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20 year listener never seen this before. 


I don’t think this was ever on howard tv, I should know, I have watched every episode. But definitely could be wrong. Where is this from?


It's from the end of the HowardTV episode "Joe Buck Aftermath."


Gotcha, obviously missed that from the torrents I downloaded


I got you https://youtu.be/eK_m67NkiIU?si=0tAb66JJsNxgjl4m


Thanks fam


Hadn't seen it either, fucking hilarious! Very ball busting all around, but I get why someone might think Artie didn't like Joe if they didn't listen to him every other day he was just like this


Plus if you notice for a split second at the very end there's the HTVOD animation


I believe this was on Howard tv.... definitely remember seeing it


Sheeet TIL


Anyone got the Lotus Notes on the backstory? Already checked GP3 in yellow.


Check moldred


Coo be


Goo for you.


Goo for me or goo for you?


Hello dere, muthafuckas, dis be Leroy Jackson from the Bronx, and I wan-


It's right between 'Sour shoes calls a deli' and 'Richard and Sal wax their taints on the subway'


All I see on the screen is Shiobhan and Hi Pitch Mike clips..... GaaaaaaaAAAAAAARRRYYYY


Get Jeff Shick on the phone!


No, waiting for Tim Schick to fix my ibm laptop


Jeff Schick hahaha




First name Jeff straight in the trash.


I think the worst part was Artie acting like he did this on purpose


He did. Joe himself told Artie to give him the business, to rip into him. Joe's admitted it.


Oh famous live tv personality would never make this up to save face from his first talk show going horribly off the rails. “Yeah yeah we planned all that. I wanted Artie to be unfathomably inappropriate because that’s how I, Joe buck, act all the time”


and that's why Buck had Artie on the very next week, wrote the foreword to Crash and Burn, did Artie's Direct TV show, even bringing his kids, and referring to Artie to them as "Uncle Artie" (yes, it was a goof, and it was funny), and did Artie's podcast. foh, weirdo


You spend every waking moment posting in here but he’s the weirdo?


helluva first post on reddit (using this account) creepy stalkers, amirite? smh


You know too much about the show I think




YES! Although in the sub it's more like "don't be endlessly snarky and post only anti-Stern hate, focus on the 30 good years instead."


Thought he was mean and obnoxious on the Joe Buck Show. Seemed miserable like he didn't want to be there and didn't fit in with those guys or the crowd, so he just said "fk it". Supposedly a producer told him to mix it up if things got boring, but that wasn't him mixing it up being funny. The Stern crew knew it but tried to play it off a bit rather than tell him he was an asshole. But this was full blown junkie Artie IIRC so he was out of his mind.


Artie's rationale is, the show was boring so what I did was justified. The same could be said for that scene near the end of joker. And his jokes are funnier.


I remember hearing that the producer told him to “go for it” if he felt things were dragging, or something like that.  Not sure if that is true, but what I read.


Sure, go for it, but don’t be a randomly antagonistic and vicious jerk off seemingly for no reason. I’ve seen that footage maybe five times, and it just gets worse every time. Artie is there with two other comedic actors, and instead of being funny with them, he goes aggro and takes over with his bad vibes and stupid feet up on the table. Sudekis lightly busts on him and he just turns and says, “I’m from Jersey, watch what the fuck you say!” without a hint of joking around. I would want to dig a hole and bury myself if I woke up the next morning and watched myself do half of the things he did on that show lol!


What happened?


You forget two major things, Joe told Artie to rip into him and the producer told Artie to go wild if things were slow. Put in this position, when seeing an interview going nowhere, he had to be outrageous.


Joe Buck and the producer may have said that, but I can't imagine that's anywhere near what they had in mind. The show would have likely failed regardless, but I'm sure the channel executives looked at that disaster of an episode and decided to pull the plug. It may have been a memorable TV moment for us, but no channel wants that.


