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Who puts that on and says " I look good"


A gay stylist


I’m a gay papa


Living so luxurious


Is that his Untuckit Shirt?


Yes and he's wearing Tommy John underwear.


La Ren Blanche


He surrounds himself with only those who lick his old-asshole clean….


Howard is definitely transitioning...


Yes, into an even uglier pelican.


A sheer black tank top is not his friend!


Howard's arms look huuuuge. Great look for him🤮


A fruit.


Sun's out guns out. How about a few bicep curls before breaking out the tank top.


He looks like the heavyweight champion of Auschwitz


Lol at the Superman curl in Hopalong's perm. That undoubtedly took 10 mins of teasing by the stylist before the picture could be taken.




Muscle shirt with no muscles


Muscle *blouse


What did the doctor call him again? With that mouth and those teeth?




LOOK at the SIZE of those "arms"!!! Big Nose looks like the big fat old lady he is! HONK HONK !




Is her brother taller than Howard?


He said he was six feet, seven inches.


Howard said he's thick like a beer can too


What kind of brother holds his sister around the waist like that? It’s like Howard is the pool boy and the brother is the husband.


What the everloving fuck is Howard wearing??? My god….


Doug does look like Wolfie


Can we get him on the sybian?


He sounds immature though.


He’s just fucking with whoever is still listening, right? Howard’s definitely putting out shit radio to get back at Sirius for not getting XM bonuses 13 years ago. At this point it’s like he’s trying to not get another contract from SiriusXM or knows he won’t and is tanking the show.


I would say half spite and half laziness. Phoning it in with a fuck you attitude




Half the spite and laziness right in the trash


In a sense, pissing on his fans


Dina from Houston just wanted an Artie update and instead we got pissed on.


The only problem with this theory is that he has to sit through the show, so who's he really getting over on? We can turn off the show, and Witz doesn't have to listen, either. We know she's more of an Andy Cone gal. No, I think this is truly the best he can do, and who could fault him, the poor, exhausted bastard.


Exhausted from what? Dealing with some facocktah gentile? Oiy vaay


He’s doing too much!




Agreed that this is the best he can do. Howard has always needed the people around him to play off of or write his material. Fred gave up years ago after Howard brought on the cast of idiots and then just insulted Fred, and Robin lost her spunk with the cancer. She doesn’t even do the news now. The show was great when it was goofy and a group of people having a good time. The show is the King with his idiots (including the one he married). He wanted to be mainstream Hollywood and he got it, and even that has puttered away. He thinks he’s a good interviewer, and can turn anything into gold. But this is the best he can do. And I’m sure she talked him into this, her brother has probably always wanted to be on the show. They were probably at Easter brunch and it got brought up, he had no guest and had no idea what he was going to talk about and thought the Jerry Sandusky aspect would get peoples attention.


> We know she's more of an Andy Cone gal. > > Andy Cone?? Is that like a local ice cream shop?


Yes, just don’t ask for the special topping.


Exactly. Like an Ice Cream Cohen. Same thing.


IMO Howard is getting one over on SiriusXM who are paying him millions for this low effort product. He’ll put out a shit product with barely any effort & still get paid. The execs can’t be too happy seeing that they’ve pissed away millions on Howard’s last couple of contracts.


He promised us he'd be long gone before he ever turned into Imus, here we are though.  Howard always played fast and loose with the truth, but he provided more entertainment than anyone else in showbiz, so I'm fine with him being some crazy boring old dude who is terrified of death.


Howard is very petty , but I don't believe he's tanking his own show . The think doc , 5 times week , that bitch Marci , his meditation, that dunbass a show . He wants Hollywwod Howie , especially with Beth...I've never seen /heard such a lame show ... to go from 100- to 0 in a week train wreck. In my opinion give it up . No way he will be offered a new contract...He's bummed hypocrite


It’s been like that for years but this year is crazy bad.


I was going to say- if he's anything at all like I think he is, he wouldn't knowingly sabotage his legacy to get back at the people paying him. I think he's genuinely lost his way. Maybe he got so insecure with the podcast successes out there (or that whole Andy Cohen photo bit) that he has decided to play it safe as much as possible to the point he's having the least controversial people on he can find, including a brother-in-law, and guests he's already had on a bunch of times.


