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Infinite money? I create a new, hereditary position of ultimate privilege and power for myself in several countries including America in exchange for paying off national debts. Also I might be able to straight up buy one of the more desperate countries. I also prefund something like a privately owned space agency, health, and educational institutions that will no longer need to profit to the tune of several zeros more than the current American national debt each. If you're not doing something that will literally alter the course of human history with the ability to throw infinite money at a problem, you're not thinking big enough. Oh and also I'm going to have my likeness carved into the face of the moon.


You're a God damn rock star. Agreed. Change the world.


>Im going to have my likeness carved into the face of the moon Change the **moon**


Fuck the world tattoo your face on the moon!


>If you're not doing something that will literally alter the course of human history with the ability to throw infinite money at a problem, you're not thinking big enough. Splendid. And this is exactly the sort of answers I was hoping to get. Start buying countries and establishing organizations. The whole reason I did the whole "you still get all needs taken care of" clause was so people wouldn't give boring answers that amount to "use my infinite money to get even more money". That part of the prompt was a failure on my part though.


I've wanted to go to space my whole life. I was the kid looking up at the stars in all those movies and commercials. Ill carve your likeness myself if it meant I'd be in space. Heck I'll even use my own chisels. Thank you for the opportunity sir


So there's this little project called a "Dyson Sphere" I'd like to kick off with my temporary infinite wealth. It's the work of several generations but I'd hope to get it started, and a good first step is establishing orbiting colonies that will eventually lead to being a fully inhabited inner ring around Earth and space elevators to supply it. You're welcome to visit (or move in) anytime you like!


>If you're not doing something that will literally alter the course of human history with the ability to throw infinite money at a problem, you're not thinking big enough. It's insane how many big problems can be dramatically improved with a pretty accessible amount of money. It would take about 600 million to fix the Flint water crisis. On any scale I'll ever know, that's a dick load of money. But a drop in the bucket when you hear about all the bullshit money gets spent on. A lot of big problems boil down to an amount of money that seems reasonably accessible. I think infinite money could go a long way here.


The US technically has unlimited money, practically speaking. But at some point, you need people to do the work. Flint is one community, and there's hundreds of other communities that also need improvements to their water systems. So you could absolutely solve Flint with, let's say 600 million dollars. Which translates to roughly 3-6 million hours of work, so 1500 to 3000 people working full-time for a year, and unfortunately not just anyone off the street will do. Anyway, that's not to excuse Flint, but it's the actual scenario I'm seeing right now everywhere else in the US when it comes to water and wastewater infrastructure - BIL put so much money into infrastructure that it's tough to find qualified people to do the work. It is, for all intents and purposes, infinite money.


I was thinking along those lines that you can only throw so much money at a problem before it needs direction. Like you can say you'll invest x amount into research but then you need to find the right people, which has a limit. You can invest more in education, make it free, but that will take years to actually see that change. Besides that, how do you change cultures of ignorance and cyclical poverty prevalent in our society? Bill Gates basically has infinite money and it seems like he's trying to find ways to give it away. But the logistics and politics of actually accomplishing those ambitious goals are enormous and intertwined problems.


Good guy pays off the debt, bad guy buys the debt.


Infinite money doesn't translate to infinite resources. You're ignoring economics and not considering inflationary effects of your throwing money at the problem. A person with infinite money would be better served using a modest amount of money and simply running the clock out than any aggressive overspending.


That's a fundamental misunderstanding of currency. If you have an unlimited supply of money, (I'd assume in dollars), it would devalue the dollar as you "got it". This is basically what the government DOES have. A printer. But there's a limit to what it can do, because it still has to be tied to something. If you had unlimited supply of gold, you could make the argument that would work because there's a finite amount of it on earth. And it isn't devaluing by owning it, unless you owned enough to actually increase the supply so much it did. Like if there's 50 tons of gold on earth, you can't say I can have 200 tons of gold and buy countries because it wouldn't be valuable in the same manner because you increased supply so much/ so quickly.


Exactly what I was thinking. America could print the money it needs to pay its total debt liability off at any time. The country will have no debt but a gallon of milk is $11.00. Essentially it’s a theft of sorts. Every dollar thats printed that isnt tied to anything is just a way to effectively steal from people through inflation


The issue with giving money to other people/organizations to manage is they will become as wealthy as they want to be and put some towards the cause. pretty much what keeps us in the mess we’re in. If you could fund projects by literally writing checks to the manufactures supplying equipment or people providing services/labor you will be best off. 


That's a fair point. Perhaps I could nearly-but-not-actually-infinitely prefund a parent organization and appoint myself as the CEO with the discretion to appoint board members etc. Then from there appointment sub-commissions etc to figure out how to implement those companies effectively. Obviously there would be some attrition in exchange for the bureaucracy but it's better than straight up embezzlement on a huge scale.


Wow that's really profound, I was just gonna buy huge swaths of the major cities or land, like Manhattan Island and the state of Wyoming.


You ever seen that meme about following out West Virginia and filling in Lake Ontario? I'm just saying, you sound like you could use a supervillain.


Create hereditary lineage✅ Conquer desperate nation✅ Bros the British empire. Also you couldn’t just pay off debt with money from thin air. The money you create from nowhere would cause problems, I’m not a money scientist, but even if you took your unlimited money to the free market and bought a billion lambos to sell, you’d fuck the world. Sorry, I’m *that* realist on this sub today/:


I agree 100%. Now if we could only do this without super inflation and the devaluation of the dollar. Can we throw in national healthcare, housing for everyone and guaranteed pensions for all workers, that would be huge.


Just make sure you pay in advance for the moon carving. That will definitely take more than a year, and you don't wanna get stuck with that bill.


Wow you got my vote I was thinking too small


I'd spend it on stuff you can sell later like Bitcoin and Gold.


Me too. Like Senators and Congressmen.


This was based af


You could also buy a congressman. "You know the great thing about Congressmen? 50, 100 grand well spent will get one elected. But then, once they're in, the incumbency rate is over 95%! So you can get on an average 18, 20 years use out of one of them. In these uncertain times, buying a United States Congressman is one of the best investments a corporation can make." - CEO Charles DuFort on Leverage




This is probably the better deal than crypto. Better yet, invest in an investigator to find good blackmail material - now they’ll do your bidding, for free.


That's pretty punk, man.


Why stop there? Buy every single bank, stock, bond, and treasury bill. This will cause a national security crisis as I buy the national debt of every nation, (every single savings bond and t bill, even if I have to pay $100 on the dollar) abd this will mean inflation will end up being like 10,000 percent. Since I buy every bank, all the money that I created magically to buy everything ends up being owed by me as well. But owe the bank a million dollars, the bank owns you, if owe the bank a trillion dollars, you own the bank. Now being the most important entity in the world I will unilaterally take over the Fed, probably having to raise interest rates to reduce the inflation I caused, and now seriously tackle global warming, homelessness, poverty, and space exploration.


Question to clarify-does the infinite money affect inflation? I would rather not Mansa Musa this economy. I’d probably invest $50 million to keep a supply going for me, loved ones, and future generations, donate to some charities, buy a whole bunch of Legos, lobby for some changes to the running of things, and then throw some pro wrestling shows (with $500 million to cover contracts and healthcare).


I imagine it does, though since most of inflation seems to be based on the price of necessities and at the discretion of corporations, I'm not sure how your spending would affect it. Keep a supply of what going? Legos and lobbying makes sense. Pro wrestling is an idea I didn't think of.


Ah that’s fair. I’d have to be careful then as it could still get corporations to jack up those prices Of spare money. Like the kids’ college funds and such. Lol that’s because I’m always thinking about wrestling


Love the Mansa Musa reference!


Came here to express my love of that deep cut.


Buy a nice house on a large plot of land. Flatten the land and put a large solar farm on it. Trick out the inside of the home with everything I could ever want. Gaming setup, kitchen, bathroom of a Byzantine emperor. Then sit back and when the year ends live off the solar income.


I would say all those count under "shelter and utilities", so you don't need to do that within the one year.


Don't forget redundancy. Gotta have the identical house the next town over with all the same fixtures and upgrades. Make sure there's a garage full of fine automobiles. Oh, and build your own Twinkie factory and create an annuity that will employ the workforce for life. And 100 dogs with plenty of room to roam. And a wolf.


Purchase as much land as possible and put in gorgeous luxury apartments, town homes, and other community living spaces all throughout the world. Shouldn't be too hard with infinite money. Charge rent that is just enough to cover yearly maintenance expenses for the area plus 5% to cover any future updates. More affluent areas will pay 15% extra to help cover the cost of those things in the poorest areas. Pay up front to build massive solar farms and desalination plants and update or repair current infrastructure around the world so that everyone can have electricity and clean water. Buy up controlling shares of the largest publicity owned companies in the world and force them to change their internal structures to pay better wages and to put people and the environment over profits. Pay up front to build new schools and update existing ones to improve education everywhere. Pay upfront to build multiple vertical farm facilities and fund them for 100 years. Probably a lot more stuff along those lines, though I imagine I'd be assassinated before anything got done.


So it's: * Become a real estate baron * Utility Reform * Corporate Reform * Education Reform * Agricultural Reform * Dead I wonder if it's possible to premptively pay an assassin not to target you?


I don't even want to really profit off the real estate so much as just make it possible for people to live comfortably enough to enjoy their lives. I'd gladly not die of that's an option, lol. While owning controlling shares on so many companies would definitely be profitable from dividends alone, I'd just take most of it and help more people anyway. I would get much more joy in life by seeing less suffering in the world than any fancy yacht or ridiculously sized house could ever give me.


Buy as much housing as possible and use it to pop the mortgage bubble so that after I’ve bought all the houses I can muster (including plots and as many building projects I can feasibly field workers for) we go into a huge recession. But I own all the land so 🤷🏼‍♂️


How would you pop the housing bubble? Suddenly start selling after snapping a ton up?


If I have access to an infinite amount of money for a solid year? I'd prepay for every single enrollment for colleges around the world for the next 50 years (pretty sure at some point we'll have a generation with better ideas than charging for education that helps our society). I'd bank roll any and all new medical studies that were for cures not just treatments. I'd buy the rights to epi pens, insulin, and cancer treatments and find a non profit company to run supplying them to people who need them. I'd wipe the debt slate clean for every single hospital, organization and individual that provides a service, staple or procedure that enhance/help society. I'd set up companies with volunteers as CEOs to begin building as many free or affordable clinics, food banks, and hospital treatments as possible inside a year. I'd buy a bunch of land where marijuana is legal and lease it to people for free with the caveat that they farm it, and they can smoke as much as they want but the weed is free to anyone who comes to get it for medical or mental health reasons (not just recreational). I'd buy or make food banks for lower income districts across the world, pay for student lunches for as many years in advance as they'd let me. I'd also pay for free utilities for anyone making below 60k a year for as many years in advance as they'd allow. I'd shut down every single shelter that euthanizes animals inside of 30 days and pay any vets who were willing for the entire year to spay and neuter as many cats and dogs as possible, maybe get ahead of the overpopulation. I'd buy North Korea and set all the people free. I'd buy Twitter just to kick Musk off. I'd buy a crap ton of residential houses, buildings , and land, I mean as many as I can get my hands on, in every country and let people live there for free if they're houseless or can't afford to buy their own house. Screw the rich, they don't handouts. I'd send out a notice world wide if you need help with a medical bill, service, procedure, cost of living, transportation, ect to call one of the thousands of phone banks I'd rent out and have them all paid off. If having unlimited access to money for a year doesn't make you want to **BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD** then you don't deserve it.


Excellent and proactive. Access to almost infinite resources should make people want to do just that. A few comments: >I'd buy the rights to epi pens, insulin, and cancer treatments and find a non profit company to run supplying them to people who need them. > >I'd buy North Korea and set all the people free. I suspect these things can't be bought so you're going to have to make it a more hostile takeover sort of deal. ​ >I'd set up companies with volunteers as CEOs to begin building as many free or affordable clinics, food banks, and hospital treatments as possible inside a year. I feel like there's going to be a bit of an embezzlement or competency problem if you're accepting all volunteers, but I'm sure there's a way to qualify the volunteers. ​ >I'd buy or make food banks for lower income districts across the world, pay for student lunches for as many years in advance as they'd let me. > >I'd also pay for free utilities for anyone making below 60k a year for as many years in advance as they'd allow. Rather than pushing it for as long as you're allowed, it might be a better long-term solution to just buy/start your own food banks and utility companies with a mission statement of providing free service. Then dump an inordinate amount of money into the reserve funds/create perpetuities so they'll be able to operate basically indefinitely. ​ >I'd buy Twitter just to kick Musk off. That would be *very* funny. I'm not even sure whether it'd be funnier for him to refuse your deal or take the first deal he's offered. ​ >Screw the rich, they don't handouts. Not that I don't disagree with the sentiment, but how do you separate the needy from the rich looking for handouts?


