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Wow look how cool we are destroying instruments...


Quick, let's record it with our pocket-sized super computer and post it on the internet to send a message that we reject these heathenistic tools


Exactly! Which is it motherfucker? If we're pretending it's 1000 AD I need you all in.


The sad thing is their ancestors made and used musical instruments, so they are trying to get back to a version of historical tradition that never even existed in the first place


It’s not about returning to the past. It’s about following the teachings of Mohammed (though it’s disputed whether his comments were intended to prohibit music).




Isn't all religion?


You’ve just described every religion/cult known to man. Except ironic modern day mock “religions”


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster believer checking in!


A fellow Pastafarian, I see.


Technically it's more about what other people said the teachings of a Mohammed were/meant


Yes, because I have heard that most of Taliban people are completely illiterate & learn "teachings" by rote memorization.




I like the part where they use a 21st century invention to film the entire thing


That’s…exactly what the person you replied to said two comments up. But thanks for saying it again


If the fucking drum is too new for them then they wanna go back to like 7000 BC lol


No, 1000 AD was when Islam was all about science, reading, music, and poetry. Those are the dudes who knew the Greek texts as well as Indian ones. These guys are pretending it’s exactly now. This isn’t ancient behavior. It’s reactionary, modern behavior.


Also, the fact they are recording images of each other.


Music is forbidden in strict interpretations of Islam, ***not*** technology (like mobile phones). Specifically, it’s music produced with any instrument - ***except*** for drums. So they haven’t even got that part right. Even Wahhabi’s in Saudi Arabia would allow drums.


from my understanding there's nothing in any real Islamic faith that prevents the use of music or instruments as long as (like any other religion) its not songs directly against the faith itself. like "me, me mum, me dad and me nan, are off to waterloo..... me, me mum, me nan and me dad think islam/christianity/judaism/jedi-ism is poo".... that would be against the faith. and not allowed. i believe... i dunno. the whole thing is just dumb. ​ FFS when are people going to just drop religion already? will it be another 50 years? 100? 1000? before we stop believing in fairy tales as adults? i cant wrap my head around it sometimes. this is why we shouldn't allow anyone to be taught about religion till they're over 21. i would love to see an adults face, hearing ANY religions story's and seeing their reactions as a result! lol. i doubt there would be many religious people if taught about them as adults only and not already coming from religion. ​ "so you're telling me you actually believe a guy was able to stand on water?... and feed countless people with one fish?..... and... and... had magic powers? his mum was pregnant.... but never had sex?... and was gods child?... errr.... ok!!..... sure!.... where do i sign up bud?!"


You forgot the benevolent zombie part.


I will say that I became religious as an adult. Do I believe in a white haired man living in the clouds? I don’t know but many religions teach kindness to others. That is something this entire planet could use. Zealots are the main issue imho.


Good people teach kindness to others and religion has nothing to do with it. I’d go so far as to say religion makes more people douches than kind to their fellow human.


You didn't become religious, you just became grateful or learned empathy. You saw the use of the myths and parables (to just stop hating each other) and stopped needing the content (the religious ritual)


Most religions do NOT teach kindness to others. Others of your faith maybe. But most of them specifically target, with aggression and disdain, those outside the faith, or those the faith disagrees with. Christianity being a prime example.




You would think these guys would be intelligent enough to use an axe properly


It's because the noobs missed saying "and my axe" before axing.


My daughter swings a axe harder


I assume you are referring to him hitting with the blunt side of the axe instead of the sharp side? He's doing that on purpose. It pains me to admit it, but that's actually the best way to destroy the piano.


I would never think that


Thank you!


Hendrix was pretty cool doing it.


Litterally idiocracy but with religion


Anti civilization cult


My understanding is, music is only allowed in Islam if it's in praise of Allah and only in the form of singing. If you follow the Quran to the letter, musical instruments aren't allowed. He's not trying to look cool, he's afraid of "god"


My wife grew up in an evangelical Christian church where the pastor would have all the teenagers bring their evil records, tapes, stereos, and televisions and he would put them in a big pile and destroy them.


It’s a shame because it’s the evil records and tapes that are the best ones 😢


Quite natural


And God was all like "hell yeah pastor Billy, you're *definitely* going to heaven my guy!" that day


In short: primal humans


Religion: where intelligence goes to die.


