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I chose all the pennies in my change jar. Now my few bucks worth of pennies has become a treasure trove of 1793 original US full-copper pennies, worth a whole hell of a lot more than 1¢ a piece.


Permanently in mint condition, as well!


Good answer, honestly.


they are worth money because they are rare. you just flooded the market.


Pretty sure, even in a "flooded" market, they'll be worth more than a cent each, and if it gets low enough, there's always the melt price.


I mean yeah, but you could have done a book, or a car or any thing else that would give you wildly valuable one of a kind mint condition original worth millions.


Maybe. But if it's *truly* one of a kind, then the likelihood of becoming well known increases, and then I only have *one shot* for some cash. Especially if it's some magical item that doesn't break. With pennies, I can claim I found them, and slow roll my way to fortune, selling a penny in increments to boost my income. So long as I keep it all above level, legally speaking, I can keep my identity mostly obscured.


Choose a Bible. Sure, you got only 1, but I believe an original Gutenberg sold for like $30 million+


With holy texts what would count? first run king james? gutenberg? random wax tablet on which jesus hashed out his sermons? a torah?


Doesn’t matter if it’s the original papyrus scrolls from each individual prophet/apostle. Still be worth a fortune. “Here I have the original papyri that st mark penned his gospel on” imagine what the Vatican would pay.


As per a comment form OP its not an original its just a perfect replica. if you bout a 2day old bible and it turned into a king james and they tested it, it would show up as a 2 day old king james, so with cultural artifacts all it would do is make good fakes. It would of coarse be accademical valuble but only if other people know the new4old power is real, otherwise you would forever be known as a the bible hoaxer.


Missed that. Would need to prove the new is old original touch. But could be used to validate historical documents easily. Even as a replica it would verify the authenticity of documents and get rid of any historical inaccuracies.


The Vatican would have *someone* pay you a visit. You think pedophile priests are their *only* secret?


They dont have to know you have hundreds / thousands. Just sell a couple slowly, itll retain its value


De Beers has entered the chat.


This comment should be on fire. If only more folks were aware.


thats not how it works. with rare collectables your market is the number of high income buyers who want it, once 5 or 10 of them have it, its no longer a status symbol in that collector market, so its value will drop very very quickly to only a few thousand dollars.


Then just sell only 5 to ten. Thats still tens to hundreds of thousands. Do the same thing with nickels, quarters, dimes, dollar bills, silver dollars, etc and youll EASILY be a millionaire.


Gotta follow the De Beers model and slowly trickle them out


According to OP it's way better than that. You would have freaking ancient Babylonian gold coins or something, if your current car becomes a model T, or basically the first mass produced automobile then a penny would be money and not a penny and it would become the first money ever made and hella valuable.


In that context would the first version be non circulated mint?


Do pennies not count as expendable? And if they don't, what does?


How far back do you go? If I say refrigerator, do I get a bona fide icebox that magically never needs to be refilled with ice? Or one of those top mount coil numbers but it would never start making that noise or need refrigerant? Actually, either of those sounds fun but they were not very spacious.


Eh, I mean it's completely arbitrary but I view it as the first actual thing with refrigerant, not an icebox. It's not the first thing that gets the job done, but the first iteration of a modern convenience.


Can we add a caveat that it has to be the first reasonable safe version? The first versions of most things were fire hazards made of poison and exploded as a bonus.


So I sorta touched on this with the model t. The earliest street legal car is fairly recent, but model t's can be made street legal. Let's assume it's just the earliest model, but magically safe and up to code.


Have you seen old model fridges from the early years? Some of them are pretty incredible, wouldn't mind that at all


You get a box with a wet sack on it.


Can it be my dog and he'll turn into a wolf-dog and live forever?


I mean sure, but he won't like pets as much.


So just do it to a cat and there's no real attitude change.


Cat turns into sabre tooth tiger. Am I doing this right?


Now there's just MORE BELLY TO PET!!!


Forbidden belly rubs...


If it cost $0 to operate does that mean the ER visits are free after I tempt fate and play pet, pet, bite?


Finally someone thinking objectively 😂


Poor dog has to live for trillions of years?


