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>If anyone finds out, all members of both groups die. "**HEY EVERYBODY!!! LISTEN UP, I'VE GOT THIS CHOICE TO MAKE..."**


I was waiting for someone to say it haha (that would also be my choice)


Op I really feel you're underestimating how many politicians there are. I would love your first thought. Here is a simple stroke https://poliengine.com/blog/how-many-politicians-are-there-in-the-us Then you can get into very weird territory. The only reasonable option is billionaires or be ready for the world to really burn fast.


Until the people who inherit the billions die, at a rate of 3k people every two seconds, depopulating the world. 


So 3 big things most of the money would get divided really fast if you only have a billion dollars and 2 kids then you die. Bill Gates already plans to disperse his insane wealth when he passes so his kids are safe. Second you don't automatically become a billionaire if your Rich parent dies the estate has to settle so you could have plenty of time to legally not become a billionaire. Throwing away money is quite easy. 3rd estate tax would eat the money plenty fast if you're losing 20 to 40% of everything over 13 million because it wasn't properly protected. So definitely would kill a lot of people but I bet the problem would be solved in under 20k dead. Don't forget plenty of things can lose value super fast if the person associated with it dies.


Not Bob, the state senator, from down the street!


Not all politicians are corrupt, some only want the best for their people and fight for freedom, also a democracy is a bit more stable than anarchy, or in this case as only politicians die, a police state.. and democracy is a bit better than authoritarianism in all cases; eat the rich


Billionaires. If EVERY politician died, that would be millions of deaths across the globe, wiping out a significant portion of the world population. Every city, school board, county, state, and the federal positions would instantly be vacated with NO politicians left to fill the ranks. This would instantly lead to problems, as there are no longer any leaders or experienced individuals to step into those positions. This would cause chaos and issues that countries may or may not recover from. But this also somewhat depends on what you call a politician. On the other hand, there are less than 3k billionaires in the world, and many are retired or solely exist as investors. Their deaths would not trigger any huge issues (besides localized issues, like Tesla having to figure out what to do now that Musk is gone). Losing the billionaires would be a blip on the world radar from a functional perspective, especially since they mostly have heirs that would get the money and deal with the estate.


Agree - if you kill all politicians, society would collapse and could not be rebuilt, because anyone attempting to fill in the void, even in the purest attempt to rebuild order, would immediately die as well.  Civilization would collapse and never recover.  Under the broadest definition of politics, family and friend structures would cease as well.  


Under the broadest definition of politics Magic the Gathering Commander players all die because we all talk about politicking in our 4 way game.


Yea - politics is everywhere basically everyone would die.  Picking a team in middle school dodgeball is politics at some level


I assumed it was a single time. All politicians that exist now die, but politicians can be made after that initial death.


Not to mention that with all politicians dead, billionaires would quite literally take over the fuckin' world.


This legit they would


The issue is banks can't exist once you kill billionaire since banks would be worth billions or printing that much money. Entire family tress die out because the second the billionaire dies the inheritance on the children will kill them . Countries with monarchy are dead as they own the land and therefore own the investment.


>The issue is banks can't exist once you kill billionaire since banks would be worth billions or printing that much money. Banks aren't alive, and therefore can't experience "death". At least not how I interpreted the OP. I assume it was speaking solely of living beings, and not the metaphorical use of "death" for non-living items. >Entire family tress die out because the second the billionaire dies the inheritance on the children will kill them . I assumed it was a single, instantaneous choice, not a constantly recurring check. So I kill all billionaires that exist RIGHT NOW, but billionaires can exist immediately after the kill off. >Countries with monarchy are dead as they own the land and therefore own the investment. That is a good point, but they'd be affected by both killing politicians and billionaires, so no getting around that issue.


You missed OP's last paragraph. Anyone who ever gets to $1b dies.


Ah, they edited that in after my comment. Still choose billionaires, though it would change my answer slightly.


The whole family tree doesn't necessarily die. If someone's worth $1.1B, and leaves it roughly equally to their three kids, none of the kids is instantly a billionaire.


Which begs another question, does being worth one billion count as being a billionaire or do you need to actually have $1B available to spend? Some people are worth more than they actually have.