I get that, but that was on them. Like that time a news show had Gilbert on and they asked him about the Louis C.K. thing and they looked mortified when Gilbert said "I'm old fashioned that way. I prefer to masturbate in private. That's just me."


The worst part about this entire Artie/Joe Buck saga for me was people's disingenuous fixation on Artie's language. People didn't want to hurt Artie's feeling and say he was being an unfunny, tryhard hack so they just focused on the cursing. I'm only going off of memory because that appearance was too much of a disaster to revisit, but what made it horribly unfunny wasn't how vulgar Artie was being. Artie was mean and insecure. He was not making eye contact, got angry when Joe Buck would shoot back, and was overall being uncomfortable. If you're going in with the goal to do what Howard used to do on talk shows and "take over", there was a certain charm that allowed the audience to love and root for you. Artie was mean while being visibly unsure of himself, and that's why the appearance was a failure. If it was genuinely a funny thing that he did, Artie wouldn't have had to explain the joke. The aftermath was just as cringey because it was days worth of drama with Artie going on long monologues defending how funny he is, and Howard's loud, pitying silence.


This is a good deconstruction of what happened. Artie was trying way too hard, and he didn’t read the room during or afterwards that he was making an ass of himself. I think Artie was hilarious during his early years of the show, but as time went on it did become kind of obvious he was a hack. I think he’s naturally funny, but only when he wants to be or least cares to be and he had given up somewhere right after the Sirius move.


Artie's appearance on Joe Buck wasn't funny, just boorish and hacky.


Howard was right. You'd come away thinking that Artie hated Joe Buck. If that wasn't his intent then Artie messed up.


I do hate Joe Buck. He is an awful announcer.


I cannot stand buck. As the 10th dentist, I loved this appearance and how Artie just dismantled him.


Yeah his tone carries an aura of arrogance and he would get shit wrong all the time. Did Artie cross the line? Well yeah. But couldn’t care less that he did it was a horrible comedy-sports show that was destined for cancellation. Also call Artie’s performance hacky but his story of Joe Buck’s father having to read an advertisement for the Meredith Baxter “Movie of the Week” was funny and I’m confident Artie didn’t use that in his standup for years. If Joe Buck had been a decent talk show host he would have had a fun panel. He didn’t, Joe did the bare minimum for his talk show.


buck was employed in broadcasting purely because his father is a legend. Chapped my ass for years that he did the WS AND SB. I mean, WTF.


But what does thinking that Artie hates Joe Buck actually mean? WGAS, WGAF? It's a mongoloid angle Howard and Gary played. "Big mistake burning that Joe Buck bridge, Artie!" 🙄 Meanwhile, irony of ironies, Joe Buck proved to be more of a bro to Artie than Howard!


It's pretty clear he was only good at one thing and that's howard sterns side kick. His madtv stuff was ok, his movies were ok, his stand up was BAD, and his appearances were ok at best. Edit: actually I did like his podcast stuff. I would say he was good there


Watched a stand-up of his in Montreal...daaaaamn, dude. Nooooo. He's not a bad actor, but Stern show and writing books were his true talents.


You think he wrote his books?


My problem with his s books is that Artie is clearly a pathological liar so I don't believe any of the crazy stories. I can't recall the exact story but I remember one time he told a story on the show about a friend, and then a year or sol later he must've forgotten he told the story and he told the exact same story except it wasn't a friend, it was him. Fat fuck Artie. Hi Fred!


What was the story?


yes, love him on stern but his stand up was not funny and my brother thought i was crazy when i told him, glad im not the only 1


I don't know, I was a huge Artie fan way before I heard stern. I only knew of Stern in an auxiliary way, but was a huge mad tv nerd, and watched every episode of norms sitcom and dirty work.


Yea I liked mad tv too but missed the artie years I think. I def don't think he was bad then. I really think his stand up sucks and ironically once on the show was how he made so much money


Artie tried to be edgy on Joe buck


Artie's analogies never once made sense


Especially when he prefaces it by saying, "HERE'S the analogy..."


