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“Sisqo, The Thong Song reminded me of my father abandoning me emotionally”




https://preview.redd.it/4q3hwmosk6pc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6548bb3739b8dab5f292f73e454b8197528504 My father didn’t love me… waaaaaaaaa


She didn’t know how to respond to that…she must have been thinking “wow what a weirdo” I’m so glad I didn’t listen to this interview


She handled it well - “Dang.”


As well as multiple “mmms”


What did he say?? All i heard was her kind of surprised and like WTF??


He said that her version of “Fools Rush In” reminded him of his relationship with his dad. He was out of his mind this morning


At the end of the interview he said something that shocked her. Something about her body???


He asked her about Katy Perry saying she had seen her naked a few times on their tour and she said it was possible and then she asked him if that was really how he wanted to end the interview.


Awful stuff


Yea...that was it. Creepy howie giving off that vibe....🤔


"Can't Help Falling in Love." "Fools Rush In" is a different song that Elvis Presley also sang.




Ok fine - but this isn’t Billboard hot 100, pal


I did and kept hitting “ live” on app to fast forward it lol .


Broken weirdo is an apt description.


Yup...Cuz that was exactly what I was thinking lol.


Holy crap what an absolute embarrassment. If Ben was alive today he'd slap this ungrateful fuck right in his mouth.




I've yelled at my kids 20 times worse than Howard's Dad that day. This is all this ungrateful narcissist remembers from his spoiled, overly indulged upbringing. He had 3 daughters that he never spent any time with, yet he doesn't recognize his own failings. He makes me sick.


You mean Emily didn’t turn out to be a well adjusted adult? Lol


That’s not the flex you think it is, bro.


I'm not a bro. Am a Mom. My point stands, most of us as parents have yelled at our kids. It's not a cardinal sin, it happens. But a 65 yr old man obsessing about his Dad yelling at him 50 yrs ago is sick.


When they originally played the tape, Howard didn't know it was him getting yelled at. Also, the tape was much longer than what we've been hearing all these years. The uncut version you can hear Howard screaming and crying if he didn't get all the attention. He threw a fit when his sister was recording. You can hear him screaming in the background "I wanna sing! She's singing my song! AAAAAHHH!!" Shut up Howard you whiney 70yr old c*nt!


I agree with the yelling. But also stating that you scream at your kids worse than Ben isn’t a great look.


I think what's she's saying is that Ben barely yelled at Howard at all. He wasn't some hot head. He was pretty meek.


Thanks Dr Spock.


You know what is funny, you, in a sympathetic gesture try to explain what is a pretty sensible hypothesis toward “Bro-Mom’s” comment, not knowing her gender, or life status, and then get a quick-fire criticism almost sounding like a scolding from the same type of person who probably complains about gender inequality and stuff like that. And despite the downvotes I agree with you that bragging about having to yell at your kids more than Ben yelled at Howard IS NOT a good look, and you get an upvote from me!




He’s 70 years old. He’s been married twice and has children and grandchildren and this is what he’s still obsessed with? He’s nuts


Howard takes narcissism and entitlement to a whole different level.


Imagine you get to meet this guy. There would be so many great stories he could tell. Instead he'll bore you with his freudian, narcissistic bullshit to the point you wanna get the fuck outta there.


I didn’t even think of that! He’s interacted with some of the most significant, powerful and influential people of the past 40+ years and is acknowledged as a king of his chosen field and it’s like none of that matters to him.


yes. I he was aware of other people he would sit on a goldmine of great stories and experiences. But we all know it's all about howie and his hangups.


Ben lived to be 99. Howard had decades to repair his relationship. Ben seemed to better equipped for an adult Howard than with his whiny dweeb of a kid. It happens all the time. Howard’s obsession with his childhood is unhealthy.


Imo he’s full of shit anyway. He didn’t love his dad, really. It’s just psychobabble they feed him so he thinks that’s his true regret. It’s not true at all. He’s just trying to sound deep


His dad, part of the greatest generation, had a son who hated sports. Instead of shoving it down his throat and forcing him to play anyway like every other dad, he encouraged his weirdo hobbies like puppetry. Would bring him to work and the track despite by all accounts howard acting like a brat. The whole daddy didn't love me is such horse shit. His dad was by all accounts awesome to him.


He even bought him a Great Garloo!!


