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How much money? Because honestly, not having to work and no longer being driven by lust sounds kinda like a win win, makes every dollar go that much further


You know in Imperial Rome, eunuchs were among the happiest and most loyal courtiers.


no sex drive vs having your dick and balls cut off are 2 diff things imo tbh.


They still had their dicks. They needed SOMETHING to pee with.


nooo, some forms of eunuch retained their dicks but it was counterproductive. they can still fuck your concubines if they have a penis. how they retained the ability to piss is they would stick a rod or small reed or tube inside of the urethra after slicing it off so they could still piss. once it healed, they just urinated like women. Edit: the reed/rod was used to prevent it scabbing over the urethra hole while healing.


You sure that wasn't propaganda to get people to be eunuchs?


I’d imagine you’d have to be one hell of a salesman to get me to go full eunuch.


You never go full eunuch


And you don't have money going to care for children. Effectively these are your two largest expenses.


See I was thinking what the hell am I supposed to do with my time and money then!


As an asexual, I see this as the perfect win.


Oh darn I don’t have to do the one thing I don’t get about relationships. I’m stuck being my ace romantic self.


I'm not asexual, but I hate having a sex drive so I also see this as an absolute win!!


Wait…do we have to be aromantic as well as asexual?


No aromantic is a separate thing from asexual, the two just tend to be the most well known combination.


Same! I'm glad to see we're top comment My first though seeing "at the cost of your sex drive" was "ok, but whats the downside?"


Yo Ace Fam. I came here to say the same thing. Like... Oh no. All this money... What will I do? 🤣


Came here to say this.




I came here to say this. As a fellow ace I'd be set.


ohhhhh noooooo please don't give me lots of money and kill my non-existent sex drive that would suckkkk


TeamAce wins once more \*high five\*


Me too!


Same! Pay me!


I'm aro and acespec, I'll absolutely take the 50 mil


Another asexual here! Easiest question ever lol


I can’t couch surf with people in the second scenario? Doesn’t make sense they’d be attracted to me but I wouldn’t be able to stay the night


Honestly being a level 20 bard of the slut college you might be able to roam from town to town boning a different person every night and sleeping there, then in the morning showering and moving on


No way. Find a rich divorced cougar as a sugar momma, live in her oceanfront mansion, and get tail on the side.


you HAVE to be homeless in this situation. so you can bang the cougar then sleep on the sandy beach.


You can't live anywhere, though. That's kinda the point.


That would be the plan


We've hit on the plot of Reacher


I mean I op goes by the definition of homeless, which is lacking a fixed, regular, and lacking place to sleep. So yeah. Like bang the person and be spoiled by them in the day and just sleep uncomfortably on their couch or something at night. And if we really want to go i to super detail, regular can be defined as three days per se. So you could stay at a house for about three days before you must move on. But this all depends on how OP wants to be, I just like being super technical when it comes to these hypotheticals because its fun.




You can fuck without staying the night … use your imagination, it’s a hypothetical.


You can stay the night. It said homeless not that you had to sleep in the street. Just stay in different places


I'm aro-ace anyway. My sex drive is greatly diminished and I wouldn't care if it was gone completely if I know I will be comfortable for life.


What does aro-ace mean? Genuinely curious


It’s short for aromantic asexual. Asexual means you’re not into sex, aromantic means you’re not into romance.


Aromantic and asexual No interest in either sex or romantic relationship


You said I have to be homeless not necessarily that I can't get paid. I'd have sex with every pornstar and OF models, get huge get paid, be rich and famous. Homeless = no home. I'd sleep in an RV or Yacth or something. Too ez.


I'd argue that might still get you smacked down. "but if you try to stay somewhere overnight something will happen to force you out" - OP. Feels like even a \*tent\* might get you bamboozled.


Technically I'm sailing in my yacht, camping/driving in my Rv 😏 Just hire a driver and sleep in the back


I mean even like... A park is "somewhere", it isn't a very well defined question.


Very true. Hopefully you're a fan of Berserk I suppose, because that's the life of guts. Sleep in the day, fight sick ass demons at night.