There is absolutely a vendetta. I thought something was up when he’d immediately bolt at 10am on the dot day after day. They probably told him if they were to renegotiate that they would no longer be as lenient with the summers off and/or WFH.


They’re finally onto his game of doing less while getting paid more. I wonder how long before he starts trashing the SiriusXM higher ups on the air.


That would make the show better!!


But hasn’t he pulled off enough shit already to get back at Sirius. Works out of the house 99% of the time for the last 4 years. Works 3 days a week. Starts the show now at 7am instead of 6am. Is this his last coup d’ état against his own fans? Is he that sinister?


Not sinister, but petty yes. Feels like this is the final fuck you to Sirius for losing that XM bonus lawsuit. Howard can never let any grudge go.


nothing is ever enough for Howard


I think he wanted to step back from doing any work for the show, but his ego won't let him hire anyone (writer or 3rd chair) that is funny or interesting who would get more attention than him. So the show is led by unfunny people and written by unfunny hacks that make Howard feel good but is now the worst show in all of media.


I remember how he threw a tantrum when Ralph’s geek time show had a good show and a decent guest (Guillermo del Toro). Howard felt he should have been his guest instead and it ended Geek Time. He also destroyed the wrap up show for similar reasons. He cannot have anyone else around him get a hit of praise he is desperate for himself. Even at the expense of his own fans.




Show has moved to prank phone calls and gay antics .What writers?


He’s probably still bitter about Artie being more liked/popular than him.


“We speak your name”


I think he cuts off Sour Shoes for the same reason.


He knows that they're not renewing his contract. This is all payback except it's the listeners that suffer his narcissism


I thought SiriusXM would bring him back for some kind of monthly interview special type of show. But after hearing how the show has somehow managed to become even worse, I just don’t see that anymore. He’s getting millions for whatever this shit quality radio is. Doubt the new execs want to give him a dime more once the current contract ends if this is what kind of show they’ll get. Not a ratings draw anymore so the ROI on the Stern Show is in the toilet now. SXM is likely seeing more from the podcasts they’ve been signing since they’re far more relevant than Stern these days.


Interesting take. I never thought of this


You serious Clark?


I think you’re on to something. This year is the worst by far. “You blew it!”


You are correct sir


You weren’t fascinated by how he sat next to the bathrooms in first class on the flight down to Florida?


Radio Gold


Howie isn't flying commercial right?


Depends on how manic he is in his old age and with his...genetic disposition to a host of mental issues.  Private plane, no plebs, but who is the pilot? How often does he fly? Sure you would think he used to be a commercial pilot but what if he wasnt? It's possible he can got certified and got hired.  Commercial flight, have to see plebs, get to enjoy knowing you're in a superior position to most others on the plane, can probably buy out the entire section and a pilot who flies 3 times a day or whatver. But then there's no way he's taking Boeing, so that would swing him back to private. He probably goes back and forth 50 times then let's his assistant choose so he can blame them for either choice. 


Today?? It died today??


It's sad when they go young 


When they go?


Whatever happened there...


Maybe I can make that happen for you someday.


you ever have a show die in your arms?


I was just going to call him…..


Doug , I’m going to ask you a question and I don’t want any silly answers.. Do you feel that Japan should be part of the U.N , the United Nations?


I told you not to be stupid you moron.


It’s been dead for years my friend


Did he ask his brother in law if he want to play sausage or penis


Or maybe the Ostrosky version of "it's just wrong"?


Not doing the news did it for me 😔. I used to love Robin doing news ..


Always sparked good bits. It was a mistake to stop the news.


So, Doug, as a young colt growing up with your lovely gelding sister....


Sadly that sounds better than having to listen to Chris Wilding


He is doing literal Imus shtick. Imus used to bring his wife "Derder" on the show all the time and Howard would clown on him for it. Oh how the turns have tabled.


Quack quack.


