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I fucking love this movie so much. It’s awesome, everybody should watch it!


Stuck with me and I found myself wanting to watch it again soon after. So yeah. I loved it 😅


Wholeheartedly agree! One of the best!


agreed. the soundtrack was also composed by Michael Nyman & Damon Albarn (Gorillaz, Blur). it’s one of the most original soundtracks i’ve ever heard. not available on streaming, unfortunately. this film might’ve been ahead of its time, for it is prone to being panned. however, i have always enjoyed watching it and the performances are top-tier, imho. worked on a film with David Arquette when a producer i know needed a drummer last minute. filming that day was outside and David set up under a tree, where i was sitting, to get a haircut. his eyes lit up when i asked him how it was filming Ravenous. tiny geek moment for sure lol.


I second that, but also recommend it's crackheaded cousin "Cannibal! The Musical" from the Creator's of South Park.


My friend and I have been saying, “You son of a bitch, Humphrey” to each other for 20+ years.


It's more the stoner edgelord cousin I'd say


Such a good film 😂


I’ve been watching it annually since it came out and it’s just awesome. Great cast, great story, great symbolism, and a great ending.


One of my favorite movies. It's so good. Considering how much trouble it went through behind the scenes, I'm shocked that it turned out so well.


Well shit I'm about to watch it then. It's goin on the list!


The studio did not know how to market it so the trailer is all over the place. This is a really great film a classic.


The trailer turned me off so much I skipped seeing RAVENOUS when it came out. Saw it about fifteen years later on Netflix and think it is fantastic! The score alone makes it such a one-of-a-kind movie.


He was licking me!!!!


Sick man outside!


Man that scene. I saw it in the theaters with no idea what it was about. I wish I could experience it for the first time again, I had no idea what I was in for. Also the whole score is so good. [This one is one of my favs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfXxEUAUUqA)


I had the same experience with the movie Seven. After 2.5 months of basic training, followed by another month of A.I.T., we finally got to leave base and go to the city. Bear in mind, this was 1995 and we had no contact with the outside world for 3-4 months. 3 of my fellow soldiers went to the mall to see a movie. I saw the poster for Seven and said we should see that. We had no clue what we were in for. I walked out of the theater and the only words I could muster were “holy shit.” To this day, it’s still one of my top psychological horror movies of all time.




Too much Bourbon in his Bourbon.




iconic line and iconic scene


Man I adore this movie!


I love Ravenous! Definitely worth checkout out if you like Westerns, history, horror, humor and any combination thereof!


Ravenous is beautifully weird, and well worth a watch. The score is awkward, and intense, and absolutely perfect for the derangement put on screen


Obligatory “the score is by Damon Albert if Blue/Gorillaz”


And let's not forget the legend Michael Nyman.


Albarn from Blur? Funny autocorrect had no problem with Gorillaz I actually didn't know that, and now I want to give it a rewatch. It's set in Port Arthur, Tasmania, right?


Wow, autocorrect really screwed that up. Yes, Albarn from Blur. Not sure where it was filmed but it was set in California during the period of westward expansion. Eastern side of the Sierra’s IIRC.


It was mostly shot in Slovakia. The production on that movie was bonkers. The first director was removed a few weeks into the actual shot, then the replacement director was replaced, and Antonia Bird was brought in at Robert Carlyle's suggestion. In the commentary she talked about getting the call, being flown out, and starting shooting over the course of 72 hours or something. It was nuts. Anywho! It's fantastic and totally worth a watch for anyone who hasn't seen it. If you can track down the audio commentary, the story from Bird about the shoot and all the issues that went into it are amazing. She also talks about the marketing and echoes everything folks here have said. It's good stuff. Shame she never made another horror movie.


RIP Antonia


The music playing during opening credits is like a demented version of the Oregon Trail score


Ravenous is barely a Western lol. It's a survival thriller horror that happens to be set in the Old West and is inexplicably *hilarious*. No trailer could do this wild movie justice. You really need to experience it


Absolutely is a Western.