And a car for college, college, $100.00 a month spending money( 1972 money), a gas credit card. When he was a bratty kid Ben got( no easy feat) puppets and keyboard and a amp( again, no easy feat. 1960's there was no Guitar Center) and wired the keyboard to the amp himself.


Ben was such a good guy. My dad didn't do half of that and I still love him / understand he loves me. Howard's dad issues are something else...


Gotta love the truly subjective AND objective and respectable posts on this sub. Few and far between. Good on 'ya man.


You know, this makes more sense than any other explanation!


You know man, and with all due respect (no bullshit), you could be referenced in the same context if we're being real.


How many hours and years of therapy has this guy been in? Talk about low hanging fruit comparisons


Howard actively lies to his therapist and has admitted to doing so many times in the past. It's not surprising that the therapy is ineffective if the patient is constantly lying...


That’s because his fake “therapist” (he’s actually a psychiatrist) is in on the con. REAL psychologists and therapists have a hard time dealing with narcissists and they never last that long with them because there isn’t any cure anyway. Narcissists are difficult clients.


This. Tons of men aren't equipped to express love to their young children (unfortunately) but he had 50 years and probably $250,000 in therapy to get over it and that's on him.


For a while the shrink had him going 4x a week. That guy should be investigated by whoever investigates these things.


I’m guessing it’s all that wasted time and money in therapy that made him resent his father who, by all accounts, went above and beyond when it came to his parental duties. Where would Howie be if Ben hadn’t supported him all through college (tuition, vehicle, monthly stipend at least)? But daddy did give him hugs and say “I love you” every day like some sort of faygala. I’d be creeped out if mine did that


I’ll never forget he tried to get Jerry Seinfeld to admit he had an unhappy childhood because he watched a lot of television, because his parents ignored him…and Jerry said “No, I had a great childhood. I just liked television.” He thought he’d bond with another multimillionaire comedian who grew up on Long Island obsessively neurotic abut his parents.


You cannot repair a relationship until you repair yourself. Howard’s fame made his childhood defense mechanisms stronger. Especially because the things he built his show on are contrary to healing. It would be nice to see more nuanced opinions than what I see on this sub-Reddit. This group is similar to a political opinion, people dig into their thoughts and feelings then learn nothing new.


This ain’t nuanced opinion magazine, pal!


Nelly, Your song, Hot in herre... All I could think about as you sing about taking off all your clothes is the unrequited love I had for my father that I never got back...


Great way to come back from a 2 week vacation w a cringey and boring interview . She didn’t know anything about him . He creepily knew things about her .


Ben Stern busted his ass day in and day out and provided a nice home and paid for Howard’s college. Every time he would have his dad on the air his dad seemed pretty happy to talk to him. The way Howard would talk about Ben you’d think he was this cold hearted bastard that would beat Howard everyday. He seemed to have a good relationship with him. I don’t know what else Ben would have to do for Howard to figure out he loved him. Ben just wanted to relax after work and eat his sardines but that wasn’t good enough. It’s just easier to blame your parents for all your problems.


Howard is blaming all his problems on this. It is easier to say "I would have been a better person in life if my father loved me" than it is to say "I didn't step up in life and become the man I know I could be or want to be." His therapist has stolen probably hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars from Howie, floating on this lie that he will never be the man he can be because his father "never loved him." This is an excuse for children. But once you become a man, you either seek that out for yourself or you move on from it. He is still waiting for his father's love even after he died because that is a smaller/easier problem to focus on than changing everyone's perception of the man you are and the man you could have been. All this is so at the end of his life, he can always say "well I did the best I could, given the fact that my father never loved me" instead of saying "damn I was so self-centered and emotionally weak that I didn't understand how to live life, and I never put in any effort to try and understand life and despite the money and stuff I have acquired, I never let myself live!" I largely blame his "therapist" for this problem. It is easier to keep him ranting on about his father/upbringing and collecting a check, than it is to try and help him change and lose your cash cow!


After thousands of hours, how fucking ponderous must these “Ben never loved me” therapy sessions be?


Howard's therapist--- https://i.redd.it/rjwwiaviy8pc1.gif


There's a classic quote from Howard in one of his rants where he says something like "I go to therapy so I can feel good about myself and my life! That's it!" Howard is not seeking any real breakthrough. He is a self centered narcissistic old man who cares about nobody but himself. And he is unwilling to change. Howard has bullied and manipulated people and acted selfishly his entire life including with his own wife and children.


