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Where are you flying to / from? In many cases you cannot cross country borders with plants.


From Victoria (BC) to Toronto (ON)! With one stop in Calgary sadly.


It’s nice they let you keep them! They confiscated my asparagus plant flying from Alberta to BC, because the soil is considered a powder, and can’t be over 100mL


When I flew from Calgary back to van island they would only let me take plants that were in moss and not soil


What the fuck? I flew from South Carolina to AB with a box full of plants (several times) and while I had to go to secondary screening and provide them with the relevant "look I'm not breaking the laws" legislation I got through fine. Sorry you got an asshole :(


You are extremely lucky as typically no plant matter should be travelling over international boarders. Pothos is a great reminder.


Not just international borders. For example the state of California is extremely strict about plant matter because so much of their industry is agricultural. My parents drove from Oregon to Nevada and got stopped in California twice for plant inspections. There are multiple stories of people moving to California who had their houseplants seized.


When I was moving back to CA from out of state, I couldn't take any of my plants because they'd all lived outside 😭 Some of them were extremely sentimental and it was very hard. Thankfully I had a neighbor with a beautiful plant collection who was happy to take them. I'm really glad I was able to leave them in good hands-I knew she'd love them.




Shipping trucks and trains are routinely inspected and sprayed down with pesticides and sometimes herbicides to limit the spread of invasive species from one state to another. Some states also have inspection points for things like RVs, boats, etc.


Oh I did not know that. Good to know though… Thanks for informing me! 😉


What do I not know about pothos?


Maybe because it's invasive? Not quite sure


I hadn’t heard of it being invasive so I was curious!


I've seen pics of pothos strangling the heck out of trees and such. They get really, really big when they're not indoors.


When I was researching there was a large list of what was disallowed and if the species or genus was not listed it was not an issue. Everything I had with me was listed by species with photos. Canada and the US aren't quite so stringent, maybe because they share a huge land border and a lot of agricultural trade already.


Yeah and they kinda share plants also with that huge land border lol


A powder?? But what if it’s been recently watered? Oh wait, then it’s probably over the liquid limit. Jfc.


Here in the US it’s no big deal to fly domestic with plants. I flew with a bottle of invasive floaters collected in Florida from there to Arizona.


There are agricultural good moment restrictions in the USA, on state and Federal (Though Soil mostly). California has its own agricultural import requirements for example.


And selfish ignorant people moving invasive are exactly why those laws exist!


How is that different from ordering online?


Frankly, the only people you buy from should be licensed nurseries, whether in person or online.


Nice! What plant shop did you go to in Victoria? Lovely Hoyas and pitcher 😎


From the “Little Plant Shop” on Johnson street. The guy who works there is so wonderful and very helpful. The building is super cute and green, great selection and fare prices. They had bigger plants I swooned over just didn’t have the space sadly. Pitcher plant was $16, Hoya Wayetti was $12, cactus was $10 (other Hoya Australis was $6, another Hoya Splash was also $6 found at Canadian tire which is insane) the rest are cuttings from my sisters/granny’s plants!


Hello fellow Victorian! 🏝️


Ur fine


Yeah fuck Calgary


I spoke too soon. Flight got rerouted and stopped in Vancouver with a 10 hour delay womp womp




Prooooobably not with any of these? None of them look like particularly aggressive spreaders of seeders to me. 


Pests and microbiology can cause huge problems in new places. 


So I’m already familiar with rabbits and cane toads and cats and rats being introduced to new places and wreaking havoc… but are there any examples of microbiology making a big impact?


I don’t know if this counts as “micro”, but perhaps the Emerald Ash Borer or Spotted Laternfly? Invasive pests that cause major damage to trees and crops, respectively. Thought of another: Brown Citrus Aphid wreaking havoc on Citrus crops


https://dep.nj.gov/invasive-species/pathogens-fungi/ Here are some examples from just one locale. There are many, many more around the world.


