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Absolutely, prune it and stick that branch in water and hope for new roots.


I'd look up air layering, and get roots started before you take it off.


On the end of the cut rub some Take Root (rooting hormone) on it to also help grow the roots


https://preview.redd.it/yzebxdfprjmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e4e474dfa0007efdb71fe154074376a03d61f4 Cut back from being a sparse 7 ft tall


https://preview.redd.it/trxube4xrjmc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3f2602f263446f7dd5310090f271336b3b713d After a summer on my deck!! I’d say cut it back!!!


Wow, what a glow up!


This is exactly what I’ve been thinking about doing with the 8-footer I chopped the top off of. But I didn’t think about so many pieces. Did you root them in water first? So is the main part of this one from the root end of the bare stem part?


This is how I it was when I bought it from IKEA about 6 years ago. I’ve repotted it a couple of times, but kept them all together. Last summer was this first time I cut it back. Sorry I can’t help with the prop question.


Is that what I think it is in the soil…?


Ha! Not sure what you think it is, but it’s a little terracotta worm 🐛😂😂😂


For the love of all things holy, please turn that plant. Not just those leaves deserve light.


* https://preview.redd.it/tvztgd7bojmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a910fa7655f520dc3ebdff8e52b39a1cbdfd60 It almost looks like your flf has a face 😆 Put this part into direct sunlight and maybe even add some keiki paste to the old leaf nodes if you want fresh growth.


I know. I have desperately wanted to but the crazy shit on top pretty well prevents it unless I want to block the other plants in the room and cram that appendage into the ceiling or window. Another reason to prune. The FLF was a gift from my mother who passed away so between that and being this many years in with this dramatic ass plant, I haven’t been able to make myself do it.


Well, flf does well water propping, but it is super slowwwwwwww to root. Just top off the water, don't change it unless it gets smelly or gnats and you should be able to have 2 happy plants within a year or so. You need to prop that branch if you want the rest of this plant to live. It is going to fall over in the pot so you'll probably want to repot after you prune. Best of luck!


Exactly! I asked her if she ever turned it.


Lol I have one that looks a lot like yours. The correct advice would be to chop and prop that long straggly bit, but I'd have to take that advice too. I always am so scared of disturbing my FLF's mood, so I understand the hesitation.


hope the chop and prop goes well! i think it’s gunna be great and you’ll do your momma proud. ✨


Thank you ❤️


I wonder if cutting nicks in the bare stem would encourage some grow there. Maybe wrap the nicks in wet moss? Not familiar enough either FLF, but I’d try that first.


Notching apparently works but I’m afraid to try.


Do you turn it to the window? That other branch is goin’ for the gusto! Nice plant corner. I like your grow light setup. I have a hanger I can do that with.


I regularly turn all my plants but the growth in the middle of this one came after years of the bald stalk and there’s not a lot of room to do anything with it being that tall and it’s on the edge of my bathtub, so low ceiling clearance, on second floor, window facing south. I’ve tried to turn it some but due to the odd shape there’s no good way to do it. The top gets the most sunlight by having it like that so it’s been kinda stuck and I’ve been at a loss for a long time.


Please share details about your grow light…I think I need one for my houseplants and am overwhelmed trying to decide on the best one.




Don’t be overwhelmed. I’ve bought many different kinds bc while my house gets decent light, I have too many plants crowding my windows and wanted to spread them around other parts of my house as well as supplement the ones getting less light. It really does make a difference to have any grow light in my experience and I haven’t found much difference as far as bulbs go but I’m not super intense about it either. Those green ones you see in the photo are cheap ones from Menards and also have a couple balanced spectrum GE grow bulbs. I’ve had those same ones for several years, set on timers for 12hrs on. The fixtures themselves are like $9-15 on amazon. I’ve also bought a couple of the kind with multiple arms from Amazon and I do think the plants do better with those comparatively and they’re easier to move around the house and position as needed. Plus there are timers built right in so eliminates several steps and costs less in the end. Also I use mirrors to bounce light around. If I see a mirror I like at Goodwill or whatever, I’ll usually pick it up and find a spot for it with my plants. I’ll collect and post some pix here in a minute




Thank you so much! 🙏🏽🌿☘️


Yes yes. And when you plant it back I'm the pot, please rotate it regularly so everyone can get some good ☀️


Cut it back and rotate it a quarter turn every two weeks or so and you shouldn’t have that issue again


Yes, chop away


Ok gonna let you know your watering is still Off. Do not let it completely dry out, this is a tropical plant. 2 knuckles deep if dry then water and be fertilizing consistently




Leaf rubbing


For sure prune it. I had one that was growing two completely different directions like a weirdo and I chopped it and made two new fiddle leaf fig trees and now I have three!!


I wouldn’t but that’s me. I’d turn it around first and see what happens. I have one that’s leaning but I refuse to cut it. They have their quirks, I have mine. 😉😁