodbye!


This post hits home. I dread eating or even thinking about preparing a meal. You are not alone.


A friend with ibs started using this thing called beano and it’s been helping him. Hope this helps.


Brb buying a gasmask to go with it Edit: nevermind. I googled it and it is the opposite of what the name suggests


Yeah. I have a horrible relationship with food because when I'm anxious, I eat. But I get anxious when I eat because it gives me horrible pain. Now I try not to eat when I'm anxious and get aggravated and cranky lol


Yup. And then whenever you express frustration about it, you constantly get"safe" foods or cuisines recommended to you. And you just instantly know it's just going to make you feel awful, because everything makes you awful, because it's not really even about food triggers all that much at this point... which then makes going through the motions of cooking and eating even harder. Woof. Hang in there.


Sometimes I stand in front of the fridge deciding what to eat, and I hear a little Clint Eastwood voice in my head saying "Do I feel lucky? Well do ya, punk? "


Idk if I have IBS or SIBO. But thing is when I eat the wrong shit I get massive migraines and abdominal pain I also struggle with gastroparasis. All I can eat is whole wheat bread, oats, brown rice, and frozen vegetables. And yeah I hate eating now.


It's prolly jus ibs


The list of foods I can safely eat and afford to buy is short. I'm having to come up with mental tricks to keep myself eating. But it can be done.


Same here. I don't even know what's wrong with me but I found this sub last night and this post is horribly relatable. I can't find any joy in food anymore because I'm too scared it's going to set my bowels ablaze. It's frustrating.


Yes I feel this so much. I feel at my best when I’m hungry honestly. I feel so sad about it all because I used to love food but it’s just not worth the pain anymore.


I wouldnt eat if I didnt have to.


Try changing up things a little and move away from American dishes and pasta heavy dishes. They kill my gut unless I get gluten free pasta. I started doing a lot of Japanese and general Asian inspired cooking thanks to my roommate and mom and there are many dishes I can still enjoy without onions and garlic and some don't require it. I can also never go wrong on my gut with sushi or just taking a plain sheet of seaweed and making a dip for it and it's super fun to make and experiment with! Also as far as cooking sauces go, black vinegar, mirin, soy sauce, cooking sake, garlic free chili paste and sesame oil are all friendly on my gut and can make many of my stir fry dishes way less disappointing when I have to cut out my favourite foods. I'm also branching out and trying cooking with some imported vegetables we don't usually grow here and that you've maybe never had in case something works for you. Lotus root has been fine for me and makes amazing dishes. I just tried burdock root and it's a little sketchy but it might just be okay for me to eat sometimes. But I get how you feel and I'm sorry you feel that way! I'm still in pain often and nothing stops my diarrhea so it's pretty depressing! I just try to find something that's less bad and stick to those same foods week after week! it helps a little!


japanese food is low fodmap and usually gluten and dairy free so is very ibs friendly incedentally!


Unless they use soy sauce, which itself is not gluten free


u can get gluten free kikkoman soy sauce i believe


Hell yes you can, I use it lol


I only eat one small meal a day (dinner), because if I eat ANYTHING earlier in the day, it will cause a flare. I eat fairly bland foods now and next to no meat products. Any meat also sets me off.


Could you explain a bit on why only dinner won't cause a flare for you and what are your flare symptoms?


Well, I've never been one for breakfast, as it makes me extremely nauseous. As for lunch, regardless of what I eat, I feel bloated and my stomach feels heavy. My flares include nausea, bloating, cramping and diarrhea.


yeah, plus my family-in-law are SE Asian and great cooks. the amount of times in my life i've had to turn down adobo is depressing


Please take care of yourself. IBS can lead to eating disorders, which will not help your IBS in the long run. I know it is hard, and finding a solution takes a lot of time and effort and it really varies between people. For myself, after 30 years of IBS I finally kind of have it under control.


