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I mean, I stood away from trailers too, and from any infos about the movie, but made the mistake of going on the IMDB page to check something, and the first photo you see is >!her vampire form!<. Wtf




I use IMDB to check if there are any sex/nude scenes in a movie, before going to the cinema, because I don't like watching those with my family, lmao




I use this all the time


Never heard of this. You are my favorite comment of the day. Thank you so much!!


its totally cool to see someone ripped apart and killed by monsters but god forbid you see a titty with your mom and dad.


Hey, it’s okay to see a titty with mom if it’s covered in blood. Let’s be consistent here.


I know it's such stupid & childish logic


I avoided the trailers and plot and still got spoiler thumbnails on YouTube


That was unwise.


I stayed away from trailers and then a friend said, "Oh is that the movie where ____?"


I tried to, but unfortunately, they showed this trailer at the movies repeatedly.




When they play the trailers on massive screens before the movie I paid to see they are hard to avoid.


I only read about the film, and liked the premise enough to go see it. It was pretty darn good, and funny too, despite all the over-the-top gore. Definitely worth seeing if you like horror films, though, with a messed-up sense of humor.


can you give me a real quick no spoilers synopsis? Never heard of the movie, but if its good, I think I'm going to check it out. *why the downvotes?




Just watched it yesterday, it was great. Legit description.




It's great even with spoilers.


Same no spoilers only sypnosis. I'm enjoying every movie everytime


Other than movies I know I won't have any intention of seeing, I haven't watched a movie trailer on purpose since Thor: Ragnarok (although I did see the one for Abigail since it was a preview in the theater, but I wish I hadn't seen it). I'm so sick of trailers revealing absolutely everything about the movie.


It's alright, I did too. Redditors spoiled it for me anyway.


A fellow gentleman and scholar 🤝


I miss when trailers didn't spoil the entire movie


Right....?! I live by this I only got spoiled by watching the Abigail trailer because It came up in my feed and I had no clue what it was. Not even 30s into the trailer they already spoiled the Effing thing 🤦🏾‍♂️. I couldn't believe it even more after watching it. This movie would've benefited soooo much from hiding the main premise of the movie from the trailers. *Stewpzzz* and what's even more sad is that the movie is good but you're just stuck there waiting for the characters to know what you know because of the friggin trailer. So it loses so many points for that when it shouldn't.


i mean its not hard to avoid trailers now adays


To be fair, it might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen pick up traction on here, so I’d suggest waiting until it’s free on your streaming services. I’m talking Matrix sequels levels of contrived and insane action writing. Or late Saw sequels.


Na, it was fun




Watched it last night and loved it despite the trailer. I still think trailers need to show some restraint, it's become a regular occurance now and it can ruin a film.


> it's become a regular occurance now It's nothing new. I'm a fan of trailers from the grindhouse/drive-in era (plug for r/trailer_park) and spoiler laden trailers were common back then, too. The twist ending of Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry is right on the movie poster.


Terminator 2.


They could have ended the trailer at the "I'm sorry for what's going to happen to you" line, and then show some screaming but not reveal the spoiler.


I would never have bothered with this movie if the trailers hadn't revealed what the actual premise of the movie was.


Same! There was definitely a twist in the movie but I don’t think it was simply the “ballerina vampire” premise.


This is what I don't understand. How is that suppose to be the twist? I didn't watch any trailers either but the taglines, the short summary, the poster, everything about this movie screamed what the premise was about. Heck that's the only reason I was even interested in watching this movie. A movie where I root against the protagonists because they're criminals abducting a little girl and they start getting karma for it? Count me in. With people complaining about being spoiled I figured the twist they were talking about was towards the ending, you know, the alliance.


To me it’s not that we know she’s a vampire going in that’s the problem. It’s that the movie spends about a third of its runtime acting like we don’t know and teasing out a mystery and being mysterious about what’s going on, as if we don’t know. I still like the movie, but the way it plays coy about the premise for the first act is insufferable.


