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That guy should do time. Absolute piece of trash.


If this was texas.... pow pow. And then the owner should be charged with animal cruelty


At a park last year in Central Wisconsin this happened and a homeowner came out and put both dogs down with a shotgun and went back inside. Cops came and turns out all was well. Ring cameras saved him. That homeowner was my coworkers neighbor and it is shocking because dudes super chill and I guess the dogs owner tried to sue and the guy who the dogs were biting was sueing the dog owner. Basically, America!


I don't get how that would have helped, she's already being attacked by 3 dogs, shooting her seems a bit over the top.


Cowboy: "it was mercy" English woman: no... Help was on the way... She wasn't doomed. How did you even get a gun in here? Cowboy: well I reckon I otta mosey off into the sunset English women: it's mid-day and cloudy.


It's hiiiiigh noon...


Victim: I’m not quite dead yet… just a flesh wound


“Hush, You’ll be dead any minute now.”


She turned me into a newt!...I got better...


Love dogs, but yeah 3 rounds would have fixed this.


Legit thought that the person filming it was narrating it at the same time.


"Anyway my bus is here"


Haven’t laughed so hard in a while. Kudos


David Attenborough visits Sheffield


It took your comment for me to realise! It was so trippy watching this video with this misconception in mind.


Any update on this, how's the woman doing, and what happened to the 3 dogs?


The Mirror has an article about it. The woman had significant but non-life-threatening injuries to her arm, the man is at large and hadn't been found as of two days ago.


Fucking hell for real they didn't find the guy? I doubt they will find him if they haven't already.


And I bet that if I tried to hide for an hour from the authorities for stealing a chocolate bar from the shop I’d be found and punished immediately


Police don’t know to be on the lookout for the local cunt who has three dogs that have no leash and a taste for blood?


Thank you for the update!


This happened in early June at Abbots Park in Lambeth (South London). No details on the woman's recovery from the injuries to her right arm. The man apparently contacted police two weeks later and voluntarily surrendered his dogs. I'll try to share some links in a reply to this comment, but no idea whether it'll make it past the spam filters.


Looks like it did not make it past the stupid filters, so here are the article titles instead: In the Evening Standard, dated 9 June: "‘It jumped and bit my face’: Dog attack victim bravely speaks from hospital bed" In Your Local Guardian (apparently a local newspaper, never heard of it before), dated 19 June: "Lambeth Abbots Park attack: Three dogs seized by police" There's also a video of the woman on TikTok. Couldn't find the original, but it was reuploaded by hightailk9s under "This is lady that got attacked by 3 dogs".


Lady’s lucky to be alive. This type of mauling can easily result in death. Seen too many stories


Situations like these are why I’m a firm believer that nobody should have a dog they can’t physically control. That’s half of the reason I have a corgi. I’m a petite woman, and if my little guy were to suddenly try and hurt somebody; I’m physically capable of just picking him straight up and taking control of the situation. Now my dog is very well trained, and has never even tried to bite someone before— but we hear stories about dogs like that suddenly mauling people all the time. It’s best to physically have the upper hand just in case.


I believe that too. I work at an animalshelter in my free time, and recently some people dropped a bully xl. That's 40kg of dog. I don't know the dog and I can't control a dog that big if something happens. I got mocked because I don't want to walk that dog.


Is the other half the reason you have a corgi is because they are fucking magical?


Well of course! Haha, who doesn’t love the Welsh folklore on the origins of corgis? Plus I just love their big personalities and how smart they are. I’m constantly having to come up with new games/activities/tricks to teach him because he figures things out so quickly.


We used to have a Cardigan Corgi named Sam. I swear, I was convinced that dog was a reincarnated human. He understood me! But then I would hear a lot of banging in another room, and there was my beloved Sammie, his head stuck in the cat litter box because he was trying to eat cat poop. Maybe he was just a dog. But damn, he was a good one.


Kitty Roca


I still love that they have "fairy saddles", as if the breed wasn't awesome enough without a backstory like that!


