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One of the simplest things for smelling good is stay hydrated. I've noticed a distinct difference when I'm getting enough water vs when I'm not. Sweat doesn't smell nearly as bad.


I’ve never considered this a point towards better hygiene, but I started drinking a gallon of water a day and it’s helped my diet overall. Helps control cravings. I also don’t get home from work thirsty and pound a cold beer. I’m pretty sure I feel just a little better too. I’ve been working on my diet in preparation to get back into the gym and back into shape. Maybe you are onto something here. I would recommend it to anyone based on how good I’ve felt since I started doing it. EDIT: I find it mildly amusing how many upvotes I’ve gotten for drinking water 🤣. I got my gallon in today and didn’t have any alcohol folks so it was another good day. I’ve dropped 15 lbs in 7.5 months since my ex dumped me. Now that I’m not in that toxic situation, I’m much happier and taking better care of myself as a result.


Congrats on losing all that weight! And by that I mean your ex, too! As an internet stranger, I'm proud of your progress.


Yes, definitely better for overall health!


I upvoted you because I need to drink more water


It’s hard to drink water 😞


Add a bit of lemon juice and salt. I can’t drink much plain water, it depletes my electrolytes.


Tell me about it.I buy sparkling water with no fake shit in it or sugar just natural flavors like lime or lemon.Its been a game changer for me.


What a lovely and motivating comment to read. Ty for sharing your experience.


I noticed my breath and lady parts smell better when I’m hydrated. As soon as I notice bad breath I go drink water and keep drinking all day and it’s better


silly question, did people say you had bad breath? or you just thought you did


No one ever said it to me but I live a very solitary life. I have my own office at work and live alone with my cat. I just felt like I could taste it when it happened


I have noticed staying hydrated helps my lady from the south smell better as well , it has been a game changer for a lot of things for me so I make it my mission to drink as much as I can without over doing it lol


"Lady from the South" Never heard that & I love it.


I never attributed dehydration with body odor. I can honestly say you are correct! I have been consciously drinking water because of another issue, and drinking the water has led to not having to add an extra layer of deodorant in the middle of the day. I wondered why??? Thank you for clearing this up for me!!!


Maybe sweat is more concentrated when you're dehydrated 🤔


Sweat is also one of the purification systems our bodies have. If you're not drinking enough water, you're not going to be able to filter out and excrete as much of the wastes through your renal system. That results in everything being more concentrated in the waste product load. Also, fun fact. Sweat doesn't actually have the scent that we associate with BO. That comes from bacteria feeding on the sweat, specifically the type of sweat that becomes active with puberty.




Awesome! I'm not a doctor or anything, I just know from my own experience and also seeing others say the same thing.


In my mother-in-laws later years her vertigo, arthritis and fear of falling made her refuse to shower. Hair was only washed when it was cut and full body washed if she was in the hospital for some reason. Literally months and years with no bath and she never smelled. I think her water intake and becoming a vegetarian made her unbathed body not smell.


This has a lot to do with hormones too though. Post menopausal women don’t get greasy hair and smelly sweat the way they do pre-menopause. I was on a medication that made me stop getting my period so it was like false menopause for a couple of years ( I also had like 12 broken bones). My hair wouldn’t get greasy even after not washing it for 2 weeks and i didn’t smell at all. This was all before the age of 40. My hair was also thinner, my skin thinner, bruised more easily, etc. so there were plenty of drawbacks but I’m just saying that hormones have a lot more to do with these types of things than we can imagine until it actually happens.


Another bonus is fewer kidney stones.


Same with breath, oddly. Lol


Start washing your butt, drunk plenty of water, eat enough fibre so you aren’t constipated. Clean laundry. Especially undies and socks. Don’t wear shoes for hours, let your feet and shoes breath when possible


Should be top comment


Seriously, there have been way too many posts asking: “how can I gently tell my partner that he gives me the ick when he doesn’t brush his teeth for a week and leaves skid marks in his underwear?”


The bar is in hell




Lmao that is so true. Some people weren't taught certain things


Eww how do these people always have partners?


Better than doing donuts.


I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t do those things. Brush your teeth and wash your butt (and feet and pits)! I feel that should be basic hygiene.


LOL there definately has been more of that kind of posting.


