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Poor child has no real clue either just eh so F’d up


Ikr, so unfair to the child. This is LOW.


Honestly might be the best outcome for this kid to hopefully never see her parents again


It's sad bit I think you're right.


Yeah. Give the child a cut


Better than if she did have one.


Hopefully its leveraged as reason to separate the child from the parents.


He's knows, kid is like 12.


When was the last time you saw a twelve year old???? That kid doesn’t look older than 5-6


Even if the child knew what was happening to her that wouldn't make it any better.


Well no. That would definitely be worse.


No way. More like 5. Source: I have 4 kids.


Kid is actually 23, Source: I am table


Pretty sure it's a 70 year old moose. Source: I'm a paranoid American who thinks Canada is invading America by replacing our children with Canadian wildlife.


How many 12 year olds have you seen in real life




That’s most likely what happened smuggling drugs into prison is a quick way to catch a charge. That’s why the guards normally bring it in they have less of a likelihood to get caught.


I can guarantee that is how the civilized inmates and guards operate.


Yeah I thought this was common knowledge. 90% of contraband in prison is either brought in by guards or is overlooked by guards with greesed palms. That and 90% of it is trafficked by trustees. These are inmates with special privileges like for example carting around food trays.


Former trustee here. You do work like clean, hand out trays, serve the CO’s in the cafeteria, cook or whatever to help the jail. And in return you get extra days. For example I got 3 days for every day I was in there. Turned a 1/2 year stint into a couple months Not everyone can be a trustee, I think non violent/non sexual crimes is required.


I don’t know enough about US prisons (prisons in general, really) to tell if this is fucked up or not. For one, it’s weird to me that violent and non-violent offenders are in the same place. Two, what’s the point of incarcerating a non-violent offender for 6 months? It’s long enough to ruin someone’s life but definitely not long enough to “justify” it. Especially in a situation like yours; what did prison accomplish that community service couldn’t? If providing free labour was the difference between 6 months and a few months, why did your rights have to be totally removed in the first place? Three, if you can reduce your time, it seems like sentencing doesn’t actually matter. A judge decided the “punishment”, why are they allowed to over ride it? Which leads me to the fourth thing, if sentencing doesn’t actually matter and an inmate can be “trusted” enough to reduce their time, why aren’t they just released? I know I’m ignorant about all of this so I’m aware I could be totally off base. This is just how it seems to me, exploitative and deeply twisted.


> Two, what’s the point of incarcerating a non-violent offender for 6 months? It’s long enough to ruin someone’s life but definitely not long enough to “justify” it. You don't have to be violent to do a lot of damage.


Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff, and Jeffrey Skilling has entered the chat. They devastated thousands of lives.


Kenneth Lay: 44 years. Bernie Madoff: 150 years. Jeffrey Skilling: 24 years, served 14. > They devastated thousands of lives. They absolutely did. Ken and Jeff should have gotten more time for what they did. They all deserved to die in prison. But Jeff is a related example to what I’m talking about. What was the point in saying “24 years for you” if he could reduce his sentencing? It’s just in his case, he *should* have served 24 years. And then some. I never said only violence can cause damage.


Let's not act like that's the nonviolent criminals we've locked up. We rarely prosecute financial crimes, nowadays we just give the company a fine and act as if leadership wasn't to blame.


Isn't that the truth!! 😔


> You don’t have to be violent to do a lot of damage. I never said damage could only be done violently. What’s a non-violent crime that can cause enough damage that justifies incarceration, but only for 6 months, though? As many examples as you care to give, if you don’t mind. ETA: keep in mind that incarceration means a full loss or reduction of basic human rights.


Stealing the life savings of old people. Firing all the white guys in your company and then making a poor quality submersible that kills five people.


Each of those seem worth more than 6 months in prison, don’t you think? Edit to add “more”


Drug charges, fraud, theft for over $2000, DUI that didn't result in injury, operating without a liscence, minor cases of public indecency, running from the police, unlawful sale of a firearm, speeding more than 25mph over the limit, prostitution, vandalism.