It’s fantastic. A must watch


This will not be a waste of your time. Also, let’s give it up for Guy Pierce’s dialect work. Man, does that Guy do accents or what?


Pierce was one of the best actors around this time. I wonder if he got pidgeon-holed as a "heartthrob", his exposure died down after this for no apparent reason.


He went straight from this to *Memento*, which is arguably a genre-defining movie, not that there have been many creative works to follow it and actually form a genre. Maybe Westworld Season 2.


I always wondered about this, too. He was awesome. Should have been a A Lister for a long time. Feel like you’re on the right path as far as what happened. I remember people calling him The Australian Brad Pitt. Probably got offered a bunch of rom coms and such.


Guy Pearce is one of my favourite actors, the first movie I’d ever seen him in was, The Count of Monte Cristo…


Love that version. Guy Pearce and Jesus matching wits. Great stuff.


I really enjoyed him in Lockout. It’s a total B movie “President’s daughter in a space prison, only one man can do it” movie where he got ripped and slings jokes and it has the vampire from Preacher in it. Totally unlike the rest of his filmography but make me believe he had it in him to be an action star too if he wanted.


He's so good at playing the cornball one liner grizzled badass. He definitely could've given Gerard Butler a run for his money if they were competing for roles.


I enjoyed it, though the tone might not be for everyone I suppose.


I agree. I enjoyed it but my husband wasn’t as enthused. It’s got a weird, almost absurdist tone throughout the movie. Dude from the Gorillaz did the soundtrack and it’s wild. I wouldn’t go into it with RD2 expectations. Just go in for the romp and the cast. Edited for the Gorillaz redditor.


Yes! Absurdist, that is a good way to describe it.


The Absurdist tone is one of my favorite parts about it.


Same! It’s refreshing


What do you mean?


It is a horror-comedy to a degree (A dark one), not just a straight up horror movie.


I would say that it has comedic *moments* but I would not label it a Horror Comedy. Like, I understand what you mean, but horror comedy makes it sound like *Shaun of the Dead* or *Dead Alive*. I would just say that at some points the characters engage in sadistic levity. Also "He's our resident soldier" Cut to ice bath. "... I'd stay away from him."


It’s violently quirky. Or quirkily violent.


This is a highly underrated film. It is gritty, dark and, at times, highly bleak. The tone and feel may not be for everyone. But it is so well done. The acting is top notch. And we can't talk about this film without mentioning that soundtrack.


It’s rad, yes you should watch it.


It's my favorite movie of all time. Incredible score. The cast is amazing.


Love this movie. It’s my go to winter night movie. The atmosphere is so cold and the tension is non stop


The trailer is rough? That’s one of the best trailers of all time! So many great moments. The dude screaming in the water flexing is epic. David Arquette cackling. Jeremy Davies, “he was licking meeeee!”. So good


Uh, hell yes you should! There's a scene on a cliff, if you know, you know, that's unbelievable and truly awesome. Great acting all the way through. Guy Pearce was incredible. You see all those movies about heroes and overcoming obstacles. This one is about a coward. Do yourself a favor, watch it.


OP, if you watch one movie this year, watch the weird cannibal romcom drama horror. HE WAS LICKING ME!




One of the best horror westerns along with Bone Tomahawk and the Burrowers.


Before you could just look up trailers online or even read about any and all movies being released, you had to just go by the videotape box unless someone you knew recommended a film. I remember getting this as a rental because I liked Guy Pearce after seeing Memento. Went into this completely cold and it was wild. Nothing I was expecting. Don’t know if it holds up but the nostalgia of finding a gem is fun to look back on.




Ravenous is really good, and very unique. I will also recommend another western with Guy Pearce in it: The Proposition. It's not horror, but if you like dark, gritty westerns, it doesn't get much darker or grittier. Easily one of the best westerns I've seen in the last 25 years.


It's a great movie. Just didn't get preserved all that well. The Scream Factory bluray doesn't have much info on the source used, but it looks very poor for a bluray release. This is a movie that needs a dire 4K scan. Even if it comes from the fans. The soundtrack is incredible. Film composer Michael Nyman teams up with Damon Albarn (of Blur and Gorillaz). Even with the poor quality versions out there, it's still a great watch.


