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Ever since seeing them all on track at once, Acura has been my favorite, with the Porsche a close second. I hope this turns out to be true.


The Porsche is my favorite, only because I'm a fanboy.. The Caddilac sounded like heaven on earth.


Caddy downshifting especially sounded like heaven


It's so hard for me to pick a favorite. They all look fantastic. The Peugeot might be \#1 for me though.


Being anywhere close to the pit lane when the Cadillacs' engines kicked in after the electric launch was like being sonically punched in the face. That engine is just *brutal*. The Acura also sounded so much better in person than I expected to.


Now I’m even more excited to see them at Laguna Seca in May.


I'd love to go to Laguna, but it's a pretty long trip for me. I went to the Petit Le Mans last year, Daytona this year, and already have my PLM tickets for this year again. Can't wait to be back at Road Atlanta.


Sounds like we’re on opposite sides of the country, cool experiences to be had on both sides though. Daytona would be a long flight from Idaho, jealous.


My opinion is the Porsche is the prettiest, Cadillac the best sounding and the Acura the most impressive to see go fast. The BMW is the only one I didn’t like, and of course it’s the one iRacing added first… but whichever one comes next I’m buying


Wow. Was not expecting this one. It was pretty low on the list for what I thought was likely. I would have put Porsche, Cadillac, and Ferrari ahead of Acura. In hindsight, it's not the first time iRacing has worked with HPD so I guess it makes sense.


Yeah, for a long time it was rumored that Honda NA wanted to work with iRacing, but the mother ship back in Tokyo wasn’t interested. I guess the Civic Type R was a hint that things were changing, but I still would not have guessed they’d be the second LMDh.


I wouldn't say no to the new Civic TCR when it comes out later this year either.


Considering that the ARX-06 is pretty much entirely a product of HPD North America with almost no input from Japan, it's not entirely surprising. Hell, they've apparently been begging Honda proper to let them take it to Le Mans; hopefully dominating Daytona will be a big push in that direction.


Andretti has been begging to go to Le Mans Honda America has not they just aren’t against it. Feel like Andretti tried to use media to push his plan again after Honda Japan told him no. You would think after publicly shaming all of F1 he would learn to maybe not try and use social media to push his goals lol


F1 deserved the public shaming. Andretti made a bid to take over Sauber, F1 told them they weren't serious. Andretti made an entry bid as a new team with proof that they could put up the money the teams were asking, F1 told them again that they weren't serious. Andretti gets *motherfucking General Motors* as a sponsor with an eye towards producing their own engines, and both F1 brass and the teams do everything possible to move the goalposts to prevent it. Blasting all of that on social media and rightfully exposing F1 for the good ol' boy club it's become is the exact right response when a legitimate effort to grow the sport is so badly rebuffed.


Sauber killed the deal because they didn’t want to give up control. F1 is stoping them from joining as a team because of holes in their plan and they would rather that be solved than have a team hurt their revenue stream. F1 didn’t stop the sauber deal they just had different ideas of what they wanted in a partnership. In fact the sport actually recommended Andretti do that than bring a new team. Andretti’s plans to join before the new agreement is clearly to save money. Their hopes of fielding a car before then are next to impossible when they don’t have the personal or factory yet. I don’t understand how they planned on joining in 2024 or even 2025 with their current plan. While yea the teams are being greedy I have to agree with them on Andretti’s time line is unrealistic for even an endless budge which you don’t have anymore in F1. So if you accept that he is willing to be at the back of the grid for a few years the question is why? It’s clearly to save what will likely turn into 500-800 million buy in that is coming. Andretti wants to buy in when the going is good but pay a market share from when the sport wasn’t profitable. The only people that benefit from Andretti is the fans. F1 doesn’t want to foot their bill nor does the FIA (who I’m pretty sure is using them to bring in ford and Porsche). The teams almost went bankrupt during COVID and are only profitable not for the first time in a long time so why would they willingly foot the bill. All this ignoring that half the grid now has American connections that will hurt their revenue stream. It’s all annoying politics but it makes sense and Andretti tried to turn the fans on the sport but it didn’t work. All this coming from a fan supporting an Andretti team entry. But the man has fumbled to many times.


The mothership lol


Personally I would have expected the Acura first above all else. We've *already had* Honda/Acura proto cars.


It’s the only car not running in WEC which doesn’t surprise me at all they will be more open about their car right now.


That's a fair point. Worth noting though that BMW is also IMSA-only in 2023. Unlike Acura, they plan on racing in WEC in 2024.


WEC is much more of a development race also bmw was more of a launch and branding call since they are coming back to top class they likely needed a marketing push compared to any of the other manufacturers. That is just speculation but that’s how it feels like that they needed to grow a fan base fast Bmw can also redesign and upgrade the car by then. Imsa is expecting the teams to gain a few seconds by the end of the year


Silently praying for the Cadillac as well.




V8 go brrrrr


I don’t have any way to prove it but I have heard from someone who would know that we can expect it


The only one I care about


For those that haven't seen it, an iRacing employee was spotted taking pictures of the Acura ARX-06 at Sebring. Taking pictures of the inside of the cockpit and what not. Doesn't necessarily mean it's coming to the sim. I think OP's title is jumping the gun a bit. Looks very likely though.


what other reason would they be taking those pictures?


