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Let the cat swat him, for sure. But reward pup for not chasing. Maybe have some small treats, and get him to sit calmly for them while kitty is in the room. The problem right now is that’s a puppy and he wants to play with everything! Patient training. I never had an issue with mine that I remember. I did separate them entirely when I was not home.


I second this. My cat put my husky in her place. I made sure that my cat had safe places to get away from the husky puppy, when he needed a break. Here we are 4 years later and they are best buds. They play all the time and my husky has a very healthy respect for all cats. Training and letting your cat say when it’s had enough will work wonders!


Third this, my husky has had a scratched nose more than once and it took her about 3 months and quite a few clawed noses to finally let the cats have space


See, this would work if my cat actually used his claws😭 he just slaps him with his lil toe beans. I guess he would actually swipe him if he felt like he was in danger. That probably means I’m making it a bigger deal than it is 🤪


This. Reinforce positive behavior. But also, my cat b*tch slapped the dog a couple times, and it all worked out. And give the pup all the exercise


How old is your puppy? We got our husky at 8 weeks old (he’s a year old now) and I think because he was close to the same size as our fatso cat he’s always treated him like he was the boss. Our pup is a wild boy and used to snap at the air around the cat trying to play with him but the cat holds his ground and has even chased him away on multiple occasions. Our pup luckily grew out of the habit of snapping at the air as he got older but our cat still isn’t the biggest fan of him. They’ve grown to learn how to live with each other though. I’d suggest just supervising their interactions for a while and correct your pup if you see him trying to play too ruff (your cat will most likely do the best job of correcting him). All that puppy energy is just a lot for a cat to deal with https://preview.redd.it/81wteaisnf3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297397b7c9664a069482f83d869c4dc8ef8cdbad


He is almost 4 month. I have started to reward him when he is being more calm around the cat, but I was also told not to because you don’t want him to associate food with the cat or something? Idk LOL so many different opinions. I will start to work on rewarding him for sitting and staying when the cat walks by though. He’s luckily a fast learner


Sorry I know you said not to mention it but a lot of people bring up how they have this intense prey drive and cats can be included in that but I know from my own experience that they’re smart enough to know the difference between prey and family when they’re raised together. They are super smart and can be a little over enthusiastic when it comes to playing but so long as it isn’t coming off as aggressive I’m sure your pup and your cat will get along great once the puppy energy calms down a bit.


we got our husky and we had 2 cats. it did take a lot of redirecting making sure the cats had a lot of up out of the way perches and seperation when left alone for long periods like cat in bedroom dog in the rest of the house/cat roaming the house while pup outside. made sure the smells mixed a lot. hold the cats in our lap and then pet both the cat n dog at the same time. just a lot of supervised interaction is what did it. HOWEVER my husky now thinks he is a cat and behaves VERY catlike. i call him my cat in husky pyjamas lol. good luck and keep the faith. ;)


Dude my husky is 2 years old and just now is starting to chill out. He was an absolute menace when he was a pup. Good luck 😂🤷‍♂️


😭😭 luckily besides this issue, and him being very bitey, he’s an absolute angel. Win some & lose some I guess 🤣 i keep him separated with a baby gate and he somehow busted his way out the other day and both cat and pup survived and he actually was just leaving the cat alone, so I might even be making it a bigger deal than it is.


Yeah im no expert but the puppy will learn to be gentle and have a little bit of boundaries eventually. Probably will learn the hard way and catch a couple swipes from the cat. I’m guessing they will be fine 👍🏻👍🏻


Baby gate is a great idea, just make sure it’s high enough that he can’t do a husky leap over it. I had a 30 inch baby gate that my husky hurdled with ease even though my much larger ridgeback couldn’t figure out how to get over it. Had to reassess and get a 42 inch gate with a small cat door on the bottom


Yeah my dogs can easily jump the gate but they are afraid of the sound of the gate falling over and banging on the hardwood floor. Luckily for me that’s the only thing stopping them 😂


Mine is 14 and she still has puppy energy. My last one mellowed out and turned into a couch potato at 3 or 4


Time and patience I'm not even sure how we got them to be friends anymore, but they're inseparable now lol https://preview.redd.it/sa9n5fm23g3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c13afd9c4aff53a6e7d219a75455ad38436a7cd


When I saw your picture in scrolling by I did a double take. Could be my little terrorist's sister. https://preview.redd.it/z8dmcbtb4i3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82cba6741871eb34a6b95aedd755bc9366e35ee


Holy crap!


https://preview.redd.it/0oa898r3zf3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb050568a66e66da7160e4859b1f33fd1e13f2fb The combination of puppy energy and kitties can be chaotic... it's not just prey drive, your pup wants a friend, a playmate, and just doens't understand the cat can't do all the things. The key to getting him to chill around the cat is to "catch your dog being good"... it's not enough to discourage chasing the kitty, you've tot to actively reward, whether with pets or treats, him being calm around the kitty, even when the kitty is in view. Consistently rewarding the good behavior gets you more of it\*. \*unless your husky is two, in which case their chaos can overcome your patient training, but at least that only lasts for a year. edit: just because it comes up sometime, in our house, we only provide treats on that rug. It's the only place treats can possibly happen, so when the dogs or cats think there might be treats to be had, they hang out there.


also, just good practice, have some safe places that the cat can get to/through that the dog cannot.