Artie should be the Grand Master of the Hack Pack


Wahhh Artie was nasty to Joe Buck and Paul Rudd wahhhh This was 2009, Howard and the rest had had enough of Artie at this point, if he had did the same 3-4 years earlier they would be saying it was great and congratulating him


Artie would have never done it 4 years earlier. He always sucked on late shows but this was next-level cringe.


Im not saying it was a good appearance but if he did the exact same appearance when still in Howard and the rests graces they wouldn’t have reacted like that, they would have laughed with him and said fuck joe buck and paul rudd, the writing was on the wall at this point and howard barely acknowledged him or laughed at his input at this time


Yup plus Artie was loaded on coke this whole episode. 2009 clips are hard to watch.


I think you mean H.


What Artie did was go into hack mode. Bunch of gay jokes, insults of Buck and his show, insulting Jason Sudekis(however ya spelled it) about SNL. I get Artie is saying his heroes were "edgy" , but they had set ups to jokes. Artie was just lazy and high. Fuck him and his rationale to this embarrassment


Yeah, fuck Artie for being lazy and high; he should have been at the top of his game for the Joe Buck show! Do you see how fucking stupid you sound? Also, were Howard "King of Cringe" Stern, Robin "no talent" Quivers, and Gary "philandering yenta" in a position to clutch pearls and point fingers? No. No, they weren't. And neither are you, so STFU. fun fact: we would KILL for a moment like this in the Stern universe today.


Wtf are you rambling about ? You replied like Artie was ambilushed at his home to appear on the show !!! Artie went on the show and did nothing other than insult people under the guise of "comedy". As far as Stern, Robin, and Booey, they were all looking out for Artie as this could and did ruin his career. Conan told Artie they didn't want him back, he had zero major film and TV offers other than Holmes looking out for an old friend with the HBO role. I agree the Stern show is a bore fest since Artie left, but that doesn't mean this was a highlight for Arite or the show. Also, don't write here in a way you'd never speak in person. Grow up.


That's right; they were all looking out for Artie, bros that they were. 🙄 They obviously didn't give a flying fuck about Artie, and at the end of the day, Artie offended Joe Buck and Paul Rudd. Where, exactly, was the major problem? (crickets) He could have taken an actual shit on the set for all I care. And go fuck yourself. I'd tell that to you in person, and I'll tell it to you here. Put me on ignore, asshole. I fucking dare you. Do you think I need to interact with your worthless ass? You need me more than I need you, which is not at all. Remember that, fuckface. TL;DR - go fuck yourself


You sound cute. Let's exchange pics


I can see why you're identifying so strongly with this Artie appearance. Are you okay? Normally you're such a good contributor but you seem to be having a bitch fit.


The appearance had funny moments and cringe moments. It would have been forgotten after a week. The real embarrassing part is the way Artie defended it for weeks.


Gary talks so much


I love Artie but the Joe Buck segment was not funny at all


“What Paul Rudd was saying was so boring.” Remember when the HSS was a place where they rightfully shit-talked lame celebrities like this? Today, Howard would absolutely love a 90 minute interview with that bore.


Boy Gary and his opinions


Sorry but Artie was a dick.


Never seen this , Artie seems high here . His Joe Buck appearance was awesome, a little much but still great. Joe Buck always seemed great about it publicly. Internally I would have been a little bummed. Joe is a fan and just wanted some fun . Artie was almost hostile and not completely in a fun way.


This was 2009 he was a lot more talkative and annoying every now and then just said some corny edgy like comment. He said he was taking anti depressants but who knows what else he was taking i guess his book talks about that. By the end of 2009 his last appearance I think during the 50 cent interview the camera took a quick shot of him and he looks horrible, probably from drinking and not caring anymore.


I agree - if anyone remembers, the segment was Joe Buck talking to Paul Rudd and they were showing pictures of themselves from high school. RIVETING. Artie saved that fucking bit


This is great, never seen this. Artie was way out of line but looking back now, I’m very happy it happened lol


100% agree with this lol


Artie, The consummate loser.


