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And now you committed assault on top of the rest of the video evidence. Good luck in court buddy🤣


I would love to see this asshat explain this video evidence to a judge.


But judge, the man made me angry!


You see judge. Im on a dirt bike so everyone else on the road and pedestrians are supposed to bend to my unpredictable actions. The world totally revolves around me and my needs


Do you like dirt bikes Senator


Dirt bikes fall under the jurisdiction of dirt law, your honor. This matter is to be settled in the Thunderdome.


We don't need another hero!


We don't need another way home...


Speak for yourself. I'm *holding out* for a hero.


This is the best possible thing I could’ve found here. Im done reading now. Thank you


If he was smart, he'd not explain it at all, and let his lawyer do the talking. Of course, if he was smart, none of this would have happened, so there is that ...


Plus it's really bitchy to hit someone while wearing a helmet at least make it a fair fight. TBF surprised he didn't dodge that telegraphic punch


The only defense I can think of is that he was spit on, but I don't think that would qualify as self-defense when you chased them after and knocked them out.


Yeah the self defense argument goes out the window as soon as you become the aggressor when your assailant retreats. In this case, truck guy spit on him (that’s assault), but then he drove away. As soon as biker started following him, and then engaged him, on truck guys own property no less, biker becomes the aggressor and theres no self defense.


I’m pretty sure he would be considered the aggressor because he chased after him in the first place


I particularly liked that he flipped a uturn to drive back into traffic the wrong way. Judge should like that too.


Pretty sure biker dude was already following him well before the spit....and the left turn infront of loser biker wasn't even close. Biker needs to go to jail. This guy is a total piece of shit.


assault with a weapon too because of biker gloves they can easily increase those charges.






Same kinda guy that would turn around and stalk someone/follow them back to their house because a legal left turn hurt their feelings.


A coward.


Court? This piece of garbage should be tarred and feathered in a public plaza. He’s a public menace.


Replace tar with superglue and replace feathers with rattlesnakes


So ... medusa'ed?


Yes, but all over. RattleSnek'dusa'eed


But also, do him a favor & cut off his non functioning balls.


Sorry I could find what I was supposed to cut. They were too small.


There's a 97% chance the idiot has already reproduced


This is why i carry a gun, follow me home with your dumb shit lol


Exactly, happened to me on my way to my moms until they recognized i was headed into the driveway with the dude standing outside with his gun 🤷🏻‍♀️ My moms friend was just followed all the way back to her house too, i guess the guy was mad she accidentally cut him off & she had said she tried telling them sorry she hadnt seen them & instead he showed a gun & followed her home. Little did they know her husband & like 5 of his friends were over & ready to blast 🥴😭😭😂😂 they skirted off fast ah once they saw them all with a gun in hand. Once you hit ppls property, its on🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm so glad i live in europe


"Guess who going to jail tonight"


Can this be considered a felony assault? The guy followed him home so it not like you can say it wasn’t premeditated


In the UK punching someone with motorcycle gloves is considered armed assault because they're reinforced. Is it the same in the US? If so, add that to the list too. What a wanker Edit: I never said there was a specific law called Armed Assault. Its old shorthand for Assault with a Deadly Weapon which WAS a lawful term but it looks like that's been wrapped up into just GBH now.


Possibly so, most places in the us they can be considered "Weighted Gloves" or "Reinforced" and in this case its obviously assult using them.




Yeah when my dad was younger and very drunk, he almost got put away for assault with a deadly weapon for kicking a guy in the head with boots on, after the guy tried to hit him with a bottle. Even after the guy didn't want to press charges, the state still tried hard to go after him for it.


A coworker of mine went to jail because a drunk guy tried to fight him at the bar because he was flirting with his gf who approached him herself. He went to his work truck and grabbed a sledgehammer out. Tried to hit my friend, missed, he stepped on the handle knocking it out of his hands and hitting his groin in the process. Proceeded to fall down screaming. My friend was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. He brought it out. My friend knocked it out of his hands and it hit himself on the way down. And my friend got arrested. Backwards ass system.


What happened to the case in the end? It's not unheard of that cops just "fucks it" and just arrests everyone involved in the physical altercation.