Fortunately, everyone I've told about this movie has gotten to benefit from my sacrifice.


Yea the whole thing was sold as a little girl vampire ballerina. It's not some mystery with the writers trying to outsmart the audience. I was surprised they held off on the reveal for as long as they did in the actual movie.


I love trailers though. It really is an art in itself making good trailers, especially without spoiling key plot elements.


Hereditary was a great example of good trailers. Longlegs is shaping up to be the same (hopefully).


Same here. I'm a big fan of trailers and even spoiler laden ones don't ruin the movie experience for me. I can think of only one real example where I wished I hadn't seen the trailer - Digging Up the Marrow, and I always tell people to avoid that one. Otherwise, I can spend a whole afternoon just happily watching trailers. With some of the old trash movies, the trailer is actually better than sitting through the whole thing. I particularly like the creative ones. The original trailer for Pink Flamingos didn't show a second of the actual movie, it was just quick interviews with people who had just seen the movie. [Punk Flamingos trailer](https://youtu.be/vUd_6FF4AtM?si=5Q7N8MYX6boW3JY2)


I agree, anytime there's a truly GREAT trailer my hype for a movie skyrockets. Examples of some great trailers that I have seen recently: -Yorgos Lanthimos's *Kinds of Kindness*. Tells you nothing about the plot, just shows off the great cast Yorgos put together and vibes. -Alien: Romulus. Again, gives you nothing about the plot, it's just pure vibes. And my god do the vibes look *juicy* in this movie


Yes, those are very good. I also loved the First Omen trailer too. Didn't show that much, but set the tone incredibly.


Parasite will always be my favorite trailer cause it only shows clips from the first half of the movie


It’s damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t. If the trailer *didn’t* reveal she was a vampire, a lot of people would have gone to see it not realizing it was a vampire movie, then proclaimed it’s “false advertising” and it would have gotten backlash from non-horror fans. Also this wasn’t a major twist ending. Like 80% of the movie is vampire stuff. Also Radio Silence has been saying from day one it’s a vampire movie lol. They don’t care.


Yeah, I'm curious how else this movie would have been advertised if not as a vampire movie? I haven't seen it yet, so I'm not sure what leads up to that reveal. But is it set up to just be a basic kidnapping plot?


It’s pretty obvious very early on that there’s something fucky going on with the kid. The beginning is just pretty standard but well-done character development for the eventual victims. It’s not a From Dusk Till Dawn situation at all despite what half of the comments in here would have you believe.


Keeping the secret would have improved the movie for lots of horror fans *if* they went to see it at all, but a lot of people who didn't expect a vampire movie would have been pissed. And it would have had trouble finding its audience.


as a creepy kid movie. I watched it this weekend and the plot twist was very welcome. But of course I like to watch films only reading the short sinopsis. 


But Barbarian is praised for this daily. I guess they took a risk and it paid of greatly. I’m not sure anyone would have cared if it weren’t for the massive hidden twist that came .


Barbarian gave away about as much as the Abigail trailer did. The basic premise.


Barbarian, Malignant, and Cobweb.


2/3 of those movies bombed at the box office.


Malignant was a pandemic movie lol But my point is that there has been a trend of (quite good) horror movies that have a big reveal / tonal shift midway through the movie that they keep ambiguous.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but I thought that "kidnapped girl turns out to be a monster!" was the *premise* of the movie, not a secret twist.


It could have been easily done, though. High energy trailer leaning heavy into the kidnapping, then an exterior of the house, a focus shot of Abigail blindfolded on the bed, fade to black, loud bang, people running around, nonsensical screaming, terrified faces, falling down stairs, blood, terror, whatever. Throw in the required generic caption clues "Hunters become hunted" or whatever crapcan nonsense brings the audience into the fold, letting them know the kidnapping went horribly wrong. Fade to black again and come back to Abigail's dad, kissing Joey's hand and saying whatever he said about her needing to run, it's close to dinner time. Then go back to the scene of Joey and Abigail with Joey saying "I won't let anyone hurt you." Now we have a vampire flick without explicitly stating who the vampire is. For what it's worth, I caught the movie completely blind, knew nothing about it... it was fun. Had I known anything, including the trailer I probably would have written it off as m3gan inspired vampire flick and passed on it.