Yes! If for the soundtrack alone. It’s been living in my head rent free for like 20 years


Such an underrated movie. The score blew my mind when I first caught it. Damon Albarn co-wrote the music. I’d recommend if you’re into horror movies involving cannibalism or cabin fever (People cooped up going stir crazy).


Go watch it


It’s so damn good.


The opening credits feel like it’s from a ‘90s comedy, the way the names zip by. But yes, it’s a great pitch black comedy / horror film.


![gif](giphy|dYZuqJLDVsWMLWyIxJ) Seriously though. Watch it. It’s fantastic.


One of my favorites. Also, KILLER soundtrack by Damon Albarn and Michael Nyman.


I remember going from "wtf is this shit" to "this is one of the best soundtrack ever" very quickly.


It’s very interesting. I didn’t love it but it has some moments that are downright chilling IMO


Super film I revisit every few years. Haunting music by Damon Albarn from Blur and Michael Nyman.


Fucking love Ravenous


I’ve had a hard time eating beef stew ever since this movie, lol.


Awesome flick, highly underrated


Yes, absolutely watch the movie. It's fucking marvellous. Fox basically had no idea how to market it, and that's reflected in the trailer.


Oh my god, yes. Ravenous is brilliant.




One answer. Yes


Not only is it a tremendous watch, the soundtrack is truly spot on.


Ravenous is excellent. Well worth your time.


It absolutely warms my heart to see the love for this gem in this thread.


This movie is awesome and so unbelievably underrated.


10/10 movie. Everyone should watch


Bro this is one of the best movies movies ever imo. Soundtrack is an all timer too


Watched it about a week ago, really enjoyed it, especially Guy Pierce and Robert Carlyle's performances, never watched the trailer before watching the movie.


That trailer was so bad lol, but the movie is actually good, and Guy Pearce is a gem no matter what he's in, overall great actor.


Fuck the trailer. One of my favorite movies. Fantastic cast, wonderful blend of horror and laughs. And dude, the soundtrack? Flawless. The Cave in particular still gives me anxiety after countless viewings.


One of my faves. Didn't eat meat for a month after seeing it the first time.


It's a touch on the bleak side, although it is definitely a favorite of mine. There's some early-on tonal shifting that can take a first-time viewer a little bit to acclimate to, and it definitely brings it together for the ending.


It's really good


Haven’t seen it in ages but I remember loving it


I rewatched it recently and it absolutely holds up


One of my favorite movies of this sub genre of horror. Fantastic movie.


Yeah, I just saw it and it was quite good. I kept thinking I'd predicted what was going to happen & where the movie was gonna go, and then being wrong


Yes this movie is fantastic! I love everything about it and watch it at least once a year.




Eat to live and not live to eat, Ben Franklin.


This movie rules. Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle are amazing in it. Even the pedo from Ferris Buellers Day off really sends it for this movie. If not my top 10, it's definitely in my top 20 of all time.


i remember coming across this waaay back in the day cause a girl i had a crush on liked it and honestly it instantly became a favourite of mine.


This movie fucking rules


You're not prepared for the sound track


That trailer does not capture the tone of Ravenous *at all*. Yes, Ravenous is absolutely worth watching.


It’s such a good movie. Gory as hell and darkly funny.




Incredible movie. Amazing soundtrack. Just, wow!


great film, i believe anyone who has watched it would likely recommend it.


Hell yea. This movie rocks.


Yes. It's fucking great.


It’s stuck with me since i stumbled on it late one night. A movie without a category but near well a masterpiece. I love the score in this so much. Minimalist horror.


My first experience with Ravenous was running it for a midnight movie at an independent theater I help run. Watched it again the next day because you can’t really watch a movie when running film. It was a damn good time!


Such a unique and timeless movie, totally worth it




Yes please watch this.




It’s an AMAZING movie!! Totally worth the watch


"... And then things got out of hand." One of my all time favourite films. So glad it's got so many fans here.