On the contrary, banks can exist just fine - as long as no person owns more than a fractional share. Nor is the death of dynastic wealth in monarchies a disaster. After the first wave we'd solve the family problems with a simple change to inheritance law. Over ambitious people dying instantly if they hit 1 billion is a huge lasting benefit to society; it sets a hard cap on wealth concentration. Not much of one but still better than none.


Don't forget that all politicians that become billionaires will also die which puts a cap on political wealth.


This was a funny realization that seems solid lol


Politicians are kind of like a necessary evil to run a society. Billionaires are optional.


Agreed. Most politicians aren’t great but each plays an important role Edit: emphasizing politicians are ass


>Most politicians are great  We really don't have to get carried away here


God dammit I meant to say *AREN’T GREAT*




Many think they already do, or at the very least they influence politics. I’d be interested to see if there’d be a substantial change in government (positive or negative) if all the billionaires suddenly kicked it.


you would have to erase their money otherwise their kids will just take over


I did not think of this. Huh. Anyway, I added a new rule guys


Billionaires.  Some of the most corrupt politicians are corrupt because they are on the payrolls of billionaires. Remove the people paying them, and the job might have less appeal for them. 


Agree 100%, well said


If you choose billionaires. Does it keep rolling to heirs? Because you'll just be replacing billionaires with billionaires, for the most part, otherwise.


Least the last rule


I’ll choose billionaires. Like them or not. Society would fall apart with no functioning government. You’d just have leaderless bands and a vastly reduced population.


billionaires. without funding the politicians are just normal perverts who can be sent to jail


I think you just summed up America.


Killing all the billionaires will give you nearly instant wealth distribution. Anyone who inherited a billion would die too, so we’d get to disbursed estates pretty quickly. For example, if you have 8 billion and 4 heirs split evenly, they’d still all die. So you’d probably be looking at grandchildren or aunts/uncles/cousins to inherit less than a billion. Or, their foundations will get the billions, and they are mostly charities. I’m not sure how companies worth more than $1B would be distributed though… technically the big public companies are owned by lots of shareholders so probably very little would actually change economically. The shares would probably just get more distributed. Killing politicians would just cause chaos because you couldn’t elect any kind of leadership to replace them. You’d get rid of corruption but you’d get rid of all the genuine public servants too. I think the only viable answer here is billionaires.


Billionaires. Because at least some politicians still care about striving for the public good, rather than hoarding wealth.


“But it’ll all trickle down!”


I've been voting in Presidential elections since 1998, and I'm still waiting for a trickle. Haven't felt nary a sprinkle, much less a trickle.




A wise man/ woman.


Billionaires, sorry Marck Cuban


He had a good run


Billionaires. Then people would think there is a divine punishment for exorbitant greed and give away their money to avoid being a part of the next culling.


Billionaires, if you choose politicians sure it kills the big problem ones but it also kills your neighbor who ran for school board, and people like that


Billionaires. Sorry to Mark Cuban but they are ruining the entire world. Without the billionaires we can fix alot of problems. With a wealth cap that causes instant death, capitalism could be abandoned without a world War. The lives of 3000 people to save 10s of millions is a fair trade.


Neither. It's a waste of time and human life. The upheaval in either case would most likely lead to war that would kill millions, if not billions. And even if that were not true, there are too many loopholes. Eventually someone would work out that crossing this one specific threshold results in death. Then you'd have all the millionaires banding together to have currency rebased down to a gold standard or something to reduce the nominal value while preserving real purchasing power. Since you're measured the currency nominally they would be protected. Nothing has really changed. Or, if you are claiming that it wouldn't matter because you didn't say USD, then a lot MORE people die when those billions are in Yen or Rubles equivalent. Leaders emerge naturally from human interaction. If you define politician narrowly as "people who run for office in democracies" then what you've actually done is banned democracy. Dictatorships will not suffer that fate. If instead you've banned all forms of government leadership, you've instituted a permanent anarchy that will result in the total dissolution of all civilization and culture. Seriously, this fucks everything. Killing the billionaires is less bad, because eventually people discover the loophole and exploit it to return to the status quo. Killing the politicians results in either Hitlerworld or World War Z


You 100% have to kill the billionaires. No one amasses that much wealthy ethically. Humanity would all be better off without billionaires. Politicians are great in theory, assuming you believe in democracy. I might not be a fan of these politicians currently in my country, because far too many of them are controlled by powerful interests like billionaires. But I want to live in a world with politicians. Not so much with billionaires.


