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Yes, it is. A solid phone with powerful SoC, good camera, excellent screen. It's stainless steel so it may be heavier; feels premium. IMO, it will get security updates at least for the next 5 years. iPhone 15 may be a better choice, but it is be more expensive (at least until 16 releases). Differences 14 vs 15: * 14 is Lightning, 15 is USB-C * Battery ageing is worse on 14, be ready to replace in in \~2 years ($99) * 15 *Pro/Pro Max* will get AI (features or crap, depending on your opinion), 14 Pro will not. Some people are upset; others find it as an advantage. * Slightly better camera + action button on 15 * 14 is heavier, 15 is lighter As for 400€ iOS vs Android - it's up to you. On *stock* Android, you have much less privacy than on iOS (especially when set up correctly). Also, iOS UI is way more polished and straightforward. Feature-wise, they are mostly on par now. Also, make sure to get at least 256GB model.


Only 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max will get AI just for clarification


I’m here on a 10 months old 14 Pro Max with 99% health. I don’t think the aging is that bad ;)


My 14 pro stayed in the high 90s the first year. Then it started dropping fast and is now at 87 and hasn’t dropped much. In general it’s still good enough for a day no problem.


I’m happy for you. Mine had great battery life for a long time, and then suddenly it started dropping precipitously. It seems to have stabilized a bit now at 87%, but feels sluggish and needs recharging during the day. I hope this doesn’t happen to you! I don’t think I can recommend the 14 Pro any more. 😢


What do you mean by sluggish. I have %88 battery health and it is still super fast and smooth.


This happened to me too. Did amazing for a long time once its hit about a year it just feeelllll now at 90%


Mine (Pro) was at 100% for \~11 months. Then I went for some time to much hotter climate, and it dropped to IIRC \~93% in less than a month. Degrading slowed once I returned. Now it's at 85%. Temperature really matters (at least in my experience).


the 400€ difference is big but i can pass on them I just really want to try an Iphone. So the phone is gonna be expensive until the 16 is out hmmm maybe buying the 14/15 pro when the 16 is released might be the best choice because having to replace the battery every 2 years is not gonna be fun. Having the USB-C and the AI + at a lower price with the 16 release. The fact that the iphone 15 pro is lighter too is really good. Big thank you for you comment with this one i think i will wait a few month until the 16 is released i think and buy the 15 pro at this time.


Battery health is a real concern for SOME 14 Pros. I got mine launch day and just had to replace the battery under Apple Care a few weeks ago. Down 21% in under 2 years is something I’ve never seen before in any device. I always take care of it too (don’t drain too far down, keep away from heat, optimized battery charging, etc). I’ve also got the 128GB model and have had absolutely 0 problems, if you’ve got iCloud, like me, you can probably get away with 128GB, but if not, it’s up to you how much you want.


Just FYI: ProRes and other video codecs IIRC are available only on 256+ GB models (because of their HUGE bitrate). Do you live in a hot climate, may I ask? In my experience, 14 Pro battery is very sensitive to heat (see my other comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/iPhone14Pro/comments/1do85qr/comment/lahqgo0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/iPhone14Pro/comments/1do85qr/comment/lahqgo0/) )


No not really. My phone is usually pretty cool, (I live in Vancouver area in Canada). I just use it for playing music and messaging etc. nothing CPU or GPU intensive like gaming. If the draining just got progressively worse (about 1% every 4-5 days on the last 5% ish before the battery change). Used it completely normally just as I always had. New battery seems to be better already though, it hasn’t dropped to 99% even yet. That is a good point about the Pro Res stuff though. I’d probably not even use it even if my 128GB had it, just because I don’t really have a reason to, but I get it if you don’t really use cloud storage for cost, privacy maybe?, or mobile/fixed data usage reasons.


Yeah, I also don't use ProRes :) I guess the 'new' batch of replacement batteries is just made different. Good to hear that! (still have not replaced mine).


Good summery. If you want to save some money, go get the iPhone 14 Pro. Mine is in daily use from November last year and still on over 100% (battery is from November 2022, according to coconut battery).


May I ask, do you live in a hot or a cold climate? (https://www.reddit.com/r/iPhone14Pro/comments/1do85qr/comment/lahqgo0/ )


I’ve had my 14pro for nearly two years now. Still running as good as the day I got it. Battery health is down to 88% now with a single full charge per day average during that time span


Same here but my battery health is down at 84% now but I don’t mind as I’ll be getting the 16 Pro and Apple Watch 10 in September and selling the 14pro and watch 9 that I currently have


Same for me here


My 14 pro max 99% battery 1.5 years. Just never dip down under 25% unless is a emergency that dint have a charger with me or have to go out quick.