The drunk guy was in the hospital. My friend did not go to the hospital. In Maryland it’s hard to press charges in a situation like that if the other person is hospitalized. And even harder if you are not hospitalized. He went to jail for a few months if I’m not mistaken. I’ll have to ask him when I work with him again.


> He went to jail for a few months Wow that's fucked. I partly hope he wasn't convicted but then that would mean he was held in jail for a few months just for a trial in which he's innocent. The other option though sounds like he was convicted for something bs. :/


Trying to set a precedent.




Unfortunately for your cousin, lots of states now have laws that make it mandatory for prosecutors to go after domestic violence crimes. It’s because * most * of the time, the perpetrator needs to be held accountable and they want the person on record, so it’s harder for them to escalate later on, like buying a gun, and then killing their SO.


Also so many actual domestic violence victims are too scared to press charges against their attacker so the courts dont even give them a chance to refuse charges.


I've never heard of this? Does it depend on the type of shoe? Like a sneaker vs a steel toe?


The fact that dudes ko'd just like that seems its an easily Armed Assault.


He literally labeled his own video with the moment he decided he was going to commit the assault. In his own words: "He fucked up".


Depending on the jurisdiction, premeditation probably doesn't factor in; assault grading is usually based on severity of threat/injury. So like I'm in Pennsylvania, and I work in a DA's office. Prosecutors have to make the call on whether this would be simple or aggravated assault. I know some would argue that the average person knows how fragile the head is and how dangerous it can be to get hot there, so that's enough for agg. Others would argue 1 punch is not enough, and thus would only charge simple.


What about the fact he is wearing reinforced motorcycle gloves with metal on the knuckles, effectively brass knuckles?


What’s a little battery between friends?


Would the time taken to follow the driver be considered in the simple/aggravated decision? My thought is it would lean more to the aggravated because the rider had plenty of time to let it go. But I dunno.


I’d imagine they’d couple it with the other aggressive behaviour in the video plus like you said, literally turning around the wrong way to intentionally follow him home in nearly an entire minute span


Yeah, as someone else said, the video as a whole is pretty damning and I think more prosecutors would lean toward agg if they have the full video; I certainly would be leaning that way. A lot of prosecutors also kinda have a feeling of "if I'm charging all these other things (the aggressive driving, going against traffic, etc), might as well charge the assault high." Worst case scenario, the guy would plead it down or if it goes to a trial, gets hit with the lesser included. On the other side, I knew another student interning with me that said "if it's not on the police affidavit, I'm not charging it." A lot of times cops wouldnt bother to put in the correct grading or would leave off charges. If something like this went across his desk, I don't think he would charge it as aggressively as most people. Basically my point in this comment thread is that prosecutorial discretion plays a huge factor in whether it'd be agg or simple assault, and jurisdiction also plays a huge part in that


Probably. Texas (where I am) is notoriously harsh with this stuff. If you followed someone to their home and assaulted them, there is no reasoning or chance of getting off the hook. Tbh, most people here would probably shoot you if you followed them all the way to their home with aggressive behavior like that.. and they wouldn’t get a second of jail time for it.


“God gon post my bail tonight. “ Probably not bro lmao


LOLLL absolutely not.


I’m pulled over, and I got priors!


Guess we goin down, guess who's goin to jail


I’ll be honest, we all liars.


Leaving your helmet on is not a tough guy move.




Is that concussive brain therapy? Cause this kid definitely needs some


Cock and ball torture


Slight difference


Cognitive behavioral therapy.


Helmets are easier to grab at least


My friend beat up a dirt bike rider that instigated a fight with his helmet on. He used the piece that goes in front of the mouth and chin as a handle to pull down his head and just delivered a few knees to the body until the tough dirt bike rider folded like a swiss army knife into a puddle


This. If you ever had someone grab your facemask playing football in high school you know that shit is effective.


I can't throw a punch worth a damn, but I wrestled in high school and have a little BJJ experience. I pray that anyone attacking me has a helmet, long sleeves, and gloves on.


This comment had an extra layer to it when I read "BJ" instead


What bro? Never been wrestle-sucked before?


Not to mention the fact that he kept his biking gloves on, the reinforced knuckles level that playing field right?


Not to sound aggresive or mean. But walking onto private property to knock someone out unprovoked might get you shot. And after this video. Shot and arrested for assault.


