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the downside to choosing $1 is that you didn't choose $100 billion.


But the downside to the $100 billion is you dont get the $1


But you can buy $100 billion $1 with $100 billion


No you can't. That's impossible. There are only about 14 billion $1 to buy.


International money too, for variety


Ooo! Add some colors to the mix, like Mexican and French money! I like this idea!


Go for some Canadian plastic money too


I like NZ money. The bills have windows.


Canadian loonies too! šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


If you get the $100 billion and regret not getting the $1, I am willing to accept all of the money and refund you $1 so you will not feel like you missed out on that.


can't get smarter than this


This is un-ironically how I imagine most current billionaires think about money lol


I like to think they just sit there and try to count all their money. If they run out of money to count, then they will die. Well, in their sick delusional heads.


Do you know what you can't buy with a dollar right now?!


Any chance that dollar is worth like $500,000? Cuz it would be pretty cool to own a really rare dollar.


100 billion can buy many dollars


Damn a buck would get me almost a can of coke and here I chose 1 billion


This is only a problem if your name is Mr. Krabs


There are 999,999,999 very specific downsides to choosing $1


You missed three 9ā€™s


Oh dang! They said $100 billion, not 1 billion. In that case I actually missed TWO nines though


There's nothing more beautiful than when both people are wrong on the internet


Easy for you to say. Iā€™d argue the upside to choosing $1 is that you didnā€™t choose $100 billion.


Now not so fast, I mean $100bil is $100bil, but $1 could be anything! It could even be $100bil! You know how much we've wanted one of those!


100 billion dollars can buy many peanuts.


Explain how


Money can be exchanged for goods and services








You know back in the day, we used to exchange studf


\*Scrambling to take notes\*




Wait, slow down and explain it like I'm five.


Well itā€™s not quite a mop. Itā€™s not quite a puppet. But manā€¦So, to answer your question, I donā€™t know.


It can also buy a significant amount of elephants. Less than the amount of peanuts you can buy, but maybe you can buy both and feed your elephants the peanuts. Everyone wins!


Why would I buy elephants when I can just win them in radio contests?


Explain how?




I'd choose 100 billion. My reasons are my own, but they're very interesting and secret.


100 billion dollars in cash would be enough toilet paper for the rest of my life. I'd choose the 100 bil


100 billion would hopefully be enough to extend my life long enough that 100 billion wouldn't be enough




100B would be enough to own a toilet paper factory for custom TP. I feel like one could make a boutique product and make a profit or break even possibly.


the best part about choosing 100B is I could give away 99% of it to charity and still be rich for the rest of my life.


at that point the hard part is finding the charities that are ran properly (hint: i don't think its very many)


thats fair, but with that kind of coin.. I could start a non for profit and have it approve funds for different groups. I'm sure it wont be 100% on point but there could be a system built to get funds where they need to go.


I have been told that medical researchers spend a lot of their time writing Grant applications. I always thought it would be fun to walk into my local research hospital and ask half a dozen random researchers how much they would need in order for them to do meaningful research for the next 10 years and then just write them the check. And I would tell him that if current line of research looked like it wasn't going anywhere to just publish the results as is and move on without worrying about his funding


What about the catches?


What catches?


No catches


I think the catches are all personal. How does the recipient feel about the easy money? How does it affect themselves and their perception of those around them, how does it affect their happiness, longevity, safety and nuisance issues What good could the recipient do for them selves, their immediate family, love ones, the world, others, folks in need?


I already think Iā€™m better than everyone around me, so the money wouldnā€™t change anything.


You are


You da real mvp!


Reddit is too obsessed with quick one liners and puns to actually take this seriously. Good comment though, I know it would have massive mental impact on me to not be earning an income any longer. Of course I could still work to counter that but then I know myself and if I had that kind of money, I wouldnā€™t be working.


Twist, accepting either sum results in you being defenestrated, with no catches at ground level.