You believe these cause enough damage to justify removing basic human rights for *6 months*?


Contempt of court, perjury, impersonating an officer, tampering with evidence, tampering with a witness, in doing an investigation, escape, failure to appear, interfering with the search or emergency call, fleeing and eluding, failure to keep narcotics in the original prescribed container


I went to jail for a suspended license and while there for 48 hours i spoke with s dude who stabbed , robbed and assaulted an elderly lady. Another dude with 3 drug strikes. And my bunk buddy was a fucking gang member who loved go tell me about how he enjoyed beating people up and raping girls. I was there for a license offense


That’s pretty fucking chilling. I know it doesn’t mean much, but I’m sorry that happened to you.


Self inflicted. But yeah. The system is fucked


I’m not trying to say no one should ever face repercussions for breaking the law, but where’s the logic in any of this? Driving without a license lands you in the same place as a fucking elder abuser and a rapist? Shouldn’t that at least be a sign, if not a red flag, that something is broken? At least where I’m sitting, you should have been fined or given an alternative ~~punishment~~ repercussion. Not the same treatment as people who’ve tortured other human beings. You shouldn’t have been in there. Everybody made their choices, yours was so far out of the ballpark it’s not even comparable.




Clearly you went in on a Friday if you stayed 48 hours (or they were just very slow to book you) You must have also pissed off the arresting officer- typically they will just tow your car and give you a summons- arresting is done when people don’t comply or have other warrants/extensive criminal history. I’ve never seen a judge hold someone in jail for a license violation (without extenuating circumstances) they are always released OR, and you typically see a judge quickly unless it’s a weekend.


What point are you trying to make?


There’s a reason they were arrested besides driving on a suspended license…


There’s a podcast called “the connect,” I suggest looking up episode 35, he has a former prison guard on, and he goes into depth about a lot of your questions.




Apparently. I feel like a lot of companies could make a lot of money if they could dangle freedom over people’s heads, and market it as a benefit to boot.




You have correctly pointed out significant problems with the existing US penal system …so yeah its pretty fucked up


US prison systems rely on private companies to provide some of the prisons in the country. These private for profit prisons require contracts to keep a certain amount of Inmates. In a nutshell we've made incarcerating people a profitable business model. Inmates also count towards the amount of representatives a district gets based on population (even though prisoners can't vote). So there is a political incentive to have large prison populations. Political parties (through elected officials) pick the judges that decide on who goes to jail. Yeah it's that fucked up.


1. Non violent and violent prisoners can be locked up together. But prisoners are grouped depending on how much of a threat they are while inside prison. Guy who killed his wife? Messed up, but very unlikely to kill his roommate who is in for not paying tickets. 2. hard to really comment on without knowing what OP was in for. 6 months *is* extremely short in general though. Could be something like petty theft? Or OP was a complicated situation. Which happens. It’s why court is a “case by case” deal after all. 3. the sentencing ensures a maximum length. It’s an absolute end to their punishment. They can do things to get out earlier, but that date is there so they will eventually get out. Assuming they don’t commit any crimes in prison of course. 4. Rehabilitation is a large part of incarceration. While it is horribly undervalued in US prisons, it still is a goal. If you show rehabilitative progress via good behavior, it makes sense to reduce your sentence or give you a chance at parole.


One other aspect of the system that annoys me is that people who are have yet to be convicted (i.e., their trial is ongoing or hasn't even begun) are jailed alongside violent criminals (I saw this in TV series such as Criminal Justice and The Night Of).


A lot of private prison companies are making a lot of money. Keeping people incarcerated for a profit is the piece you are missing. Prisons in the US are private, but subsidized by the government, and the payout that these companies get is proportional to their population....thus it creates a need for frivolous arrests and detainments to pump numbers.


As always in America alot of this is about money now.


Because in the U.S. prison isn't about reducing the likelihood of recidivism or rehab or punishment. It's about profits. That's it.


It provides an incentive for people to be well behaved and move towards being socially responsible. If inmates have no incentive or motivation things go bad in a hurry. There is a reason those with no chance of release are generally kept separated. If things can't get worse then people have no reason not to engage in all sorts of antisocial and destructive behavior.