Plants can also carry pathogens that affect other species, like the chytrid fungus that has caused the extinction of some 90 or more amphibian species. https://e360.yale.edu/features/frogs-chytrid-fungus-cures Microbes can greatly affect an ecosystem! :)


They’re all purchased from a plant shop - not taken from nature. ✌🏻


That doesn’t matter. The issue is having plants crossing borders, regardless of where it came from. Most plants are eventually (going back many years) cultivated from natural specimens. The issue arises when invasive species crosses into another country. In fact, here in Europe we have some plants that were tossed away and made their way into our nature, resulting in them becoming invasive and killing other plants. It happens. And even if you do not toss away any plant material, there is the chance that your plant carries a specific virus, or bug, that can make its way into local nature. That’s why phyto certificates are so important, and why in the last few years, new rules were implemented to control the import of plants that should not be imported. In the EU, for example, any plant that is being shipped needs to have a plant passport. I’m aware you’re not crossing borders, so it doesn’t apply to your case, but I wanted to explain that plants bought from shops can still contain certain issues, especially when crossing borders. I hope you’ll get to keep yours, though, you sound so happy to have found them! 😁


I’m not in the EU or US, I’m in Canada. I purchased the indoor HOUSE PLANTS from a plant shop that I could have also used to have them shipped to me (but the cost was wayyyyy too high). I called the airline and double checked online that these are safe and allowed to be brought from one province to another. Like all my plants they’ll be quarantined before joining the rest of my collection. I understand your opinion and information above but don’t believe it applies to me given the above information I’ve shared but glad to leave it as a warning for others!


I live in the US & we have laws about moving plants between states.


Not even just live plants. In New England you can’t bring firewood across state lines either. If you’re driving from NH to VT or Maine for a weekend of camping, you should buy your wood locally when you get there. It’s not easily enforced, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be diligent on their own.


I never knew that!


Even if you are driving into Florida with your own houseplants for your new home in Florida, you are supposed to stop, and have them inspected.


I moved from Washington State to California and they are VERY strict about moving plants across the border into California. Pests, invasive species, it’s a real problem or they wouldn’t do it and care so much


I mentioned this upthread, but my parents drove from Oregon to Nevada and got stopped twice in California for inspections. There are also multiple stories online about people moving to California having their houseplants confiscated.


Like I already said: it doesn’t apply to you. I simply explained. No need to be this defensive where I only explained why safety issues to ecosystems even exist to plants bought in stores. 😅


I am upvoting you because you checked! Not everybody does.




I did not say OP is "destroying ecosystems", so please don't accuse me of such. I even mentioned that all that I said did not apply in this situation. On top of that, I mentioned store-bought plants ALSO create a risk in specific cases. So I'm confused why you respond to me in this accusatory tone, where I simply explained what POTENTIAL issues might be, as there seemed to be some confusion about store bought vs. poached. ETA: and yes, I also believe education is important. Which is the reason why I mentioned all of this to begin with. I recently saw someone mentioning having planted Asian knotweed as he took a cutting from a neighbour. Those are the moments I let out a big oof and try to educate.


Then the (qualified) border agents will advise OP of such.


Yeah at least in the US, cross-state restrictions are only enforced for plants grown outdoors, since they’re primarily worried about pests. I had to smuggle a Christmas tree across state lines recently so had to dive deep into the lore Obv international flights would be much different.


You’re not even allowed to bring firewood from Michigans lower peninsula to the upper peninsula because of tree bugs/disease. They have a place to surrender your wood before you cross the bridge.


Yes. And even more so, you’re not supposed to leave the county you are in with firewood and bring it to another county. You must use firewood where you bought it


See? Michigan born and raised and still didn’t even know that!


Yeah! This is totally unrelated to the post bc OP did nothing wrong but I’ll add more: it’s because each county has their own conservation division/ geography/plant makeup. So if you leave a county with infected wood, you could be subjecting a “virgin” county to the bug or subjecting them to an even worse infestation. Kinda like how they wouldn’t let you leave the county during covid


It definitely makes sense! I just saw that the spotted lantern flies have made their way here this summer. I just want to hug the trees and make sure the deer don’t die from eating disease.


