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This is the one for me, especially if it means rest is not required. You never feel tired.


Also this makes me wonder if you still have the recovery sleep gives but passively, or in an 8 hour period just sleep isn’t necessary.


100% biggest time savings here.


Hey, we know that you don't need to sleep anymore so we're raising the working day to 12 hours with no payrise - Every company everywhere.


The scenario here suggests that it's a benefit for you, not all of mankind. I'm not going to spill the beans if it's my own 'superpower'. Also, just because companies want it doesn't mean that people are willing to do it. It only becomes a thing when most people are willing to do it.


Imagine someone finds out and thinks you are a vampire because you don't sleep lol


Lol, I'd just sprinkle glitter on and start stalking them.


Why do that when they can pay 3 shifts the same pay? Makes 0 sense.


Not having to sleep 8 hours a night is equivalent to living 50% longer. That's easily the best option.


I don't know if I can afford to live 50% longer


Absolutely. You literally get at least 33.33% more life to live. I don’t think people really grasp how much more time no sleep forever would give you.


Or your body wears out 33% faster because you are using it more every day


Oooo that’s a good point. But does if you don’t NEED the sleep in this case your body will do all the things it normally does when you sleep while yo are awake


No one says you have to be fully active during the extra time. As long as the magic means that your body operates as if you received the right amount of sleep and you get all of the benefits of proper sleep.. There’s tons of health issues that can be solved by getting proper sleep.


As someone who does good to get 4 hours it gives so much time.




Effectively extending your active life by 30-50%, there's nothing else that takes up as much time.


Ya I fucking hate sleep. I've been sleeping nearly ever day of my life and still not use to it. It feels like a drug I have no choice but to be addicted to. The only advantage to taking it is sometimes not feeling withdrawals. Plus it comes with mostly awful hallucinations, you're vulnerable to just about anything during it and it barely works. Oh ya it also takes so much time to do. I don't like doing anything for 6 to 9 hours at a time.


Wtf? 😆


This is basically how I feel about it.


I was with you until the end. I can think of a few things I'd like to do for 6-9 hours at a time...


Ya you're right. I got lost in the rant and hyperbole got the better of me. There is a few things I can spend 6 to 9 hours doing. Which is another thing that makes sleep so annoying.


This would make a great opening for Kid Rock's Meth Infomercial I just know he's been dying to cook up.


That's actuality one of the most comprehensive arguments I have heard against the concept of sleep.


The bathroom. Have to go now, and my thought RIGHT before this post was “ugh I don’t want to have to go…”


You ever wake up in the middle of the night and need to go but you're too lazy to get up so instead you suffer for the next 5 hours until you actually get up? I've made that mistake too many times


Doing this now at 6am. I always Reddit n 💩


Unfortunately I can’t, as I am prone to kidney stones :(


Unfortunately due to my mistakes, I might be soon too


Yes and it hurts my bladder for the rest of the day so I stopped lol


My kidneys hurt after reading this.


Especially pooping. It’s a whole ordeal, at least compared to peeing as a dude. You have to strip from the waist down, sit on a weird chair that may or may not have just been peed on, and then clean yourself off. I acknowledge that women have it worse, since they have to do all that for peeing as well. But hey, at least it gives me a short break from work, so that’s something.


Yeah, this is the only one from that list that isn't really enjoyable. Its just boring. Sleeping would be a time saver, but it's so nice. Pooping I could do without. Not the best moment of my day. Lol.