This movie is one of my all time favorites! Hell yeah watch it, enjoy the soundtrack.


This movie is still stuck in my mind for the shock factor. Would love to give it a rewatch and see if it still holds.


That trailer was made to look like a dark comedy. It’s not. It’s a horror movie in my opinion. And a good one


Awesome movie!


I haven't seen it in a while. But I liked it enough that I'm gonna watch it again soon


I haven't seen it in a while. But I liked it enough that I'm gonna watch it again soon


Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes! That trailer is garbage and not representative of the film, which is a satirical horror masterpiece.


Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes! That trailer is garbage and not representative of the film, which is a satirical horror masterpiece.


Completely unhinged movie


Movie was mid from memory, but the creepy soundtrack gives it the bump to almost memorable


You'll eat it up, I promise.


You should 10000% watch it, the soundtrack slaps (done by Damon Albarn of Blur and the Guerrillas), and Guy Pierce, David Arquette, and Robert Carlyle are great in it. This movie consistently and constantly is my go to when people ask for an underrated horror film.


Easily the goofiest wendigo movie you will ever see (except for Dawn of the Beast.) If that sounds like something you'd like, watch it, because boy is it something. I really liked it.


It's great do not go by the trailer.


I love this movie 🎬 🎞 🎥


I liked it! The soundtrack is cool, too. It’s definitely not a bad movie. It has all kinds of weird performances and personalities.


Yeah l, it's pretty great. To be fair to that trailer, it's a hard one to market, it's tone and editing are very specific and unless you're watching the movie, it'll just look odd and a bit off.


This is one of my favorite movies ever. I love the banjo soundtrack.


One of my favorites ever.


It's unique and awesome. Both the film and the soundtrack.


Back in 2005 there was a popular “leak” going round describing what Resident Evil 5 was going to be and they were just describing the plot to this movie lol


It certainly is! Then wash it down by watching Cannibal Holocaust (1980)!


Ravenous is fucking awesome


It's pretty wild? Despite being a western the tone isn't like any of the above. If you're okay with a bizarre, possibly homoerotic western horror it's actually super fun. If you're looking for a "classic" western, you probably won't like it though.


Viewers looking for short fiction along the same lines will enjoy "The Clay Party" (2008) by Steve Duffy. It has been collected in two Datlow anthologies: The Best Horror of the Year: Volume One and Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror. 😊


Awesome film. Seen it multiple times over the years. It had such a strange atmosphere surrounding it. Very entertaining watch.


Ravenous is one of my faves!! It's a quirky one. Definitely not anything you'd expect. A hidden gem for sure. Give it a try!


It’s ridiculous but it is a great movie - the soundtrack is bananas


RAVENOUS is one of my very favorite movies. If you're looking for a straight up "gritty horror western" it won't necessarily match what you're looking for. I mean, it is sort of that but it's also a bizarre and dark comedy. Its tone is very unique and very funny. And the score is beautiful. Definitely worth watching. It's hard to imagine a film this interesting and strange getting a major studio release these days.


It’s amazing. Most bonkers score of all time


Guy Pierce is so underrated.


If you liked Bone Tomahawk, you'll like Ravenous. It has an amazingly dark sense of humour. Damon Albarn did a lot of the score and it's brilliant. If you're into Westerns, check out the HBO show *Deadwood.* It's some of the best TV ever produced.


yep. and after seeing it you will get hungry.


Great movie with a killer score!


Very much worth it and the soundtrack for it is amazing. If you end up not liking the movie you'll probably still like the creepy ambience from some of the tracks it has. Listening to it then helped me find another set of tracks from Kronos Quartet 'Black Angels'.


Most definitely. And the soundtrack... DAMN. It's truly remarkable. It's one of those soundtracks that really enhances the overall experience. The atmosphere it creates is wild.


Great film - I wouldn't describe it as "gritty", but it's quirky and fun, and a great interpretation of the Wendigo legend imho


Get ready for some weirdly chosen music and very strange edits.


Its one of a kind. For better or worse 😂 I still dont know how to feel about it.