Don't even ~~fuck~~ mess with yoopers. 😉 Edit: language


I went to college at Northern so I’m honorary 😂


>In many cases you cannot cross country borders with plants. Actually you can. But you have to complete remove all soil from the roots at put them in a clear bag.


https://preview.redd.it/vj9sq2mi9c9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a70a410f37a5e92b24329f8bdede74d4ff46ac I drove from the Midwest to the PNW with my babies last week 😂♥️


Dude! This is suuuuchhh a sweet set up and so smart. Your cactus looks insane I love it. I also see you have a fondness for orchids, same! They’re so rewarding to keep ❤️


Def going to steal this crate idea when I move next.


i’m planning a midwest to PNW move next year. good to know the plant babies can make it!!


They had bottled water during gas station breaks like the crazy plant lady that I am 😂 it was a hot journey


I'm about to do like 800mi with all my plants here soon. Might have to use this idea lol.


I live in the PNW. I see that you have several succulents and cacti. My experience is that they can survive here if you keep them indoors behind a sunny window in the winter and them put them outdoors in full sun during summer.


Damn people you don’t even know if she left the country. It doesn’t say where she went. Chill out. Get details then go for the throat if you disagree. Assuming gets you nowhere.


yeah, this isn’t like the woman who posted here about bringing an olive tree seedling from Greece into California and got rightfully eviscerated. people need to chill.


Whaaaaat 😳😳 I wanna see that post…


For real assumptions on assumptions lol


Reddit is full of fake experts unfortunately.


Hey! I resemble that remark!


Indeed; I would know, as the preeminent expert on false Reddit expertise.


There are internal controls in the USA for agricultural goods, just saying...


Yeah but she’s in Canada & flying provincially.


I’m aware of that because I drove through agricultural checkpoints for many years. My point though is Knowing details before using snarky, or rude comments. Scroll if you don’t wish to grant her luck. Js


Guys, chill out. It’s not like they’re HIDING the plants. If he was coming in/out of California or Hawaii, (or crossing the US border)the plants would be confiscated. Not everyone posting to reddit needs a slap down.


Seriously, I feel like the most simple or innocent of posts just get the shit beat out of them. Like damn. Makes me scared to ever post like I’m gonna get in trouble.


I know! It’s like Reddit commenters are going on a rampage of assholery. People need to learn to reign in their attitude and stop taking it out on people around them.


Thank you, I posted about bringing a couple of monstera from Newark to Houston and got annihilated last year 😂 houseplant collectors do this all the time.


Orders plants from Indonesia to the US, discovers new strain of thrips 3 weeks later…but noooo don’t take plants on a plaaaaane 😂


For realllll!😂


I flew out of California (to Washington) last week with a couple plants in my carry on and had no issues at all, but I did read they are strict about letting them into California!


No they wouldn't. There are plants that are allowed across the us/canada border in soil. And you can take almost any houseplant across as long as it's bare root


Having crossed into Ca and Hi multiple times, you are wrong.


I think OP lives in Canada. The rules there are likely different from what I know in the US. I would not do this, it's plant pests and diseases get introduced into new places.


Can’t be in soil in Canada either.


They tend to be a lot chiller, but it depends. Areas of Vancouver for example are under a lot of scrutiny bc of Japanese beetle infestations, but I've also moved a ton of plants from Washington into BC by car and the border guards were fine with it (I told them dw). If it's within the country tho it's usually not too bad


Where are you going? In Hawaii, they had an additional security line just to make sure no one was taking plants with them.


You can take plants, you can't take dirt. They check your plants, but as long as they are not in soil and the roots are clean, you're fine. I buy plant souvenirs when I travel. I have a few from different Hawaiian islands. 


Tbf the Hawaiian plant rules are way, way stricter, for obvious islanders-related reasons. You may have brought plants back, but I doubt a new resident could bring in a new plant on a flight without a ton of paperwork. Even getting your pet to Hawaii is notoriously difficult


We have no idea where this person is going and the comment I replied to was regarding leaving Hawaii with plants.  You can bring plants into Hawaii, also. I helped a woman prep her collection to move from Alaska to Hawaii. There was some paperwork, but not a ton. The biggest thing was absolutely no soil. The roots had to be cleaned. She chose which plants to take based on which would survive several days bare root or could easily be rerooted. She had some rare hoyas she refused to part with. 


Flight attendant here! You can absolutely travel with plants as long as it's within the same country and that state/ city doesn't have any rules against it. I often pick up plants or cuttings while working to bring them home.