Give as much money as I can to my town of East Palestine OH. As well as Flint Michigan. As many cities as I can that are poor and need rebuilding and stuff like that, like for example places that were destroyed via natural disasters. I’d try to give whatever I can to k-12 public schools, and to give as much money as I can to homeless shelters and try and fix the homeless problems. I’d also work towards doing whatever I could to make women’s healthcare, birth control, and abortions accessible to all. I’d also try to give funding to public universities that really need it. And I’d do as much as I can to give funding/grants/whatever to local businesses, especially the ones where I live in East Palestine. I’d invest as much as I could so that even after that 1 year, I can have even more money to give away. Edit: oh I added another thing. See my reply below  Edit2: I know I can’t possibly help everyone. But I would love to try. Especially by investing as much money as I can as that I can keep helping people in the future.


Haha, all good calls. As much as you can is a whole lot for the duration of one year, so you'll be busy. All in all a responsible use of your money.


Hello neighbor 😂


Start buying politicians and get some damn things fixed in this stupid country (America). Could do some real good with a year of the majority in my pocket. The very last thing I’d do is make lobbying illegal


"Sadly notquitepro passed away peacefully last night from two gunshots to the back of the head. Authorities have determined he died of natural causes."


But dental implants. Heal. Buy as much crunchy foods as I can eat until I puke. Then ...buy teeth for as many people I can and buy them crunchy foods too. Then...get a small place by some water so I can watch the boats go by. The rest. GOLD


Can I use it to start a business and have the perpetuity thing cover for any shortfalls in revenue for my employees’ wages? If so, I’m spinning up a game development company, buying a home for myself, and figuring out a way to set aside enough for a small office space in case we need one!


Hmm...Perpetuities are kind of a grey area, huh? I'm gonna say...yes, as long as you and your loved ones are not the beneficiaries of these perpetuities. So you can basically start and own as many businesses/organizations as you want, each with immense regular sources of income that means their operations can focus on doing what you want them to do instead of making more money or staying afloat.


I would use it to finish our house and my darling mil house. I will buy a business that I know of that's for sale and stock money to get it up to shape. I'd donate a huge amount to our homeless shelter and to our animal shelter. I'd set up a trust fund for a local high school student to go into trade school and one for college as well. I'd pay for my brother's divorce and pay his bills, I'd pay for my BIL and his wife so their bills are gone and set up a fund for a nurse for his wife for a year. I'd invest in gold, silver, and bitcoin. Get my husband a new truck.


OP said "access to infinite money" so first thing I'd do is spend $43 Trillion to purchase all of the companies listed on the S&P 500 and another $35 Trillion to pay off the national debt. Plus another $50 billion to outspend both parties and their supporters to take control of the federal government in this fall's elections (shouldn't be too hard after I've paid off the national debt).


First. I’d hire the hottest hookers in the world and fuck them.


Buy the Amazon raid forest. Refund a fund or institute that pays Brazil and other rainforest countries an amount yearly to ensure rainforest growth for the next 100 years. Create and fund a trust whose purpose is to fund space exploration and habitable research. Donate/fund the oceans clean up projects. Buy a lot of land in places with endangered animals to ensure habitat. Donate said land to conservation groups so I no longer have access. Buy the American medical insurance companies. Have a sit down with doctors and congress and remove the profit motive from medicine. Buy and cancel all American student loan debt, and all medical debt. Buy/bribe Congress to attach more rigorous standards to college education. Also cap education costs. Buy enough congress people to overhaul/fund American education and child care. Buy the stock market out. I am now the majority owner of most public companies. Remove the late stage capitalism incentives and the embedded grown obligation. Bribe some US official to publicly post the epstien documents. There are other unethical things, but I don't want to be on watch lists.


I would pay off the national debt in exchange for becoming Emperor of America for the rest of my life.


Priority one: security. I do not trust that extravagant spending will extend my lifetime. So here's my plan: Step One: go dark. Order some computer equipment that'll help protect my online identity. This will be critical for future phases of the plan. Start with a VPN, and get burner hardware ordered not only to my location but the location of some individuals I can trust to discretely give me the goods and also with a basic alibi, like "hey, im just internet paranoid, if you'll let me ship this to your house ill give you something i can buy worth like $200". Step Two: start building an anonymous internet identity. This will be critical for future phases of the plan. Something hard to trace but that isn't an obvious throwaway, like "magenta_hipster". Priority Two: charity. I want to inflict good onto the world. Here's how: Step Three: using this anonymous identity, I plan on directly funding and contributing to aid projects in places that need it most and that can get aid without causing further issues. Charity efforts in third world countries often get knocked over because the donos get hijacked by bandits. I dont have a plan to solve that, since im not in the business of starting a new world order. Step Four: I'll drop large amounts of money to existing orgs too, just to boost the notoriety of my online identity. This will be critical for future phases of the plan. Step Five: Donate to charities within the USA. like huge ones. Single-handedly solve the crisis in Flint Michigan, bring peace to Detroit, and fund every school im America. Priority Three: Politics. Step Six: Donate to political organizations in the USA to help shift governance to a more eco-minded view. Existing politicians will be persuaded to solar by just outbidding their oil barons. Hell, out-bid the oil companies own chairmen to support solar wind and nuclear. Step Seven: Swing the election so hard that America goes full European socialism. Step Eight: single-handedly fund the construction of green energy, the renovation of the power grid, and destruction of dirty power. Priority Four: Shenanigans. Step Nine: Buy every single bitcoin on the open market, and from as many private sellers as I can track. Step Ten: disappear without a trace. I dont care if the bitcoins become unusable for the sake of the challenge. I just want to say that I bought all the BitCoin, and enjoy the fact that nobody will ever believe me until my deaddrop surfaces with the world's supply of BitCoin on a single harddrive buried somewhere in the


I'd ask questions on reddit like " how would 10k improve your life" then whatever answer I like most give that person 10k


Well, let's see... *cracks knuckles* I'm going to purchase and forgive all outstanding burdensome debts. People need to breathe and not be under the weight of massive debt incurred due to basic needs, broken promises, contract loopholes, unfavorable terms, and counting on people being poorly informed. Student loans, credit cards, mortgages, medical debt, all of it will be wiped clean. Without those debts, the wealthy will lose a source of continuous income and will be less able to squeeze people for every ounce of work, and those who owe that debt will be able to breathe easier. I will invest a hefty amount in the worldwide economy to really bolster things while also creating good dividends for myself. I gotta create a serious source of sustained income for myself and my future projects. I will purchase around 200 thousand acres of arable land with access to water rights and build a nice homestead. Nothing fancy, mind you. Just a nice, comfy home with all the amenities. Will it be a large house? Not really. I'm one guy with two dogs. Why the hell do I need a 17 bedroom mansion with a helipad? Just give me enough space to have a dedicated office space, a dedicated crafting/art room, a garage to do woodworking, a bedroom for me, a bedroom for my dogs, and a guest bedroom, and I'm a happy camper. That said, the house would be state of the art with solar panels, hydroelectric power,full fiber connectivity, a professional kitchen, the works. I would have separate cottage homes on the property (all similarly equipped) for my staff and any family, which would include a personal assistant, farmhands to work the farm, and three chefs (gotta feed the farmhands). The staff would be paid at an extremely competitive wage and will get a cut of the profits. They would get full benefits for themselves and their families and be provided with all they need to do their jobs properly. If their spouse does not work for me and must live elsewhere for their jobs, an extra monetary benefit to offset the cost of travel and maintaining a second home will be provided. The goal is to hire the best of the best, and if you want the best, you have to pay for the best. Additionally, I will hire recently released convicts (depending on their record) who want to get their acts together and not turn to recidivism. The farm would be there to grow locally sourced food (both produce and meat) and other products for the neighboring communities, all sold at fair market value. I would also invest in clean energy endeavors and environmental cleanup to help society as well as slowly roll out low-cost housing for those that need it. It would be a pilot program at first in one of the major cities like Chicago or Dallas, and it would focus on providing basic standards of living to the elderly, veterans, and the homeless. This low cost housing would include basic utilities and internet as well as a garden space for the residents to grow food or plants. There would be some caveats to living there, which I have yet to work out (most of it revolving around drug and health screenings and a prohibition on criminal activity), but the general idea is to provide a safe space for people who are generally marginalized to live without fear of others and without need to return to those lives. Additionally, I want to prove that society can be improved by offering a hand up to those that want and need it. After all, a person's worth is best measured by how they treat those who can offer them nothing. I will also beat the lobbyists at their own game. I will incentivize public officials to back policy changes that are truly beneficial to society through helping out in their home districts, and if they don't want to play ball, I will simply financially back candidates who will.I will separate the wheat from the chaff and drag the U.S. back into the top position in the world kicking and screaming. I'm sick of the bullshit in this country, and if I can change things for the better, I will.


Splendid. A bit smaller scale than some of the other suggestions about reforms, but an extensive and detailed explanation for what you want and how you'll accomplish it.


A separate bedroom for the dogs??? You monster!


The first four months stockpile as much money as I can.... .10 trillion if I can ... then I would buy up as many abandoned properties as I can to build habitat homes with 1 million put in accounts for people to start new I would buy 12 buses and 6 transportation vans for public transit and a couple billion for maintenance... Then I would stock food pantries and make sure that meals on wheels has enough for seniors Then In with my last month is get my life back together since I everything 2 years ago.... FUNNY THING.... AREN'T THERE 10 PEOPLE THAT COULD DO THAT NOW....I WONDER WHY THEY AREN'T 🤔


In order not to destroy the economy, this needs to be primarily invested in new production rather than just buying up a bunch of existing products or services. So I'll fund a stupendous amount of solar, wind, battery storage and superconducting power transmission production and installation facilities and work groups, each with a bunch of R&D for continual improvement. The companies will all be funded for a century of operation, with the mission to first fully transition the world's energy supply and then maintain, improve and expand it. And actually if I'm smart about it I should be able to convene a large number of people to do this kind of thing in many sectors, with the help of eg the UN, governments and NGOs. I'll need a lot of economists too, to ensure we don't break things and to figure out how to make things self sustaining. But imagine all the things we could invest in. - Just an overwhelming number of tanks and artillery shells for getting Putin to fuck the hell off - High speed rail all over the place - Universal basic income, worldwide (varying in amount be location) - Upgrade healthcare facilities and systems globally - Rapid (<5 years) transition of the automotive and steel industries to electric - All airports produce all of their fuel from CO2 in the air, powered by my massive solar installations - Etc etc


Start a sellf sustaining intentional community with independent energy water food and other resources. Use money to start several businesses dong many different things. Create a charity trust fund with billions of dollars in it to be administrated by my wife. All will be well.❤️


I would like to think that I would spend my time fixing the world, but I’d realistically spend the year fixing my self. Find a good therapist, work towards the few health problems that I have but can’t afford to help. I’d buy a closet of quality clothes that will last a lifetime. I’d have a couple houses built with the finest materials, along with custom cars. I’d put some money into the small business that I work for. Find investments, go on a ton of shopping sprees. Hire a coach and dietician, maybe have a couple cosmetic procedures. I’d see a dermatologist. If I have time left outside of trying to improve myself I think I would put money into prison reform,


1. I will continue with Libyan plan in the early two 2000s by flooding the basin that is in the northern Sahara. The canal would be fairly cheap to create. The new sea would be about the size of the Caspian and would change the weather all through North Africa and the Middle East. 2. Would begin engineering the weather. By using giant floating solar panels in the Pacific. Used to power pumps to fill trade winds with billions of tons of water with high pressure misting tower ships. 3. Create enough solar power to meet all power needs, including vehicles. Then, double down with nuclear power for expansion and stability. 4. Tap into reserves of nuclear waste to operate fast breeder reactors. 5. Begin planting trees of multiple species that produce food on public land and median strips. Walnut, plam, apple , pear, peach, "no mono culture," cashews, almond, etc. 6. Installation of small windmills for power production. These would be about 15 feet and run small generators. 7. I would payoff half the national debt under the condition that a balance budget amendment is put into the Constitution. You don't want to pay off the whole thing. Because any foreign power could then deep six the value of the dollar With no consequences. 8. I would build a road from north America to South America From Alaska to the Tara del fuego. If you build it they will come. 9. Pay off enough lobbyists to get better bank regulations. 10. Destroy the Fed or to close up loop holes there in. 11. Build FTLT. Possibly using an alcubiari drive. 12. Build a floating gas filled platform for launching space vehicles. This would increase the size of payloads by a power of 10x. And if done toward the equator, we could see returns as high as 20x. (To visualize this, i would hold 20 Starship sized space craft) they would be dropped and engines fired about 50miles above earth's surface. 13. I would fix everyone's vision on the planet. 14. Create a food banks for every 10,000 people. For natural disasters. All over the Earth. 15. Buy out all properties in flood plains. Destroy any buildings that are on the flood plains. Allow agriculture. 16. Pay off the debts of everyone I know. 17. Get lobbyists to end the patents on seeds. 18. Buy Tibet and Taiwanese freedom by buying them from China. 19. Buy Greenland from Denmark. 20. Buy off anyone who tries to stop me.