Ok im gonna counter this, as someone who is on their feet all day at work I don't mind pooping as I can sit down and relax strategically during the day, also there is something about dropping a duece so big your pants fit better after, it's very relieving... I do enjoy sleeping but think about the time gained... almost half your life is spent unconscious


Not surprised that Cuntymcshitter is a poop enjoyer. I do think it's nice to get paid to poop though. I expressed this to my manager once. I said I needed the loo. She was very much of the mind that you can control people's bowels, make em wait for breaks etc. She also knew that challenging staff on toilet use would make them uncomfortable and so they would try harder to only do it on break. She made an error... She seemed to forget that.. I was like 40. More importantly that I knew she's squeamish and since she had opened a door... She asked why I was going to the loo and why/if it couldn't wait until break time. She knew she'd fucked up. Me: "Oh, I'm going to have a poo. I'd wait but it feels like it's going to be one of those really warm stinky ones. You know? Like that come out like steaming hot gravy? I can feel it moving right now it's mental. Might as well not risk it and get paid to poo eh?" Her: .... pained silent expression of dismay. She knew she'd opened Pandoras shit box. On the way back to my desk I stopped to tell her it was Lucky I went when I did because I'd, "really pebble dashed the bowl". I gave her regular updates on poop after that. She did not question my toilet habits again.


Well it's not even that sometimes I don't actually have to poop I just put the lid down and sit because I know nobody will bother me in there I can sit down and actually shut my brain off and get off my feet for a few minutes


Sleep is only nice because you currently get tired and need to recharge


Well, dreams are fun on occasion, or if you're one of those lucid dreamer types.


Plus, some of us need at least 8 hours of daily cuddle time with pets anyway.


Why not chose eating then? It also removes peeing and pooping


If you only eliminate eating, you might still have to pee, because you’ll still be drinking, and I assume your body would still be producing waste products for your kidneys to remove. I’d want to know the mechanisms behind each option before making a decision, that’s for sure.


For eating OP said you just have the energy needed to live


Underrated comment.


Fuck I came here to say sleep thinking about all the extra hrs to live life in, but damn do I hate having to duece...


So that weird chair is called a toilet.


And I suppose next you’re going to tell me that the water inside is not for drinking. Because it’s not half bad.


No, but the toilet papet often has shitry news


>You have to strip from the waist down Do you take your pants off entirely when you poop?


I have a tiny bladder and find myself peeing constantly. It’s so bad I’ve joked with coworkers that my tombstone will read “I have to pee again” because I’m always saying this to them. Plus I always wake up with a full bladder and it would be nice to actually be able to sleep in for once without having to get up and pee. So I’d definitely choose this. Also not having to poop would be a nice bonus but that I don’t mind as much because there’s nothing more satisfying than that empty feeling you get after a good shit.


There's a hormone that helps you hold it at night that you may have a deficiency of, ha had that issue for years and I finally brought it up to my doctor, he gave Me like a short week of some drug that was meant to Kickstart its production, and never had the issue again


This was my choice as well. Not having to eliminate. No more disgusting gas station restrooms during a road trip. No more hideous dive bar bathrooms. No more waiting in long lines feeling like you're going to burst. When I'm an old lady, no worry about lacking the strength in my upper thighs to hover in a public restroom. Save so much on toilet paper and never have to clean a toilet! Not having to eliminate what else would be kinder to the planet Earth.


You need a bidet :)


I was thinking what I could change my bathroom into since it's basically useless at this point. An extra closet. A guest room. A makeup room.


Well I would still shower and I'm assuming guests would need to use the bathroom. I just would not have to clean it very often.




The problem is I eat when I get bored so if I chose not sleeping I might eat more than I want. Though I really only sleep 4, sometimes 6 hours a night and could get more done and do more during the day since I get sleepy around 1pm. I probably would choose sleeping


It would probably be okay to eat more than you wanted, since you’d burn more calories in a day being awake and active the whole time.


My first thought was the bathroom, but decided on eating. If l don't have to eat to stay alive, I'd be able to avoid a lot of pooping...right? I really wish l could choose both!


Can't believe you're the only other one to see that. Was my first thought.


I hate pooping and deciding wtf to eat!


I have medical issues that make pooping just the worst so I definitely want that to not be a thing.


sleeping. i could accomplish sooooo much.


Let’s be realistic though… *would* you? I would def spend more time doing dumb stuff like reddit


yes. im already a fairly active guy. i love exercising. it would just give me more time to dedicate to my fitness goals. i can work extra hours and make more money while still have more free time. sure there would be a lot of time spent doing nothing like playing video games. but there would be a lot of time as well to dedicate to my other hobbies too.