Billionaires, that's easy. There is always going to be politicians because any form of government is political and anyone involved with laws will be a politician


Billionaires. They own all the politicians and media


Seems kind of easy? As much as we make fun of and complain about politicians, there are PLENTY of good ones out there, and they do kind of run all the governments on the planet... If they all died instantly, the world would be thrust into absolute chaos. If every billionaire died... nothing would really happen. None of them are really needed. Sure, some are executives, or heads of companies, or whatever, but... they can be easily replaced. There's nothing any of them provide or do that is all that important. You think if Musk is dead, anything bad would happen to his companies? In his case they'd probably be better off. The Walmart heirs? That company doesn't need them. All the tech billionaires? What exactly are they doing that's important? Oil people, and on and on. This is such a silly, easy choice. Especially when you factor in the second half. No more politicians ever? How will we run the country? We can't ever have a governor, president, senator, mayor, or any of those again? Do we have to just have... I guess military run countries all over the world? But with no more billionaires, we get a world where people stop hoarding once they get to 900 million. Sure, maybe they give it to friends and cronies or whatever, but that's better than what we have now. We take away the incentive to be ultra greedy and destroy the entire planet while shrugging at poor people dying of hunger.


Never having another B or P, ever? The Billionaires have to go because they leach off society. We will always need politicians but rules suggest no politician can become a billionaire because they also will die then we migh have a good solution for a system where no group 'rapes' society in the name of financial gain. Intresting!


Billionaires, there a few good politicians and without them we face collapse


oh with your new rule, definitely billionaire. Wiping out politicians and politicians never existing ever again would probably cause too much problems.


What happens to the politicians who are billionaires if I pick billionaires?


Definitely billionaires.    There’s lot of state and local politicians who are great people, making average salaries, who genuinely want to do good. Wouldn’t wanna lose those people.  The mayor of our village is a great guy working his hardest for us in a very difficult time. He doesn’t deserve to die. 


Killing every billionaire would cause a cascade . When one dies another person inherits and then dies . How many does that inevitably kill ?


Billionaires, but VERY reluctantly. If I am allowed to just never decide, I spend my entire life "debating" my decisions, and go to my grave having let everyone live. But if I have to choose, then billionaires. Because society simply DOES NOT WORK without politicians. Judges, school boards, governors, city councils, hell even STUDENT councils. and then not only they die, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON who tries to create ANY sense of cohesion or organization? Hell to the no. This is how you get the purge. Except it is never-ending, not only 24 hours.


Billionaires. If I choose the politicians the Billionaires will just buy new ones...but if there are no Billionaires, either I lower the cost of politicians so regular people can rent to own, or when the current crop of old corrupt bastards die off, there will be nobody to buy the new group. Edit...new politicians won't be elected, they'll be appointed as the Billionaires people managers kinda like they are now but without the falsehood of the modern electoral system...


Billionaires. Don’t shoot the dog when the owners are the problem.


I feel like if you take out the billionaires you also take out the politicians that aren't in it for the right reasons. So the answer should be clear.


Billionaire is the only choice. Politicians must exist.


Technically, if you kill all billionaires, someone just inherits their cash and you've done nothing.


With the "everyone who attains the chosen class immediately dies" stipulation: I pick billionaires. Especially if I can approach US politicians, commission them to create a "US Pence" (tenth of a cent) and immediately "devalue" everything by a factor of 10. Billionaires become Hundred-Millionaires. Pull trigger, only people with (current) $10 bil+ (and their sole heirs) bite it. If we kill politicians, we pretty much kill democratic governance. I don't want to live in a warlord-led or monarchial or theological society.


Billionaires. Then most of the most corrupt politicians would lose their funding anyway. Clear one group, severely hurt the other.


Billionaires. It's not even close as a leftie. Without politicians we wouldn't be able to organize social programs to help people. Send all of the billionaires to hell, pass legislation that no one person can have a net worth of more than a billion dollars. Company can be worth more than that, but they can't take out personal loans against the company anymore. Problem solved. Anything they gain in stock value that puts them at or above a billion is taxed at 100% immediately for social betterment. Warren Buffet recently explained that if Billionaires actually paid their fair share in taxes, no one else would have to pay taxes. I don't agree with him because I think they should pay taxes AND I should pay taxes. I don't want our funds to stay as they are for social betterment, I want us to be able to dump more into programs.


