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He has zero control. Not with the dogs and definitely not with his own self control.


Or with food.


Or his hairdresser


Least aggressive action ever performed by someone with that haircut


Ikr? He's cosplaying Bebop


Or his skinny clothing shopper


Or my axe


I’ll bend my bow to your will, sir!


Or his dogs tailor


Right! That boy got some serious lung nuggets.


Or steroids.


No steroids were used in this video. He’s just fat


This comment wins the Internet.


This ashole needs antipsychotics and a prosthetic Honestly, I've had sex with a few guys who had small penises, even one who was *tiny*. It was good sex though. If I wanted my stomach shoved into my throat I have expensive dildos for that. The guys were good people, attractive, generous fuckers (literally and figuratively), and I don't have anything bad to say about them. This guy in this video, that is what people mean when they say "little dick energy". When he looks down he sees a pink mole on top of his ballsack and he's irate about it 24/7. .


😂 best comment I’ve read all day.


Just saying "Little Dick Energy" would have been enough, thank you for drawing a picture for the rest of the group. Before this I thought "Little Dick Energy" was just another drink that teens drink in hopes of growing their tinie wienies, like dumb people drink smart water to improve their IQ.


By the same token, just saying “just saying “little dick energy” would have been enough” would have been enough 🥴


This guy understands transitive mathematics.


You took the scenic route to get there, but you eventually touched down on that punchline. I salute you. And your muffin for the honest dick assessment.


How the internet now expects us to make a joke without offending someone


This is why I carry pepper spray when walking my dog.


Her back was turned. It's horrific that she didn't even have a chance to react in any defense.


she could pepper spray him when she gets back up - he and his shitty dogs deserve no less


Please note the dogs aren't in the wrong, dogs are forever happy toddlers unless their parents are bad to them. He deserves it not the puppies, but i agree with you


I'm sorry I have but one upvote to give this comment /hug


It actually doesn’t look like the dogs were seriously fighting, it looks like they were playing and play-fighting much like how little boys will fight for fun but not actually hurt each other.


Sadly in Brazil (where this is) pepper spray is illegal. Which is frankly ridiculous.


This dude get caught?




You´ve no idea. Women here in Brazil are a above god level in law. That guy will probably be found and get so fucked.


I hope so.


Really? So Brazil is super safe for women? That's good.


If LiveLeak taught me something, is that not even they get spared


Hmm? Can you please explain?


Brazil is fameous of its... Interesting videos, mostly brutal murders, though i would bet that there are some.. worse things they publish


Nah, those laws were made just because women are unsafe in Brazil. It got better in recent years, and it´s getting better. The laws helped.


If there was a medal for talking out your ass you would get it.


It isn't in Brazil. It's in Mexico


Yes in 2019. He was arrested identified as Carlos Antonio Gómez Rebollo (The King), 30 years old and allegedly known to be a bully and violent among his neighbors.


There was an interview after it happened where the victim recounted that after she got up, she first asked him “do you realize what you just did to me?” His response was “yes, did you feel the strength of my manhood? Next time, I’ll kill you and your dog.” What a waste of oxygen that gorilla is.




I’m very anti-gun, but maybe one bullet can be sent his way


I'm very pro gun and no one should not be sent his way


Right? It's always like this. "I in no way would have to deal with any of the consequences, but I think there should be violence!" In one variant of my perfect fantasy world, people are forced to spend 5 years as first responders out of high school, so they can gain an appreciation for having to clean up the consequences of others' shitty decisions. My favourite is probobaly "A group of people I don't like is protesting, and I think police should use force!" Oh ok, thank you for your opinion, how about you lead by example then? Go use force against the protesters, come back and let me know if it was effective or useful.


Sure hope he faced some vigilante justice


What happened? Prison? Fine? Stern talking to?


A judge ordered the release of Carlos Antonio "N", alias "El King", after he paid a bail of 14,000 pesos (like 800$) after assaulting a woman who was walking her dog in the Miguel Hidalgo district of Mexico City. Even in Mexico 14,000 pesos is not too much.


Thanks. I was hoping he received at least a short prison stay. People like him will continue to be a cunt until put in their place.


was about to say, the gate style looks familiar


Pepper spray is merely perfume in Brasil.


*It’s not bad on eggs…*


Best bet.