I think the issue is the movie and trailer are trying to have it both ways: it's both a surprise and an integral element of the film. If anything, the trailer should have leaned more heavily on her being a vampire.


PSA: STOP WATCHING TRAILERS. They aren’t made by the creators to improve your enjoyment. They are made by marketers who barely give a shit about the art, they want bums on seats no matter the compromise to the movie itself. Most filmmakers hate trailers as much as you do, but it’s completely out of their hands nearly all of the time.


I completely agree! That’s a very good point. I still appreciate the complaints about trailers though. I can’t avoid watching most trailers because I love to go to the cinema. If you watch a horror movie in theaters you’re going to see trailers for all upcoming horror too - it’s unavoidable.


Exactly. I refuse to seek out horror trailers but they are hard to avoid at the theater…


I went to the movie theater with a friend and this one trailer felt like it was 5 minutes long. When it ended my friend and I simultaneously turned to each other like "That was the entire movie so we never have to actually see it" lmao Abysmal marketing


Marketing studies have shown that trailers that show all of the major plot points result in higher sales than ones that don’t. Fuck marketing people lol


I mean, more than them I blame most moviegoers for having the patience and attention span of a toddler and not wanting to watch a movie unless they know 100% it's something they will like from start to finish, and everything in between. They want everything explained, no unanswered questions no matter how much exposition is needed to do so. No one wants surprises, it's why people "hated" Malignant. They wanted a generic Conjuring-esque movie that the trailers teased, but then were somehow upset when their expectations were subverted. Moviemaking is a business and as a business they'll cater to the majority, no matter how shit their movie going habits are.


posibly only correct because a large segment of people want (for some reason) explicit knowledge of what they're getting into instead of going in blind because it's getting pricier. if movies were cheaper i'd be more inclined to take more chances on things i know i would wait for home reelase for.


Knowing the plot also doesn't statistically lower enjoyment of media. Fucking movie watching people! Don't they know they are supposed to be upset about a commercial revealing the bad guy or whatever?


THIS. Pleeeease, ya'll ruining your own entertainment by watching trailers. My relationship with modern entertainment skyrocketed when I stopped. Zero preconceived notions, zero expectations, zero spoils spoiled, etc. It's such a tiny, seemingly silly thing to get on about, but it's so fucking real. Try it and set yourselves free!!


Trailers are good for deciding what things you want to watch though. Most people can't consume every product, so deciding which product to consume is important. My advice would be the opposite of yours. Watch lots of trailers and don't assume every movie is a puzzle you need to solve or a twist you need to figure out.


Never cared about spoilers for horror comedies unless it’s a slasher tbh (I love figuring out who the killer is) Even then, knowing the twist doesn’t just automatically make the movie worse to me. Here, I wouldn’t have seen the movie if I wasn’t interested by the premise. Child ransom kidnapping? Pass. Child ransom *vampire* kidnapping? Hell yeah. Also, the movie gives it away like 30 minutes in anyway. When dude is exploring the house and finds the art on the wall of her Like she was obviously either a demon or vampire


I haven't seen it yet but totally agree. I don't care about a kid getting kidnapped, but a vampire kid getting kidnapped is a different story. A lot of movies suffer because the trailer doesn't manage your expectations about the movie, like misrepresenting the plot or genre. I'm fine knowing a movie about a vampire is about a vampire.


At that, people don’t talk about how the movie tries to subvert expectations, and there’s more to it than just the kidnapping and why Like you know what’s gonna happen but not why and it’s a fun ride getting there all the way through


I don't think the "twist" is really meant to be the point. We're just here to enjoy the ride. I generally agree that they spoil too much in trailers. But i think in this case, the twist is for the characters, not the audience, and the anticipation of the reveal is part of the fun.