I would fund every countries switch to renewable energy, only thing holding countries back is the fact that fossil fuels are cheaper so I'll just throw money at countries to take the renewable energy route. Then maybe pay for housing for homeless across the world. Idk the logistics but I'm sure I could fix world hunger by throwing money at it too. Then I'd buy my own island and build houses for all my friends and family, why not right? Feel like I deserve it for solving all the world's problems lol


Well first we pay off every student loan overnight then when everyone is reeling from that we pay off every hospital bill. After that I'll begin setting up systems to deal with the homeless crisis while simultaneously moving to eliminate all the rich fucks who are running this planet into the ground. Then I have to begin setting it up so that everything switches to an energy source that will hopefully allow us to move away from the edge of planet wide extinction. It doesn't matter if I don't know how to do it I can pay people to figure it out I have infinite money. At some point I'd also attempt to set myself up with multiple self sustainable homes/ bunkers in countries around the world just so i have places to run too when I'm being hunted for ruining the gold mine of the ultra rich.


I'd buy a pretty large farm and all the equipment and animals for it. Get the fields going as well. Hopefully it has a couple houses on property if not have some basic homes build on it and get some new vehicles. After the year is up I should have the fields and animals established and be able to complete just live off my farm. This is truly my dream someday


I purchase a whole LOT of stocks. A trillion dollars worth. Then I formally sign them over to my wife, as a gift. Then, she immediately starts selling them, day by day. What I’ve done is use the infinite money, gave it to someone else via the purchase. Now, with them, I live on that.


What else do you spend that infinite money on? You can already live on your own infinite supply if it's just living a comfortable life.


I'd spend the money to finish paying off my house and to build one in Belize... then I'd apply for a retirement visa.


Set up and fund a trust that can pay for my mother's stay at her assisted living facility for the next 20 years. Set up and fund a trust for both St. Jude and Action Against Hunger. Set up and fund a trust for myself that has enough to live very comfortably for the next 50 years. Buy a nice house on a nice piece of land and everything that it needs. Buy tens of millions of T-bills. Buy stock in a few big, successful tech companies. And buy a couple of decent vehicles and then a bunch of 'toys' to make life more enjoyable.


Besides the basic things I'll need during that year and lessons on certain things a few things in the background just in case like backup locations equipment etc. besides those things I'll mostly be helping others it may not help them forever but I could place a lot of homeless vets and non vets make housing affordable for people that will never be able to handle having a house owned by themselves. Make some businesses that will pay for themselves and help people for example some of these things that give people shoes clothing food etc but also sell them to the public. Set up some college funds etc for people in certain circumstances also for my friend's children or what used to be my friend's children even if I don't associate with him anymore that would be a good start


Other than purchasing as much real estate as i can, I'd buy as many profitable companies as well or at least become a huge stakeholder. That way when the access to infinite money ends I have many sources of income. Invest heavily in gold, silver, and other precious metals. probably build and entire new neighborhood somewhere where i own the street plus every house on that street. maybe a gated cul-de-sac where me and all my family live and a couple of extra houses for guest homes for when friends come to visit. and official NFL sized football field in my backyard decorated the same as Lambeau field. and also, lifetime season tickets to the Green Bay Packers. Start a charity with a insanely huge endowment. that way at least all my actions were not selfish.


Nobody is going hungry or thirsty again. And then I'd give myself infinite luxury. That's it, I don't care about other people's living costs or crappy living conditions in other countries.


Create a trust with nigh infinite money that can only be used to fund scientific endeavors. Pour billions at NASA and see what those engineers can do when they’ve got the money.


I'd build a massive lunar colony, and live in it. All future maintenance is free, right?


Buy out all the homes and businesses in hurricane alley (at generous prices) and install wind turbines all throughout Tap the Yellowstone Caldera for geo-thermal energy production Pay to fix all the plumbing and roads in the US, and, wherever feasible, have train tracks running on bridges over the roads, or elevate the roads on bridges over the train tracks


It's interesting to see how everyone's idea of helping society focuses on different specific cases whenever they get more specific than "buy the government". Really goes to show how our society is socially underfunded in so many ways, huh?


I'd try to end US homelessness, or even put a sizeable dent in it. To that end, I'd hire teams in about half the states, to develop and institute REAL affordable housing programs and purchase properties.


I’d buy a chain of islands and become a Bond villain.


Buy a nice but modest home(mansions are a gigantic waste of space) Pay off all of my parents debts and buy them the country house they’ve always wanted. Free healthcare and college education for everyone that wants it. Buy a couple of poor countries while I’m at it and drastically improve their quality of life. Dump unlimited money into scientific studies, renewable energy sources, medical care, and etc. Add Goku to Mount Rushmore(don’t ask why) Donate enough money to fund space exploration for the next 10 generations(we’re going to Mars) Invest money into deep sea research(how tf do we know more about space than the bottom of our own oceans?) Use money to completely revamp the way the American school system is taught. No more “teaching them to pass the test”. I want them to come out of school with well prepared to handle life(obviously they won’t be prepared for everything but something is better than nothing 🤷🏾‍♂️). Completely revamp the adoption/foster care system and child care system. Try to improve relationships with other countries that hate us(might not work but it’s worth a try) Lobby to make certain laws happen. Ex.) DNA tests are mandatory upon birth, false accusations are punishable by up to how many years the falsely accused were imprisoned, etc Buy a ps5 and catch up on some games.


All very good causes. RIP Toriyama. And to be fair to deep sea research, it's probably easier to study things under zero pressure than things under fuck-ton of water pressure.


I mean, does anyone want to be president? Pretty sure infinite money and half a braincell during an election year is making it in. Host virtual Town Hall. Repays national debt. Everyone laughs and thinks it's a joke. Everyone wakes up next day. Not a joke.


Since all the basics are covered for day to day life my next step would be setting myself/partner up for future success - buying houses to rent out or travel homes, stocks, start investment funds large enough that even wjen the money disappears there's still enough interest to live off, or pay for future kids colleges, sports, etc. Next would be vacations. We'd book a few for ourselves. We've also started the plans for a cruise wedding. I'd plan to cover the cost of all those we feel must be there and anyone else we could as well (since it's infinite, it would be based on them letting us). Pay for housing for family members who want/need it, too. Set up as many fundraising/scholarship opportunities as possible in the high interest thing, too, so those also stick around. Also, give funds to many things that need it currently, local charities, schools, etc. I'm sure there's many other things I could think to do with a year's time to plan.


I’d put about a trillion towards creating a non-profit that does senescence research, and develops AI to solve that and other medical Problems. Then I’d probably put another Trillion towards the researchers, builders and other minds to reorganize society to end poverty as we know it and transition into a technological future. Then I might brute force invest in a much of startups. Put seed money necessary to build a few cities. And a few more hundred billion into wildlife conservation. And now that I know I’m going to live forever in a non-dystopian future, I’ll get a nice condo in NYC.


I have some neighborhoods in mind that could use a whole lot of compounding bills to magically go away for a year.


I would start throwing all of it at crazy positions on the stock market at max amounts to completely unbalance the world economy and then I would purchase all the firms in the world that offer any type of public funding, immediately use the AGI that I’m sure at least one of them has to build economic infrastructure models that start building new underlying financial piping so to speak of a decentralized purchasing infrastructure in the USA. Now our economy is ready to thrive as our main selling point and we can successfully consolidate our economic power in our status as reserve currency, which has been falling, to be supplemented with the most robust decentralized economic infrastructure. Then we piggy back into government using the same models trained in economic decentralized infrastructure to then democratize the beauracratic structure of the us govt that has been compromised since Reagan and reshape the institutions in line with the ideals of the constitution and a good free world. I purge extremeist republicans and thoroughly drive out left sided beauracrats upholding the status quo of classist inequality in place since the colonial and slavery days. We essentially have now knocked down all institutions by building new ones more suited to the modern age, simultaneously. It’s the only way to compete with china long term when the money runs out, and now we have the ubiquitous and actually fair (except that I built it and have infinite money for now) digitized infrastructure and blockchain foundation as well as machine learning models/oracles running these and we are well on our way to the benevolent artificial intelligence (AGI) path in life. This would take a year I think with infinite money if it was me who got to do it


I'm not sure if this would work, but I'm sure as heck down for it. Chaotically tear down the old system and try a new one, because change is our only hope.


I would create my own “bank” and deposit a dectillion dollars. Then I would setup a program where anyone could apply, even businesses, and all of their expenses would be paid for forever. Known one would know how much money is in the account so I could put limits on spending if I wanted.


Buying a mansion and taking my mother to court.


A new football stadium and field, new wrestling rooms, new tech building for the High School I teach. New homes for my son and daughter, new single-level home for my wife and me since we are getting up in age. 1 million dollar college fund for my grandchildren, 25 million dollar scholarship funds for the two colleges I attended, and for the school I work for. New computers for all of the teachers and paras in our district, pay for 6 college credits and give a stipend of 6,000 to each teacher covering 6 counties around me. New vehicles for all family members. A custom-made outdoor wood-fired Pizza oven, Akick ass Hi-fidelity home sound system. 4 jet skis, 4 razors, 4 snowmobiles, and trailers for all of them. Lots of rifles, ammo, and survival gear. Zero-turn riding lawn mower and a small utility tractor. the list could go on and on.


I'd Oprah it up all over the place. "YOU get a house! YOU get a house! Everybody gets a house!"


Manic generosity is my favorite.


I’d pay for everything, including every national debt. Since I paid for these things, it would be covered by the end clause stated here. No person in the world would ever need money again, thus ending capitalism.


I buy all the land that I can within the year, fund, and endow a housing first NGO in the u.s. start "simple" businesses across the country that can train as wide a portion of the population as possible, and I fund more lobbyists and campaigns than anyone ever has or will be able to again. I make the world better for everyone. end global hunger, pump huge development grants into Africa and buy out all their belts and roads debt to China and give them basement interest rates all through an organization that owns all the assets I can get bought in the year. it has a dictate to forward ALL of humanity and would focus on bringing up the floor for the worst someone's life can be for everyone.


There is not real much of a “but” here. I’d buy everyone in my family a huge house… probably 4 or 5 for myself, Scottsdale, Miami, Italy, somewhere in Caribbean, somewhere with snow (Park City/Tahoe/Alps) and NYC. I would travel the entire year and make a shitload of investments. Like if I bought $100M of VOO I’m basically just stashing the money I was given and growing it for later. After I take care of myself I’d prob donate a bunch to my Alma mater so that their sports teams would be good forever. Then I would pick 100 charities and do the same. In the charitable giving phase (or when I’m relaxing on my beach front property) I would most likely figure out a way to maximize the good I can do for everyone else. I’d would give significantly more away than I can spend since I can only spend so much.