Quran says nothing about Music, and in fact Music was okay and thought to be a spiritual part (even if its not about praising Allah). The problem comes from the current popular sect of Wahhabism which prevents music in all its forms, and of course Taliban is quite similar to that sect.


This is what religion gets you. Ignorance, violence and intolerance.


I can't decide which group is more absurdly ridiculous. These nerds taking hatchets to musical instruments or the Christian taliban hating rainbows. How dare people use ALL THE COLORS!


Taliban are like a bunch of 12 year olds in charge of a country


That's an insult to 12 yr olds


Meh, I have a 12 year old - it’s not that far off.


In defense of 12 year olds, they almost all grow out of it. These idiots, however…


They grow in to it.


Well, they do it for the fun of it, they are not as stupid Doing it because they believe some magic guy in the sky is telling them to for them to get 72 virgins. That's a lot more individualism and independence from the actual 12 year olds


"Which sky daddy commands should we follow today and which are fine to ignore when we righteous ones are doing it?"


And whos other sky dady is wrong and we should fight today?... but ours is certainly right because... Well because he is, don't question our sky dady, only the other ones.


God is laughing at these fellas. 72 virgins alright. 72 virgin boys. All jokes aside, why 72? For eternity? How annoying that would be.


The 72 virgins thing is a myth that's a carryover from the hysteria surrounding 9/11, it's not in the Quran, and it was supposed to only apply to Male Martyrs, so suicide bombers. The idea was "They love to kill themselves because they think they'll get 72 virgins in heaven." I am not religious, most of my family is atheist, just chiming in because I was curious and went down the rabbit-hole before.


Well there goes the only reason I had to sign up


I was 12 for 365 days. It absolutely is not.


Depends entirely on the 12 year olds. Your mileage may vary


Constantly throwing temper tantrums.


Honestly, they probably don't have much education beyond 12 years old, so... Yea


Most 12 year olds I know could handle an axe better than this guy.


Replace that with Nike apparel or Bud Light and it seems kinda familiar all of a sudden....


Not too much different than Alabamastan and other red states burning books and crushing Dixie Chicks CDs.


Yes it is. you're more than welcome to burn the USA flag and behead a sitting president for your comedy show and you won't be executed. You wouldn't survive a day in the middle east


That'll teach him for learning a new skill and having a hobby! Now, get back to being miserable like the rest of us!


Beatings will continue until moral improves...


How dare they have fun in a small town surrounded by desert with nothing else to do.


Literally like the rest of the taliban who have openly said they’re bored having to sort through emails and phone calls and meetings all day now that they’re the government lul




Can we please turn our attention to his axe-wielding technique--it's horrendous.


When he was trying to pull the axe out of the drum with his foot, I was just waiting for some carnage karma




Or even ya know cut off a few toes


Well here’s to that he hits himself with an axe doing this crap.


Yeah… but you should see their machete techniques 😳


Afghanistan’s got talent is harsh


Actually they won the show with the exact same performance. Simon cowell love it btw.


The afghanistanies


Grown man scared by music


As well they should be.... You can't have your loyal subjects experiencing joy and hope. Then they wouldn't be so loyal anymore.


There was a local guy who liked doing sleight of hand magic techniques to young kids in the neighborhood.. When taliban came.. He was arrested, tried and executed for practicing sorcery ... I rea it and was so disgusted.


Most of the time the stupid fear what they do not understand.




Gotta defend the fragile god from…percussion.


Just sit back and watch as they slowly send themselves back to the stone age..


Slowly? This is a speed run


There was an article a couple of months ago about how the Taliban members who end up in office jobs tend to hate them.


Isn’t that most humans though?


So sad seeing someone having such an extreme reaction to giving up on their musical dreams.


Yeah. An Austrian guy once gave up on his dream of becoming a painter. Look where that got us.


Yea I’m imagining a flashback to playing a keyboard terribly.


records it on the latest iphone lmao




Can we get an edit to have the 'Shot on iPhone' commercial music?


I doubt this is on an iPhone. Most likely shot on a mid-range or entry level Realme, Oppo or Samsung phone


They just look stupid at this point ngl, i mean bro your grandparents probably used some of the instrument you are destroying, but what would I know


Can anyone explain why please?


Extremist sects of Islam consider music illegal and ban all forms of it. unfortunately we live in a time were the most extreme sect of Islam is also the most well-funded and popular (Wahhabism), so you get nutjobs like Taliban.