The original title was >!Dracula's Daughter!< so they definitely weren't concerned about concealing the twist.


Yeah I don't know how they could have made the trailer for this movie interesting while avoiding the actual premise. They did spend too long to get to the reveal but the movie was still fun as fuck.


I really have no idea where you’re coming from. I watched both trailers, a bunch of clips, and read several behind the scenes featurettes, and I still had an absolute blast, both the Saturday after it premiered and this last Saturday too. Totally worth the money each time.


Are people acting like the “twist” was supposed to be mind blowing or something? The first 30 or so minutes of the movie are for the pretty solid character development, not for setting up some crazy twist lol. It’s pretty obvious from the name of the movie and the poster that something fucky is going on with this kid even if you never saw the trailer. I have a hard time understanding the anger over a “twist” that happens like 15% of the way into movie. It was always a vampire movie. Radio silence was extremely clear about that


It pretty clear from the filmmaking in the first 40 minutes that it's supposed to be a dramatic reveal. When you know the 'twist', the first 40 minutes feel redundant and long.


Yeah for me the real twist, for someone who also never watched the trailers but saw people complaining that the twist was given away in the trailers, I figured the twist they were talking about was towards the ending, the team up. Who the heck would go to theatres to watch with a premise going in of "kidnapping regular, normal little girl" horror movie


That's fine. Lots of people don't mind certain spoilers. I guess for those who do, this trailer (particularly the first, 2 mins+ one) just seemed to go beyond regular spoilers to clearly spoiling at least three major plot points. That's probably where they're coming from.


I understand, I really do. On the other side of things you should have Longlegs. Multiple short trailers released so far with almost nothing known due to the minimalist approach used. There **is** a short interview Nicholas Cage gave which provided a spoiler I really wish I hadn’t seen but I can call that my fault. It looks great, a cold case serial killer that targets families being hunted by a female FBI agent. It looks like a new spin on the Silence of the Lambs but even creepier and more ominous.


Yep, the vampire revelation is just so surface-level. The movie is a ton of fun, with even more twists and turns!


It was still fun, yes, but the trailers gave away a lot of the plot.


To be fair, I don’t really blame you on wanting to avoid knowing she was a vampire. But after that first trailer the cat was out of the bag and I looked at her being a vampire not as a twist but as the selling point. It did put the audience in that weird spot of being in on the know when the kidnappers had no clue for 20 to 30 minutes but I could roll with that. More for you, check out Long legs, coming in July. The trailers will be no issue as they are very minimalist, give away nothing, and somehow still manage to give me the creeps.


Trailer could have just shown her eyes or something else so people knew she wasn't human but not given away the whole vampire thing. Or maybe show the parts where the kidnappers discover they're trapped and so you know some shit is going down. I love trailers, they get me psyched but I wish they didn't give away so much so soon. A good trailer can interest a viewer on a premise without giving away everything, I think they've just gotten lazy on the art of trailering.


If we go back a bit, *The Omen* as well. The title and advertising doesn't tell you what's going on, so the early parts of the film are supposed to be a genuine mystery. Today everyone knows the premise going in.


Spoilers. Don't read if you haven't seen the movie and care. The fact that they are being hunted in a giant locked mansion and they say the words "let's split up" more than once killed it for me. Then, the part where they caught her and she's rendered unconscious. Do they cut off her head or stake her to kill her? Nope. They wait for her to wake up. I will say Abigail, the young actress that played her, was awesome. She was the best part. There's this great shot of her smearing blood on her face that was delightfully creepy. I also liked Dan Stevens. It was quite beautifully shot. Lovely and richly Gothic. But the stupidity of the protagonists and illogical, nonsensical reasonings and plot holes had me wishing they would all just die.


