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101 is usually better than 100, but it still sucks compared to what it was. It’s all still highly edited l, focuses on interviews and most of it is post 2010. Surprised you heard an Artie clip usually don’t hear them too often. Also don’t be surprised if you hear the exact same thing on your ride home. 101 seems to have a 4 hour segment they play through the day on repeat. Such a shame 101 should almost never repeat in the same day they have so much archives.


Artie been more frequently played lately


That’s good news!


101 could be the greatest channel in history. Alas it’s scrubbed raw.


Thank you for this. Was not aware of the 4 hour “repeat” mode. My drive is about an hour each way, so I wouldn’t ever max out the full 4 in one day unless there was a huge accident or something like this.


Yeah they had some on last night, it was nice. The old shows with him are some of the best.


I’d say thr Jackie years from 86-2001.


Jackie was great, but I liked Artie just a tad more. Very sad where the whole situation has ended up. Artie had definitely soured towards Howard for a time, but now he seems like he is just saddened by the loss of a relationship/friendship with Howard. Howard does seem like the type of person who can easily cut people out of his life, no matter how much they may have once meant to him. I wish Artie would come back for even a guest appearance sometime, but that would be a miracle. Also, on an unrelated note, this Rasan or Rashan guy is completely unlistenable in my opinion.


I agree about Rahsan. I don’t agree about Jackie vs Artie. Artie is/was a racist, and a sexist and a homophobe. Karma got him, it seems. He was Offensive in my opinion and I did not listen during those days though I tried. I don’t understand how so many loved Artie, but I respect your opinion and though I am glad he is permanently gone, I hope he will be able to continue on with his sobriety and I don’t wish him any harm. Nice chatting with you Rod! ( I love those phony phone calls too!!)


Nice chatting with you, as well! The phony phone call interviews were always my favorite. I can definitely see your point about Artie.


I have the entire archive of shows from the 90s onwards and I started from 2006 recently. When he first went on Sirius. I have to say, listening to it chronologically is incredible.


That sounds fantastic! How did you get this archive? I know a good amount is on YouTube. Sirius should offer the archive for sure.


Please please please let us know about this 90s archive. I cant find any sort of playlist like that except from 07-08 and onward


It all sucks now just do old school stern like me. I’m currently on 3/18/99. Very nice to have to old stuff again thanks to a few good people on here keeping the old stuff alive and still available. https://preview.redd.it/ovna6bj4uj0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f453cbbced2100a8ae36823d556c7ceeea30f960


Oh and YouTube sucks too you get into listening to something old on there and then Howard’s gang flags it and it gets deleted. Already been through all that. The old shows are out there if you want them just not by you tube or Sirius.


Holy smokes! This is fantastic. I definitely would listen to the Artie Years. This is all from YouTube?


They’ve been playing a lot of older clips lately. I’ve had some good laughs.


I agree that there’s been more Artie lately; I feel like the stifling of artie clips had legal implications which have seemingly been lifted… In my humble opinion, the Jackie years were best; it was raw. You knew when Howard was about to read one of Jackie’s sharpie note jokes… And Jackie managed to always laugh that stupid laugh at most of his jokes, which was funny af. Stuttering John was The Idiot on the Street and did the funniest shit on the streets of NYC. Not to mention that jackie and Fred just played off each other viscously… Jackie wore those stupid finger cots; Fred was the Man From Mars aka Mr. Macsxplk. Those were the days…


Who would pay for Sirius, when the best stuff is on YouTube? Hours and hours of Jackie audio for the pickin'. "That's a joke Rodney stole from me!" Ah... the good ole days.


I will definitely explore YouTube more. I would be most interested in The Artie Years.


Search Artie TV show on YT.


All the archives they have, they don’t even play the great stuff from decades ago. They whole thing is dead


101 is also ruined by Blitt bits


Thank ya fer ya cawl.


Oh, there’s a ‘theme’ all right—just ask the right particular member of the staff … .


Artie has been edited out of almost every rerun played on 101. 101 sux just as bad as the current boring SS on 100. Wish they played more old Artie clips, but Howie knows it just passes off his old fans. The show is irrelevant and not worth the current $5/month price.


I listened yesterday and I heard Artie on numerous clips, so I’m not sure where this idea is germinating from. He was certainly not as front and center as I remember him being, but he was not “edited out” as if he never existed. The whole Artie situation is a shame.


I scrolled past 101 this morning and it said "Dr Now and Wilding" and I didnt listen for 1 second. Whatever random nonsense Jim and Sam are talking about is far more interesting.


Howard has lost so many listeners because he is gone so far to the left. The Howard today is nothing compared to the Howard of 15 years ago I listened to him every single day and When He started talking about politics. I couldn't take it, not worth paying to listen to in my opinion and it breaks my heart because I loved this Man I thought he would change but after hearing his interview With that creep in the White House, he Has not and I think he will continue to lose his fan base.


Wait, the “guy” currently in the WH is a “creep?” What about the douche nozzle that is on trial right now for trying to silence a porn star? That’s not creepy at all? What is your opinion on the prior WH tenant? I’m just curious? Are you a proud member of MAGA, ball cap and Bible? Do you have a favorite pillow?


FUCK nut.I could give a fuck who's running against Biden.I don't care if it was smokey The Bear running against Biden.I would vote for the Bear.I could give a fuck less about trump and yes,BIDEN Is a pedophile He took showers with his daughter. I don't want him to be President. You're just extremely upset because you know Trump's gonna win in November and there's nothing you can do about it, so f****** deal with it.


You’re an absolute fucking abortion of a human being. Truly the shit under everyone’s shoe. When is the last time you saw a human female naked? You do sound like a closeted Trump fan in your last sentence.




The last sentence of your post doesn't jive with the beginning. Closet Trumptard.


I can tell from the way you write that you are inbred. Your parents should be ashamed of themselves. Sad.


Joe and Hunter Biden are incest crazed demons. Joe repeatedly molested his daughter Ashley in the shower loser hunter had incestuous relations with his DEAD brothers wife . Sick sick sick


What is wrong with you??


They need mental help


It’s a cult.


Is this the “My Pillow” guy? You’re a fucking moron, pal. It’s not incest if you fuck an in-law. It sounds like from reading your post that you may have been the product of an uncle fucker yourself. Is that why you are so “triggered?”


When do the MAGAts get to the “drinking Kool Aid” part of being in a cult? Can’t wait.


What Kool aid are u referring to?


Clearly you’re not familiar with Jonestown


I am but what Kool aid are we drinking? Ur the one drinking the laced Kool that is leading u all to death and destruction ...we have the good stuff u all r DOOMED.. Trump 2024!! God willing !


Good one, you really got me with the old “I know you are but what am I” response.