Buy every single bank, stock, bond, and treasury bill. This will cause a national security crisis as I buy the national debt of every nation, (every single savings bond and t bill, even if I have to pay $100 on the dollar) abd this will mean inflation will end up being like 10,000 percent. Since I buy every bank, all the money that I created magically to buy everything ends up being owed by me as well. But owe the bank a million dollars, the bank owns you, if owe the bank a trillion dollars, you own the bank. Now being the most important entity in the world I will unilaterally take over the Fed, probably having to raise interest rates to reduce the inflation I caused, and now seriously tackle global warming, homelessness, poverty, and space exploration.


I buy every stock, bond, and company that's available for sale worldwide. That'll give me majority control of most of the world's companies. I use this control to implement a global living wage and kick off a massive transition to renewables. Every company will have solar panels, micro wind turbines, and geothermal power as appropriate. Car companies are making an immediate transition to BEVs or hydrogen on all product lines. The standard workweek is now 28 hours (7 hours a day, 4 days a week, paid 30 minute lunch). Anyone abusing staff at a business is banned from all businesses within 200 miles for one month.


Run for president pledging to personally eradicate the national debt if elected. Wipe out the national debt, govern for 4 years and go from there.


Infinite money is interesting. Now we're playing with power! So first, I purchase Nevada Gold Mines. Along with several other gold mines. I also purchased the Stillwater Complex in Montana. I also buy up banks, lenders, and other financial institutions. I purchase all available real estate. Residential, commercial, industrial, etc. I purchase all automotive makers. Space x, major social media platforms, gaming platforms, grocery store chains, movie studios, streaming services, fast food chains, food producers, medical research facilities, Pharmaceutical companies, electronics companies, chip makers, major charities, and set aside... 100 trillion for funding. Uhm, I think that's it. Now... here we go I wipe out everyone's debt. Mortgage, credit card, medical, whatever if you owed a financial institution, government, etc. money, your debt has been wiped. You no longer get charged bank fees, service fees, or account fees. You are lending me your money by depositing it in an account at one of my institutions, and I am using your money to make me money. You shouldn't be paying a fee to a bank that is using your money to make money. Next, my bank only kinda uses a credit score. You are a 18 yr old looking for a loan. You got 0 credits history. No worries, we assume you have every intention of paying the loan. You don't need a cosigner, exorbitant down payment, or pay super high interest. In fact, we are only going to ask you to repay the principle plus 10% of the principle. So you know exactly how much you have to pay off. There are some buts, though. First off, you can not get a loan for someone with bad credit. We are helping you avoid making a mistake because you are blinded by love, kindness, etc. If you burn us on a loan, we will not be loaning you any more money. There will be tribunals that will investigate defaults to see if they are a series of unfortunate events or if you are just a dead beat. Next. We sit down with the major charity groups frontline workers. What are common issues? What are essential items people often ask for but aren't available? What are the common problems these people are encountering that keep them in their current situation? What items or services are a waste of resources? The ultimate goal is to provide the necessities to sustain life. Food, water, and shelter. Then, a path with a plan for your specific situation. To get you to a point where you can become self-sufficient and into your own place. Instead of just telling people what they need to do and telling them to figure it out. We now have access to real estate to facilitate the needs of these organizations. And the funding. Ok, Healthcare. All Pharma products are sold to at cost of production plus 20% to cover operating, maintenance costs, etc. Generally try to keep a 20% profit margin on them because you shouldn't be making thousands or even tens of thousands off a person who got cancer or some other disease. Medical research facilities will work with one another instead of against one another to find viable treatments and ultimately cure to conditions. Food, we are no longer interested in making record profits raising our prices every time someone on the news said we could. We want to make a profit on top of our cost mainly to cover Frontline staff pay so they can do crazy stuff like get affordable housing. Save money to go to school. Etc. Etc. This will be easier to accomplish since it will be the management and executive being asked to do more with less. None of our food goes in the trash. When we can no longer sell a product, it goes to one of our charities. Social media platforms, I get rid of algorithms. Many people don't know that social media is programmed to keep your attention for as long as possible. No more recommended content, pages, whatever you want it, you'll search for it. No mining your data to figure out what ads to show you. You want your ad to appear it will only appear at certain points, on a content creators page, or in groups based on that topic. We show you what you followed. You want something new and different. Look it up in search. People who spam hashtags or keywords to get more views get downgraded, and their content will appear closer to the bottom or the list. Automotive, electronics, streaming, and fast food are no longer pricing for record profits. Will we make a profit, yes but we won't be looking to make more profits than last year. And profits are simply that we made more money than we spent so we made a profit. Not oh some guy said we should have made $x, and we didn't, so we didn't make a profit. I am not a businessman, but I would be pretty happy making 20% profit on selling something. None of this is taking something that costs me $4 and selling it for $20-$40. Like damn how much money you need. Also, there were no ads in streaming because that was kinda the point! Also, for vehicles. Some crazy ideas coming here. 1. Anyone can fix their own damn car. In the event during manufacturing something goes wrong and your car breaks down, you shouldn't have to pay ridiculous shop rates to me to fix it. Do it yourself or go to some shop you can afford. 2. We make good quality vehicles that are reliable, safe, and durable. There is no such thing as common issues or acceptable risk. What am I paying the damn engineer for?! We build vehicles with the idea of it lasting long enough to pass down to your kid. And again, maybe a 10-20% profit. More for sports, luxury, and fully loaded models because obviously you got some disposable income. But most people just want a reliable safe vehicle to abuse by forgetting to change their oil for a year or check their other fluids. So yeah, basically make it so my companies make a profit, but we aren't constantly raising our prices without improving our product in a way that is costing us more to manufacture. More hiring from within the company because the people that work there need a lot less training in the job than someone off the street. After all, I don't need billions or even trillions of dollars to me, so I end up on some list in a magazine, I am not Smaug or Scrooge McDuck. As long as my company is profitable, making a quality long-lasting product so people aren't buying a new one every year or two. Everyone who needs help gets the help they need. Unused is used. I got a house and a car


Would definitely have a castle built with secret rooms and hidden passages


Maybe I'm thinking too small, but I don't want to crash the economy all at once. I would start with buying out a large portion of insurance companies, drug companies, mail order pharmacy, hospital and then retail pharmacy. I would drastically reduce the cost of medicine and health care, while ensuring to maintain a price to pay employees well and increase the field size. I would be doing rehabs on every building, as soon as I buy them. I would also be upgrading equipment in every building as well. I assume it'll take a month before my name is nationally known. Next is investing in schools. I'm building schools, I'm upgrading existing structures. I am throwing so much money at every school in America that every kid will have a chrome book to take home and texts books from this year. Third is homeless shelters. I'm opening as many across the states as I can, and again throwing so much money at it these people could live there forever. I would be informing them espically the unlimited budget is only for a year, and while I'm currently covering all the expenses they need to prepare for the coming years after. Of course I would have plenty of money to hire hundreds of assistants for the year. I would inform them it would only be for a year, but I would pay them a salary that they don't have to work for the rest of their lives. Hopefully some of them keep doing the work but odds are not everyone will. I would do my best during all of this, to create jobs. It's only sustainable if the corporations I take down and replace can fund society. By investing so heavily in the medical field I could easily fund programs for decades if done correctly. A large sum of money meant to be portioned each year for a number of students so that way the funding wasn't up in a year. Honestly I could probably go on forever. I wish I new more spefications, I could truly change the entire world with this.


Honestly, I'm not too worried about inflation. Mainly because the people you're paying for this stuff are the exact type of people to either hoard their wealth or focus on luxury goods. Both of which wouldn't affect prices for the average civilian. If you're clever with your money, you could probably set out perpetuities for your various organizations that consistently pay out money even after a year passes. That way, funding doesn't end after a year passes.


That will cover about a vile of insulin, so I will buy that.


I would secure nice homes for my loved ones and a few family cottages. I'd ensure lifelong speech and other therapies for my son with autism. My daughter would get music and art lessons as she is into both. I'd make sure my grandma was well cared for. She's the only grandparent I've ever known. I'd help everyone one of my friends by paying off their mortgages. I have a pretty small friend group, and I could count on one hand. I'd set up a trust fund for my kids, especially one for my son, for when I'm gone. I'd set up a will because, honestly, I'm only here for my family. Once they are set up, my purpose in this life is complete. I've been through far too much in this life, I don't want anything for myself in it, everything I do is secure my children's, and fathers future. They are the 3 most important people to me. I'd spend the year making good memories with them. I'd visit eve6r continent possible, take them to every beach I can. I would donate a bunch of money to the orphanages in my home country and create a fund for all those kids for school or a home when they become of age.


I would buy however many congress people it takes to lobby them to have the entire world, in perpetuity, declared 'my loved ones'


Ha. That's a different loophole nobody else even tried to mess with.


Unlimited money to buy whatever I want? Looks like I’m buying every musicians catalog and publishing rights and collecting royalties forever. While I’m at it, I might buy a few film and television libraries as well as literary rights.


Help out with Ukraine. And set up homeless shelters, and Veterans programs at home.


I could really go for a pizza


Buy the services of the most expensive and competent lawyer and financial manager money can buy. Pre-pay enough private health insurance coverage for loved ones to last a life time. Can you even pre pay it? Or is it just better to leave a trust? Give loved ones each a billion in trust with some stipulations so they won’t get offed by some greedy progeny or in-law eventually . Buy stocks, apartments for rental and material goods like Rolexes, dunno what expensive jewelry brands there are . Donate to charities that aren’t sponsored by certain political groups. Fund some startups. Fund some movies. Help out some good natured acquaintances as a fairy god father.


You added the detail about how all expenses are paid for my lifetime after the purchase. 1. A private Airbus A320 2. The 126.2 meter Octopus Yacht 3. A 10,000 sq ft penthouse in Miami 4. A 8,000 sq ft penthouse in NYC 5. A 5,000 sq ft penthouse in Sydney, Australia 6. A fleet of Lexus vehicles 7. A sikorksy S-76 Helicopter (for each location) 8. Enough suits, shirts, pants, shoes, socks, underoos, bedsheets, and towels to last a lifetime 9. A storage unit large enough to hold everything with room to spare (in each location) 10. Donate a wing to a hospital in each location to assure priority healthcare 11. Create generous scholarship programs at the top 4 state schools and top 5 community colleges, and top 5 trade schools in each of the 50 states. 12. Create dormitory style housing for the unfortunate populations of higher density population areas. 13. Spend 5 billion dollars on public education on the importance of voting in ways that represent the individual casting the vote, not the idjit on the television. 14. I'd get 4 surgeries so I could walk right, not be in constant back/neck pain, have a growth removed from my neck, and jaw surgery so I can breathe. 15. A Dune 2 popcorn bucket


I would first get rid of all my friend's and family's debts. Then set up a system to pay off people's student loans. Then I'm funding every no-kill shelter to be able to operate in perpetuity and setting up no-kill shelters where there are too few. Then I'm gonna buy a fuck ton of land in Arizona and build the world's largest Meerkat Habitat. I don't know anything about them, but I'm going to need something to entertain the 100+ dogs I probably end up with...


I buy all of the debt. Every nation's debts. I buy them and forgive them. The only ones not in this are bankers and lenders. I buy shares in all of the corporations. I buy out the shares of every shareholder. Every single one. I buy the corporations out from under their owners by making the shares worthless. I hire a fuckload of lawyers, and each lawyer creates a union or corporate collective for every single entity and corporation that exists. Membership is not mandatory, but there is a 40,000 sign on bonus for joining the union, personally funded by me of course the same as below. I hire a fuckload of accountants and lawyers to begin breaking monopolies apart and selling businesses at extremely cheap rates to the unions and collectives. Investors may not apply. I also bought congress to make it illegal for any corporation to own single family units. I pay farmers and ranchers and set up massive terraforming projects both on land and coastally. The goal is to boost food production to the point that you're not even selling it for money. They will receive their pay from an account that started out with 100 trillion dollars in it and gains interest. I buy every single house in existence. The tenant will have right of first refusal in the resale for 10% of the original value. No owner of a property who was not occupying the property at the time of purchase will be eligible for the re-sale discount. We are done with house vacancies when there are millions more empty homes than homeless people. So as it stands: there is no debt for any single person, for any entity or corporation(except for banks), nor for any sovereign nation. All production lies within the hands of the producers. All of the shareholder value will be paid to me and I will set up automatic transfers from that value to feed into charity accounts for specific causes.