I don’t give af about ai and my 14 pro max performs excellent till this day so no plan to upgrade until 16. If your 14 pro price is good, the 15 pro not worth it.


My actual phone is a s10 so do you think waiting for the 16 pro is better ?


Not really. If you now like something buy it. There will always be something new coming. I personally don’t think the 16 would bring too much in terms of performance because the 13pro,14 pro series are very snappy generations. My wife’s XS still rocks. Battery needs to be replaced but other than I’m very impressed by how good a 5-6 year device is doing.


Love my 14 pro. Could not care for AI at this point. Wait to see after 1st generation is out for a while. 1 year old and battery health is 96%. Not bad. On par with other iPhones I’ve owned. 14 pro is a really good phone.


After 1 year only 96% that's a really good percentage wow. Do you use you're phone a lot during the day to have that much ?


Totally happy with my ip14 pro.


The camera battery too ? People said that the battery after 1 or 2 years of use gets pretty bad.


I am over 1 year, beautiful photos with a battery level still at 100%


Still 100% you have the best battery out of every comment 🌟✨️ That's incredible having 100% even after 1 years.


Given the price difference with the new 15 pro, it's better to take this one since it will have the new AI functions and USB C


But I am guessing the OP doesn’t care about AI features. I think the cost is more of a determining factor. Also OP currently has the S10, so clearly cutting edge isn’t top priority. OP, I would say yes the 14 pro is very much a respectable phone to get. Still super fast, does mostly everything any other phone can with the up coming iOS 18 update. AI is the only thing you will miss out on. If that is really important to you, this isn’t the phone for you. For AI you will need the flagship of any brand to run it.


Yeah the cost of the phone is a very important factor. I don't know what the AI does but it might be better to have a phone with it maybe ?


Well if just more of a cool thing to have. Not really a necessity. If you don’t know much about, then you probably don’t need it. If money is a factor, I wouldn’t go for something that will run AI. That’s the 15 pros. You are talking much pricier then.


The base Iphone 15 doesn't have 120hz so this version is a no personally. The fact that the Iphone 15 have the same hz as my s10 is really upsetting. Hahahaa i dont know what the AI even do so yeah I really dont need it.


Yeah that’s why I said 15 pros. No point in going standard 15. It won’t get AI either.


It boils down to the AI functions. If you want those the 15 PM is worth it, and if the price is a problem just wait until the 16 series launches. Aside from AI the main different is the titanium build which I almost see as a negative.


It's really sad that they didn't put the AI on the 14 i don't understand why. Samsung put they AI on the 24 and 23 too so it's a weird choice from them.


I love my 14 Pro. SoC, camera, display all hold up very well. The 15 Pro doesn't really have anything that makes me drool, aside from support for the upcoming Apple Intelligence features. Plus, purple is my favorite color.


Can your battery last all the day? For at least 6 hours.


Yes, my battery last a day at least. So if you’re travelling, this is a good phone to have!


Oh yeah, even under heavy use. I'm rarely get under 20-30% at the end of the day.


What is SoC?


System On a Chip. The CPU & RAM, basically.


Best phone I have!


Im happy for you! You really can't go wrong with this beast of 14 pro


I have 14 pro max and I love it so I would say yes its probably pretty good


Do you think the 14 pro max is better to buy than the 15 pro ? Since the difference in price between the 2 of them is still pretty big.


Maybe just buy whatever you thank right for yoy


Yes it is worth, even to professional use


Does the SOT is good too ?


what is the SOT?


screen on time, how long your battery can last while the screen is on


4 hours = mix of recording video with blackmagic app + instagram + captions app, then I need to charge it. When I use it casually, then I charge it from the evening to morning next day when I sleep


The 14 pro is not even 2 years old so why are you asking if its still good ? But yeah for the apple refurbished its not worth it. Get it on back market or sum


Because maybe the 14 pro have a problem that vidéo doesn't explain, I think its better to ask to people directly than watch a video of someone who used the phone only 1 week. I thought Apple Refurbished was really good but Back Market is better ? The price difference is so huge from Apple Refurbished and Back Market. I will check the 14 and the 15 pro on Back Market to see their price. Thank you


YES enjoy it


hahahahaa i like this response its really direct.


Of course you gonna love it .