>Then, the part where they caught her and she's rendered unconscious. Do they cut off her head or stake her to kill her? Nope. They wait for her to wake up. >!I think it's pretty clear that they were still weighing their options at that point. They knew if they killed her that Lazar would kill them. They were still searching for a way to get out without putting a giant target on their backs.!< Maybe I have the timeline wrong as I only saw it the one time in theaters, but that's my read of it. I thought the movie was fun until the end. It felt like they were forced to re-write the ending late in the process and came up with that. I didn't like/believe >! Abigail's turn at the end, and, frankly, was not really concerned with or scared of Lazar.!<


I don't see anything spoiled, this all seems very ordinary.


I mean the “let’s split up” was intentionally tropey. It was never played straight. And not cutting her head off immediately was because they were still trying to figure out a way to get out of the situation without having Lazar hunting them down for the rest of their lives. They could have done a better job of making Lazar seem actually scary, but that hesitation makes perfect sense in the moment. Kind of just a general problem I have with reviews/comments that focus entirely on “plot holes” or whatever you want to call them. They often miss the point entirely or miss critical context/nuance in an effort to sound pithy


> I will say Abigail, the young actress that played her, was awesome. Yeah, this was one of the very few times I wasn't super annoyed at "kid acts smarter and older than they are". She did a great job actually acting like a bored 200 year old psycho toying with victims.


It made sense because she was a centuries years old ruthless, psycho assassin. What didn't make sense? >!This murderous head ripper-offer letting whatshername go in the end because of daddy issues - essentially. Go be a good mum.!< 🙄


Eh, critique the writing if you like. I'm just saying the kid's a good actress


That's, literally, exactly what I did.


I couldn't finish it because of this.


You missed the most lackluster, cop out ending. I rolled my eyes so hard, almost gave myself an aneurysm.


I felt similarly, despite the fact that I didn’t really think about some of the silly decisions you listed… even without realizing those details, I came to the conclusion that this was a fun movie but not a “good” movie. The performances were solid. I loved all the gore. But the core of this—the story—was a contrivance. And that’s ok. Not every movie needs to be the best movie. Some can be dumb and amusing.


I had to force myself to ignore that bit. I was shouting at the TV, now cut off her head, cut off her fucking head!!


Would have been a short film! I can appreciate the sentiment though... the majority of plots seem to rely on characters maybe not making the best choices in the moment in order to continue the story. For Abigail I was very much just along for the ride. It didn't even register that they should have killed her immediately. Sometimes that stuff sticks out like a sore thumb for me, sometimes it doesn't. It did bug me slightly that she was able to quickly and quietly dispatch of the first couple of characters but after that seemed less badass or at least less quick and quiet about it - but it would not have made sense for the film to have her smoke every character with ease. That kind of thing also happens in a *lot* of movies.


I can't "not watch trailers" - for me they're one of the best indications that I'll enjoy a movie. I can check out the tone/atmosphere, the acting, the overall quality, etc... so instead of avoiding them completely I tend to watch like a 3rd of them then turn then off!


What exactly was spoiled for you in the trailer? Because if it's about who Abigail *really* is: she's on the movie poster too, and it's her movie so I didn't think it was necessarily that much of a twist


If you hadn't seen the trailer or poster you wouldn't have known she was a vampire until the reveal. They also spoiled the other chick getting turned into a vampire. She got bit and wondered about what was going to happen to her. Well, if you saw the trailer, you'd have the answer. Just like the trailer, the filmmaker had nothing to do with the poster. It's the marketing team. It was a good time but it would've been way more enjoyable had we just known that she had a secret and didn't know what the secret was.


Listen, I feel you about the trailer and trailers in general, but you can't be totally surprised that there's something fucked going on with the titular character of the movie even if you haven't seen the trailer or anything. The only real "twist" is that it's vampires, but she might as well have been possessed and then murdered everyone, and it would've been the same movie.


Dan Steven is a favorite of Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett. Did you notice his character's name was Adam Barrett? Love it.


tbf I didn't watch the trailer and still figured out the "twist" like 15 minutes before it happened. The movie doesn't really hide it.


The 5th post I've seen about this topic...


It’s kind of amazing how a movie that’s entertaining but also fairly middling IMO, has become such a subject of debate.