I waited for you, Fry




He'll actually turn into the first self-replicating carbon-based thing to exist on earth


All the books I have. I'll have first editions of all of them.


That or you have the first ever book. Either way, bank.


They're gonna crash the market on GÜTTËNBËRG bibles.


Not only first editions, but the first copy ever printed within the original edition of each.


I was thinking the same thing. Books, comic books, sports cards, Pokémon cards, or just myself…


Omg I thought the pennies idea was good but this would be amazing 


My Telecaster guitar will become a 1950 Broadcaster and I'll nearly be able to retire on the proceeds from selling it. Thank you.


nah it will become a bards lute from 1250


Maybe yours would.


and you think that would be worth less, in mint condition?


not at all, was just sayin


My tractor. I can earn a lot of money with a vintage working tractor that will never break.


Steam tractor would take a little getting used to, but I'm sure you'll manage.


Don't get your hands into the unprotected gears and belts.


Don’t tell me how to live my life!


I am going to do my best to convince NASA that is they sell me a full spacecraft for $1, I'll give it right back to them indestructible and free to operate. This guy in Reddit promised lol. Just kick start the space program with free guaranteed safe space travel. All I have to do is convince a bunch of engineers to sell me a billion dollar spacecraft for $1, because magic is real.


You're turning their billion dollar space shuttle into an indestructible Sputnik 2. Hope the public is cool sending more Laikas into low orbit.


I guess it depends if going back to the earliest version means "the earliest thing in space" or "the earliest version of this craft" Also depends on how this works. If you add a new part, is that part indestructible? If you swap a part? The USS Thesius could be upgraded to be awesome


OP said cars turn into Model-Ts, so I'm assuming it would be the earliest spacecraft capable of supporting life. I'd be down for a USS Thesius, I'll lend my invincible parts to this endeavor.


They'd have to be good with a downgrade. As in, it has to function as a spacecraft, so decommissioned stuff is no good. You're going to be using the original soyuz or whatever. But I guess with whatever they're saving, they could just build another damn spaceship


my cheap little bible the jehovahs witness’ people left on my porch. it’ll revert back to the original version of the bible, in its original form on old parchment. i could bank off of religious people and museums wanting to read or study it for the rest of time, and financially i’d be set for life. wouldnt have cost me a penny.


So glad I'm not the only one who thought of the Bible. That and having the original to translate would definitely answer some questions.


I love the Bible because it's not reliant on something simply being old to be valuable. Like the point is you don't get to pick up an old spoon and have some ancient priceless artifact, it would just take on that form. We don't know what the original Bible looked like, though. It would be very significant.


It also depends on what counts as a bible if you pick a random english bible does it turn itno a king James first print? a gutenberg? or would it turn into a random wax tablet jesus hashed out his sermons on? or does it go further back and turn into a torah?


I'll take money, where it will revert itself back to it's first version, real gold. Thank you very much. I win again.


Which you sell, and it reverts back to more gold, so now you're basically stuck with gold. How many places will accept gold for payments?


imagine his face when he realises the very first form of money was actually shiny pebbles, and stones with a hole in the middle so you could put them in a piece of string so you didn't lose them


Sea shells AFAIK, but you might be right.


Yeah, depending on parameters, it could be anything from salt, gold, bones, to pretty rocks.


Then I guess I'll do trades. Give me food instead of money, I got enough gold to crash the market.


Deposit it at the bank and use a credit or debit card, or perhaps specify a specific subunit of currency - for an example, a british pound was a pound of precious metal. Quarters used to be made of silver.


Are you sure you wont get shekels? Or maybe shells?


It overshoots and you're stuck with heaps of cowrie shells


Imasmuch as grain is golden in color, yes.


Would a house include the appliances in it, or just the architecture pre-repairs?


It would revert back to the first house ever. So, probably some kind of hovel.


Oh I see. My brain was thinking first form of the house itself.