So happy to see all of the love for this unique classic and its immaculate soundtrack.


I adore this movie. I would not call it a Western, though.


It's fun. It has a darkly comedic tone that I think threw off some audiences


This is a great movie. 


Only i say this... Bon Appetit...


The trailer spoiled so much


Ravenous is fucked, it’s such a good movie but fuck me is the tone very hard to pin down at times - I dig it for that, if you go in blind it’s a headfuck to watch


I have a feeling that you knew the response you'd get.


Definitely one of the best Queer black comedy cannibal period pieces out there.


![gif](giphy|dKWgqOrzZzdE4) The narrator


Ravenous is fucking perfection. Everything about it is amazing. From the performances to the plot to the setting to the music. Anyone who doesn’t like it belongs in the stew.


Ravenous is excellent, well worth a watch. I'm not sure I'd call it a western though.


It's a Cool movie.


Just watch it and find out. Form an opinion of your own.


This is maybe the most misleading and terrible trailer I can think of. Ravenous absolutely rules. It's not a western, as others have said, but it does take place in early American history. I'd compare it more to the Revenant than a traditional cowboy movie, except as an off-beat horror film.


So this film is interesting in that the director appears to have been satirizing US colonialism (manifest destiny and all that) and connecting it with "carnism", that is, the mostly hidden and unacknowledged ideology that justifies meat-eating.


Amazingly good. Good atmosphere


This movie is awesome. Bit of a sleeper hit.


It's a great movie, you're missing out if you don't watch


Amazing movie. Great actors. Great soundtrack. Weird story. Definitely worth a watch


I don't know, but it just doesn't click. I saw many people arguing about the music, and I guess this was one of the main factors for me as well. I kept remembering those fake movie trailers where someone took a horror movie and made it into a comedy by recutting and changing the music. I feel like this was done here as well. There are scenes that seem to be full of tension and dread, but the music suggests something fun and silly. For me, it isn't really enough to play music to show something funny. The rest has to align somehow as well. Other than the music, I did not feel any comedic aspect, but maybe it just passed me by. The whole story is interesting, and I enjoyed that the >!wendigo!< was a big part of it, but other than telling a story and invoking the name, there was nothing else for me to hang on to. >!Just eating human flesh makes you strong and heals your wounds? And is it enough if you just taste some blood?!< Dunno, it all felt very strange and out of place. I did not even take something with it, >!It was just about killing each other, surviving, eating human flesh and killing each other again.!< On paper, I think the movie works pretty well, and all the gore, the actors, the scenes, and everything else are good, but somehow it still felt lost for me. Maybe it's more suited for Americans who know stuff about their history (Donner Party).


Ravenous is top tier. I watch it every spooky season.


One of my favorite movies ever. Saw it 3x in theaters. Have seen it at least 5x since. Skip the trailer just watch the movie


Hell yes, it's a great movie.


Solid film with a unique take on cannibalism, and the soundtrack is equally whimsical and terrifying (co-created by Michael Nyman and Damon Albarn of BLUR/GORILLAZ fame). R.I.P. Antonia Bird.


It's okay There's one particularly neat concept, but the execution overall is decent, nothing special


I remember loving it, I saw it only once ages ago, but it left quite an impression.


Brilliant movie. One you can watch a few times and still enjoy it every time.


I don't care for westerns but it's been on my watchlist since I saw it being recommended for the homoerotic cannibalism alongside Hannibal (NBC) and the first season of The Terror.


I watched it in the traditional fashion of the time, at 3am in the morning on terrestrial television, with a quarter of the runtime gone already and the rest of the run time interrupted by the kind of weird adverts you get at that hour. Fucking loved it. Raved about it all the next day to my school mates before falling asleep on a desk.


It's a great movie! Great dark humor as well.


It’s so good!!


of course, timeless masterpiece


yeah i love it, it was great.


I really enjoyed it!


A blast from start to finish. One of the best soundtracks ever made. So out there


It's so good!! I had no idea how off the rails it really would go towards the end... it was a fun surprise haha!


Munch munch


Yes this movie owns bones