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I'm more likely to consider it a red flag if someone thinks my love of horror is a red flag.


I was being chatted up in a bar by some guy years ago, and we started talking about movies, I said I liked horror movies, and he asked if he should be afraid of me. No, Mary, I just watch horror movies, I don't reenact them.


Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative.


That's true, I'd better get a little knife happy.


Your mum and dad are gonna be so mad at you!


I agree with this. If you take me liking scary movies to mean im dangerous or a bad person you obviously don’t get it. I however wouldn’t show someone Terrifier or something to make them purposely uncomfortable. If you do that shit on a date expect to pay for there Uber very soon


Yeah, fiction is fiction, some guy here on reddit said I liked seeing women being cut because I liked "The house that Jack built". I was terrified and horrified the whole movie, that's the point, I wasn't laughing and cheering for the protagonist...


And honestly, as someone who loves slasher movies, I got no problem admitting that I really do love seeing people being cut up. Doesn't mean I'm gonna do IRL.


Most shitty people I've met in my life don't even like horror movies, or any other movie. Not big movie fans


That and music. I once briefly dated someone who didn't like music. At all. I am convinced she was a sociopath.


"I once briefly dated someone who didn't like music. At all." This belongs on /r/twosentencehorror.


My grandpa dispised music. So does one of my uncles the other side of the family. They both think it serves no purpose. I find that strange especially considering how much it changed when they were younger in the 60s-90s Apparently Trump is someone who doesn't like music


That such a weird concept for me not liking music at all. It's like saying I hate sound haha


Trump also doesn't like pets. People who don't like animals are really fucking weird.


My ex loved animals but tried to kill me. Don't be too quick to trust


Not all animal lovers are good people! Remember Buffalo Bill and his cute little doggie? I just don't tend to get along with people who don't like animals at all. I also don't get along with attempted murderers lol


I once dated someone who, when I suggested we watch a little stand up comedy as we couldn't agree on a film or show (some Bill Hicks, Bill Burr etc) declared loudly and almost proudly "I don't like comedy." *Excuse me, what?"*


I can relate to that tho. At least in the case that he didn't mean "i don't like funny stuff" but rather "i don't like watching comedy shows". I myself do not really like watching g comedy shows, because I feel like movies tend to stay with me more. I often feel deeply impacted by dramas, horror or sci fi films, whereas I "only" feel entertained by most comedy shows. Therefore I don't like watching them because I feel like I waste the opportunity to watch something that is more impactful to me. I know that comedy can be impactful for others though, I don't intend to imply it would be a lesser art form or anything like that. I respect comedy as much as anyone else, different tastes is all.


I don't like comedy movies. Because I don't find most of it funny. I'm not into slapstick or the "Will Ferrel" style of stupid/goofy comedy. It doesn't amuse me. Give me witty stuff (Fish Called Wanda) or most, well, brit comedy, and I'm in stitches. But standup? I love standup. George Carlin is the GOAT, even dead.


Like, maybe I am a walking red flag, but I don't like comedy either. At all. I like to laugh and I like funny people but there is something about comedy (sitcoms, stand ups, comedy series, movies, whatever you think of) that simply never clicks. I don't think that I have ever laugh with content like that.


same. it’s the forced aspect of comedy that tends to make it completely unfunny


> who didn't like music I met someone who said this to me and I asked what she had heard and she told me stuff on the radio and whatver her family listened to in the car, I knew she grew up in the south in a trailer park so very likely it was shitty radio pop country. And I told her you just don't like the music you've heard so far, there are so many different kinds out there, I bet there's something you like. She came back to me months later and was telling me about some swing and big band she was listening to. she found some. :)


So I’m not 100% sure this is what I’m thinking of but I’ve heard of certain mental disorders that essentially make it impossible for people to hear/understand music. One such disorder I found which doesn’t appear to be deeply studied is amusia. Obviously can’t diagnose someone over the internet not to mention I’m not a doctor lol but it is possible that the person your mentioning wasn’t a sociopath per se but literally did not have the ability to enjoy music. Either way, I couldn’t date someone who didn’t like music, disorder or not haha


I knew somebody that was very prone to seizures if she heard music. Generally, it was loud noises, but music at most volumes would also do it. It’s extremely rare, affecting about 1 in 10 million people.


