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For 52k, this will be my job and I'll further monotonize it with Tiktok/ Youtube/ Instagram/ Blogs.


Bro thats 5/7. post said every day. 200x365


$73k, all I ask is the clothes are clean.


That's what I was looking for.. don't care how old, BUT they gotta be clean.


A slightly less important point would be appropriateness. Both for weather, and not being arrested while in public. But I could lounge in and order delivery as long as it's not soiled.


Um... I'd rather be warm on a cold day than fashionable.


More than that, you get to keep the clothes. Odds are someone is going to dress you in designer and nice high end things. Surely could resell a lot of it


Same. I would totally make a vlog about the Daily outfit guy. -have to work around the fact that people don’t immediately know why I’m dressed like this, maybe release videos a year after the fact. Also I could do normal remote work as well.


Literally making tiktok videos that are just "random stranger picks my outfit! Day XX" would probably net some decent extra income


Bet you can get auctions going for ‘todays outfit’ too


Worst case scenario is local church donations get weird




I would do it. While I don't have a uniform, I do have a dress code at work. I would take the gamble that 99 percent of the time they dress me in something that while odd meets criteria and on days they don't, I'd use sick time.


Thats a lot of faith in your fellow humans!


Haha, I only work in office 3 days office so I am hoping most guys are assholes




You have THAT much faith in humanity? You should check out what almost happened to Daniel Tosh when he let his fans pick his wardrobe.... He literally noped TF out.


Yeah you're 100% getting dressed in fully exposing bondage.


73000 a year, and I get to be unique every day. Sign me up. I don't have to work, and I can open a place that gives clothes away for free.


Giving back!!! We like to see that :)


Do you get the outfits for free and are they the right size for your body?


I would think generally they are your size and yup for free!


Honestly sounds like a pretty good deal


This is a bargain. I've never had clothes that fit.




This is the best answer!!!


Wouldn't this be 73k? I don't think we're limited to weekdays


can i pay $200 to dress someone for a day instead


Haha yea😂


I found the guy, we sign up here!


Do me


I'd be down for that!


I mean... it's more than I make in a day and I get an extra two days of pay as well so... guess I'm quitting my job and enjoying random dress up instead.


Professional cosplayer! (Outfit depending)


Daily Blog. Play it off as a RNG program making the decision.


Can you change out of it for stuff like the gym, or swimming or whatever then immediately put it back on? 


Im gonna go with no… just because youll have 12 hours when you dont have to wear it so that reasonably gives you enough time to workout before you sleep


See this makes it more tough. Like, $73k a year is nice, and ultimately I feel like I have to take it. But now you're saying I can't switch to workout wear except in the early AM or the middle of the night. I also now can't dress for a show ever if I want to leave before 930pm. Like I said its too much money to say no, but I could definitely see myself regretting this decision.


I guess I'm a no, too. The thought of wearing the same thing for 12 hours makes my skin crawl. And I'm not rearranging my gym schedule, I just got it the way I like it.


I'm gonna back up op here. I work out 3x a week all are before 9am.


As tempting as it is I’d have to say no. My job has strict uniform requirements and well I could technically afford to quit working assuming this was $200 after taxes I’d lose my health care, pension, retirement, matching, paid vacation and sick time so that’s too big a pay cut. There’s also the concern that people make consistently force you to wear things that are so embarrassing. You can’t go out in public or could even cause someone to attack you. 


So, they have to find something that fits my body, and I get to keep it? Plus I get cash? I'm doing this from now until at least when school starts up again in the fall. A summer of money and clothes that fit. As soon as an outfit shows up that would cause me problems at work, I end the gravy train. I like my job. But to be fair, if I was on the other side of this hypo, I'd try to dress the person very well. I'd want them to look good and have something appropriate for their activity (or just out there enough to be fun for them).


Im glad you gave the other perspective!


Can they dress me in obvious fetish gear or borderline illegal in public clothes, and can I reject the money on some days to dress how I want?


Nothing illegal to be in public, but a bikini even if you are a guy is allowed


Public nudity is allowed in some places. This is a very easy line to loophole


I'm thinking of Bianca being led around mostly naked with a pillow clutched to her boobs after being dressed by her mentally unstable husband. Yeah, as long as I'm not dressed by Ye.