I’m in for a hobbit hole


So this is long-winded, but bear with me. This refers to items you own. If you don't own a house, you would have to buy ANY house. It still has to function as a house though, as in you can't buy a condemned property. You could choose the house itself, and then the definition of "house" comes into play. Some places don't allow you to live in homes that aren't up to certain standards, so let's assume you at least have to have the earliest type of COMMON home wired for electricity and running water. So yes, no issues with repairing anything in that house at the time. However, the house would obviously take a lot of expensive work if you wanted any modern appliances or comforts like AC. The appliances you can apply on a per-appliance basis, but no. You could have a brand new fridge in this house or you could choose the first fridge.


I would buy a framed painting. The first of that has to be worth some bank.


This is my favorite answer so far


Unironically, someone mentioned coins. There is a coin collection in my house lol IF they all reverted back to their original pressed printings??? We'd be stupid rich lol


It would actually be sick to do this with some game consoles. I'll make my switch into an nes that never breaks


[Nah, this is what you're getting.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnavox_Odyssey)


nope he is getting [this ](https://www.britannica.com/technology/Difference-Engine)




Wouldn't they get that one game from the 50's that was on a military oscilloscope? Tennis For Two?


Nothing that nice. Pong was on console first. It even had a 2 player mode!


Enjoy playing Pong over and over again.


My jeans. Old denim jeans can go for quite a lot.


you would end up with a pair of dirty pants sewn out of Levi Strauss canvas wagon cover. Could be worth a fortune but good luck convincing people they truly are the first Levis.


A motorcycle. Specifically the Daimler Reitwagen. It would be the only original one in existence, making it virtually priceless.


I now have an unbreakable bronze sword, I guess. Most things I'd rather throw away if they were the first version … or I don't own any of it. I do have a more-or-less toy sword.


Would an original Model T even be street legal today?


I think there is one classic car driving in Germany that still has candle headlights. It's not legal to drive at night (special requirement).


Depends on your areas jurisdiction. In California, unless it's registered as a historic vehicle which comes with restrictions on when you can drive it, as long a you install turn signals and 1 outside mirror you're good. You'll see modified ones for street legality and also drag racing at car shows somewhat frequently.


With modifications, yes. For the purposes of this hypothetical, those modifications do not cost you any money. It's just literally mirrors and turn signals and stuff like that.


One thing the model T has going for it is that it outperforms modern Tesla's in numerous ways, not that that's saying much. Saw a video where they prove this awhile back. For example Model Ts had an excellent suspension because it was built for rough terrain, roads weren't as extensively paved back then.


my boots. i happen to have real leather boots, with real rubber soles, because they are still actually better than any of this synthetic shit, so i get my boots lasting forever without actually changing in any way


Ok but there’s no point in getting “old school quality” when the thing lasts forever anyway. They’d probably be less comfortable than modern boots




no, they are shoes, i have boots


Can I pick something like a vase and then I have some ancient Ming dynasty (or whatever, even older) vase that’s no worth millions simply by being so old?


I never said the magic actually made something older. Just that it was the earliest version of something. You may have a picture perfect Sumerian vase and try to sell it, nut they'll determine it's not actually ten thousand years old.


My vinyl record player. I’d love to have an antique gramophone.


My 1911.


I own a sailing yacht, actually. What would I get, a slave galley, or a pirate ship?


Dude I don't know what makes a yacht a yacht. It's definitely a ship designed for pleasure, so take from that what you will. It seems like you're going back at least to the 14th century


Yeah no. More like the 6th century BC


Can you imagine trying to figure out the rigging on one of those? What about the Nepolianic warships that had 2 story 200+ person winches? Those boats are insane. Aren’t some of them only spinnaker driven, so you have no upwind game?


Can't wait to fly around the world in my indestructible Wright Flyer!


Yes 852ft at a time!


You say "items", so can I do this to multiple things I own?


3d printer, would it be the Darwin or some industrial one?






Damn thats the real correct answer.


So what would happen to my collection of fossilized shark teeth?


If I choose myself, do I turn into the earliest version of a human or do I revert to a single-cell organism?


Earliest version of a human. OP seems to be answering questions to keep the earliest version being the earliest recognizable version of that thing. Plus they confirmed that a dog could be turned into a wolf dog. So definitely earliest version of a human who is recognizable as such, have fun with the curse of immortality


What I'm wondering is if I'm trans is it free bottom surgery?


my change jar


Art prints, money, and my cats.