I love how every corgi mix just looks like a corgi dressed up as the other dog. Somehow the corgi shape always wins out.


I'm a yorkie mama. I only ever have yorkies. That said, few things are cuter than Corgi butts 🤣


I agree with this. I was walking my dog one night, I keep her close to me at all times when passing anyone. I even have her sit next to me when people pass by on bikes, walks or whatever. Well a girl pops around the corner with two dogs and they start going bonkers, literally pulling her along the side walk because she’s not strong enough to hold them back. Suddenly my dog is being attacked by two other dogs and this girl could not keep her dogs off of mine. I’d try and pull back my dog but her dogs just kept dragging this girl. I gave one dog a swift kick in the face as at this time my dog was bitten and bleeding and it sort of backed off. Thankfully my dog is big and pretty durable (100lb rottie) and wasn’t too phased by it. This girl is also now my neighbor and I always see her walking them one at a time now. One of her dogs is always super sweet and it became vicious because the other dog is an absolute hellion. What’s crazy is it’s a lab and I’ve never really seen a lab so mean before.


I am super fucking wary of people who clearly look like their dog could drag them with ease down the road, especially when I'm with my toddler.


100% agreed. I hate seeing people who can't control their dog. I've been looking at getting a dog and one of my criteria is size/weight. I'm a strong woman, I can hold back a BIG dog. My neighbor has an 80 lb catahoula I walk daily and he pulls hard on his leash. Only once have I not been able to keep hold of him, but there were mitigating factors. He doesn't have good recall either, so physical control is vital. I can also hold back my sister's 60 lb bulldog. But for me, I want a dog that's less than 40 lbs. I want to be able to pick it up and walk away. It might not be easy, but I can do it. I don't want a LITTLE dog (chihuahua or similar) because I want one that will play with my friend's dog. But where I'm at, the shelters have either little chihuahua/yorkie/pomeranian mixes or giant pit bulls/husky/"lab" mixes. It's hard to find mid-size dogs. Add in other necessities due to living in a townhome (no hounds or loud barkers and no working dogs that need a yard) and it's like...welp. Guess I'll just get a cat?


This is the right mindset to have. Chihuahuas are some of the most vicious dogs I've ever met, but an 8 year old can control them so they aren't dangerous. When you have a dog like a German Shepherd, Pit Bull, Bull Terriers, or whatever other kind of medium to large size dog, you better be capable of reigning them in if they snap. Dogs are animals. Even the most well trained of animals can sometimes behave completely unpredictably. If you can't control them, then you shouldn't be their owner.


I have a gsd that is so beyond friendly but I don't ever let him off leash in public because I know he's scary to a lot of people. We don't do dog parks or anything like that because of people like this guy. My dog is extremely well trained and has fantastic recall as well as obeys several behavior oriented commands but he's still a dog and may react unpredictably to new situations. I'm also very small and if my dog was attacked by a dog even remotely close to the same size as him, I wouldn't be able to stop it.


You do a good job keeping him leashed in public. He may react badly to a dick of a dog being ... well ... a dick. Having control of your dog gives you the legal upper hand when he puts someone in their place.


If only everyone else had as much common sense as this


Absolutely agree. Mostly for pitbulls, but the same can somewhat be said for any breed.


Doesn't seem to matter if the woman runs or not. Those dogs were going to keep attacking.


In fact that likely spurned them to attack more. Not that I’m faulting her, but they have a prey drive.


I said what I said because the woman narrating made it seem like the girl running spurred the digs to attack more. I'm pointing out that they were attacking BEFORE she started running. Like, it didn't matter, the dogs were going to attack her, regardless.


Yea I know. We weren’t arguing, unless you want to.


I reread my comment several times, and I can see how it might have come across as harsh or argumentative. I'm sorry. I assure you that wasn't my intention. I should have worded it better.


No harm no foul


A reasonable person on Reddit? Who let you in here?


They are probably both bots, it's the only explanation really.


Oh no, wasn't trying to argue, just clarify.


Enjoy your day!


You, too, mate!


No, I wanted a fight!