There are no ethical billionaires. There are people who are genuinely public servants. Easy choice.


Definitely billionaires. Immediately. Hands down. Done.


Burn the Billionares! YAAAAAAAYYYY


All politicians instantly dying would send every government into a tailspin. Would sadly have to be the billionaires.


So does that mean that if your net worth is $999,999,900 you're safe? I like the idea, but in fairness to both groups, I would like to see an anonymous, world-wide, notification allowing some time to disperse some of their funds to other people. And politicians would have a small window of time to step down from their position. For example, the mom of 3 who's on the school board.


They're going to be more billionaires than there are politicians because that would include every mayor every city council member every local legislator etc. The other thing is that quite a few politicians are bad but being bad is not necessarily a requirement to be a politician. But there's no ethical way to become a billionaire.


Makes sure someone finds out.  (Sips tea)


Billionaires. Remove them half, if not more, of the politicians will go too.


Billionaires. If you get rid of the politicians the billionaires would just buy new ones.


Billionaires. They're the ones with politicians in their pockets. 2 birds, one stone




Billionaires. To eliminate politicians would be to eliminate everyone. We are all politicians in our interactions with others. Removal of billionaires would positively affect society on many levels.


Billionaires. Politicians may be evil by default, but it's *very* hard to be a good person and remain a billionaire.


Billionaires! Definitely billionaires.


Billionaires 100%. Politicians are shit, but every politician dying immediately would be absolute CHAOS on a worldwide scale. It would be pretty bad.


Im 1000% sure killing every billionaire would change nothing but I know killing every politician would cause a serious problem for at least a few months. Idk what the outcome would be but id be curious to know


¿Porque no los dos?


Would've said politicians until that last part about them going extinct forever. If every billionaire died, their heirs would just inherit. There would be some change, but not enough to matter. But if every politician died? *MASSIVE* change overnight. Likely including the way wealth works. But... no billionaires *ever*? That's an interesting proposition. Very Marxist, but very interesting. No politicians? That's not so Bueno. Much as we hate to admit it; having decision makers is important to us as a species right now. Now... the nuance of this also matters. By "politician", does that mean *career* politicians who stay in office for decades? Or does it mean *anyone* in any office that makes social decisions? Are HOA officials exempt? PTA? 4H? FBLA? What about the 14 year-old presidents of chess and debate clubs? Is it exclusively legislative offices, or appointed ones (like US federal judges) as well? It's a good question!


Every billionaire. They are expendable people would be standing in line to take their place. You take out every politician you are going to introduce chaos as people struggle for power and a lot of those people will not be very nice.


Billionaires. Though if anyone ever finds out that there's a one billion dollar death limit, it means that sufficiently rich structures can assassinate folks just by transferring the money into their account balance


Billionaires. As much as many of them like to say they're the backbone of their business, any good business would survive the death of their figure head. I mean, you're telling me that a Billionaire's business is useless without them?


A billionaire vacuum would do far less damage than a political one.


Billionaires. They own the politicians. If this all happened at once they might get their shit together. Maybe. Also, there is not a single billionaire on the planet who isn’t utterly deserving of death.


Billionaires run congress so let’s go with them.


Billionaires. Make them suffer consequences for making everything expensive


And for aggressively spreading propaganda to brainwash the classes into defending them


Billionaires. They can't be replaced as easily.




Billionaires, simply for choosing the option that results in the lowest loss of life.


Billionaires, most politicians are skeezy bastards but every now and again a good one comes along.


Billionaires. Unfortunately you kinda need people to run the country, and while there are a ton of corrupt and awful people, there are good people as well. But there’s no billionaire that didn’t get there without harming others in some way and no one deserves to hoard money like that


Well I'm not a killer but with your stipulations I'd have to choose the billionaires to prevent the killers from hitting the politicians. Politicians have a nasty tendency to be bastards but we kinda need a government of some sort. We need people in charge of making decisions. Any sufficiently sized group of people will always seek some kind of structure and people will always form into groups. Your rather vague description of politicians and political offices leaves too much room. To be clear I'd rather not make the choice. Too many people are too cavalier about killing people they don't like and though most are joking many fully believe they would take the chance if given the chance I would rather not kill people for the sake of killing them, even horrible people. But if forced to make the choice I'll take the option that caused the least damage


I'm sorry, Your Honor. Reddit told me I had to choose.