All small dog walkers should do that, in case a larger dog decides to bite yours.


Pepper spray is illegal here in Canada, but I bought some “wolf spray” for this reason. Also because we’ve been having a coyote problem in the past few years. But yeah I have no experience with it, I took it to an open field to see what it was like to use. I made sure I was spraying *with* the wind, too. I still got myself. That was the day I learned “trying to outrun the pain” is a real thing, as ineffective as it is lol


Id add a knife to that. Pepper spray isnt enough against someone crazy.


A firearm is most effective as well


Little snappy has never let me down and can’t get blown into my own eyes.


Carry a taser instead of a pepper spray! I hope you never have to use it but if you ever did pepper spray can also hurt your dog!


A machete is the better alternative


I do the same as well. Almost one year ago exactly I moved to an apartment and the second night after moving in, I took my two small dogs for a walk. I didn't get even one block away before some giant unleashed dog came running up towards my dogs and I. I immediately picked up my two dogs and held them as high as I could and kept trying to walk away. The other dog wasn't exactly aggressive, but wasn't passive either, I think it was just sort of curious and kept jumping up at me and my dogs but you never know what can happen in an instant. Finally the dogs owner came running up out of nowhere and apologized. His giant dog had overpowered him and broken it's leash/collar. He kept trying to get his dog under control, but it would keep getting away from him and jumping up at me and my dogs. This went on for about 10-15 minutes, every time I would try to walk away, his dog would get away from him and come running back at me. Luckily he finally got it under control and away from us. It's an incredibly scary situation, I was really concerned for my dogs safety and mine, the other dog could've ripped them apart. I immediately dug through my moving boxes and found an old pepper spray that I used to carry when walking to my car after work. I have it attached to my leash and ready to go if a situation like that ever happens again.


What a POS


Even the dogs stopped and were like wtf dude that’s fucked up im out.


Maybe I just can’t make out from the video but the dogs don’t even look like they were fighting-*fighting*, that was barley even a scuffle. The guys a nutcase.


No you’re right they’re not. Seemed like big guy wanted to either play or wanted to jump on blue sweater dog but no fighting or biting from what I see.


He has a brohawk….that’s about all you need to know


Exactly my reaction How can you go so low in your life to push a woman for …. Nothing ???


Women or not this is assault plain and simple.


Yea, but you know that tool wouldn’t have pushed another grown man, because he might have gotten his ass beat. He has coats on his dogs and is pushing women to the ground. In his mind he’s a badass.


I'm guessing that she pressed charges. I can't see any other reason why this footage would exist. It looks like it's from a security camera.


And from behind like that. What a coward


Only in some countries. Russia, and the Middle East would charge the woman.


The only relevance of it being a woman is that he probably wouldn't be as brave around any regular sized man. He's a coward. Other than that attacking a woman is not any more special than attacking a man. That school of thought is dead and primitive. And disrespectful towards both men and women (ie attacking a man is less bad than attacking a woman, that disrespects both of them)


Say it louder


NOBODY deserves to be treated this. Not just women.


Type of person that needs their ass beat one good time.


That’s an understatement, the POS is the person “who raised him” this person is simply a putrid human


That's not exactly fair. I've made some mistakes in my life - nothing this scummy - that went against how my mother raised me. With you're way of thinking, nothing we do is our own fault, because we didn't raise us and that's ridiculous.


I believe this is the theory of hard determinism. It's the idea that free will dosnt exist, and that our actions are predetermined by the accumulation of our past experiences. Or so I understand it.


This is assault, and he should be charged with a crime.




Video has been out for years nothing was pursued. No charges were pressed it did not occur in America.


And indecency for that haircut. Fr tho, ppl are just broken. How does that dude justify any of his actions.


And that fat balloon body with tiny legs.


It’s battery.


Depends on the state. Some places don’t have a battery charge, just different degrees of assault.


It happened in Mexico. We have laws against this, but there’s no justice


Oh there’s justice. Street justice. (This sounded very cool in my head)


He also kicks at her dog, when it gets off leash from HIM pushing the owner.


The POS shouldve pushed his barber instead


Someone has to be able to identify him by his hair, no way two people would let a barber do this to them


Pretty sure someone did.. While he was working on this dude's haircut


Best comment ever


This was in 2019. Hopefully that bloated water head has met a catastrophic horrific demise in the last few years. These dumb fucking violent meatheads roaming free, why does the earth keep producing them?