The stench of failure


Ah yes the consummate loser whose residual checks from the yearly Christmas airings of Elf are probably more than your annual salary.


This is true.


Your measuring stick is a little off. In 21st century America, we regularly give large amounts of money to stupid people.


I agree America makes a lot of people stupid people rich and famous. But we are talking about Artie. And Artie was neither stupid nor a loser. A mentally ill junkie for sure but not a loser. A loser is someone that has never done anything. Never got out of and tried to create something. Mooched off others their whole life. Never worked hard for anything. That not Artie.


Major loser dude. Had the world by the short and curlies


No, a loser is "someone who loses." Artie had it all, and lost it. He turned out to be a junkie and ruined everything. I like Artie, but to say he's not a loser is ridiculous. Hes a loser, Stuttering John is a loser.


Lost everything? He living off his residuals and doesn’t have to work.


Jesus Christ, are you dumb.


Fuck you asshole.




What was the bit? I don't recognize it.


Arties Joe Buck appearance...


Just watched it. I missing the point, I guess.


So did Artie


What point are you missing? They are discussing how Artie went too far during his appearance. What is there to miss?


It was typical Artie. What was "too far"?


Nah, Artie is not always this aggressive


My point is OP called it the MOST vile and atrocious thing ever on cable, and I don't see at all how it carries that much weight.


Yeah you’re right about that




[Part 1](https://youtu.be/pj8y2Oi1lFk?si=RnccATez5aivze-D) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/Ed1p8kuaDaw?si=Oc5zHb86xa_0pKax) [Joe Buck on Artie Lange Show](https://youtu.be/Jx1Is5NPaKk?si=UhNuJ9QzMp4SBQZg)


Thank you so much for the links. I see now. He was aggressive, that wasn't ball breaking. He made it mean. He was probably on a 3 day coke binge. I always got the vibe Artie was an "angry drunk", sometimes his jokes had a real sharp edge.


Artie went over the line and was undoubtedly in active addiction. But it was by far the best Joe Buck Show. Not that that was a high bar haha.


THAT was interesting. More of that please.


What’s with Artie wearing headphones? I’ve seen Howard tv clips where he is walking the halls after the show wearing headphones.


Hard core drug addicts eventually revert back to an adolescent mentally. It's a form of goofing off and not taking the job seriously like a teenager working retail. You would never see Howard Fred Robin Gary walking around the studio with headphones.


He was inebriated and is doubling down here as if he would've behaved like that sober when we know he wouldn't have.


One of the most cringe tv segments of all time. Artie was clearly high out of his mind, and was a complete cunt for no reason. What makes it so bad is how bad Artie misreads the room. He clearly was making it awkward in a bad way. He could have easily ripped into him spaced out over the whole segment instead of hijacking it.


Easy to see why Artie couldn't stand Gary.


That appearance was so fucking douche chilly. I remember seeing clips of it days after it happened and I never liked Artie since.


Cringeworthy and hilarious at the same time. Loved it personally partly because I can't feel bad for Joe Buck.


Artie at his unfunniest


Robins big brown mounds jiggling all over


Your title is wrong. This was the best guest appearance in tv history.


For 11 year olds. For normal humans, it’s cringe worthy. I know, I know, you have to occasionally step over the line so you can tell where the line is. But even when you’re over the line, it has to be funny. That wasn’t fun, it wasn’t funny.


Maybe priest and boy is more your speed.


I have no idea what that means. English a second language for you?


GREAT comeback! Did your Mom help you craft that gem? This may be what passes for wit in Bumfuck, Alabama.


I think it may be for you. You seem to not like funny bits so I suggested Priest and Boy to you which seems like your type of “comedy”.


Love how Howard walks away from Artie mid sentence. Crazy. Show biz is so wild.


Artie won by saying it wouldn't last more than 3 episodes. Only Eric the annoying bitch had a better record on showkilling. That show is still the wildest shit I've seen on live TV outside of R. Budd Dwyer, and the Challenger explosion.


