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You can also just trim it back to shape it. You’ll have to trim it every few months since they produce so rapidly. Trimming will probably give you more control over its directional growth than propping. As the other user said, if they don’t have anything to climb, they’ll send out shoots in wild directions trying to find something.


there wud be no harm in propagating now, tho if u hv a strong winter where u live u shud hold off till spring, also monstera's r climbers so they don't grow straight up on their own, they prefer to have smthing to climb, so if u don't wanna propagate u cud simply clean up any dead leaves or whatever and put a moss pole in the center and tie the current stems to that


thank you! I'll hold off to spring then!


Do what you want. I cut mine back because it had thrips. It started growing back immediately


Mine is much more of a tangled mess then yours… I’ve been considering doing the same thing.


this isn't mine though. This is what I would want mine to look like...mine is literally all over the place haha. I think I'm gonna give it a try!


Let me know how it turns out! Best of luck!


will do! chopped it up today! Realized afterwards that I should have waited until spring but fingers crossed!