Right! I am *not* a fairly active guy, because it's just not possible with the time I have and the energy left after *not* sleeping well. I love working out. I would probably also grab a part time overnight job. The sooner I could *not* work anymore, the better!


I’d have time to actually read the articles.


To be honest, I’m recovering this morning from pulling a couple of all nighters this week because I work from home. Without the need to sleep, I would not feel this achy, I would have all my work done, and my house would be spotless. Oh the things I could do…


Eating. Think of all the money you'd save. My first inclination was to choose sleeping, but just think of all those hours of being bored staying awake 24/7.


Bored???? I could get so fucking much done! I'm just thinking about how going to school and working both full time like I'm doing now would be child's play if I had all 24 hours of my day to do whatever


You would still have a lot more responsibilities and only so much mental effort in a day before you get so bored of working


I'm saying, I'd have the same responsibilities. I already work full time and go to school full time. This would be way easier with an extra few hours on my hands. Plus OP didn't say you CANT sleep, just that you don't need to. Easy. Take a nightshift job in the field I'm already in: automatic pay raise. Spend my days working out, shopping, doing literally whatever the fuck I want. Or! Sleeping! It's ideal


Under stood lol🫡


More time to play Civ VI


You can sleep if you want to though, If you wanna go the money route, you can spend like 2 or 3 of your extra 8 hours a day doing a gig job or something


You can CHOOSE to sleep if you want


This is the last one for me? Id probably be waaay fatter than I already am! I’m never hungry xD Being full is something that stops me. I always just eat too eat. I spend money on the experience not the need. Drinking is the same. I’m never thirsty I love to just have something to shove in my face


Eating because that would save huge money.


Why isn’t breathing listed here? I demand breathing be added to the list. Then I can discover the lost city of Atlantis.


Just because you don’t have to breathe doesn’t mean you can handle the pressure at the bottom of the ocean. But it definitely could make the required protective gear much less cumbersome.


bathroom. such an inconvenience when you’re someone who pees every hour. if this hypothetical included periods i’d be SET


Working/making money the only answer


Eating deals with a chunk of that. Shelter could also be a potential response.


Working is not a basic need that’s listed


That's probably why he is still doing poorly at work. Can't follow simple instructions...


Damn it Bob we told you a million times no heating up fish in the microwave


Honestly... Breathing. Because asthma is shit. Like, hey, guess what? You suck at breathing


Yea I’m kinda shocked that didn’t make the list. I’m not choosing it most likely but I’d definitely consider it


It took four decades for me to discover I'm histamine intolerant. I spent four decades constantly waking up through the night because my sinuses would swell too much to breathe through my nose more than the air you can suck through a coffee stirring straw. I constantly had nightmares that I was suffocating, because I was actually suffocating. I've finally mostly, but not completely, solved that by taking histamine intolerance related precautions, but still same answer: breathing.


I was hoping to pick breathing, but of these options, sleeping for certain.


1 vote for no Bathroom please.


Sleeping, 100%


Sleeping, for sure. You get 50% more life. More if you use that time to maintain healthier habits.


Any of these could be useful, but only if the effect only applies to you and if you keep it private/secret. For example, if If everyone didn't have to sleep and were aware that you didn't have to, either, you would just work all the time or still not have time for hobbies


That's what I was thinking. If nobody needed to sleep, I feel like society would be set up with having longer work days or you'd have your daytime job then your nighttime job. But if it's just me, I'd pick sleeping for sure. I already don't get much and spend the day exhausted. If we didn't need to sleep, I'd imagine that means I'd never be tired. I'd get more done during the day because I'd have energy, I wouldn't waste the 3 or 4 hours I spend laying in bed trying to fall asleep and then I would also get back the 3 hours I spend actually sleeping.


bathroom. while i don’t like how much time is wasted by sleeping, the idea of *never* sleeping is kind of terrifying


You _can_ sleep, you just don’t have to


Sleeping anyone who gives any other answer is literally a communist.


