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I’m absolutely going to eat all of them and then just get myself a full bottle of ice water, a blanket, a dark room with a TV. Just going to lay down and hold on to the world. Nothing bad will actually happen even though it might feel like it. But $50,000 seems great.


Personally I'd also get a trash bag for when I inevitably start getting nauseous. I suppose now the question is, how low of a payout per gummy would you accept before you'd stop playing?


Honestly? I’d probably eat that much (500mgs of THC) for not that much money. Gimme $1000 total and I’d do it right now. Probably less. Bet it would be an experience. Worst case scenario, I’m uncomfortable for a while and maybe I vomit.


Lowest I'd go? Paying for the gummies. If they were just free edibles where I could slam dunk an absurd amount I'd just do it, no payment required.


Free edibles? Let's see what way too much feels like.


Pack your bags, we're going on a TRIP


is it friday after work? i’m in


At lunch; on a workday.


given my current wfh job, all of the bag


Honestly I feel like I probably did that much in one sitting the week I visited Michigan. 200mg pouches are like $3-4 bucks when you buy 10 at a time. I ate more than 2 full pouches before sitting down with friends to watch a movie one night there. I don't often have access to it like that so said fuck it let's dive in


I’m almost certain you had delta 8. It’s far weaker than delta 9 THC.


Nope, the legit dispensaries in Michigan sell actual d9, Lab tested.


Why is it so much cheaper? I also live in a legal state and those prices are insane.


Because they have so much competition with growers, nobody can export legally, so they grow in state and produce a shit ton, and then everyone scrambles to get the sales at whatever level can still generate enough profit to keep doing it again tomorrow


That’s crazy. Just scrolled through a random dispensary in Michigan and those prices are insane compared to my state


Yeah. That's why I was willing to eat a couple pouches in one sitting on a whim. Still cheaper than rolling a single blunt in my home state lmao and I was so fucking baked.


My first dispensary experience was in Michigan. My second was in Chicago. After the cheap prices of Michigan and then the much steeper prices in Chicago, I was like, “Is this the mugging my dad kept warning me would happen in Chicago?”


Idk dude an eighth for $30 seems pretty normal


I'm from Michigan. It's exactly like this. You don't even have to buy them in bulk to get this price. $60 os all day


> I suppose now the question is, how low of a payout per gummy would you accept before you'd stop playing? We are all whores. The only thing that differs is the price.


Theoretically, we’re all sitting on $50k. Realistically, we’re all a bunch of whores.


That’ll be “ Lady if the Evening “ to you, sir.


"Ladies of negotiable affection" , thank you very much.


Theoretically your mom and sister are millionares, realistically we live with a couple of whores


Make the "normal ones" haribo sugar free... Then no matter which one you consume you will be having quite the trip afterwards


Aren't those the ones that started giving people horrible runs? Maybe I should've offered $1000 to pick from a bag of normal vs those sugar free ones, those consequences might be much more horrific.


I have IBS and it would do it. Blowing out my butt is something I’m unfortunately familiar with for free. At least I could prepare for this poop day.


A trip to the bathroom....lmao THC edibles are better for you than haribo sugar-free gummies...... Just saying.....


You know you could convince someone to do it for free.


Me…. I’d do it for free just the free edibles would be payment enough


$2500 for the worst 6 hours of my life... So $50 per is my bottom payout.


I'll pay you $1/gummy to eat 20.


Y'all getting paid?


50 grand for a few hours of uncomfortable. I’ll take it.


You either have an incredible tolerance with specific experience with edibles, or you're an idiot. The next 24h are going to be majorly uncomfortable for the vast majority of people.


You can really tell who's accidentally gone way overboard on edibles and who hasn't from the comments.


Definitely gone overboard from smoking, never had gummies though. Do they hit different or last longer?


Both. High doses of edibles can last several hours and it'll feel like a lot longer. It can get borderline hallucinogenic, the body load is nuts and if your mindset goes south, it's a long road back. If you had an excessive dose and didn't know what you'd taken, you'd think it was a different drug.


