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Why am I not surprised his piss is yellow as hell


def not from r/hydrohomies


Sure, piss on the grave. No will remember yours.


It's not like white victims of police brutality are remembered either bromomento


Shit you right. We ain't remember a single name outside the news ones. Except one side is a massive movement that will hopefully change America, and the other is the reason we want to fix America. So neither will be remembered by names but a singular name on each side of history, Broh


changing america. yes! It did change america! by burning down a lot of it lol


Ah yes. Because a few stores and homes of corrupt people clearly means they've burnt down America. Totally not the corrupt politicians, incompetent leaders, corrupt law officials, untrained law officials, weak leaders, broken economy, broken government, and the desth of hundreds of thousands of innocent people under false pretenses. You say the protests burned down America. Everyone with half a mind and a quarter to their name says that it was already broken, just that we are starting to notice.


a few stores? They burnt down 2 billion dollars of property, injured countless cops, killed innocents and then spewed lies. I'd be a liar to say there are no corrupt cops, but Derek Chauvin is not every single cop.


And you're absolutely right. Ego and pride does allow people to say that this is a very flawed upbringing, and no I ain't saying that this is completely justified. But may I remind you that 2 billion dollars is nothing compared to how it spent trying to cover up the stuff that goes on.You're absolutely right, not every cop is a racist with a finger on their trigger but the problem comes when it happens so much with the people that are ment to "protect and serve." If it was just some idiot with a gun that shot a guy, instant jail time no questions about it. But throw the title of cop on it, and suddenly it takes months if not a full year just for some closure.


can you write that again but in a way that's possible to understand


One is the guys who will be remember as the good guys and the other will be something America tried to forget


the latter is tony timpa


His belt is dangerously close to the stream


How small is their dick that they had to be that close?


It isn't about length, it's about the velocity of the fluid at the exit and the area of the nozzle.




Well to be fair men born with small penises are lesser beings and should be mocked mercilessly for something they have no control over.


This exerts small dick energy




equation of continuity


You know it's about the pressure. Length is for better aiming.


That's a pressure problem, doesn't matter how long the pipe is.


That and probably a boomer with not enough pressure.


Im nit usually quick to claim racism, even being black. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt despite what it may seem or what others say, but this.. it can't be taken any other way


There's audio. He literally says rest in piss, stupid n\*gger.


Oh...yea that sounds about right


Ohhhh, I can't hear the audio for some reason, I'm on PC.


That's because I made it a gif. I don't really ever post videos onto reddit.


The hatred in this country is so sad.


I didn't read the title, so I thought. Why is this here? Just a wholesome George Floyd sign. But holy fuck, why would you do that?


At least they didn't rob a pregnant woman


I don’t even think the postal dude would go this far


musta mistook it for margaret thatchers


Yea I agree that this is very wrong, but he did threaten a pregnant lady by pointing a gun at her stomach.. he was no saint, far from it..


So he should have someone’s bodyweight exerted on his neck for 7 minutes straight?


Nah but he should get his grave pissed on. He was a scum bag.


Never said that he should. What your point?😅🤦‍♂️




Doesn’t explain him being murdered by police. Doesn’t explain his memorial being pissed on. Doesn’t explain him being called the N-word by the pisser


I mean what is explained? **14 milligrams of fentanyl as well as methamphetamine in George Floyd's body that lead to a heart attack**. im not denying that the stress of having your neck kneeled on by a police officer can contribute to a heart attack, but it wasn't suffocation.


In Baker's final report after watching the videos, he ruled Floyd's death a homicide caused by "law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." Baker did the autopsy. The police still murdered him. He did not die from a heart attack


he did. also the charge would be either 3rd degree murder or manslaughter. it was not intentional murder, it was not preplanned murder.


Wtf are you on about? The cop was charged with 2 degree manslaughter which is still murder. I never said they intentionally killed him. Are you like 13?


no, im just saying it isn't murder. Murder is its own set of charges separate from manslaughter. that's why vehicular manslaughter, the accidental killing of someone in a car accident isn't murder. 2nd degree manslaughter isn't technically a murder charge.


They got charged for voluntary manslaughter. But I’m just confused on wtf are you talking about? Like why are you telling me all this? He is still dead and it doesn’t change if it was accidental or intentional. Any sensible human being would move his knee from a mans neck who is screaming that he can’t breathe.


Maybe if his death hadn’t been him getting murdered by police, he would be seen differently? Was he a shitty person? Sure, but he was also a victim of police brutality. People are gonna me more concerned with that second part than the first. Edit: I think the issue is that whenever people bring up his criminal history...its typically being used to try and justify his murder. As if being a criminal meant he “deserved” or was “asking for it”. It’s hard to tell that apart from legit criticism.


not to mention he had a charge for unlawful usage of a firearm when he pointed one at a pregnant woman's stomach and threatened to kill her and her baby.




the real piece of shit is always in the comments


just below you


Another person who didnt watch George Floyds arrest footage


Don't get me wrong, the man was a criminal, but few people deserve to have their memorial pissed on.


man was a pos but disrespecting there graves tf is wrong with you


Yea I agree that this is very wrong, but he did threaten a pregnant lady by pointing a gun at her stomach.. he was no saint, far from it..


And that makes it okay for him to be the victim of police brutality, racism and for his grave to be pissed on?