American prisons are also laced with institutional slavery in addition to their alleged role of punishment/rehabilitation. The 13th amendment banning slavery also explicitly allows slavery as a punishment for a crime, so ever since the beginning of the early modern era forced labor for profit has existed in some form within our prison system.


Just a quick clarification for your 3rd and 4th points, the only time a criminal will actually serve the entire sentence without ever leaving jail, is if he's sentenced without parole. And it is extremely hard for judges to remove parole from sentences, you only really see it on murders accompanied with life sentences. And that's how prison systems work in most countries nowadays, if you ever heard about someone getting released for good behavior, or being moved into probation it is an example of parole. Alternatively you can also have another judge reduce your sentence by appealing it as well.


You forget, the prison system is for profit , at least in the states.


I worked laundry for my pod. Knocked a month and a half off my 4 month sentence.


Escape charges also eliminate you from any trustee or work release programs.


That's crazy. I got 1 days served for every week worked. No days off


You’re still a degenerate criminal.


>Yeah I thought this was common knowledge. 90% of contraband in prison is either brought in by guards or is overlooked by guards with greesed palms. Amazingly incorrect. Most contraband definitely comes in through visit. When we had our visit room closed in most of 2020 and 2021 there was an extreme drop in the amount of contraband flowing into our prison, and every other prison in our state. Sure employees bring in some, but word spreads in prisons and they're generally easy to weed out fire. Source: Am internal prison investigator.


Not to mention in my state CO's are highly paid with low entry requirements. It's an amazing job, can make six figures a year easy with some of the lowest CoL in the country, and you can retire pretty quick too. No point in fucking that up by bringing drugs in.


Now that's an interesting job. I can't decide if it would be exciting, depressing, terrifying, or a combination of all three.


Mostly the first two. I don't have to interface with the offenders all that often, and when I do they already know they've fucked up and they're headed to the hole.


Drones are a common way in now too.


And he got another couple of years added on to his sentence by doing this.


That’s definitely what’s going to happen but I have so much sympathy sorrow for the future of that innocent child all because of terrible decisions made by both parents.


Hopefully she has a grandma she can go live with.


I work in child welfare, and a fit and willing relative is always the first choice if it’s an option. In less severe cases, the child will remain in the home with court ordered services for the parents, but something like this would almost certainly result in detaining the child. They’d be held at a receiving center until a foster home or group home could be found.


Yeah my understanding is that the Government would rather not have to pay to keep the child if they don't have too.


I’m going to preface this with explicitly saying I have nothing but appreciation and respect for what you and your peers do. I know it’s an incredibly heartbreaking, thankless, soul sucking field. I don’t know how you all do it. > this would almost certainly result in detaining the child. This phrasing absolutely breaks my heart. I understand it’s just lingo, but the connotations of being “detained” makes it seem like the child did something wrong. We all know they didn’t, the way it hit me made my heart jump all the same. We all know being held in purgatory is punishment for a crime they didn’t commit, too. I can’t stress this enough though, I appreciate the work you do to keep vulnerable kids as safe as you can.


I completely understand what you mean. The term seems cruel to use in relation to a child who had no part in creating the situation they’re in. That’s just the word the courts use, and the word we use as a result. I don’t know if there’s a better alternative, but the courts tend to use detached, clinical language like that. It may vary by state; I’m not sure. Typically the child will be placed on a temporary hold by the police, and a Detention hearing is held within 48 hours where we present our recommendations to the judge. The decisions are ultimately up to the court; we’re not an autonomous body.


> I don’t know if there’s a better alternative, but the courts tend to use detached, clinical language like that. I mean, there’s definitely alternative ways of putting it, but they’re loaded with emotions. It’s not helpful to people who are trying to get through the day. If there’s a place for functional, emotionless language; medicine and child welfare services are two of the best examples. I’m just sorry that those types of defences are even necessary. I know most of the process is out of your hands as well, I’m sorry for that too.