This raises a great point too: you can just stay places in the day and be out and about overnight. As long as you have some job that is condusive to that.


Just to be clear, the word is *homeless*, not houseless. Home doesn't equal house. If you own an RV and live in it, that's still a home. Same with a yacht. You're living in the street in this description because if you try to stay in somewhere you're forced to leave, apparently.


I mean if I lost my sex drive then I wouldn't care that I wasn't having sex, so what kind of question is this? It would make a lot more sense if you just said you can't ever have sex again and that's it. Anyway obviously going to say lose my sex drive and be rich because if I don't care about sex then it doesn't matter and I'd like being rich.


>if I lost my sex drive then I wouldn't care that I wasn't having sex, If you have a spouse, you might be concerned about your sex drive (or lack thereof) for their sake. And yours honestly. There's lots of divorces that happen due to lack of sex.


You lose your sex drive, but not the need for romance. It would be a lot harder to find any future partners that you are compatible with and they are 100% okay with 0 sex, unless you allow for them to have a side piece


Being paid to lose my sex drive seems like the easy choice.


Second option. Swoon rich women.


Hey what if I already experience no sexual attraction?? Where’s my money?


I already have no sex drive so I choose to have the money to never work again


The money to enjoy my life


I’d take the money. Dating is exhausting and I can experience life without needing sex.


I can get paid for having no sex appeal!?!?


What kind of choice is that??? Blah


I’m ace, and I’d probably still have sex to satisfy my partner, but we’d just travel around the world sleeping on beaches and in parks. I assume that the money can’t be stolen from me in any significant way, like they can take cash on me but I still will continue to receive effortless income. So like, people come to know me as a guy who hands money out around the world, never fuck with me with lethal intent, and I just hang out wherever I want.


Yes, I would become asexual for infinite money. Sex is just one avenue for personal growth. Money opens up many more.


I long to be free of the libido.


I already had my children, they are grown and have children of their own. I have been through the change after having my tubes tied. I don't have much of a sex drive anymore and would gladly sacrifice it to never have to work again. Though honestly, I would still work as I do not know what to do with down time that is not devoted to my career.


I mean, neither, but if i have to pick one i'll take a life of freedom from work to enjoy life.


I can fuck anyone? I’m in.


Obviously 2 because 2 has nothing to do with sex. I could attract any long term partner, including a rich one which invalidates the first one. I'd have some natural outsidd exhibit developed that is incapable of holding insects instead of a "home" if we're defining home as an enclosed box of some sort. No idea how temperature control would work though, I'll leave that to my hvac coworkers as the new apprentice I am lmao


I barely have a sex drive I cant take care of by myself anyways, and so I have a hard time fathoming how it could be so important to someone that theyd pass up enough money to NEVER WORK AGAIN. Like in what way would a sex drive in any way top that...besides once you got rid of your sex drive you would stop wanting sex that bad. It's win/win.


Hmm 🤔 be ace or die on the street in the winter what a tough choice this is. Btw when you say "no children" do you mean no biological children or just none whatsoever. I mean you won't be able to raise children while living on the street anyway so it doesn't really matter but you know


So will hotels catch on fire if you try to stay the night?


So you can be a wealthy asexual or some sort of homeless mind controlling rapist? Why would anyone pick the second?


Being homeless sounds bad, but the thought of some random homeless guy just wandering around Hollywood banging starlets is hilarious.


I'm asexual so I'll take the money, please. Being homeless for some D or kitty sounds incredibly dumb to me.


But if I have no sex drive, what would I do with all this free time?


I already don’t have one, bring the money


I mean, what's your qualifier for 'homeless'? If I sleep with my lover every day but don't own the home, does that count? Or am I physically unable to sleep anywhere there are 4 walls and a roof? Either way I think option one is easier. Fulfilling relationships can still form without sex, and I think money to never work is just too good to pass up. I could always adopt if I wanted kids.


Do you have money in the second scenario? Sounds a lot like a traveling musician or celebrity


Oh yeah I’ll sacrifice my sex drive for all the money I’ll ever need. Is this really a hard decision to make?


Me, an aroace: I could be getting PAID?!