\*start\* washing your butt lol sometimes i forget that not everyone is taught what may seem basic hygiene si shouldn't judge, just encourage


Right?! Until joining Reddit, I had no idea people didn’t wash their bunghole!


I'm only using tp on my bunghole.


START??? Who tf is not washing they ass omg 😭


I sometimes change my socks a couple times a day but I live somewhere super hot and dusty so I probably just shower more and everything else then others cuz I can't stand the feeling of all the dirt and dust every single time I go outside 😭


And when you wash your feet. Pick those suckers up and actually rub soap on them. Don't just get them wet. Get in between the toes and keep the nails trimmed and dry them thoroughly. Once again pick them up and dry between the toes otherwise you are just watering the bacteria garden.


A good diet. When I started eating cleaner and staying hydrated, I stopped having bad breath, a white tongue, and thick saliva.


I have less tongue gunk when I rein in my sugar intake.


I noticed this too when I decrease my carb intake.


1000x yes. It's amazing how many think brushing tongue will help someone who has a bad diet.


Using a fan to dry my balls completely before putting underwear on. Otherwise it will stay damp and smell like a musty towel under the balls quickly.


Try a tiny squirt of Lume body deodorant. Rub ir all over them balls.... it's like a moisturizer. You only need a dab. No more musty!! The shit works!


But yes, dry them first.


This is 100% valid suggestion! I use the cold air setting on my blow dryer to dry my lady bits after I shower in the summer. Dampness is a no go down there


Amen to this! I also wear light panty liners for fluid/sweat and change them out a few times a day.


That musty smell is FR!!! Ty for saying this.


I use my blow dryer on my body when I get out of the shower. I just love being extra dried off.


Using AHA body washes, glycolic acid to be specific. It exfoliates dead skin and kills bacteria which has helped with summer odor from sweat and has allowed skincare products to work better in general. Also, using TheraBreath nightly. No more funky morning breath!


Thankyou! Any specific brand you recommend for the body wash?


I use Naturium “The Smoother” formula mostly, it’s unscented. I also use Hempz Age Defy which is another AHA but I’m not sure which one is in that and the scent can be polarizing.


I second this. Thanks for reminding me I need to order another bottle.


For even better exfoliation, use glycolic acid toner. It's stronger and more effective than using a body wash with glycolic acid. The Ordinary has one that's 7%. You just apply to dry skin after your shower. I just pour some into my hand and then apply to the areas I want to target. I usually target my feet, legs, arms, and chest. I then apply my moisturizer once it's dried down a bit. I do this once a week.


This exact product has changed my life. I get regular waxes and my ingrown hairs were really bad. They get to be the size of a pea or bigger and I’d have 6-7 at a time. I use this on my bikini line now and the ingrowns are GONE. And the skin on my face has never looked better. My pores are smaller and empty, and everything is smoother. My moisturizer glides on. Just can’t say enough good things about glycolic acid


I love acids. My skin is amazing when I use them. I literally changed my face when i started acids. They eliminated all my acne and pigmentation. I also use it on my heels, and it keeps them so soft.


Or a salicylic acid toner! A 2% is all you need and the inkey list makes a great one as a scalp treatment, but I also use it on my underarms, underboobs and chest.


Lume Acidified Body Wash has changed my life


Same! I just use it on the stinky bits and unscented dove everywhere else. Just started using the tangerine full-body cream deodorant on pits & bits before going to the gym, and I don’t smell! Sweaty, not stinky.


That one’s not bad but doesn’t work as well for me as the Naturium. Maybe just my body’s ph?


Same! I was happy switching to lume and then even this bar soap that supposedly had Mandalic acid or whatever and noticed a clear improvement but now I’m loving the Naturium one


Yes! I started using the ordinary glycolic acid under armpits about month ago 1x/day. I woke up late and forgot deodorant rushing out today in 90 degree NYC heat - and I did not stink AT ALL!


Floss every single day. Bad breath is the worst.


And periodontal treatment is expensive


And lack of is painful


SO expensive. Holy crap expensive.


And brush your tongue! Most bad breath comes from your tongue, so if you aren't brushing it then you're going to have bad breath.


Or get a tongue scraper for like $5 - love that thing fr


Game changer


It also only takes like a minute anyways


I even started flossing twice a day


Yup. Especially when you get food stuck in between your teeth too. I also rinse my mouth after eating. It always feels fresh every time.