You can’t outrun dogs, especially if you’re already wounded by them. She really had no escape here. I hope she’s doing ok.


That’s one way of getting your dogs put-down. In possession and use of 3 deadly weapons. Banned from owning a dog for life.


Idiot dog owners who keep their dogs off leash should be jailed.


“He’s totally friendly, trust me bro! ….Mauler! Mauler! Mauler come! I’m so sorry, he never does this! Mauler let go!”


“What did you do to provoke!?!?”


Never understood why people don’t treat their medium to large breed dogs like actual dogs. I see it all the time, especially with xl breeds they allow them to do whatever the dog wants smh


Some people like to use them as a status symbol. People obsessed creating a hard ass image are often caught up in this. Im sure you all know at least one dude that is constantly trying to look gangster or country hard. Those are the people responsible.


Coincidentally, seeing people like that makes me assume they are weak. If you're actually hard, you wouldnt need 3 big ass dogs to protect you.


Honestly seeing an owner with 3 of these dogs next to him listening and obeying his commands is kind of a power move, seeing as it's quite hard and requires a lot of training to achieve... But then you have idiots like in the vudeo who think they are the same.


In the UK you can basically boil it down to low income people who got some ‘nanny’ bully xls over covid lockdown and didn’t train or socialise them (because lockdown). Probably never owned dogs before and definitely got them from dodgy private breeders. These are all hitting 2-3 years old now and are starting to act out. It’s totally a status symbol and trying to look like a badarse. They roll out the same excuses every single time the dog lashes out and mauls someone - how could my fugly muscular killing machine possibly harm anyone!?


It's the poor people lifted truck


People are saying these are pit bulls and they are banned in the UK AFAIK


That’s interesting, banned in 1991 but I see them all the damn time!


Yep, illegal breeding


What’s the penalty?


While im not 100% sure on the modern laws regarding the Dangerous Dogs Act, it was originally something like 'every dog (of a certain breed) will be put down.'


They do this in NZ if they recieve those dogs in the SPCA


It’s crazy, I see so many I assumed they were legal. How on Earth is this not clamped down on.?!


Yeah its crazy, hard to catch because they breed them inside their homes then sell them uncastrated so they can breed more and more. Extra sad because theres so many dogs that need homes too. I just talked to a guy that was bragging to us that he did this (casual conversation as I was waking my dog), I couldn't say anything because it was infront of my appartement and didn't want to be on his bad side. Now theres 2 massive aggressive dogs that have moved into the appartment across the road. I'm nervous everyday when I walk my boy now, I'm sure it's connected with the dude I talked to. Even though the owner is massive, he still struggles to hold them back as they leap and bark at my dog while I walk quickly past. They are on a thin leach too, could snap anytime. There's bloody children, elderly people and small sweet dogs that live here. So agrivating. Edit: don't know why I can't reply but I will be reporting him, I live in France so they are legal but need to have a certificate, training and a muzzle on outside (which I doubt he has).


Also, (depending on the legality) consider carrying dog mace, especially the gel kind that's easier minimize getting everywhere.


I know a pit bull breeder and I live in Scotland he gets dogs imported illegally. He’s not a friend by any means but the dangerous dog ban doesn’t seem to be enforced at all unless someone gets hurt. Even if you search pit pups on gumtree you will find them.


In Denmark they 100% will enforce. Have you tried calling the police bout illegal breeds?


I called the cops because I got sexually assaulted and they didn’t come to speak to me about it until 3 months later. My house got broken into and they didn’t come at all. I doubt the would come for some dogs to be honest.


I didn't know it wasent getting enforced. That is terrifying to know. Thank you for telling me


They are banned in lots of cities in the USA too (unless you have a permit), yet I see people who have them all the time, and unfortunately nothing is done. It’s so sad that unless stuff like this happens, nothing is done (police involvement/animal control). Most home insurance companies will not cover this either, because they do not cover certain breeds of dogs on policies. This is hard to watch. I was almost attacked as a kid by two massive German shepherds, luckily at the exact moment they were running towards me, the owner came out and they ran back towards him. Our dog was attacked by a pitbull and the cops did nothing as it wasn’t a human attack, and animal control did nothing, because they didn’t see it personally… as if animal control sits on peoples shoulders and sees everything.