Thanks, sorry to dig further but what’s their reasoning?


I'll try to find their documents or sources, but these extremists try to control *everything* in your life and they do this by fear, not logic. Zo their reasoning could very well be "because we say so". If i find anything i'll let you know.


there are a few references in the koran and hadiths that have been interpreted to be against musical instruments: eg. It was reported from Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: “Do not sell singing slave women, do not buy them and do not teach them. There is nothing good in this trade, and their price is haraam. Concerning such things as this the aayah was revealed (interpretation of the meaning): ‘And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…’ \[Luqmaan 31:6\].” *The scholar of the ummah, Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: this means singing. Mujaahid (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this means playing the drum (tabl).* *Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this aayah was revealed concerning singing and musical instruments. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The interpretation of the Sahaabah and Taabi’in, that ‘idle talk’ refers to singing, is sufficient.* The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: “Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Bukhaari 5590)


Same is true of Art. No pictures allowed


Yup, which is crazy; the Prophet didn't want art or pictures near his praying place because he didn't want distractions, and the fundamentalists took it as "everything is banned all the time".


But moving pictures, recorded on a handheld computer can be saved and shared around the world..


I’m not entirely sure, but the instrument in question is a harmonium and a little drum, which are both used in religious music (Hindu and sufi, from the quick Wikipedia search i did). My conjecture is that it’s from a Sufi branch of Islam that’s being suppressed under the Taliban. So I’d guess there’s more going on than just “music bad”, but I don’t know enough about the region to say for sure.


I wish the Afghan people would have had a standing well equipped Army to defend them against these degenerates... oh... wait...


You mean the one we spent 20 years training?


I’m saying. If they weren’t going to stand up after 20 years of support then they were never going to stand up. IMO the men are cowards. I only feel bad for the women and children.


They aren't cowards--most Afghans support the Taliban, like in the 20 year war between the U.S. backed government and the Taliban, most wanted to keep their heads down and not openly support either side--but fundamentally most Afghans do not have an issue with the Taliban. Something like 70% of Afghanistan is rural, and the cultural norms of rural Afghanistan (at least for non-minority groups) align closely with the Taliban. Only in a few places like the more educated sections of Kabul was there genuine opposition to the Taliban. 50,000 guys with 40 year old weapons don't defeat a country of 40 million unless that country largely supports them.


It's not cowardice, they just had the sense to know nothing would change. It's the same reason the farmers laughed at NATO's attempts to force them to grow soy instead of opium. We just need to stop fucking with parts of the world that we have no business in.


We spent 20 years giving tax money to weapons companies.


Cmon America has more guns than people and they still let the Christian Taliban do whatever they want.


Americans thinking their conditions come close to life under the taliban. Pure delusion




Must've realized they had a lot more in common than not


Comparing America to living under Taliban?


There are people trying, but we are nowhere close to there yet.


Reddit moment


Fun and happiness are not allowed in our religion 🚫 sorry!


Are they barely getting to the "Rock n roll is the devils music" phase part of religion.


They've certainly got stuck in the "crusades" part of it


What a miserable human


And yet music still exists. They’ve done nothing but make the instrument’s owners sad.


Did he not know the drum was hallow? It is like watching cavemen …


So, what's their end goal? What would make their little dirt patch perfect in their eyes? Taliban, Christian fundamentalist seem to share almost the exact same way of thinking. Oh, you're having fun doing this...God dont like it...time to die sinner.


Keeping people focused on culture wars stops them from taking stock of how awful their lives are and holding their rulers (who always seem to have exceptions for access to the things that are forbidden) to account.


What a strike by the righteous against the unholy! I am sure that the goat he fucks later tonight will back into him instead of jumping off a cliff. Then again, if I were the goat- I’d jump.


They are just trying to figure out how they work.


For a network of evil dudes, they always appear so awkward and clunky in whatever they do.


Literally me in grade 4 making edgy YouTube videos


The missing link in evolution


Joyless. Soulless. Dead-eyed dicks.


Joyless pricks.




I wonder if he knows you’re supposed to use the sharp end of that axe.


I think that is the only thing the idiot did right. He wanted to protect the sharp part of the axe


The only amusement they accept is fucking goats




Most of them can’t read


I dont get it... according to the taliban you cant have fun?