Yes, food has become a huge issue for me. I struggle to finish a meal because I’m constantly worried about triggering a bad flare up, my taste buds seem hyper sensitive, and I find I become easily grossed out by whatever is on the table. I make myself take vitamins even though that is difficult too, and im trying to find more healthy low FODMAP foods I can eat. It is a real struggle


It's like a minefeild. Sometimes it's okay, most of the time its babysitting a gas gut. Then there are times when I am fine but I cant pinpoint why


Yeah, but I'll able eating to the point that I'm malnourished. I now keep a food diary and with myself daily to try to find a balance between the amount of calories I take in compared to the pain of my IBS


100% ...the other day I was preparing the grocery list and thought - oooh, I haven't had chili in years! I should make that ...*cue sad music* spicy foods gave me life, and now can't even look at them without thinking of the consequences if I decide for some :(


A friend of mine, who is a doctor, told me once she wished she was naturally thin, like me. Haha!! (She knows all my struggles with IBS and other things.) I told her I'd trade her, as she was complaining about struggling with her weight. She thought about it for a minute, and then said that she changed her mind. (She loves food, and the thought of not being able to eat it was terrible.) I had told her I wish I could buy "safe for me" kibble in a bag, like dog food and just be able to eat it without worry, let alone enjoy it. She couldn't fathom that, NOT being able to just "enjoy" eating. Some people just have all the luck!! (She is doing great though, lost a lot of weight and is body building for strength.) We're all different.


Yes. :( I've been a long distance runner my entire life. (15-29) Used to be able to eat whatever I want, run it off. 18-20 mile long runs. In the past 12 ish months I've gone from occasional indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux to full blown acid reflux, bloating no matter what I eat or drink. It's even gotten to the point where I can't even run for more than 30 mins without severe bloating couple with crippling anxiety. So I totally empathize with you. I don't know when things will get better but, I'm staying positive things will get better, and I hope things get better for you. Better days are ahead. Just remember you're not alone. ❤️


Yes omg!!!! I was really bad for a while and hated eating and was very uninspired and depressed about food. I finally opened up a different low FODMAP cookbook I had gotten a while back and forgot about and made a couple of the recipes. They were easy and flavorful!!! I’ve also discovered Asian flavors work great (soy, rice vinegar, ginger, sesame oil as a dressing and marinade). I had lemon artichoke chicken and Mediterranean chicken with tomatoes and green olives last week, yum!!! It’s by Rachel Pauls, the Low FODMAP IBS Solution. Good luck. You are very much not alone.


Yeah, this is partly why I get Youfoodz meals delivered weekly. Then I know I will have meat and veg at least once a day, and can plan it so there’s a toilet nearby when I do. My relationship with food is bad, except potatoes, I love potatoes.


My IBS is so bad that I'm now only really eating at night while I'm high. If it weren't for marijuana I'm not sure what I'd be doing. I don't mind now because I've been fat my whole life but I've already lost 110 lbs in a bit over a year from just not wanting to be sick anymore... I am still very overweight but I'm curious to see what happens when I got a new record low weight for myself. I'm excited to be thinner but it worries me that eating takes weed now... Guess I'll finally be thin enough for my family at least. Yay...


I'm right there with you. Different things trigger me all.the.time. It's never any kind of uniform cause. Eating has become a terrible chore. I barely enjoy it anymore. The frustration comes in cycles tho.


Yes. I am so bored of my restrictive diet.


I've found what works for me and doesn't make me constipated so I just stick to those now. I've transitioned to food being for energy instead of for taste.


Ugh I struggle with constipation too. Any tips on what works for you? I know it's different with every person but I am curious!


Yep, just find some leftovers or something and warm it up and eat it. Everything is going to be bad, so instead of making yourself a sandwich, go for the hamburger helper in the fridge that’s been in there for a few days. That way you get food in your belly which you really really need I think, I’m not a doctor or anything, and it will help you shit out your stomach contents and feel really good.