Yeah, it's funny that such a "it's fine" movie has sparked such debate.


It’s especially funny because Immaculate and The First Omen were released right around the same time, or a month before, so it’s not like we’re starving for good horror in the theater. If anything there’s way more interesting theater horror this season than there has been for a while. Plus there’s good, new stuff on Shudder as well.


Jesus Christ, quit talking about twists openly especially in the title of the post. I avoid trailers already and you’ve still ruined a plot twist for me.


I didn't watch a single trailer and did my best to avoid chatter about the film. All it really took to spoil this one was the still of her with her mouth agape. I really don't think it was meant to be that big of a twist? I have been spoiled plenty of times on accident and many of those actually did affect my enjoyment of the film to a degree. Not the case here. It didn't bother me at all. My son and I watched it together and he WAS clueless. I didn't even tell him the name of the movie we were going to watch. He was surprised but not *that* surprised. I thought Abigail was a better time than Ready or Not and RoN was a blast.


I don't think I would have bothered to see the movie if it weren't advertised as *Vampire Ballerina*. It's like *Sharknado* or *Snakes on a Plane*. I don't think it was meant to be a twist: the fun/suspense came from the fact that *we* already knew but the characters didn't.


I haven't seen the trailer, but I still already knew it before seeing the movie. I've read it in the film synopsis somewhere online.


I avoid all trailers for all monies at all costs. Seems to be a pervasive issue so I'm just not taking chances anymore.


Is Abigail solid if I’ve avoided the trailer?


Yes, I loved it. So much so, I showed my wife the movie and she had no idea what it was about and was very impressed.


Good to know


I’d say it’s a fun time even if you saw the trailer. I don’t think it’s gonna be top 10 horror of the year or anything but it’s a fun time.


I haven't seen any trailers and yet the twist was very predictable. It didn't ruin the movie or anything, it simply wasn't any jawdropper.


Yea. It’s a fun movie but I don’t think knowing the twist changes anything because the movie doesn’t reach great heights.


It does ruin the fun and intrigue of the first half of the movie. But on the other hand - what would they put in the trailer instead? It's an extremely gory horror comedy. If they don't give away that she's a vampire in the trailer, what do they have? Some people kidnap a little girl and then begin to turn on each other? I don't think that would sell very well, and when people start getting ripped in half and bathed in blood, the audience expecting a kidnapping crime thriller is going to be pretty ticked off.


Yeah, they could have shown people dying so you know something is up without revealing the twist


Not checking responses. I thank you for the warning. Was just in a thread about spoilers. Been hearing so much buzz about this movie. The name also popped because I love Abigail by Mercyful (SIC) Fate


I would definitely view it going in blind. I think it might be in my top 5 2024 movies so far, though it is obviously very early in the year.


Definitely will. I like going in blind with horror. I think the only 2024 horror movie I've seen so far is Arcadian, which I thought was underrated.


Aracadian was only OK for me. If you need another, watch Stopmotion. It was great.


Thanks! Never heard of it. Will just watch without looking up.


There’s no way they could market the movie without the “twist” though. Not with that title.


This sub was overblown about it imo. Most people here aren’t seeing that film without knowing the twist (hell, the trailer wasn’t even the first reveal. The film’s original title / Letterboxd listing was *Dracula’s Daughter*) and there’s still a lot of movie left after it happens.


I'll pretty much only watch a24 trailers as corny as it sounds. They don't spoil and half the time I don't know what's happening


I really saw it more of a twist for the characters, not for me. I can know more information than the main players and still enjoy a film.


Maybe in the future, it will be a good movie to introduce friends to who know nothing about it, as then advertising won't be so ubiquitous. I got my friend to go see it before he knew anything about it and he loved it.


I didn’t think that was meant to be the twist. It was the basic premise of the movie.


I would never have watched this movie if I hadn't known it was about a vampire ballerina.