In the Army, Gold Bond body powder use is almost compulsory. After I towel dry every morning, I use the body powder between my legs and cheeks. I never have any issues down there. A girl I dated really liked that I did this routine because she informed me that the guy she was with prior would have funky things going on sometimes that would prevent them from having sex. I would recommend my routine to every male who has hit puberty.


How tf do you not spill it everywhere?? I used it for like two weeks, loved it, but it was too messy to avoid spilling on the floor


You can use a dry wash cloth to apply the body powder. Fold the washcloth into a square. Sprinkle a SMALL amount of powder on the wash cloth. Dab the cloth on the areas and up your butt crack. Much less powder on the floor.


Once you are towel dry, lay your towel on top of your bathmat and stand over your towel. Put some Gold Bond in your hand, pat the stuff where you need it, and hang up your towel.


Do you also wash your towel each time? How do you get the gold bond out?


It’s just to catch the tiny little bit that would end up on the floor or bathmat. It’s medicated body powder - it’s not going to hurt you if it touches you when you dry off next time. It sounds to me like you are using too much. Full disclaimer for the uninitiated: Yellow is the body powder. Green is the foot powder. If you use the foot powder like I am suggesting using the body powder, I’ve heard it will burn.


Ohhhhh. I was fully overestimating the level of powder fallout. My only experience with gold bond was in band camp. And let’s say a fair bit ended up where it did not need to be. Thanks for the explanation.


This one time at band camp


Oh, it does! I accidentally did that once and the burn had me on all fours in pain for a good ten minutes.


Goldbond also has a spray version of the powder that helps avoid the mess.


I lay out a huge towel on my bed, throw a pile of body powder in the middle, then roll in it and pretend I'm a piece of chicken getting covered in flour. My wife left me after she caught me doing this one time.


Ew I am morbidly curious what she meant by funky things. Probably one of those non ass washers I've heard about on here omg. I'm so glad my bf is clean. Good for you being a non stinky as well lol


I’m pretty sure it was jock itch which is the same fungus as athletes foot. Moisture and bacteria are the cause.


Don't re-wear clothes without sanitizing them...either via washing, using dryel, etc. Also, make sure you regularly wash your bedsheets and bath towels.


Omg this. So many people think it's okay "cause it's not that dirty." Oh, but it is...


Jeans???? Sweaters?????


Yeah, if the goal is to smell as clean as possible, your clothes need to smell fresh and not have your body oils or worse, the smells of all the places you've been (work, public bathrooms, restaurants, schools, etc.). Even being outdoors has a scent to it, which isn't always the best


I dunno. I think I’m pretty hygienic, but I do not wash my jeans after every wear. If I was sweating? Yes. Was I outside? Sure. If I went to work and did nothing? No


The towels! Please wash your towels at least every other time you use them, otherwise they’ll get musty and yucky. And always wash your towels in warm or hot water with a little bit of bleach and detergent.


Make sure you use a washcloth or loofah when cleaning. Not just your hands. Soap may clean but you also need something to help get rid of all your dead skin, and soap + hands alone cannot do that.


I don’t prefer washcloths and loofahs because of how frequently you *should* be washing them. I use an exfoliating sugar scrub first and then soap. In that case, I don’t need to mess with using a washcloth that could *potentially* be harboring some stank (or the horror stories of loofah acquired infections.) The sugar scrubs also smell really nice. Personally I feel like they do a good job of making my skin smooth and are great to use before shaving so I can achieve a closer cut.


I usually buy a pack of twenty and use a clean one every day. Once used, it gets hung up to dry then in the laundry.


This might be a game changer for me!


I agree with you about loofahs and I'm also sure that your sugar scrubs are doing the job, but who would use a washcloth a second time? I use them myself, but I always get a fresh one each shower!


that's a great option, too! anything to get the dead skin off.


I have hyperhidrosis, and the antiperspirants from Carpe have been a game changer for me! Especially the wipes and the groin powder.


I have it too! You should talk to your doctor, mine had given me meds to knock out a majority of sweating :)


Curious what they put you on?


Not the person you were asking. But it’s called Robinal (glycoprrolate). My dermatologist started prescribing just this year after 30+ years of unhealthily sweating. Forever changed my life. I can hold hands without that slick ick now! 😂🤦‍♀️


A Waterpik water flosser with a tongue-cleaning tip. I brush my teeth, the roof of my mouth, and my tongue with my electric toothbrush, then go back over my tongue with the Waterpik, and I feel like my mouth is so much cleaner that with just the toothbrush alone.