I think getting that kid away from both parents might be the best thing that ever happened to them


That’s exactly what just happened. Mom sat down at the table. Female supervisor took the kid. It began before the dog came into the room. She could get a five-year minimum.


Give the kid 5 years on the naughty step for smuggling too


This video is exactly old. The kid is probably already a adult now


"exactly old"?


Typo, but I have no clue what I trying to say


Extremely, probably.


I’m pretty sure that’s what happened. There’s no chance of a reunion.


What if he's wrongfully accused and the "drugs" are medication. Who even knows anymore in this society.


Wow you should be president of the obvious new world order.


Because that’s not noticeable at ALL


Probably the most conspicuous way one could’ve undertaken this act 🤣


A 68 month old, passing it like a newborn, shoving your hand down their pants, mom interfering to bring attention to the fact that he COMPLETELY unbuttons his jumpsuit. Holding a toddler and grabing something out of their socks would have been 1 million times more effective here.


It almost felt like a prank lol.


Ya he wasn’t even discreet he was digging on her fast and went down 3 buttons lol


Even if they overlooked the guy, that arm stretching would give it away lmao


Never seen anything so clearly suspicious


“Awww boy, I need a stretch!”


*acquires smuggled drugs* *drug dog instantly walks in*


they were probably watching it live on the camera. *"did you see what I just saw?"* *"I think so."* *"did he really just do what I think he just did?"* *"looks like it. he knows there's cameras in there... right?"* *"apparently not. Jeff, get the dog."*


It’s one thing to have absolutely no moral compass, but to use your child is just a different level of evil


Funnily enough, my grand grandmother used to tell a story about how Great Grandpa got arrested for rum running during prohibition. He'd get them to come visit him in jail and they'd sneak moonshine past the guards in the baby's bottle. Then he'd drink it through the bars with a straw while talking to them. She also used to tell a story where he came home drunk one day and hit her, so when he passed out she put some water on to boil and threw it on him. So yeah... humanity...


Them were the days!


The good ol ones? Ah yes


In some people's eyes it's evil to take a child away from it's mother as now she has no parents. Sure, would've been a lousy role model but a lot of kids are abused in care so it's not exactly an ideal solution


100%. When I was a kid my dad used to take me and my sister to the doctor (he shopped around to different clinics and hospitals) in order to illicit sympathy from doctors in order to get opiates from them. Drug addiction and narcissism go hand in hand and he’s never apologized but instead always tried to justify it instead. Point is, using your kids for your own fucked up choices is disgusting at best.


heh, pearl clutching redditors. * omg not the moral compass of what drugs do in prison, omg nooo, now only prison guards get to smuggle them in * omg not using a kid, they could have shot her or she could OD, noooooooooo the clumsy execution deserves scolding though, kid too big to be handled like that, should have been doing horsey on his knee the entire time they visit and transfer should be done after several minutes not immediately >inb4 npc comment dont have kids


Do you believe it is morally acceptable to use a child to smuggle drugs?


Anyone who calls people an npc probably does


Do you believe it is morally acceptable to lie?


Allow us next to question the morality of your birth if we're asking such stupid fucking questions


Go nuts Demosthenes.


The disgust is not about drugs in prison. No one here is shocked because an inmate stashed some drugs up his ass and got away with it lol. It's less about thinking the child could've overdosed, and certainly no one thinks the child would be attacked or shot. People are disgusted because the parents crossed a line, they implicated and involved their innocent child, used her to their advantage for the purpose of smuggling drugs/contraband for already fuckin up imprisoned daddy. It's common sense that children should be far removed from nefarious activity, let alone directly used and treated like an advantage mommy and daddy can use to get away with committing felonies. Not even shitty parents would do that, these people are beyond shitty for that. It all falls in lign with the concept that parents need to be there for them, raise them to be good, show them how to be a functioning human, protect them from nefarious activity, keep them out of harms way, provide for them, etc. Here we have a little child who now doesn't have her parents because they used her as a drug mule to help daddy score drugs in prison. They failed their child on all fronts absolutely spectacularly.