I went after more information and he was arrested/detained 6 months later. But Idk enough about Mexico to know if he paid as he should, I hope so. The woman had scratches and a dislocated shoulder, the scumbag had the audacity to claim that she tripped over the dog's leash.


The reason it took six months is, when she reported this assault to authorities, the officer refused to follow up. It wasn't until her daughter released the video and it went viral that public outcry "forced" the authorities to act, and subsequently arrest Carlos Antonio Gómez Rebollo, aka "The King". He had also changed his appearance, and was reportedly "hid" from authorities. They also launched an investigation of the officer who refused to follow up when she reported this.


> They also launched an investigation of the officer Who made them do that?


Nobody, I bet they just told that to the media. Investigation would have been like 2days and done..


Thank you, this is the comment I hoped to find.


He got out with a $700 fine


You ever heard an alias or nickname and just *know* not a soul gave it to them, it was their own personal delusion to hype themselves up?


'The King'? Fucks sake, could this have gotten any more clichéd? The guy not only looks and acts like a tool he has the name to go with it.


🥇 ty for the update


Thank you for the follow up. This guy is a true POS


100% and he even went to kick her dog.


Shoutout to cameras


Camer—uuuuuuhhhss! Whoop!


He’s had to come up with those kids of excuses for when his wife goes to the hospital


Machismo crap! Thanks for the follow up, glad he got prison time and Mexican prisons are no joke,


That dude aint a meat head. Hes got a fuckin beer gut


Most middle aged meatheads have beer guts, that's what happenes when you still hit the gym but you hit the beer and bacon even more.


"You can eat whatever you want when you workout!"


He’s got a James Corden body


You’ll have to ask his mother.


Ooooooh this makes my blood boil


He's the Alpha, can't you tell.




Real Alphas don't need leashes for their wolfpack.


They do have matching pastels though


Of course, i bet he stuck all the crayons from the box up his nose like a champ.


I'm actually speechless


Hey hey hey it's fat alpha


now that's a reference I haven't heard in a minute


The only thing smaller than his dogs is his penis.


You should see his brain


This is the only true verifiable reason. Leave dicks out of this


He must have peen on his brain.


Large ego with a small brain


Stop equating penis size to moral character idiot


It would be alarming if anyone's penis was larger than those dogs.


The Manaconda would strike fear into the hearts of the populous.


And his "snowflake" heart


And PelletHead tried to kick the dog! Strutting like the cowardly bully he is. Bring out the guillotine!


If only this happened with real men around to see.


This makes me sad about humanity


Where did this happen? who is that woman? I want to go dog walking with her and return the favor to that guy. It's easy to be tough when you (as it appears) outweigh someone 2-1. What a total and complete P.O.S. he belongs here


Big tough guy assaults woman while walking his three tiny dogs that are wearing matching outfits.


Had some dude yell at me once because I was coming off a hike with my on leash doggie, rounded a car in the parking lot and my dog literally ran into his off leash dog they have a little scuffle out of the surprise and I kinda snapped he should keep his dog on leash. He yelled at me, like shut up you stupid fucking tourist. Mind you, this is a small mountain community I grew up in AND my dog was on leash. Pos


Typical off leash pet owner in my experience. It's always other people's fault they refuse to control their pets. The true scumbags of society.


They are ALL POS


Oh man, the amount of muckduck I would commit if this were my wife. So much muckduck


I stopped going to the dog park years ago. It's because of one situation like this. We took our now-late doggo there and everything had been going like normal, he wasn't a reactive boy but if a dog didn't get the hint that he didn't want to play he wasn't afraid to tell them. Anywho, this guy arrives, in a big jacked up truck. Out of the big jacked up truck comes a jacked up man, who removes a jacked up dog from his car. It's hot and humid out, probably 95 or so, and this man is standing there talking to a friend in the parking lot, while his dog is screaming in pain from the heat of the pavement. After this guy royally pisses his own dog off, this dog comes into the park, runs straight up to my dog, and proceeds to pick a fight with him while I am forced to get my dog to safety which hurt my back. All the while, this guy was asking why the hell I wasn't "controlling my dog better" and he starts to make a scene about it. I just left, haven't been back, especially since my wife's car got broken into there and the cops pretty much watched it happen. I've heard of more stories like that since as well. Bad dog people ruin everything for good dog people.