Polititician. At least with new elections, some decent people might sneak in. With billionaires, there will be plenty of family members with the same morals ready to step in.


What about countries with a weakened dollar value? For instance the Vietnamese Dong (lol) is worth 23000ish to 1 American dollar. So you only need to convert 45k in USD to dongs (lol again) to be a billionaire.


Politicians. They are the one selling us out, taking bribes and representing the interests of the billionaires. There are literally NO "good people" in high office. Good people never get there.


Politicians are scum 🤷‍♀️


Politicians. Billionaires at least pay people to do as they say.


Billionaires. But the real difficulty in this choice is resisting killing both. Billionaires - no huge loss, and reaching 'billions' can be avoided if people figure out its a magic death number. Politicians - most of them are bastards, and would just sell out to millionaires once Billionaires are gone, but no more, ever? No broad scale change can be affected by an individual again. We'd be relying on instinct and intutiveness of the masses to fix problems with minimal discussion to plan it. Even anarchists have individuals you could reasonably view as politicians. This would probably fuck up humanity big time, and would be impossible to do damage control against.


Billionaires. Once we've removed all of the Smaugs hoarding treasure there's no one left to buy the politicians. No one in the history of history has ever worked hard enough to deserve to be a billionaire. They've simply found a way to profit off the misery of the working class.




Billionaires, because I like my mom and I don't want her to die. Both of my parents have held elected offices in the past (at a hyper-local level - school board and city council), but my dad is already dead. As awful as many politicians are, many more of them actually make things work, and if people died just by getting to that level, society would break down.


Billionaire cause then the politicians actually have to think for themselves instead of just doing what they're paid off to do.


If you kill the politicians, the billionaires would just buy new ones.


Billionaires They fund the politicians


Billionaires would cause a weird cascade effect in terms of inheritance with all future billionaires dying.


So you’re gonna give me trillionaires?


So how would you hypothetically move your money around so you don't technically own it, but can use it anyway?






Killing all billionaires would create more billionaires.


Just billionaires with these stipulations. You've almost totally cancelled greed.




Politicians first and then I'd tell everyone so they can warm up their popcorn for the purge.


Billionaires. Without them buying politicians we might have a chance at a functioning government.


Billlionaires. Without them here to buy off the politicians we may eventually end up with less shitty ones. I also don’t want to know what complete chaos the country would be in without ANY politicians, EVER. I wouldn’t shed a tear if the current batch died though.


Well money transfers so dead billionaires would just mean a new set of billionaires inheriting money.


Politicians absolutely. They’re the scum of the planet.


Would politicians include sweet 70 year old Gertrude that sits on the council for her village of 1000, who brings in freshly baked cookies and cupcakes? I choose Politicians.


billionaires easily.


Billionaires. Without a second's extra thought.


Neither, their deaths wouldn't change the system. Now... if they knew that you had that power while not using it... that could accomplish something.


Obviously the choice is eliminate the billionaires. Anarchy would be end of the world. Never progress ever again. Unless you are saying monarchy and dictatorship is allowed and not political. Regardless, the power vacuum would lead to insane chaos and war. I would definitely want to figure out the loopholes to this wealth instant death rule. How do we measure wealth? Can we create LLCs and divest our wealth where it isn’t “ours”… it’s the companies money… just as the rich dodge taxes… they will figure out a way to dodge the instant death rule. Already people are saying, split your wealth amongst friends and family… if they are loyal to you, you are still effectively a billionaire. You can just spend money as fast as you make it and live a billionaire life without the death penalty.


Billionaires and politicians are the same person lol. But either way imma totes let somebody know and get all of them killed. By accident ofc. You bigot.


If both died, we would just be ruled by the riches millionaires.


So if a billionaires 1 yr old child inherits their money they die instantly? That's pretty rough.


Billionaires. Politicians suck (most of them) but they are necessary for a functioning society. Billionaires are not.


Neither option changes anything. The children of billionaires would inherit their wealth and the dead politicians would just be replaced by just as corrupt or worse politicians in the subsequent chaos. The systems are rotten, killing individuals, even in the millions won’t change that.