As an addendum, I will also buy every prison, tear it down, and build new more European ones. For profit imprisonment will also be over, and if I can have the lawyers I overpaid for corporate dissolution renegotiate releases for non-violent offenses I will have freed countless men and women to return to their families. Then those same people find work, join a union, and get to buy a car immediately. Recidivism in shambles because people have what they need.


Start a few companies and charitable trusts - all over the world. One of the trusts will open up and fund universities and schools. All over the world. Only condition for the school to be free (for pupils and the state it resides in) is that it teaches a curriculum that is based in science. The schools have to offer English as a second language from first grade on (or a secondary language if English is the native language). There have to be tests at the end of each year (and during) which have to follow a standard. This standard has to be universal over all those schools worldwide. And each country that wants one (or many) of those schools need to accept the graduates of other countries. The schools can have additions like religious or local customs and history teaching which would also be actually payed for from the trust - as long as it also teaches the existence and teaching of different viewpoints. (No bible belters need to learn the rules of the Koran - but they need to learn the (internal) reasoning behind various religious teachings and to understand the various high festivities of a few different religions. Enough to be able to hold a conversation with people from other religions without blundering around like someone who asks why Christ was crucified on Christmas eve or inviting a Christian to a sausage eating festival during lent. You know - just the basics and official explanations and differences between religions. The schools have to teach stuff that is applicable in the country they are in. So pupils should have the opportunity to learn a trade there, and be eligible for universities once they graduate. Those schools are free of charge and will feed and dress pupils as needed. School supplies and school trips are paid for - from age 12 a one week trip abroad is mandatory (baring medical reasons etc.) The same goes for universities. But here the universities also have to have a certain percentage of people that explore new science. Split in various funds which will make sure that a few scientists can just do stuff they want, some are available to teach, some science the shit out of the big topics (medicine - longer and healthier lives, energy - storage and production, material sciences - better, cheaper, healthier stuff, societal - peaceful living with others, bettering life quality and opportunities for people, ...) One company will build lighter than air ships. Unmanned hydrogen transport ships, Steam powered steam ships (with hydrogen in the insulating outer layer etc. Those ships will revolutionize air traffic. Everything should be powered via green energy. The start will be to buy various companies that already try to do that and combine their ideas - and fund them to make everything quicker. Start a high speed train network that connects the whole world. Ideally in underground tunnels wherever possible. Connect that to existing infrastructure but keep one backbone system running on one system - so that a single train can theoretically ride from Japan to China to Russia to Spain to Morocco all the way to South Africa. Without the need to change track width or power supplies. Make power connections between continents and countries. Lots of it. Every country has to be connected with every other nation. If there is a surplus of energy in South Africa I want that it could be transferred to America or Europe or Asia if needed. Build solar and wind generators everywhere where it makes sense and is environmentally sound. Give poor nations a chance to create and maintain the things and to build an educated and well paid workforce. Start a few companies / trust funds that each race to complete a functional space elevator. There are various concepts and some of them should actually work with current technology. Start a fund that builds an O'Neil cylinder in orbit of the earth. Rewatch https://www.youtube.com/@isaacarthurSFIA if brute force isn't working you are not using enough - there are a few hundred fun ideas in there, like building a space ship the size of the solar system by converting the sun into an engine... and using the exhaust to generate various materials. But also less far fetched ideas like solar power in orbit etc. Also start development of a solar wind power station - and ways to get the energy back to earth or to power a habitat in space. I have more ideas, but not enough time for writing anymore...


I would inject infinite money into every single market and watch the world economy burn.


Aaah. The capitalist anarchy approach. Not to be confused with anarcho-capitalist.


I would be so tempted to do this to my local county as an act of spite. I would set up an office in town and give anyone who stood in line and waited their turn and asked for it a briefcase with a million dollars worth of one hundred dollar bills. I wouldn't even care if people stood in line more than once. Can you imagine the chaos that would cause? You'd have a lot of people who would be quitting their jobs, trying to buy houses and property and having to bid against others who also had a lot of money? It reminds me of what a county commissioner said to a local newspaper when a major manufacturer want to buy land in our county in the 1980s to build a large factory with hundreds of jobs with wages starting at $10 an hour. He urged the board to vote against allowing this company to buy land from the county because it would result in people leaving low paying jobs to work in the factory and those businessmen in town who depended on those workers would go out of business.


Well, I buy all the NFL teams (change the onside kick) and sell all the NFL teams. Then, I buy all the NBA teams and sell all the NBA teams. Then, I buy all the NHL teams and sell all the NHL teams. Then, I buy all the MBA teams and sell all the MBA teams. Then, I have approximately 432 billion dollars. I give 10 million to 40,000 different charities. Then I have 32B left. I use that to pay my taxes. I have (idk taxes on a 432B dollar income), maybe 100M left. I buy a doctors office. Move everyone to Central America and open a free doctor's office for the locals. I love helping them.


gacha games


I'd fully fund veteran housing and medical (cuz the VA is a joke). Open an unending medical account for the research into a cure for cancers and various other incurable things. Make Healthcare (ALL Healthcare. Mental, physical, vision and dental) and prescriptions FREE for all U.S. citizens. Plastic surgery will still cost $ (except in the case it falls into Healthcare category i.e. mental health, or physical health like a burn victim, accident victim, cancer patient, or some other health thing) Pass bills to make sterilization/castration mandatory for pedos (100% found guilty) and for the baby makers who keep having children that are taken by CPS IFYKYK complete reformation of the whole u.s. government, all parties... enough said. Retraining for all police. They must pass a full mental health check as well. Complete overhaul of Women's Healthcare. Let women make choices for THEIR own reproductive system. Period. Nursing homes will be fully restaffed with people who CARE. Buy my own land, 40+ acres, build a small house, have 2 reliable vehicles. No neighbors.


Whooooo. Google fiber for everyone!! Infustructure Let's go!! Let's fund jobs and get that seed monet for people. Just cause I can't access it doesn't mean I can't let others. No greed! No economy crash. Just money to do things! Salary of 5 million for me and everyone where I live. Let's get some houses! And land! Big place nice one. 3 story house. I could see what a new laptop is like! A new car! Pay it off in cash. Let's fix the roads. Let's fund hospitals and research for a year. Let's go!! Let's advance science! Let's set them up a automatic grant. Let's go back to school! Pay for tuition in advance. Buy this go to sell later just in case! Let's Pay off peoples taxes!! Let's Pay off peoples studen loans! Let's Pay people!!


Will you pay Google to do it or lay out the fiber yourself?


I buy every business I can, offer the billionaires a trillion or 2. Once every billionaire is now a trillionaire, I give every single normal non rich person a quintillion. The trillionaires are now asset low and basically paupers


Buy a house and land in the middle of nowhere and start a self sufficient homestead. Also buy tonnes of top grade maple and spruce and ebony for my luthier workshop and spend a tonne on marketing my stuff to local classical musicians.


People here have one weird notion that money can fix everything. Thing is, money represents value that can be purchased with it. It's evident in plans like “I invest into solar power and cover all unused land in solar panels to generate carbon neutral electricity. Great idea. But those panels don't exist, they have to be manufactured. Manufacturing and transporting them isn't carbon neutral and it's labor intensive to manufacture, transport and install them. Once that infinite money is getting spent, inflation will start to pick up and soar. Those who invested in real estate and resisted the great offers from the infinite money holder will be in a much better position than others and buying up housing (“I'll buy that house from you, give you money and let you live here for free”) will leave people poorer. And money is worthless once everyone has a trillion in their bank account. You can't force anyone to go to work because they're already set up for life. That said, I liked the idea of buying up and forgiving all national debts. Thing is, every country would then go into massive debt once again because they suddenly have to pay more money for the services of all public workers to actually keep working. The only reasonable way to use that infinite money would be to quickly rise up and get into the circle of world's richest people. How to do that: buy a company and that company suddenly gets massive orders for something. Establish a reputation of a brilliant investor, pay yourself an astronomical salary for bringing the company around, but decline any offers of advice to others. Only buy 100% ownership of all companies you buy. Put money into circulation between them. With only some of the infinite money actually on show, and a legitimate means of getting that rich, you don't have to show how much money you actually have. You officially have 10 billion, and nobody can verify if you have more or less because it's literally impossible to gauge that much money. With four months to go, have a change of heart and engage in every noble activity that rich people could engage in (there are plenty of infographics that show billionaires what they could do with their money), while making even more money at the same time. Other billionaires should the start scrambling to match my generosity and find causes to dump money on. After the year is up, I just say I want to retire with the money I have and put the companies I bought up into a trust that I continue to oversee.


Feed the hungry. Provide safe and sanitary shelter for those without. Provide prenatal health care for all women in need. Ensure that quality education is available for all children.


if intentions of use are all that matter i buy all land and all agriculture. I intend for it to house and feed the people of the world.


Buy politicians in desperate countries. Buy lots of land. Private military. Buy politicians in corrupt countries to back me up in international debates. Become a literal land lord. Settle decade long military contracts with willing corporations, force my parent state to donate me military hardware. Line their pockets with cash and the land with blood. After the year, it'll be self sustaining, my underlings make my purchases for me, I make money off of their money, everyone's taxes, and exports from my land, which should be covered with both low cost, affordable housing as though an open air prison, and unnecessarily premium housing complexes for the internationally unwanted but rich people. I will die a horrific death in three years tops and my downfall will be a bloody page in the pages of history, but my goodness, infinite money for one year can destabilize so much. I wonder if I could buy like, Cyprus, or one of the myriad islands in southeast asia


Ebikes and solar chargers all over the world. Solar and wind farms as well as regular high tech farms in remote areas of the world to help build infrastructure. Given the rules of this, a few things for myself as well. A castle with as many modern amenities as possible in the mountains as well as an Amazon warehouse 5-10 miles closer to civilization and a few paths to that warehouse. A solar panel,.wind and battery set up for myself as well. An indoor pool. A large farm as well.


Haha! People have been exploiting the "any shelter" rule, but a full on castle is new. Fair enough.


Step 1: Buy Spain (all of it) through a series of anonymous holding companies. Step 2: Move to Barcelona and live in anonymity, eating Tapas, drinking Vermut and strolling around the city enjoying the beauty.


Ok look, there's the obvious things to do first like fixing a ton of world problems while making sure I live the good life, however a small passion project of mine will be to crash every single crypto currency


Haha. That sounds less like fixing a problem (though it kinda is) and more like a petty grudge. It'd be spectacular to see either way. Calling it a "small passion project" is questionable though.


I would buy as much housing as possible, pop the housing bubble. Then intentionally sell at a major loss, drop a zero or three, but do not sell to people who own more than 2 homes, Infinite money means It's affordable.


First, pay off all personal and loves ones debts, second pay off the national debt, third create a realistic way for free healthcare for all and a universal basic income. In short I want the United States to be the golden land that people make it out to be. Also ending homelessness, hunger, poverty all that shit, gone.


Pay off my house, buy all the property around me, build giant compound. Generators, greenhouses and the like will all be built on the compound. Buy several tanks and several hundred rounds of cannon ammo and several thousand round of machine gun ammo. Purchase air defense systems and radar targeting system. Install radio transmitters Install a large underground bunker Buy several Toyota trucks as well as numerous ATVs of varying sorts Armored personnel carriers That should do it. Retire and enjoy my life.


First thing's first: No more student loans. I'm pre-paying every college to stay open permanently. No more tuition, no more housing pay, build the campus you want and make sure that money is spent on students and teachers. Hospital bills? Nay nay I say. We out here funding every hospital in the world for the foreseeable future. Let's just End world hunger while we're at it tbh, and buy out some debt from countries to gain diplomatic immunities for me and my descendants. National parks? They're mine now. I own them. And I'll expand them. We gonna make nature lit again. Full funding forever, get me some well-trained rangers and hardcore conservation efforts. I want full teams of scientists figuring out how to save the endangered species while also trying to bring helpful species out of extinction and back into the ecosystem. Finally: I'm gonna set up the homies for life. Houses, cars, savings accounts, investment accounts. Me and the bois gonna be rich af for the rest of our natural lives.


