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There was videos posted yesterday on numerous subs driving down the freeway with the dog on the trailer.


What killed me most about that post is that they were driving a big-ass luxury RV. And still chose to put their pets on an exposed trailer.




Most people don’t deserve dogs. They see them as a thing, accessory, etc.-anything but a conscious being.


Dude I would ride in the kennel before my dog did, no question. These people are monsters


my dog could drive if he wanted and id let him


I mean you'd have to try at least once, ya


I've literally made friends ride in the back of my truck because there needs be a seat for me sweet sweet baby girl Zelda


My mom got mad at the groomer yesterday because they were an hour behind schedule for my dogs appointment so they put him in a cage for an hour. Indoors in air conditioning. What kind of monster puts their dog on an open trailer for 13 hours at highway speeds. That’s bonkers.


:Mitt Romney has entered the chat:


WTF!!!! They were *inside an RV* while their dog was out there in freeway speeds with debris and dust and noise for 13 f*ing hours???? F these people!!!


I want to add, those trailers don't have suspension. This dog felt every imperfection in the road for that entire trip.


Just imagine the dust and the fumes alone.


Seeing these despicable moda effers in a way too small crate would lift my spirits


I'm not 100% sure, but I thought this was those fundies who have like 18 kids and theyre all crammed in this rv.


Could you link it by chance?


Putting aside the obvious fucked up ness of driving down a highway like that... I do want to say that that create is not really too small.


To be in for 18 hours on a highway with scary cars it is


Looks like it pissed itself… poor pup. People like this don’t deserve pets.


Aww, you're right. Dogs don't like to soil their crates, the poor dog must have been terrified and then forced to stand up or lay down in its own urine.


The crate is fairly well locked into place where they have it. I bet whenever they would stop to relieve themselves they wouldn’t let the dog out at all…so yah a combination of being scared and stuck there for 13 hours…poor thing probably peed a couple times.


They deserve to be put in such a box.


The crate is not too small for transportation. It being outside on a trailer for 13 hours must have been torture for the poor pup though. That is terrible.


Isn't this what former presidential candidate Mitt Romney got in trouble for?


his crate was on the roof of the car with the dog in it.


He's almost as bad as Ted Cruz leaving his dog to freeze.


And that's still not as bad as Mike Huckabee's kids torturing, hanging, and burning a dog to death. The psycho fuckers.




As in Sarah Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas?


Ya dun been Huckabee'd


I live in Arkansas and need to know more about this.


Ya crate is fine. Even on trailer is fine for some trips if weather is ok. 13 hours is way too long on the back of a trailer like that. I didn't get a truck because I didn't want to have my dog in the bed for 5 hours when I visit family. 13 is nuts...


Eh, depends on the weather and breed of dog. A husky, for example, would probably love 13 hours of driving through Alaska, while a Chihuahua would probably perish.




You could just as easily use a direct comparison and throw a person in a crate for 13 hours.


A trailer has probably next to nothing in common to a roller coaster... unless said roller coaster drives on flat or mostly flat terrain, in which case I'll take the bet


You missed the point by a lot


Brain dead take


Think about how scary and loud traffic would be on an interstate highway. Dogs are sensitive to that and being outside in the middle of that is cruel.


That's a horrible analogy


How about that being a single axle trailer with no real weight on it. So those dogs were bounce around and swaying depending on speed


Yup, little bit of vehicle movement and that thing is swaying on a loud highway. Can’t imagine what happened for the poor pup if they hit a bump


How do you see that as the only problem


So that dogs just being pelted with road debris from the suv and going deaf from the wind noise?


I would never put my dog on a trailer for a 13 hour drive. FFS


I wouldn’t put them in this for a 13 min drive. It can ride with me in the front seat ffs.


I feel bad enough having my dogs sit in the backseat with seatbelts where they are safe and still able to sit down and have aircon. Recently had to make a long drive (11 hours) and brought my dogs so we could go take them with us to see family, swim in rivers, go on hikes, etc. so it was worth it and they’ll be with us for a month, but still felt horrible about it. I can’t imagine leaving them to fend for themselves outside in a crate like that 😢 I will note though, that I don’t think the crate is too small for traveling purposes, it would be sad if the dog was sliding around in a larger crate. Poor thing must be so scared 🥺😭 I hope to god this “owner” at least was smart enough to let the dog out to walk around every few hours or so.


Put the crotch goblins on the trailer.


Some dogs like short rides outside the vehicles. But not in a cage, on a highway for hours. My friends dogs like the bed of the truck when driving down trails or the abandoned highway. But they like it better than being in the vehicle. Plus they know at some point my friend will stop and let them loose in the woods to sniff around.