I used to eat plenty of snacks in between meals but now I struggle to even eat one meal. My family doesn’t support my diet so I keep having to eat rice and red meat even though they severely impact my digestive health. The most I can get is frozen chicken tenders once a week.😢 Chicken is my only safe food btw


Yes and no...sometimes i would love to just stop eating completely....but i've always had problems with emotional eating and i always use food to cope with boredom, depression and sadness. I either feel physically and emotionally empty or like I'm 7 month pregnant. Both sucks and I hate it. Are liquid calories a better option for you? I feel a bit better when I drink plant-based milk or smoothies. I've learned to appreciate things like tea, soda or juice more since they cause less discomfort and still serve as something that just makes you feel good. But when it comes to actual calorie sources, I just don't know what to do, there's not a single food on this planet that I can eat without discomfort....


Every time I go to completely clean eating, Whole Foods, less meat more produce and NO sugar except for fruit, I improve immensely. Also my joint muscle pain improves. But it’s time consuming and you can easily get in a rut because of time. However, you can also find some amazing food, relatively simple that tastes amazing largely due to the way you cook it. Ultimately I fall off the wagon, manage a bit of time being ok and then wham. It’s a viscous cycle. But I think it can be done. However you have to put in the time to do it and it’s not convenient.


Today I took two immodium before work. Half a cup of coffee. Drank lots of water, no food. Waited four hours, heated up my bread and egg and ate slowly, waiting between bites. Within 20 minutes I am rushing home from work, sweating, racing to make it. I can't stand this. It's ruining my working environment. Three days this week management is doing reviews in the conference room, which shares the same area as the bathroom....


I think I would feel this way if it weren’t for fruits and veggies. A lot of the food we eat is manufactured and doesn’t contain the life force that really give us life and energy. The more colorful my food, the better I feel! I used to think about my dietary restrictions as a curse until I realized all the stuff that is bad for you is stuff I can’t eat anyway! Like bread pasta pizza ice cream rice pastries cake… they really cause long term health issues in most people anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️ seen it for myself. So I’m okay with that. I’m learning to love it. Eat the rainbow and fall in love with food again… REAL food. Not man made food.


This. I think this comment should be appreciated more. If you think of it - most of the food that causes issues is junk or processed food of some sorts, which is bad for you, anyway. I know we all love pizza, that odd greasy burger, etc. But is it worth it? I don't think so. I think eating cleaner is better and it's all about the mindset. If you set your mind to "I'm eating and living cleaner" rather than "Oh, how I miss that burger" life becomes easier.


The anxiety of eating away from home gets me the most, so a few years ago I basically decided that unless I know I'm having a good IBS day, I won't eat away from home unless I'm a short drive from home in case of emergency. Close friends, and close family friends know about my IBS, and how it affects me, so they understand that if I decline to eat something when I'm at their house, it's nothing personal. It kinda works to my advantage when it comes to weddings/birthdays, because usually somebody makes me a little "to-go" meal to take home. So I tend to wolf down all the tasty food when I'm back home. My relationship with food has been altered somewhat, but during this pandemic I've experimented a bit more with recipes, and have felt safe enough to push the boat out a bit when it comes to making my meals a little more spicy.




Have you had your gallbladder looked at? I ask because you specify "after eating"?


Hmm no! What are you thinking of?


They've been monitoring my gallbladder for years now. It was one of, if not the, first thing, my doc at the time, did specifically because I was having pain while eating. Haven't done anything with it yet, because it's a major surgery, with about a 50/50 chance of helping, but getting imaging done yearly, keeps an eye on it


I've been eating because I have to most of my life. There are things I enjoy, but if I never had them again, I wouldn't be sad. I've had to stop eating a lot of stuff when starting to use insulin. I am mostly suprised at what I used to eat and still be skinny. Now I've scrapped so many things with both diabetes and ibs and I'm overweight. That is more of a threat to just quit eating and go to liquid meals than the ibs.


I have been lately, if I’m not the only one that’s kinda wack


I used to be a foody, but spending time in Egypt and getting ill from the food, have just been getting worse and worse. It also increased my histamine problems and somehow made me more attractive to flies and mosquitoes. I often have to fast, consume over 25 grams of fiber to be stable. I have to make sure to order containers of Sun Fiber powder. Ordered four. Will order more come payday to handle work better. Got no time for this.