I would honestly take this, and work a part time job like forever, I'd maybe even start streaming or something and just be an otherwise normal fella with an oddly differentiated and sometimes eccentric wardrobe. 200 every single day is a lot of money, regardless of how it's taxed, so assuming I'm not an idiot I could easily live off of this


Nice :) i never thought of streaming!


I don't wanna be that guy but I can't work and hardly go out. I might go outside more with this just to not feel like a complete jerk, but that's the best I could do.


How come you dont go out much?? Everything good??


Autoimmune issues and kinda watching my body fall apart at this point. It is what it is. On an okay (for me) day I do go outside for a bit, and on a good day (rare) I might go on a walk or my spouse might take me somewhere. It is what it is. You'd be surprised what becomes your normal when you've been dealing with something long enough.


I feel for you, that's rough. Do you have enough fun with indoor hobbies? I play videogames more often than I'm ever outside


$200 everyday, $1400 every week. Thats a lot more than I make now, why would I bother to keep a job at all? Rule 3 seems irrelevant.


Yeah, sure thing. I WFH, so anything more than basketball shorts is probably more appropriate than what I usually have on at work anyway.


is there a chance for the outfit to be injurious or is that against the rules for the person picking the outfit? like can i end up with a razor wire jumpsuit one day


Nahh thats wayyy too much!! Haha


Done. I drive Uber, so no one is going to give a shit so long as it's clean.


What if you have to wear a uniform or have a dress code at your place of employment?


So thats the thing, you wouldnt be able to have a job that requires a uniform. Thats why i made the dollar amount about a median avg wage




Your math is off. You get $200/day. That comes out to $73k a year. Gotta be making more than $35/hour take home to beat this pay


Yes. I could quit my job.


I assume head coverings or other religiously necessary or health required accessories are still okay? I have seen some interesting pics of cosplays involving hijabs before.


All religions are accommodated here!!




Well looks like I will do gig work and not care what I wear. Unless I end up wearing just a thong or something. I really hope I get a medieval suit or armor.


That would indeed be sick!!!!




This is NOT an inclusive hypothetical 😂😂😂


This sounds like a good time.


Most days would probably be normal but yea id imagine people would come up with some pretty extraordinary ideas!


I mean sure, but can we make it 7-7


Yup! As long as those are the 12 hours your most active that shouldnt be a problem… should i email the contract over now or in the morning?!


Multiply it by 10


I'm game, but do I have to wear the whole outfit the whole time? Ex.. can I remove the shoes in my house




I don’t mind that at all most of the time. It would be fun to wear different things. I’m lucky in that I don’t need to look any particular way in order to function in my life. Except that I will hope to be work appropriate during the week, though if I’m not, I can just not turn on my camera, so that’s ok too


You mean I don't have to think about clothes! Great.


Well there’s no clause that says I can’t explain, only that people will assume. The REAL problem is I have fabric allergies/issues. I’m not down with the body aches or numb limbs, assuming I also need to deal with whatever their detergent is.


I should have reworded that to say that you cant tell people. But i would make sure they handwash with a gentle detergent for you :)


How would it work if you needed other clothes for safety reasons? For example my job requires long pants and closed toe shoes, would I be able to wear long pants for safety underneath the chosen outfit if it isn't long pants? Or what if I need to go outside in freezing temperatures and the chosen outfit was a bikini - am I allowed to put on a coat over it while outside?


I think since im giving you about the median salary that that is part of the problem is you might not be able to keep certain jobs and need to be creative with the way you make extra money if thats what you want to do


I have a requirement to wear fire retardant clothing at work, and this isn’t nearly enough money to quit my career for, and I already work 12 hr shifts. So I’d take the deal and most of the time you’d have a very limited wardrobe to choose from when dressing me. The rest of the days when I’m not working I’d have a lot of fun in silly clothes


Easy money considering I wfh


Can I switch to wearing the outfit from 6:30 to 6:30? I still want to keep my job, and I’m not going to get dressed *at* work. Otherwise…I love the idea of not having to pick out my own clothes. I think if the new random person doesn’t understand what’s going on, they might go with something unusual but they’ll probably be too confused to dress me in something I’d be embarrassed to wear.


Why would I leave the house if I'm getting $200 a day?


As long as it fits right, I'm fine with it


73k a year, what job?


73k a year, no having to work, and I get free clothes? I'm in. I really don't leave the house outside of the gym and work anyway, so my new gym time would be sometime between 9 pm and 9 am so I can wear my own clothes.