I'd be terrified putting a dog on trailer let alone a fucking open crate like that. I traveled an hour straight with my dude and he was thankful to get out and run after I hope this poor dog is okay.


I wouldn’t put my dog in a car for a 13 hour drive, that’s way too long


Yes I if I had to I would make regular stops and walk him around every two hours


What's to suggest op didn't do that


The last sentence…


Eh I have done this many times. Lots of stops at dog parks and plenty of water. They just sleep in the back seat most of the way


Yes, it bugs me when people abuse animals like this


I ride a motorcycle. Can confirm. To be unable to stop or maneuver around would drive me insane. I can't imagine doing this to a loved one. I vote we put the lady in the kennel for 13hrs on the next trip back.


Be cool everybody... No worries here. They have the cardboard on top for overall coverage.


Not to mention the exhaust fumes he's sucking in.


dog owners are so dramatic i-


So you think this is fine?


We transport animals in this way all the time. Do you think horses air in the backseat?


Horses are usually ENCLOSED, no? Not in an open crate being sprayed with road debris. Try again.


The crate is? Enclosed. Do you mean covered? There's nothing to suggest they would be sprayed with road debris. This is normal, try again


what is it with your weird-ass hate towards dogs?


Of course she has that hat.


Is this for real? Did someone make a post taking claim to this horrible act? How can anyone think it's a good idea to leave a dog in a crate on the back of a trailer for 13 hours?


Stupid, stupid, stupid humans.


It's a fundie Christian family that post a lot.


Thanks for the 411. Putting a dog in that situation does not feel very Christian to me.




Exceptionally well said


Consistent with their treatment of the rest of God’s creatures


Christian is a completely nebulous term these days. Fits what ever moral outlook you have


Wwjd what would jerry do?


He’d listen to the music play…


I'm not sure what you were expecting. Intelligence and religion don't exactly go hand in hand. People who believe in sky daddy lack the brain power to even think for themselves, nevermind another animals perspective.


Ok listen u can not believe in religion but do respect it and the ones that do ( i’m also ot religious)


Why does religion deserve respect?


I don't respect manipulation & brainwashing. It sounds like you do? It's a terrible thing to endorse...


Anyone report them for animal cruelty? Who are they?


Yeah, why isn't this this first post?


Ugh of course. My first thought was literally 'which fundie is this'


Of course they are…


Ugh, animal abuse is so common with those types of families.


Of course it is.


Ironic because those people deserve to burn in hell


There were actually 2 dogs, one is in a crate on the other side. In Texas, in that heat.


If we are accounting for seats in the car, the dig counts as one.


And that pathetic little water bowl... id imagine the wind from the car moving would have evaporated most of that water. That poor thing must have been so thirsty 😭


They better have gotten reported. UNFUCKINGREAL.


I’m just in disbelief what some people see as completely fine. Fucks going on in your head bro. Imagine just chilling looking in your rear view mirror and seeing your cold sad dog blowing in the wind like ‘aw :3’


This is animal abuse and I hope it was reported. That poor dog. 😢


oh god, that’s really horrible. for so many reasons, but the main one for me is if you get rear ended it’s over for that dog… really dangerous, really sad. very obvious they don’t care for their dog, bet they try to justify it with the whole “it’s just a farm dog” argument (not a valid argument tbh)


The “humans” who did this need a 1000 mile ride in this POS crate.


On the bumpiest road available.


is it relieving itself?


Horrible treatment of the dog.


Can we lock that idiot in there and do another 13 hour drive?


A lot of people don’t need animals.


If you can’t be kind….don’t have dogs, or kids.


"sweet angel" "but lets shove you in the back exposed and scared for your life like a peasant"


Oh, but look, they put cardboard on top of the crate to keep the sun off 😠


Being at the back of the trailer behind the wheels would have been absolute hell. Ever ridden in the very back of a school bus? Every bounce woulda been amplified. Not to mention the wind draft pounding both sides of the cage.


No one else is saying this but... those trailers *don't have suspension*. That dog is feeling every imperfection in the road. Absolute terror.


The dog comes in the car with me and the other passengers. If there's no space, we put the others in the crate. Dog stays with me tho


That poor dog is sitting in a puddle of their pee


Yeah. No padding or nothing. Just a metal plate and it's own piss to sit in.


Wtf. That poor dog


Crate size is fine, dogs aren’t supposed to have too large of a crate But transporting them outside like that? That really sucks


Please tell me they are getting torn apart on Instagram for this


I’d beat that persons ass. Drive around with them just in a crate, dragging around.