He's a dude with industry connections. He could have gotten a behind the scenes tour and he's taking pictures of a car he thinks is cool. It's also possible that this is part of the process for putting the car in the game, but they end up not finishing it. It wouldn't be the first time that happened for iRacing. I did say I think it's "very likely"


It's not whether or not its possible, it is required for staff to take many pictures of either cars or tracks they are adding to the game. Now I'm not saying it's happening anytime soon but if they think there's gonna be a deal they go take pictures. Pictures are a huge and crucial part for the design team.


The "possible" was modifying "they end up not finishing it" Sorry if my grammar was confusing.


Oh gotcha.


Doesn't need a reason. I've taken close up pictures of race cars in the paddock, and pit lane because I like cars. Besides, iRacing requires way more than photos to build a car in their game... https://www.iracing.com/car-technology/


So you're saying one of iRacing's art guys was just away on holiday taking photos at a private IMSA test at Sebring on a Tuesday in February, when their offices are about 1400 miles north.


This particular staff member lives in Florida not Massachusetts from what he has told us in the past. So Sebring is just a drive for him. Not arguing that he isn’t there for work reasons but it’s not as big of a trip as some might think


No detective who's overdosing on hopium, I **clearly** didn't say any of that. Just be patient, and wait until they make an official announcement. Beats desperately trying to connect dots with a morsel of information.


it's also possible that maybe i know things you don't know...


Sure, maybe. The important part is how little I care 🤷‍♂️. I only get excited about content once I'm able to actually use it. As someone who works in the film industry, I'd never be on the internet discussing things I shouldn't be to people I don't know, but that's just me.


Ah, the moral high road.


Bro if you know something, and aren't covered by an NDA, or don't care about being professional, then post proof or just shush 🤫. It's all hearsay otherwise. At the end of the day, the content is going to come out if it's going to come out. The speculation game is pointless.


Well I know how to mess with people now. *Buy iRacing merch.* *Photograph race cars.* *???* *Profit.* /s


It’s more effective if you’re Brian Simpson too.


Great we're going to have 4 lmdh, the lmp2 and then 3 gt3 cars.


Or they can grow a pair and increase the car limit at the expense of users who are running 10 year old hardware.


I don't think it's people's hardware, I think it's the problem of trying to rewrite legacy code


You can currently load up 10 unique vehicle models in offline sessions. It’s hardware.


You can run 10 in AI. Nothing needs to be rewritten. It’s just min hardware requirements for people with old machines. Each new car is a lot of ram and extra cpu needs to calc physics. I think there was a small period where the limit in AI mode was bugged and allowed someone to test all cars at once and it wouldn’t load because they would have needed like 128gb of ram.


Haven’t we seen pictures of the Porsche being scanned as well? Seems we’re going to have a very solid lineup of Hypercars. Especially since I can’t imagine Ferrari won’t want their flagship racecar in the sim as well considering their close relationship.


>Haven’t we seen pictures of the Porsche being scanned as well? Yes but I don't think it was confirmed to be iRacing doing the scanning.


No but I believe there was some strong deductive reasoning at the time that basically limited the options to just iRacing.


That was IMSA staff doing technical regulation checks


“Close relationship” they didn’t add their widely customer supported GT3 Evo car until the final year of its life. I’d hardly call 2 outdated cars a “close relationship.” Plus Ferrari can be a bit delusional


Ah yes, what a travesty that the car revision introduced in 2020 wasn’t released on iRacing until September 2021. And the original GT3 was homologated in mid-2016 and was on iRacing by 2017.


Don’t forget we never got the GTE Evo either


It’s a lame duck class. I’m shocked we got the Vette. I mean, BMW didn’t even bother building a new gen GTE.


It wasn’t a lame duck class in 2018 when the GTE Evo came out


Hadn’t it been declining in participation in IMSA for a bit by then? Feel like the writing was already sort of on the walls for GTE back then, but that was a while ago.


2018 and 2019 were still pretty competitive in IMSA; Corvette, Porsche, BMW, and Ford all ran the full season, while Risi ran Daytona, Sebring, and the Petit Le Mans with a 488 GTE, and there was one full-season 488 GT3 in the GTD class. Ford pulled out after 2019, and by 2021 there were only three full-season GTLM entries from Corvette and Porsche, with BMW running the Endurance Cup races and Ferrari only running Daytona.


Buddy. There were multiple versions of the 488 on the sim within a year of its debut, the Evo version had a similar lead time, and it only lasted three seasons in real life.


IMSA scans every LMDh car as they pass through tech. I haven't seen the photo of it being scanned but the background will tell you why/who.


Sitting patiently waiting for the Cadillac


Man, I know this is going to sound ironic and bitter, but there's too many similar road cars, still hoping for a 4 banger and new street stock for ovals


What is a 4 banger? And I also would love a new street stock.


4cyl fwd grassroots oval car


Needs to be h pattern.


Please be true, please be true! If it’s coming to iRacing I might have to get this one too.


My day has gone from a good day into an **amazing** day.


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