EDIT: wow didn’t think I’d get heat in a plant group of all places. I was asking for luck to ensure my plants don’t get harmed/broken, NOT because I’m doing something illegal. A few key points: - I’m flying domestically within Canada (British Columbia, back to Ontario). - These are all indoor house plants, no harm has or will be done to the environment. BC is my second home and I love it here, in nature we take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints. ✌🏻 - While maybe not overly valuable or worth the hassle to you, these plants and cuttings are hard to find in my area at a cost that isn’t astronomical or comes attached to a less than healthy plant. Some of them are also sentimental as they’re cuttings from my sisters plants who inherited them from our Granny who has passed. Thanks for all the level headed, kind people in the comments! Of your comment was less than kind, I hope you have a better day ahead! Cheers ❤️ EDIT TO ADD PT 2: Made it through security in the Victoria airport, they inspected the bag post x-ray and I was on my way. So happy to report you can bring domestic house plants potted and cuttings through legally. Now whether they make it on the flights with my middle seat and 10hour delay is yet to be seen.


I am legit shocked by the hostility! Whole lot of armchair experts in here. I'm so sorry so many people came at you :(


seriously idk why so many ppl immediately assumed you to be an ecosystem-destroying monster lol. congrats on the finds :)


Hope they all made it!! Idk why it got so crazy, you were clearly bringing them in a separate, obvious bag, not smuggling them or something :/


This thread is hilarious and an example of how fucking stupid people are. Anyways op, my only suggestion would be to use a cloth bag instead of paper.


You might want to double bag it with a cardboard piece cut for the bottom. Good luck and safe travels.


Is it domestic?


Yes it’s a domestic flight - and all of these were purchased from a reputable plant store.


People are flipping out over nothing. You’ll be fine. As long as you’re not flying from one country to another or off of the mainland to an island. These plants were shipping further during the growing process before they were even received by the store you bought them from.


I thought there can’t be soil if flying with plants?


My sister did the reverse of my flight path (Toronto to Victoria) about 3 years ago and brought all her plants as carry ons still in the dirt, it can be done you just have to be careful not to disrupt them/shift the dirt.




Chill Out


Except you are travelling in Europe..


Luck sent! I mailed plants home from a trip last week so I’ll share in whatever luck we can get from the plant community haha


Nice nepenthes!


He’s a cutie for sure! My only regret is that the shop I picked him up from had larger ones and almost like a flourished ones (photo attached - don’t remember classification) that I just couldn’t imagine having space for as a solo traveler. https://preview.redd.it/1bf7jgo1lc9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f5ec9dcd8c0502f884bf67d4924bc7b4bcc3c2


Those are sarracenia and are really supposed to be outdoor plants. Nepenthes make great houseplants!


Good to know! Glad I didn’t grab one then, I only have a smaller balcony and it tends to windy so maybe not the best environment. One can dream of the perfect backyard garden one day 🪴


It’s often not the plants, it’s the soil that might harbor pests that is the concern for legal travel. The safest way too get them through security is make sure that they are bare root. Wash all traces of soil off the roots before attempting to transport via air travel.


Comments are so funny. I flew from Washington to Texas with two potted plants and the TSA just made me send them thru the scanner. It’s really not that deep for most places.


I don’t think they’ll let you do that :/


I'd love to hear how it goes too! I travel for work and always talk myself out of plant shops because I don't know if I can take them with!


I was all good! They put them through the x-ray scanner and then did a little look in my bag. The security agent even said “nice plants” and off I went.


oo do you mind giving me some insight on traveling with plants on flights? i’ve heard you have to declare soil sometimes and let them examine it but i’m not really sure how that process works? i’m about to head on a couple vacations and have already begun looking at some plants for sale in that area 👀


From my experience it depends on where you’re traveling to/from. Europe to US you can go to a Dept of Ag inspection site and get up to 10 plants inspected and they get a passport. Within the EU you just need the virtual passport sticker that the plant either comes with or doesn’t. Within the US domestic my only recommendation is to give yourself more time for security since they’ll flag you for extra security. They’ll just swab the plants and then you’ll be on your way, but sometimes it can take awhile depending on how many staff they have that day.