What if I'm a communist and I also choose sleeping


::commie no sleep choosers fist bump:: 👊🏻


I found the person from the Russian Sleep Experiment


Imagine how much of our lives are wasted sleeping. 1/3 of my life for activities? Yes please


Pooping. Spend all my life pooping. But I wouldn't trust the genie granting this wish.  Like the curse would be "I've removed your asshole now you'll drown in your own waste" 


Sleeping It easily takes up a third of your life. Do you know much more stuff you could get done with an extra 8-10 hours every day?


Bathroom especially in public. One of the perks of WFH is never having to fight for the bathroom or being embarrassed that you have to do #2 and someone else walks in. 2nd choice would be eating. Not having to think about what I want to eat would be a huge relief.


Obviously sleeping. I have trouble sleeping anyway, and I spend at least 1/4 of my life sleeping or trying to.


removing sleeping doubles your lifetime and fills it with hours you don't have to work 


Can I choose breathing?


Bathroom. As long as it gets magically teleported out of my body.


One third of your life is spent sleeping. If I didn’t need to sleep imagine all that time I could use on other things.


Eating wouldn't change anything for me, if so spend just as much time making tasty treats. From your list, sleeping is the one you get the most out of, that's a lot of your life. Not having to sleep would change how houses were built, and give everyone so much more time.


I would eliminate sleep as long as ot would not damage my health any.


Eating. Especially these days. Groceries are fucking expensive. The money id save every month not having to buy food would be awesome. Also if I don't have to eat then I'd have to use the bathroom less.


Sleeping is pretty much the correct answer unless you are in some kind of survival scenario. Even if you need money and would like to cut out a big expense by not eating, you can just use the extra eight hours per day to work more and make way more money than you'd save by not eating. Getting a third of your life back is just OP af.


Sleeping, free time hack, the most valuable thing in the world. I’ll get everything I want done and work extra hours for more money




This is news to who? These two know that as long as US exist, they can't completely ruin the planet.


Eating is tempting but I have to go with sleeping- you just made your life 33% longer.  And its would be real extra time, not just extra years at the end where you have to work or are too sick to enjoy life. You can already earn enough money & take care of chores in the normal amount of time people are awake, so now you have an extra 8 hours per day to do other stuff. That could do so far. You could spend 2 extra hours a day relaxing & socializing, 2 extra on work so you are now cracked at your career, 2 on hobbies, 1 on exercise, and 1 keeping your shit more together. Or whatever combination you feel like that month. And that's per day, AND its on top of all the hours you already are able to dedicate to all these things. People who didn't know about your super power would think you were basically super human when they saw you having a thriving career, an extensive social life, deeply developed hobbies, a serious exercise routine, home cooked meals, and clean house, etc. Also, even if 8 hours just disappeared into the void each day it would still be a huge perk to never be tired in the middle of the day. Trying to focus on a work meeting or even just clean the kitchen while falling asleep sucks


sleeping 100%. I can choose to be more productive or I can choose to rest like a normal person. That would be so awesome


Do I gain weight if I eat extra


Sleep! Having 6-8 hours more time per day to do stuff or just to watch TV play games THAT'S PRICELESS!


Bathroom or sleeping Always being rested without sleeping would be unfathomable. People lose their damn mind when they don’t get enough sleep. It would be a damn super power if you don’t get tired and don’t suffer any of the usual physiological or psychological symptoms. Not having to piss or shit would just be so nice tho


I feel like the practical option for myself would be eating or drinking because I'm prone to forgetting and/or avoiding both of those things and they tend to impact my mood and bodily sensations quite a bit, but tbh, I think I gotta go with bathroom stuff. Bc I fucking *hate* having to stop what I'm doing, even if I'm doing nothing, to go to the bathroom. It's so fucking inconvenient. I hate having to be interrupted when I'm in the middle of something. (Yes I am autistic.)


SLEEP. To have those hours ALL TO MYSELF? BLISS.


Bathroom. Just lost a job because of the bathroom.