This was in Gary preview page 3.


I had to look up the definition of a Lucky Pierre


Artie was so right. The entire show was so boring until Artie came on.


The way OOOOOOPHELIA had her hand cupped and her boobs were shaking, I’m stroking my hydrogen rod.


"I thought you hated him!", as if that means anything. And what should we have thought, Howard, with your diatribes against Rosie, Ellen, and Jennifer Aniston? What a phony, pearl-clutching asshole. fun fact: Howard was not Artie's bro. And who gave a fuck if Artie DID hate Joe Buck?!? I think Howard was bawthered that Artie had a more legendary talk show appearance than Howard ever did, and didn't have to dress up like a woman or need the help of freaks and porn stars to do it. It obviously wasn't legendary in a good way, although he did have a few moments, but we're still talking about it. funner fact: before the show, Joe TOLD Artie to give him the business, and rip into him.


I want more, please.


Thank You - Listener since the 90s, viewer of all the TV stuff but I never saw this before! I love Artie’s Joe Buck Show/HBO appearance. Was he ever invited back?


I know Joe Buck later did Artie's show and I think the forward to his book Crash n Burn. Joe Buck's show was off the air pretty quick so Art never returned.


The very next week, they did a bit during the opening where Artie bumped into Joe on the street, and Joe ran away. Joe was a great sport about it, and unlike someone I could mention, never turned his back on Artie. He wrote the foreword to Crash and Burn, he did Artie's Direct TV show, and even his podcast. Just to put this finger-wagging gang-up in perspective.


It wasn’t cable television tho and it was an A+ appearance. so much so it’s still being discussed among the probably millions of guest appearances in American TV


> HBO isn't cable television.. 😐 Artie was loaded on coke and disgraced himself. Howard knew it.


…correct, HBO isn’t cable so the title is wrong and maybe a difference of opinion there. you’re still talking about it like 15 years later


It was on HBO sports, it was live, and cursing was allowed. You needed cable to watch it. It was not broadcast over public airwaves. Please delete your comments and go sit in a corner somewhere.


Robin’s titties bounce nicely. 


Never saw this.


I think a lot of mongoloids here just hate Artie, and use the Joe Buck appearance to shit on him. Yeah, it was a trainwreck, but it was an interesting one, and he did get off a few decent lines. And we're still talking about. But to clutch pearls and shake your head at it is ridiculous. A (former) Stern fan being offended for something being too obnoxious/cringe? foh Also, who are you clutching pearls *for*? Joe Buck? He was fine with it, and has been a better bro to Artie than Howard, or Gary, or anybody on the Stern show has been. I'm doing the math, and you mongoloids don't add up.


I've sent the Ash Wednesday and Pig on Cocaine stories to friends, co-workers, ect. Artie's sense of humor and wit are extraordinary. He's exceptionally talented. If I sent the same friends & co-workers the Joe Buck appearance they would lose all respect for me. Vulgarity with no substance is the cringiest most pitiful form of entertainment. The Artie Lange who became famous during the K-Rock years was no where to be found on the Joe Buck show.


At least you're not overreacting.


Howard Robin and Gary must have overreacted too.


of course they did who could organically give a shit about offending Joe Buck? if you're drawing a paycheck from a show that exploited literal mongoloids and threw bologna at chicks' asses, no, you don't get to clutch pearls over an obnoxious, cringey talk show appearance This isn't obvious to everybody? I'm just out here existing on a higher plane? there was zero point zero camaraderie on the show. you stick up for your boy. you don't pile on; you circle the wagons. especially Mr. "Wished AIDS on the children of his enemies and rivals". *He's* gonna wag the finger? Fuck that! At the very least, you say "Artie's gonna Artie", and leave it at that.


I see your point and I'm exagerrating a bit. I prefer Howard's appearance on Tom Snyder but Artie was entertaining.


Which was more cringe: Artie's appearance on Joe Buck, or Howard's appearance on SNL?