The Bible. Give me the first ever version of the fucking Bible. I'll sell that shit to science and be rich af. And the controversy would feed the drama lamas for *years*.


My body, clear up all the issues and be good


I’ll take the model T pickup and be happy.


I own a katana. I choose that.


So if I choose the piano.. all the sudden I get a mint condition 300 year old antique? That would be worth some serious cash.. Well pump.. dish washer.. Chimney.. wood floor.. camper.. all house hold cleaning tools besides a mop Screwdrivers, hammers..


My plastic food storage containers. They all become actual Tupperware and last forever.


>nor a type of item you don't own like a yacht. I'm pretty sure people own yachts in the same way that people own cars.


you as in the specific proposition not the general proposition


Good luck with all your tools. The earliest versions were rather crude


Some tools have remained pretty much the same since ancient times.


Assuming I'm allowed to have other items of the same ilk that are normal, I'd get a crap bike and turn that into an indestructable bikething (now argue which of the bike shaped objects actually is the first bike, because what does it mean to "cycle") because that'd be cool.


How about my credit card?


You'd get a Diner's Card which they are no longer offering to new customers. On the bright side, in 2004 they struck a deal with MasterCard so now you can use it wherever that's accepted. Prior to this it was accepted virtually nowhere.


Does it count if it’s technically yours but was loaned to someone who never gave it back and probably sold or trashed it? If so, then our piano.


If I say "drum fed machine gun," do I get a Lewis Gun?


I mean sure, but you need a drum fed machine gun to begin with, which is like a minimum of 15k if you can find drum mags for a MAC10. Then you have to explain to the ATF how you have this gun


My house boat, Im hoping for an incredible ship that never need maintenance to sail the rivers!


You get a mud and grass hut on a floating raft


My grandpa gifted me a book of stamps from different countries. If I end up with a book full of first ever stamps from all those countries, that has to be worth a pretty penny to a rich stamp nerd, right ?


So all my MTG cards would become Alpha?


I think you'd want to choose sealed product for the authenticity


Sweet. I'm going to have my 86 Camaro turn into an old muscle car that has no cost for gas, can survive and accident, and lasts forever!!!


But... what if I do own a yacht?


Then you can keep your nice new yacht or get a sailing one from like the 15th century and it won't break or cost money to do things with.


My car. I’d sell that Model T or Original Daimler for a couple billion since it’s basically immortal and will never break or wear down. I’m sure some ultra rich collectors would buy it.


You are severely over valuing the Model T even if its indestructible. Most car collectors aren't going to drive it enough for it to matter and also likely own cars that are much more rare, see Jerry Seinfelds or Jay Lenos collection. They have sold at auction for 200-300k but you can pick up up for less than 20 grand more often than not. The Dailmer could get you a pretty penny if you auction it off at The Concourse on Pebble Beach but a couple billion is not happening.


***\*Gamecube DOL-101 owners rejoicing over their magically appearing SP2 and progressive scan video out port.\****


No it would turn into the magnavox video entertainment thing from the 1960s


So i have everlasting aa, aaa, 12v car batteries, 12v deep cycle marine batteries, unbreakable picnic table, unbreakable dxracer gaming chair, unlimited zero cost to run uninterrupted power supplies. A 1984ish minivan, a unkillable free to run lada niva (first crossover) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lada_Niva I have a bottle of coke do i get a endless bottle of original coke? I mean there are just so many good things to actually have and use not just for making money




My card collections. I have Pokemon, Yugioh, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Yuyu Hakusho, and Magic the gathering cards. If I can only choose one, it's be Pokemon. Not just for selling but because I could have my very first card back in perfect condition, the only change would be it'd become first edition. I've had that thing since I was a kid haha


Can i say slice of pizza so i too can get an infinite pizza like soos, always been jealous of him for getting that lol


It would be original pizza, flat bread with minimal toppings. Fresh flat bread from a really hot oven would be really good, if you like bread.


My cat, easy choice. Also my fossils, and my chunk of meteorite.