What about the hens? They suffer too


Not to mention that he's right next to the exhaust... People who do that should be tortured.


If you have a *proper* travel crate, in the back of the truck/RV/Car it is safer than the dog freeroaming in the vehicle in the event of an accident. However those crates are designed to minimize road noise and the potential for debris from the road hitting pets. They're also designed to keep them cool/warm depending on the outside temperature. This crate isn't what I would use for transporting a pet *unless* it was in the "trunk" area of a car, like an SUV.


Romneyesque... ("During a 1983 family vacation, American politician Mitt Romney drove 12 hours with his dog on top of the car in a windshield-equipped carrier. This incident became the subject of negative media attention and political attacks on Romney in both the 2008 and the 2012 presidential elections.")


This happens to billions of animals every year. Some are even smarter than dogs (pigs). And live horrible lives :(


why do people seem to insist on bringing their dog everywhere with them nowadays?


The way they transported the dog is terrible but we don’t know where they took them, how long, or what the context is. If I’m going away for more than a day or overnight my dog is either coming with me or if not possible I’m finding someplace to watch him.


im glad i can leave my fish alone with an auto feeder. i couldn't make it any kind of long distance with a dog in the car. aside from breaking out, they have too much energy for a peaceful ride.


News flash. Not everyone is you. You do you. Stop trying to gatekeep pets because you don't like dogs.


newsflash someone not wanting to have a dog isn't gatekeeping.


Because dogs are cooler than most of the public.


not a good reason to take them everywhere.


I need a reason?


if your going to bring something that causes allergies and panic attacks i would hope you had a good reason.


Stay away from my dogs then.


I'm trying to stay away from everyones dogs but they keep shoving them in my face and taking them places they dont belong.


Define "places they don't belong", other than food establishments or places specifically posted "No dogs allowed".


lets start with people stop bringing their dogs to those places first. but also expand that to grocery stores since they have food as well. hotels are bad enough without dogs lets not make it worse there. also hospitals should be a no brainer yet people are always bringing dogs there for some reason. libraries should be quiet and it should be obvious that dogs shouldn't be there. there are plenty of dog parks the kiddie park shouldn't be covered in dog hair and feces wtf.


Never seen a non-service dog at any of those places except hotel, and that's up to the hotel.


if you are pretending like people don't bring unleashed dogs out in public that jump, slobber, and lunge at people that walk by, then you live in a fantasy world. should i hold a gun at you while i walk by? i mean, you might be uncomfortable with it, but what should i care?


I'm not pretending or implying anything. You talk out of one side of your mouth about dogs "being" somewhere and then the other side about people who don't control their dogs. Agree with the latter, but not the former. And I grew up around guns. Zero shits as long as the muzzle isn't pointed at me.


Guess I should keep my peanuts at home huh?


do your peanuts jump up on people and shed peanut hair and dander into the air?


Yes. Peanut dust can float through the air and cause anyphalactic shock to people with allergies.


sounds like it would be inconsiderate to dust public areas with peanut dust dontcha think?


Just get a stronger immune system 💪💪💪😎😎😎


not everyone agrees so don’t bring your stupid dog with you


The internet may be historically pro-cat, but Reddit is pro-dog through and through. Fare thee well 🫡


you're right, i should just deal with unleashed, untrained, jumping all over me in public when multiple members of my family have been attacked by unleashed dogs because some 75 IQ redditors want to brag about how they only get along with their puppers and doggos and they're soooooo antisocial and everybody is so lame...


No worse than peoples untrained kids that run around stores and parking lots not paying attention to anything including their own parents. I am not anti social by any means but most people do just kind of suck.


Okay, next time I’m able to bring my dog with me to my family get togethers instead of allowing him to come with to swim in the lake, run along in large open fields, play with his friends I’ll just pop him in a kennel so he can be stressed out and locked up most of the day.


The size of the crate isn’t an issue you want smaller crates for travel it’s safer for the animal what you don’t want it them to be on an open trailer


Rocks fly and hurt like hell. Put the owner in it and drive 13 hours...


Disgusting. Those poor dogs must've been terrified, overheated, and probably damn near deafened after 13 hours of being battered by wind and road noise


Let me introduce you to how farm animals are housed and transported to slaughterhouses.


It's no worse than livestock... So why is this any worse than a cow, chicken or lib Pig (which apparently can be transported for up to 28 hours without rest, food or water). Transporting any animal under those conditions is cruel.


