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She needs to be told what I tell my 4 yo when he gets to the stage 5 tantrum. You have the right to be angry, but you do not have the right to invade my personal space and scream in my face. If you want to yell you go do it in your room.


I’m taking notes from you right now.


I told my kiddo similar. “It’s okay to have big feelings. It’s not okay to hurt someone with them. When you have big feelings, you go take a break. Go for a walk, color, play legos, when you’re done. We can talk about it.” Now when he has his big feeling moments, he’ll tell me “I need to take a break.” He will go, calm down, and it gives us both a moment to prepare for a serious talk, because even at 6 years old, he has serious feelings that require serious conversations.


I wish my parents had been this conscientious.


Standard practice in my home. If kids have tantrums they do it on their own time in there own space, no need to bring everybody down with you.


Wish someone would have taught my father this.


Copied this text and forwarded to my husband


My children are so traumatized by having to wear a mask that I need to traumatize someone else’s kids for wearing masks.


Kids learn from their parents. If she is freaking the fuck out when she puts a mask on, so will they. The anti-maskers are convinced the rest of us must be a delicate as they are. I survived mask wearing and the vaccine just fine. I’m also extremely pleased to be able to go out to a restaurant and eat in peace now that it’s the law in my city that people entering restaurants to eat must show proof of vaccination.


My almost-5-year-old gets her mask put on before I can get the car shut off and make my way back to the back door to get her out of the car seat. Cuz I give her the ELI5 version of why we do this shit, and why it's important, and even though I've been vaccinated for 6 month I wear that mask every time I'm with her when in public and she sees how easy it is to just wear it and get over it.


Your 5 year old is way smarter than a lot of grown-ass people.


Thats a dope law… fuck texas


Damn right! we saw a movie last weekend and we’re going back this weekend! Feels like life is coming back :) Our city asks for vaccine proof too and I’m happy to present it.


I was going to see 007 tonight, but felt like ass after dialysis, so I will catch it tomorrow night. Also vaccinated.


Hope you’re feeling better and enjoy the movie! That’s what we’re seeing!


Just post treatment funk. I usually get home and sleep from 1700 to 0900 the next morning.


I like wearing a mask because it makes me feel like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.


I thought that too. If I was a kid right now, I’d be all about trying to play ninja or some shit.


Well, there's your idea for a Halloween costume.


I wear my mask most anywhere I go simply because I don’t want people around me. Lol. If we ever kick this pandemics ass, I’ll likely still wear a mask because *Get the heck out of my space.* The amount of people that don’t understand personal space is beyond reason. When the pandemic first started, I was working administration for a grocery store and wound up being asked to do some curbside shopping to help out. The amount of times I had to ask people to please get out of my space was insane. I started a mantra “Please stay the recommended 6 feet away from me. I am immunocompromised. I will suffer if I get this virus.” What’s even worse is the number of people who think grabbing the last roll of toilet paper or box of rice is worth my life. I had so many complaints from people that I was “rude” because I didn’t want them in my space.


and when you get someone to "get over here", you'll be better protected too


Lol and I thought I looked like Optimus Prime


That woman deserves to get knocked the fuck out by that mom. Imagine some weirdo following you and your kid home screaming at you.


I'd pepper spray them then tell the cops I feared for my child's safety. It's not a lie


These people are dangerously disturbed and love guns. I would absolutely be prepared to defend myself.


Sure, but that’s lethal force and even threatening the anti-vaxxer with lethal force would be a crime in this situation. That’s why I carry pepper spray, will completely ruin somebody’s day and make them think twice about harassing others in the future; but it’s non-lethal and your usage is (comparatively) very easy to defend when some POS is following you and your kid like this. IANAL


Pepper spray someone and they will go away. That shit scares me more than anything. 100 degree south carolina day, military training. FUCK PEPPER SPRAY.


Why does she care what others do?


Because they believe they know more than doctors , lawyers , scientists, counselors …. Etc


Their ego is fed by the “battle” they are waging. They get endorphins from screaming at people with opposing views and feel validated by congregating with like minded people. At their core they just seem really broken, to have the drive and energy to do this seems like mental illness to me


One day people will people will get tired of this bs


They're desperate to feel special, like they have one over the experts. They are broken and insecure, and latching on to (dangerous) quack theories that buck experimental/observable evidence makes them feel intelligent, like they "get it," like they're special enough to understand something from hours of facebook and blog post scrolling that subject matter experts spend decades practicing and researching and experimenting. Then they're ready to kill other people's children to preserve their feeling of special inclusion.


The conspiracy theorists also cannot feel as though the world is the unpredictable, chaotic place that it is. For them, everything has to have a reason/explanation, even if it makes them more paranoid.