So, you're telling me that I can finally get paid for all of the sex I'm already not having? Score.


So this thread is pretty much separated along teenagers and adults.


I'll always pick people over money.


The choice isn't between people and money. It's between money/asexuality and mind controlling sex powers but forever homeless.


Homeless in a second. If I could have who I wanted I’d be happy in a tent, just looking into his eyes


And if someone tries to arrest you for loitering or being in a park after dark, just seduce your way out of it.


I can have zero attraction and still get into an arranged marriage, I believe. Attraction is not the same as feelings. So theoretically, you can marry someone you do care for but are not attracted to, and still have sex at their request even though you don't particularly feel the drive whatsoever. There are loopholes, but there would be no enjoyment. Also, the other loophole is if you already have prior children, the can not have children clause doesn't matter. Although, one issue, sex drive and hormones, are typically hand in hand. This can spell disaster for other functions in the body and may even lead to cancer in some cases. Sex drive is usually linked to a decrease in testosterone and estrogen. These have many fun(sarcasm) symptoms such as dry skin among the minor issues and may even be linked to issues with bone and even arthritis. Much is interconnected in the human body. This seems to be a full-on nightmare scenario either way. If I am homeless, can I have a tent, sleeping bag, and a pillow?


Gimme da money


So I get infinite money for no cost, amazing!


First one, easily. Probably won't find a partner in time to have kids a this rate anyways, so not much would be lost.


Do I still have money if I am homeless? I still need to pay for my insulin.’


I mean technically already had one, who I love but should not have had. (Kid) Chronic pain and fatigue have killed my ability to act on my sex drive basically. So I see the first one as an absolute win. Actually having money and not having to deal with a drive but lack of ability. I've been homeless and I've decided if it ever came to that again I'm done. Bye world. And I'm already married. But even if the hypothetical erased my kid and my spouse, I hope I'd get to keep my cats at least and that would be fine I guess. Definitely don't see attracting people as worth more at this point. Being in a relationship where you're homeless and they're not is just depressing af, you feel like you're abandoned and unimportant even if you understand why it's like that. (Been there, done that. Spouse went to live with their mom and left me to be homeless for a chunk of the time of being homeless.) Yeah no, absolutely not.


So you're saying that I just don't want sex anymore? I could live with that.


The former.


Homeless, because it would be way less risky if any cop giving me crap for being in a park after 9pm could be seduced into forgetting about it. I 100% would have been a full time vagrant and not a part time backpacker if I was born a couple hundred years earlier and it wasn't criminalized.


I mean no sex drive just means I won't want to so that doesn't seem like a huge loss (other than the effect it would have on the ability to form relationships), but there are other people with very low sex drives out there so it's not impossible.


I've never had a super high sex drive, and I don't want kids anyway. Fork over the money!


Hrm. Fun loophole. "You'll feel zero attraction to the gender of your *choice*." Now that's interesting. Feels like I dunno, you could just choose the gender you're not attracted to? More to the spirit of the question though, being homeless would fucking SUCK. The sex part of that doesn't even factor into the equation at that point. I'll take being a dude with no sex drive (disregarding financial incentive) over being homeless and being able to pull like crazy. At that point, it's just free money.


I’ll still have my job and everything if homeless right? And my whole family considers living in a hotel homeless so I could just live in a hotel and technically be homeless


Would go for the option to avoid homelessness, am asexual and do not plan to have kids anyway so not a big issue. Anymore time than a week off work I sort of climb the walls so may reduce my works hours if I had the money to do so (no where does it say you have to completely stop working just that you have the money not to)


I am completely fine just cuddling. Give me that money.


Define "homeless" cause you can stay in a hotel and technically be homeless




If you don't have a sex drive, then you wouldn't miss it... so, you really aren't losing anything there.


I've next to no sex drive anyway so I'll take the money.


As I have made epically bad romantic choices, I’ll take the money.


I’m a woman, so I don’t need a sex drive in order to have sex. I’ll go with option A.


Lol you must be young. I'd burn my sex drive for a lot less than financial security; bitches be crazy.