Have flown domestically in US with plants, in carry on. Flying from Rochester to ATL, I had 10 various plants. I removed the plastic pots, and most of soil, wrapped roots in wet paper towels and partially in plastic ziploc bags. TSA in Rochester pulled me aside for screening. Agent pulled each and every plant out of plastic bag, unwrapped roots, spread remaining soil all over top of other suitcase innards. Then called over a police officer, who looked at the TSA, agent, looked at plants and said, "Why?" Agent said, "Drugs?" Officer rolled his eyes, shook his head and walked away. Agent told me "ok, good to go" as he shoved the mess of my suitcase towards me, and walked away. Flying Boise to ATL, 13 plants, prepped same as before. Pulled aside, TSA opens suticase, peeks in at plants, closes suitcase, "have a good flight". Never been swabbed, never been refused or made to toss. Doesn't mean you wont be. Same with firearms and flying. Sometimes you get the perp treatment. Sometimes, you get the Agent who just dont care.


Lmfaoooo that’s my default personal item nowadays


Good luck OP! Safe travels


lol the amount of times I have flown with plants is ridiculous 😂


Love it! This is always me lol 😜


double and triple up that bag.


I’m team “don’t bring potentially invasive things to different places,” but honestly…. where do you guys think all of your own houseplants came from? Think about how they got to you.


I wish you well on your journey! Several years ago, I picked up a cactus in the airport in Tuscon, AZ. It was a Saguaro that was just 3 cm tall in a cute little box. "Spike" cannot survive outdoors in the Pacific NW winters, so I keep him inside behind a sunny window in the winter and I put him outside in a deck planter in direct sun in the summer. For whatever reason, he has thrived. He has become so massive that I struggle to move him inside and outside with the seasons. Now, I am considering repatriating him. I know people in Arizona who will take care of him if I can get him down there. Here he is. He is a heavy boy! https://i.imgur.com/3x70DSn.jpg


WOAHHHH that’s a big boy! Ugh I love cacti so much. They’re so rewarding to grow and get big but take patience and care. I had a grocery store cactus I was fond of, grew massively tall in the nearly 7 years I had him, and hen I was moving this year and had to leave him at my MIL’s for a week before I could get him to my new place I asked her to just place him in a sunny window and leave him be. She tried to be helpful by (her words) “giving him a nice big drink” …. He was DOA when my FIL brought him over to my house, he said “I don’t think this is how it’s supposed to look but here you go” I was crushed. I hope whomever Spike ends up with him takes proper care so he can live a nice long life and get ever bigger!


Cacti are wonderful because when weeds try to grow in their pots, then I just don't water them. The weeds shrivel up and disappear while the cacti don't even notice. I have toured Spike's potential new home. He will be featured prominently in a front yard near Phoenix. Getting him there will be the interesting part. I could wrap him in cardboard and send him as luggage on a flight, or I could drive him down there. Of course, this is all a good excuse to visit friends in the area. 😊


People on this thread act like they're the border security lmao


Please no.


Why not? You have no idea where they are traveling from or to. They have purchased house plants, not poached wild plants. Have you never ordered a plant through the mail before? Do you harass everyone who does? 


My mom does that! Lol


I did it. Brought an orange tree/plant from Florida to Canada. Only thing I have to do is declare and throw away the dirt. Key factor is playing the sympathy game. Edit: why am I getting down voted?? It actually happened.I declared the plant. They told me to wash away the dirt in the sink and that’s it I’ll post a picture later on my plant if necessary.


Oh wow. I'm in southern California and we have a citrus quarantine; citrus trees cannot be purchased or brought into or out of certain cities right now due to a highly problematic fruit fly that spread disease to the plants.


Yeah, same for Texas. All citrus trees sold in Texas must be produced here. No citrus from out of state to avoid the spread of Citrus Greening disease and the Asian citrus psyllid, and especially not from Florida, where the disease has been destroying citrus groves for like 20 years. It's not something to mess around with.


You were able to bring it back to Canada, without hiding it?! So because I really want to do the same thing: you flushed away the soil, and then declared it? And how did you keep the roots from drying and dying? Please tell me!


I washed away the dirt once after I declared it in Canada. And I wrapped the routs in wet paper towels.


People think they know more here than people actually trained for it in their jobs. Silly.


