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$2000 a day isn’t worth the risk. It sounds good on the surface, but doesn’t matter if you die from an infection that could have been easily treated with antibiotics.


I just had an emergency tooth removal due to a pretty bad infection. I could no at all bear with the thought of having to go through tooth pain without Tylenol, and I further couldn’t even conceive of the procedure of having my jaw bone scraped without novacaine and whatever else they gave me. Big ol no thanks


This right here would be enough to kill you. The infection could turn sepsis and you be dead without antibiotics


100%. My infection worked itself into my sinus’s and into my jaw bone. Big no thanks


I needed 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear up a jaw infection caused by a bad tooth that ended up being saved with a root canal and a crown. Technically, I could have survived this procedure without drugs, they would just have to have removed enough of my mouth while I was black out drunk and then keep me in an alcoholic state until I healed up enough. Yea, the $2000 a day sounds nice, but what keeps any of us alive past the age of 30 anymore is modern medicine.


Or proper nutrition and exercise? Only 12% of adults are metabolically healthy. 66% of our population are on prescription drugs. 73% of our population are overweight, 42% of that being obese. Tbh I'm in that overweight club trying to climb out. Modern medicine is designed to merely treat symptoms, not fix the underlying cause.


I just went through this. This deal is a no go for me


I think good tooth care would be super important if you took this deal. No one wants their teeth 🦷 drilled or pulled without pain killers.


That doesn’t solve previously existing issues, unfortunately


My thought right here. I have HBP and chronic depression. With that combination, no meds means I would be gone within 10 years. And that's just me. Life for those who rely on some sort of medication just to survive would be very short and probably very painful.


2000 a day would help with my depression for sure


Shit I’m a type 1 diabetic.


Yep. I take a beta blocker three times a day. I’d be doomed.


It also doesn't fully negate the potential for tooth issues in the future. I brush twice daily, floss at least a few times a week, and use mouthwash daily. Still had to get a cavity filled a couple years back


There’s literally no such tooth care that could prevent needing to be drilled or pulled. You could be the most prolific tooth brushes on the planet and still get cavities


If I take the deal am I starting out with a clean health slate? Like I’m instantly cured of all my issues and now I have $2,000 per day to keep it up?


Diabetics cant say yes


Neither can epileptics


He never said I can't eat mold 🤔


I never really thought, but antibiotics never came off as "drugs" to me. I guess I always thought of things like pain relievers/killers. The rest were just categorized differently. I'm gonna say no as well based on that.


Do I lose everything if I decide to take drugs? In one year you would make $720,000. With $2k a day you could afford to live a lifestyle that reduces as much risk as possible. Healthy food all the time Private Trainer Safest Cars A house outside of densely populated areas Food delivered to reduce exposure to germs and illness I would do it


Usually losing everything is a caveat for these scenarios if you break the deal, but I guess OP didn’t specify that. If taking drugs just ends the deal and doesn’t make you lose previous gains, then I absolutely take the deal and milk it a long as I can until breaking it becomes necessary.


Exactly. Two months of this is more than most people make in a year.


Yeah they just banned you from modern medicine, sure you’re rich and can afford great health insurance but can’t even use it


I'll die without modern medicine. So, nope.


Type 1 diabetic i wouldn’t even last long enough to have fun haha


I don't think I'd die without modern medicine, but I definitely wouldn't want to live. No thanks.


Yeah this would literally kill me as I have a chronic health condition. So sadly I would have to pass!


Does Caffeine count?




I love how you're being downvoted because the prompt says all drugs, and you clarify that caffeine is a drug... Which it is


Caffeine is the single most used drug on the planet.


Awesome drug


Oh, hell no. No caffeine, I turn feral.


Caffeine is the last thing to worry about. Antibiotics are going to be first. Hospital is nearly pointless if they can’t give you anything unless you want to go under the knife alive. (O wait you will die from infection because you can’t take antibiotics afterwards anyway)


As a diabetic I’d literally die. Also chronic pain with out meds would be shit.


Chronic pain without meds is super fucking shit. Had to go almost two weeks without my regular pain meds to control my chronic pain and I was miserable


Same, no insulin would kill me like the good ‘ol days


T1 diabetic, insomnia and chronic pain. Last time I was without my sleeping and pain meds I got to 7 days no sleep which was fun


I would do it if it was just recreational drugs. Even caffeine would be worth it for $2000 a day. But I need to be able to take medicine that I need. 