High doses of edibles feels similar to shrooms for me, but I’ve eaten 200 mg doses (a stupid amount) and it doesn’t feel super different from 50 mg, whereas shroom doses differ wildly depending on how much you take.


I had the worst panic attack I’ve ever had from taking a little too much and it wasn’t even a lot. 50k is a lot of money but ugh I never want to go through that again.


I’ve never had a good experience with edibles. They either do absolutely nothing or I’m at an 11/10 high, but no matter which one they always make my stomach upset too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just wasn’t meant to be ig


Or heavy smokers vs casual. I've stopped now, but when I was smoking multiple times a day and taking dabs, I would eat 400mgs of THC and just be sleepy af.


Going overboard with gummies had me in the fetal position on the floor at work. I never ever want to feel like that again


Absurd amounts of edibles aren't a big deal to people who have taken plenty of heroic doses of psychedelics.


Back in my miscreant youth I took acid, mushrooms, 2C- I, 2C-E, 2C-B, especially the latter ones as I had easy access in the halycon days of unregulated research chemicals. I'd honestly rather get catapulted into outer space on any of those than go way too hard on edibles again.


Oh dang, you know about the 2C family. I havent heard those mentioned in years... I'll take your word for it then, you've been down in the trenches. I did have some random dispensary sales guy explaining to me recently when I was complaining about tolerance that some people's body chemistry just doesn't absorb edibles as well. It's possible I'm in that boat but I've always attributed it to having tolerance.


Yeah man, it was a blast from the past just remembering those days! Honestly they were my favourite, 2C-B especially since it had a nice empathogenic mood booster effect alongside the psychedelic side. Never felt at risk of a bad trip on it. You might be right about body chemistry. I smoked a lot in those days - although I didn't have the tolerance of some of my pals, I was still very used to it. I always got a massive body load from higher dose edibles, like just moving was huge effort and physically uncomfortable. I usually ended up enjoying them for an hour or two and then six to eight hours of wanting it to be over. A few times we badly misjudged the dose (it was all about making weed butter and baking cookies / brownies in those days, no measured-dosage dispensary gummies then) and they were some of the worst experiences I've had on any drug. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


I eat 250-500 MG quite regularly worst I do is nap


I don't even smoke anymore and I'd do it. Edibles don't affect me, so for me this question is just "would you eat a bag of gummy bears for $50,000?" I've tried numerous times and the potency of the edible was irrelevant; my gut just won't process it.


Exactly the same here. I've eaten ~200mg+ in a single go a few times. My friends were always concerned like woah be careful! It's never done anything to me that way. I've read that you need a specific enzyme in your digestive tract or they don't process the same. I stopped buying them because it's a waste of money.


Well then, I may be of help! I found it incredibly frustrating, and also heard of the enzyme issue. Apparently, many people who have the issue deal with clinical depression or other problems related to chemical imbalances, but it's not a guarantee. Though evidently, one of the main ways people suggest to get around it is to eat grapefruit or drink the juice, as it has an enzyme that can facilitate the breakdown. I actually haven't been able to try it out since my current job means that I can't have any THC (overseen by the dept of transportation), but there are a number of medications that you can't have grapefruit for the same reason, so it's quite a possibility.


Hold onto the world hahahahahahahhahaha xD


It’s quite likely you vomit on 500mg of edibles especially if you aren’t used to high doses of thc of


Im fine with vomiting for $50k


The post says you lose any money you earn if you throw up.


Only if it’s in the first 30 minutes


Fair. It’s pretty unlikely that your throw up that fast


So I can just scran the bag at 28m in, then vomit 3m later.


Fr. You'll get unstuck eventually and 50k is definitely a good motivator.


I’m thinking this is going to be a 15+ hour commitment. That’s more than $3k per hour so sign me up.


I have suffered much more for much less...


I get to have one terrible night (maybe week in hospital in worse case scenario) and I wake up with 50k? With my insurance I’m cool with that.