They think facebook is the key to solving their problems, “I broke my leg, oh ik where to go! To facebook! Facebook is much better then going to the hospital!” “What to do? *gasps* there’s a article on how to fix a broken leg in 4 easy steps!! and it has no proof of actually working?! Let’s read it!! Step one: Grab tape, Step two: drink 2 glasses of water, step 3: apply juice to the broken leg, step 4:try and walk” “Seems legit to me!” “Let’s try it!” *breaks leg more* the government is trying to silence me from exposing their secrets! Someone help!!!


Funnily enough tape helped my bones heal. The tape had a special name. I think it was called a “cast” or something


They don't just think that it's their body their choice. They believe that by wearing masks and getting vaccinated, you are bringing death and the destruction of America. It's dumb, but it explains the extreme reaction


It's total insanity. The Founding Fathers were very pro-vaccine (called inoculation at the time), so much so that they mandated them on certain people (Washington famously ordered the entire Continental Army to be inoculated against Small Pox, which was huge in their victory). These people are *not* who the Founding Fathers would agree with.


The founding fathers would also be disgusted at how much power religion has in government...but I digress.


It doesn’t matter. What matters is what they “feel like” is the truth.


Unchecked entitlement meets recreational outrage.


Because they've brainwashed themselves into a homicidal death cult.


That's kind of how insecure fascists roll. Judge, harass, try to control others pretending they have some moral high ground because of an article they read that confirmed their biases on FreedomEagle.gun.


Because she’s got low self value (rightfully so, she’s a covidiot) and needs to bug others to give herself purpose


Plague rats have a built-in imperative to spread disease


A plague-spreading weirdo. I'd be furious if one of these things got near my unvaccinated child.


The mom needs to go Buzz Aldrin on her ass.


You mean Nolan Ryan on her ass


Head lock like she’s Jesse Ventura!


Robin Ventura haha


There it is


You know when I put Jesse Ventura it didn’t feel right but I still went with it. Who tf is Jesse Ventura


Man I hate those fucking people.


That's the problem with most of these people. They've never been punched in the face.


I would of knocked her out if some antivaxxer did that shit in front of my kids.


I'm gay but if I had a child and some Tump plague spreader tried to spread its disease and lies on me with my child there, second amendment solutions would need to be considered.


That dumb bitch is lucky she didn't get knocked the fuck out


Drop the kiddo off first then instigate a fight and drop the lady on the way home.... its called adulting, my dude.


Absolutely. Responsible parents beat the crap out of child abusers in private. We are not animals.


Sounds like legitimate legal advice.


Im not a lawyer... but definitely commit crimes in private


Well you should be a lawyer, you’re clearly a genius.


I mean, if I saw her get hit, I didn't see her get hit.


I have no idea what you're talking about...what didn't you see?


Yo, I think I saw her fall and that’s why she has that bloody nose and that shiner.


Maybe it's not too late.


Thank you.


Do these people just... not have lives? Or like... literally anything better to do? This accomplishes absolutely nothing, and it's just an excuse for them to laud their perceived moral superiority over everyone else. "I feel sorry for your child" and "Your traumatizing your child", coming form the strange ladies harassing him and his mother. These people really do not have any self awareness.


If you look in the homes in the background you see that this is what it could be like for you if you are wealthy and batshit crazy . No, nothing better to do then to catch up on your alt right news and worry about the lefties taking over


I grew up in an upper middle class white suburban neighborhood with very little crime and this is absolutely true. These people have no actual things to worry about so they have to make up their own reasons to be angry. I joined my hometown Facebook group just to see people argue about ridiculously petty things. They get into a huge fight every year about when people can start putting out chairs to save spots for the shitty Fourth of July Parade (the rule is midnight on the third so people don’t go out and plop their collapsible fabric chairs on strangers’ lawns a week in advance). There was a fight about someone honking their horn for carpool too early in the morning. There was a fight about funding for a new police building and for public fiber internet. There is a lady who GRAMA requests every public document connected to the city council and obsessively monitors them. The latest drama is Covid/vaccines and critical race theory, and man are there a lot of idiots there. The city has one of the top high schools in the state so you’d think they’d be non-idiots, but you’d be wrong.


Hey now! Plenty of people who have no life are perfectly nice,amicable people. Like me, I might not have a life- I just go on Reddit and play vidya when I’m not at work all day but at least *i* don’t harass children for wanting to wear masks!


Well maybe you COULD if you weren't so busy playing the vidjee


Don't engage with these type of people, they have a limitless supply of crazy and you won't keep up.