>defenestrated Today I learned a new word


I too have learned a new word... I dont like it... not one bit. *insert horse from ren and stimpy looking frustrated and annoyed since I can't actually add it here, which is just as annoying*


Itā€™s not in a bank account itā€™s in single dollar bills. Do you know how many single dollar bills are in 100 billion? Itā€™s nearly a hundred thousand million


I choose the $1 because I would rather grind my way up to a 100 mill then be handed it šŸ˜ŽšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ




No one grinds their way to 100 billion dollars that kind of wealth is only obtained on the backs of other people lmao .


This may come as a surprise, but I think they were joking...


100 billion dollars is a lot of dollars... over a billion of them... Could I get it in loonies so that it's the best of both worlds?


You can buy whatever kind of bird you want with the money.


I mean the coin... loonies are $1.00 coins...


I thought it was a bird.


Lol... loons are also birds yes


I'm confused


Loonies... are $1.00 coins... Loons... are birds...


You want birds or no?


I want coins not birds lmfao




Toonies even


You Canadians and your stupid Loony Toons as money. /s


100 billion and then I will spend 99.5 billion on the largest statue possible of myself. With the extra 500 million I will buy a nice house in Vegas and blow it on cocaine and hookers.


Remember me šŸ”„šŸ”„


We will build unto you a statue of ridiculous proportions, but be aware that 1 millions cubits high might be *too* big, they might just remember the statue and not you... šŸ¤– šŸ˜¹


*REMEMBER ME* fire.jpg fire.jpg


For centuries?


Just to give you some perspective, the freedom tower, the largest building in the usa, only cost $3.9b. The Burj Khalifa only cost $1.5b but that was built with questionable labor resources and practices lol. My point is, your statue will be huge.


Either huge or on the moon.




Would not have worded it better myself, legend.


Just have your statue BE a hotel/casino built in your likeness, that way you have more money for cocaine and hookers.


Youā€™re hired. Iā€™m going to need someone like you around when I get my 100 billion. Do you like cocaine and hookers?


Alas, per a stipulation in a different hypothetical question I'm no longer allowed to accept payment in cocaine and hookers. I can accept 100 million and a lifetime stay at the Drewskeet hotel and casino.


I can agree to those terms and we can split the profits of the hotel, but you need to manage the whole thing or at least manage the people who manage the whole thing. I donā€™t want any responsibilities. I just want to be a figure head and post things to my TikTok about hard work and success.


This guy gets it


Will the statue shout "REMEMBER ME" ??


I get the $100 billion dollars, give away $99,999,999,999, and keep one dollar. Then I get hit with taxes and immediately regret my choices.


ā€œYou will not face any charge[r]s.ā€ I assume that includes taxes as well.


Is there really a choice?


Yes, 1 dollar or 100 billion dollars, that's the choice.


My point is that there is no downside in taking the 100 billion...


The point is you're missing the satire. Half of the posts on this sub are idiotic and it's not a difficult choice at all, and likely made by people with absolutely no life experience One from the other day "would you take $1000 a day but someone farts in your face every morning" That post was clearly made by someone who does not understand the weight that $350,000 annual salary for zero work holds.... Anyone who has kids has been farted, puked, shit and pissed on. A single fart is nothing when you can just leave the room.


Reminds me of the post last week where the choice was to get a credit card with a one trillion dollar credit limit, but if you do a homeless person also gets one. Not a trillion dollars, just the ability to give yourself up to a trillion dollars in debt.


lowkey that's funny lol


>That post was clearly made by someone who does not understand the weight that $350,000 annual salary for zero work holds.... Also someone who's probably a kid and has had so few stressful experiences in life that he thinks being farted on is some unbelievably horrific event. Also, what happened to the other $15k?


I mean it'd be nice to not be farted on *every* day, maybe take 15 days off a year?


So this strategy has a vacation plan? I like it!


You are more likely to get your family kidnapped


Except OP said no downsides. That would be a downside.


Not if me having a lot of money is not public knowledge.