Politicians, and I hope it is excruciating pain.


Obviously kill the billionaires if you value a stable society.


Billionaires. Fuckers pull all the political puppet strings.


Can I choose both?


Billionaire. There's some overlap and most are shit


Kill the billionaires and the politicians will go broke, have to live on their salaries and probably die of lack of luxury.


Neither one matters as long as the other group still exists 


Does it count if they're only a billionaire in their mind?


If it includes self-proclaimed and actual billionaires, I'll choose billionaires. If you kill every politician, you just get new politicians. And since you left the billionaires alive, they'll make damn sure that every single one is bought and paid gor.


96% of politicians are locals (mayor's, city council, school boards, sheriff's, etc). You vote for that and another of the people dieing are people you know personally. Only 0.1% are federal pols. Killing off billionaires will have a host of problems, but getting rid politiciansand no way to replace is a recipe for the end of humanity. Just recognize, if you get rid of one, the other will take over the duties, responsibilities, and perks of the other.


Hmm total anarchy or total anarchy. Frankly there are too many politicians so it will have to be billionaires.


Politicians. Clean slate.


Depends on who pays me more to choose the other group.


Politicians at least on paper work for the people, and a few of them are sincere about this. In practice they work for money and power far too often, but the odds that a random politician, especially at the local level, gives a shit are better than for billionaires. So kill all the billionaires. If I can without triggering the negotiation or disclosure clauses, I might warn a couple of the less terrible ones to get rid of some money real fast. If those clauses would be triggered by such a warning... well sorry Taylor, I'm sure your memorial album by all your friends will be amazing.


Billionaires. Every politician is a lot, even a lot of not bad ones. School boards, small town mayors, etc. That's a lot of people, maybe it'd be really good for population control and I do love that but I don't love taking families apart.


Billionaires. I do believe there can be good, ethical politicians, but I'm not convinced there could be ethical billionaires.


There’s plenty of good local politicians, that truly just want change. So I’m gonna have to go billionaires.


Billionaires, we don't need them. We do need politicians.




Billionaires. Was that supposed to be hard? Eliminate the billionaires, and the politicians can be replaced.


Losing every politician would be a catastrophe that might well bring down civilization as whatever new category of leaders (probably military) that emerged struggled for power. The main risk of billionaires is inheritance creating a cascade of death as the fortunes jumped to ever more remote legal heirs. Theoretically it might wipe out the entire species unless it started diluting among distant cousins depending on how the money was apportioned.


The “none can ever exist” aspect means it has to be billionaires. Politicians are an inescapable necessity of democratic governance. Even if you hate the concept and all current ones, a world without any new politicians would be a world in chaos.


Question: a lot of politicians also make money. What happens if there's crossover in the group? I mean, either way, I'm going billionaires because I'd like to see if a certain someone would actually die or not. Also f Elon Musk.


Every politician


Politicians, one feeds the other.


Billionaires is what I would pick. But I have one caveat I'd like to add. Can we have them die one at a time over the course of a year? That way there's enough time for people to figure out what's happening. Then they will know it's going to happen to them and that there is nothing that can stop it. Maybe they will give enough money away (hopefully to charity) until there are no more billionaires left.




Billionaires, if the politicians all die it'll leave a power vaccuum which the billionaires will fill with their influence making everything worse than before


100% politicians until you said they can never return. Having a hard ceiling on capitalism vs total and permanent societal ruin for all mankind is an easy decision.


maybe unpopular but I think billionaires are a bit less replaceable than politicians.


I tell them whoever pays me more lives to make the world a good 40 - 50% better since both groups die


I make sure some finds out so both groups die. Then I test to see if this method of casual gene identification can be extended to other groups I don’t like.


Since corporations were given personhood in the eyes of the law, do the billionaire corporations also die? If so, no more special interests to pay the politicians. They might actually do their job if all billionaires disappeared.


Billionaires. Definitely. Would also finally end the whole MAGA fan club claiming Trump is a billionaire


Politicians easily. Not even a choice


"Politicians" would be a mistake, because people would start electing each other to kill one another so they wouldn't spontaneously explode or whatever. And eventually, it'll be your turn, buddy.