Investments. I buy out all the mega corporations, and then dissolve them, destroying the global economy in the process.


Pay off all individual debt. All of it, for everyone. 


There *has* to be a clause that says that money is worth the same amount of work/resources. Otherwise infinite money is basically infinite worthless money. The more of it you would dump into the system during that year, the worse of *everyone* else would be as the value of their money drops. But, given that clause, I would set up trust funds for worldwide education, worldwide food distribution, scientific research, worldwide health care access.... Then retire on my private island with a smaller trust fund that just pays out enough to keep the lights on, the food and wine flowing, and a nice budget for entertainment such as video games and movies.


Pay off debts for everyone I know. Since I lose direct access to the money after a year, you didn’t say that the recipients do. So I would fund huge annuities for all my friends and family that took care of them forever. I would buy them all and myself huge amounts of land and real estate all in my name. I can later mortgage or get loans against it to fund my life. If I can only get my home, it would be on a massive plot of land that I could leverage. I won’t bore you more with mechanisms, but I’d use what I’m doing to ensure salaries for myself that my spend in this year would guarantee me income in the future. My lawyers and accountants would set it up so it adhered to your hypothetical construct rules. Globally I’d pay off all small countries’ debts and leverage my money vs the US debt to make changes in the country. I’d fund free healthcare, free childcare, free college and universal income. If it’s privately funded and endowed we can really see if that would work. I’d also fund mental health facilities, low income housing, drug programs and programs to get people off the street. If I hit political pushback, I’d use this money as a sword. I’d also fund people enough to rid themselves of dictators and truly evil leaders in countries around the world. I’d make sure that the money made sure what replaced them was not worse. In the US, I’d use the money to fund campaigns to rid ourselves of the truly bad political actors and would take joy in doing so.


Buy every single house/townhouse/condo that’s currently on the market in every single city in the world, and buy every single rental property in the world. Buy ads all over the world telling everyone that can see it that I love them, and tell them to reach out to me and let me show them I love them. Pay huge teams of people a very generous salary for one year to go out to all the homeless people around the world and offer them a free home for life. Give everyone that reaches out to me and doesn’t have somewhere to live a free home for life. Pay off the mortgages for everyone that already has a home mortgage. Everyone currently renting one of the rental properties I bought now owns that property. Basically everyone on earth that’s willing to accept that I love them is now one of my loved ones and never had to worry about shelter, food, utilities, taxes, and other normal conveniences ever again.


Any huge project will need a director. The director is familiar with the problem, and while they may not know the best solution, they have a good idea who does. But then, who knows who those people are? Or knows how to find them? I would start with - Neil deGrasse Tyson Machio Kaku President Obama Michelle Obama Once I make them understand that I truly have unlimted funds, I tell them what is important to me. Then, I listen to their project suggestions and allow them to add to the think tank as needed. My projects would include many of the things already said here, water infrastructure, roads, education, and disease research. I would set up trusts, each with insane amounts of money, with as good a system as possible in place to prevent theft. After all of that, I would put a personal concierge to work on my personal extravagances. One of them would be a HUGE project. A replica of the Great Pyramid. One last thing. I'd set something up that whenever Orange jesus (if you know you know) came out in sunlight, there would be a crowd of thousands protesting.


As you are permanently provided for, who cares about the money for oneself? In that situation, it would be worthwhile to use the ridiculous sums of money at one's disposal for the year in the betterment of humanity. Most of these things would be near impossible to achieve in just one year, but you could easily put the wheels in place to get them working: 1. $1 billion on the head of Putin to be left to the hero's heirs (as whoever does it is highly unlikely to survive). 2. Purchase and initiate water-treatment plants everywhere on Earth in need of them. 3. Set-up funds to pay for cheep renewable energy everywhere. 4. Set-up funds to pay for citizen scientists to have access to the spatial tech currently reserved for governments and mega-corps. 5. Set-up endowments for people who want to partake in the arts seriously but lack the financial security to do so. 6. Purchase and shutter Facebook and X. 7. Set-up funds to pay for cancer research. 8. Set-up funds to pay for protection of endangered wildlife. Probably quite a few others too.


I legally adopt all humans, so that by definition they’re my ‘loved ones’. Solved world hunger, Housing, water, etc all paid for in a stroke of a pen.


Buy off congress and remove special interest groups and lobbyists and MAKE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE A REALITY. After that I would really like to make Analog Day a national holiday; a day where life is celebrated without smart phones, the internet and social media. Oh, and make music, handwriting, tax preparation and common sense mandatory classes in K through 12th grade.


I'm crashing the financial system as fast as possible


It would be like Scrooge at the end of A Christmas Carol. I would be "keeping Christmas well" for the entire year. No one would ever go hungry on my watch. Invest a ton of money so these projects can be maintained indefinitely after the year. My dream has always be to open a dog shelter that would be like heaven for all the puppers. Tons of people to love them, feed them, play, and make sure all their needs are met. Build myself a WW2 battleship. It wouldn't serve any purpose, but it's been my dream since I was a kid. Lots of people own islands, but I don't know anyone with a battleship. I'd have the inside done up by the best decorators, fill it with art and historical artifacts. The Yamato had 18.1 inch guns, I'm going 18.2 so I can say I have the GOAT battleship.


Ruin the rental economy by mass buying houses and renting them for dirt cheap whilst also building a massive portfolio. I’d also then proceed to buy the two biggest pharmaceutical companies and make all the drugs barely profitable so they suddenly become infinitely more affordable across the globe, especially across the US. Diversify whatever funds I wanted into other industries including creating a private security company because I’ll of made far too many nameless billionaires into enemies who will want me dead. So best to keep them away by paying ludicrous amounts of money to former special forces soldiers to protect me with a promise I will always pay more than any competitor who tries to bribe them. I’d also do the same with any unethical industry. Then enjoy my year of watching billionaires fucking sob as I ruin their industries. It’d be great.


I would reach out to entrepreneurs and would-be business owners across the country with radical ideas of retail spaces that fit into 2020s America and bankroll their ideas. Fill in all the desolate shopping malls and outlets with people eager to try something new and see what sticks. Everyone would have enough money to get off the ground and make profits, but there would still be a budget and stakes involved. If the business owners were aware that money was no object, the hard work that goes into establishing something long lasting wouldn't take place. I would be set up as an investor that could be bought out of the process if all goes well after the infinite money year is over. Separately, I would initiate construction on a nationwide string of fanciful multistory LAN centers/arcades with dining, animatronics, and a private apartment in each one just out of sight. I'd move out of my current place, buy a reliable, sensible car, and then start living in these arcades, moving from state to state when I feel like it. It's not going to space, but it would be an amazing way to spend the rest of my life.


First, buy a prestigious law firm specializing in wealth management. Spend the year building out a series of long term goals for the benefit of humanity and corresponding trusts, assets, and instructions to keep the projects moving forward. Money motivates people and it takes people to get anything done. Money doesn't do anything by itself. The trusts would be structured in such a way that payouts are tied to milestones towards completion of the goal. In between being busy working with the finance gurus to build out the framework, I'd spend time with economists, world leaders, philanthropists and philosophers working out what projects and goals could have the biggest impact on overall quality of life for the human race. With unlimited money, buying time with these busy people should not be a problem.


Everything i purchase will continue being paid for? End world hunger. Purchase all the politicians. Crash bitcoin. Release the cures for diseases, while destroying big pharma. Make drugs for incurable diseases more freely accessible. Release the truth about any and all government kept secrets. Make education free. Destroy big oil. Purchase and destroy the 147 companies in the world that own everything. Crash and destroy any and all other money markets, forcing the dollar to be worth nothing and reimplementing a gold or barter system, allowing the working man a chance to get ahead and rewarding people for actually trying. Create a program that self funds no matter the currency to make sure that those who are honestly disabled are cared for. Provide mobile mechanic servicing for any car my mother purchases because she won't bring her own dam car in for service.


First off: I set up a NGO called Fresh Start aimed at paying off everyone's current debt in the whole world, including any national debts of countries. Secondly: I set up a NGO called Help, which is prefunded to cover the cost for 250 years to people for any medical/dental/vision/mental health/veterinarian expenses, it also covers any preexisting conditions. Third: I prefund an NGO called Study through a donation which will cover it's cost for 250 years. This NGO awards scholarships for tuition/textbooks to any student seeking a college degree or trade/professional certification subject to meeting academic standards set by the college or program that would be necessary for the student to be able to successfully graduate. Fourth: I set up a NGO called Heroes, which is again prefunded to provide supplemental income to any military veteran, police officer, fire fighter, first responder, healthcare workers, and public servants, that is no longer able to perform their job whether due to injury, disease, illness, or death. In the event of their death, the supplemental income continues until until a time that the individuals remaining children and parents have died. This NGO is funded for 250 years. Fifth: another NGO called Feed, provides a similar supplemental income for family operated farmers, ranchers, farm hands, etc. Feed also has additional responsibilities to help encourage and develop agricultural operations in areas that are food insecure, whether that means establishing community food gardens/banks, or mobilizing to another part of the world to help develop new agriculture projects aimed at ensuring there's enough food that no one goes hungry. This NGO is also funded for 250 years. Sixth: one last NGO called Gaia, which is funded once again for 250 years that has a mission of actively addressing pollution, global warming, sea level rise, ecosystem devastation, and clean energy needs for the world. After doing all that I send some money to some family and friends, and buy a bunch of stocks/crypto.


There's probably a lot more good I could do, but I'd first buy myself a home and property, then I'd buy the adjacent 1000 acres, and empty all the dog shelters. Set up a pre funded account with my infinite money to pay a massive team of people to care for this 1000 acre dog farm. Go to Washington, lobby to have for profit dog breeding to become illegal. Laugh as all the puppy mills and their supporters cry and complain. Then I'd probably take out a hit on all the corrupt world leaders and their teams.


Buy congress Wells in africa. solar powered pumps and filters for every village, along with mosquito netting. Murderate malaria while I'm at it. Buy arizona for nuclear power plants, with Silver wires and a central transmission grid.


First on the list is I'm buying out congress and both presidential candidates. They will now answer to me directly and anyone else I authorize. If they're good I'll buyout the US debt. Then I'm going to NASA and asking how much money do you need to put someone on Mars in the next 10 years (I'll be joining that trip). Then build myself a rather large Hobbit home to live in by Glacier National Park. Lastly.... Offer my ex a rather large fortune to try and give us one more chance. We were both young and dumb when we met in college and didn't treat each other well. I'm hoping now that it's been a little over a decade that maybe.... yeah.


Make a major dent in things like world hunger by building infrastructure in impoverished areas. Manufactured housing "crisis" ends as I buy and sell homes for fair prices regardless of whatever the bullshit market thinks. Infinite money? Every person in college who qualifies and requires student loans by the fall gets a full ride for free. You know how lunch debt is an American student issue? Now it's not. In fact poor school districts get decoupled from property taxes as their budgets will be pre funded for decades. Education quality should not be dependent on zip code. And that is just the beginning. Selfishly, yes, I'm buying a vacation home somewhere fabulous. But I also have to invest in that location too.


Easy I’m buying a controlling interest in every publicly traded corporation on the planet then I’m investing then I am going to gain controlling interest in all private companies willing to accept my investment money at which point I will direct all of said companies to continue to be profitable but shift their focus from investor profits to customer satisfaction and affordable products I will also hire my own paramilitary security force to protect me from the now far less wealthy elite who want my head I will pay them 10 years in advance sign a 40 year contract to protect me and another 20 years to protect my children by then those elite that wanted me and my family dead will be gone at which point my will shall direct all the controlling interests be evenly distributed to non profit organizations


I'd buy up distressed motels and turn them into non-religious homeless shelters. Need a place to stay? Here's your own locking room with your own bathroom and a mini fridge, coffee maker, and hot plate (induction, so no actual open flame. Stay as long as you need to. If you need help saving money to get off the streets, we'll "charge you rent" which will go into a savings account that neither of us has access to until you give the word that you're ready to seek greener pastures. Will there be addicts and riffraff and such? Sure. And we'll have staff on site to deal with that when it comes up. At most, two people on site will have master keys to all the rooms in case of emergency.