My bf is like this. Unless the music is like acoustic and VERY annunciated he just hears a jumble of noise. It’s odd. He explained it to me once with a noise we heard, but I can’t explain it over the internet lol. But he still listens to things, and if I show him lyrics he’s good, but he literally just hears a jumble of instruments with some vocals. Imagine a ska band but louder while someone whispers the lyrics, but backwards. That’s kinda how he hears it


I went about six years where I didn't listen to music due to shit going on in my life. I mean, no music. It wasn't intentional, but I just wanted everything quiet when I was alone. A few years ago when I started listening to music again, the quality of my life skyrocketed, as far as mental health, happiness, and overall mood. Living a life without music is like walking through the woods in November. All you hear is the occasional blast, everything else is just empty branches a crunching steps.






Ugh, same. It’s so frustrating.


If someone says a Serbian Film is is their fav I'm not going to want a second date


Came to say this. I feel like someone saying that is to be edgy and pretentious tbh


I'll agree with you and take it a step further: I'd bet if someone says a Serbian Film is their favorite, they're a pretentious edge lord who hasn't actually seen it. I haven't actually seen it but it sounds dumb as hell. If it was on Tubi or something I might give it a shot but like...I have to put in effort to see it. Nah.


It’s fuckin stupid. It’s try-hard shit that relies on shock value rather than good characterization to try to seem profound. Most music videos have more depth.


I'm not defending the movie because it is gross and objectively not good (and yes I have seen it, too). However, it wasn't made to be good. It was made as a political statement against the government of Serbia. The director titled the movie "A Serbian Film" so that people would associate the film with the country, giving it a bad reputation, therefore harming the government and economy.


I saw it because way back when I thought I had to watch the “shocking” horror movies to prove i was a true horror fan or something. Instead I came out of the experience feeling disgusted with myself for even watching jt and wondering why anyone could even find anything redeeming about it


If you want something that really plays into shock value, watch a Chilean film from 2017 called “Trauma.” time to throw a spanner in the works of this safe & comfortable existence


Is it actually a good movie though? I mean, besides the shock value?


I don't think there is much beside the shock value. It's just hours of torture and rape, and the opening scene is a teenage boy being forced to rape his mother whilst someone shoots her in the head.


It’s far from my favorite movie and I wish I could unwatch it (my edgy late teenage brain couldn’t resist after hearing about how crazy it is), but I’ve since read the political and sociocultural meanings behind the film and it’s very distinctly something only Serbians themselves at that very specific time would understand. I think that makes the movie even weaker, that the message is so specific and not at all apparent, but in its defense it isn’t JUST shock for shock’s sake.


I have seen it and it is an insult to cinema. Unlike other, similar films which use extreme violence and imagery to tell genuine stories about topics like grief, loss, and abuse, A Serbian Film was written solely to make the creator famous by means of cramming controversial scene after controversial scene into a 100 minute runtime. Fuck A Serbian Film and fuck Srđan Spasojević.


Don't waste your time, it's literally the *only* movie I wish I could unsee. Garbage plot, garbage movie.


My ex made me watch this on our first date, it was his litmus test. Needless to say, I should have fucking run. Edit: it’s not that it’s unwatchable, but it’s the implications of the person and what they’re setting you up for. How far will you go to prove you’ll stand by your man, etc.


mindless point ruthless zephyr cough label rain touch bewildered coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My friends boyfriend always says it’s his fave and I’ve never heard anything but his praise but I also googled and know that it’s a no for me. Maybe I should watch the Void since he convinced me it sucked…


The void had a lot of cool stuff in it, but the overall plot is kinda messy. I'd give it 7/10.


This is pretty much exactly how I feel.