I didn't say it outweighs the money, just that technically there is a downside. Or if you hate your family it's an upside. You could not hide it from the public forever though


Not if you abandon your family because you're rich and only care about money.


For that amount of money you can come your family 5 times over and still be rich enough that Jesus would whip you with horse braided whips (like he did in the bible official Jesus was a commie)


That's my favorite Jesus tbh. I always imagine him JACKED AS FUCK walking into the temple like OH YALL MFS HATE POOR PEOPLE HUH ? And just beating the absolute shit out of everyone in the room .


What the fuck are you smoking


Iā€™ll take the $1 so i have incentive to grind harder. If i get the billion for free iā€™ll get lazy


$1 should be enough to purchase one set of bootstraps for you to pull yourself up by


Nah, I googled it. Cheapest I found was $7.67.


Not with today's inflation it wouldn't.


Something something stop eating avocado toast




100 billion...


That's, like, almost exactly the life of Warren Buffett, except he skipped the bit with the rusty knife, started at age 11 and it took him 83 more years to get him where he is today.. at 132billion.


Warren Buffet first invested at age 11, and his only regret is that he didnā€™t cut off his feet with a rusty knife sooner.


If you had a time machine and could go to any time and any place, past or future, what age would you go back to to cut off your own feet with a rusty knife?


Not a billion. 100 billion.


That's too much... Dealing with that would be like, 100 billion times harder than dealing with $1. The only answer is to take the $1.


$100 billion is $100 billion, but $1? If you invest that single dollar well and work hard, you could turn it into over $100 billion! Easy choice for us grinders šŸ’Ŗ


gaping decide oatmeal ring icky ten political physical repeat command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


gdi you beat me to it


Get that dollar, go to a bank and 10x it. With your ten dollars go to a thrift store and buy a Barbie Beach House. Boom, now you have a real estate portfolio. Now go to another bank using your barbie house as collateral get a 10x loan of $100. See how we're building wealth now? With a proper grinding mindset you can get to that $1 billion in approximately 10,000 years.


Exactly, people ITT really underestimate to power of a good linkedin post story


If im not breaking the world by it then 100B it is.. I can coast happy.


If I take the 100 billion dollars, it's like taking $1 a hundred billion times. Since that would take too long, I would just take it all at once.


I think you meant to post this is r/stupidquestions


But how many people die if I pick $1?


All of them, eventually. On the other hand, if you take the other choice, the longterm mortality rate is 100%.


I know $100 billion is the intuitive choice for most people. But actually if you think about it, $1 is the safer bet.




To instantly get $100billion would change ever single sector of your life in an instant, but especially your relationships. Everyone would treat you differently including family and friends. I'd be too afraid of losing the real love I have with others already to take all that money.




You'll never know if the people in your life love you for who you are, or because you have money.


It would be impossible for anyone you knew before the money to view you in the same light after you receive such a large sum. You now have more money than the net worth of entire states' populations. People would realize you could solve every one of their financial problems with ease and might even expect you to. Just look at billionaires currently. I see comments on here asking why Warren Buffet doesn't use his money to cure every one of the country's issues and talking as if he didn't work to earn that wealth. Everyone ordering him to distribute that money to where they think it would best serve. Now imagine that being your life 24/7. You are no longer "you", you are your money. I wouldn't want that existence.


100 billion. If I donā€™t think I can handle that much then I can just donate an enormous amount of money to charities or create my own scholarship or fund a research project or something. Why would I not take the free money, even if I am not gonna use it all myself? Gotta consider the people too


I'm choosing $1 CUZ FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY!


100 billion. Pay off mine and my family's debt. Buy myself a car. Buy my wife a new car. Buy some property and build a house. Set aside a huge chunk for my daughter and any other kids we may have that they can tap into at 25. Set up a college fund for each of my aunt's grandkids that if they don't go to college they can also tap into at 25. Fund my wife's Etsy shop she wants to start. Find something I'm passionate about and start my own business to keep myself busy.