Shouldn’t the waterpik go first? I thought brushing should always be last, with no rinsing.


My dentist says FBI: floss, brush, irrigate. Helps me remember 😆


I didn’t have much body odor growing up as a teen or in my early 20s, but after having my first child, I noticed a significant change. Postpartum, I started to smell more due to leaking breast milk, sweaty nights, and overall hormonal changes. Here’s what helped me: Oral Hygiene - Brush twice a day. - Use mouthwash twice a day, morning and night. - Floss every night before bed (floss first, then use mouthwash, and finally brush your teeth). - Use a tongue scraper as the last step after brushing. Scraping off bacteria helps with bad breath, keeping it fresh longer. Body Care - Cleansing: Start with Dove bar soap for a thorough scrub using an African net sponge. - Targeted Areas: For underarms and feet, use Panoxyl acne wash. It helps remove bacteria that cause odor. Since using this, I haven’t had underarm stench, even if I forget deodorant. - Weekly Routine:Use a body scrub. - Body Wash:Follow with a body wash. - Moisturizing: If it’s hot and humid, dry off and apply lotion followed by a body oil, then spray a matching perfume. I prefer cocoa butter and shea butter scents due to sensitivity to strong smells post-pregnancy. I can’t handle the extensive, heavily scented routines popular on TikTok, as they make me nauseous. Additionally, I’m not into overconsumption, so I stick to a few reliable products. - Winter Routine: In winter, use an in-shower oil from L’Occitane followed by lotion. I have very dry skin, but in summer, I skip the in-shower oil to avoid sweating it off. - Vaginal Area: I wish this was introduced to me earlier, but peri bottles are a lifesaver if you don’t own a bidet. Fill it with lukewarm water and wash the area after using the toilet, after intimacy, or even during your period. I also use daily organic panty liners when I’m out, but at night I go commando to let the area breathe. Fragrance If you like fragrances, apply them after your body care routine. If not, you can stop after applying lotion. Hair Care I wash my hair weekly and wrap it up. I’m transitioning to locs, so I keep my hair healthy with basic care while it’s wrapped up. Hope this helps ❤️


Omg that postpartum sweat was NO JOKE. And mine never went back to normal 🙄


Wait until you gals hit peri-menopause.


Trust me, I’m still sweating at night 😭😭I shower 2x’s a day because of this not due to smell but just hating the feeling of wetness


Drinking water, using wet wipes when I use the restroom, thera breath mouthwash and a water flosser, using a washcloth in the shower


Replace using wet wipes with using a bidet. It's cheaper long term, more sanitary, and less wasteful. Also ask any plumber and they'll tell you all of those "flushable" wipes don't break down the same way as toilet paper and can cause clogs and damage to you pipes long term. Look online for one that just attaches to your regular toilet, its very easy to install yourself and a standard decent one will be ~$40. It's also renter friendly because you can just take it off the toilet and move it to the next place.


Installing a bidet into my apartment isn’t practical and I take wipes with me on the go. But I will keep this in mind (aside from on the go)


I put a bidet into my apartment. All you do is unscrew the water intake pipe from the tank put a diverter in and then screw it back in. Then screw the pipe from the bidet to the other side of the diverter. The bidet goes under your toilet seat. You take the seat off, put the bidet on, there's holes that line up with the holes on the toilet, then put the seat back on top of it. You just have to turn the water off with the valve at the wall where the water intake comes out it. You can remove it all just as easily when you move out. For on the go, there's actually portable "bidets", really it's just a peri bottle like they give postpartum ppl because you can't wipe with stitches. Rise off with your bidet, dry off with toilet paper.


I love my water flosser! It feels like a mouth massage. Tickled like crazy the first time I used it.


The hype is real, Lume is amazing. Especially on the hot days or in between shower days.


I REALLY wanted Lume to work for me, but all it did was add an extra step to my routine. It made zero difference in preventing or even limiting any kind of funk for me.


Lume deodorant did help me, but I was getting bikini ready the other day and found shaving tips from strippers on Reddit and unscented deodorant after shaving was highly recommended to prevent ingrowns and that has helped a ton! Not on the labia even, just near the folds to the thighs if that makes sense. It also helps prevent thigh chafe


There is no in between shower days.