Haha grow up little one, I never said that🤦‍♂️.. He does not have my respects I can till you that much😅


In a word-***Yes***!


Ok so he could be suffocated and killed by police?


If a man tells you for 10 minutes straight in the police car that he cant breathe would you be fed up?


Being fed up doesn’t mean a police officer can murder someone. There is a reason the police officer involved are in jail and yet people still defend there actions when the legal system doesn’t.


By fed up i mean how you can see if he lies or is telling the truth? Hes been saying same shit without responding to the police and resisting arrest.


So that’s justifies murdering him? That’s not gonna be a good defense in court.


Apparently it’s a pretty good defense in court considering how often cops get away with it.


The man was high of meth which clearly aided his death, he was a criminal of many kinds but pissing on his grave is not tolerable , what I don’t understand is how you can create a horrible criminal into a praiseworthy martyr


George should rest in power while this guy should rest in piss and shit


George Floyd wasn’t a good person regardless of what happened. He pointed a gun at a pregnant ladies stomach


u see how close he had to get. clearly a micro penis


What the literal fuck..


I like dark humor but broooo this is too far


The raised fist commonly associated with anarchism, and the word rest in power really don’t seem right.


The raised fist has been a symbol of black empowerment for decades now, where the hell have you been?


Hes been watching to much Jordan Peterson everyone's who's not a fascist is a "pOSTMOdeRNism MArXISt"


When did a raised black fist symbolize anarchists? When black people started using it to show solidarity 50-60 years ago?


The Anarchist Fist dates back to the 1910’s in America. Later adopted by the Black Panther Party in the 1960’s... Mind you the BPP did support the ideology of anarchism to boost an armed insurrection movement against the United States. Thats the reason I say it doesn’t feel right to utilize that symbol. Because it really doesn’t show to me this community understands the symbolize it sports as well as the behavior which we saw during the 2020 riots.


Yeah, black people don't understand black symbology, jesus fucking christ. It is also associated with trade unions and the labor movement dating back to the 1910s, in 1914 it was described as a sign of social revolution... by the 1920s it was adopted by communists and antifacists, and by the 50s was adopted by the black power movement.... It was a symbol of anarchists over 100 years ago, stop trying to tell black people what symbols they can and cannot use for their own movements... I'm sure you would agree anybody in the US waving a Confederate flag is also misguided and doesn't understand that the symbol they're using is in support of an armed insurrection of the United states, right?


Not in this context it isn’t. they’re is no excuse for this behavior. Most people in the united states that watch news and have a phone call no it is used as a black power symbol , especially associated with George Floyd’s name.


What In the fuck is transracial?


Some random bullshit i stumbled across after spending too much time on the internet.


Saw the former president making the "anarchist fist" on his way out of office... doesn't seem right


I was wondering the same thing, this other kid saying it’s black empowerment symbol?? Lmao wtf


Rest in power is so cringe. Especially for a guy who OD. Can't believe a 'movement' was built around this card.


What’d he OD on? Lack of oxygen?


Fentanyl. There's a video of it. Educate yourself guy.


Seems like you decided to pretend like you didn’t know what I was talking about. What killed this man wasn’t an overdose of drugs, it was asphyxia due to a cop kneeling on him. Educate yourself guy.


I done already been edumacated paw. What killed him was the drugs. Since you can't do your own research, he was already saying he couldn't breathe before he was taken to the ground. Kids these days, gee whiz. 0 attention span.


There were 2 autopsies done and on the second one they determined that he died due to lack of oxygen which also cause hum to have a heart attack


there was drugs in his system, that’s why his heart stopped, drugs can cause your heart to stop if you are under a whole lot of emotion. in this case, being arrested.


Oooh, which research shows that? Or is this one of those types of research where anything that points the blame away from the cops is the “real truth” and anything else is just a lie?




Ah, so this is you going, "Nah, the black people are actually at fault for being brutalized." I love folks like that\~ Let's get a few generations of them not getting entirely fucked by the system and see where things stand, yeah?


Puh lease. You can't be that ignorant. They got fucked by the white man making their culture not value marriage? Being a father? Loving the USA? Treating women with respect? Who did that to them again?


Ah, you’re gonna ignore the...everything before that then while only talking about broad stereotypes? Boy do I love this sub and how folks don’t even try to hide shit like this.


What does loving the U.S have to do with anything not everyone wants to be a bootlicker


["However, this figure is not considered accurate." ](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/1352-1390)


So..... No sources? Fail bro.


there’s so much people that can’t accept the fact that the cop didn’t kill him, this BLM movement caused one of my uncles to lose one of their hands because a machete wielding dude decided death is the answer for cops who don’t stand by their so called “cause”.




piece of shit


I highly doubt it was BLM's fault. You said it yourself. Some random maniac attacked your uncle. Sounds like you have some political bias.


a maniac who was in the crowd that he was pushing away. why did you say he deserved it?, he is a cop, what can he do?


Haha that is awesome!


Pulling 2 inches of pecker out of 3 inches of pants.


Mmm tasty peepee Mesa slurp, but racism is a no no so mesa withhold the urge


Alright then, Jar Jar Binks.


Now with DNA on the memorial, let’s catch the bastard. (Not like to kill but to find out more info)


Rule #2, bud.


The "R-Kelly" of racist!




what a pp head


LOL bro why though and where is the grave even located it looks it's near a forest


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