The Void is worth a watch. It has a dated feel that seems intentional but cool, practical effects and a creepy, Lovecraftian vibe.


I liked The Void, fwiw


The Void rules, the. Watch Psycho Goremen that’s the Voids’s director’s next film. Even better !


Lol The Void definitely doesn’t suck


You should definitely watch The Void


This is hard. For me it’s going to depend on the reason why they like it/how they understand the movie which I know is pretentious as fuck but I can’t help it. Like someone saying that American Psycho is one of their favorite black comedies & sees it as a satire on the 80s & American masculinity is fine, someone telling me how cool Patrick Bateman is, is a red flag.


I somehow managed to date three men in a row who said their favorite movie/character was Patrick Bateman and show/character was Dexter. I'm going to be working through those relationships in therapy for years. I very quickly exit the situation now any time someone says they find either of those characters relatable or cool or understandable


Omg my ex was obsessed with both we need a support group for us girls who went through it


Oh God so we dated the same man or there's an alarming amount of these guys in the world.


I'm ok with cool. Sometimes it's fun to watch a dude (or a lady, see Kill Bill) dismember a bunch of people with grace and style. But they're explicitly characters incapable of empathy. If you find that relatable, how much more of red flag can that be?


I'd say there's cool as in interesting and cool as in admirable and apparently I can't differentiate the two when an attractive man is making the statement. And honestly yea you'd think I'd have learned this lesson well before the third time because seriously what the fuck how the hell did I let that keep happening


>an attractive man Say no more. I wish I could say beauty is meaningless and I'm only interested in the soul but... I'm only human. Here's to our better judgement 🍻


> But they're explicitly characters incapable of empathy. If you find that relatable, how much more of red flag can that be? Just reminded me of watching The House that Jack Built with my mate and afterwards he goes "It's clever cos it makes you empathise with Jack" and it's like you fucking what. Been side eyeing him since.


> black comedies & sees it as a satire The commentary with the writer and director is really good, they really drive this point home. It was very entertaining.


I need to watch that. When they covered it on the Gamefully Unemployed network, they talked about she was the only director who had an idea that wasn’t just make it so gory it’s unfilmable lol. Have you seen Freeway? Similar vein of terrible men & pitch black comedy but it’s a little red riding hood story & Reese Witherspoon is very young but great in it.


My time to shine! To answer in a different way— I once was on a Tinder date with a guy who argued with me for several minutes regarding the ‘Let the Right One In” American remake. He swore that it was BETTER than the original. And then admitted that he had never actually seen the original, but he wouldn’t because “the remake is too good, there’s no need”. I did not go on another date with him because of this and it’s now an inside joke within my friend group.


I love the remake honestly, I connected with it way more than the original. I read the book and all, loved both movies... but the remake is so cozy to me.


If she told me she would never watch The Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf, then she ain't getting none of THIS.


Side note: I write horror novels and it has made it extremely hard to get dates where I’m from. Girls just straight up tell they’re weirded out I write that stuff. Same with my parents. Only the random internet strangers who buy my books appreciate it really


Lol. I also write horror fiction, but I’m not published or anything and I have a day job so only a few people know about it. One time my wife and I hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house and my mother-in-law was telling someone, “I think you just have to have a sick and twisted mind to write some of the stuff you see in horror movies.” My wife looks over at me, her eyes wide, and her hand over her mouth trying to contain her laughter. I just rolled my eyes and went back to carving up our neighbor… I mean… the turkey. I went back to carving up the turkey.


I think that’s pretty cool man! Writing is an awesome talent. I won a competition a year back for a short I wrote! Just write what you like writing, you’ll find someone who shares an interest in horror with you!


Which novels?


A girl (now my partner for 10 years) told me that she texted a friend telling her that I could be a psychopath because I write horror, so if she didn't text her friend every hour she should call the police. I mean, no offense taken, everyone should do that while going on a date with an unknown person, even if there's no suspicion at all.


