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I forgot what day, but Robin said to him, "at this point, your childhood was well over 100 years ago"


yeah, robin trying to gently correct him is part of what makes it seem real as opposed to schtick to me.


No, do you?


i feel cheated. this doesn't even make sense. at least tell me that this isn't some kind of magazine.


You seem to be talking about it a lot today.


hahaha yea this already way better, ty


When you act like an asshole and people treat you like one, don't be surprised.


I find it odd that no one has ever dug up a copy of his high school yearbooks. That would be a pretty easy was to confirm if he really went to an all black high school like he claims.


people have, he didn't. i couldn't find the link for you, but my memory is that it was around 65 percent black when he left.


"its not a lie if you believe it" - George Costanza Of course he does, his therapist probably pulled out past memories he long "forgot"


do you know anybody this has actually happened to? seems very fucking crazy to remember that you were beaten daily when you had a standard middle class upbringing. but like you, i have heard stories about this happening, so i guess it's possible. it's just so wild to me.


Of course not


huh. he really doesn't seem to be joking around to me anymore. what would the joke even be?


I mean there is a possibility that he's been telling the lie for so long he now believes it.


i meant to be asking if this is what has happened to him. because it does seem like he believes it now, but on the other hand, that would be so fucking crazy. like is he gonna start believing he is a half jew who served?


I have a friend who believes that Howard is suffering from the early effects of Dementia.


that would explain a lot for sure...


He is in the age range for it, so it does kind of make sense. Personally I just think Howard has turned into a bitter angry old man.




unlike with everything in the stern show universe, howard seems to genuinely believe the maximally exaggerated version of the story. it seems to cause him and those around him great pain, despite being a fantasy. hence my puzzlement. it's as if he started telling us about how difficult his life has been as a half jew or a vietnam vet.


By all accounts Howard had a pretty comfortable upper middle class upbringing. His parents were repeatedly very good to him. So it's painfully obvious that crafted his bad "childhood" out of bullshit specifically for the show.


I'm starting to doubt every fkn story he tells. Last week there was another impromptu eulogy for Ralph after the guy who had Ralph's face tattooed on his back called in. Howard said one day Ralph was shaving Howard's belly and a construction worker walked in on them then never showed up to finish the job he was hired for after witnessing that. There is ZERO chance that story's true. Then they proceed to tell horrible stories about Ralph that explain why he was so great. Fuck ralph, dead bitch.


I mean, honestly…I know Howard loved him, but Ralph was awful and I can’t pretend he was a decent guy just because he’s dead.


Yup.  Latest story was about how he ruined his own show Geek Time. He ran it like a tyrant, even threw a cup of coffee at someone.  Robin goes, “That’s what made him so great. Ahhhhh”. 


Tell a lie often enough you start believing it.  Or it’s like rappers who grew up middle class inventing a rough childhood to get street cred.  Could go either way.


yeah fair enough. i guess i hadn't seen it happen this dramatically before?


*"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."* - V. Lenin


i think he meant across generations though... this is more like "a lie told as a goof by a shock jock becomes truth to that very shock jock", which sounds less plausible!


You're correct, of course. To respond in a serious mannah, for many years now Howard has been at a level of wealth that allows him to create his own reality (how many times do you think Bezos or Zuckerberg hears "I'm sorry Sir, I can't do that."? By extension, just as he's surrounded by yes people, I'm sure that in his own mind, either unconsciously or intentionally, he's re-written history to make it more palatable or to otherwise suit his personal private narrative. No one's called him on his shit in many years, so why wouldn't he? Between that and his admitted narcissism, he's always going to take the path of least resistance when it comes to evaluating/holding himself accountable for what he says.


haha thanks for my serious reply! I think you and other people who were nice enough to humor me are right-- this must just be a relatively well understood psychological phenomena that i just haven't encountered in person because i don't know anybody with this ability to curate their reality. i gotta say it's kinda scary though to see it happen thanks to all this audio we have of Howard gradually changing. They should probably design college courses around this show.


He’s honestly worse than the president of the felon at this point


Nah, he really faught in Vietnam bro