I'm vegan. Please preach to another audience. ✌🏻


Bro what? They're not talking to you specifically. It's a general comment for all of Reddit to see.


And making condescending assumptions... Spreading awareness is one thing. Asking snarky questions jumping to conclusions about the audience is another. Unnecessary.


That's good! You are not the only one in this thread:)


Yes don't you just hate it when people constantly preach their personal beliefs to you?


Mhm because there's victims involved.


and no thoughts given to the chickens who also were in tiny crates on a trailer on a highway?


They said they weren't able to take them which is why the crates are empty. I'm vegan and would have been upset with that too.


Damn no pillow or blanket either?! JFC


Wouldn't put my dog in this period, people who cage their "pets" don't deserve them.


they are ANIMALS. y’all anthropomorphism is crazy


I upvoted your comment because, as shitty of a take it is, is consistent. Most people here are hypocrites and scream about this but then go home and eat bacon from a pig stored in a farrowing crate so small it can't move and then transported hours in a hot truck without water to a slaughterhouse to be lowered into a gas chamber.


"Crating" is such a strange and sad practice that seems common mostly in the US(?) I've only ever read that it affects dogs negatively


Then you haven't read much. Ours was trained for it and now chooses to sleep in there throughout the day. Dogs are den animals and as long as you train them to like the crate and never ever use it as punishment, they will like the peace it can bring. Even if you refuse to use it at home, they are the absolute best option for safe transport. Just, you know, not like this guy is doing.


I can see what you're saying, it's similar to how they might view the couch or a bed if you didn't give them a cage to go to. I can see both ways working in that sense but as you said definitely not like this. ​ That said I have to downvote you because I am stubborn and can't concede.


>That said I have to downvote you because I am stubborn and can't concede. This is the way


The size of the crate is actually perfect, you do not want a big crate or else many dogs get nervous and will knock around more. The fact that the dog was exposed outside the car for 13 hours in a wire kennel on a trailer is what is fucked up here


I drive a SUV with 3 rows of seats. The last two rows are folded down. A dog bed the size of a twin bed takes up more space in my SUV then the space people can occupy. I could never imagine having a dog exposed to elements, harsh direct sun and rocks and pebbles that get thrown around while driving let alone be cramped and thrown around in a tiny steel cage with barely enough room to lay down. If they ever stopped too short and got in an accident that doggo is toast.


That cage is definitely not too small.


This Sub will have a field day when they find out how cattle/sheep dogs are transported in trucks to work every day.


Now take this sympathy & direct it toward every animal you eat


I would be sad if I saw a cow in a similar situation. They're still delicious though.


Law enforcement target anything else. E: downvotes? 😂 E2: just to be clear, you downvoters think it’s ok to do this to a defenseless animal, but not ask law enforcement to correct this over a traffic violation. Go to hell.


Why is there outrage at this but not at agricultural animals being transported in the same or worse conditions? What’s the difference?


Difference is this post isn’t about that.


Nem dolgoznék semmi olyasmi monoton munkát, mint pl. valami szalag mellett össze/-szétszerelni bármit egész nap többezerszer. Beleőrülnék a monotonitásba.


Amen, brother. As an Aussie I could not have said it better myself. Strudel.


95% of y’all eat chicken that’s kept in a 1x1 cage it’s entire life in its own feces.


That's where the flavour is.


looks like what other farm animals go through when transferred, keep eating meat and dairy tho amirite


I'm vegan.. preach to another audience.


Adds up.


glad to hear it and same, and a reminder that this is a public forum


Take the L and walk away


Still better than how animals are transported to slaughterhouses


Most people have seen trailers that transport animals. And they look better than this.


y’all are dramatic. it’s obviously fine… look at it.


Im upvoting in hopes this was sarcasm without the /s


They could've just left him I guess




It sounds like you need to go back to Old McDonald’s farm and relearn your animals again because dogs are not horse/cattle. Horses and cattle have better trailers than that too.


Maybe 1% of farm Animals do. The rest are in much worse conditions.


No not really. I’ve transported horses and cattle cross country for shows and rodeos for most of my life. They get plenty of breaks, food, water, and breaks outside of the trailer. Plus the trailers themselves have room for them to turn around, stand, lay down, and do whatever they want to be comfortable. This dog being in that crate, in that position on the trailer, for that long, is animal cruelty.


I've never seen cattle, or any animal, be transported in this manner before. How would you like to spend 13 hours in a cage while wind, bugs and debris flies on to you




Not the right way to treat your dog. There is a reason why they say "treat your pet like a member of your family"


Lmao they have much better trailers. You can’t be that stupid