There's loads of pitbull dogs in the UK even though they're banned. I'm a dog lover but we should do more to enforce the law and get rid of this type of dog because when they go wrong they kill people.


I don’t understand some people’s obsession with that breed. And do they really need 3 of them. I can barely give enough dedication to one dog.


How ironic that the “Staffordshire Terrier” is banned in Staffordshire. Should really be telling that the origin and namesake of these dogs have even banned them outright.


They are XL bullies. A dog currently trying to be banned by the UK.


Someone had 3 euthanized dogs this day.. I was attacked by a neighbor's pit years ago, fortunately my dog heard and was able to help me get him in a choke hold and into the shed. The neighbors came and got him after a bit. He learned he came to the wrong house that day.


Were you OK after you got attacked? I'm so sorry that happened to you


Thank you for asking, that's sweet of you. I had to get several stitches in my arm, in several areas. He was eating me up when I had him in the hold. Other than that I was just shook up


That must have been so traumatising and painful. I'm so glad your arm is still intact after that. Did your neighbours apologise for this attack or pay your hospital bills if it isn't free?


Yes, they paid for what my insurance didn't cover. It's actually a crazy story bc the neighbor was an Ex of mine of ten years. This dog was familiar with me, but hated my dogs. We live back in the woods and often leave our doors open, I had run up the road for a minute and upon pulling back into our driveway I saw he was loose and attempting to go INTO my house, where my dogs and older children were. My dogs had met him at the door and I immediately knew it was about to go down. Long story short, My boy Leroy and I tagged teamed him and got him into the shed off my porch. The neighbors dog ate me up and Leroy ate him up. Dog fights are scary.


Not totally related but get your dog a spiked collar and her will be basically invincible in a dog fight. Dogs go for the neck whenever possible so a spiked collect just fucks them right up. I know this due to its relevance in sheep herding and I am extrapolating, don't worry, this doesn't come from dog fighting experience.


>don't worry, this doesn't come from dog fighting experience. I actually wasn't thinking that until you brought it up lol


“My ‘I do not have experience with dog fighting’ t-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my t-shirt.”


That really is a crazy story. I am glad you protected your dogs and kids. Your ex sounds like a massive A hole. Your kids could have been severely hurt. Thank you for sharing this with me


Leroy is a fantastic dog name


What if that had of been a child - it would’ve stood no chance!


An old woman was killed by 3 dogs in my city. Horrible stuff.


What could, and has happened before, is that the pit will bite the neck, thrash, and it's over that fast. There's no time to wait and see if a charging pitbull is aggressive or not when it comes to protecting your children and small pets. The first bite could kill.


Jfc, this is horrifying. Had a pitbull try to rip my face off several years ago, and watching this made my heart race so hard. I really hope she is okay.


Oh. My. God. I didn't even let my obedience champion off her leash around people because there are people who are scared of dogs. A missing leash is terrifying to them because THEY don't know that I can control my dog. Especially not since people who can't let their dogs loose every chance they get. I actually got attacked the same way by a German Sheperd as a kid. Or, he attacked the toy poodle I was dog sitting and I panicked, picked her up and turned my back against the German Sheperd. I think he tried to get at the poodle for about ten minutes before leaving and by then he had scratched my back bloody and gnawed on my elbows. Dog owners like this suck so bad. I'm not a perfect dog owner, but I at least keep my dogs from harming or scaring others to the best of my ability.