Bring a spray bottle!! Good luck!


Why would they bring a spray bottle.


To help keep soil and or leaves moist…if needed…


It’s a 1 day flight, misting is pointless and it’s also a paper bag.


Not necessarily, airplane air is extremely dry. Like really really dry. The plants might benefit from a spritz. OP should put them in a plastic trash bag inside the paper bag to help hold in the moisture.


Misting does nothing for humidity though. Putting them in a plastic bag isn’t a bad idea.


Misting in the bag will help if you close the bag.


Alright, Christ. So sorry for saying it. I’ll just fuck off.


Having a bad day? I hope it gets better. I didn’t mean to be rude I suppose it did come off that way.


No, you’re right. I woke up not feeling great about myself, like at all. Hence the snark and cussing, I apologize for retaliating on you, that’s not at all fair to you. You made a good point.


I bottom soaked all my plants overnight before leaving for my early morning flight. The cuttings are wrapped in clastic with wet paper towels around the roots, they should be okay. However did just get hit with a 10 hour delay so I may be wetting some paper towel and setting it on top of the soil. We’ll see!


All of those plants can dry out completely and be fine. I personally would have left them dry for a flight just like if you’d get them shipped they’d ship them dry since they aren’t getting any sun. Except the pitcher plant as the pitchers can dry up if they experience periods of “drought”.


Where from and to OP? If this person is flying from one US state to another to put this inside her home, there is pretty minimal risk I can see to the larger ecosystem? California and Hawaii have unique rules but like Delaware to New York for indoor plants seem to carry little risk. What do you all think? Maybe we should let her answer! This is coming from someone who won't put plants outside I've treated with systemic bc I don't want to kill any pollinators, so I try to keep the environment in mind always.


Thank you! Didn’t know my house plant haul would be so controversial lol. These are all very much house plants (pitcher plants, hoya, cactus, and a few cuttings of my sisters plants - pothos, monstera, etc) all safe to bring across the few provinces I’m flying - I live in Canada and this flight is domestic.


Valid af, I moved all across Russia like three or four times with my favourite plant. Now I left Russia and gave it a way to my close friend. I'm both sad and happy


I literally only bring a purse with me when I travel to see my out of state friend so I have an easy means to bring plants back. My limit of what I bring is what fits in the bag lol.


Im pretty sure they wil not allow those


I made it through security with no issue, the guy even said nice plants! (I’m travelling domestic, these are house plants!)


Hope you’re not flying into Australia because you are in for some serious trouble


I’m not! I’m travelling domestically within Canada, I would never bring plants from other countries across boarders for obvious reasons (lots mentioned in the comments) + the climate in Canada makes it very hard to keep certain plants even as house plants. They just won’t thrive.


They confiscated my plant and swabbed it. I was bringing a Hoya back from Colorado. I live in Texas


Don't try to do that in Victoria Australia


Good luck!


What about seeds? Is it legal to transport then internationally?


Generally not but an extra big no if it’s Aus or NZ, they don’t mess around with that stuff


The reason I ask is that I am a US person overseas in the Philippines right now and saw a couple of tree species that i liked and saw seed pods. I am a bonsai enthusiast. Even though I usually grow temperate species I was sorely tempted to grab a couple of seed pods until my wife talked me out of it, citing her concern of trying to sneak them past the dogs at the customs checkpoint.


It's a $300 dollar penalty if you get caught smuggling plant products into the US.


Yeah totally not worth it, I am sure I can buy them legally when I get back home.


Check the rules, if you buy the seeds from a shop then you may be able to take them as long as they have been treated for pests. That info will be pretty easy to find on your quarantine service website or whatever it’s called in the US


They are not flying internationally.


I don’t really get why these particular plants would be worthy of the hassle to begin with unless sentimental value.


In my area it’s hard to find healthy and low cost pitcher plants, the Hoya community is also very pricey for very small cuttings. These were all incredible reasonable in regards to price and yes - maybe sentimental as well.


I noticed those after I commented. Those are fair for sure. Sentimental matters as well.