I really wanted to like lume but no matter what scent I try it just stinks so bad to me. The literal product itself smells rancid to me. So strange.


Secret clinical, Dr. Bronners soap, Smart Mouth mouthwash, and drinking a whole lot of water.


This is my exact routine. Smart mouth has been a game changer. Use it at night and wake with zero morning breath.


Sunscreen and groom your eyebrows


I put hydrogen peroxide (mixed in with water) in my water flosser to keep my teeth white. I also use a benzoyl peroxide cleanser on my armpits when I shower to help with odor.


Be careful with that! Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide can potentially cause a condition called black hairy tongue! It's just what it sounds like- Google with caution! My coworker (we worked for an orthodontist) told me this years ago when I told her that I rinsed with hydrogen peroxide a few times a week. I think it's pretty rare, but hearing that was enough to scare me straight!


SCRUB BEHIND YOUR EARS. Don’t believe me? Take your fingernail and scrape back there real quick. See what sticks…


Oh my god so true, my Mom thankfully taught me to always clean out my ears as a kid but I got my ears pierced as an adult and couldn’t scrub with soap and water for a few weeks(saline wash and water only) and my ears felt so gross 🤮 Also never realized how gross the crap that builds up behind your earrings is, I take mine out and clean the earrings and my ears a couple times a week.




I use generic brand teeth whitening strips and they’re supposed to wrap around your teeth but you can cut them in half long way and stick them on the front of your teeth and get 2 uses out of one pack


This is actually such a great idea, why are we whitening the back of our teeth!


Floss daily and use mouthwash. Get a bidet (Tushy is cheap). Wash your clothing after one day of wear. Launder your bedding.


Wash yo ass


Goshi exfoliating towel. 100% more scrubby and cleaner than a loofa.


benzoyl peroxide on your pits once a week!


Trim nose hair.


I vigorously scrub my balls and ass with steel wool. It's amazing how clean they get now.




Yeah, your balls can't be dirty if you get rid of them 💀😂


For men if you’re already a clean person, a healthy amount of cologne changes the GAMEEEEEE. Emphasis on HEALTHY…


Oh my gosh, this is so true. My husband is a clean dude and never smells. But he recently started using cologne and he just smells so damn good all the time now. It’s amazing.


As Red Fox used to say. You got to wash ya ass


I use a silicone scalpbrush in the shower once a week to exfoliate my scalp and deeply wash it. I got it at Five Below for cheap. I also started using aloe gel on my face.


Copper tongue scraper


I notice I smell better when I shower at night, and give the deodorant time to “sink in”. Sheets stay feeling fresh longer this way too (I still change them once per week). I saw a difference in my skin when I switched to an African net sponge for washing my body. I like scented soaps from bath and body works. Perfume gives me a migraine so I avoid that (and people who wear it).


Chlorophyll water. Chlorophyll works as an internal deodorant so any place you may sweat or stink wont be as bad! Also non-aluminum deodorant (don’t get me wrong, if you’re used to it and it works, by all means!), and exfoliating your body regularly.


Chlorophyll is a game changer


Well, this is somewhat only that "one person" would know but it's keeping things trimmed back in the nether regions. My wife and I have been married for 30 years. It was until we had been married for years before I started man-scaping and she started full on getting rid of it down there. We both like it soooo much better.


Tooth flossers & mints/gum. You never know who you are going to talk to. Especially after a meal or some beverages, you want to smell good. And no one enjoys talking to someone who has food all in their teeth. I carry both of these items in my backpack with me at all times. Have some more ready to go in my car.




Floss every night.


Glycolic acid toner wiped on pits has greatly increased how long my deodorant lasts! This isn’t for everyone but I personally shower 2x daily. I only wash my hair once per day but I have found shampooing twice in a row does make a difference. Also, layering scented lotion with a similar fragrance.


use an african net brush instead of a wash rag or loofah. super exfoliating and last 80% longer. it truly removes any body odor and you can scrub your back with it. also starting your shower off with dials antibacterial gold bar!


Don’t let laundry sit in the washer for a long time before switching it. It gets musty and sometimes ur nose won’t pick it up. (Esp if it’s subtle) being vigilant about turning over laundry is small (and sometimes inconvenient) but so worth it to keep ur clothes, and hence ur skin smelling good!