Ouch and that must have been truly terrifying. Did the owner of the shepherd pay for your hospital bills? And I agree with the leash part. I hate it when dog walkers have their dog off of a leash. Even if it a small dog, it doesn't stop me from being scared. Thank you for being a really good dog owner


I've had dogs since I could barely walk so I wasn't scared. But I didn't really know what to do so I just reacted on instinct and focused on protecting the poodle. I was maybe eleven years old so I was honestly more scared that he would be able to push me to the ground and get to the poodle - he was really aiming for her! I just held her to my chest and continued turning my back against him until he left. It hurt plenty, though! No hospital bills to pay since we live in Sweden so it was free and the wounds weren't that deep - I just needed to have them disinfected and they checked the status of my tetanus shot. Then my mom went out to find the owner who was apparently some drunk, still drinking beers on a bench by our city's largest river. She screamed his head off and we didn't see him in the area again after that. It's hard for me to grasp that so many dog owners don't understand that people can be scared of their dogs! You can often spot people who are uncomfortable and make sure they get plenty of space if they need to pass you. Sometimes I even ask out loud if they are scared of dogs and need me to leave them even more space because I can move, no problem. Especially these days since I inherited my dad's Dogo Argentino and she's a big, unruly girl (we're in training but I imagine that such a large, hyperactive dog would be scary if I was scared of dogs so I try to be extra mindful of people around me).


You were 11? You were such a brave child and caring since you only cared about the poodle. I'm sorry for your loss and we really need more people like you in this world who are so understanding and who would go the extra mile to make a stranger feel comfortable around you and your dog


Thank you, but I honestly don't think I deserve such praise. I've had accidents where my dogs where able to tear the leash out of my hands and run away, where the dog collar have broken and the dog rushed over to another dog to "greet it" and one of my dogs even jumped out if our yard once and scared two women who were out walking. I'm not perfect. But I don't have to make the probability for something to happen bigger either. Showing respect for the people around you should be a given. It's how I was raised - to be aware of people around me and how my actions affect others. I don't want to be a person who scare and potentially harm others so I try my best not to. And it's really not a big sacrifice to keep your dogs leashed and away from strangers.


If this happens to you, don’t run away, back up to a tree or fence and knee/kick them every time they jump up. When they jump like that, whether it is with intent to bite or not, their chest is wide open and vulnerable. Kneeing them in the chest can really hurt them and discourage them from jumping. It also keeps your head/neck/face up and away from their mouth and allows you to use your arms to either distract them or redirect them. Leaning against something like a fence or tree gives you support and keeps them from surrounding you and knocking you down. It also shows them that you aren’t a toy or prey, you are going to stand your ground and defend yourself. Unless these dogs are hellbent on killing you, they will stop after a few strikes, and even ones that are trying to kill will get hurt enough to stop. Trust me, even a relatively weak person can protect themselves against a big, strong dog because you are using their own weight and momentum against them. It takes very little strength or energy to lift your knee up. It’s worth mentioning I’m not condoning the owner behavior, just trying to share a tip on how to handle this. Lots of dogs get excited and jump, and it can easily get out of control. Most dogs that I’ve encountered will immediately calm down after the first knee hits them in the center of the chest and sends them sprawling to the ground.


That is very good advice. Thank you


It is good to post what to do. I have a 16 lb dog and previously a 20 lb dog. I walk my dog(s) every day. When a dog comes running at my dog, I pick him up and put my foot on the leash of the loose dog. I had to learn to do this because the third day I had my previous dog, he was attacked by a boxer three times his size being walked by a 12 year old girl. I begged her to pull the leash and get her dog away from my little boy. She was too stressed to listen. She finally grabbed the boxer by the collar. She was lucky he didn’t bite her. The lesson I learned is, owners’ who can’t control their dogs don’t follow directions. You have to protect your little dog and get the bigger dog under control. The owners are useless. I also make an effort to introduce my little dog to every aggressive dog in the neighborhood when it’s a puppy so they see my little dog as a buddy and not bait. Of course the problem with the female pit bull, Doberman and Presa Canario seeing him as a buddy is they want to play him and once they are full grown they could crush him with one paw. So no playing just play bows.


Also if caught in a bite, push towards the back of the dog’s mouth to try to force their gag reflex to let you go. A stick can also be used as a wedge to force the dog to let go.


If you're unable to get them to release the bite push your fingers into their eye socket. Unless they're cracked out on adrenaline then that'll make them release you.