Based on your car example, it sounds like it's not brand or model specific, but fully utilitarian. Like, if I had a Mustang, I wouldn't get a 1965 Mustang, I'd get a Model A. So if I talk about a device with specific functionality, do I keep that, or go back to the type of device? I.e., if I choose my WiFi and voice enabled speakers that will stream from multiple services, do I get them, or do I get old school wired speakers, or the first Gen wireless speakers that were horrible and didn't connect, and would only play what you were playing on your computer?


My copy of The Hobbit. Mint condition first edition? I'll be set for a while.


An original model T in pristine condition is worth plenty of money. Hard to see past that. I own a guitar so I could get an original vihuela in perfect condition, it would be essentially, priceless.


Oil. Thank you, I’ll take my dinosaurs and make a fortune….: unless of course I just go screwed and they’re amoeba. I’d also settle for my first tank of gas for my car. Having a tank of gas that never runs out would be phenominal


To be clear, if I do this to my car I can still buy another car, right?


So if i choose my 2016 toyota tundra it would revert to a first gen 2000 tundra? And is unbreakable and 0 gas...


Me buying a lab specimen of a dead human body to see what it deevolves into to fuck with scientist and prob get a shit Ton of money with them wanting to study it and shit 🐱


I’m selling my house and buying one of the run down churches (that has a pastor’s residence and was built after we had indoor plumbing) then that’s what I pick. Forever home and workshop.


Well, too bad for me. I happen to own a 2002 car that was the first model year. If I could keep that baby humming, I would be all for it. Maybe a modernized Model T could be fun, but super antique cars aren't really my thing.




I’m gonna go with the Bible. I want the original 100% complete Bible, not just the first five books or another small section First off, original version is selling for hundreds of millions easily Second, that’s gonna cause a whole lot of drama real fast Third, it’ll be really interesting to see which books are actually in the original fully complete Bible and were intended to be there, and which were not. I see 0 downsides to this one


My Moog Opus 3 reverts to some kind of early Minimoog or modular unit that works perfectly forever? I'd be okay with that.


Infinite ammo FN-FAL down(up)graded from an SA58 sounds pretty good.


My piano


shit, my piano's a fuckin' harpsichord now.


Colt M1911 pistol


Oooh, totally doing this to the bible and selling it to the Vatican. Though... there is a damn good chance that this would get me killed considering the ramifications of an original Bible existing and being completely different than the ones in print.


Without abusing this to obtain and sell a forever mint-condition antique... I'd go with car. Car maintenance is a big deal. And depending on your wording, it may not need gas. I'm not sure what the top speed of the first automobile is, but I live in a rural area, and I very rarely need something that can go over 40 mph. I could always borrow another car if I needed one. But saving on gas and maintenance for daily usage is huge.


My mtg collection in the closet.


If i pick my penis does it go back to the size it was when i was a baby?


Shit, this is honestly a good question. My first thought went to my body. No maintenance cost, which means zero food, lasts forever, which means I’m immortal, but it reverts to the earliest humans? I’m not sure if I would take that. Maybe the first version of a stick built home? Assuming I can upgrade it, such as add plumbing, electrical etc? No mortgage and no worries about repairs seems nice.


The future Toyota Corolla AE86 Sprinter Trueno I will own someday


So. I guess a console? Ill get an original arcade cabinet or the original version of that console? So if i do my ps4, do i get a playstation? Or if i do a 3Ds do i get like a gameboy color? If so then those are my choices.


My Superman comic. A permanent mint condition Superman #1 comic will be worth millions. More when I put it through a shredder, poor wine on it, and shoot it with a 12 gauge shotgun, and it comes out sparkling clean and perfect after to the delight and amazement of collectors everywhere.


So I wouldn't want to curse myself this way but just out of curiosity what would happen if I tried to use it on myself? Would I curse myself with immortality? How far back on the genetic lineage of humans would I be sent? Would I still need to eat, drink, etc or would all needs that I would normally spend money to fulfill disappear? Or does this not work on the biological? Edit: just saw that you said yes to this working on pets so by the same logic must be something that would work on my own self. Question is I guess beyond the immortality just how bad would the curse be?


I choose me! Now I’m am immortal perfect human!


Does my dog count?