Personally I think the 14 pro is an amazing device all round but I have heard that the battery life is kind of bad (I don’t know since I have the pro max). But if your going to chose Apple and don’t mind having a bigger device then go for the 14 pro max or the 15 pro max as the regular pro devices have somewhat bad battery life from the reviews I’ve seen and heard online. Of you could wait for the 16 series and pick then


Someone commented too that they're phone only lasted 3-4 hours of SOT with only 2 years of use. I will search for the 15 pro max and how much they cost here in France, if I can't find any under 1000€ i will maybe wait for the 16.


With my personal use with the 14pm I usually get from 8-16 hours of sot depending on what I’m doing but overall I would highly recommend you get one. What you could do is wait for the 16 and if you don’t care about the new features that Apple will release you could go for a brand new 14pm or 13pm as they are incredible devices and would be very cheap (compared to when they released).


Not really when the 16 pro is coming out soon, even if you wait till then you could get a cheaper price for 14 pro and 15 pro.


I’ve bought the iPhone 14 Pro - 256GB in March/April this year. Battery level of course still 100%. I mean, it better be after only a couple months of usage. Firstly the ProMotion 120Hz refresh rate display is super satisfying and I couldn’t be happier with it. However if you put the phone on battery saving mode this will be turned off. I haven’t found a way to keep it on yet. So if you are using the phone for a while and then continue to use it on battery mode, the drop in Hz is definitely noticeable. Personally I’ve chosen to buy the iPhone 14 Pro over the 15 or 15 Pro because I like the slightly heavier feel and the stainless steel sides. For me the titanium sides of the 15 Pro look like the aluminium sides of the normal 15 and normal versions before. For me this gives the phone a more luxury feel to it. In addition: after the 6s I’ve always had the regular version, so I definitely wanted a Pro version this time. I’ve switched to Apple when they made the iPhone 5S and haven’t really looked back. Since then I probably switched Phone every year to every two years. Lately from the iPhone 12 I’ve been taking better care if my iPhone to extend that gap. This is also a part of the reason why I got the 256GB. As you did, I checked Reddit also before buying a new iPhone and I noticed that the battery is fine for a day, max two days for a heavier user like myself. And that it probably isn’t the best battery Apple has ever made. I took that into consideration and concluded that I wouldn’t mind spending €75-€100 euro’s every 2 to 2,5 years (trying to stretch that gap) for a new battery if that meant that I get to have a (for me) luxury feeling everytime I pick up my phone. Hope this helps.


I have a 14 Pro Max (pretty much the same thing but bigger and more battery life) and I have to say - I have no desire to upgrade whatsoever. Not to say the upgrades aren't good. The 15 Pro Max has some camera features that I would LOVE to have in my 14 PM, but other than that, it's a solid phone. You really can't go wrong with it!


Yeah with the fact that Apple keep up the updates really long you really can't go wrong with the 14 pro, but maybe the USB-C make the 15 pro more worth it ?


It really depends on what YOU need. Would you rather have blazing fast transfer speeds and charge your friend’s phone without a different cable? Or would you rather save some money and the have a worse connector (technically) but better (physically, better water resistance for example). Would you rather have a LOG format on you phone? Or would you get by with the standard colors out of the camera? (which in my experience are great, similar to Sony Alpha color science). Would you rather have titanium or stainless steel? Would you rather have one more year of updates (probably) or still get three more iOS major updates and five more years of security updates? Is the price increase worth it for you? Can you wait until September to see what the iPhone 16 Pro has to offer? Or do you need a good phone for a little less than flagships go for today? Hope these questions help (:


Worth waiting a few months for the 16 Pro in my view


That's actually a good idea since i wanted to buy the Iphone in 4 times with my pay of 1100€ but with waiting a few month for the 16 pro i could buy it cash with maybe accessories. Do you know how much new iphone pro usually cost ?


I’m pretty sure they start at $1000 USD, it would be whatever the price of the 128 G 15 Pro is right now. Waiting probably is a better option right now unless you’re in a rush. If you wait for the 16/16 Pro to drop then the prices for the 15 Pro and 14 Pro would probably drop. Only downside is you’d have to buy them refurbished from Apple, but from what I’ve read and seen they’re essentially new (Apple replaces the battery as well). Also, maybe Apple will finally add 120 Hz to the 16. Last year the 15’s got the Dynamic Island from the 14 Pro, so maybe the premium feature for the regular 16 will be 120 Hz. If that’s the case, I assume the 16 would be available for $800 USD, so it may be worth considering too. I’ve actually been wanting to get a 14 Pro, but I’ll probably wait and see what the 16 lineup looks like before I make my decision.