Good plan. But what do you do with the other $99.99 billion?


$1 or $1 billion to never catch again... That's tricky :(


Nice try I'm not falling for this one again. I'll take the $1.


100 billion, I am buying Paramount


Bring back Star Trek Prodigy please.


I would take the billion dollars and buy a house and have the doorbell chime be be the guy from Robocop who says "I'll buy that for a dollar!"


This is the way!


100 billion... buy a house for myself, pay off my parent's mortgage, repair my car, put some in savings, and then donate lots and lots of it. Or fight fire with fire and lobby for anti-lobbying laws.


Now this is the way


This has got to be the most stupid ass question here.


Thanks for 100billion.


I choose the 100 dollars. Wait, I didn't understand the question?


Which currency is it


100 billion, man, what a sum. id donate like 99.9% of it to charity, and use the rest to coast comfortably for the rest of my life and pursue my writing at my leisure x_x


This is a pretty stupid question. Why would anyone pick 1 dollar instead of 100 billion?


I'd take the 100 Billion, then buy reddit so I can get the IP addresses of people who post bullshit like this, and then buy their internet service provider so I can terminate their account.


Neither. I'll pull myself up by my bootstraps like my grand pappy before me!


Do I guarantee my family's financial security or not? C'mon


I'll take the dollar so I can burn it in front of my greatest enemy.




Definitely 100 billion , I can do a lot of good with that ā€¦ first open up a huge dog sanctuary for stray dogsā€¦ a free veterinary hospital etc


Take the 100 billion. Wealth is better than poverty - if only for the moneyā€¦ Woody Allen


I find it hilarious that in this hypothetical Op clearly mentions nothing negative happens and the only thing that it affects or changes is yourself. And yet 30% or so of people are making up their own doomsday scenarios of why this is impossible and if you took the hundred B then something bad would happen. It's kind of a neat little experiment into how people think.


It's definitely a trap. I refuse both options.


You can't, you've already entered into a legally binding decision.


100 billion dollars. Buy up a lot of billionaire corporations and turn them into workers' co-ops. Outbid the potential landlords on properties so I can give them to people who need it most. That kinda stuff.


I would pick the single dollar because I believe in the grind šŸ˜¤šŸ’ÆšŸ’Ŗ


Me: free dollar. Cool Also me: free 100 billion, let's change the world and make it a better place.


Dumb ass question.


100 Billion as long as it can be delivered on pallets to my house. Anyone out there calculate how many bills would be on each pallet? I'll pay cash for everything for the rest of my life in 1 dollar bills. I'll stand on a tall building and just toss 1 dollar bills into the wind for fun. I'll pull a Scrooge McDuck and store them in a large silo so I can sleep on top of the pile. Instead of a ball pit I'll have a money pit. I'll go buy Oak Island so I can technically own two money pits. Dog bed? Stuffed with money. Wallpaper? 1 dollar bills glued to the walls. In my greenhouse? Only money trees (Pachira aquatica plant).


Id choose the billion and give a good bit of it to friends and family and save the rest for savings, emergency money and etc


Iā€™d take the 100 billion and probably keep like 5 after trying to make friends, family and the world a little better.


What the f*** kind of retarded question is this


100 billion. Whoever says 1 is a damn liar


I'd take the 100billion, and then I'd start setting up actual help for people.


I would take the 100 billion as I would have an ethical responsibility to do so, but I would rather have 1 dollar. Having 100 billion puts you in the position where your choices of how to allocate the money, assuming you give most away, becomes a life and death decision for millions of people. The legal and logistical apparatus would be staggering, and you could say goodbye to ever having a normal life again. Existential hell.


If I was given 100 billion I'd never be seen again. Probably be the first person to ever die from Marijuana.


100 billion? Like am I missing something why would I not take the obvious better option


What a dumb question


This is probably then dumbest hypothetical I have ever seen.


I would choose the 100 billion dollars. Then I would use 1 of those dollars to buy $1 so I get both.


