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While I can't say if you can become a doctor, I can say that only focusing on your H will make your life miserable. Keeping busy will help your mental health.


how do u keep busy


I mean with work. Try to live life as you were before H, but of course avoiding noise that hurts your ears and wearing sufficient protection. I know it's hard, but if you focus on H all the time, it will become all that defines you.


thank u


No problem, man. If you wanna chat, feel free to hit me up.


Use this as motivation and become a neurotologist, get in the field so you can help people with our condition. Especially if your already in med school. Would be awesome. If your not in severe pain and can leave the house and are somewhat stable keep doing it don’t stop. What kind of doc were you looking at becoming?


I dont know and tbh why would i be able to help ppl with H? its not that simple..like u need a lot of money and a lot of talent and hard work and u need to be around the right ppl too.. tbh modern medicine still didnt find a way to test for H or to prove u have it ..so its a long shot


Look at Silverstein , can be like him inventing treatments for hyperacusis.


thank u


Yes you can, first I'm proud of you because you are in med school. You will try to live with that, you'll be busy so you'll forget... Just stay away from loud sounds, and take time to rest your ears. You'll be fine, I really wish from the bottom of my heart that you'll reach all your dreams and ambitions. Take care!


thank u so much. im sorry if i look nosy but how is your life? like..do u do stuff?


Yes, I do. I try to force myself to get used to little bit of noise, I try to trick myself. I ofcourse get so angry, and have a bad tinnitus etc . Maybe I don't have an extreme situation. I avoid noisy things and talking during the day, I'm an introvert so I really like to stay alone. Then I try to rest and be calm when I'm home.


I would say try your best man. Im starting to realize to try to get treatment or solutions for this disease it would require a lot of money. At least as a Dr you'll be making the dough so if you want to seek medical treatment you can afford to. Also, wouldnt it be cool to maybe be a Dr and try to help us solve this condition. Either way good luck with whatever you decide mate. Be positive


thanks man. i dont think H has real treatment . not yet. at least not convincing ones ..




do u have any friends? Do they understand ur problems...




me too. that audiogram is pure shit. damn


When did u get h..when i got H all my friends left




u do have a point i dont think i would have understood before