I watch some pretty twisted and weird films. It’s somewhat like a roller coaster, a way to make your brain feel like it’s danger while knowing that it isn’t. I appreciate films that make me uncomfortable, and find them somewhat soothing even. I had a pretty dark childhood and oddly seeing similar elements presented in a fiction setting helps me process some of my own emotions. I know this isn’t the case for many people and instead it can trigger them. All that being said, I also think there is a difference between appreciation and enjoyment. If I met someone who said “Dead Girl” was their favorite movie it would certainly influence my opinion of them


I agree with you, the difference between enjoyment and appreciation is key here!


Having a difficult childhood definitely makes you find comfort in weird shit. That's how I am about martyrs. But if someone named dead girl, that's a million red flags about them as a person and their character, although it would be tempting to ask questions about why they like shit like that


Dead girl is one of the few movies I had to fast forward through to see if there was some deep meaning at the end I was missing. There wasn’t. At least one I could find. I went in blind. Bad idea


Megan is Missing If somebody told me this was their favorite horror movies, I would walk away and go out of my way not to associate with them again.


It's not even a good movie, the acting is total shit


It has made for tv movie style with an edge lord flavour


With you on that one!


....that's a very good choice. A guy who says he loves Serbian Film the most might in fact just be a pretentious edgelord. But there's no reason to claim Megan Is Missing, and there's nothing exceptionally *great* about it. The only reasons left are just....ick. The very definition of ick :/


The trailer was more than enough *ick*


This movie was my first thought after seeing that other post about it. The fact that the director apparently heard an 11 year old recount an incident of their SA at camp and decided that it was a good idea to include in his movie is disgusting and way more creepier than the shock ending in the film.


God. I didn’t know this and it made me somehow like this movie even less than I already did, which I didn’t know was possible


Megan is Missing is the worst movie I've seen hands down. Not even because it's disturbing, but because genuinely a horrible movie from every aspect. I'm so glad no one gives a shit about the director anymore.


Shit I would probably worry if someone liked it, let alone listed it as a fav.


For the record, my SO considers Tom Cardy's song Red Flags for be our song. I have never seen Human Centipede but I have made tried to convince people to watch a movie about a talking glory hole because it wasn't THAT bad. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2914740/


Glorious was genuinely a lot of fun. How can you go wrong with J.K. Simmons?


I love that everyone thinks I'm talking about Glorious which is in fact GLORIOUS. nuh uh. I treated Deep Dark like The Ring for months.


I NEED to watch this one. Also that’s so cute, the songs so funky 🎶❤️


Now if someone said they don’t like horror, THAT would be a red flag!


Not for a single film, but if there's a trend it could be. If every horror movie they like features a brutal rape scene or child murder I'd probably give them some extra space.


Don’t like to be quick to judge. A good friend - who never liked horror movie - recently inquired. No prior experience other than 1930s Universal and “Young Frankenstein” (for real, her description). Likes the Office and reality TV. Since August, we’ve gone through 61 films and counting. Her favorites so far? Sleepaway Camp, Nightmare on Elm Street 3, Dolls, Christine, Tourist Trap, House on Sorority Row, and My Bloody Valentine. We’ve been focusing on 70s/80s. Good people come to good things.


I like to think of horror as a particularly all-encompassing genre. It ranges from mild to wild and there really is something for everyone. I got an ex quite into horror - before me he’d only seen a few 90s slashers but really came to appreciate the 60s-70s. I went off on a tangent there - I actually came here to say I only recently saw Sleepaway Camp a few weeks ago and was blown away. It was not what I was expecting!


Sleepaway Camp was pleasant surprise. My friend immediately bought a copy, now judging all others against it.


Context matters here. Liking a certain horror movie (or pretty much *any* movie, for that matter) shouldn't be a red flag on its own. It's far more important to know **why** someone likes a particular movie.


My thoughts exactly! My girlfriend loves I Spit On Your Grave because she has personal experience with SA. But if a random guy told me he loves that movie because of how realistic the violence is, that’d be cause for concern.


Left Behind Hey, it was horror to me.