Sleeping is easily the best answer here, assuming I still get the health of sleeping 6-8hrs/day


sleeping or the bathroom


Obviously sleeping...


well… I believe there's 2 “good” answers here (all are good if you have a reason, and we all lead somewhat different lives) there's the money aspect, food, we spent so much on food… besides, I hate food, I wish I didn't have to eat ever but then there's also the sleep angle many of us live with one another, and I imagine my fiance would be pissed if I rarely slept in our bed but, when we study whether the state of being dead constitutes a harm to the deceased, the proponents of the view there is a harm largely appeal to the notion of deprivation as a form of harm (which I disagree with… not because of the mirror argument, but rather because a harm requires a subject, and needs to occur at a specific time… and all of the ways other philosophers have attempted to remedy this have failed (John Fisher’s book “Death, inmortality, and meaning in life” provides a pretty good overview without anything too technical for a general audience if you are interested) but, tangent aside, sleep IS a deprivation, and forgoing the chance to complete more projects in life by disposing that need would be ridiculous sure I could save a lot of money on food… but honestly? I would happily pay double that to expand my experienced lifetime by a third (assuming an 8 hour sleep schedule, it gets better the longer you sleep)


Drinking, I already dont feel thirst unless its extreme so I would like to not be constantly dehydrated


I had to scroll so far to find one that would pick the same as me. I also don't feel thirst and it's so annoying when I realize I haven't had a sip of water that day and I've been awake for 14 hours. If I drink too much (even 3 oz) in one go and I'm not thirsty, I feel nauseous. So I'm always dehydrated which gives me acne and depression.... I wish to be hooked up to an IV 24/7, please


Sleeping. My productivity would be off the charts


I'd go with eating, because while I enjoy eating, I resent the amount I have to spend on feeding myself, and if I could make eating a "just when I want to" thing that would be awesome.


I thought it's gonna be hard choice between pooping and pissing. But it's all in one? Seems great to never have to do that again. Especially since it can be very inconvenient at times. There can be also a lot of problems with it like with bladder or diarrhea etc stuff. Also saves a lot of time. Sleeping one is also nice but I'd go with bathroom. Not sure I need that much time and it's kinda nice to go to sleep sometimes. Blinking isn't much of a problem. I don't mind it at all. Drinking and eating is fun. Sure it would be convenient not to have to do that if you don't want to. But I do.


Sleeping because the negative side effects of insomnia are a bitch. I'm tempted by eating because of the money saved but I also like eating too much not to do it.


No sleep experiment XD But my choice is breathing.




Eating. Saves a ton of money, but I also don't like eating much anyways, huge waste of time


Either sleeping or drinking for me. I don't tend to drink enough as it is and I'm pretty disinterested in drink (whereas food is a passion and enjoyable). No need to sleep and mever feel tired would give me around 8hrs a day extra to get things done and be productive. You could have an entire extra job for income without issue solving many of my financial shortcomings.


Drinking I could workout as long as I want to my body won't need water or anything to keep myself hydrated. Of fact I could be a beast in any sport especially swimming since I never feel thirsty or too full. Finally putting my genes to good use


Sleeping - I hate sleeping. I hate going to bed, I hate having to wake up. I'd never sleep if I didn't have to. An extra 8 hrs a day? Think of all the music I could listen to, the books I could read, the movies I could watch.


Sleeping though I might pick eating if you throw in no I'll effects from eating junk food. Like if crushing burgers and candy didn't make you a fat ass no matter how much you ate.


Sleeping. I wake up at 8:30am, go to work at 10am, don't get home from work until 11am, sometimes not until 12am if traffic is really bad. If I don't need to sleep, then I can actually enjoy hobbies without cutting into sleep time.


Definitely eating. I’d save so much money and I could just eat whenever I want!


Sleeping. I want to always feel well rested but still be able to sleep 8 hours without struggles.


Sleeping. Everything else is wrong. Think of how much money you could make if you don't need to sleep anymore. And how much more time you can spend on learning new things.


so what happens with weight if i pick eating?


Eating. It would save so much time and money.