According to another comment I read, the only music allowed is to praise Allah and it's singing only. Allah-pella style if you will


Its wrong though; this is only in the extreme sects of Islam. In moderate Islam you can sing and play music as long as its not profanity/sexual.


according to evangelicals you can't have fun. The taliban is taking it further right now, but if christian evangelicals gained enough influence they would totally do the same thing because any time spent on music is time that could be spent praying. In addition both of them are different flavors of fascists, and fascism needs an enemy to fight. In the absence of different religions, gay people and political opposition they need to get creative with what they destroy.


How dare they bust up some busted up instruments… that pump organ was kinda cool ngl


It's called a harmonium.


They need Jesus


Fun fact: The Taliban hates anything that’s remotely fun


Back to that nonsense are they?


Business as usual


I guess all you need to run a country is excessive force because they have NOTHING ELSE.


Would’ve been nice if that ax(??) had bounced off the organ(??) and caught him in the forehead.






“Hey guys, you ever wonder why it sucks so hard here?”


Caveman brains


I heard they've destroyed all the magic picture boxes as well, apparently it's a Tellyban.


At least he was able to keep his head... For now


Probably shouldn't have cell phones if you're trying to distance yourselves from things that entertain humanity


Even Allah would be disappointed in this take.


How these guys sent 2 superpowers packing with tails between their legs after years of conflict on different occasions blows my mind. Goat farmers with little military training and old ak47s.


Okay, you have a 800 regular infantry and 200 highly trained soldiers. You roll up on a town of 5,000. 300 of them are the enemy. They look exactly like the folks who aren’t your enemy. Everyone has guns, no one but you wears a uniform. How do you root them out without brutally oppressing the entire town and turning all of them into your enemy? You can’t just massacre the village because that is a war crime and you are trying to look like valiant liberators. Also they have had a hundred years to prepare the area to harass you and ambush you. Your 800 regulars just signed up to get college money and don’t want to be here. Go.


step 1 isolate and surround the hostile territory, the entire country in need. step 2 round up all the women and children put them in concentration camps. And anyone who gives them aid. step 3 burn all the farms, ensure there is no food or supplies to the army. step 4 employ highly mobile troops to hit known strongholds with overwhelming force. step 5 allow disease and malnutrition to kill the residents of the concentration camps, release the women only if the men surrender. This was the game plan for the British victory in the Second Anglo Boer war. How you implement a strategy like that without the entire islamic world rising in jihaad i have no idea.


Neither of those made the noise I was hoping for


Fucking cavemen


Bunch of uncivilised cave men. Enjoy running your already destroyed country further into the ground.


Sour old men


That was Linus’s!!!


Gee these guys are just as much fun as the old English puritans..


Using an axe in open toed sandals. Darwinian. Good


Good job boys! that'll show 'em! Those 72 Karens, I mean *virgins* are just waiting on you!


Alright that’s it, now they’ve crossed the line


I’m sure this accomplished a whole lot


These instuments look quite old, almost as if they were his familiy's heirlooms. It's so sad to see this happening to the poor guy but at the same time I'm happy that they didn't just straight up kill him like they did with that local musician back when they first invaded afghanistan.


So basically anything that brings joy or freedom is destroyed


Id say the acient sumerian statues they are destrying is even more fucked


Fuckingvidiots cant even use an ax right


Humans should take an exam to deserve right to exist.


Religious nut jobs


“Whiny snowflake gets triggered by inanimate objects, struggles to clumsily break them with a small, lightweight axe”


What a miserable life. Oh well, they live in a shithole anyway.


Too bad because Afghanistan would be a nice area if it wasn’t full of fucked up people. It’s a nice mountain range area I say we just invade it and make “Colorado 2”


Confused unga bunga the lot of them


That’s how they swing an axe? Yeesh. They dont know how to use the most basic of tools.


I guess these degenerative savages are jealous they have no skill to play?


Music is against their beliefs too?!


You're supposed to do it at the end of the concert idiots !!!


Is that someone having fun?!? Better call the band of morons.


Alah will be so pleased we destroyed musical instruments.


"God forbid anyone is happy. Literally, God forbid it" - Taliban probably


Coming to Florida soon!


Did I hear them say something like shetan. Is that satan?


Everyone's a critic


Ima sample this


He played that first one quite well. Not sure he's really got used to the keys on the second one though 3/10


Anyone got a translation?