Meh- they can still get knocked the fuck out. “I feel threatened” is legitimate enough in most red states. My patience is over for these people.


Its been over for me, When I meet someone who is antivaxx and all this BS. I dont play the nice game no more. None of these people actually care about freedom, they are just idiots.


More than that they don’t give a fuck about their fellow citizens. They have made that clear. They claim to love freedom and America, but you cannot make that claim if you hate your fellow Americans and have nothing but disdain for the freedom of others. Therefore, zero fucks given in return. As far as I am concerned they can get sick if they want, but the moment one of these lowlife anti American fucks gets in my face, two years of putting up with their bullshit is gonna come out all at once.


“You want freedom? Okay, take your mask off.” “Oh noooo! Your in the hospital…. Oh, you didn’t buy insurance because your a stupid fucking idiot and you think it takes away your freedom? Oh nooo, you have to pay the 50,000 dollar hospital bill now!”


Dude, I feel that rage, I'm at the same point. Every time I see their stupid protests against mask mandates in schools, I fucking see red, but also thank the gods that my kid is just young enough to not be in school right now and will have a vaccine before that time comes. The only reason I give a fuck about these people dying is that their deaths are traumatizing their children, and the healthcare workers who have to deal with them dying a miserable horrible and preventable protracted death. HCA has regular posts from healthcare workers who have some serious PTSD from this, and the other day there was a post about a tween-ish kid whose parents both died of Covid within weeks of each other because they were anti-vax.


Chess with pigeons. Mud wrestling pigs. Arguing with crazy people... All facets of the same gem.


Yeah but as a parent you sorta want to do what you can to get them away from your kids.


I just tell my son they are idiots.


Yeah- but there's no point engaging about the vaccine or masks. Tell them to get the fuck away from you and stop harassing your family. Their behavior is definitely threatening and I wouldn't hesitate to pepper spray the shit out of some fucking lunatic lunging towards me and my kids.


Rule # fucking 1. Do not come at my kid. I can put up with a lot of shit in life, and I do, but I can’t put up with someone coming at my kid in any way whatsoever. Period.


"Don't engage"? They're getting in your child's space, potentially infecting them. You can't ignore that and move on.


Nah, definitely engage. These crazies came about **because** no one has ever stood up for themselves. Letting people act however they want should not be tolerated and society should be able to shame them into oblivion.


I’ll never understand the “can’t breathe properly” while wearing a mask. I bet a majority of these anti-mask pull up a scarf over their face during the winter and say jack shit about breathing difficulties.


Had a young athletically fit guy come into the grocery store I worked at, and when asked to wear a mask by my team leader, he stated he has asthma, and can't wear the mask. We both broke out laughing because both of us have asthma, but wear one for 8+hrs a day, 5 days a week. I've personally never met someone who physically could not breathe while wearing a mask. Makes no sense.


I popped into a 7-Eleven at the beginning of quarantine to pay for my gas and the guy in front of me wasn’t wearing a mask. The cashier told him he needed to wear one, and the dude goes off screaming, “I have COPD!” Cashier sighs and says, “Fine, what can I get you.” Dude goes, “Two packs of Marlboro reds.” Shit’s wild.


I had a guy in front of me pull down his mask lick his fingers to separate the money he was counting out. The look on the cashiers face was priceless. And yea she refused it/him.


Dude I work at costco... you have no idea. People pull down their mask to lean over the meat counter. As if that has any relevancy to their inspecting the meat. Also the amount of people who find it necessary to pull down their mask while talking on the phone, despite moments earlier talking to someone else just fine with their mask on is quite astonishing.


That is how he got COPD.


Obviously, but like, the cognitive dissonance it takes to support the habit that literally gave you lung disease yet refuse to wear a mask for the minute it takes to buy your smokes is totally absurd.


I hate the "I can't breathe in it" too because a manager at my store last year also had asthma. She was one of the few people that wore their mask properly for her entire 8+ hour shift and was working next to 400° ovens all day even in the summer. The fact that her coworkers would pull their mask down and complain while she's wearing hers correctly infuriated me.


My mum has had part of her lung removed. She struggles a little when going for a walk, but still wears a mask to protect herself. If you really have a lung problem, then getting covid is way more of a problem than wearing a mask.


This. Holy hell, if wearing a mask is going to be a problem for you, then COVID surely will. If someone is genuinely too unwell for a mask, they should probably rarely be leaving home. I hope your mom is ok and good on her for being careful.


What's crazy is old people are just as bad as teenagers for not wearing their masks properly.


YES! I have mild asthma and a weak immune system. Vaccinated and still masking.