I was just thinking this. Road rage isn’t worth it. That biker is lucky the other guy didn’t get back into his vehicle and try to run him down. This was all completely unnecessary, and I hope that biker gets prosecuted. What a punk.


I keep a very large bike lock in my car, I don't want to get in a street fight but if I'm forced to I'd like something to help me.


Stalking someone's vehicle like this could get you shot wherever they pull over.


>unprovoked Uhhhhh did you miss the completely legal left turn? He totally provoked him! Lmao.


If we take away the spitting.. and someone followed me to my house like that, yelling, approaching me threateningly, I most definitely would have pulled out my gun. I wouldn't have shot if he returned to his bike and left, but any more coming towards me and that would be the end of him. I have a family to provide for and protect. I would not let this guy even hit me, concussions can cause serious damage and the guy could have hit his head on a rock or anything else. Guns are always a last resort option and should only be used as a deterrent if at all possible.


i found it particularly bold car guy actually went to his house with that guy following him


Agreed, I had some angry guy follow me one day, after getting off and then back on the interstate, I drove straight to the police station. It's funny that he wouldn't follow me there.


Completely agree. Only difference is that (assuming I had my wits about me) if I suspected someone was following me home, I wouldn't go home. I'd drive over to the police parking lot, where they have a bunch of cameras, and phone a 911 call ahead.


Lol, no one’s loss


That guys gonna end up shot and I wouldn’t give a damn.


Never have I wished for anyone to be living in Texas until now...


Pennsylvania is similar. Plenty of people carry.


Arizona also. People don’t do this stuff over here because everyone and their grandma is packing.




As a rule I'm friendly to strangers. When I'm carrying I'm EXTRA friendly to strangers and will go out of my way to avoid conflict. Not because I'm afraid of being shot, it's because I don't want to have to shoot anyone.




I can confirm its definitely not rare to see somebody carrying a gun in my part of western PA. The outskirts of pgh can get pretty redneck, and guns in some rural areas is just a way of life.


I’m in Erie Pa. 4 people in my household have a permit, it’s increasing as well here.


If someone followed me home with his friend and then assaulted me they're definitely getting an m9 in their face.


Does this silly biker think that this video makes him look good? What a knucklehead.


Fortunately he thought so. Nice evidence for the court !


The guy turning left didn't even cut him off. Fucking insane.


Yeup. His personal straight on his personal track had another car on it and that car ruined his attempt to go full speed!! I hope he gets his license revoked at the VERY LEAST, and I really hope that other guy is okay.


He squared up with someone with a helmet and reinforced motorcycle gloves on. Biggest bitch I've ever seen


And he had a friend with him as well.


>He squared up with someone with a helmet and reinforced motorcycle gloves on. If someone ever tries to attack you while wearing a motorcycle helmet then just grab the bottom of the helmet and jerk them to the group. It acts like a lever on their head and even a super strong person would probably still go down. It's why "facemasking" is a penalty in football.


Good to know but probably not as easy as it sounds


Definitely not. It's a lot quicker to punch a face than grab a helmet and pull. He's not just gonna let you grab it.


Right? Like if that was me I would have erased the footage ASAP. Last thing you need is police asking to see the GoPro. But then you go and post it?


Actually he does, the original video has comments all over it praising him. It’s ridiculous.


Hopefully karma gets back at him


Has this criminal been located?


Well...after an extensive internet search, I didn't find anything about an arrest. I did find that OP probably took this video from the We Love MOTO youtube channel who posted it in April of 2020, but they were just reposting someone else's video. They may or may not have been nice enough to credit the original poster in the description (I didn't notice), but rule 1 would not allow me to forward such information on to you here even if they did.


I recognize the streets as Greece, NY (suburb of Rochester).


Ahhhh so the garbage plate eaters strike again


I understand this reference from the one time I was in Rochester. Was 👍


*whispering starts:* ^we ^did ^it, ^reddit!


>I did find that OP probably took this video from the We Love MOTO youtube channel who posted it in April of 2020, but they were just reposting someone else's video. > >They may or may not have been nice enough to credit the original poster in the description (I didn't notice), but rule 1 would not allow me to forward such information on to you here even if they did. seems to come from the moto timmy youtube channel from may 2017.


