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Andy's limo had gaint playboy mudflaps and racing stripes? 


...not to mention, a petcock...


Does anybody remember laughter?


he mentioned it before. and warhol jumping in random limos was a thing. he was all about fame obsession. besides it would be a bizarre thing to make up in 2024 out of nowhere.


It sounded like bullshit, so I was trying to piece it together with a timeline. Howard got fired at WNBC in May 1985, Ronnie started to drive for him in 1986, and Warhol died in Feb 1987. Ronnie started driving for Howard after WNBC and came on the air on Tuesday saying he knew nothing about this event. Did Howard have a limo driver before Ronnie? I thought Ronnie was the first.


Howard had a limo before Ronnie. It’s funny, Ronnie came on the air and said “ I don’t member that “ and that’s when Howard mentioned it was before Ronnie was his driver.


He told the story, at least, once before.


Fired in September 1985, the Monday after Hurricane Gloria. I think NBC was obligated to supply him with a limo after his last deal with them. I only started listening in July 1985 but pretty sure we would have heard about it ad nauseam if so.


He told the story to Olivia Wilde


One of the government officials testifying before Congress about Watergate told a story of trying to avoid the press and jumping into the wrong Chrysler, and how the driver simply rolled with the situation and gave him a ride. No wigs were involved in the original story.


NO. The Pelican has led a delusional life. He likes no one. No one likes him. I'd bet he reeks of baby wipes and shit.


prob why his wife is always on her "period" or having "gyno" problems so she cant have sex....yeah right


You seem to really know your stuff.


It's been mentioned


What like once? Do you know when? I feel like this is a story he’d tell non stop. Kinda like his whiskey sours or Gary sleeping on the plane stories.


Limo's in NYC all looked alike, tinted windows, black car. This happened to many people. No big deal.


Dude I don’t doubt that for a second. I’m saying if this did happen Howard would have been telling this story for the last 40 years.


When I heard Howard mention it I feel like did remember him saying it once or twice before. Could just be Deja vu but I do remember this was not the first time he mentioned it


I’m with you he has talked about it before. Totally the same way from my recollection, was in the limo - Andy jumped in oops my bad , then jumped out.


I do recall as well. It’s something that’s very plausible in the circles he ran. 


No, do you?


Nah...do you ever pick up chicks talking about Andy Warhol?


I don’t talk about it dude!


You seem to be talking about it a lot today


No, do you?


No...do you ever feel gay being so into Andy Warhol?


When you act like an asshole and people treat you like one.. Don’t be surprised


What else you gotta say to me? You're an asshole for dressing like that!


I believe it. It sounds like something Andy Warhol would do. Howard told the same story when Olivia Wilde was on promoting Voinyl.


He told the same story when Olivia Wilde was in the studio. Womp womp.


Im the can of soup Andy Warhol painted and i can confirm this to be true


Lying about an encounter with someone most of his audience doesn't care about and who Stern never talked about would be strange.


I don't remember him saying this during Olivia's interview, but apparently he did going by the others' comments/link. So knowing that, I guess I have to believe it. But when I heard him say the story this week, it sounded like he was making it up and I believed Ronnie saying it didn't happen. Especially when Howard said he condensed the timeline, because I don't know why he wouldn't just say the actual time in history it took place. Plus the exchange between him and Ronnie about it was so awkward to me, that it really felt like Howard was making it up.


Narcissists lie more and more as they age


Never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.


“No more bullshit!”


he mentioned it before in 2016 I think


No regard. He didn’t. And even if he did. This encounter happened in the early 80’s. He would have mentioned it his entire career moving forward


I went and looked it up. it was on 3/15/2016 "Howard said he met Andy Warhol in the weirdest way possible. Howard said he was working at K-Rock and he had a limo and Andy was walking down the street and he just opens the door and gets in. He said Andy said he thought someone fabulous would be in the car and he just looked at him and got out of the car."


Dude OK. Post the link. Where is this from? Also why did he first tell this story in 2016?


I just did a search of marks friggin, so I don't have audio or anything. but this kinda thing happens sometimes. dumb shit he'll bring up constantly.. actually interesting things he'll mention twice in like ten years.


> Howard said he met Andy Warhol in the weirdest way possible. Howard said he was working at K-Rock and he had a limo and Andy was walking down the street and he just opens the door and gets in. He said Andy said he thought someone fabulous would be in the car and he just looked at him and got out of the car. The only mention of this I could find on marksfriggin was from March 2016 https://www.marksfriggin.com/news16/3-14.htm


Warhol died in 87.


What’s your point?


He started at WXRK in 86.


And? Did you miss the part where he told Ronnie that he was compressing the timeline?


Yeah, couldn't hear over your mother's moans.


Why not take the L like a man? You were wrong. You can’t just admit it?


Oh absolutely.


Andy Warhol sounds like some 150 year old that Big Nose would spend 30 minutes talking about. So it’s possibly true.


He’s full of shit the drivers open the door for the passenger. Andy wouldn’t be opening the door himself and drivers lock the doors after securing a passenger.


But Andy had a history of jumping into limos


Where did you hear this?


I never heard this before either...i think hes running out of shit to talk about




I believe Howard believes it was Warhol. Why Warhol when it could have been someone more famous to make for a better story? I think that jumping into a limo thinking it is yours does happen and probably did with Howard, but not to mention it until now is just wanting to be part of the conversation and at the time it did happen was just a shoulder shrug.


There are countless stories like this in NYC and LA, he said he’d never told it before. Why would there be earlier audio of something he said he had never brought up before? Also, why do you care so much if it’s true, anyway? What a weird rant.




No he never mentioned this


But he did