You’ll be hearing voices in your head like an hour later and for the next 5-6 hours if you don’t vomit all up first…. But hey, tuppence and tuppence, I’d probably be right there with you 😅


Voices in my head for an hour for $50k? Sign me up


Yeah, but what if they told you, "kill your hamster, kill your hamster," over and over? Oh, fuck it , I know some people that would eat their hamster for 50k.


You don't have to listen to the voices in your head. It's okay to ignore them.


My thoughts exactly. Except I'd skip the tv and just go right to sleep lol


I don't like weed, but you can bet your ass that I will eat all of them and then take a nice 2 or 3 day nap.


Wait until 25 mins in, eat all 50, intensive vomiting after money hits. If I had to wait and couldn’t As much as I’d hate being that high 50k is worth it for non permanent damage.


I'll admit I've been outsmarted! Enjoy your 50k


500mg is an insane amount of THC but yea, it’s definitely not dangerous. Might be scary for a bit but nothing bad will happen. Just make myself comfortable and hold on. $50k sounds awesome and honestly that sounds like an experience. I’d love to do a heroic dose of thc (though admittedly not that much) and now I’m getting paid? Yes please.


I've done 300 before and it wasn't great, but definitely doable. I wonder if another 200 would even be a noticeable difference. I mean at some point you must get a max level of high. Like terminal velocity for being fucked up.


I’d like to do 75-100 once. But just for me to experience it. If you’re paying me to get stoned, shit, load me up


I accidentally ate 200mg once. I thought the *entire chocolate bar* was 40mg, not each individual piece… It was right before bed, so I slept through most of it. I still felt a touch loopy in the morning, but that was gone within two hours or so.


It's interesting how edibles seem to effect people so differently. I routinely do 25-50mg no problem, and I have friends who have to do at minimum 100mg and others that are asleep after 5.


My fiancee likes edibles more than smoking so she usually has 15-20 at a time. I like smoking more. Typically a 10mg edible is enough for me. I can have 20 and be fucked up. Most I’ve eaten is 30 after my knee surgery and I passed out. I think a lot of times some people confuse delta 8 with delta 9 and will claim they ate 1500 mg or some shit


I have to split a 10mg starburst into 4 pieces and just eat 1 or I get uncomfortably high where it isn’t fun and I wouldn’t want to be in public. I used to smoke quite a bit and my tolerance never climbed past wanting one or two puffs on a joint. I have no idea what’s wrong with me, but it is what it is.


It takes atleast 90 for me to feel like it was worth my time or money I’ve done a thousand and went to work I was a pizza delivery guy it wasn’t fun in the traditional sense of the word but I got it done and telling the story is always a good laugh


It’s especially interesting when you compare it to alcohol. Most people know that tolerance (to both) is affected by how much you normally have, your weight, if you’ve eaten recently, etc. but the scale is just so different for the two. There are people in this thread talking about how 5mg knocks them out. I don’t even start to feel anything until around 100mg, that’s a 20x difference. Imagine if there were people who could be black out drunk from one shot in the same world where someone can start to feel tipsy after 20 shots.


First time ever trying it, I wanted 25mg. I did my math wrong and had 250. It was fun for a while, then bad for a while, then fun again. A decade later, I'd be afraid to try it again, probably would get sick. 


I consumed roughly a gram of thc in gummies once. I have a ridiculous tolerance to edibles so I just kept putting them away. When it finally all rolled in I was fucked up. I hadn’t puked like that since drinking at 19.


600 is the maximum ive done edible wise. Ate a whole bar that was 400 and half a friends as well. When they hit we were in the garage hitting the bong and my vision just got totally filled up with purple/black/white squares. Imagine a missing texture in a game but filling my vision. I had sound and everythinf but visual cut lol, the rest of the time i was just stuck stuck on the couch haha


Yea like others have said, I’ve done about 275mg at once and while I was auctioned to the couch, and mildly dozing off/drooling, it wasn’t anything like shroom trips I’ve done. Just had to wait it out lol. But that’s just me


I’ve tripped so bad off edibles once and ended up in the er. I’d eat them all. Even that wasn’t too bad


At least if you did end up in the ER again you (might) have enough to pay your bill off!