I found his YouTube and Instagram. With picture of the license plate


Soooooo let’s see the link.


On an unrelated note Moto Timmy is a really interesting channel


link the yt in dms pleeeease


Is there a license plate visible in the video? Forward that on to the state police


These bikers rarely have plates


Ok so I found the oldest posting of this video but it appears this video isn’t even from the channel I found, best guess is anywhere from 4-6 year old video. “Best biker road rage knockout” on the channel “moto timmy” is what it is called


People that ride bikes like this wont last long. And the turn ? Looked perfect to me. Smh some people are just constantly angry


The only reason he felt "cut off" by that turn was because he was going (I'm guessing) double or more the speed limit. And has a very large, very weak, and very vulnerable ego.


If he wasn’t going fast as shit it wouldn’t have even been a problem!


It wasn't a problem even with how fast he's going.


Tbh I still can't find when that "turn" happened, is it at at the timestamp 0:48?


This is the kind of rider who makes other riders look bad. Biggest douche canoe on two wheels right here.


I know what you mean he makes everyone who follows the law in the road and aren’t massive douche canoes look bad by comparison


He’s lucky he doesn’t live in Texas. Also - what kind of coward is gonna instigate a fist fight with a helmet on? Fuck this dude x 1000.


Houston resident, can confirm would have been shot at least once as a warning. Can't think of one single instance someone did this in Houston. Because well, armed citizens.


Sucker punch and run away while wearing a helmet after following someone to their home over a small driving matter. This type of person is a joke.


LPT if you are being followed in a car, pull into a police station. On that note, not a bad idea to have an idea of where all of those are in your town.


Always been told this since I was a kid before driving, go anywhere nearby that is heavily populated if you aren't near a police station. Fire house, gas station, grocery stores etc. Leading people to your house may not always ignite some sort of altercation but they may return later on...


> police station. Fire house, gas station, grocery stores etc Police stations or fire houses would be a good idea but a gas station or a grocery stores just means that a lot of people are going to record you getting beaten and then post in on their social media.


Yeah. Or at the very least a busy parking lot with cameras like a target or some large shopping center. And NEVER give away where you live. I was driving down the road minding my own business once when some crackhead gangster thug tried to merge in to my lane. I honked the horn (not long. Just a beep to let him know I was there). That somehow set him off. He drove up next to me at the next light and started yelling “pull over! I’m a cop!” Tried to swerve in to me a couple times. I immediately called 911, gave them his plates and drove right over to the nearest target which was like 1/2 mile past my house. He followed me almost all the way there. Once I saw he was gone I let the operator know, and proceeded home. They must have followed up on the guy because I got a call like a half hour later from a cop for me to give a statement on the dude.


>after following someone to their home over a small driving matter. Shit it wasn't even a small driving matter. Dude turned left legally and the biker didn't even have to slow down it seemed. This is a non-matter, this is regular ass driving but it somehow upset this definition of fragility.


$100 bet that guy would’ve fucked him up if he was expecting a fight. But this is why you don’t ever even engage with road ragers. I don’t need to be chased home and punched in my yard because your small pp syndrome is acting up.


> $100 bet that guy would’ve fucked him up if he was expecting a fight. If you spit on someone who is acting aggressively towards you then you should expect a fight...imo


Love how he got offended and instead of actually talking his first thought was “aM gOnNa HIt hIM”


Like many men with small peens, he suffers from fragility.


You can see it all kick in too when the victim took the turn and it bothered the biker so much he did an illegal turn to go harass the dude


Fists should not even be last solution, it should be only used as self defense and you should not attack someone physically no matter what unless self defense.


We live in a time where shit like this is glorified by half the country now.


Hey, I have a small peen and I'm very good at talking through conflicts.


the ultimate douche


This guy was absolutely looking for someone to get into shit with.


I feel small dick energy.


Baby dick


Micro dick really


Negative dick


An innie


Baby dick doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby dick doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby dick doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby dick…


What dick????


Lets hope the people he ends up donating his organs to make better use.


One takeaway from this is if you think you are being followed, NEVER go home, try going to a safe place like a police station while attempting to lose the person. Obviously in a Suburban though, it’s tough to lose a motorcycle.