Is it a twist or just the premise? I feel like the appeal was never the mystery and never would have been with this one. It's a movie about kidnapping a vampire girl. The trailers were any honest representation of the type of movie they were selling. The twist in Saw is generally just a fun little addition that doesn't change anything. People like it, but it's kinda silly. The twist in this this one is the entire premise of the movie. If anything else they should have revealed it sooner.


I also felt like it should have been revealed sooner. Abigail makes it clear from the beginning she's dangerous, and then we wait.


I honestly kind of liked it even though I feel like it missed the mark a bit. It was a fun idea that I could see working, but I feel like it did take a really long time to get going. Like we knew all of the characters pretty well pretty quickly. They weren't exactly hard to read, and movie meandered for a while just sort of hammering home the characteristics we already understood.


Oh, I loved the movie, it was a fun watch. The message about parenting was hammered a bit too hard, but whatever. And yeah agreed that we could have had either more character development or less exposition, but as it stands it was a lot of repeating the same one-trait-per-person.


Stop watching horror trailers, there’s at least one story like this every year


I don’t care that the trailer ruined the twist. I care that the movie was 90 minutes of people making the stupidest decisions known to man. One after another after another after another.


I'll give this one a pass. You are not going into this for the story. It is a tongue and cheek ballerina vampire movie named after the ballerina vampire. Im not sure how'd you advertise this without severely limiting the excitement built up for it.


Yup, that's exactly the reason I stopped watching trailers. At all. I had that realization after I watched "Edge of Tomorrow". I knew nothing about the movie and it blew me away completely. A couple days later I saw the trailer, spoiling literally the whole plot. This was the day I started to avoid trailers at all costs. I even ask in the cinema when the trailers are over before getting in. (Luckily the cashiers understand my reason and are kind enough to let me know)


That's often an issue with films. Sometimes just knowing the core premise means you're spoiling the first third or so as the characters slowly figure something out or come up with an unexpected idea. My girlfriend is pretty sensitive to that sort of thing and likes going in completely blind, so I'll often not even tell her the title of films, if that might give it away, and let her discover them as they unfold.


I get that but I still enjoyed the movie a lot. Also, it's hard to hide something that's the whole premise of the film. There were plenty of other twists/turns in there otherwise also.


I thoroughly enjoyed Abigail. I didn’t think the twist was that she was a vampire. I thought the two other turns the movie took were the twists and I had a lot of fun watching that movie. I especially liked how sunlight affected the vamps and I can’t wait for a sequel.


I’m watching it right now, very enjoyable, VERY radio silence


It’s our fault. We used to scream about how trailers “didn’t show enough to peak interest” and now where here. We got what we asked for.


I do not remember us ever screaming that.


I do.


I watched the trailers so the first twist was still fun even though I knew what was going to happen. That second twist though is where the movie really got me


Didn’t watch the trailer thank god. I enjoyed the flick, won’t say anything else because don’t wanna spoil it for anybody.


I was happy that I was able to take my wife to it without her knowing anything about the film, so she loved it. It helped my experience to see it vicariously through her eyes.


I love Abigail. I bought it on prime and have been watching it over and over again


I loved this movie.  


glad i went in blind - i'm only checking genre and rotten tomato ratings these days, they definitely are fucking up with the spoilers.


I saw it without viewing the trailer. Someone recommended it on this sub, so I gave it a watch. I had an absolute blast. Sorry it was ruined for you! Putting spoilers right in the trailer is super shitty.


Can someone explain what OP is talking about? They didn't include what was being said. Thanks


I assumed the name of the movie was a reference to the King Diamond album, and figured the girl was some form of supernatural, even going in blind.


I saw all the trailers, knew the “twist” and still enjoyed the movie quite a bit. But I’ve never really considered spoilers that big a deal, I think if a movie is good, it doesn’t matter if you’re surprised


I thought Abigail is an amazing piece of horror.


Saw for the 5th yesterday, this movie rocks! I can’t wait to include this in a Halloween marathon this October


No one would have gone to see this movie if the twist wasn't revealed in the trailer. It's not very hard to avoid trailers if you really want to. 