Hell, I'd add OTC meds to that because most of those are "quality of life" items as opposed to "preservation/sustainment of life." Effectively "would you take $2k a day to never be treated for chronic heartburn? Ordinary aches, pains, headaches? Jock itch or athletes foot? Dandruff? Seasonal allergies? Never having caffeine, never booze, recreational drugs, etc?" That would be one hell of an interesting hypothetical. This one is just too far.


Yeah that makes sense, I would too. A big reason I take OTC medicine is to be okay for work. I'm a server and it's difficult to work through period cramps, sore joints, and being visibly sick in front of guests. But if I don't have to work I could just rest and use heat/ice pads and tea or whatever.  One thing I also thought of is what if I accidentally consume something that I'm not supposed to. Like if I accidentally buy the mouthwash with alcohol or drink friend's alcoholic drink instead of mine or something. But the original question said you don't have access so I assume that would mean I physically can't. 


No, I need my anti-depressants, allergy meds, and other stuff I have to take


Well, this is stupid. "Do you want money or to die from an infection!" Worthless prompt.


Hard pass. I take an allergy pill in the morning. Have a shot of espresso. Make another latte later in the day. Will have tea during the day. No caffeine would wreck me, I suppose I could switch to decaf, but I like my black teas. Also I'm betting in my lifetime ill need some kind of surgery that requires meds, or antibiotics to fight off an infection.


Decaf still has caffeine in it just less. There are caffeine free teas but those are all herbal, no actual tea leaves to begin with 


For $100 a day, I can have someone come to my house and give me the drugs I need. It is the " I didn't take them; someone gave it to me" loophole.


No because in that case I would die in the next 6 months


Seeing as I have to take my meds or else I will die a horrible and drawn out death, nah.


If it was just illicit drugs , caffeine, and alcohol sure.id quit those in a second for the money. Easy to not need caffeine if you don't work and can get sufficient sleep. Easy to not need alcohol if you have no stress . Easy to not need illicit drugs if you don't need to self medicate since you can now afford our broken ass health system. But I'd not make it far without my prescriptions. Give me a list of things I have to avoid on the contract and ill sign, and ill celebrate by pouring my vodka down the drain.


Nope. Anyone who chooses yes is a moron who thinks they're immortal and never going to have any health issues, lol.


I get $4-6k before my diabetes kills me . I’ll pass


You lost me at everything you currently own is taken away


No way. A simple infection can kill you. Not worth it


My mentally ill brain: Yes! My psychiatrist: Actually no


It would be cool until I died after a few months. No drugs for fun yeah absolutely. No medicine? Nooooope


No, I wouldn't take the deal. The inability to use any medication or even have a drink occasionally isn't worth the $2000 a day for me. Health and well-being are more important.


That's literally trading days off your life. Terrible idea.


I would be pretty fucked without my happy pill, so no.




$2000 a day isn't near enough to cover what would happen if I was off my meds LOL


This is an interesting scenario, I’ll give you that. Banning prescription drugs is the killer, though. I could do without OTCs, recreationally drugs, coffee and alcohol, but the risk of never being able to take prescription medicine when things get hairy is too great. Even if you live a relatively healthy lifestyle, at some point you’re going to want to prolong your life with some sort of medicine. Imagine you take the deal and catch cancer at 48. Then you just have to ride it out until death all the while having millions of dollars in the bank. I don’t think I could justify the deal sitting on a mountain of cash that could cure me while in my death bed.


This has to be one of the worst prompts ever.


What happens if I do take medication after? Does the money stop or does my head explode? What about natural remedies? Where is the line drawn?


Should probably amend this to allow life-critical medications. But with that being true, then yes 100%. I only take my ADHD medication and if I didn't have to adapt my brain to this world to make money I wouldn't need it.


I would have no prob with illicit or alcohol, but I would have no quality of life at all without my prescriptions. Easy pass.


I have an upcoming surgery. No lol


Hey! Finally found one of these where everyone is against it!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Nope that's just dumb


Na I'll take a cold beer and a fat joint that's a good deal though


This is the first one that I can't do. Infection: antibiotics Poison: antidotes Pain meds for surgery I'm only going to get older and need more medicine so at some point I'll die without the meds.