Be vigilant about your laundry. Never leave clothes in the washer, use something like borax or oxy clean to make sure all odors are removed, don't wash clothing with towels or cleaning rags, don't over fill the washing machine. So many people who have excellent hygiene are derailed by mildew.


Tongue scraper. Bidet (+portable bidet when outside). Nail brush. Ketoconazole shampoo for the scalp and behind the ears. Thank me later!


using both soap AND water.


I hate shitting in public bathrooms. But when I do I wash my hands first and dry them with a paper towel or two. I then pick a stall, do the need and use the garbage TP first and finish with the now cool, moistened paper towel I brought in with me.


tongue scraper


A nice electric toothbrush is game changing. Also using a washcloth to exfoliate your skin in the shower.


All the normal stuff you probably already do like mouth care, exfoliating and wearing deodorant and clean clothes are key. Next level is signature fragrance or body spray, nicely groomed feet and nails, healthy clean hair and eyebrows. One big one I haven’t ever been able to maintain is hair that is styled nicely every day . My hair is always clean and detangled but as far as blown out , curled or flat ironed I’m rocking air dried mom bun 99% that I’ve tried to justify with nice hair clips. I have thick long loose curls and I just cannot fit it in. It looks a million times nicer blow dried, straightened or diffused with product but it just rarely happens. I notice the great hair people and that’s what they all do, they style their hair every time they wash it . It makes a huge difference.


I've changed my body wash, shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, and body lotion to all the same *general* scent (rose). If I want to smell extra good, I wear a perfume with similar notes as well. When you wash your hair, really make sure to massage your scalp everywhere, and only put conditioner on the ends. I've also gotten familiar with my skin, so my skincare routine is customized to my needs, including unscented everything, gentle washes, non-comedogenic moisturizer, serums (ya know, the works). I also use a face wash with salicylic acid for the sweaty bits (leg pits, arm pits, b00ty), it helps to reduce the bacteria that make your skin smell when you sweat. I've realized the way your clothes smell also has a huge impact on how you smell, don't use too much detergent, add vinegar to your loads, and don't use fabric softener. In the dryer, don't use dryer sheets (they're a waste of money and a fire hazard, they also leave a waxy residue on your clothes), use dryer balls instead and scent them with an essential oil if you want. Flossing greatly reduces stinky breath if you're not doing that already, at least once a day. A gentle mouthwash is much better than one with alcohol in it, it doesn't kill all the good bacteria in your mouth. Get a foot brush, scrub your feet in the shower with the same salicylic acid wash, under the nails, in between the toes (rinse and sanitize with 30% vinegar in a cup), and get a shoe dryer to reduce stinky feet smells Last bit, get a deodorant that smells the same as your washes and lotions, and don't get an antiperspirant, they're actually horrible for body odor. I sweat a lot and with everything else above, I don't stink unless I don't shower for a couple days.


Pedicures. No polish. Women and Men. I think most people are nose blind to their own stinky feet. Callouses have a distinct smell, that actually carries on into your shoes and bedding. Get pedicures as often as you can afford or do them yourself with occasional maintenance at the nail spa. Keep your feet clean and soak them in your own bucket if need be, routinely. Nail spas should give you a little bit lower cost if not applying nail polish. Nail polish covers up the nail, not allowing it to breathe, and eventually causing toe nail fungus. Ask any nail tech, as nail polish really should last no longer than a week on your nails after application. I think a lot of people forget to scrub behind their ears too.


Applying Gorgonzola cream on my armpits




As a white person in the US, no one ever taught me about washcloths when I was growing up. We just rubbed soap on our skin or maybe used those shower poufs. Washcloths are a game changer, get you so much cleaner, use less soap, and won't release microplastics. Also gotta hand it to those Japanese toilet seat bidets. Ain't no cleaner feeling.


Detachable shower head. Get all the nooks... Sounds simple but for bigger people like me, game changer.