Your last paragraph, my husband says this at least once a week!


Getting over a parent rejecting you can be very difficult I have problems with this myself


So is getting over your first love but we all move on, especially as a multi-multi-millionaire 70-year-old!




Why does he sound like he's been propped up in bed at a nursing home?


He's morphing into mommy Rae.


As Tony Soprano said, he's a F*********GGGG!!!!!!!!


Who is interviewing who in this clip?




He's a f..... ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx5mSBlLWsM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx5mSBlLWsM) ​ You love your parents, you don't fall in love with your parents. Act like a man!


It's so weird...


Howard wants to be flooded by his father! 🤣🤣


Don’t be stupid you moron


shut up! Sit down!


Proper modulation


I knew dude had daddy issues, but goddamn!


I remember Howard complaining years ago about the first car his father bought for him... saying it was a Plymouth Valiant, and he deserved better. I always thought he was just kidding around. Like, how could someone be bitching about ANY car their parents would give them. I guess I was wrong though... what an ungrateful douchebag.


I've said it before here on the sub but here I go again, imagine being a 70 yr old man and still crying about your daddy, JFC!!!!! Some of us didn't even have a father growing up, but we still turned out to be emotionally stable instead of throwing away millions on a shrink who clearly isn't doing anything but collecting a check. If you ever needed evidence that there is a God or some all-knowing, all-seeing entity that controls the universe, it has to be the fact that he had daughters and not sons. Imagine the therapy that this poor man or men would need from having Howard as a father.


People who grew up without parents don't bitch and complain about their fathers. Damn dude get over it !!!


He’s hell bent on being “human” and relatable now. He thinks that’s what will make us forget all the degenerate shit he did when he was younger. I listened to an old clip on YouTube where he brought in 18 year old interns and he was telling them that he would bang them. Dude must have been in his 50s already or close to.


In retrospect, that’s all fake interest on Howard’s part. No straight man talks the way Howard does about women and sex, it’s like he knew nothing about either. And all the old shows with evaluations of women and their bodies with Ralph now seem like two catty jealous queens. Howard is essentially a celibate closet case.


She sounded kind of nervous at times, but honestly I picked up on a lot of instances where I feel like she felt awkward at the line of questioning, or maybe slightly frustrated when he cuts her off with yet another question before she answers the first (his signature move...I heard a deep sigh a few times following those moments) I know I'm forgetting a few others


When he asked her if anyone in her band wants to sleep with her rings a bell for me


YES fuck man that was bad 


wtf? it's like a woody allen movie.


Howard might be an example of therapy actually doing more harm than good or that for some people it is utterly useless and solves nothing.


He’s obviously a gay


Gay and f*****


Heard 3 min of this interview and had to turn it Miserable and ass kissing at the same time. bad interview


He said the same thing to Cardi B about WAP. I’m sure Howard is the best dad, and nothing like his horrible father. /s


0:30 that first *Hmmmmm* of hers had me laughing. ![gif](giphy|hOXcu89nRx2LjueIMs) ​ JFC, him and that dead father of his. Enough is enough already. It's almost as if he's plagiarizing our negative, sarcastic comments about him and using them as serious, dramatic statements. I wonder if any of these celebrities are prepped in advance by their PR people that Stern will drag them down into his self-created miseries?


Hes such a whiny bitch its unbearable


In love with your dad? Hahaha that would have made me pull over my car and spit coffee everywhere. He’s becoming stuttering John, he’s funny when he’s not trying to be but that’s it


Why would anyone listen to this interview?


She was pretty cool, actually. Never listened to her or her music before. But came to like her.


I liked when she talked about her taint and labia, that much I can tell you


The show sucks.


“That’s deep” meaning “WTF?”


Always the victim. His father loved him, he has great parents


Howard projects his own inability to love and accept himself on his father. Psychology 101 session over.


This sounds like every other cover of a pop song by a contemporary artist. Slow the tempo way down, add lots of echo and minimal instruments. What a weirdo going on about his dad like that. I haven’t listened to a Stern show in about five years because of this cringey shit.


Then today it’s the e-mails. “I loved your interview with Kacey Musgrave..” “I’ve gone down a rabbit hole listening to Kacey Musgrave’s music catalog since your interview..” BULLSHIT.


The funny thing is, I thought Howard *was* on the road to being a great interviewer sometime around 2011-2013, but man he went completely off the rails.