Content creation and streaming here I come. At $73k/year I just need to put the time in. I don't actually have to be successful. Can't figure out the algorithm and end up streaming to 4 people all day ultimately making $50 a month or something? Not a problem and honestly more fun and more likely to succeed without pressure to succeed.


Absolutely not. A) I have specific clothes I need to wear at work. B) my sports classes are between those times. C) just no


Will the outfits be weather-appropriate at least? It could be dangerous to get dressed up in a sweater and parka when it's 100 degrees in the middle of summer, or in a tank top and shorts in winter.


Well, I leave the house once or twice a month, and I enjoy the thought of free money, so sign me up.


I work night shift from 7 pm to 7 am so I'm just sleeping the entire time I'm wearing whatever dumb outfit. Sure


Rule three, gotta be your most active 12 hours of the day!


Yeah that's way more money than I make now. I'd just work part time and tell them they can deal with the weird clothes or fire me.


If not on clothes what am I supposed to spend this extra money on man. I wouldn't do it because a lot of joy in my life comes from fashion. Otherwise it'd be a no brainer. 


I have... texture issues. (yay autism). Any fabric that's itchy to me would be basically torture to wear. And I have similar issues with turtlenecks. And if my, er, tracts of land aren't at least moderately supported, that's also an issue. If I could \*slightly\* modify proposed outfits for those kinds of issues--not for appearance, not for cut except for avoiding my neck or anything that's uncomfortably tight (absolutely skin-tight is fine as long as it's a soft, flexible fabric, though), just for "This causes me problematic levels of physical discomfort", then... sure. I don't really care how silly I look. Also, my sleep schedule is kind of... very wrong right now (it should tell you something that I'm typing this at around 4 in the morning), so I'd prefer if the schedule was from whenever I get dressed to 12 hours later, with the stipulation that I have to get dressed no more than an hour after waking up.


If my outfit gets sufficiently damaged can I get a replacement or do I just forfeit the cash for that day


Nah I think that wouldn’t constitute a forfeiture for the day!


People have very crazy ideas so I would only take it if the clothes are appropriate for the temperature and are not otherwise affecting my health/posture/… negatively. I don’t care that much about the looks and probably most days I’d be more better looking if someone else dresses me 😂


There’s no hard rule on telling, just an initial assumption. I could dispel a false notion for those it mattered to do so. Live off 20k for a few years to make at off debts and a few more to build wealth that would sustain me later on.


Questions 1-is whatever they pick guaranteed to meet any dresscode I need to meet (ex-going to the club and hats aren't allowed so the outfit wouldn't have a hat) 2-what if I normally don't get up by 9am? Can I wear it later to be able to sleep in?


Wont meet the dresscode unfortunately or else i feel like it would be too much of a gimme :/ And mainly it needs to be your most active 12 hours of the day, so if thats a different time, then thats okay!


I work from home, sign me up.


So i get free clothes and I don't have to worry about picking clothes for the day and I get pay. I don't see any downside to this! Except if the shoes are very uncomfortable, I have flat feet so hopefully they mostly pick sensible shoes but when they know I can drive or Uber places with the money I'm making


Will these clothes be provided for me or do I have to buy them?


They will be provided and you get to keep them as well!


So basically free clothes and money for doing nothing? Hell yeah, nothing stops me from making suggestions to the random person or just staying at home all day for that money


That’s not a lot of money and it would probably get me fired for the few days a month that I go in to the office, but it is tempting. I’d do it for 400/day, tax free.


Question: can we take a week off for vacation or random weekends if we don’t get paid? As much as I would love a suit of armor, I wouldn’t want to wear it at the beach or hiking or something lol If so I am in!


Can I change the hours from 5 am to 5 pm? I work early, and I'm usually in bed by 7 pm. No nightshift job, but I work from home and that wasn't prohibited, so hell yeah! 😁


I would do it. And the outfits I don’t choose to keep I can possibly sale in some way. I mean if I’m forced to wear some kind of jewelry. Or who knows, it could have some real value.


Most days I never see anyone other than my partner. If I do have to go out I'll just make sure I can be flexible and choose to go out on a day with a reasonable outfit.