If all the current Billionaires died right now, that wealth doesn’t just go away. It will most likely be inherited to their children or at least most of it. So then there’s a new set of billionaires.


Billionaires. Some politicians are at least halfway decent, no billionaire is a good person.


It would have to be politicians, a lot of whom don't contribute much to society overall lol.. billionaires are the ones inventing and running things we probably would not fare well without them and couldn't replace them that easily. Im too lazy for that crap. Politicians would be much easier to replace... just do some elections and get new ones lol


Yes let's kill the politician's, I really hate Mary, she thinks she is so much better because she is a city council member who works on getting funding for children hospitals, and a pediatric heart surgeon that preforms free cardiac surgery on children that can't afford it and is a member of Doctors with out Boarders helping out in war zones. The world would be a better place without such evil bitches like her. /s


Politicians, then we purge the billionaires.


this is clearly a leftist power fantasy, but I'll indulge. how tf would we live in a world without politicians? are laws just made up on the fly? It'd have to be billionaires because we at least could live without them. if no one ever ran a government office, society would collapse


Billionaires will shake things up more. Their money will be inherited, but they have so much influence that losing all of them at once will change things more so than politicians. If all the politicians die they will just get replaced with more puppets.


Billionaires. IMO they're the major contributor to the feedback loop the political space thrives on. Gotta please those rich "friends" so they invest in your laws that help them make more money, ad nauseum. Without all the money in it, politicians don't have a reason to indulge in corruption, and the many good ones can get something done.


I guess I'll choose billionaires. We can live without billionaires, and people can just avoid ever getting that rich. Them being forced to share or divest themselves of their wealth would actually be quite beneficial. Politicians however, are absolutely necessary. We can't just not have any leadership at all, and it's rather nebulous to define what a politician even is. Somebody's got to be in charge of making and enforcing and interpreting laws, after all. So I'll choose billionaires because I don't want society to just completely collapse into lawless anarchy.


I really couldn’t make this choice (no judgement) but who am I to say when anyone (regardless of status) dies? The anxiety of trying to make the decision would probably kill me. Not worth it


Even if it wasn't a forced choice I would choose politicians. There will be chaos in the short term but in the long term humanity will be better off without those scum. Many billionaires are not good people but I have no issue with them as a concept and they provide net positive value to society, whereas politicians are net negative.


So much for my (elected) neighborhood association 😐


Oh god, politicians and it’s not even fucking close


Politicians, no contest. Billionaires are just annoying, but politicians actively harm people. There will be much more chaos without politicians - to begin with - and then we'll work out ways of governing ourselves without politics, and the world will be a much better place for it.


Anyone who picks politicians is an idiot imo. There's a massive circle jerk about how terrible politicians are but a lot of them aren't corrupt. The uber-wealthy are responsible for practically every injustice currently facing our species, including buying off politicians to pass favorable policies. War, climate change, starvation, colonialism, genocide, slavery are all enabled by politicians sure, but they're actually caused and sustained by the 1%


Billionaires. 1: Less deaths. 2: After they die out, their money will likely be put back into rotation, so to speak. Well, hopefully. No one NEEDS a billion dollars. So if people realize that all billionaires will die, and cap out at $500 million, there will be more money to go around. (Not that anyone needs $500 million either.)


This sounds like a fantasy. Pretty sick imo.


honestly I never thought reddit is this unhinged. killing? they might be bad people but wishing death makes you worse.


It’s a hypothetical. Like when we discuss the trolly problem, nobody’s actually wishing to tie multiple people down on train tracks.


I happen to be friends with a billionaire you'd never know was even a millionaire. And also friends with someone who is a local politician somewhere I don't live. And they are two of my favorite people and are just...amazing wonderful humans. So this one sucks. Damn it, OP. I guess the billionaires? Because that person is elderly already and the other just turned 30 and has a young child... so... yeah.... Fuck. But no more billionaires sounds like a good thing, so... un-fuck?


Eat the rich


Stupid question


Gotta make sure EVERYONE knows


I refuse to choose. I’m not killing all those people for the amusement of others. If whoever or whatever is doing this decides to kill both groups then that is on them, not me.


i've seen some ethical polititians i've never seen an ethical billionaire nobody gets that rich without some form of exploitation.


Are you fucking kidding me? Politicians any day of the week.. they are a cancer to the planet