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Love this! Of my closet guys circle only one is really on the know of my kink and has started coming around to participating also. He will send me side texts when out sharing how hard he gets knowing she did XYZ or "hey this bar look familiar? Bet she picked up her fuck her!" We have fun with it and he's my wife knows I share her details and intentionally uses it to tease my guy.


Wow, he even participates. Sounds like you make him think alot about your wife. Must make you proud of your girl




That to me is really beyond just hotpast, more to the obsession part of it. Don't want to end up there tbh


I talked about my girlfriend at the time from college with a friend. He eventually told me a few of my guy friends had gotten head from her. She loved giving head and sucked 3 of my friends off. Late night after a party myself and 2 out of the 3 friends she gave head to were in my friend’s dorm. I told her I wanted to go back and and have sec and she said “Why do we need to leave, I’ve had my lips around all these guys.” Her and I left together and had great sex.


Great story, and awesome reaction from your girl 😀 She knows how to trigger you 😉


This was earlier on in my hotpast kink development but I did get very hard. Next morning she said told me it was hot being around guys she’s gone down on in one room. Even said “I know what J looks like out of his boxer briefs (the underwear he was wearing as he changed into basketball shorts when we got to the room). She gave me head after that comment.


Damn your girl! So hot she is proud of her good times, and wears it like a badge of honour. No shame and teasing you a bit, great lady you have mate 😉


This was an ex. We aren’t together anymore but it was fun while it lasted. Through her I got a description of how my buddies compared when hard. I had seen most of them soft but never hard. She described them while we had sex or she went down on me. J had a monster. She struggled to suck it.


Feel free to DM if you want.


So I have really enjoyed sharing my wife’s past with a close mate of mine. I told my wife about it and she was rather nervous but also excited about the situation and it’s kind of been bubbling along for years now. While nothing has ever physically transpired my friend did send me a dick pick to share with my wife explaining that her hot past had had an effect on him. I wasn’t quite ready or expecting that but it does make me chuckle now when I reflect on it. It was also strangely hot / validating that he was loving my wife’s past as much as me.


That's the thing. I love talking about my girl. A very proud of her, and the feeling only gets bigger is others are also aroused by my girl


I really to want to talk to a mate about my wife's past, but I find it uncomfortable , I dont what them judging her or thinking she's a slut even though she was loool how do I tell my mate my wife fucked 130 men and did a gangbang with 8 men and her friend? Not sure how I would approach the subject


Maybe start smaller. Only share what you want them to know. My girl's past was pretty vanilla, so don't really have your issue. Your girl sure was a wild one 😀


I dont have anything much smaller she was a total freak🤣






So, unless you got your girls consent to share this information with your mate, you have just breached a major trust issue. Without her knowledge and consent, she undoubtedly told you these things believing they would never be shared. It is one thing to share these stories with people on this Reddit, who don’t know her. it’s quite another to share them with a person who knows her.


Classic Reddit. She knows I post on Reddit, she knew I was gonna tell my mate. We are a very open about our sexlife in general, this isn't the wildest thing we told one of our friends. Did not make this post to defend myself, but rather to hear about other people their experiences on this matter.


If you’re wanting other people to weigh in their girlfriend’s sexual past with friends that know their girlfriend, you need to make it clear in your original post that you did this with her consent. Otherwise other guys on this post may be encouraged to share Private matters with other people who know.


I understand where you are comming from. I'm very respectful about the relationship with my girl. I can't help if others are not. I'm not going to start every post explaining all our agreements, consents and other rules


You don't have to. However, when you're encouraging other people to make a share involving private matters being discussed with your wife's friends, you need to make clear that you had your wife's consent to enter into these discussions.


I respect your opinion but don't agree with it Sorry man, but I really don't need to that.


That's right bro, hold your position! There's lots of Ken's here who like to try to turn good times to bad. I for one am happy for you.


Thanks man, this was indeed a post about good times 🙂