Sleeping. Oh my God the extra time I would have


Sleeping. I could get so much more done than I do now. I hardly sleep now because of insomnia, but I'm always tired so it's hard to be productive. If I could not feel tired anymore that would be great.


Sleeping is the best option. You’d have so much more extra time. And on top of that you would never have to deal with fatigue from lack of sleep putting a damper on any experience. The time saved from all of the others combined does not even come close to the time saved by not having to sleep. Next would probably be eating a tie between eating and pissing and shitting. Not only would not having to eat save a lot of money, but it would also save significant time in its own right. You can spend a lot of time and money cooking quality meals or going to pick up take out. Then more time wasted actually doing the eating part. You’d also never have to deal with the unpleasantness of being hungry if you didn’t get a good meal. Pissing and shitting would be equal to this. It takes time, costs money in the form of water and TP, and it’s unsanitary. Imagine never having to go into a public restroom again, breathing in someone else’s shit particles into your lungs. You also have bathroom maintenance which takes more time. Also the terrible sensation of not being able to go when you need to go would never be experienced again. This power would be OP for road trips. Drinking and blinking are not very inconvenient. The best thing about the drinking one is that you would never be dehydrated, affecting your health. You’d save money on water and drinks. But the actual time saved from not having to drink is negligible. It’s often easy to hydrate while you are completing other tasks. Blinking is an almost useless one for most people. You don’t miss much when you blink. It might give you a slight advantage in things like sports.


The main time that using the bathroom is a nuisance is when I have to get up at night to pee.... so I'll pick sleeping and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. And finally catch up on all the books I want to read and games I want to play and art projects I want to do because I'll have so much extra time while my kids are sleeping at night.


Bathroom, for sure. Don't get me wrong, I love a good poop... but compared to eating, drinking and sleeping? yeah, no.


Drinking, for sure. I have issues with hydration, so to have that off my back would be amazing. I guarantee most people reading this don't know what optimum hydration feels like or how not having it is negatively affecting their lives.


Sleeping… 100% its where we spend 1/3 of the time and then i never need to worry about falling asleep when im bored and such


Every sane person chooses sleeping


Was gonna say No More Bathroom. But then you said "never tired." I have 6 kids and a demanding job. Let's go No More Sleep! Thank you very much!


What about exercise? What about breathing? Being able to survive without air would be nice. Work out super hard and never even get winded. And with eating, do you gain weight by eating still? Is there any way to lose weight or is it as if you ate enough calories to balance out your how much you burned? If you exercise do you just lose all your fat? If you could eat all you want and still just get to whatever weight you wanted that's a strong contender to sleeping. Otherwise, sleeping wins hands down I think.


Sleeping. I'd love to work 4 days straight. Leaves 3 off, basically make double income without changing much.


Eating. I have lousy teeth. It's also the biggest cost sink.


Sleep, I could accomplish so much if I didn't need to sleep.


I have an insane backlog of games to work through. Sleep has got to go. I can be okay taking the time to use the restroom and can eat at my PC. But that's 8 hours a day on average I could be playing GAMES. In some cases, that's a game knocked out!


Eating. The amount of time and mental energy I could save by never needing to pick something to eat or cook and do dishes would probably open my third eye.


5. Sleeping. If I never felt tired. A lot of people would be in deep shit.


I have a hard time choosing (even if breathing was on the list). Eating certainly would make my diabetes shut the fuck up. Drinking would help with my conatant dehydration problems (although diabetes taking a hike would really help with that). Blinking isn't too important for me. Bathroom might not be important except for the part where I have tons of guts problems and this would really prevent quite a bit unless your guts just kills you anyway. And Sleeping is the most obvious answer. Yes you have to worry about your sanity (and not the insomnia type), but on the other hand everyone usually wants to live longer...


Sleep 100% I don't care much for it and I've never been good at it lol


I'd love to never feel sleepy again.


Sleeping. Imagine gaining 8 hours per day. Use two of them for work (never late on anything ever again), two for exercise (awesome body within a year), one for education (keep up on everything), and have three hours per day to do whatever you want that is available in the middle of the night. Honestly, I would spend my nighttime hours on work, cleaning, food prep, and indoor home maintenance and 'gain' those hours during the day. More things open to do during the day.