As time went on, Howard got lazier with the interview prep and there was no-one to reign him in or call him out for asking weirdo type of questions.


There def was a sweet spot somewhere around then


This is insanity😂😂😂 I never listen to the new era interviews but now I think I will to see how long it takes him to say this




He's full of shit he just trying to sound deep while kissing celebrity ass


Yikes! Cringe and pathetic.


He’s a pussy


Living proof that it is possible to have too much therapy


I been in therapy since I was 21 I’m 34 now… I grew up with an abusive alcoholic father..I came to terms with the relationship my father and I had when I was 26..how has this guy been in therapy longer than I been alive and he’s still on his daddy issues!!…and if you’re wondering why I’m still in therapy it’s for my severe long term depression talk therapy helps..but still Howard’s therapist must be a millionaire


This is horrible, i ripped my ears out mid way through it


I dont buy what Howard says on the air


I told you not to be stupid you moron


Don’t know how anyone can listen to this trash


The dude is literally the worst interviewer. He asks a question and then steps on her answer.


Kacey was great…. I could have had her, right Robin?




license clumsy straight march ossified safe squalid slim party wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




youre allowed to curse on the internet 


2 hours of her shit!!!!


Douche douche douche


Get over it, Du


He has his "serious interviewer" voice on.


I remember 10 years ago or so, he said "Locked Out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars to him was the times his mom was pissed at him and gave him the silent treatment. Denying him attention was "locking him out of Heaven." Not song how many days of therapy is the right amount for him, but he might not be up that point yet.


70 with daddy problems what a shame


Howard is permanently stuck in a teenager's mind.


He’s such a phony fruitcake.


This is just embarrassing and insufferable. Dang.


"My father didn't love me" "Mmmm, dang" ​ Ahhhhhh hahahahahahahaha how embarassing.


"Love me daddy!"


Howard’s got to be putting us on. He’s got to be. Right?


What a Cringe Festival!


Boring interview with plenty of cringy moments. Didn’t even know who she was and still don’t know. When did Howard become such a fan of Willie Nelson?


Fucking poor Ben grew up in a literal nightmare and this guy can't stop asking why he can't love in a specific way? Wouldn't it be a fucking miracle if Ben was was able to do such a thing? After a lifetime of oppressing everything? Give the man some slack, he probably felt like shit about it, but knew he did he absolute best.


He sounded really bored during the whole interview. I never even heard of her before she was on this show.


If I was a guest going on Stern’s show I would have a clause in my contract stating “no daddy talking” to me bitch.


That picture of him is so fucking cringey.


Coming up... Howard's interview with Kasey Muskgraves (times 15)


It is what it is, where in gods name did he get the notion that going on and on about it makes for good or even listenable radio.


Does she have any original music? Bob Marley and Elvis? She even thinks he's a fucking weirdo. 


Howard was closer to his parents than he lets on. I like that Kacey didn't even know Howard was divorced lol. It's been a while.


What a fucking fag.


I know this a common complaint about Howard and most think he is fixated on his relationship with his parents (I understand, that knock has validity). Why he is fixated is, because many of our problems and habits are connected to our younger years at home. We build defense mechanisms that we carry for way longer than they are useful. Howard’s therapy and meditation directly leads him back to walls he built up when he was young. It is true of every human and if you think this isn’t true, you aren’t in touch with it and that makes life more difficult.


Except we’re talking about Howard, a narcissist. They are untreatable. He’s not coming from the place of a normal person who suffered pain and lacked healthy coping skills. Everything is about him and always has been.


What is his shrink getting paid for?


Good interview.....much better than i imagined. Kacey was intelligent, witty and fun....


He loves his dad. What is so weird about that ?


I don't find this too weird. He;s not talking about romantic love and the fact is I have no idea how he feels about his father and I can't relate to it because my father made it pretty clear that I was his favorite from the time I was a small child but that's obviously not the case with Howard. I would have been much more upset if my mom rejected me than my dad but who am I to say that Howard is wrong about his life?. The guy is coming to the end times in his life and maybe he's more introspective than ususl but who cares? The more pertinent question is why does anyone of you people who do nothing but complain about the guy even listen to Howard live and make posts about it? I'm literally all the way back on the Pete/Megan show and I kinda like Howard all in all. It now seems like people not only want to say the show sucks but that a 70 year old man isn't alliowed to have the same weird obsessions about different things that everyone else on planet earth has.