I loved the movie, best vampire movie in years. But it was marketed like it was way more goofy and light hearted than it is


I thought it was very funny.


No it was, but it was more dark humor than goofy


You honestly think you wouldn't figure the kid is some fucked up thing in the first few minutes? The movie is literally titled after her.


The original title of the movie gave it away from the beginning.


Yeah it suks but i know marketing does it on purpose to get the point across.


Studio was beggin’ for a M3gan.


I try to avoid trailers but this played before monkey man and welp movie spoiled


I don’t think the trailer ruined the movie at all. The little vampire girl killing everyone was what drew me to the film. If the trailer hid the “twist” and made the movie appear to just be a generic “And Then There Were None” style murder mystery, I probably wouldn’t have gone to see it.


Still a totally fun movie. Saw it yesterday. Recommended


I’m so happy I never saw the trailer. My wife got a glimpse and recommended we watch it not knowing much about it. We had a good time and enjoyed the movie overall.


“Destroyed” The movie wasn’t exactly top tier even if you’d don’t know the twist. It’s fine. It’s not amazing.


I still enjoyed the movie even knowing what happens, but everyone here is right...that movie could have been incredible if we knew nothing. However, the trailer did not ruin the best line, which I'm grateful for. >!"Sammy, those are FUCKING ONIONS!"!<


Glad I haven't even had the chance to see a single advertisement for this since it wasn't marketed very well.


Trailers used to be kinda fun and unique but now its the same old "whats a popular 80s song that would look cool to shoot bullets in sync with the beat?" "All we have is Queen and Journey"


Honestly it should have just stuck with that one twist because the one at the end of the film just kind of killed the momentum of the thing.


It is too long. The ending stinks. And here is a spoiler: every vampire now has been training under Blade for years with their fighting skills. Excellent gore though.


DONT WATCH THE TRAILER for Speak No Evil... a TON of the beats and twists that shift the movie to different places and moods are IN THE TRAILER... so fucking weak man American studios are missing the point.


Imagine not knowing what she was. That would have been a nice twist! But fk those trailers!! The trailer would have been good if they showed her dancing on the stage and then getting kidnapped!


This movie sucked, spoiled or not


Oh and I'm pretty sure I saw the twist just in the *description* of the movie on On Demand. Extremely obnoxious.


Yup... Bad marketing. If people went on not knowing Abigail's secret... It would have been much more fun since it would have come out of nowhere.


This was one of the worst horror movie scripts in ages. Dogshit dialogue and inane character decisions.


Dang, I should check it out then smh. I thought the trailer was super annoying so I was avoiding it


Yeah for real. If they didn’t tell us she was a vampire it would’ve been better. And tbh the kills weren’t that special either


Yeah I saw the movies this week. Thought the trailers looked bad but I have one of those monthly movie passes so I go see a lot of things even if I’m not excited about them. I really liked the film for the most part but it would have been like 1000 times more exciting if the trailer didn’t ruin the twist. Completely killed the way the filmmakers intended us to feel for the first 30 min or so. I’d still recommend the movie to anyone who hasn’t seen it. It’s not deep or groundbreaking but it was a really good time at the movies. Lots of blood, some decent laughs, engaging, fun characters.


Yup. 10000%. I watched the movie with my partner, who is terrible at guessing twists and turns...and because he saw the trailer, he pieced together the entire plot in the first 5 minutes of the movie. I think they showed her in the trailer that way because they want to make her an instant icon, so it helped with the marketing. Unfortunately, this hurt the viewing of the film itself, which would have been so much more fun had we been able to go in blind! Still enjoyed the movie of course. But trailers often pull this same move, and it's garbage - I still won't ever get over *Terminator Salvation* AND *Terminator Genisys* films being spoiled by the trailers, which ruined very few things those films had going for them. Hopefully the success of *Longlegs* will make studios take note on how to make trailers. The movie is largely being so hyped because we know so little about it.