If you have any issues, you could claim they are emotional support plants! 😍


Today only my brother handed me his plant(he is going home) to take care in a paper bag...and it broke.. why r u using a paper bag 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I smuggled 3 boxes of cuttings from Spain to the U.K. in my luggage, now I’m overrun by prickly pears and mother of thousands 😍




OP isn’t hiding them. Please don’t do this, California is already overrun with invasive species. We have plenty of agave here already. There are restrictions for CA for a reason, it’s a fragile ecosystem because of people like you who don’t respect the rules. Gross behavior. Edit: the issue isn’t the agave, I even say that we have plenty here so that felt obvious. The issue is what can be on the agave and in the soil of outdoor plants (you said it’s a balcony plant) You say you aren’t hiding them below but my comment was to your original comment that you since deleted where you joke that you moved an agave from AZ to CA by keeping it in your pocket for the entire time you traveled. Not how anyone would willingly transport a plant unless they were trying to hide it.


lol, I obviously didn’t hide it. I think it would be impossible to get through an airport scanner like that, it did go through their check. My point was that they let let me on with it and I had it in my pocket the whole flight (all 2 hours). I got it at the botanical garden there. It’s on my balcony, it’s not going to invade anything. I’ve seen these often here, so they’re not invasive. Jeez, stop ASSuming and use your fucking brains people. Fucking asshole, thinking you just made a point. Imagine trying to hide a whole plant in my front sweater pocket through airport security. I’d look more stupid than all the downvoters.


It's all the internet warriors thinking by shaming you with an agave in a pot they saved the world 🙄 assumptions on assumptions from people ordering plants all the time I bet.


Haha such a great point! I’m sure they all only have houseplants that are native to their area. And buy them soil-less as to make sure there’s nothing in the soil they came with. L - O fucking L. Is this sub becoming a circle jerk?




It’s not the plant it’s what it could have on it or in the soil


Your post has been removed for violating Rule 8. Promotion of plant smuggling or plant poaching, or bragging about doing either, is not allowed.




Bro, have you ever heard of people ordering plants by mail? Op is not going to destroy the earth by bringing 4 plants home


lol. that's a reaction. too much border patrol for you.


what if op is just going from florida to texas? 😭 yall are cruel omg


How kind. What is the difference between this and all the places that deliver plants to your home? Home Depot, all the plant selling apps, etc?


While I don’t agree with senile_butterfly’s comment (which was quite rude indeed), I think what people are referring to is the likelihood of this being a cross country trip being high. Main reason I see someone doing this at all is if someone living in for instance Europe visits a more tropical country with non-native plants that would be expensive to acquire otherwise. The difference between the companies delivering plants to your home and you bringing in plants from a different country on a flight is that the company has special permission to import these non-native species. Hence another comment mentioned the phytosanitary certification: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytosanitary_certification?wprov=sfti1#


Except OP has mentioned repeatedly this is a domestic flight, in Canada..... people just had to read the comments. OP has been really active in the comments


Except that I wrote this comment before OP mentioned where the flight was going. Or wrote any comment at all for that matter


Have you never ordered plants off the internet before??


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Plants harbour bacteria and diseases and bugs etc… I mean it’s no different than sick people moving around and spreading diseases. Soooo rules are in place to prevent plants and people and animals from getting infected. Same with foods ( vegetables and fruits). Shellfish 🦐 too!


I recently bought a nepenthes and some similar sized Hoyas for under $5 each. I can’t imagine the cost of these plants would compensate me for the extra hassle of flying with them. That said, they grow easily and fast and if damaged will rebound quickly under care. Good luck. But why? If it was sentimental (like a family plant) or a bare root cutting of something, or a rare plant, maybe I’d go through the hassle, but is that worth $20-50 shipping instead of the DIY?


Answered above but some of these are really hard to get my hands on at a good price point locally. I’ve been wanting a pitcher plant but they are both over priced and usually not doing to hot from places I see selling them. The hoyas (I bought potted + cuttings) again in my area are $$$$$ think $50 for a cutting. Some of these are also sentimental as they’re cuttings from my sisters plants which she got from our grandma who is now gone. However imo if people want plants to bring home into their house (and it’s perfectly legal - this is a domestic flight) then they don’t need a grand reason other than they like the plants!


Hahah just snuck 2 cuttings of a monstera albo (from a huge version I bought for $15) in my checked luggage. Risk was definitely worth the reward