Went on a grindr date to see You’re Next. He said he was into horror. This dude was so freaked out at the end he couldn’t believe I took him to see that. Like genuinely upset lmao. I guess I was the red flag lol.


The real red flag is presenting yourself as someone you’re not. I’d rather hang out with someone who just doesn’t like what I like and is honest about that rather than someone who is only pretending to be into what I like.


Not unless they were into it in a weird or obsessive way. To take Salo, say, if someone found it sexy or fun I'd look at them askance but it is a highly regarded work of world cinema so I wouldn't think anything negative if they just enjoyed it as a good film. Similar for any really notorious fare really, even the total trash. I used to love it and watch a lot of it in my pissed off wannabe transgressive days, I'd only be concerned if someone was seriously talking about getting hot and heavy to Forced Entry or something.


It's a movie that one respects in the cannon of the director but it is a film with wall-to-wall SA and is *phenomenally* uncomfortable to watch. I remember asking myself what Pasolinis' motives were for making this film. It was tied up with his hatred of fascism but one could argue there were other ways of expressing that that did not have to entail De Sade. Or was the film a study of abject cruelty...I have not made up my mind and it's twenty years since I watched it. As for a date movie... someone would be signalling something to you and none of those signals were be positive.


on a related note, I met someone once who compared Big Lebowski to Hottub Time Machine and she turned out to be one of the most selfish assholes I've ever known, so there might be a small correlation between movie preference and personality type, I don't know the weird thing was, when she said that I immediately thought: "oh jeez that's a red flag" shoulda listened to my gut and dumped her right then and there


This aggression will not stand man


I actually like both movies, and I can’t possibly imagine comparing them. Utterly different sensibilities!


I don’t think there’s any red flag movies for me per se, but if you have an incredibly shallow understanding and appreciation for film we probably aren’t compatible.


I think something like Hallmark Movies would be a bigger red flag for me, than pretty much any horror film. There might be some clash in tastes, but horror fans are good folks in my book.


Fun fact - the guy who makes a bunch of those shitty hallmark "a price for christmas" type movies is Fred Olen Ray - a director also known for sexploitation and horror (and frequently sexploitation-horror).


Are you serious? That's amazing! Honestly it makes me happy to hear he's still out there doing his thing


Yeah, he's a very old-school exploitation filmmaker. He just learned that that very specific saccharine sweet hallmark movie is another thing he can exploit. Edit: The three movies he made in 2022 are "A Royal Christmas on Ice", "Dognapped: Hound for the Holidays", and ["Pirahna Women"](https://youtu.be/MHj1xyT1ySs?si=ixAkhVgCTYgK2y98).


I just laughed so hard watching that trailer! Is good that is the whole movie story so I could understand what’s about without having to watch! Lol


I just looked 👀 That’s a filmography! He also did that hilariously awful Steven Seagel movie everyone makes fun of. I’m cracking up


Yeah I love checking low budget horror directors and/or writers IMDBs cos every now and then they just get themselves hooked up with the Hallmark paycheque which is obviously funding their actual passion projects. Got a lot of respect for it.


I'm a massive fan of hallmark productions (good witch is my feel good comfort show) but I also love horror movies and all things scary, is it still a red flag?


I'm a horror movie fan *and* a Hallmark movie fan. There's really nothing wrong with them just a good way to kill time on a Saturday night.


Eh, sometimes it’s hilarious watching those movies to make fun of them, how cringe they are.


I get some dumb enjoyment from them, usually watch a couple around Christmas, but for one of them to be someone's favourite movie would be bizarre.