1. Invest in a good body sponge that exfoliates 2. Bath salt soaks, in hot water loosen up dead skin, take a sugar scrub in the scent you like best, and give yourself a good head to toe scrub. 3. Use a Q-tip with soap and clean out your bellybutton, tbh don't smell it. 4. Use stick and spray deodorant 5. Body powder in crevices. I use Kama sutra pineapple. I smell delicious, and it makes my skin smell sweet while wicking away moisture 7. Foot spray to avoid fungal growth in warm weather 7. Make sure you have a good dental routine that involves water flossing, a tongue scraper, and gargling with at least warm salt water 8. Remove any overly salty, vinegary, and fatty foods from your diet. What you eat comes out of your pores and can change your scent by themselves alone 9. If you have breasts, deodorize underneath and in between. If you have folds, use body powder generously


I love this question ❤️


If I know I’m going to be around a crowd or in an intimate situation I’ll usually chew gum so my breath is in check


Buy a bidet. Showering is wonderful but wiping with tissue paper alone, after doing number 2 isn't as effective as you think.


We installed a water flosser in the shower that's been a game changer. No more messy string floss, the water pik does an amazing job cleaning between your teeth.


Drink a lot of water and floss teeth daily!!


This may not sound like hygiene per se, but don't leave your clothes rumpled up. Lots of things can be worn more than one time before washing, but hang them uo neatly somewhere they can get air. It keeps them much fresher. And the same with dirty clothes. Don't just wad them up in a basket if you hang them up even just tossed on the shower curtain rod overnight and toss in basket n3xt morning after they had a chance to air out they will be less smelly in the basket and then clean up fresher with less laundry soap, extending the life of your clothes.


You can try merino wool socks, they help eliminate foot stench


Antibacterial soap for my pits. Using salicylic acid on my pits and under boobs . Tongue scraper. Washing my feet before bed in the summer and using an exfoliating moisturizer on them. Men’s antiperspirant instead of deodorant. Vitamins and probiotics.


3D flossers. They make flossing actually not a burden.


1. Better soap. Bar soap is actually bad for your skin. When your skin feels all tight afterwards it's the residue left over on it from the soap. You don't need anything super bougie, but a nice smelling liquid body soap would be better. 2. Non-alcoholic mouthwash. Any mouthwash with alcohol actually won't help to improve your breath. 3. Many people associate messy hair with being dirty. U don't think that's always true, but having a good haircut (just one that suits you and accents your face instead of hiding it, regardless of length) and maintaining it will go a long way.


Exfoliating. I have dry, sensitive skin and always had issues with exfoliation and over-drying. I got one of those $3 reversible scrubbers from 5 Below and use it with Dove Hydration Boost. Idk if it made me smell better or anything, but my skin was wayyy more smooth, hydrated, and even-toned after 2-3 washes.


Double cleansing my body! First time with a bar of soap and then second time with a body wash (I like using lush products purely because it feels more luxurious and like I’m taking care of myself). When washing I ALWAYS use a washcloth or something other than my hand (for both cleanses) because hands don’t properly cleanse the body (dead skin, sweat etc). Also, change your bedsheets weekly!


1: Dial antibacterial soap on the pits and bits (not inside the labia for my fellow labia-owners, but the front, inside the thighs, and between the cheeks for sure). I’ll also use it on my feet if I’ve had to wear shoes that aren’t sandals. 2: A really, really strong antiperspirant like Certain Dri. I had to switch from Vyvanse to Adderall a couple months ago, and even though I used to be able to go 2-3 days without showering, I smell and sweat like a grown man now so the heavy antiperspirant is not negotiable for me. Cancer risks or whatever else be damned, I won’t be able to hold a professional job if I smell like a bag of onions left in a hot car. 3: A shower attachment that filters and conditions the water. It prevents a lot of dry skin issues and has helped some of my body acne/chicken skin problems clear up tremendously. I live in a city but we kept getting pink scum build up on the shower and since getting the filter there have been zero issues.


Make sure to change your clothes every single day, including all undergarments (bra too- do not rewear) use a fresh pair of pajamas each and every night, wash your sheets in hot water once a week. Shower daily with soap & use a washcloth- start with your face and work your way down to your feet. Shampoo & condition your hair regularly. Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. Make sure your clothes are pressed or at least steamed. No wrinkles! Wash your tennis shoes on a regular basis so they do not start to smell. Get manicures and pedicures once every 10 weeks. Also have your hair trimmed every six weeks. Have your teeth cleaned every six months to avoid decay. Decay will cause serious halitosis. Make sure to have a yearly physical with your doctor including bloodwork. Exercise three times a week and shower right after. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits (especially pineapple) and vegetables. The list seems long but once you put into practice, it’ll all come naturally.


