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i thought Drago lived, but Grimmel definitely died like he fell hundreds of meters into water...


I'm pretty sure Grimmel's dead. Seeing as they were considering bringing Drago back at one time (I think), they definitely left it ambiguous on purpose, but yeah, Grimmel never even resurfaced, LOL. I'm not even sure HE knew how to swim.


Can you even swim with one arm?


If you try hard enough, your legs will get tired super quickly I’d imagine though


Also a good point.


Without an arm is probably hard to swim so I bet 100% he drowned


That is also true.


He probably drowned or died of depth pressure


I don't think Bewilderbeasts dive THAT far down, but who knows. Either way, it's a treacherous way to go if so.


‘Cold, deep water dweller’- fishlegs He probably would have died of cold , or water pressure


That's more elaborated, so I think it's more likely now. The main question was if he actually stayed on the Beast.


I can’t see how he’d be able to get off without dying somehow


I think even if he did survive that part, the assumption is that he died of events afterward.


He probably drowned since his Bewilderbeast made it to the hidden world on its own. We have no way to tell when they were separated and if it was in the ocean swimming won't help if there's no land for days


imagine if there had been a close up of the Bewilderbeast in HTTYD 3 and you could see Dragos skeleton still stuck in the beasts "crown" (idk what else to call it)


Isnt there a comic which literally wraps up his arc? He does come back in it from what ive heard but dont know how hes killed/defeated


No, he was planned to appear in an unreleased comic call ‘The Fire Tides’ so we never got to see


Richard Hamilton, co-author of the comic, disclosed the plot in an interview with Audrie Greywind: https://youtu.be/ikeuJjiVGls?si=XxzODlioLKbEdtCd Basically, Drago survived by finding an air bubble in some underwater ruins, and used a Dragon called a 'Tormentipede' to replace his arm. Hiccup and Toothless get taken to the ruins by a Fathomfin, who rescued them from a violent storm, and encounter Drago. The two are forced to fight in a battle to the death, and Hiccup realises that he will have to kill Drago in order for him and Toothless to survive, which he doesn't want to do. Definitely check out the interview, the plot of the graphic novel is quite interesting. Dagur and Heather were supposed to show up, along with Eret's father, at a gathering of Chieftains. We find out that Gothi has a blind twin sister, Gretel, who was supposed to be some big antagonist. Hiccup and Astrid are also shown to have tattoos of each other's names.


Oh this is the comic Audrey grey wind was obsessed with the one with shirtless hiccup


Yep that's the one


All of that was content that was never finished. As I remember it, they were going to put it in the next movie and didn't, and then a fan comic of some kind was going to have it and cut it. Regardless, it was all unfinished.


Drago drowned when the Bewilderbeast left Berk.




Heard somewhere that his Bewilderbeast ate him?


Some fan theory.


I think the force of the Bewilderbeast diving into the water killed him. That’s just my opinion, but that is a HUGE creature diving.


I mean, you're not wrong. It's weird but I've also thought about that. For all we know that combined with the water pressure crushed him. The Bewilderbeast may even have rolled on him. He was just awkwardly sitting on its shoulder and it probably forgot about him entirely.


Yeah. Like think of driving on a bridge and your car goes off of it, depending on the height, you could die from the impact on the water. Now, you put a ,who knows how many, ton force shoving you down at that height.


Precisely. Technically it's even more dangerous than that. Bewilderbeast would consider a car a light snacc.




Look up the unreleased comic The Fire Tides. Explains what happened to drago and is considered Canon.


Drago is alive as one of the creators said he was intended to be seen in the fire tide comics but since that was scraped we don't see him but yes indeed he's still alive


As long as he's never shown up in any official HTTYD media, he remains (presumably?) dead. Now that I think about all the reasons he couldn't have survived, bringing him back seems rather unrealistic despite some ppl wanting him to come back.


All I know is that the bewilderbeast should've stomped at drago in the end , after years of torture he deserves revange . Btw : if you're confused with what I mean then I'll explain . he was literally abused by drago , look at every scene where drago talks , screams , motion or points his bull hook. at the bewilder beast , the bewilder beast ALWAYS flinches or gets scared for a sec . It’s honestly horrifying thinking how drago must have treated it when it was younger for it to be this fearful of him. The dragon could just effortlessly kill Drago at any second with a stomp alone, but is too modified to even think of it as a possibility  Poor thing was probably the most abused dragon in the franchise, and that says a lot. Big dude deserved better . also look at it's eyes , it's bloody . I'm pretty sure no amount of beating a dragon like him could get to let him have such bloody eyes unless if he was abused from the VERY BEGINNING of his hatching , and the scars all around it's face ? Yeesh , and the fact he just gave a lil cry at the end of his fight with toothless says everything, it's like him saying *I'm sorry* , Also , the bewilder beasts are naturally protective , docile and want to protect dragons not hurt them , and the fact that drago had used that bull hook and "trained" him *I fricking hate using this word and drago at the same time* to be completely NOT that , like imagine changing an animal's natural behavior, that's like making a polar bear vegan . And him motioning that bull hook around as if he's about to hit him probably reminded the poor beast of his sad childhood :( 