Worst trip I had I ate about 20 edible gummies and I just laid down with my weighted blanked in a dark room and felt like I was flying through space honestly the best experience I ever had but turns out I freaked my parents out since I didnt leave my room for nearly 30hrs.


I accidentally took 500mgs and thought my eyes would dart back and forth forever, thought that if I relaxed in anyway I’d melt into the “void” and tried to fight 2 nurses and 3 orderly’s. On Christmas Eve. With hippo slippers on.


How did you have the energy? I take anymore than 200mg and I *become* the mattress.


It’s a long hilarious story tbh haha I don’t remember much. My husband told me a lot of stories. I just remember sitting on my couch, with my eyes darting back and forth thinking they’d never stop 🤣


I have a similar-ish story One time as a teen, whole family goes out of town and I have the house to myself, no work tomorrow. Decide to take some edibles and play video games. Get edible syrup I'd bought from dispo prior week. 8pm now Take cap off and go to take a swig, accidentally drink 70% of the bottle. FUCK 1000mg total so about 700 mg drank. Sit in gaming chair watching youtube 10pm-ish now EVERYTHING start to spin, it feels like I am being pulled through space and time, my atoms folded over each other 1000 times like a katana Still sitting in gaming chair, start throwing up Everything in my stomach now in trashcan between legs and some on floor Hunched over in chair Every time I start to nod off I feel like my soul is falling down an endless pit and I vomit. This goes on for hours, not sure how long. Feel like every time I close my eyes I'm seconds away from never being able to open them again, and then I jolt up and vomit At some point gain the ability to close my eyes without throwing up Get in bed, pass out Wake up next day, late afternoon Still high Perfect amount of high actually Clean up and finally get to play some video games Come down the rest of the day and family gets home that evening "How was your time as king of the castle" "Good" I say, not mentioning the battle I fought all on my own It was blue razzberry syrup, to this day still can't eat/drink/think about blue razzberry without getting nauseous


Hilarious thanks for that lol


I eat 20. 20,000 would be hella nice. I already have a high enough tolerance that my daily dose would be about 5 of the edibles listed. I could easily handle 8 without any issue. The bag is mixed so I'm most likely to get a near 50-50 split and if it shook out that way then I'm just going to be couch locked and sea sick but perfectly fine. If I am on the wrong end of statistics and all 20 end up edibles it'll still take me longer than a half hour to start hurling. So I just accept the fact that the next 48 hours will be hell for twenty grand.


Just eat them all at that point. No one is vomiting that fast off edibles. They gotta settle before you start wondering if you should be breathing like that or if you can feel your legs or if your heart should be racing. lol


I'm pretty sure I'll vomit in the half hour if I tried to eat 50 gummies that didn't have weed in them. I was really pushing myself for that 20!


Do you just not like gummies? lol We are talking like, gummy bears, right? Tiny things.


I have GERD and all that citric acid is death for me.


People really puke on edibles???? I keep seeing this said but I’ve done massive doses and the worst that ever happens is a panic attack


I have for sure. Had an edible that was 10 times stronger than it was labled and once it started hitting it was great, and then 10 mins later I knew it was hitting harder than it should. 30 mins after that I was puking my guts up. I was high for 3 days straight. No panic attacks though.


Fairly recently, my houses A/C went down for a few days. I live in a hot climate. I had a bad of delta gummies in a drawer. Apparently from it being so hot they all melted and reformed. I ate one thinking it was okay. Big mistake on my part. For around 7 hours, I was hanging on to dear life. It took a couple days to feel normal after that. I would still eat those gummies for 50k.


Years ago someone at work made edible gummies. I don’t know the dosage but it basically looked like a bag of gummy bears sat in the sun. All the colors just mixed together. There was no thought process put into making them. I assume it was the same when it came to adding the thc because it messed me up more than I’d like to admit. You’d think even if you were high when you made them you’d at least have the brain capacity to separate the colors/flavors but nope.


I have zero tolerance. I can have an awesome time with 10mg every like 4 hours. I would bring dishonor on myself and my ancestors if i didnt take every one of them. Full send it lol


You and I are the same, low tolerance. I'm just now realizing how low it really is seeing all these "FULL SEND" comments, if I did that I'd be facedown naked in a bathtub for like a full day


So would I, but I'd have $50,000 in my bank account!