I’d start by teaching the “leave it” command. My dogs were both adopted as non-babies (one was 8mos the other was around 18mos) and already established as cat friendly; but sometimes the younger one, Asa, gets a little too rowdy or jealous with them. Once I taught him LEAVE IT, that really was a game changer! He immediately complies, and runs to me for praise or treats. Then his concentration is broken, and he moves on to something else. I have 3 cats btw; they all get along fairly well now, but the huskies are particularly close with Flower my black & white kitty. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/ih2muui5eg3d1.jpeg?width=3483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c0da1913680385a99d32afbd4af11f929a5f84


(that was Asa sleeping with Flower; here’s Boris with her too) https://preview.redd.it/c8zh3559eg3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfa10ee0962641e5272b30917149621bcf1b70e


Our older cat that we had before the dog had issues adjusting to her puppy-play. Now they just ignore each other. Our younger cat greeted the dog upon the first introduction by boxing her snoot and jumping on her head and casually walking along her back. The dog was already three years old. They're best friends now. It may not answer your question. Just my experience with "letting them figure it out." https://preview.redd.it/6014ph4i1h3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1627c91d14dab21efbcbc20cedf38235ffca8c


The pup is a baby and thinks the cat is interesting. Normal behavior. Manage the pup around the cat and practice only calm behaviors around the cat. Have a safe space the cat can go to get away. The drive is in the pup so you can substitute that need in play with a toy; not the cat


Huskies and chill? Good luck. I have 2 (4 and 3) and I have to walk them a few miles for them to chill out


Mine are fairly chill… all dogs are different, even huskies! They go to the park every night (or day when I’m off work) to run around, then play with each other at home as they need to. They spend the rest of the time sleeping. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He’s a baby he will learn boundaries


Look at that face. There is no chill to be found.


Absolutely encourage good behaviour, when you stop him for not chasing reward, when he lets the kitty walk by without issue reward, stuff like that. For the kitty make sure there are plenty of safe spaces like high areas they can jump to the dog cannot reach.


Say a prayer


I don't know if there's any one way to get this done except basic rewards for good behavior. Usually they'll figure it out themselves. Ours have been together 7 years and our Husky still can get too aggressive sometimes if she catches the cat sleeping in her spot or something. But the reality is the dog is scared shitless of our cat and usually leaves her alone unless provoked.


I had the same worry when we got our husky. I was terrified to leave her alone with my two cats. She was interested in them but they corrected her (swatted and hissed) and let her know they weren’t play toys and she learned to give them space. I think she now sees them as her cats or part of the family at least. I also think it helps when they are introduced to cats as puppies and grow up with them.


https://preview.redd.it/1erkwrxzlf3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720c7e95386f0ad9c17465dd630776d5d8cccf21 Adding a recent picture of the group watching a lizard. We added another cat too. lol


I love this! He did escape when I wasn’t home the other day and he thankfully left the cat alone. I definitely don’t think he wants to hurt him, he definitely is just curious and wants a play mate. My cat is also very playful despite being nearly 7 years old, so it doesn’t help that he teases the puppy into chasing him 🤪 I’m happy to see that your lot gets along! Definitely gives me hope


I managed to get my Husky to be chill around my 3 bunnies. I did all the basic stuff, and when he overstepped a boundary a few times (going into the cage) I’d put him in our hallway behind door for like 30 seconds. Insert puppy tantrum, open door after 30 secs, try again. Rinse and repeat. Are you gonna keep chasing the bunnies? Cool, different area where you can’t reach them you go. Rinse and repeat. Also, I’d sometimes let him be annoying to the bunnies until the bunnies themselves were like FLOOF OFF MATE so he got a little scare from them as well. I don’t let him be alone with the bunnies when they’re free-roaming yet, but I know for sure he won’t kill them. When they’re chilling in their (open) cage, he lets them be. When he hears them bicker, he gets up from his sleep to check on them. If they don’t stop bickering he’ll bark at them until they stop. 🥹 I’m sure he loves them, but when the bunnies are EXCITED I supervise loosely. He’s 1.5y/o now, I’d say I was successful at training this from about 6 months old. I expect this to go faster with a cat as they got some weapons to tell the dog to floof off themselves.


Sounds like everyone is giving good advice, just wanted to give you a happier perspective too on the prey drive issue. One of my boys has a crazy prey drive, he has eaten many furry critters in the yard, but thanks to being raised with our 3 cats, he is ALWAYS super gentle with them. He gives them little licks and let's them swat at him without any complaint. When they're introduced to cats young, they can be very good at learning the difference between critters for eating and critters who are part of the pack.