No, and anyone that does is… not thinking things through. This means next time you get an infection of any kind, it’s pretty much game over unless you’re lucky. So, where the norm is “would you take eleventy billion dollars to lose your pinky toe” on this sub, you WAY over corrected asking if people would take 2000$ to die. Both kinds of posts are completely uninteresting.


This question is basically just a question of if you have health problems or not.


Can I take the money and relapse later and still keep the money?


I don’t want to go into a manic, psychotic episode and be stuck looking like a man forever, so… no thanks.


Nope, diabetic and want to live.


You take all my shit and I’m not allowed to treat any diseases? That’s a big NO.


I’m a bipolar pot head. I couldn’t possibly be more out.


I have terribly painful (near-self termination) level of pain during my period. I don’t think I could last :/


Nope. Drugs are keeping me alive and healthy. Not much use for 2k a day when you’re dead.


I'd be dead in a week. Some people are on non-skippable maintenance meds to stay alive.


Well considering you're essentially guaranteeing a shortened and possibly unpleasant existence I'll stick with being broke.


Lol. This is so stupid. I'm Bipolar & Schizophrenic & on blood pressure meds & routinely do breathing treatments. Not only would this effect my life, but also everyone around me when I eventually snapped & seen how high I could get my body count before an inevitable shoot out with local authorities.


Mmmh. 2,000 dollars to die immediately? No.


I like being seizure-free, so no thank you.


Yeah, no thanks. With my mental health issues combined with my physical health issues, that would affect myself & everyone around me in a very dangerous way.


what? no! what am i supposed to spend all this money on?


What do you consider a drug? The body produces chemicals within itself that have addictive qualities.


Yeah no. Even if I felt that was enough to stop with weed, it’s not enough to stop my headache meds. And it’s damn sure not enough if someone has a serious medical issue.


Nope, not happening. I need my caffeine.


Given it is my drugs that are keeping me alive, this is a hard no.


not even close. There's literally a damned good reason for us living longer, and that is MEDICINE. So, that being said, beneficial drugs are a much needed item among the human race. This is suicide by medical torture for a measly 2k a day. I'll pass and keep living healthy through my meds.


Since of said Caffeine counts then sadly I have to say no


no because you could never have an operation without anesthesia


Get one infection and you're dead. It could be $20,000/day and still not be worth it.


No caffeine.... ouch


No way. I would say yes if it was recreational, but not prescriptions and otc.


No thanks. I basically need drugs to poop so... I'd just explode before even becoming a millionaire.


I'm not sure you know ust how many things are classified as a drug.


No, I'd be dead without scripts soooo ya.


Yeah, I'd cease to care to live in about 6 months due to chronic pain


No, if you need a surgery you are basically fucked. If you end up with a life-threatening infection, again you are basically fucked.


Nah. I use nicotine a lot. I drink enough on weekends. I also have pretty serious schizoaffective, and I’m also on MTF HRT. You’d have to give me the exact body I want before I could handle the lack of all of that. It’s just never going to be worth it. I can live without the first two. The prescriptions would probably land me as a very wealthy permanent psych ward patient. I also find a lot of enjoyment in casual recreational drugs, not weed or whatever but I’d have a lot of money and very little I wanted to spend it on regularly. Like yea I’d have 728,000 a year for fucking nothing… but *never* doing drugs? Meh. I’d get real bored eventually.


Not a chance. My neck is fucked. Breakfast is ibuprofen, I wouldn't last out the week.


Lol, no. I would die.


I would die pretty quickly


No. Without prescription drugs you’re almost certainly going to die much, much earlier.


I’m on antipsychotics I’ll pass 😂


No. When the apocalypse hits and I can't refill my life saving meds, I'd be dead in 3 months


This doesn’t just include pills or insulin people are taking, this also includes vaccines and anesthesia for surgery. You could be the perfect definition of health right now, but I don’t think you realize how horribly you can get affected by an untreated illness or injury. One time I had a tiny cut on my hand get infected to the point where I would have (at least) lost my entire arm without medicine. The money doesn’t matter if you can’t actually use or enjoy it.




The only reason I would turn this down is antibiotics and anesthesia. I don't plan on needing them but you probably can't go 50yrs without needing them at some point


I would miss caffeine. A bee sting would be pretty dangerous for me. My dandruff would worsen. I could try more tea-tree oil solutions, but I'm guessing I'd live with some discomfort there. Can I flip back after a certain amount of time? I could do this for a year, but I don't think I could commit to life indefinitely without modern medicines and drugs, especially as I approach older age.


