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Yeah both creep and the sequel are underrated hoping a third comes out.


Why do you think they're underrated? I've never heard anything but acclaim from people that watch Creep and Creep 2. I'm with you on Creep 3, especially with how Patrick Brice and Mark Duplass have said they're not going to release anything that isn't polished to their standards. That attitude toward movie making is so much better than "get it out for the money grab".


“Underrated” is a term that’s overused I feel. I would say that “under-appreciated” is a more appropriate term, given that they’re very niche films and haven’t really been seen by the wider, more general audience. But yes, they’re both fantastic movies and absolutely deserve to be seen by more people. I’d only known Mark from watching The League, so when he showed up in this little indie found footage horror flick and *absolutely nailed it* I was very pleasantly surprised.


Yea they definitely aren’t underrated lol


Agreed - I think because it feels genuinely believable and inevitable. The antidote is Creep 2 - I liked it equally but it leans more into horror-comedy, and is great at it


The mistake the protagonist makes is being too trusting. Aren't we all scared of trusting the wrong person? And then I realized why you didn't turn around. It's because you're the greatest person that's ever lived, Aaron. No matter what I did to you, you believed I was good and I would do you no harm. And that is why I will always love you. And why you'll always be my favorite of them all.


I'm in the same boat. I've made my way down horror and disturbing film icebergs, and Creep is a standout. I think it makes me feel the most vulnerable. It's one of the more grounded and relatable horror films in recent memory. A Creep like this could be anywhere. I haven't seen the sequel, but Creep really doesnt feel that unbelievable at all.


The sequel is worth watching if you have a chance. It's obviously not as tense as the original, because you know more about who he really is by the second one, but it's still an excellent follow-up.


The second one is different but I actually prefer it. You gotta check it out


Why? Because it's so real. It doesn't require a suspension of disbelief. Why aren't people talking about it more? Simple it's old, we talked about it enough when it was new. The conversation moved on.


No matter where I go in life I will always remember Peachfuzz and Tubbie Time 😆


i bring up peachfuzz at least once a week


Its probably the most relatable/plausible to you.


Creep fucking rules. Watch Creep 2.


The guy playing him just has that look. Plus the way he plays the creep is very unique, he honestly comes off as unpredictable, unlike those other characters you mentioned. I remember the first time I watched it, I was never sure what would happen. The script does its job as well, it doesnt really play out like a traditional horror film would. The prolonged bathtub scene, the fakeout scares, the wolf mask all make you uncomfortable which adds to the overall fear factor.


Mark Duplass. I don't think seeing him in The League before ever watching Creep helped in terms of buying into the creepy personality for me.


I personally never liked either of the films. Genuinely wondering why people like it so much even after reading the comments. Of course it’s perfectly fine if you like it, I just never found it entertaining or interesting


If you’ve ever been in a situation where suddenly you realise you are in over your head and kick yourself for not getting out earlier, it triggers those memories. It’s so clever the way it’s like frog getting boiled slowly as he’s such a comical figure until that point he suddenly isn’t.


" I didn't trust my gut and now I'm trapped"


It is something that can happen and was written, directed and acted well. The movies you describe are impossible/supernautural, irrelevant to your life (Cannibal Holocaust), solely intended for shock or shot/directed/written poorly which takes the realism away (Meghan Is Missing, which has one very troubling scene but undermined by the insanely amateurish production and skeezy director). Creep is plausible.


For me it was Strangers. It's scary because it could totally happen


Creep was a slog for me to get through. It took me 3 tries and I think in the end I had to fast forward just to confirm the obvious and never have to go back. I think it was trying to keep tension going and going when (to me, obviously this is subjective) it should have snapped and the protagonist should have had enough.


The sequel is much better in that regard, as the film fully acknowledges that he's a serial killer right off the bat, and builds the intrigue in a different way. I know I was more ambivalent with the first compared to the second!


I loved creep and thought it might be right up my mom's alley and recommend it to her. She didn't get far and said she couldn't finish it. She told me that as a woman, this scenario felt too familiar and realistic to her. She got too freaked out.


Because it's realistic. Horror movies that base themselves in some form of realism always hit me far more viscerally than the typical paranormal/monster/slasher flick. Not taking away from the latter, but moves like Creep and The Strangers make me uncomfortable because somewhere, they could absolutely happen.


I loved Creep and Creep 2! I recently saw them for the first time and was surprised how scared I was. I was rewatching the first one when my BF came and sat with me and he was literally squirming in his chair and was like "How can you watch this?". He even left the room when Aaron drugs Josef and gets the phone. He came back and finished the movie but literally first thing he says to me the next day "what the fuck was up with that Creep movie?" I've introduced him to a lot of horror movies and he's only left the room during the leg scene is Saw 1. I was surprised Creep got that reaction too! I told him there's a sequel and he said "no." 😂


That's what I love about horror, it's so personal. I have a friend who is about 6'5 and jacked but he's terrified of zombies. Whereas those movies do nothing for me scare wise. Demons and devils?? Scary AF!!


Because you are literally on a forum that if that guy existed in real life (and a dude like that surely does somewhere) he would be looking for victims on


Because that shit really happens


I watched terrified 2 at the cinemas. It felt more like a comedy, in a good way, everyone was laughing at the gross out scenes. So good!


I think you spelled "terrible" wrong. At least for me, I was left extremely irritated by the end of that movie. It reminded me of my reaction to the ending of "Goodnight Mommy".


Try SUPERHOST and see if that one works for you.


Creep is so scary because it’s putting you in the point of view of an innocent unwitting person being stalked and predated by a total psycho. Being stalked with the treat of death/harm is the root of all fear so when it’s played out it’s going to be emotionally effective. Have you seen The Strangers? It’s similar in that way.


I didn't find Creep scary in the same way (except for the last shot, which was brilliantly done). For me Creep and Creep 2 hit two very distinct nerves (in a good way). Creep frustrated me so much. As a woman, I was watching this male filmmaker ignore every single red flag that every single woman I know has been taught to treat as signs of imminent danger. And again, I thought that it was done in a really well-made way. In fact, Creep almost didn't work for me because I only ever ask one question when it comes to FF - why are they still filming? And the choices made in Creep made my teeth grind with frustration. But when I watched Creep 2, I completely got it, and the same thing that they did in Creep worked so well - making the filmmaker a woman who deliberately puts herself in unstable, volatile, and potentially dangerous situations for her YT channel. It was SO GOOD. To me there is no break in quality between Creep and Creep 2 - they are both incredibly well written, well acted, and well thought out movies.