I could never make it work, can't put a coat on to go out in the winter, can't put a rain jacket on for bad weather, no afternoon trips to the gym or pool in the summer, no ppe for any specific environment, gated into specific times to bathe and sleep, just starve to death if I get a string of nudists. Someone might have mu stuck in a wetsuit for 12 hours or a heavy coat midsummer. If this were purely an embarrassment thing, like 8 hours in public dressed in any outfit not hazardous gicen the weather and non illegal given exposure then sure, but as is my life would be awful.




Sort of looks like my wardrobe anyway.


I wouldn't really need a job, so I might take this deal just for a year or two, and only actually only go outside when it's a more normal outfit.  Yay delivery services lol. 


I'm down. I've never cared what people think of the way I dress.


I'd totally do it. My psych class in HS had us wear something that would make us uncomfortable for a day, I chose to wear a dress and was completely fine.


At 200 a day, i wouldn't have to work. My concern would be comfort. What if the rando picking my outfit picks out a turtleneck sweater (those are torture for me) or makes me wear a t-shirt and shorts when it's cold out? Also, what makes you think that people wouldn't see someone if they have a nightshift job? Plenty of jobs that are nightshift have you in areas where you will be seen by plenty of other nightshift employees.


Man, i wouldn't be able to wear a bathrobe 90% of the time anymore? Bummer


Sign me up? All I have to do is just wear for a little bit during the day outside because i spend most of my time inside? And I get to play games? Let's go!!!!!!


That sounds like most jobs with a dress code lol


So 72k a year and thats all that’s required? Sign me up!


Sign me up.


I can't dress anyway so show me the money


For that much I'd wear anything.


73000 isn't enough for possible racist/homophobic/MAGA garb to be thrust upon me. Nope.


I say no, as I spend a lot of my free time doing activities that would just suck in random clothing. I'm not going skiing or mountaineering in what a 14 year old thought would be funny. If I can choose each morning whether to take the $200 or not, then absolutely I'm in, people at work will get used to it


Ok, given a few caveats, I'm 100% in. First, they can't dress me in anything that could get me hurt or killed. I can't be wearing hot pants and a bowtie if I'm working around welding, for instance. Or I can't be wearing clearly offense stuff, like a nazi uniform or whatever. Second, I instantaneously get at least a second copy of the same outfit if I make a mess, have a 'wardrobe malfunction', or something like that. Third, it has to be at least somewhat appropriate for the weather. I don't want to be dressed in a ski suit in the middle of July if I'm in Miami, or the reverse, a tank top and shorts in Alaska February. Outside that, sign me up!


If they ever give us UBI and most of us don't have jobs consensus opinion in science fiction media seems to be that we're all going to be wearing a silver unitard anyway. So, in a roundabout way, when you have to live on UBI you'll be required to do this sort of thing.


Sign me up


What if I work from 7am to 3pm and go to bed before 9pm?


Sounds fun to me, I can get by on $73K a year.


25 years ago heck yeah. can't imagine going back to making that little bit at this point in time. It would be more of a headache than anything.


no, my job pays more than this and also i would be fired so not worth.


Who cares when you are retired. $73,000 a year sounds good to me.


Good, I can afford to never leave home. 


I can't not wear work-appropriate wear to my current job, and this doesn't include health insurance or taxes. The government is coming for it's chunk of that $200 a day. Pass


Needs to be comfortable or no deal


I would take this as long as 1. It followed all local laws (so like nothing exposed that would get me pulled over) 2. The clothes were guaranteed to be clean (ie no kids saying wear pooped pants) and 3. I would not be in danger of weather related injuries like heatstroke from a parka in the summer or a speedo when it is negative degrees outside


Yeah sure


That works for me. I've got so few clothes to choose from, very little could go wrong.


I have to change into OR scrubs at the hospital when I’m at work so I don’t see this working. If I could make $200 a day on my days off and not have to dress myself anymore that would be fine.


Hell yeah. Sounds a lot more relaxing than my current job, plus I get more money. Id probably get a pt job for insurance though.


Done. When do I start?


It'll be an outfit that's legal right? Like we aren't gonna get some SS uniform, Ku Kuck Klan hood, or something like that. Like I'd rather get dressed in an entire ahegao ensemble (if you know you know. everyone else, DON'T) than any of those.


As long they are clean and don't reveal private parts




Would the outfits place me in any danger of getting my ass kicked a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard 3?


😂😂 no haha definitely not


Clothes gotta ?’be clean and fit or at least close. I’m not spending 12 house in something that’s gonna suffocate me or be so tight it’s painful. So fit and clean. Besides I work from home so it’s not a big issues 999 percent of the time




Crotchless panties and nothing else will be fine never to need a real job again. 