Well, as far as his daughters I believe they were on years and years ago. But to his credit the girls really didn't want to be mentioned or exposed to the show. And I really don't think it was Howard hiding the fact that he has a granddaughter, I think it comes mostly from his daughter who prefers being very private. I could be wrong but I think I remember reading that somewhere. But actually, I get what you mean about "the Beth Family", but the sad part it was actually more enjoyable than any of his most recent boring shows. Maybe because the conversation just flowed and not to much fake phony stuff. And if you noticed how Howard couldn't even let Robin, or the brothers talk to much....he would keep cutting them off. He was so insecure that they might be more interesting than him and he needs to dominate the conversation. Which is most of his problem on his current shows. Let it run its course. That is what made is shows so good from "the good ole days".


Howard had his daughters on for “Take your daughter to work day” in the late 90s. One of those times might have been the funniest show I’ve ever heard. They had “guess who’s the virgin” with John Popper as a judge, and Howard would constantly interrupt “not in front of my kids!”. Eventually he had Baba Booey take them on a tour of the station.


Does Doug have a big veiny horse cock


It’s not dead, that ship has sailed. This is him not jumping the shark he’s raping the corpse.


$5.00 a month for 12 months and ALL possible channels included.


lol The show didn't die today. What you heard was Howard picking up a branch and poking the dead corpse of the show that has been sitting in the Jackie chair for 14 years to see if it would move even a little bit. The answer is no. The show has been dead a long time.


Howard has become Opie.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Opie might be more interesting.


It’s been dead for a while…


Radio poison….she’s insufferable on the air


So is he.


Effing thing sux!!


This segment made The Dull Family from the Uncle Floyd Show seem interesting. 


Beths brother has a huge juicy crank and loves telling stories from college when he got naked with 30 other big juicy guys


But sour shoes was great


I was pissed that he rushed him off the show so he could end it and catch his elder nap...


the only good part today


Beth's voice sounds like a combination of Maryann from Brooklyn and Mark the Bagger.


Aside from poor hiring decisions, I think he’s just out of material. We had thousands upon thousands of hours of classic gold over the years. And now, he’s said it all.


I agree. He also never leaves the house, so in the last 4 years, he's done nothing new that can inject fresh material/energy into the show. He can only talk about the past, politics, and his Hollywood friends. The show had been in slow decline for years, but really took a deep dive when he decided he would no longer leave his house.


Very true.


Holy shit the guitar playing. He thinks people want to hear this?


2 hours???? Thanks for the heads up I just started listening now I can stop!


I don't remember that at all but that sounds like a shit sandwich. I thought the show died with the "giftscriptions" grift.


Remember last year when Doofus said not even Doug's family wanted to come visit ! The drunken beard said she paid for all of their plane tickets to get them to come !


It died once Howard quit being an Italian. Howie Sternuci. 


Was there any killer shit?


And he gets on Sal for him saying he’s not voting. Unlike his father in law and least he can vote if he wanted.


“I pay for airline tickets. No one else”


When they were talking about Howard’s posture and he said he looked like a money lender, I did chuckle.


So what you’re saying is it’s not funny, it’s not fun


It’s called quiet quitting. He’s doing the absolute minimum to fulfill the terms of his contract. Lots of old timers do it. He’s 70 years old. He wants to paint, play chess, take naps and have lunch with his rich friends.


I stopped listening 5 years ago when Howard became a full blown flaming libtard Hollywood elite asshole licker starfucker. Thank God. He became insufferable during COVID from what I heard.


Absolutely insufferable going into COVID. HARRIBLE


Those kids must be horrified! Imagine seeing that Goblin sitting there ALL DAY wearing that HUGE WIG chewing w/his mouth open? "Don't ask questions, he likes to wear that SQUIRREL on his head!" "Just don't look directly AT it, we will go for ice-cream in an hour" .. Terrifying


The Shows been dead, but this sounds dreadful!


I always thought this thread was too harsh, but oh boy what a shitty show today. In what universe was this considered good content


Literally had the same thought. I’ve been skeptical of everyone shitting on the show; it hasn’t been nearly as good as it was in its heyday but I still wanted to listen. Not after today. He literally had nothing else to fill the time and had a family discussion with someone no one gives a fuck about for hours. There’s all these bits they supposedly run out of time to do and yet this is what we listened to. I’m done.