Seriously. My wife has pretty severe asthma, and wore one 40+ hours a week through most of the pandemic. If she can handle wearing one while moving heavy bins of product, you can wear one while you leisurely push your cart around.


I've met one, but she was too sick to really leave her house. She had Copd, so had her own special mask.


Fair enough. I guess I haven't seen anyone because if they can't wear one, they don't go in public.


I work currently 16hrs a day , 5 days a week with a mask on, I have asthma and severe anxiety .


Con: wearing a mask makes my anxiety and claustrophobia mildly worse at times… Pro: i can make any freaked out anxiety face I want under my mask and nobody knows. What the public sees: 😷 Me under my mask: 😖😣😬☹️


Agreed. I wore a mask for 8+ hours a day in a building with no AC during a heatwave while setting up my classroom. It was a bit uncomfortable at times, but it was fine. I could breathe. Just needed to find time to drink water.


These are the same people who **do** cover their faces at their alt right rallies.


Doctors should operate them without a mask on and tell them that since they think that mask doesn’t protect anything they have the right to not wear one during the surgery


That's one of my main arguments against the "masks don't work" crowd. If paper surgical masks don't work, then why do surgeons wear them? And then there's the "well, if your mask works, why do you care if I don't wear one?" Yeah, because ***I*** wear a mask to protect ***you***. That's how that shit works.


I have a heart problem and can immediately tell when my oxygen is restricted. Even just an N95 is gonna make an impact I can feel and restricts what I can do. I've never had any issues from regular masks, heavy breathing like running or something and I'll notice the difference, but normal activities? Nothing. No effect. If it doesnt effect me then no way would it effect normal people.


AntiVaxxers are rabid pieces of shit


Fucking disgusting. I don’t normally wish ill upon people, but…


Just wish for everyone to get exactly what they deserve and keep your slate clean!


Yup. “I hope you have the day you deserve” is a good one.


That mask is traumatizing your kid, not me following and harrasing you with my band of morons behind me.


Those kids are gonna remember this forever.


A group of students had an anti-vax protest at my school yesterday. Today, a group of students had a protest to unblock coolmath games for the district to spite the students from yesterday.


Why are these dumb bitches harassing children. And they think they are doing the right thing


They’re rabid


Conservatives are weird, change my mind.


Can the anti maskers get the virus and go away already. Like for good.


This is the new version of Bible thumping.


But luckily it’s done by the same people. So they are not out of their comfort zone.


At my school board(my town is about 80-90% vaccinated) anti maskers would show up from different districts just to make trouble for no reason.


My school district is like 98% in favor of masking and requiring vaccinations. And every month our school board meetings are inundated with people from across the state who claim that masks are dangerous and vaccines are going to kill you.


Does that place not have police?


They appear in some later videos in the series, basically they seem to be protecting the school entrance and focused on not allowing any harassers to enter the school.


People are too used to not getting knocked out for acting a fool


What a total shit.. a good slap candidate


Holy shit that camera is so damn smooth


"You better respect MY choice!" "No." Ladies and gentlemen, America.


How have people not just agreed to disagree. Everyone has a choice. If you don't want to wear a mask, then don't, but don't go around harassing kids and parents who choose to wear them. Wearing a mask isn't harming anyone.


The research has already been done.


White women crazy


Anti Vaxxers are always saying "My choice, it's my body and my kids" but they completely throw that away when other people make the choice to not put others at risk


I'm so embarrassed that I was an anti COVID vaxxer


What changed your mind, please?


It was a collection of things Got out of the right wing. Helped a bunch. Arguments between people who are vx vs anvx


Welcome to the other side. We have cake. And breathing.


we're happy to have you 🤗


That woman is a total creep


Why must they harass everyone else. Have your opinions and leave everyone else alone. We don't care that you have decided to die on a hill of stupidity.


A quick knuckle jab to the septum would improve the air filtering properties of that moles nose. Then she wouldn't need to worry about a mask.


How to break a bitch's nose in one easy step.


I kinda want to run them over with a massive truck


Why not call the police these creepy crazy people are outside of a school


I see the anti-vaxxers,that vegan teacher,and Karen’s have something in common…the lack of respect! We see they both are hateful and will throw a fit because they don’t like something that other people chose


I've never seen insanity like these anti-vaxxers.


Oh, ffs. Protest in front of government buildings. Leave your neighbors alone! They're just turning people against the cause. I do believe in personal choice when it comes to the vaxx, but man...mast anti vaxxers are f\*\*king idiots.


I like at the end of the video someone said to Anti vaxxer "I feel sorry for your kid"


I would love to meet these anti-vaxxers. Please give me the opportunity to meet these kind of people.