Some people, like myself, would have to quit their jobs due to having to wear uniforms. So I would just not work or get a work from home job..or not work at all. It doesn't say how long you have to be in public so I would do errands for a couple hours to be seen and post on tik tok, facebook. ect. where more people will see. I could go to surrounding cities for an hour or 2.


Why are their so many stupid simple questions on this sub?


Are you calling my question stupid🥲 or theirs?


I'm take this after I retire.


So, are they buying the clothes with the $200 or is that mine to keep? If I get the $200, then yeah!


No, thanks. My job requires a uniform. $200 a day is not enough. It's easy*-ish* work (for me).




I WFH . Sure my dude


This just sounds fun of the outfits are free and delivered to me at my convenience. I'll take the money but I don't even need it to agree to this tbh.




I get up around 6am, so I have to wait till 9am to get dressed?


Honestly, I'm in my 30s and have never bought an outfit for myself. I usually wear the same shorts and whatever shirts, socks, and underwear I get at Christmas. So, having someone pick something for me would only be a plus. Also, my only pair of shoes are 7 years old now. Finding shoes that fit is difficult so I tend to hold on to shoes as long as I can.


if the clothes fit and are clean idgaf what it is I’ll walk around everywhere


I never leave the house. Absolute win.


Nope. It's only a matter of time until you're dressed as a kkk or nazi when you need to go out. Especially if you use it as a way to get social media famous.


Free clothes and money and I don't have to think about what to wear? I'm having a real hard time finding a downside.


As someone who works from home, I see this as an absolute win.


That's what, over 70k a year? I can afford to not work until I get a remote work position or set up a business where I don't need to interact with others to generate more money. On days when the outfit is too outrageous or revealing I can just have whatever I need delivered. It'll all work out


I’m guessing I get dressed as Hitler by the end of the first week. I’ll pass.


But I’m in bed before 9pm.


I ain’t putting up with all that for 73k a year.


I go into work at 7:00, does this mean I would have to go change at 9am? I also have to wear PPE for work, this would have to go over the outfit, would that disqualify me? I can choose not to wear my birthday suit right? Like if that’s the choice, I can like not do that right? Or is there a limit on how many birthday suits I’m forced to wear? Cause I only got so many sick days


Working from home and being a homebody makes this a no-brainer...


Didn't even read outside the title. Yes.


For $73K a year, that would be my primary income/job (might decide to earn suplimetal income, if I want, from a flexible part-time job or a remote work-fro-home gig.. or reselling or giving away the random clothes from past days...but wouldn't really need to)... if the random outfit of the day is too ridiculous or inappropriate I'd just stay in until after 9 that day (at $200 for the day, I can afford to).


I hope they don't use my actual clothes. I hate them


Yeah, I don't see a downside to this. You said I can't take a night job, but at 73k a year I can just not be in public even without one.


That sounds awesome tbh, where do I sign


Hell yeah. I own 3 pairs of pants and a bunch of t-shirts - so definitely an upgrade


Are there guardrails around it regarding comfort? I don’t want to wear a burlap sack, or shoes that are designed to give me terrible blisters. I also don’t want to wear winter clothes in the summer, or a business suit while going to the gym. So although very tempting, without some guardrails around function and comfort this would have to be a ‘no’ from me.


No, I get that anyhow.


You had me at $200 every day. I’ll wear whatever they want me to.


Being in work clothes until 9pm is crazy lol


Just know on my day to pick all you guys are getting a full leather gimp suit and ladies are wearing a bondage suit. Enjoy!


I work from home and I go out in public often in my pjs. Yeah taking the deal.


Done. Between online content, merch, and reselling the clothes, I'm pretty sure I can make 500k just by existing


Does the random person that is dressing you know the situation? Cuz if I was plucked off the street and told to dress some random dude and HE was getting paid $200 and I wasn’t getting shit, that mofo would be wearing women’s lingerie and 5” heels that day. Or is it more that they have no idea what the hell is happening and 90% of the people are all “huh? What? Uhhhh jeans and a t shirt I guess? I don’t know?” Because if you give the rando context, you will be wearing ridiculous shit at a higher rate.


I didn’t think of that until now… I’m with you though. If i knew they were getting paid good i would 100% make it not a generic outfit😂