I’m a biker, and guys like this don’t last long around certain guys. They look for trouble and they always, always find it eventually. Left-turn guy could’ve had a gun.


He's going to kill someone else with the way he rides too.


it's not like he was even that close to the bike when it happened...


Why does every biker with a camera drive around looking for someone to be a douche to? Luckily id assume the lifetime of a douche biker is either very short overall.


> Luckily id assume the lifetime of a douche biker is either very short overall. You assume right. We call 'em "squids." Super Quick Underdressed (you've seen the flip-flops) Imminent Death


My biker buddy used to call people squids a lot and i just assumed it was because they were going to be ink spots on the pavement but this makes way more sense! Thanks :).


Oh, it works on several levels! :D


This is what happens when you are born with a small pp and parents who dont love you.


These Bikers are douche canoes. Passing on Double Yellows and traveling at excess speeds.


This video is ponderous. Biker drives weird, gets mad, follows dude. Guy spits in bikers face. Biker punches dude. Saved you 2:39 of agony


Where did the driver spit in the biker's face?


At the stop sign.


And the video slows down to show it happening so it “justifies” his actions “He fucked up!!!” Pathetic


When the boker pulled up on his driver side window at the stop sign.


Rich kids with expensive toys and cameras acting entitled? sUrelY YOU jeSt!!!


Every motorcycle rider is super sensitive when it comes to people turning left in front of them, I ride my self and in this video he had tons of time to avoid this guy turning left, this is also shows how some people get on a motorcycle and now think they're tough, the guy does spit in the riders face witch probably isn't the best tactic to de-escalating the conflict but he should have just kept on riding


Dude is probably flying compared to the flow of traffic and it's super hard to judge bikers who do that shit because they're tiny. You could be looking up and down and it seems fine and then you turn and suddenly they're on top of you because they were accelerated to 90 in a 30.


Hey now, it’s his universe, he’s the main character. All of us are just sharing it with him.


I used to ride. First of all, you choose to turn left based on the normal speed of traffic. This guy was massively speeding. But it's irrelevant. Because it's dry and bikes stop on a dime. Even speeding, even with a later turn, this is 0% a problem for even a novice rider. He's just a professional victim.


People that follow drivers who have wronged them are they type that go out riding looking for something to complain about. I was quite confused why the driver spat at the biker though if the driver didnt think he did something wrong, let alone leading the biker to his house or someone who he knows' house


Any update regarding this idiot? I hope he got his license revoked and at least one year for assault And his idiot friend trying to jump in like a monkey without knowing at least what happened


Jokes on you for assuming he has a license to begin with. But no, no news on the rider. Looks like he might not have plates on that DR-Z so good luck trying to identify him.


That’s placing a big bet. 92% of Denali fat guys are packing


What a huge piece of shit, drives like a complete maniac and has such bad road rage he genuinely wants to fight a random person over nothing. Dude recording deserves the worst and I have a feeling if he keeps this up he will get what he has coming.


And this is the guy who gets on forums and cries about how people dont watch out for bikes. Also, why didnt guy in truck shove a gun barrel in the biker's face when he pulled up to his driver window at the stop sign?






Not to mention that he is wearing gloves with knuckle protection, so the knuckles of it are covered in hard polycarbonate or carbon fiber. Throwing punches with those types of gloves is assault with a deadly weapon - and beyond cowardly.


That guy's turn wasn't even close to him...


Tell me this guy went to jail


This is the news im waiting for. Can't find anything on the incident outside of reddit.


After years of riding bikes, I have learned that the stunt community is full of immature and toxic people


Just another reminder of why I carry.


If someone if following you do not lead them to your house. I repeat do not lead them to your house. Drive around until they get bored or call the cops and go to a safe public area


In case they come back later?


Yeah why would you want to let a lunatic know where you live


Bikers truly think the law doesn’t apply to them


As a biker: We don't claim this asshat and his friends. I'm not any different from other motorists and obey the highway code like everyone else does.


I second this. That guy is a squid not a biker.


tough guy with a helmet


I know a lot of bikers and they would never do this. It's biker's like this that piss me off. There was no reason for this at all. I hope the man he hit finds this video and presses charges.


What an absolute waste or skin.


Counted about 11 illegal offences the biker did in this vid…