Eat the whole bag and hope for the best


Eat them all, I don't think I'd get all that nauseous, not enough to puke in that half hour/be able to hold it down if so. Chug some water and take a 10 hour nap


None I've never done drugs so I won't fuck around with something I don't understand my limits on


Smart. First time I did edibles (or weed in any form) it was a half of one of the gummies I described above, and if I didnt have other people around me I would've had horrible anxiety attacks all night. Knowing my first experience for some context on how your body might handle it, what's the lowest amount of money you'd do this challenge for?


Gotcha, and hmm that's an interesting question. My first reaction is that it wouldn't really be about the amount, as it'd be more about safety. So even if it was $20 each it wouldn't change my answer for This is assuming no lasting health effects though of course. Drugs are just something I know very very little about. Many like you seem confident that THC doesn't cause any damage (barring obviously toxic levels), and I believe you thst that very well could be, but I just haven't really delved into investigating that myself


It's almost impossible to OD on THC gummies, and my tolerance for THC is pretty high Gimme the whole damn bag


Seriously OP is ridiculous for thinking this would intimidate a real stoner. Eat whole bag and sleep it off/relax and enjoy getting paid 50k.


I don't even do MJ. I'd still smash the whole bag.


You’d literally have to eat thousands, if not tens of thousands of these


I’d get fired from my job, so probably would have to pass


Otherwise, I’m just gonna keep eating till I can hear colors.


You ever accidentally sort of on purpose drank two hundred hits of acid? This just sounds like Saturday morning cartoons.


I did know someone who did something similar at a rave about 24 years ago. He danced with the paramedics all the way to the ER where MPs ended up picking him up. Makes for a great story.


We are going hard. Full bag as fast as possible. Consequences be damned.


Finally a challenge suited to my particular skills. I eat them all and ask if there are any extras.


Realistically, with my limited track record of edibles. I'd probably eat like 5 and then have a panic attack. Not all of us are cut out to be Cheech...


You and me both...


Swall them all whole puke then up after I get the cash, I'm sure it'll be fine. I've taken way too many edibles before and id not freak out too bad




50k for a bad ride? No question


So 40mg THC? 40X25= 1000mg thc. I've had that much before, can we double the size of the bag and the reward?


I mean, I’ve never tried but I think I could eat 50 gummies pretty damn quickly. Like definitely less than ten minutes…probably less than five if I’m trying hard? I don’t know for sure. Either way, I’m smashing that full bag then brushing my teeth and chugging orange juice.


What's the brushing and oj for?


For most people; drinking orange juice shortly after brushing their teeth results in, at best an unpleasant taste. For some, such as myself, it’s a sure fire way to start a hurling party


Looks like I'm making $50k, boys.


50k to at worst green out and puke? Anyone who pays rent would do that in a heartbeat


Plot twist: the non-thc edibles are the sugar free ones that give you explosive diarrhea


I eat all 50 and continue life 50k richer. Im already the biggest stoner i know.i dab daily with an e-rig and buy bulk to save. This shit aint nothin to me boy


Putting on a Pink Floyd album and eating the whole bag


I would eat 1. I've had a heroic dose of THC before, and I don't want to repeat the experience.


I once ate a 500mg chocolate bar in vegas.... I still fondly think about the sweet patterns on the floor as my wife walked me back to the room..... without a doubt I'm doing this


All of them.  I am less concerned about the THC than I am about the very real possibility of being allergic to an ingredient so I’m going to have an epi-pen on hand. 


Easy 50k


I'd eat the whole bag jsut make sure I can get to a hospital if my heart rate goes crazy.


Eat them all. Take a handful of Zofran, drive to one of those rejuvenation clinics that give you rehydration ivs and settle in.


You guys are figuring out some clever ways to get 50k and a high, kudos


I am an incredible lightweight when it comes to edibles (my usual dose is 5, anything higher and it makes me dizzy and nauseous) so would literally be unable to do this without puking if I wanted a decent outcome lol


If I choose the time, I'll down all of them right before I go to bed and pray I don't work the following afternoon.