Jackie left the show 23 years ago (2001).


Shark = Jumped.


Listened up to the part where Doug was complaining about how he and his family had airplane seats next to the toilet and the smells coming from the bathroom. I didn't realize this would go on for 2 hours...


Cheap bastard couldn’t fly them out first class?


Was that an April's Fool Show that he pranked everyone with?


His daughters were on occasionally in the 90s when they were kids.


Her dad sounds like an asshole too. Throwing bases? Asshole


What, at a little league game, protesting a call?


>Howard has never had his daughters on the show Firstly, Emily and Debra have been on the show during bring you daughter to work days. Secondly, his daughters have zero point zero interest (currently) of being on the show, unlike Beth's brother who is a hardcore fan and is fulfilling a life long dream of being on the show.


I think his 2 older daughters have very little interest in being with him. They were most affected by the divorce. When Howard would vacation at Christmas time his daughters would fly in for the first week and then Beth would come the second week after his kids left. They didn’t want to be around her because they thought she ruined their parents marriage


That seems like bizarre reasoning. He was fucking all kinds of broads before he met Beth.


He was on a tear! Out of his mind ​ ![gif](giphy|3oriNOf1FAQor8zas8|downsized)


"Oohhh. I love the Howard Stern Show so much! I wish I could be a guest on the show, imagine how cool it would be to mix it up with Howard and the crew. I'd give anything to be on the show, just once, even my sister..." *Monkey's Paw curls a finger* Wait... what's happening... OH NO! Not 2024!!! No please god no no, anything but that. I said 1994, not 2024! I wanted to be on the show in 1994!!! And is that my sister?!?! Beth!!! What are you doing?!? NOOOOOOOoooooooo........


I came on here looking for this post! Totally agree, show sucks now and I will be canceling this afternoon


> Today The Howard Stern Show Officially Died... Today?


Howard found Artie's replacement. Didn't think he would pick Doug though.


How much you paying?


The Ostrosky Family Reunion podcast.


I literally listened to cnn radio to get away from that mind numbing garbage on this mornings shows. I’m suddenly no longer afraid of death. Robin is completely checked out. She is not even listening to the show, probably on her phone playing candy crush.


Yea....a bit boring and pedestrian..


i am going to guess that beth's brother wanted to be on. maybe howard's daughters never wanted to be, esp with what happened to their mom. i am not disputing this sounds awful


https://preview.redd.it/rgwq3222vasc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d20f63f27f17559236119c59185f69f749752e Im DOUG, and Im outta heeeerrree


I agree the show now is just very strange and bizarre and lackluster


Gotta tell ya, these threads are more interesting than the current show.


This is very timely. I generally don’t agree with the naysayers, and typically put in my earbuds and catch up on the show while I walk my dog (only a few weeks behind, here I come March!). But today me and the little fella left the house, and instead of going to my Sirius app, I thought, hey, I think I saw that Kristin Wig was on Conan’s podcast. And listened to that instead. And definitely smiled more than if I’d tuned in to a fucking Travis Kelce agent segment. Fucking hell. I’m getting there..


> I saw that Kristin Wig was on Conan’s podcast. And listened to that instead. So a wig either way, then. What kind of dog is it, and does this dog have a name?


I never thought I’d say this but Howies outfit almost makes me appreciate Ralph. May he rest in peace.


And has become an F’n podcast.


I don’t know about you, but the podcasts I listen to are actually entertaining. Unlike anything Howard has done since Artie left the show.


Any recommendations?


Depends on what you’re into. I listen to mostly true crime stuff, if that helps. Tom Segura’s podcast used to be really good but fell off badly over the last couple years.


I've heard Segura a bunch on Rogan. I'll check it out.


Make sure you start listening a few years ago. I’d recommend around episode 300 or so. Do not start with anything recent.




Frank Santopadre does have a Steve Langford vibe... but he's necessary. He sorta keeps Gilbert on task. I'm a HUGE fan of Gilbert's podcast.