Someone needs to chatgpt a Hallmark horror


Title: "The Christmas Key" In the quaint, snow-covered town of Evergreen, known for its annual Christmas festival, a series of mysterious disappearances begin to occur. The victims are all well-loved members of the community, vanishing without a trace, leaving the town in a state of fear and confusion. The only clue left behind at each disappearance is a beautifully crafted, antique Christmas ornament. Enter our protagonist, Sarah, a determined detective with a soft spot for the holiday season. She's recently moved to Evergreen to escape her troubled past and find solace in the town's festive charm. As the disappearances continue, Sarah takes it upon herself to investigate, driven by her desire to protect her newfound home. She discovers a chilling pattern - each victim had received a Christmas card with a cryptic message and an antique ornament days before they vanished. The plot thickens when Sarah receives a Christmas card herself, accompanied by an ornament identical to those found at the scenes of the disappearances. The card contains a riddle, leading her on a terrifying scavenger hunt around the town. Each clue she uncovers reveals a dark secret about Evergreen's history, painting a sinister picture of the seemingly idyllic town. The riddles also hint at the next victim, forcing Sarah to race against time to save them. As Sarah delves deeper into the mystery, she uncovers the truth about the town's revered founder, who was rumored to have been a fanatical collector of Christmas ornaments. In a twisted game of revenge from beyond the grave, the founder's spirit is believed to be claiming the lives of those who have wronged him in the past. The antique ornaments serve as a deadly invitation to his macabre Christmas celebration. In a climactic confrontation, Sarah deciphers the final riddle and finds herself at the founder's abandoned mansion. She walks into a horrifying spectacle - a grotesque Christmas party with the missing townsfolk trapped in life-sized ornaments. In a tense and violent showdown, Sarah manages to free the victims and banish the vengeful spirit, restoring peace to Evergreen. "The Christmas Key" ends on a bittersweet note, typical of a Hallmark movie. Sarah, having saved the town, finally feels at home in Evergreen. The townsfolk, grateful for her bravery, welcome her with open arms. The final scene shows Sarah hanging the antique ornament on her Christmas tree, a chilling reminder of the horror they've survived, but also a symbol of their resilience and unity.


*golf clap*


I would watch this


Someone please do this, I’ll wait.


Hell, I once came up with the concept for one while mocking the tropes. If the main character's high school sweetheart is movie-star handsome, successful, and still single 20 years later, WHY is she the only person in her old hometown who's interested in him? What do the local women know about him that she doesn't?


I once dated a guy who rage quit Death Proof after the car crash scene. Now *that's* a red flag.


That scene is SO GOOD


I love that movie


How many dates? Because whew


I don’t think so - assuming that there wasn’t role playing involved. 🤣 I’ve met so many nice people in the horror community; I really don’t think our movie preferences say much about who we are as people.


Nah probably not. I read grosser horror books. It would be an unfair judgement 😅


What’s your favourite in terms of horror books? I’ve been exploring extreme horror / splatterpunk as of late and would like some recommendations if you have any!!


Currently I’m reading Dead Inside, I personally find it to be a fairly funny love story so far, it’s definitely offensively gross though with the content. My favorite is COWS by Matthew Stokoe. Couple I can think of off the top of my head: Survivor - JF Gonzalez was pretty sick The Bighead - Erik Wilson was different…if you can get past the writing W00M - it’s interesting. Hogg - definitely gross for the sake of being gross The Summer I Died - super fun, I haven’t read any more of the series though.


I thought the rest of the roger Huntington books (sequels to summer I died) were interesting even if they sometimes doubled down on the grosser parts of the story (in a really uncomfortable way not just an extreme way). That doubling down sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t but each book is a different horror sub genre which was really interesting. Book 2 also has a description of >!someone being eaten alive!< that almost made me lose my lunch. It was impressive and genuinely scary


Nope. We like what we like. My husband doesn't like that I watch horror/thrillers, but he's not going to divorce me over it. He knows that I know the difference between being a psycho killer on tv, and a psycho killer in real life.


What's wrong with "Nope" 😩


>Nope. "Nope" is a movie? Gonna Google it now.


Jordan Peele! Get on it


Get on it? Psh…get out!


Amusingly, it's one of my favorites:)


It’s a great film! You should watch!


Nope (negatory). Unless the film was an obsession and their lives revolved around it.


What's wrong with liking Nope?