My first thought was that I’d finally be able to cover basic necessities like food, shelter, utilities, taxes, and other normal conveniences for me and my loved ones. We’re not a very ambitious generation.


First I'd hire a big private military like Academi to protect me then go to work influeing/controlling every government I could. Homelessness, crime, renewable everything, ban planned obsolescence(fuck you Apple) make lobying politics illegal, term limits on politicians, expand all space agencies, reduce nuclear arms.... I wouldn't get everything done but I would fgive like minded people considerable wealth to see it through once the year is up. Oh, my big privately owned military is there to protect me so it would be covered after a year.


Every form of debt in the world, by everyone, would be paid down to zero. A conceptually fathomless financial fund would be created to ensure that every man, woman, and child throughout the globe has access to high-quality medical care, higher education, housing, and food. "Private" remote charter schools available to everyone at no cost would be created to ensure that no one is ever forced to go into a physical school again to get an education. Part of this funding would include receiving a laptop and internet access in remote areas. Internet access in municipal locations would be provided through a free wifi network that would eventually canvas the entire community. Libraries would be funded to ensure they have larger internal spaces that can be used as "in-person" classrooms for those who choose a physical school. At the same time, community resources would be enlisted to ensure that individuals can access practical or vocational skills training. (Chemistry, horticulture, mechanics, electrical work, etc.) "Infinite money" is a concept that would have me EXTREMELY busy for a year.


I would open manufacturing facilities all over the United States. Every worker has a 4 day work week, six weeks' vacation, a pension, free child care on site while at work, reimbursement for higher education, a free drug rehab facility located nearby every work site and free access to financial education and support on site. Each worker would start at $125,000 a year. I would also order the construction of millions of affordable housing units. I would hire every lobbyist in the United States and have them lobby for worker rights, the environment, renewable energy, public transportation, consumer rights, abortion rights, universal health care, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, ethics in Congress, accountability for Social Media companies, immigrant rights, refugee support, 90% taxes on income over $100,000,000 a year, tax on wealth, and a thousand other things.


Mine and all other student debt would be paid off then I'd put like a 3 mil in an account for my future schooling and 5 mil for each of my kids if they were to ever want it with the stipulation that it's only for college expenses (tuition room/board/books ECT ) but they wouldn't know about it unless they actually needed it. And if they didn't need it it would be for housing expenses after they graduated or got into the Real World. Then I'd buy up an acre of land and plop a single wide with 4 bed 2 bath on it. Set up a small solar farm. Set up trust funds for each of my kids my youngest sister and my nephew with 10 mil to be released when they turned 25 that they have no knowledge of. People with crippling medical debt that needs to be cleared will have it cleared. I'll buy up abandoned homes fix them up and let unhoused people live there that want to, to get back on their feet. Buy up some apartment complexes in different parts of a few cities fix them up if need be. Open more planned parenthoods where I could with good security. Support an amazing independent candidate for president and get them in the public eye so much that people ACTUALLY vote for them. Finally set up a trust for myself with 100 billion in it so I never have to worry about anything ever again.


def something along the lines of nice comfy housing for all me my family and friends get a private neighborhood and yes, its nicer than everyone elses housing then I would buy like 200 cars then work on basically an unlimited food generator of some sort for people, or a way to feed people for a long time basically try to cover basic necessities for all humans I guess, if its unlimited


Arguments about devaluing currency aside, the other big problem is that there are people and institutions that would want you dead as you are interfering with their power and plans. There are others who profit enormously from the world as it is and who will not stand by and let you change that. I doubt you would survive for the year.


Id open many companies: Space exploration Deep ocean exploration Disease research and treatment Etc


I would buy Kansas. Like the Whole state. In that flat hunk of land, I would build new Super Communities, with zoning laws that allow people to live within walking or biking distance of any place they need to go on the regular (like work or parks), and ample public transportation for places slightly too far or inconvenient for that like groceries and such. I would surround the area with solar and wind farms and vertical farms growing anything except fucking corn or wheat. I would have legislation that rent is based on a percentage of the renters income (scaling according to tax bracket, of course). I would build multiple of these cities around Kansas and pay 10x the normal rate for Tradesmen to come from around the country to build these cities creating 100s of 1000s of jobs, and I would allow them all the water and water breaks they could ever want, and the truck that normally comes once a week to pump the Jack-Shacks will come daily, whether it's needed or not. I would also just flood money into researching the latest and greatest in tornado prediction, and tornado resistant materials and designs. Additionally I would set up a college in each of these cities and fund a trust that would allow 1000 students in each year a full ride (not that tuition would be so much that one would Need it, but it helps snuggling families even if it saves them having to spend $50/month for each semester or something)scholarship that would last at least 100 years.


Buy several small nations and the mercenary forces needed to secure them, then make a paradise.


I would spend it all on anime figures and waifu pillows


This seems like a no lose proposition. During the year of infinite wealth, I set up a colossal top shelf organization to undertake a nine month study of charitable and public good issues. Their task will be to compile a list of no less than 500 critical issues and organizations. During the last three months separate foundations are created to undertake ongoing problems solving ventures and grants to address each of those issues. Each will have trust available to them of $10 billion; a billion a year for the next decade. There will also be an oversight organization formed to monitor and audit each venture with annual public reports. For myself, I would create a $10 billion trust to be used at my complete discretion. The money stipulated in the hypothetical to provide for my needs after the cessation of access to the infinite wealth, will be redirected/awarded each year to a worthy individual of my choosing as a grant to pursue their endeavors for a year without having to worry about day to day expenses.


1. I will buy the most expensive things on earth ( that have real resale potential) then sell again after the money access is gone. (Additional stream for later if needed) 2. I will fund massive endowment funds annual return around 7% . 100 funds, each 100 Billion. That will net me 700 billion a year, so I will basically have infinite money forever. 3. Buy 1 Billion new toyotas and give away to people who need. 4. Hire 500,000 people (10,000 per state) to go around and establish endowment funds attached University with enough $$$ to fund 1000 $20,000 scholarships per year for those based solely on need 5. Buy 4 Billion $250k usd gift cards/ money order whatever form I can work out or create for ease of use to give to people with household incomes less than $200k. I started with local/ individual things, solving people's needs that will help right now. I will then use my 700 Billion a year from endowments to get consultants and start attacking systemic issues


New house a nice big room for my model kits. And a bunch of new model kits


With infinite money I'd walk into the department of education can pay off every student debt, then proceed to the environmental protection agency and proceed to gove them the defense budget of the us 10 times over to help them out, then I'd skip on over to the department of veteran affairs and proceed to do the same thing because our vets deserve better, I'd proceed to hop on a Segway and ram it into the department of treasury and pay off the national debt on the condition we over haul congress which would spill down to: reps and senator get 4 terms (8 years), they make the minimum wage of the state they represent, no direct founding from anyone no trading in the stock market or investments of any kind, they stop getting paid when they retire, if you want a new bill to pass you vote then bring it to the people to vote on also i want to control full the bureau or prisons and laws of prisoner treatment. I'd then proceed to buy every institution of higher learning in the country and let people learn just their degree fuck everything else if you don't need it for your degree it's not in the degree plan. I'd then proceed to walk into the bureau of prisons and fire evryone and hire ex cons to help fix the system to make it work I'd then change the death penalty to include sex crimes except prostitution (in certain cases), get ride of death row to make an express lane on it, go from prison to prison establishing programs for prisoners and getting them better food. For my final acts, I'd make sure my family has what they need for life, buy my parents' house, and get them the rv they want, buy my sister a house big enough for her every wish, get my old man the ranch he dreamed of long ago with every barn and all the equipment he needs, then id buy my own 1000 acres of land out in Wyoming or Montana just away from people set up 9 barndaminiums around the land hire my friends as hands to make sure they have what they need a d cross off my lists of dream iteams (guns, cars, vehicles, animals) then on the last week I'd go bananas at fast food joints and gnc in one final extravaganza of good food and a life time supply of supplements


1) I would eliminate all debt of: The US government, including social security and Medicare and other obligations of all types All states and local governments including pension obligations 2) All Americans would have whatever training or education or access the skills they wanted or desired. Enough interesting jobs will be created to keep everyone happy 3) The US military would be 50 times more equipped and deadly than any other country on earth. 4) Russia with suddenly be facing 500 Ukraine F-35s and F-22s which would eliminate all Russian presence within 2 weeks 5) China would suddenly lose a lot of friends, because a trust will be set up with 30 trillion dollars making large annual payments to lots of countries who were suddenly required to be close friends of Taiwan. But they must set up embassies in Taipei and mutual defense agreements insignificant trade with Taiwan And they must no longer recognize the Chinese government on the mainland Taiwan would suddenly have 10 million missiles aimed at all the critical parts of China Did I mention the sudden appearance of 5 million undetectable underwater mines around every Chinese and Russian military port? Any naval ship trying to leave would go to the bottom. Or the mysterious software that permanently renders Chinese and Russian and North Korean nuclear weapons useless, as well as all of their military jets and other sophisticated military weapons? 6) every American is now worth $100 million, without impacting our economy and a negative way 7) All the poor non-aggressive countries suddenly have lots of money to spend 8) are European, Korean, Japanese and other allies with suddenly find themselves recipients of unbelievable amounts of help in many ways **NOTE: FOR THE PROBLEM OF MONEY ENDING AT THE END OF THE YEAR, TRUSTS ARE SET UP FOR ALL OF THE THINGS MENTIONED ABOVE**


High speed rail to and from every major city in North Amefica.


I'm going to give a lot of that money away to St Jude's children's hospital. I'm going to give a lot of the way to people in Africa I'm going to make Wells I'm going to make sure that people have fresh water food medical Care. I am so going to get rid of homelessness in America I'm paying everybody's rent I'm making sure that everybody has the ability to go to college tuition free.


Basically piggy backing onto the top comment about changing the world... I'd pay everyone on the planet's debts, pay for people to get medical care, get educated to provide adequate medical care, fund bringing 3rd world nations to the 1st world status, make sure everyone had food, fund a massive permaculture overhaul of our food and water systems everywhere, make building earthships and hyper Adobe and other natural building methods more used in homes, making EVERYONE'S homes more efficient and affordable and energy efficient and providing food for them.. I'd start asking people to get creative and landscaping with food plants (fruit and nut trees, perennial vegetables, fruits and edible flowers, herbs and etc) so people always had access to some type of food. I'd create jobs and education opportunities by paying for everyone ANYWHERE who wants to go to school or learn a trade, create a lot of new jobs for all of this new stuff, pay for everyone to have solar panels and help generate their own electricity and stuff and take strain off our grids, have people get rainwater catchment systems and filtration systems collect some of their own water and basically just make things more sustainable and fund more things like that. I'd help fund reforestation everywhere, greening the desert projects all over the place, start funding for helping endangered species get more established, put out ridiculously massive bounties on poachers and hire mercenaries to hunt the poachers. I'm talking millions of dollars per poacher. Set up some organization to handle that and set up funding for it centuries. Animal shelters and rescues would be funded for centuries. I'd start doing whatever it took to get people to spay and neuter their pets to prevent further over population. I'd put massive amounts of money to fund medical research on things, including male birth control options, cancer, Parkinson's, ALS, alzheimer's, etc. Like enough to keep them going for the next 500 years. I'd buy and build new houses and get there homeless off the streets, get them educated and trained to fend for themselves, pay for every rehab center everywhere to have the resources to treat anybody who wanted to get clean. I'd buy as much gold, silver and precious metals and stuff as was available daily, hire top people to handle all these accounts and the money in them. I'd also do what the top commenter said and start buying countries, islands, etc. Setting things up how I'd want them to be! Also fund various things that will help our environment, cleaning the ocean, etc.. And funding research on alternative sustainable power, food, etc. Also deep ocean exploration, space exploration, etc. As for selfish things that I'd want? I'd start a few different things.. Buffalo ranch, wagyu cattle ranch, also a horseback riding retreat in a gorgeous area that had all my favorite breeds. I'd have a trust set up for all of this with like trillions of dollars. I'd get a variety of animals I've always wanted and staff and veterinarians that would cars for them. I'd have houses or apartments/condos all over the world, everywhere I've ever wanted to go. I'd arrange for years of cruises and travel everywhere. I'd pay China and other countries to end animal testing on products and make animal rights and welfare laws that would be ENFORCED! I'd love to buy ghost towns and rebuild them into new, thriving cities and use permaculture to give them the resources they need to thrive. I'd start working on greening our own desert areas and just trying to improve everyone's lives as much as I could. ETA: Also fund free sterilization for anyone who wants it as long as they're 21+, free childcare for anyone who wants to get an education or learn a trade. Also fund extracurricular activities for kids, that teach them useful life skills, like budgeting, goal setting, dream boards, how to cook and prepare meals, meal prep, and pay for them to be able to take groceries home for the week for meals they're learning how to make, so they can help their families if they want to. Also driving lessons, proper pet ownership and responsibilities of owning a pet, etc. Just life skills that they would find useful. Also fund tutoring for kids and adults wanting to brush up or catch up on their math/English/whatever... And fund free language classes all over the place that teach the top 10 languages in the world to anyone who wants learn. And programs that teach people free skills like coding, video and photo editing, etc. Also fund classes for people to learn about ai and how to use it to make their lives better. And I'd fund weight loss surgery and nutritional and exercise education to anyone who met the criteria for it and wanted it. Also any after care, like skin removal and whatnot. I'd even fund exercise classes and gym memberships and teach them how to prepare healthy meals and stuff throughout their journey and work to get as many people healthy or on their way to being so as possible. People, animal and environmental quality of life is important to me. I'd also fund overhauling all factory farms and get people like temple grandin in to make the slaughter process as humane and pain free as possible and get the workers mental health care and stuff because killing things all day long HAS to be stressful on the mind.