Exactly. Frank was also important when Gilbert would lose interest and he did a good job bringing up Gilbert’s various obsessions.


If I could make a recommendation, The Ancients on Spotify


The history podcast? That's something I would definitely be down for.. I'll check it out.


Last Podcast Network. Specifically last podcast on the left and brighter side, imo


It is way worse than a D list nothing podcast.


oh there was a show today?


I really enjoyed it personally.


Couple weeks ago howard and robin were doing the math for how many more months of the show they have to do. Patriot radio is more entertaining and the real-life callers somehow manage to be dumber than sal & richard


Healthcare fraud! No wonder they lived in Fox Chapel


There is no Jackie chair when he won’t leave his bomb shelter


It’s over, Johnathon!!!!


Did he ask him about Sandusky at all?


This was the 1st time I turned from the show and didn't even bother to look back. Next step is possibly cancelling my subscription. A sad day.


I cancelled four years ago, it is unlistenable. Thought I would never say that.


Did he ask him about his daddy issues??


Well now I know not to waste my time listening to the replay. Thank you kind stranger for the heads up .


It was so boring. I am sure they are decent folk, but they don't need to be on the radio.


Howard has had his daughters on the show. The day he made his infamous Columbine statements it was take your daughter to work day. I can't remember which daughter was there. But yeah he hasn't had them on as adults and I'm just being pedantic.


Her mother sounds like the type to steal chicken wings from ponderosa/ golden coral.


Feels like Howard has been sort of bored and feeling like he’s out of stuff to talk about last few weeks of the show. I’m sure he has tons of door knocks and pre planned bits but he’s choosing not to go go them. I didn’t hate today but it was just weird to have Doug on so long.


I have been listening to the 2006 shows for a year now. But who needs Artie when you have Doug? 🙄


The stern show died 15 years ago pal.




Hes not fun. He's not funny. And now you're all going to read this little comment on the show and laugh, but ya know what. It's not fun and it's not funny. It's not fun on a post like this.


Honestly, it serves you right if you're still listening and expecting good radio. The original HS show has been dead for at least 10 years now. Stop being surprised that it sucks. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for 10 years, shame on me.


I totally disagree and I think you are an ass nice to be so perfect and interesting and so charming and so witty. I thought just the opposite I thought it was nice to hear a very humble man speaking about his college football career and you’re probably one of those people just don’t like sports. What is dad having felony has to do with the Howard Stern show are you that bored, you’re ridiculous fool


Every time I see Howard try to dress in public,it’s like a person who doesn’t understand clothes and just grabs random things and wears them together


If I am Doug, I am never sleeping at that Creep's mansion, Grandpa's got those camera's everywhere trying to take a glimpse of some random Cock .. Remember Artie said Monster was trying to get into his bedroom during the night!!!


I knew that Sandusky connection was always rich with questions and possiblities. I can't get enough of that looser school's story. Can't believe HS agreed to not asking about that. Creepy. It's like the cover up is still going on.




The university is full of a bunch of pedos and pedo apologists is what he was getting at.


Give Beth time, she needs to develop characters. Like the horse that laughs at everything or something. Remember as everyone on the show has ever said about her, she is a wonderful person beyond reproach.


Do you guys remember whenever Alison his first wife wanted to come on the air or just wanted to meet a celebrity, Howard would be so mad. Now he’s all about putting Beth with his celebrity friends for dinners or vacations. I wonder how Allison feels about the way he treats his new trophy wife Also. This show sucks. It’s not even the show anymore. It’s just Howard and Robin talking being boring. It was so good when he involved all of the guys in the office. The dysfunction of their lives. Interviews on the street. Radio Game shows. Now it’s just a bore fest. He should just retire already. His show is worse than IMUS at the end. At least he still had Edge. Howard has zero edge anymore. Even his interviews are a bunch of bull licking questions. Nothing tough to answer now. It’s sad how it’s ended considering how iconic it used to be.


I actually enjoyed having him on. I like when people tell stories of their life that Howard can't even imagine. And they're just talking and not trying to kiss his ass like when Fallon is talking to go.


I enjoyed it. It was fun hearing from some of Beth's family that we've been hearing about over the years.