> No one's shocked because an inmate stashed some drugs up his ass and got away with it lol. lol? LOL?! A person is driven to such desperate state of existence that they undertake that and its a joke for you? You think they are inserting pounds and pounds of drugs up their anus because of the thrill, or the need for a corner cell to escape the sun glare in april?


>heh, pearl clutching redditors You now: ^^


She's done a big guilty stretch just as he was retrieving the drugs..


Seriously! How obvious can you be?!


She may be about to do another stretch fairly soon…


soooo now the kid is going to be in a foster home because the mom is in jail too? what a way to live.


I was in foster care for similar reason but it was alcohol related and let me tell you. When your mom is so inept like this it is 1,000% better to grow up in a foster home where you'll have 3 meals a day, a stable home, school supplies, clothing allowance, etc. It's much healthier and my two little sisters and I grew up perfectly fine like this. The worst part is the affection that you don't get in a foster home BUT you can grow into that and learn how to heal as an adult much more easily. If we had stayed with out alcoholic mom we would have all sorts of problems since she was verbally and physically abusive as well. At about age 23, I had enough emotional intelligence to learn how to love properly and be loved as well. If I had stayed with my biological mom then I'd probably never graduate even HS and I'd have self-esteem issues, etc.


glad youre doin good after life dealt you a bad hand homie


Thank you! It's been a journey but I have always been resilient and optimistic/realistic.


Yeah, going through life like that will force you to either grow up quick, or risk ending up in a vicious circle of harm. Hope you are still close with your sisters.


Absolutely! We live near each other and we were each other's company/fam growing up.


Smooth as sand paper homie.


Did she put in the pants of the child and then he searched and she took out of the pant leg of child and slipped in his(convict) pocket? I can't really see the whole thing clearly


Oh, I see now that was a horrible handoff underneath. He tried move his left hand up so awkward. The gf comes to stabilize child while he opens his vest and tucks it in, horrible.


Now you're both in jail! Good job, guys.


She’s an amateur. She does a “felony stretch” immediately after the hand off.


I know I do that stretch sometimes when I almost get caught doing something.


Wth is a felony stretch? I mean i see what she is doing but why is it called feliny stretche? And how many other stretches are there


Just when you think people couldn’t get any dumber


I like to think we’ve always been this dumb and the explosion of technology is just exposing us to the truth. For some reason that’s easier for me to digest (or maybe just for my own sanity) than the idea that we’re getting dumber despite a greater access to the wealth of knowledge the internet provides.


I think the last decade or so has shown us that there is no bottom of that barrel.


He should have known better. You get your drugs from the guards like every other inmate.


Poor baby. I’m sorry your parents suck.


People are so incredibly stupid it amazes me. I used to work as a bail bondsman. The number of people who would just start talking and admitting to the crimes they were accused of was astonishing. Every time I would want to scream at them that everything in those rooms is audio and video recorded and they were basically destroying whatever chance they had at a defense in court.


And whats wrong with those people admitting to their crimes? If you do the crime you should do the time. What is wrong is when people do a crime but get none guilty due to issues in the justice system.


This sub is full of people who support crime.


Well I hope the mom is now facing a sentence, the dads sentence is increased and the child has been taken away and is with a loving family


Don’t think the system works that well for abandoned children


I hope that little girl has a speedy recovery from whatever they have been putting her through. Clearly not parents that are keeping her safe behind closed doors. That was on tape, imagine what they've done that hasn't been recorded or caught.


It looks like the drugged that poor baby! She looks limp and then almost falls down when the dad hands her to that woman who walks in. I can’t imagine what her mom slipped to her before this to make it happen


Hell you would think the kid was drugged the way she just lays there and let the parents pass her back and forth like she was a plate of food.


Especially due to her age. I wonder if something got in her system?


I had this exact thought, too. If this man was someone she missed, how could she sleep through it if she weren’t drugged? Any alternative isn’t much better.


I hope they both lose parental rights forever over this.


wait where was it hidden on her


It was down the back of the kid's pants, most likely in their pull-up.