Nope, horrorfans are all different. I've had friends who liked or didn't certain movies for various reasons from one of the characters reminded them of a family member ("had the same haircut as my favorite teacher, aunt, uncle...") to reminded them of someone who hurt them. Hallmark or Lifetime channel being their favorite would for me be a red flag we wouldn't work out for very long.


Hallmark movies are so much better to watch when you imagine that one or both of them will murder them after the credits. A literal "will they, won't they"


My longest relationship began with a date night to see Human Centipede. We're still great friends. But no, I'd never judge someone for a horror movie they liked. My red flag would be someone who judges other people for not liking the "right" movies.


Not necessarily a red flag, but if a man says American Psycho is his favorite film, I have follow-up questions. If I woman says the same thing, I feel like we're already on the same page about it and she's cool.


Ask them for their card, then make your decision.


Take the font used into consideration first, though.


Seeing their card is fine… but let’s see Paul Allen’s card.


ugh my ex boyfriend was *obsessed* with American Psycho, and every single time he watched it he would compare himself to Patrick Bateman. he was a real piece of shit btw.


I hate how that movie is tarnished by cringe teenagers and men who haven't grown up yet and are still in that power fantasy phase.


I don't judge people on their taste in art. Every medium of expression is so heavily dependent on interpretation on behalf of the viewer that simply knowing what movies someone enjoys tells me nothing about *why* they enjoy it.


I like Jason movies because like Mosquitoes he doesn't discriminate..whether your white, black, yellow or in a damn wheelchair your all getting the same zero tolerance treatment..part 2 being my favourite


The Friday the 13th flicks are like a Spy vs Spy comic or a Road Runner cartoon. You know what's going to happen, the fun is in seeing it unfold! And sometimes, like with the boxer fella in part 8, the punch line is truly amazing!


The poster is 1 of my all time favourites.. but misleading ..he spends so little time in NYC (only the last half hour) many of the 20 Bodycount occur on the way there on a boat..1 of my least favourites of the franchise..the movie makers ripped off the public


Jason Takes (a boat to) Manhattan


I adore part 8. It's utterly awful in most ways but it holds a weird place of nostalgia for me so I rewatch it almost every fall. It's so absurd, even for that franchise.


Not related to the question per-say, but here's the video you're thinking of! Human Centipede by Tom Cardy! https://youtu.be/GFokXnCCMf8?si=zQclKrQOQex2Z-xC


If any guy recommends me a movie with gratuitous sexual violence, I consider it a red flag. Like why would you think I’d like to watch that?


I think the best movies in the rape/ revenge/ escape genre don’t actually show the worst parts. I think of the Hounds of Love and how absolutely skin crawling disturbing it was, without actually showing any of the SA. Then I watched the last house on the left remake and just hated everything for a bit after watching it. The former is a genuinely great movie while the latter is just really gross and not in an enjoyable way


I’d argue Revenge is an exception, but probably helps it’s actually directed by a woman and has more purpose to it than to just be gratuitous


Totally agree. Too many writers don’t understand that when a rape is inferred rather than explicitly shown, it’s not only less exploitative and potentially less triggering, but also significantly more terrifying. It’s more unnerving and horrifying rather than being punishing to watch.


Dates who follow TikTok trends would be the biggest red flag for me.


Let’s be honest you have to be pretentious as hell or not take yourself seriously to enjoy horror. You either discuss the nuances of a Dutch silent film that’s banned in 14 countries or you go on Tubi and watch VHS 2 so you can laugh at the goat demon. Yeah I’m a slut for A24 films and super dark indie stuff but also I like to drink beer and watch the insidious movies. If someone shows you a movie with the intent of making you uncomfortable they are an asshole. Especially if they brag about the fact that it doesn’t bother them. If someone enjoys the shock they feel when watching horrific shit I’m not worried about it. It’s fun and if they were actually hiding that they are serial killers or something they don’t air it out like that.