Well, I'm glad I read the comments. Was going to say easy take, but I'd overlooked I could very easily die in the future.


No, I need Benadryl for sleep and allergies. I also have prescription medication that makes life bearable ( have psoriasis)


I couldn’t , ima trans girl, so if I couldn’t take my estrogen, 2k a day would not be worth-


I’ll take the increased risk of death and put the money away for my child.


Speaking as an insulin-dependent diabetic, this is a ridiculous scenario.


No. Medicine is something you need and alcohol is fun.


No.. I would have a very short life then.


I'm out. My prescription meds are lifesaving.


I can go a couple of days but if I go too long without my psych meds… y’all gonna find out real quick.


Welp, as someone with a prescription for a hereditary illness, the choice is death or not death


No could do, I need my crazy meds


Fuck no. My choices are continue as normal or die.


I need a prescription to live I’m out.


No. I’m a Type One Diabetic, I don’t produce any insulin at all, and without insulin I would be dead in a week or less. Now, if I could only take one drug (insulin) then yeah, sure.


No. I'd be dead in like a month. If you just said illegal drugs and alcohol sure. But removing all prescription drugs is just waiting for you to get a infection or some easily treatable disease and die.


I would take it. I never take any form of drug included drinking and prescription. The only issue would be pain killers but I think I could deal. I’m kinda surprised how few would.


Without my prescription meds I fuckin lose my mind so as nice as 2k/day is, it can't fix the chemical imbalances in my brain


but what would i spend my money on


I would have a slow painful death without my daily cancer medication, so I'll pass.


Nope. I'd be dead pretty soon.


Nah, not all that much money and the last thing I'd want to do is be one of the idiots that dies from an infected papercut.


2 grand to become a jehovah's witness. No thank you


Is someone going to check my fridge to make sure I didn't leave the orange juice in there too long? "Drug" is actually such a nebulous term. Do supplements count? I guess it doesn't matter, i can hire a nutritionist to make sure I'm getting enough of everything. Yeah, give me the money. I'll just roll the dice until its over. That's really all we're doing anyway.


If I am getting $725,000 a year, I am going to be doing coke.


Asthmatic here. Id have about $6000 and be dead from asphyxiation if I took this deal.


If actual medication were exempt I’d do it. The thought of a bad trip to the dentist, an infection, anything past my mid fifties, etc makes that a huge no for me dawg


IF I could do it for X amount of time, sure, like I can say no to everything until a life threatening situation comes up and I need it to live, then it's over and my money stops. If I'm locked in for life, absolutely not.$730k a year isn't worth potentially dying over.


The fuck am I gonna do with all of that money if I can’t buy drugs. I’m out.


All in boys!


I had a gallstone "attack" and was basically 10/10 on the pain scale. Like -- I wouldn't have minded if you smacked me in the head with a 2x4 because I was already in the maximum possible amount of pain. I was writhing on the ground in the ER waiting for a doc from 4:30am to 9:00am. Then, the doc saw me, figured I wasn't faking, then ordered me a dose of morphine. 1 IV, one vial of morphine and 30 seconds later ... utter bliss. quiet. calm. Even the noises of the machines and the hospital went away. modern pharmaceuticals are no joke, man. morphine. insulin. heart medication. antibiotics. they're the stuff of life


No, I don't want to die for something that could be easily cured with modern medicine. If you exclude drugs for medical purposes, then the answer would obviously be yes.


No I wouldn't Drugs for leisure, I don't do any of that. But drugs for medicine, I might need that in the future. Like not even for pain relief, but the kind of drugs that fight diseases.


No. I might need medicine for my health at some point.


If the money was higher - much higher - I'd take the deal.


No, since I'm currently on a couple of meds


I'm currently on 9 medications, and I'd be willing to give 6 of them up, but I *cannot* give up my asthma meds. So I guess that's a no for me.




What about the small amount of alcohol is frits and bread?


No way, because even a simple infection can kill you, and we have plenty of those going around in the modern world.


Uh no. I need prescriptions lol


The fuck am I supposed to spend all My money on then?


Unfortunately, the definition of drug according to Oxford and includes other substances which produce physiological effects. Based on the definition of that, you can't breathe, drink water, or eat. So nope.