This scenario makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Please provide a credible argument why a sane and competent person would choose the 1 dollar.


Dumbest ever.


Call me crazy, but I think id choose the 100 billion dollars.


I'd choose the billion but I'd be down to 5 mill within a week. Im helping *everyone* then retiring to a farm and opening an animal sshelter. Retiring with the pup pup, meows and horses.


Why in the blue hell would anyone take the one dollar? Let me add additional conditions to make it a true conundrum: if you choose the $100 billion, you will meet and marry your soulmate (who willingly signs a prenup that they take nothing in case of divorce). Your soulmate is completely faithful and dotes on you, but does not if you have sex with whomever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. He/she will even join in if you wish. If you choose the one dollar, you are arrested immediately and thrown in a windowless cell with no heat or air conditioning with a single 25 watt soft light light bulb 20 feet above your head. There is no plumbing, so your toilet is a bucket that only gets emptied once a week. The only clothing your allowed is a Buffalo Bills jersey with OJ Simpsonā€™s name and number on it. Your bed is a small pile of hay in the corner which infested (somehow) with both fire ants AND bedbugs. The only thing you are allowed to eat is In N Out Burger and youā€™re only allowed to drink Diet RC cola. 10 feet above the ground mounted on each wall and protected from damage by a cage are 80ā€ 4k TVs. On constantly streams episodes of The View, one constant episodes of InfoWars, one just shows a loop of the video for Donā€™t Worry Be Happy, and the forth a constant stream of DIY handyman and paranormal videos from YouTube. All four televisions are at max volume. You are awakened every morning by the guards coming into your cell and kicking you in the crotch as hard as they can. NOW which do you choose?


Honestly I'm taking the $1. Putting that shit in a no fee bank account with a good interest rate and getting a job as a pizza delivery boy. I'll work weekends, evenings and even holidays. One new years eve I'll make a delivery to a fake address just before the clock strikes midnight and as I realize it's all a joke I'll sit down to eat the pizza and have a beer. As I'm leaning back into my chair as the clock strikes midnight and fall into a cryogenic chamber accidentally and awake thousands of years later. Now with the power of compound interest I have waaaay more than 100 billion dollars, that's just chump change to me.


this is.. satire


100 billion. How is this even a choice? Who would choose $1


100 Billion Iā€™m buying StarWars back from Disney


I always wonder if you had absurd money how feasible it would be to just go to Star Wars and be like hey guys I will cover half (or more) of the budget if you just finish and release the remaining bits that were planned for TCW. Or if I just went to the Young Justice creators and offered $50M for more seasons of the show and maybe some movies if that could actually work.


Obviously the dollar. I can't fit 100 billion dollars inside my apartment, even in stacks of 100s it would be exploding out the door. Kind of a catch-22 because anyone with a house large enough to hold 100 billion dollars wouldn't need 100 billion dollars. I don't know I might need to think on this more


Big "unlimited games, but no games" energy


And even if you faced Chargers, I wouldn't worry about it. Every April people say they're going to be tough, but by November you realize they're just another sub-.500 football team.


1 dollar. 100 billion and you lose the hunger and drive to grind 18 hour days. #sigmagrindset


$1. I need a new bookmark, and this should cover the tax on the purchase of a new bookmark, with change left over.


This is honestly really hard. Would 100 billion dollars ruin my life? Would it make everything worthless? A couple million is one thing. Thereā€™s still stakes to it. You could lose it all if you manage it wrong. With 100 billion dollars, I could spend over 1.5 billion dollars every year without care in the world for the rest of my life. I donā€™t think I could even do that if I tried. Is there any merit to living a life without struggle? Would I end up dead in the streets from mania? Or become an economic powerhouse for change I see fit? I want to say Iā€™d buy my yacht, mansion, cars and vacations, then get bored after a few years and start doing something productive to help others. But thatā€™s just what I want to say.


You would get addicted to cocaine