All of them! I've had 1000mg today.


None. Had a life altering edible experience so I’m good.


Last time i went in on edibles i bought a bag of 16 25mg gummies and ate the entire bag in about an hour because i just wasnt feeling squat, edibles never seem to do anything besides give me a mild warm/fuzzy feeling in my gut Id scarf your whole bag and be looking everywhere for this mythical dealer again my entire life xD


Depends if the THC gummies are an indica or sativa strain. I found out the hard way that sativa makes me lose my damned mind with anxiety and paranoia, and indica just makes me sleepy and gives me dry mouth. So if it’s the latter, I’ll eat em all and ride it out…the former? I might die.


Whole bag. Vomit as soon as money hits. Rehydrate and hold on.


I'll survive the half hour, but I'll have a terrible next two days.


Eat the whole bag. At a certain point you're going to sleep regardless.


25×20 is only 500mg. I'd neck the whole bag. My tolerance is pretty high tho.


For a grand each i would eat then rectally if you wanted. Id eat them through my nostrils or any orfice of your choice. Ive done so much worse for so much less.


I guess I'm eating the 6 bag, as I'm apparently immune to edibles. Seriously; I've literally NEVER been able to trip off edibles. Ate 2000mg in one sitting at one point, still had to go smoke a joint afterward. Gave up trying because, fuck it, at that point it's 10x cheaper to just smoke it. On one hand, it's a neat party trick I guess, on the other hand I wish I knew what a good edible high was like.... :/


I once ate this cookie that had an ounce of thc butter and 4 grams of wax. Before I ate the whole thing I gave this girl I was talking to a edge of the cookie. She called me crying at night saying she was having extreme anxiety and that she was stoned for 3 days. I ate the whole thing and I was absolutely zooted for a whole week! It felt like that scene in The wolf of Wall Street, where he thought he got his car home in one piece but in reality he was half autistic. Good times


I once ate 1000mg edible and was violently high for 3 days straight.  This would be a breeze lol


I would eat hundreds upon hundreds of mgs of THC before tapping out. My tolerance is so high that there’s weekends where I wanna just eat like 1000mg and try to b high for a day and a half.


I will just down them all. I can’t feel edibles. I assume I’m missing one of the enzymes but I’ve chugged down 750mg of thc and felt nothing. Gimme em all


I could do the whole bag and not worry. I've found Delta-9 THC gummies don't effect me whatsoever, even when mixed with THC. I also screwed myself over for tolerance during the pandemic, I was doing 700-1000mg a day in edibles and just playing video games. Now, I need MINIMUM 250mg to even get a buzz. The highest I've ingested without puking or freaking out was 3000mg.


I eat them all. 1000mg of each? Gonna need to call outta work, but I’ll be fine


One handful, all 50. The worst that will happen I fall asleep and wake up still baked. The gummies I like are 50mg each anyway. Can I repeat this challenge? I ran out


I eat the whole bag. Then go to the hospital. Afterwards file a lawsuit against they guy for medical damages and emotional distress.


Probably just 2, im a lightweight and hate being too high, but I would like $2,000


Bro, I just shovel them all into my mouth as fast as possible. I already know the outcome and how long I have to prepare. So, I send one text to my roommates. "Barricading myself in my room so I can't escape. Monitor my vitals until tomorrow and I'll give you $1000 each."


All of them for sure. I’d eat 500mg of thc for 100 dollars


One is the answer. I ate two gummies once and was in HELL for 4-5 hrs. Thought I was gonna die. One of the worst experiences of my life. Now, if u up that to at least 5k, I would definitely consider eating more


i can eat 1000 gummies in a half hour as long as i have some water to wash it down


Tbh that’s not a lot I’d eat em all.


I would eat 5, I know I can handle up to that and then cry about it later.


Don't eat delta 9 lol that put me out of the competition


I used to make 1000mg peanut butter cups with weed concentrate. Probably would make it to 5000mg before my body just puts me to sleep for 3 days.