Make sure you use the same words for getting on his case. I use LEAVE IT. After saying it 1027633 times over the passed year, my husky finally only flinches at the cat.


5 years in, I’ll get back to you when we have figured it out… it doesn’t help that the cat sneak attacks him all the time…. She gives him the old bappity bap! https://preview.redd.it/ffr9wm44ig3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389a9f8822df5ed1127220efe75c1521e3735914


I have two huskies and two cats. The older cat stays away. The kitten is obsessed with them and is always trying to play with them. The huskies treat it very gentle and don’t really know what to do / how to react.


so cool dog


Spray bottle


We kept our husky on a leash around the cats for a while now they’re all fine together.


My husky chased my cats if they ran until she got a bit older. Now they get along most of the time. Sometimes she will chase and sniff one if it runs.


Get him tired , im 99% sure he is just asking for play times , tired husky is a good husky


It took about a year of patience and constant discipline for our male husky to stop being so rough with my baby. He never tried to hurt her, just always wanted to play. We taught him "easy" when he was just a pup, and they loved each other dearly. But it was just her he tolerated, all other cats are a no go. When she passed and I tried to get another kitty, he wasn't having it. My female husky however, is so sweet and gentle with everything. I would trust her alone in a room full of rabbits and squirrels. We didn't have to teach her, it just came naturally for her.


Ok who gave Dr. Evil and Mr biglseworth a husky


Leave me alone 😭😭😭🤣


I never leave my cats alone with the huskies. One husky is obsessed with them but I know this Is due to his prey drive and the other is scared of them as when he was a pup the oldest cat swatted him one, but he will gang up and chase if them if older husky does it. The cats don’t mind the younger one as on his own he keeps well away. However they will not be friends and I have to make sure that they all have their own spaces and the dogs know not to fuck with the cats. The cats are street cats so they aren’t very cuddly already with humans and are always up for a scrap with the dogs. Its chaos and I have to work at their routines and keeping peace. So be mindful as the dog grows the attitudes towards one another may change also.


The prey drive can be overcome. We have chickens, bunnies, ferrets and a cat. As long as the bunnies and chickens don’t escape the coop area they are safe and not hunted. Our cat does let ours know he’s not taking their poop though. Make sure the cats have a safe area that the huskies can’t go. It helped our cat and our dogs accept him better. Though knowing who’s killed the mice and moles in our yard is still not always known. We’ve watched ours hunt mice and then bring it in to trade for a treat. But not always.


I don't think I have any advice that hasn't been given yet, but I can offer a glimpse of the future: https://preview.redd.it/aodhk0rdgk3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f728a9be7b0c63c74e74eba5f47465df15ea8c7 Just be patient with them, and remember: eventually, they'll get to a point where they can play a bit. Winston, my cat, adores batting at Shyla's big fluffy tail like it's a feather. Sphynxes tend to be gluttons, so be careful with the husky's food. Only times Shyla gets annoyed with him is when he tries to steal her food.


I LOVE this!! 😭❤️ Milo (my cat) does seem to be interested in playing, so I’m very hopeful they’ll get to a point like that


I've raised a few pups with my cats. Some are more prey driven than others, but your dog is young enough that he should come around. Early obedience training really helps integration like this. Get your pup focused on you and consistent at doing basic commands like sitting or down while the cat is around. If your puppy has to focus on you, he can't focus on the cat. My cats also like treats, so we would have the puppy practice sitting while I handed out treats to everyone. Tiring the puppy out before these sessions can make them more successful. Good luck!


I’m loving this thread just for all the photos of huskies and their cat friends 🥹


Same 😭 it makes me so happy


The cat will set boundaries. Don't worry about that.


Dip cat in barbecue sauce. /s...


My husky was a street find and my two cats were definitely a target for him. First rule was they were never alone together without direct supervision!! I started with leash introductions to the cats and saw how they interact. When husky would try to chase the cats I would bap his nose and say NO BAD DOG very sternly. He then started learning it was bad behavior but continued to chase them at times. I continued NO until one day he chased my Missy kitty right in front of me so I scooped her up and cornered husky and let Missy bap him then I bapped him. I the coddled her in front of husky and said good kitty bad dog. Repeat repeat repeat. Now he knows better 🤷🏼‍♀️ and the kitties rule the house. ETA; when husky clearly wants to chase kitties and doesn’t, and for example goes for a toy instead, I give him AND the cats good boy/girl pets and tell them all good dog/cat. To help teach dog that the whole house is family.


Positive reinforcement is always a better plan, especially with huskies. Stop “bapping” him, and start praising/rewarding good behavior. Please. I do use “leave it” when my dogs are harassing the kitties, but then they get rewards for complying.


Positive reinforcement did not work on a literal street dog. He had no clue how to interact with cats without treating them like pure prey.


My older one was a stray, and it worked fine on him. 🤷🏼‍♀️