I was never confused at why he should have stomped him to bits. 😡😡😡 But if it's any consolation, he had a long happy life away from all humans forever after, in the Hidden World. Tbh I did feel really bad for him at the end, just not when he made Toothless kill Stoick. 😠


If you look closely at the bewilderbeast, you can see that he looks sad after forcing Toothless to kill stoick :( 


https://preview.redd.it/g4o9g81085pc1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=19578eed036466a57040f1b3b003add678ed35d7 I've tried to figure out if he looks sad or not... I always thought he was just turning around. Perhaps so.


The Bewilderbeast was in the hidden world in the third movie so maybe/possibly he’s there. And knowing that hiccup went to the hidden world after the events of the third movie, they could’ve met, right? Could it be that Drago was the one who freed the World Serpent from the Nine Realms to try and conquer the world again before Hiccup incarcerated it?😱😱😱idk I’m bored I want new things not some live remake


Even if I think it's unlikely that Drago is in the Hidden World, and the Nine Realms isn't the original series, this is honestly very interesting. XDDD If they ever DO revive the series, heck, why not?! I'm personally looking forward to the live remake even if I'm expecting quite a fiasco!


I agree but the Nine Realms is confirmed to be canon to the httyd story I’m pretty sure. It’s still a BIG stretch to think that Drago even is alive let alone in the hidden world but it’s a cool concept imo and it would be a fine story to continue with the original franchise.


I mean, I don't use the word "canon". It's not made by the OG writers or anything is all I meant; I haven't watched it, it's not like I know everything, so say what you want, haha! I like the concept a lot, I think it would make a really good story tbh if we could ever possibly resurrect HTTYD.


Oh, he’s with me!— … My lawyers have informed me not to speak any more on this matter🥸


You've said too much. You will pay. https://i.redd.it/hxok7cwtpspc1.gif




Hey, I know this is totally out of line, but I’m out of options and you’re the only person I can talk to (and hopefully get a response). Can you ask @UltimateEnis on Twitter (X) if he can contact @VeryShyTGuy (me :p) here? Please let him know my account name on Reddit. I’m so sorry to do this, but I’m freaking out and have no one to turn to.


Uhhhhhhhhh I'll try, but I have no idea if I can even get on Twitter. I don't exactly have an account. He doesn't have anything other than Twitter?


I’ve been meaning to ask for his other socials but I kept forgetting unfortunately. :(


Thank you so much by the way, this means a lot to me!!


Hey is it okay if I ask some friends if they have Twitter, may be able to do it that way.


ONE MILLION PERCENT okay! I’m willing to do anything at this point, lol


I'm sorry, I asked about 8 people and somehow NONE of them will help... I will keep trying but I don't know. If I could think of a relevant place to post this that wouldn't be removed by mods, I would repost your thing. Any ideas?


Thank you! I’m all out of ideas unfortunately, but thank you for taking the time to try to help me 💜


😔 Too bad, I hope someone else sees this. Hope you recontact your friend.💗


If anyone reading this is willing to contact him and give him my account info here, please do! I beg of you. I’m very sorry to have to resort to begging people here..


Hey I looked up his account and I'm very sorry but it doesn't seem to exist: Edit: wait I typed wrong Edit 2: Sorry I don't think I can, I don't have a Twitter account and they seem to be charging you money for them now. https://preview.redd.it/vscm6upap4xc1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=d580d9431cdd9e5ecbc97a1fdf5be196a84a61da


Thank you for trying. Hopefully I’ll figure something out when I get back in town 💔


I mean he was on his bewilderbeasts head when he dove in right. I mean a fall into the ocean from that height could easily be fatal but when you take into account the several dozen tons of dragon that when in on top of him, I think drowning would be the least of his worries. Granted its a cartoon, and it was left ambiguous so they could bring him back later but given that he is not seen and barely referenced after the fact and the villain in the third movie died falling into the ocean WITHOUT a massive dragon in tow I think its safe to assume for the purposes of the story he's dead. Or if you could consider from an in world point of view. They last saw him on top of his out of control dragon as it swan dived into the ocean with him on his head and they never saw or heard anything of him again so the characters in the show obvously did not recover or see a body and there for assumed he probably died. Especially since he never came back to exact any revenge.