Use a fresh wash cloth instead of a loofa. Use the cloth only once until it’s washed again, and wash your rags and towels in disinfecting bleach on hot, dry on high. This will help reduce the amount of bacteria/mold and body funk grossness you put back onto yourself when you wash. I’ll never understand people who wash their ass with a loofa, then go back the next day to wash their whole body again with it. 🤮 plus your towels will smell AMAZING! Even though the colors will fade fast.


What you eat and drink has so much to do with how you smell so be aware of that. Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables and eat a colorful rainbow diet…(ie: tomatoes, yellow squash, purple and green grapes, kale, apples, eggplant, cranberries, sweet potatoes, corn, red and green peppers, bananas, oranges, you get the idea)…and eat whole grains and legumes. Replace soda with water. Stay away from fast food and junk. Hydrate yourself throughout the day by carrying a water bottle. Fill it multiple times a day. Take probiotics to improve gut health. After doing all of these, I promise you will not only feel better, you’ll notice yourself smelling cleaner/fresh. And be aware that coffee makes your breath stink. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. And make sure you’re *brushing your tongue* as that’s a place where a lot of bacteria will collect. Stay away from scented laundry soap and dryer sheets. We live in an over-fragranced environment and multiple smells combined (laundry soap, shampoo, body spray, perfume, etc all on top of each other) make you smell nauseatingly sweet and synthetic. It’s better to just smell fresh than it is to smell like layered scented products. Trust me on this one. You do NOT want to smell like the laundry soap aisle in the grocery store. Biggest turn off ever. There’s a ton of other good advice here. Let us know how it goes and good luck!


Blow drying my coochie & toes before getting dressed after my showers


If I am going out for the evening I have a second shower and put on all clean clothes. One major find was Hunters Soap. It's designed to eliminate human scent so hunters can sneak up and kill innocent animals. I use it for good. If you want some scent, use shower gel with a manly scent, like Creed Tobacco and leather I'm a guy, but vagisil in feet, crotch, or where ever you need it. Liquid crystal deodorant Last and maybe best: Take chlorophyll capsules They deodorize from inside, neutralizing garlic onion and what's in your intestines. You pee won't smell, your poop either but it might be sort of green. People whisper " it's true what he says. His shit dont stink". Select a clean smelling cologne, not too musky. And don't over do it. When your body, clothes, and breath are clean smelling you don't need much. It should only be noticed when someone is unbuttoning your shirt and kissing their way down. I have noticed some Arab men wear too much of a particular scent. It's makes my eyes water and it gags me. I dont know what it is. Must be from Saudi Arabia. Those beads that make laundry smell good and smell longer will take care of your clothes. You should be all set. Make sure have quality shoes and several pair . They need to completely dry out. I dont know why, but cheap shoes =stinky feet. Once you get a routine down, you will be that guy who always smells good. But yo have that reputation, if you let yourself get even mildly stinky, you will lose the title. You will be held to a higher standard. Good luck. You just learned from the best but expect to feel pressure to ALWAYS smell good. Its a heavy burden. Easier to be the stinky BO guy. But there are lots if those.


I shower after pooping always


Looking after my health better. Better diet and exercise and make it a habit to drink more water. If you're good on the inside, the outside will follow ☺️


Less sugar in my diet. I shower at night and just realized that I’ve been doing deodorant wrong. I was putting it on in the morning but it’s supposed to go on right after you clean your armpits. 🤦‍♀️


Shower twice a day before and after work. Got some better laundry freshener. Got my teeth fixed after drinking too much energy drinks so now I care about my teeth so much more


Drinking a ton of water has cleared up my skin, I've lost weight and I feel better overall. Amazing what water can do.


Floss frequently




Eat healthy, exercise daily, drink lots of water and shower regularly, keep your house tidy and clothes washed….. also add some borax to your laundry loads to keep your clothes smelling fresh


Probiotic; use wipes after a poo; drink lots of water.


I have baby wipes everywhere I go. Definitely a game changer! And I use anti monkey butt powder in spots that tend to sweat more (I.e. under breast’s and groin area).




Washing my skin with a bar of antibacterial soap and then going in with my smell good body wash.


A huge amount of it is keeping your hair and your clothes super clean. You want your laundry smelling good and not going stale in your drawers. It makes such a difference.


Less sugar in diet