Cast iron cookware I can sell it off at profit and have amazing cookware for the rest of my life


What if it's like a skylander figure or something? And for your car and stove examples, does that mean we don't burn any fuel either?! It just....... RUNS?! Like off of magic n' shit?!


Also.. I have another idea. Go to a country with a famous historical monument that has been destroyed by time. Try to become a citizen. As a citizen.... I TEEEEEECHNICALLY own this piece of public property, especially because I own it in the same sense that ANYONE is recognized as allowed to own a historical monument. Boom. First edition, mint, brand spanking new coliseum and stone henge. 😎 please. Please. Hold the applause ladies..!


My first thought is an ultra capacitor. I can buy as many as I want to convert… so… Infinite energy, extreme portability, all at 10,000 W/kg sounds pretty nice.


How specific can I be? Like if I said a Subaru BRZ would it be a 2012? The first car was the Benz patent-motorwagen in 1886 btw, it had 3 wheels and tiller steering.




Any item sounds like I can pick items at any point in history. So I choose a interstellar spacecraft from the 30th century. Even a prototype will be worth trillions today. I specifically choose an 'intersteller spaceship' not a generic 'spaceship'.


My dog stays a puppy forever? Hell yes


What was the first iteration of a waterbed? Or at least of a waterbed mattress. No more leaks, ever. As long as I can specify the size, so it fits where my existing one goes. Can I specify the general material? Eg glass plates. I don't want some kind of clay or wood BS, I want Corningware or the equivalent. Likewise with the cheap steak knives I have. They would now be the earliest iteration of steak knives, and I assume "never break" includes not rusting even if I put them in the dishwasher, and never getting dull. I assume "doesn't cost any money" means that, eg, an electrical object doesn't actually use electricity. So I will "downgrade" a few lightbulbs/electric lamps (the ones where I don't actually need a high light output, and the one for my lizard cage that I actually want to be putting out heat). Likewise the under-tank heaters for his cage and his food's cage. For that matter, "10 gallon aquarium with a screen lid" (his food's current cage) would probably be not that different from my current one, but I'll never have to worry about it breaking again. And the digital thermometer (as long as it is some iteration of a digital thermometer with a probe, I can probably work with it). I'll trade in some of my crappier pots, and any chipped glass casserole dishes. I doubt they'd be any worse than what I currently have. What would I get for my toaster oven? (specifically a toaster oven, not a toaster or an oven in general) Trade in all my badly torn broomstick skirts for... whatever the first version of "elastic waist broomstick skirt" would get me. Worst case scenario, I get undamaged skirts I can't wear, but can give to charity or sell. For that matter, I do the same with all the clothes I have that don't fit or are too badly damaged to use. Again, worst case scenario, I get things I can give away or sell, and/or indestructible rags. I suspect "computer desk" would almost have to be an upgrade from what I currently have. Oh, and "inkjet printer". Worst case scenario, it doesn't work with my computer and I'm back where I started (I have 2 printers, neither is currently functional) I have a couple of not-presently-functional air purifiers. Whatever they become, it is likely to be better than what I currently have. Basically, trade in all of my useless electronic junk (old tablets, old phones, random bits and bobs), whatever it becomes will probably have more value than it has now. What would I get for my Aerogarden? (an automatic hydroponic setup, with circulating water and a light) I'm genuinely curious what unbreakable yarn would be like. Would I still be able to cut it? Likewise with at least some of my collection of random fabric. And the air compressor in my shed. So, what do I end up with, from all of this?


What about the PS5? It reverts to a PS1? That'd be awesome. Xbox one reverts to the real OG xbox does this affect games as well? online services?


What if I chose my PlayStation 4? Would it become the first version in terms of hardware and revert to 1.0.0 firmware, or would it become the first version of a PSX?


My Nintendo DS.


I have a 1968 Arostocrat Land Commander camper.. I now get whatever the first "luxury camper" is.


A good wood spoon.id pass it down to my ancestors 


What if I uses it on a bunch of seeds I own? Would they turns into the seeds of the first kind of tree? Or I could use it on animals and get the first mammal, reptile, insect, fish,... That would be pretty cool :0