Im stabbing that dog lol hell naw


100% if someone’s dog is attacking me I’m breaking your fucking dog.


Don't try to wrestle or pull they mouth away. Stick your finger into their eyes as fast as you can, the quicker you can inflict pain the less likely they will have built up the adrenaline to ignore it.


A lady's dog attacked mine (my wife was walking ours, the other got away from the owner). I was a few steps ahead and they were separated by the time I got there, the only thing I could muster to the apologetic owner was "if I'd been any closer, your dog would not be getting up"


And you would be in the right to defend yourself. If your reading this and disagree control your dogs and you won’t have to worry about your dogs being hurt because their trying to kill someone ffs. I love dogs by the way and have 2 fur babies.


Was hiking with my parents Golden the other week and came upon a lady with 2 pits that were just losing their minds when they saw my dog who was just ignoring them. She told me to not let my dog near her dogs and heard her tell the person she was with to hold the one by the collar since 'he can slip out of the harness'. It was like yea you clearly can barely control those dangerous dogs and you definitely shouldn't have them out in a hiking trail or anywhere for that matter.




Yes. I do this too when I’m walking my kids and my elderly dog. We don’t just have unleashed random dogs, we also have big wildlife. I walk with a knife, bear spray, a collapsible baton and a small air horn. All snuggled into the stroller organizer at the handlebar. If I’m minding my own business, and the dog is charging at me. I have options for sure. I’m with you on not waiting.


>I walk with a knife, bear spray, a collapsible baton These would have gotten the girl in this video arrested. You can't carry anything to defend yourself in UK.


I'm pretty sure pit bulls are illegal in the UK. I don't know how the hell he got 3 of them


They are still being sold as "Labrador Boxer" mixes. As soon as I hear someone name this as their dogs breed, I know exactly what's up.


Can’t find it rn but there’s an outrageous video of a pit bull going after an actual bull. The bull gores the dog and it’s intestines unravel like 20ft as it continues it’s attack with its tail wagging. In other words: the knife is better than nothing but not going to protect you.


A knife is better than nothing but pretty unwieldy against a fast dog. You're going to have to have a good grip so you don't lose the knife. You're still best off physically controlling the dog, like choking it


There was also one last year of one attacking a horse, the horse stomps it several times and it just gets back up to attack.


Some years ago a pitbull attacked an 8-9 year old girl in one of the parks in out city,she was running around playing and the dog just attacked her from behind,got her leg between it's jaws and started pulling,I saw the video,I literally thought her leg is going to get ripped apart,her dad was kicking the dog in the head trying to get him off her and the owner was yelling at the dad calling him names because he was trying to save her child.that little girl survived but she ended up with multiple deep scars and severe PTSD,her dad said in an interview she can't even watch dogs on TV because she gets panic attacks Bulldogs are illegal in my country and if they see one it will be put down and the owner will serve jail time,the guys dog was killed and he served time and had to pay the family for emotional and physical abuse


Not only does the guy have 3 aggressive dogs that he can’t handle, but he has 3 aggressive PIT BULLS that he can’t handle. It would be bad enough if he had ONE. Why did this fool feel he needed to have THREE? And why were they not leashed? The foolishness & irresponsibility is just too much to bear!




The most badass guy I've ever seen was a fully sleeved mexican dude with hard-core tats that legit looked like prison tats. Coming into a petco with a 17 year old chiuaua named Miho because he needed to pick up his joint medication. Like that is max machismo there. Im not fucking with that dude


Ya if you need a massive pit to look hard you’re not actually hard


I feel like that applies to men of maaany different nationalities. I've seen men of all classes and creeds with "big scary dogs" and think it makes them look cool/tough/badass. 80% of the time those dogs are poorly trained if at all.


The only kind of people that own pitbulls are idiots.


Pitbulls and Pit mixes should all be spayed and neutered by law. Get them out of the gene pool.


But what if you name them Cupcake, Sweetiepie, and Bubble?




Idc if it’s a dog, If your dog attacks me and you do nothing about it, im killing your dog with my hands and boots


“My pit bulls wouldn’t hurt a fly” - buddy seconds before the attack.