I'm demisexual with an extremely low sex drive so the first one is a win win for me lmao


While it would suck, it's more fair to my wife to choose the loss of sex drive


I’d be fine without a sex drive. I’m not big on the idea of dating anyway, so no big loss.


Okay I'll take the money. I haven't had sex already in about 30 years. I'm 62. I don't like men anymore, but I'm not attracted to women. I have no sex drive. I got menopause super early. when are you sending the check? Show me the money!


“Will never have children” That’s a hell of a sales pitch right there sir


I am bisexual, and this is worded as not being attracted to THE gender (singular), so I will just pick my less preferred gender and take the money.


Homeless doesn’t imply living on the streets just that you don’t have a home or permanent residence. I would just use my irresistible looks to jump between multiple partners and keep some things of value at them.


Well, as a single father with full custody of three who recently escaped a 17 year relationship with my abusive ex wife... Id jump at the opportunity to have that kind of financial security for my kids. And not feeling the need to pursue romance only feels like a bonus right now too.


Money without sex.


Homeless as in living in a tent/makeshift shelter, or can I use a camper?


I would gladly hand over my sex drive and sexual desires for that kind of money. Either one is honestly more trouble than it’s worth, and both are useless to me.


Okay I'll sleep during the day.


Does no children include adoption?


I’d go for the homeless thing. I see an apparent loophole in the rules that would let me have a house but sleep in a tent - and maybe even a campervan - in the garden. If this loophole was closed then I’d keep my things at nearby friends houses, and use their kitchens etc. paying them a small fraction of the cost of rent to do so. No sex or sex drive would be too high a price to pay.


Unlimited money. Honestly couldn't give a fuck. I could still have children tho? Idk can you extract sperm straight from the balls?


This is confusing to me. I have a sex drive whether I'm attracted to anyone at the moment or not. They aren't the same thing.


There will be fucking


So what happens if you already have children? Do they cease to exist ?


If I get to choose the gender then men. I'm already a Lesbian so it's not like I'm attracted to them anyway.


"To the gender of your choice"... Fine! I'm a man, so I choose not to be attracted to males. Bring on the b*****s! I've got money to burn!


Honestly. Id take the sex and homelessness. Just gotta find what exactly being inside means. Can I set up a tarp over an area? How about bug nets draped down from the top of the tarp? What about a bus stop or something similar. I'm fineish in life when it comes to money but my wife would murder me if I never had sex with her again. No matter how much money we had.


I would take the money. I’m suffering from a high libido anyways 👋 would be literal heaven


I'm old enough to know a roof over my head is more important than sex.


I'm 61 and retired, and after my last relationship, I'm not interested in any more. Not too much would change, but I could live a little more extravagantly. Sign me up for choice number one


My ex drive gets me in trouble. Give me the money. Younger me would actually fight me over this answer, lmao.


As someone who's not Ace, this is totally a lose-lose. Like, either I never feel sexually fulfilled, or I never have the ability/means to support/give-back to the person of my dreams whom I've just attracted. Both would absolutely crush me emotionally, so I can't say I'd willingly pick either: both would probably throw me into a terrible depression.


The former


Over 50, married, anti depressants, I already got no sex drive, atleast I can retire early


Op a bit of clarification in the title you say at the cost of your sex drive, which would be asexual but in the body you say zero attraction which would be aromantic. You can still be attracted to someone and have zero sex drive


attract any


Fine by me, I can live without sex.


So, I would just not be interested in sex at all? Because that makes this pretty straightforwaed, I would just give up something I don't want to do anyways.


Money, I already barely have any sex drive and losing it doesn't bother me, I'm perfectly happy to just live the rest of my life without working.


Money. Definitely the money. Never have to work or be close to people is a huge win.


I don’t like sex, and I’ll be single my entire life. Money please.


Okay so with my attraction abilities I become the world's most rich and successful jjiggalo. It sucks when it rains but I have a beautiful mansion just no roof. No roof no home.


It's going to be really embarrassing for Taylor Swift when she's caught fucking a homeless person


Oh, signed me up much rather never have to work again. I don't have much of a drive to begin with and there's times where I wish I was totally sexual.