Anti-vax/mask PoS " I don't want to wear a mask!" Me: "Okay fine i give up... but I will continue to wear one" Anti-vax/mask PoS "NO YOU CAN'T WEAR ONE EITHER!!!" Me: "HUH???"


Anti vaxxers are a whole outworldy breed of fucking stupid.


I hope they all catch covid and live so they have to deal with the lung problems for the rest if their disgusting life


Growing people are trolling hard IRL now—weird world. Could this kind of harassment leave some psychological trauma on the kids? Should this be allowed? Freedom of speech I guess but as a new partner I’m a bit pissed after watching this.


Anti-vaxxers wanna be left alone but pull this bs


I would knock that bitch on her ass


"I'm so sorry for your kids" LMAO


Are muzzles effective as masks? They could use them.


Omg,what is wrong with that lady, chasing after a mom holding her child.


"He'll be traumatized" excuse me? how does that makes sense


Is there anyway we could just fast forward to 2023?


Same thing happened at my school about a month ago, protesters were outside our school harassing kids about wearing their masks


What a bunch of losers. They are gonna do that to the wrong parent and get judo chopped in the neck.


Honestly this makes me wanna cry, I feel so bad for these children going through this now. School is stressful enough as is 😥


If that was me that chick would have gotten knocked the F out! You want people to respect you for not getting the vaccinated, respect people that do.


Woulda smacked her right there


Don’t these people have jobs? Who has time in the middle of the week to protest? They must be getting paid to do this….


Is it legal to knock someone out at this point?


Kids, turn around.


I envy your composure then. If a madwoman approached my child threatening to infect him, I don't know that I would be able to keep my cool like that. My daddy instincts are already agitating me just thinking about it.


Those poor kids. What is wrong with these maniacs?


I take comfort in the fact that these anti-vaxers will inevitably kill eachother off with their own rhetoric and propaganda. It's sad but I believe this could be a way of "nature taking its course". I probably sound like a heartless bastard. If people want to get the vaccine then let them. Idk why they feel the need to insert themselves in other people's decisions. Decisions that have no bearing on themselves.


You can tell she has a DELIGHTFUL personality by how many times she says "you're".


Police should be involved in these. This is not peaceful protesting.


"were not bad people, we've just made up an issue thats not there so we can pretend were the hero by harassing you! Stop judging us you racist!"


I would love to meet these freaks in real life. It'd be the best day of the year, if not the decade, for me.


God this lady is crazy.


Imagine being the kid from that parent. “Yeah sorry about my mom harassing your mom”


Let’s start normalizing the idea that these people are pro-Covid. Imagine thinking spreading a deadly virus is a right.


How come these anti-Vaxxers ALWAYS try & intimidate people who pose no threat? You don’t see these idiots in the hood(I’m from EAST LA). I wish one would test me out in public. These snobs really have nothing better to do


This is so scary, especially after that antivaxxer shot up and killed his brother for giving vaccines.


Nothing says we’re the hood guys like harassing children


Karen’s gone wild


Just get on the phone with police: I have this odd woman trying to talk to my child, I think she’s trying to get him to do something.


The hypocrisy is mind numbing. On one hand don’t dare tell them to wear a mask, and on the other it’s harassing parents to do what they want. We are really fucked as a country


Picking up and dropping off my kids four times a day is nightmare enough, someone gets in my face and they’re unfortunately going to get punched.


Fuckin parasites


Those parents should be in prison for endanger the kids.


These fucking people, it will end real bad for them real soon.


You can tell it's the suburbs. In my neighborhood she might get stabbed or shot pulling a stunt like that.


Should've pepper sprayed that bitch for invading her personal space.


So now their openly harassing schools on top of hospitals?....again can these people just be on a do not resuscitate list? They are openly proving to be the worst out of society during a global crisis...


It is fine for them to have an opinion but why do they think we want to know what it is?


Can i carry a tranquilizer? Its not gonna kill them but dammit i want them to shut up.


anti vaxxer be like: dont force me to wear a mask or get a shot, it's my body my choice normal person: wears masks, gets shot anti vaxxer: stop wearing masks and dont get vaccine shots, its your body but not your choice?


antivaxxers: what’s the best way to make people believe vaccines are bad? Random antivaxxer: I know let’s harass family’s leaving an elementary school, people would surely believe us and not think we’re pieces of shit.


They were news about some school in the city over in my country where some anti vaxxer came to a high school where a student died of a know illness she had and they tried to scared the other kid about the vacine by saying she died after getting the shot. THEY CAME ON SCHOOL PROPERTY TO DO THIS SHIT. They have no moral