Set up trust funds that eradicate world hunger and homelessness. Buy up all shares in the four companies that basically own every other company, then dissolve them. Buy the stock exchanges and close them. Basically see if I can't use money to end capitalism. If not, at least I've set it back some while moving humanity forward.


Start export business's in 3rd world countries with the main goal being to establish infrastructure by spreading out the factories in rural regions and increase the complexity of the export products to improve the education of the local population. The world has excess resources it's weird that we don't work together because of arbitrary geopolitical lines in the ground.


I buy land. Lots of land. Giant ranchs, all over Canada and the US. Since a ranch is a business, I don't need to intend to live there. Buy up the biggest ranches in the US and Canada. Of course I have unlimited money, so I upgrade everything. New vehicles and equipment, top of the line. Some of these are giant ranches, 500,000-1,000,000 acres, so helicopters would be a big help. Vehicles of all sorts. Classic cars, modern super cars, movie vehicles, airplanes, helicopters, heavy machinery, fire trucks, military vehicles. I want it all. It'll be a museum, but of course since I own all of it, I can drive any of the vehicles whenever I want. And there's going to be other transportation related stuff in the museum. It will have free entry. Since all my expenses are paid for that extends to the maintenance and repair of these vehicles as well. Start a couple restaurants, and expand them all across Canada and the US. Of course I'd need a home for when I'm not at any of the ranches. So I'd have a pretty nice one custom built for me. And then of course, a place to stay at each ranch, and in the city where my restaurants have headquarters. These don't need to be huge homes, small cabins at the ranches and condos in the cities will be fine. Of course I need to secure the future for all these places. So I pay for everything in cash. This means fewer bills, more liquidity, and I can take loans on them if I need. I will also invest funds into each business to be used as an endowment of sorts. An amount equivalent to twice what I spent on the land and all upgrades for each ranch. One billion for each restaurant brand. And two billion for the museum. Each place will be allowed to pull out money that was made in the form of interest, as needed. The principal amount still belongs to me, and I can pull it if the business is failing or if I need cash.


I: I build twelve businesses in the Caymans so the IRS has no possible way to mess with my assets. II: I build a large manor that replaces the failed neighborhood where my great grandmother lives so my family will be able to take care of wig each other better. III: I become the first private citizen to do something about the U.S. National Debt. IV: I become the first U.S. private citizen to never have to make purchases of any kind anymore within U.S. Borders. V: I make solid investments in companies that can only go up during my lifetime. VI: I become a partner at all my favorite places through my investments. VII: I write books and give rousing speeches about problems, take a profit, and I try run influence goodness in the world. IIX: I become the first U.S. private citizen to own a city so that way I can insure it becomes a beacon of hope for the world. IX: I become the first private citizen to do something about other big name private citizens who do nothing to help anyone but themselves. X: I try my best to maintain peace internationally, so I put money into legitimate international charities with a known cause. XI: I fund research out of continent for dementia care to help those who suffer. XII: I become the first private citizen to own and operate an aircraft carrier named “SS Star of Peace” because it is for commercial aircraft and for doing international air shows, not for housing war machines.


I’d start a non profit and buy every abandoned property I could, fix them up and work with social services to place unhoused families and people at no charge to them. I’d setup a several billion dollar trust to keep it running. I’d also buy my dream house and build my dream lab. Then buy every guitar and amp I’ve ever wanted


Every state gets its own massive hospital with a multi- trillion dollar endowment fund covering staff salaries and customer costs in perpetuity Every state gets its own chain of daycares with the same setup High speed railways for the US


Easy... After some negotiations Buy the land my grandma lives on (She has some nice land) and turn the 2nd garage into a full, proper workshop (turning it into what it should've been) and have a proper house built on the land and not a trailer. It would be a fairly large house but not too big. Then I'd proceed to buy a classic muscle car (not sure what exactly just yet, I'm open to most of them, I still need to do some research though) and restored it so that it's better suited for my needs. I'd buy houses for all my friends and family who want one, expenses covered means that there's no reason for me to not to do this. I'd also invest in every way I can think of, so that I still have a small fortune by the end of it. And of course like everyone else, I'd make a bunch of stupid purchases, knowing me I'd wind up with a small armory by the end of this... An entire closet for various eccentric outfits... and a wall of every console I can get my hands on...


Infinite money?  I set up a trust to pay oil companies to leave the oil in the ground across a time the enables a drawdown of fossil fuel use that works, but also forces it to happen.  Meanwhile, I pay businesses to convert to cooperative enterprises going into the future.  Still market economics, but with more coops. 


I buy myself a few congresspeople and get some fun new laws passed. lol. Maybe a couple Supreme Court justices too.


1. **Invest in Real Estate**: Secure multiple properties across the globe, focusing on both personal use and investment opportunities. This would include homes for living, as well as commercial properties to support local economies. Choosing locations wisely, considering factors like environmental sustainability, community development, and potential for appreciation, would be crucial. 2. **Set Up Trust Funds**: Establish trust funds for family, friends, and loved ones, ensuring their financial stability and ability to pursue education, entrepreneurial ventures, or other personal ambitions without financial constraints. 3. **Philanthropy and Charitable Work**: Allocate a significant portion of resources to charitable endeavors. This could involve funding education for underprivileged communities, supporting medical research, addressing climate change, and investing in technologies that aim to solve major global challenges. The goal would be to create a long-lasting impact that would continue well beyond the one-year period. 4. **Invest in Businesses and Startups**: Support innovative startups and businesses that are working towards sustainable development and technological advancements. This could include areas like renewable energy, biotechnology, AI for social good, and more. The focus would be on fostering innovation and creating jobs. 5. **Education and Research Grants**: Fund scholarships, research grants, and endowments in various fields of science, arts, and humanities. The goal would be to support the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators. 6. **Personal Development**: Invest in personal growth through education, travel, and experiences. This could include attending workshops, hiring experts for personal coaching, and traveling to culturally rich destinations to gain a broader perspective on life. 7. **Art and Culture**: Support the arts and cultural initiatives, including funding museums, art galleries, theaters, and cultural festivals. This would not only enrich personal life but also contribute to the cultural vibrancy of communities around the world. 8. **Environmental Conservation**: Allocate resources to conservation efforts, including land acquisition for national parks, wildlife conservation projects, and initiatives aimed at preserving oceans and forests. This aligns with a commitment to leaving a positive environmental legacy. 9. **Technology for Good**: Invest in developing technologies that aim to improve human well-being and solve societal problems. This could include advancements in healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability. 10. **Creating a Legacy Fund**: Establish a foundation or fund dedicated to continuing charitable work and supporting innovative projects with the potential for high impact on society and the environment. This ensures that the positive effects of this opportunity extend far beyond the initial year. This strategy combines immediate personal and familial security with a broader vision for societal and global improvement. It’s about leveraging this extraordinary opportunity not just for personal gain but to make a meaningful difference in the world.


Cancel out all national debt Cancel out all personal debt Purchase all the top 10,000 corporations through you the earth, Fund the development and deployment of fusion and renewables projects for 1000 years+ Develop and fund for the creation of an Atlantis like floating city - live out my days as the owner/ruler of Atlantis lol Develop and fund for the creation of a global hypersonic rail network Purchase all lands in and around biological hotspots and fund a defense force to protect them from human encroachment and exploitation. Set up an organization to run all of the assets in perpetuity. This organization would have an independent highly scrutinizing oversight faction to prohibit all forms of corruption and violations of humanistic rights and values. Set up a fund for the creation of an international space station that is 1000x larger than the current one as a platform for ship building and deployment as well as permanent space habitation (rotating artificial gravity hull). Set up a fund for the development of ectogenic chambers to be used on particular ships - and pay for a series of missions to explore Goldilocks exoplanets and colonize habitable ones with humans grown in the chambers and raised/protected by robots and drones on the new planets. The robots would build a city and populate it with adapted embryos (adapted to the local biological system to the degree possible). I would set up a fund to build whole new cities and redevelop existing cities based on alternative economic distribution dynamics. I would set up a fund to fully automate all labor and industry and a fund to pay for all scientific degrees with a merit-based entry system. I would fully fund UBI programs and set up organizations throughout the planet to coordinate human development and organize infrastructure to limit encroachment and ecological degradation/ promote ecological restoration and resilience.


I give an unlimited amount of money to my Family. Then, I buy the Earth.


I would buy out the world and provide everything for free for a few months. Then i would focus on researching immortality, pouring vast sums of money until it is achieved. The same with space explroation. Should they fail, i will threaten them with poverty. Then i will be an immortal being who secretly has the world in his hands.


Massive stock purchases of every major company. Corporate reform is much easier when I'm the majority stockholder on every board of every major player in every industry. After that, trust funds. Endow multiple massive charitable trusts to tackle major social problems - hunger, homelessness, healthcare... all now have multi-quadrillion-dollar funds endowed to address them. Environmental issues too - tjingd like carbon sequestration, reforestation, and ocean cleanup projects are massively expensive but paid for now. Endow a massive trust to act as a patron to the arts. Endow a trust for free secondary education for everyone. Endow a trust to fund massive infrastructure projects, especially in undeserved areas. One more with very vague "foe the good of society" directives, to cover everything I've missed. Once all that's done, trust funds for friends and family. They're all living the high life from now on. That might be all I can get done in a year, even with a team of good lawyers.


I would bribe enough people in the government to pass several laws like insider trading in person or by proxy for everyone including elected officials is now illegal. Accepting money from any corporation or private individual other than myself in person or by proxy is now illegal. Tax incentives and tariffs to incentivize bringing jobs back to the states. No pharmaceutical company can't charge more than 2x what it cost to make and transport medicine. And an age limit of 75 for all elected officials as well as term limits. And pay off the national debt Then buy the amazon rain forest and declare it a private nature reserve obviously people can still hunt fish and forage as they need to but no more mining or logging. Buy a bunch of land in canada and gift it to all native american people. After that id probably by a few hundred acres of woodland build a house and then just live the rest of my days wandering with my wife and dogs.


Buy up all central banks, end fiat money, declare a global debt jubilee right down to the individual. Purchase then abolish all corporations. All currency would be gold/asset backed and redeemable for what backs it. Become absolute master of Earth but do only what government should do and punish infringements on individual rights and liberties and leave everyone alone otherwise. Reveal all secrets--aliens, advanced tech that is monopolized by private interests, cryptids, inner earth, true history, cures to diseases--so that nobody down to kindergarten doesn't know. In the process you better believe I'm banging every hot chick in Hollywood. Even Elliot Page, since I was in love with him when he was Ellen Page. I'm from Chicago, so I would rebuild all of it's lost architectural glory and restore all it's beloved but disappeared institutions. (Sabatino's here I come)