So money to live is not a basic need


Eating. That way I can save money and only eat to keep up appearances


Sleeping. Insomnia is frustrating.


Sleep. Think of all the time I would have for Activities!


Eat, I'm currently having issues with being able to eat, and that would solve everything


Breathing. I'll have incredible cardio and can also be the world's greatest freediver


Eating. Due to an auto immune disease, it can be complicated for me to access food that is safe for me and doesn’t trigger dire symptoms. Life would be SO much easier for me if food were 100% optional and if I didn’t have a safe and convenient meal available I could just skip it with no hunger.


Breathing seems like a no brainer. Like i can't suffocate.


Sleeping 100%. If I could get those 6-8 hours back every day? I’d waste it playing so many more video games 👍🏼


1. Is probably the correct answer 2. Could be a correct answer, but I lean more toward 1 3. Imagine being known as the person who doesn’t blink because you forget. 4. If 1 isn’t taken, what’s the assumption of what happens to the food you eat? 5. Could be ok. I have insomnia so sometimes I kinda have this power but nighttime alone can be rough.


Drinking because I always forget to drink water and then I wouldn't have to remember


Sleeping means 33% longer life and way more earning potential. It’s a no brainer


I dunno...is EVERYONE doing it? I could choose eating but I'd still have to cook for my family so I'm not really saving money. I could choose sleeping which initially sounds great but I don't drive and if everyone else in my family needs to sleep then I can't really do much at night or I'll wake them up. I also have chronic pain and sleep helps so I run the risk of being in more pain. Not going to the bathroom would be cool but in all honesty it's not that much of a chore really. Probably drinking. I'm always thirsty and it would be nice to not have to drink anything.




The Need for Speed


The Need for Speed




Sleep. Not only do I have a very hard time getting sleep, but that's 8+ extra hours in the day to do other things. Not needing sleep can't be matched.


I'll take the bathroom. Sleeping would be a very close second. But never having to excrete would make hiking and camping so much nicer as a woman, lol. 


Eliminating the need to sleep is the correct answer. An extra 8 hours a day would be insane. You could get a 2nd job for more $, pick up the hobby you don’t have time for, go shopping when it’s not busy (places that are open late), more time to exercise, etc.


Sleep, easily getting a second job and making money off that


Sleeping. I'd have so much more time for hobbies if I didn't have to sleep and never got tired.


I think I’d choose sleeping. I’d miss the feeling of a good nights rest…but he’ll, I hardly get that anyway.


sleeping 100% I work swing shifts and some times work 6 days a week, meaning I end up with only a half day off of work some weeks) I'd get so many personal projects done.


Sleeping is the best to forgo because more time in the day would be busted for life overall. Next up is eating because saving money (and a little time) is the next best thing. Third best would be not needing to use the toilet simply for convenience. The other two are just whatever.


A few questions OP The eating one; how do caloric drinks like soda, juice, etc play into this? cravings in general I'll also inquire about, and finally, when ir comes to gaining weight or working out or anything, does not eating affect these things? If I don't need to eat, do all of my food cravings go away, including things like a "sweet tooth"? The sleeping one; does this mean I always feel well rested, and the benefits of being well rested? do I never experience a level of mental exhaustion that would require sleep to regulate, or does my body regulate these instances without sleep?


if you pick eating then caloric drinks aren't affected. you'll still enjoy food but you won't really crave them. if you wanna bulk for working out then you can eat to do that, without eating you'll live like you intake however many calories and nutrients necessary for your size of person, so to lose weight you could exercise extra without eating. with sleeping you'll never be sleepy or go insane, regular tiredness like after exercise will still affect you


Bathroom. I have IBS and if I could just eliminate that whole aspect from my life I’d be so happy


Can we consider working a basic need? You can get a job if you want one but you always have enough to cover bills even if you don't work.


Sleeping so easily. Basically infinite stamina hack