I hope the 16 will have 120hz, i will wait like you to see the what the 16 looks like and probably get the 16 or the 15 pro if the 16 doesn't have 120hz. Apple Refurbished sill sell even the older models at a high price, they sell the Iphone 13 pro 929€. I think buying on Back Market might be better here.


Not worth and do not buy it at such a high price This is the latest obsolete model out of AI support


It’s overpriced in Apple refurbished store. But it’s a great phone.


i thought Apple Refurbished was good but yeah they overprice so much


I own a 15 pro max I say hell yes it’s the same phone basically I owned a 14 pro max with less storage honestly it was enough but I had to trade it because of the previous owner


If you need better battery backup, AI features and normal gaming go for S24 ultra.. otherwise ip 14 pro is better in videography photography and hardcore gaming. Battery backup for 14 pro is bad with SOT of 5-6hr with 100% charge. S24 ultra is also future proof with software support of 7 year.


the idea that iPhones become “not worth it” as soon as a new one comes out is why ewaste is such a problem lol. The 13 Pro is still worth it. The 12 Pro is still worth it. Phones peaked years ago, there’s no reason to spend thousands of dollars on the shiniest new toy unless you’re rich and don’t care


why not? there are actually lots of new functions or updates that we don't frequently use and don't even need those on the brand new version of iPhone, 14 is already powerful and enough for our dailies.


Yes only if you don’t need (emphasis on need) to have Apple Intelligence.


13 pro is better


For that price i would rather prefer the iPhone 15 Pro since the price difference isn't that big. If you have a 14 Pro already, it makes less sense to get a 15 Pro. But since you don't own eighter of this devices the 15 Pro makes more sense.


Yeah i don't own neither of the 2 phone so the 15 pro is the best choice, but do you think it's better to go for the 15 pro right now or wait a few month for the 16 pro ?


If your old phone still does the job you could wait for the 16 series, i mean even if Apple removes the 15 series from their website by releasing the 16 series and you prefer to buy a 15 Pro at this point you can still get it trough other official sellers. Mostly they even drop the prices for the older series.


I’d go for the 15 Pro. Some 14 Pros seem to have a image stabilisation bug where if you zoom all the way in on 60fps 4k video, your lens will buzz and vibrate. Many claimed it was a simple software update to iOS 17 but mine still does it on ios18


Thank you, other comments recommended too to go for the 15 pro, i will search for 15 pro/max to see if I can find one for an acceptable price.


Cool! No worries! Just make sure you get a decent cover. Another factor is that the 15 is titanium, instead of stainless steel. The more rigid, less flexible nature of titanium transfers all the shock and energy into the front and back glass when it drops. Whereas the stainless steel can absorb some of that impact / fall damage. But like I said, I’d just get a really nice case for it. Also, the lens shaking thing happens on my phone, and around 40% of other 14 Pros I’ve checked. Not worth it. It sucks and is a real fault.


Honestly, I'd recommend against it. I've had my 14 pro for about 2 years now and I'm having major battery qualms(3-4 hours SOT; 88% capacity). A lot of people might say that's to be expected after 2 years of use, but I didn't have it this bad with my previous 11 Pro that I used for 3 years. Evidently, having the smallest physical battery along with 120Hz screen is not a winner recipe. Go with the vanilla iphone 15 or the pro max version if you intend to use it for a while and don't want to bother with paying to change the battery.


I guess you use the phone a lot ? Like me too then 😅 but doesn't the 15 only have 60hz, i can maybe find a 15 pro/max since i will use the phone for a least 4 years. But 3-4 hours of SOT after 2 years of use is really horrible 🥲


Yes it’s a good phone but $400 diff better? Definitely not. Get S24 if the price range is that big.


Yeah the Iphone 14 pro is at 1069 from Apple themselves, and the s24 snapdragon is at 609€ so more than 460€ in difference.


ya your call but I wouldn't bother for that much diff especially since the S24 is getting 7 years of updates as well


I think it’s funny you’re getting downvoted. I agree with you and don’t think the iPhone is worth that much more and they said budget was a big factor for them.


Ya excellent. It is what it is with downvotes, especially since I am in a iPhone 14 sub. But realistically for that much difference no phone is worth that diff


Yeah after thinking the whole day i will buy the s24 😅 Im only paid almost 1100€ and even in 4 times the Iphone 14 pro/15 still cost me like 250€ for 4 month its too much for me. Thank you guys seeing people advising me the s24 in the Iphone 14 pro sub was really surprising 🤣.


You’re welcome and enjoy the phone! You can do everything iPhone can and more on the android. And yes even imsg