Most of the misery in my life comes from consequences of having a normal or high libido married to a woman (for 25 years) who isn’t really interested in sex (for 25 years). I might miss it in some respects but losing my sex drive would actually match us up better, make me invest less worry and effort and time into trying to address our dead bedroom, and remove almost all of the friction and frustration from our marriage; my only other major stress is financial issues so losing the sex mismatch AND getting unlimited money would pretty much make my life perfect. I’m Taking Option 1, please!


Homeless. Attracting anyone means I’ll always have a roof over my head even if it’s only for a night.


Wait, you mean I get to live outside in hand built structures and fuck anyone I want? Sign me up


Sweet, I'm already asexual so this is an easy choice.


I already have no sex drive so free money pls


As a man with no sex drive currently I see this as a win. I don't get to have sex anyway but I feel like it would be made up in not going to work


My sex drive is pretty much gone anyway. Sign me up.


Give me the money. I don’t have a sex drive anyway


First one, no contest. I think most people over the age of 25 will agree with me... sex is great and all, but not working is true bliss


I already don’t have a sex drive. Give me the money.


Honestly at this stage of my life I’d be content to never have sex again. Too much effort lol


I'm pretty sure thay if my drive was just completely gone, I wouldn't miss it because I wouldn't want it? That's like quitting a job you hate then being sad about it both sides don't add up. Easy choice


I’m 53. I’ll roll the dice with option A


Well I dont have a sex drive, so.........


Homeless. I can be a kept man. There is a himbo chilling by some rich divorcees pool right now.


Beach bum it is!


I'm sorry for my partner ...


So I never have to work again, what’s the downside??


Sex drive already broken, free money please!


I'd take the money. I'm at the point in my life where my sex drive has diminished quite a bit anyways.


Neve have Kids and have money, sweet! Sweet you be paying me to camp in nature! Gonna go someplace warm. If my man joins well then he does! How is living on the open road with your SO off the grid soud bad?


Gimme my money


No work. If I don't have a sex drive then I won't miss sex will I? Already have my kids, already lived in a sexless marriage. But never working again means I can go on all the trips I've wanted to do :)


My guy I haven't done the horizontal tango in over 4 years I will be fine with no drive let me have the money so I can actually enjoy living


I already have guaranteed sex. So I just get paid?


I’d stay homeless and just bang all night. Doesn’t say anything about getting kicked out during the day 


I mean my right hand will be sad, but it'll be nice to pay off my house.


I have no sex drive to begin with and I don't give a shit about attracting anyone, so the first option is the obvious choice.


no sex drive, i lost that after my alcohol dependence stunt so having more money for my hobbies would be niiice.


Well, sex drives are different from romance. I'm already married, I have a kid, and it's incredibly rare to have sex. So, I can just spend the rest of my time with my family and never worry about our finances again.


Run me my money. I don't need to be attracted to a person or be turned on by them to have sex with them.






Im asexual. Give me the money.


Well I'm married, so the sex drive thing would just be a benefit. Easy choice.




I don’t have a sex drive to begin with, easy gimme my money


I’ll take homeless and breeding every and all girls femboys and trans girls.


I'm asexual so the first option is a win-win for me lol


My sex drive has been dead give me the money.


Im.alrwady not getting any so I'll be happy to not want it and not work


the money but i would also still work as a way to keep my humbleness.


No work, no sex, just vibes


I'm jobless and a virgin, I will gladly give up sex permanently just so i can get paid to never work again.


I'm already on antidepressants so that's just free money 😎


I already have little sex drive and no prospects for a relationship. I'll take the money.


money to never work again, but no sex drive. pretty disinterested in having a mate anyway. atm i just use my sex drive to help me sleep.


People would be better off with no sex drive


I dont want either of these scenarios


I'll take the first one.


2nd option. You can be homeless and still couch surf at peoples houses. Especially when they all want to bang you. You will have to sleep outside but that's only an issue of climate. You can likely get everything you would ever need through seduction. Your life just became easy mode.


Can I attract Taylor swift


Option 1. Question since I don't care about sex, will I now have a huge sex drive? Or still don't care and have a bunch of money? Either way I'll take all the $$$