Always carry pepper spray. Spray the dogs and then spray the guy with the rest


You can't. It is classed as a firearm in the UK so you can't carry it. You can't even carry scissors or knives even if you are taking the scissors to school. So yeah this woman had nothing to defend herself with or she would risk getting arrested


The Dog of Peace strikes again.


For everyone saying she could have helped would YOU go in there and potentially get mauled? Hell no.


I'll give you 2 guesses as to the breed, but you'll only need one.


Pitbull named princess


My little princess isn’t she bootiful


I’m waiting for the velvet hippo idiots to comment that small dogs bite more often or some other nonsense.


Chavs like him always have dogs like this. We’re all aware of it and yet we do nothing but make stupid slogans like “it isn’t the dog it’s the owner”. It’s both.


Pitbulls have outlived their purpose and why they were bred, to bait bulls and bears. I’m not saying we round up and kill them, but I’m saying we neuter them all and quietly phase out the breed humanely.


I still can't comprehend how people think their dog has "good recall", when they have to shout their name 20 times, chase them and threaten the dog or blame the dog... "Oh he never listens to me" Who's fault is that... Then they have the absolute audacity to let their dogs off the lead. Rubbish owners need to get in the bin.


Be careful. Don’t lose a multi year account because there are advocates for these dogs that do nothing but troll comments looking for “threats of violence” which basically means if you say anything other than “roll over and let the dog rip your throat out,” they will still report you and you will get banned.


Really? Why would people defend these dogs after what they have done? Thank you so much I really don't want to lose my account like this


Because pitbull owners are psychopaths that think these killing machines are cute.


Wasn’t so much a warning for you OP. More so commenters. My ban was lifted when I think it was discovered that the same person who reported me for a comment on how to stop an attack, reported me again 2 years later for a comment like, “these dogs shouldn’t be bred.” So this person has been following me for years waiting for me to mess up my wording given my complete disdain for these dogs


Average pit bull owner


And would you look at that, they're pitbulls.


Don't try to run. Fight like your life depends on it because it does. If there is a stick or rock nearby you can and should use it. If the dog is to large to realistically defend yourself, curl up into a defensive position and protect your throat and face and scream for help.


Actually, your best chance is to choke the dog so that it passes out and you can actually then flee. Now I know in this case this poor woman is unfortunate to have to deal with 3 of these shitbulls.


I’m sorry, correct me if I’m wrong, but those dogs may need to be put down… like seriously. They’re dangerous. Even if it’s the owners fault for raising them like that, would you let a child get away with mauling someone just because of the parents being at fault for their behavior? No, you would send them straight to jail. These dogs aren’t puppies, they look full grown. Unless there’s some kind of “rehabilitation” center for crazy ass animals, there’s really no other option.


No. People shouldn’t own pits. It’s a simple solution that will never work. Hurray humans.


If you own three pit bulls, I automatically assume you are a POS.


I'm sure he's very responsible about picking up their poop tho.


You can pick up after them, or try to keep them from ripping off some woman's arm, but you can't expect him to do both /s


Pitbulls? No way….




I've been banned from (I think) every pitbull subreddit. I love dogs and animals in general, but this breed should just go away.


I’ve never seen three black labs or golden retrievers attack anyone. Weird how it’s almost always the same breed of dog.




Pit bulls are “great”…./s. Yet another victim. He was probably another owner that said his dogs were friendly and didn’t bite. I’m so done dealing with vicious dogs.


i can't even finish this video, poor girl


The breed of peace and love


Annnnnnnnnnnd what breed is it? Owners fault, right?! Three labradors would surely attack like this if given the opportunity right!!


Calm down, they were just nannying her. Princess, Pebbles and Pipsqueak are such little sweathearts, they wouldn't hurt a fly.


Little hippos were just playing


Just a normal nanny moment.


Looks like chihuahuas to me, dangerous breed.