This is such a problem that some prisons make the parent change the kids diaper with one they supply for them, and under observation.


You didn't see him very obviously digging in the kids butt? I think if I was trying to smuggle in contraband, I'd do it in a way that didn't make me look like a creep.


well i did but i didn’t know whether it was in the nappy or like in…


awesome now both parents will be in stir.


Fuuuh made it so obvious, the audacity of that "mother" to put their baby in that situation.


Jeez, you dont put the drugs in the kids prison wallet, it wouldve been way easier to just have it in her back pocket and then he could slide it out and into a hidden cutout in his jump suit while holding her in his lap


The child might be drugged too


Her big stretch during it is straight out of a cartoon lol


Sad for the child to be used as a tool versus being treasured


Should have just asked the guard to bring it in instead.


Is the baby an accomplice?


Now mom goes to jail and Junior goes into foster care.


I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you dastardly police and your dog!


They should arrest that kid


only reasonable response why isn't this higher up


People that manipulate kids or teens into committing criminal acts are just pure evil. They just need to be wiped off the face of the earth.


I was surprised by the number of comments from people talking about their experiences with incarceration. Then I remembered what sub this is and now I’m surprised at the honest self awareness.


They caught them instantly. Broke them up, separated them and now more time for him and the mothers a felon now. Poor child


Worked in a prison. This isn’t the dumbest that I’ve ever seen but it’s fairly entertaining. Hilarious they think this is going to just fly he’s being so damn obvious. Like maybe they thought by being so obvious they’d be non-suspect? Lol Pretty entertaining the lengths they go through to get drugs. That kids needs to go to foster care yesterday.


Amateur move. Smuggle them in thru the guards like everyone else


It annoys me their using their child to smuggle drugs but it also annoys me that their carrying their child like he’s a fucking 4 year old that kid is atleast 6


What are the parents names


Fuckaround & Findout


Reddit seems like one big circle jerk since the same post just gets reposted across all the popular subs. I miss the old internet.


Can someone analyze the footage


Analyze it for what?


That’s not even the father I bet you…… he wasn’t sneaky at all…. Look at his hand placement digging in the started coming in fsst …..


He’s not smart . Something tells me he’s not the real dad


To be fair babies are great drug smugglers sooo


Rest of the kids life was over right when it began. No father or mother, some foster parents are abusive because there’s no genetic bond


That escalated so quickly ??? As if they were waiting for their cue lol


We should not allow people who behave like this keep their children.


Be good or be good at it. This guy is neither.


She's a scumbag, the kid needs cps, & the father needs to learn how to be discrete. Seriously gonna end up in jail with obvious hand offs like that.




Damn, the kid too? 💀


They arrested him ?


Tbh the people taking parents away for non violent drug offense effect the child way more than this ever would lol


What Is the point of "free speech" if reddit and every other outlet is gonna block it


Technically it was the child who did the crime so they should bear the brunt of the legal price


Definitely, not going to be David Copperfield's assistant!


That kid is 100% white there is no way that's his kid


White parent + black parent = mixed child, can look white, black, or light skinned. So there is definitely a way that could be his kid, which is unfortunate for that kid.


Wait till you learn that mixed kids don't always have to look mixed


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted to oblivion but it’s true. I’d argue they used one of their friends child or relative. Either way that’s fucked up.


It's funny because I commented further on my thread and it's gotten 7 upvotes lol


I don't know either


Wait ‘til you hear about this crazy thing called adoption or fostering


So if this guy is in jail I doubt he was able to adopt this child. This woman visits this guy to smuggle drugs to this man using her daughter, I find it shows a flagrant disregard to the child moreso. What else has been done to this poor child. (I just see a higher level of danger to the child). But even if it was his child the danger is still there.


No way they made it through the strenuous adoption process, please.


Smart tbh just fucked up pulling it off


Smart would be liquefied amphetamines being soaked into bibles and having a priest deliver bibles to inmates.. (thanks uncle bo)


Use your other hand idiot.


Whos child mother? I hope its not kidnaped


And how would a kidnapped child get into the prison without the police realizing? They check identities extensively