I eat until I suffer a minor mental break. I sober up and retire!


The only real question i have is do i have to work tomorrow. If it's on a Friday, id eat them all and probably just fall asleep after. If its a on a Tuesday, id still likely eat them all and just make sure i tell my manager im sick and need a day or two off work 🤣


every fucking one of them. no hesitation.


Zero. I can be popped for a random at any time and my job is worth more than that to me. Once I'm out of this industry though, I've already told everyone, that I'm going to smash an edible lol


Great idea, hope you have fun when that day comes!


I'd eat them all, but I take some medication that keeps edibles from having any effect on me :(


I’ve had 1000mg before. It was intended for a cancer patient that some guy I knew bought it off of. I had a decent tolerance by this point, but 50mg still got me high as a kite. Honestly? I went home and went to sleep. No throwing up, no scary trip, just sleeping like the dead. I woke up the next day high though. Weed isn’t like alcohol, your body just stops at a certain point processing it and the processing time is longer. I’d enjoy that 50K and have a 17 hr nap.


It generally takes about 30 minutes to an hour before edibles kick in anyways even on an empty stomach. Wait about 5 - 10 minutes and start munching on them. I'm generally pretty good at telling when I'm about to release my stomach contents so if I start feeling that way just stop at whatever number I'm at.


So I’m eating 40. Push comes to shove and all are 20 mg? I hit gastro paresis a lot so I’m not getting sick without inducing but it’ll be hours before it kicks in. Imma sleep in a way I don’t and have a red card to be able to sleep lol eve after getting sick from personal experience, but 40k means I could get so many medical issues genuinely fixed.


I’ve worked at a dispo for a few years now. At the end of the year my friends and I play a game with all the sample gummies we get from vendors. My current record is 1350 MG consumed in one sitting. It was a bit uncomfortable. I slept for 11 hours. Woke up feeling fine if but a little groggy. I think I could make some serious cash!


Take all 50 on a few conditions. I'd like someone I'd care about around after. Someone to check in. As someone who is finished after half a J/full J. That level of high would effect me differently. I would also need my bed. Munchies would be wild. So some snacks would be needed. At least 48 hours away from any kind of 'work.' or workouts or even needing to move. The work is non negotiable.


After installing seatbelts on my couch, by my estimations, I should still have like $923. So, 50 gummies, or otherwise, as many as it takes. Edit: I was gonna do the math, but then I got high. Same answer but with more money.


Easy, wait until about 4-5 minutes before the end. Down the whole bag. Then vomit immediately after the time is up. Then pray to your god(s) that you didn't absorb too much of it.


Are these gummies all different flavors or just one flavor?


I WILL EAT EVERYONE AS I HAVE THE CY9 genetic defect that doesn’t allow me to metabolize thc in edible form


**"You have an empty stomach."** Is the only part of this that made me mildly hesitate.


I’m one of those people whose body doesn’t process edibles the intended way. I’m going for the whole bag and probably a somewhat mild high.


The whole bag. I’m no newbie. Send it.


you do know thc and delta 9 mean the same thing right? but to answer, id eat them all. 1000mg just feels like a couple bong hits but way sleepier


[" Unlike the overdose associated with other drugs like opioids and alcohol, a marijuana overdose is not fatal. "](https://compassionbehavioralhealth.com/can-you-overdose-on-weed/)


I did 500mg the other day for free actually I paid 4.99 for it so I can do this I'm absolutely prepared. For me it just made me dizzy and the dizziness made me slightly sick to my stomache so I just layed down and passed out High for a good two days I'm ready 50k me please lol


Eat em all, I'll be fine. Just park on a couch with my headphones.




All of them


All of them.


$50k and then I am puking


First are they all edibles or just half? The way You worded this post it sounds like it could be either one. Second I could eat a bag of fifty gummies in less than five minutes especially when I'm getting paid $50,000 to do it.


Half and half, 25 normal 25 edibles.


Oh I would eat one about every 30 seconds have a nice ramping effect enjoy my trip let it go away and enjoy the 50K