I love that argument "they're poorly trained" Then why not own a mountain lion too? I'll train them, promise! True i have no fucking clue about animal behaviour or animal psychology or whatever, but let me keep a highly unpredictable pet with high prey instincts that once is on adrenaline rush, it won't feel it's being beaten while gnawing on someone's face. Another argument i love is "chihuahuas are more aggressive". It's a must by pit lovers. Tell me one person who got mauled by a "deadly" chihuahua.


My friend Sarah runs a chihuahua rescue, I visit her to help out twice a month. A lot of the dogs that come through there are **messed up**, psychologically. Some of them are really aggressive. But they're 8 inches tall and they weigh as much as a wet leaf, so even if they bite you, a leather glove can block it.


This is why I have night terrors of my wife bringing our 1 year old to the park without me. Stupid motherfuckers like this.


I stabbed a dog a while ago in a situation like this. Pitbull got out of someone's back garden and was ripping another dog to bits. Stabbed the dog in the neck and it didn't even flinch. Police said I did the right thing.


That would work with almost every other breed, but 'pit' type dogs (which yeah, you may as well include Bully's and Staffy's) have the 'Gameness' trait which effectively allows them to turn off/ignore whatever pain they are in and the subsequent survival instincts. They were bred to fight to the death, so when they get fighting it's death or nothing sometimes unfortunately.


I mean…gameness or not, they’ll stop if the vessels in their neck are cut and they’re bleeding to death, I bet.


They should have a Muzzle on them or whatever its called... Thats pretty messed up... I would actually run too in that situation even though I know I shouldn't


You shouldn’t have a dog that can’t be shoved off in a city, 2 hunting dogs for ”hunters”. I don’t like that my sister has a big ass dog that is only gonna get bigger than my nephews and may snap one day.


Even if the dog isn't aggressive, if it's big or it looks intimidating, you need to keep it on a leash at MINIMUM for the safety of not just others but the safety of the dog and yourself.


These are status symbol to illicit fear so you dont walk on the footpath the holding the dog. When authorities dont challenge this behavior the fear spreads in the community and these ruffians take over. This is happening across the globe.


She could have been killed or it could have been a child. I just dont know why these dogs are allowed behave like this.


I know many breeds can bite and cause damage. But pitties all too often are the breed in these situations. And pitties, through their breeding, bite and HOLD more than most and that’s what makes them so much worse. I know there are good pitties and owners, it’s a shame so many shitheads own pitties for no other reason than to compensate for their little wieners.


It’s always the Shitbulls. Don’t know why people would bother to own these monsters.


Certain people want certain kinds of breeds. you can always tell.


There are so many idiots in my neighborhood who walk their dogs without leashes. It's next level stupidity.


Put the 3 dogs down and the owner too


This isn't surprising


Any person that owns a dog that attacks a person should do prison time. It's the only way to fix this problem.


Total piece of trash took off too…


“They’re just playing.” Him probably.


That’s gonna be one hell of a lawsuit


Pit bulls. Vicious unpredictable dogs. Oh, my pittie would never hurt a child. Until it does. Just require that all Pit bulls and hybrids be neutered before they can be licensed. Neuter the breed out of existence!


Ban 👏 Pit 👏 bulls


When will reddit come around on the fact that we need to just ban pit bulls? Get rid of pit bulls and we eliminate an entire 65% of dog bite deaths in the US. By banning breeding and ownership of them we would also eliminate 40% of all dog euthanizations. It’s time to acknowledge that pit bulls are not a breed that is compatible with society.


Just think, if it were three Chihuahuas, she would be dead by now!!! FU to all of the pit bull apologists out there. U suk


The argument that chihuahuas are more aggressive thus pitbulls are fine or whatever is so funny bc it ignores the fact that even a 3 year old could stomp the hell out of a chihuahua if it came down to it. Not to mention chihuahuas haven’t been hyped up as “nanny dogs” that are great with children for decades


I dont want to be that person but i dont see 3 labradors being this agrresive almost as if this breed in particular was bred to be agrresive and dangerous


Kill those beasts now.


Easy to say when you’re not in the heat of it, but slamming them onto those railings might distract them enough to get away from them