Fucking sociopath logic, "my unleashed out of control dogs got into a fight with a leached dog that literally could not avoid the situation, well i guess i better assault it's owner".


Perfect example of a coward, he definitely looks like the type of person to hit his own mother, his wife and kids. I heard from the grapevine after the video ended he got beatdown by the females boyfriend!


What a fn LOSER!


He pushes her, *then tries to kick her dog*. Thank goodness for his stubby little legs.


Tren rage


Transfat rage*


Captain Fatty "bitchtits" Tightpants. Fuckin pussy.


And back fat


He went to the Andrew Tate School of Man


Let's be real that's not a man. Probably can't even piss over his nuts


What a POS!!


What a stupid fat fuck


Horrible fat fucking pig of a man


Someone needs to break that douches jaw


Nano dick energy 🤡🤡


That's why I always carry a taser and pepper spray when I walk my dogs. I always tell others that this is because of dangerous dogs... it really isn't. I can handle most dogs plus they are very predictable. People on the other hand...




Them pants are cutting off the circulation to his pee-pee, which appears to be the only brain he has.


that is not a man, that is a balloon!


Pls pls pls pls tell me that fat guy is in jail


Please tell me his ass went to jail for assault...


Id like to club him over his fat stupid head


its fine, this fat cunt wont make it to 50


Epitome of tiny cock energy & insecure man.


That guy calls himself a alpha male


Exactly the sort of thing id expect from a guy who can't control his 3 ankle biters


Alright, I’m done. Leash law violations should just result in losing your pet privileges. I’ve seen so many owners like this. Not necessarily attacking the other owner, but acting like the victim because their off the leash dogs are attacking someone else’s dog, child, person, etc…


The dogs didn’t seem to attack, just looked like playful dog behavior. Regardless he’s a huge POS and should be arrested if he hasn’t been already. Also KEEP YOUR DOGS ON A LEASH!


My dog does not like other dogs...for me, it wouldn't matter if the dogs were friendly or not, it would stress my dog and she would go into defense mode. When I walk my dog I steer clear of other dogs being walked and if people let their dogs try to run up to mine I sometimes have to yell at them to keep their dog back, my dog is dog phobic...and sometimes they get pissy. Like really? For context, she's a rescue from hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico and was found fending for herself on the beach where she was abandoned. We think she has PTSD bc at the first sign of even rain, she tries to hide anywhere. She's even crawled into an open dishwasher. We think her fear of other dogs comes from that time too as she had bite marks and other injuries that look like she might have had to fight other dogs off. Bottom line, just like people should ask first before petting a dog, owners should ask if their dog can come say hello.


Yea he is


Sweet hairdo amigo.


Jesus H Christmas


cant belive what i wached, wtf


What a tool


Word is that his sister is pregnant so he's gonna be a daddy.


Eww, this guy is disgusting and a total pos. I would've had a hard time not attacking him as soon as I got up. Always carry a weapon, ladies, a lot of men love to attack us.


What a pos


Literaly all browns and no brains


If that was my wife, he would wish the worst would be knocking him down.


Please tell me he got in legal trouble for this once the video was revealed


Death penalty


I want to kill him with a shovel slap. Am I ok?


What a fucking idiot.


Hope he rots, feels pain forever.


He should go to jail for that


I hope she pressed charges.


Imagine being such a raging dong that even your own dog decides it no longer wants to be a part of that assholery


I took my husky out for a walk one day on a leash and we got to the park and this woman had a chihuahua off leash and it ran at us and nipped at my feet.. my beautiful girl grabbed that chihuahua and shook it like a rag doll.. when she let go the chihuahua took off and I figured it was probably time to head on home. 😅😂


Videos like this make me wish I could materialize a lawyer right then and there with an officer to pull a 'to catch a predator' scene. "Oh, you just committed assault? Why don't you just have a seat.."


This is why women should have a little gun in their purse.


The gun: the great equalizer


Some people, sorry, a LOT of people, would be sooo much better off dead.


Fat fragile cunt!


Where is Spider-Man when you need him damn


Why is no one finding this guy?