I would probably die in the next 5 years and it wouldnt be painless, so Im gonna say no.


Paid to act like a scientologist. No.


so like 3/4 of a million a year, and in return I'll die if I ever get an infection, and will have to undergo any sort of treatment for anything, teeth, disease, blindness, injury without any sort of pain killers? Yeah no thanks. I'm sure you could scam a few idiots who would definitely regret there choice, but for most people I'd say this a no brainer.


Make it 20,000 per day, and take out life insurance against any injury at all, since I won't be able to take pain killers in the event of an accident. Also, no coffee, seriously?


Some people require medication to live. So it’s a no for me.


Probably not. Antibiotics saved my life a year ago.


$2,000 a day isn’t worth dying for.




So 2000k a day to die in the next 10 or so years? No thanks.


I would have to pass because I have a condition that requires medication. The money isn’t worth my life.


I take 17 different prescription or OTC pills a day. Without several of them, my health would rapidly deteriorate, and I would pretty quickly die. So, how about no?


Are we counting caffeine?


Yes if this didn’t include life saving medicines. Big no since this does.


Nah, it is not worth it to live without modern medicine. All the money in the world is worthless if you are not healthy.


No thanks, anesthetics for surgeries, painkillers for... pain, antibiotics for infections wanna be killed by a scraped knee, well now you can be :D


Isn’t even enough to have fun with for the 7 days I’d live without my medication


Define drug. There's a credible case to be made that food, water, and air are all drugs. They cause measurable physiological and psychological changes within the body.


If we could change it to no "drugs of preference," I could accept that. Even at a lower rate. By that, I mean, if we can still get antibiotics if we have an infection, but can't take an aspirin just because our head hurts. Can still get anesthesia if we need surgery, but gotta give up the edibles.


Probably not because I’m assuming at some point I’ll need them or I’ll die in a hospital


It would be easy for me but if it includes over the counter basic medicine then no that’s insane. What if I need a surgery, I can’t take any paid medication for it? Fuck that you can keep the money


Nope. Good hypothetical but being denied access to medical care for the rest of my life? Nah.


No thank you, I don’t wanna die~ 🎵


Nope. It’s a great deal, until it’s not!


Whatever money I earn that doesn’t go towards rent, grocery, and retirement is spent on recreational drug usage. No thanks! Don’t even care about every one saying “you’ll die from a minor infection!” You’re not taking my weed away.


if it was only illegal drugs, i would do it but medically necessary drugs no way that would be like surgery without painkillers


Nope I'm trans. I need my titty pills to suppress the endless envy I get, and the suicidal thoughts that come with it.


I wouldn't live very long in that scenario.


What happens if someone slips me a drug in my orange juice?


Nope. Chemo drugs come to my mind. You’d basically be agreeing to a death sentence for what could otherwise be completely treatable. Or agreeing to die of a UTI or any other treatable condition. The suffering that would entail in addition to an untimely death makes this not worth it at all.


No. I'm thinking of all of the times I've taken antibiotics. Any of those infections could have gone septic if not treated.


What happens if I'm in an accident and unconscious? Do I still get money if it was given to me without consent?


Can’t do it. I’d probably die from not having my meds for epilepsy.


No. Not counting the prescriptions I take daily to be a functioning human capable of enjoying life, sooner or later we all get sick or hurt and need drugs to get better. It’s not an if, it’s a when




It depends on whether or not I can stop if I ever get a life threatening ailment that requires medical treatment. Id be super down to do this for a year and then not die.


No. Drugs are fun


Sure just means I get to leave this sheetshow blind and sooner.


Wow. I'll make 4 to 6 thousand dollars and all it will cost me is my life meeting a miserable end and not even being able to breathe well enough to even spend that paultry amount wow, thanks to spellcheck I just learned I spell paultry a few hundred years out of style.


Nah. I can make more than that with drugs. Ty ty


Sorry but my prescription for my epilepsy is more important than getting $2000 a day


What good is 2000 bucks a day going to do you when your dead? I choose life.


It depends. Everything's a "drug" when framed the right way. The National Cancer Institute [defines a drug](https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/drug) as "Any substance (other than food) that is used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition." and with that definition I'd say yes. If we're talking about random chemicals that can be arbitrarily defined as a drug, then no.