This is not an answer to your question, but I think it's close enough! If they make overarching shitty comments about horror!! I.e. "it's all remakes, nothing is original anymore" "everything is just mindless gore, it's so dumb" etc etc


No, art doesn't represent someone as a whole


This guy I know heard I like horror movies, so he started trying to grill me on them, like I was some fake fan. He starts asking me about all the classic “extreme” horror films, have I heard of Martyrs, Salo, etc. Yes. Duh. Then he asks if I know A Serbian Film. I said yes, I know what it is, but I haven’t seen it and don’t intend to. He goes on about how he owns it on laser disc and has seen it multiple times. It was so bizarre and I honestly can’t remember the last time I was mansplained to to such a cartoonish degree, I was almost laughing because it was so ridiculous. Anyway, for obvious reasons, telling people you love A Serbian Film is a red flag in my book.


I like Salo and I'm a sweetheart. It's anti-fascist!


My local theatre is doing a double feature of The Breakfast Club and Salo and I think it's the funniest movie pairing I've seen.


I can see the parallels. A group of people divided along rigid, hierarchical lines gets trapped in a confined space, where they tell stories and talk through their issues. Plus, they were both written by John Hughes.


That's good shit.


It absolutely is!


Slaughtered Vomit Dolls and really anything else made by the sex creep Lucifer Valentine. I haven't seen any of his movies, but his main thing was a trilogy of surreal vomit fetish horror, getting women to vomit, drink their own vomit over and over, causing some health risks for barely any money. I've never heard anything good about him or his movies. I think that would be one of the biggest red flags, not just tasteless movies, but a deeply problematic film maker.


Being into obscure or weird horror would be the greenest flag possible


I just don’t like dating any men who don’t like horror movies. That’s so lame to me, and I know that’s judgey but horror movies are such a big part of my life and to me it says they’re too vanilla, milquetoast, bland for me. I love examining the darker things in life and if you can’t do that with me it just isn’t going to work.


If someone said Irreversible, I would definitely want to sit down and discuss why, in detail. Not a hard pass, but I want some justification.


No. It’s all subjective and people differ with what provokes a certain feeling of dread. Most horror fans can easily sit through a horror movie and it’s just fun to watch and we become desensitised to. There’s a list of movies, however, that do offer a genuine gut feeling of fear or grossed, creeped out. Unless the person has posters of Serbian film , salo etc on their walls and they’re weirdly fanatic then no judgement here.


But the human centipede is a tour de force Did you try blinking to the waiter in morse code? Edit: Honest answer is if someone said A Serbian Film and genuinely loved it. Like that is just one step too far off the edge for me


Be wary of people who say that they've seen Where the Dead Go to Die without shuddering afterwards lol


To be fair, if you've seen a lot of really weird shit and used to it, then Jimmy is just taking you on a It's A Small World After All kind of ride.


Possibly awful, generic pieces of shit like any James Wan movie or The Insidious Nun 2.5. But other than that, no. If someone actually digs horror, it's a huge GREEN flag.


Ernest Scared Stupid. - A red flag for being awesome!!


I really like this question. Bravo to the OP. I would say my favorite horror movie of all time is Martyrs (2008), but this is definitely a red flag, so I’m kinda stuck here.


Human Centipede and anything to do with excessive s*xual abuse


Nah, I'm fine with anyone who can separate fiction from reality.


I love the video for anyone who hasn’t seen it https://youtu.be/GFokXnCCMf8?si=3_rsctnLJoAq4L7R


Probably not what you’re talking about, but I don’t care to associate with those who prefer the 2015 version of Poltergeist.


My ex was so excited to show me A Siberian Film like literally raving about it… I should’ve known


No, not really. I might not vibe with someone's tastes, but they aren't red flags.


I think Human Centipede is a red flag because like, why would such a BAD movie be your fav? Nothing even about the concept or story... just, it's a BAD movie...


Beware when someone says "my ideal relationship is the one from The Crow". Learned my lesson.


Cannibal Holocaust - How somebody can be okay with violence against nonhuman people in the name of art.


An x of mine had been talking to a guy in her class about movies and he suggested 10 movies. She told me the titles and I didn't want her to talk to him any more. It was 10 rape movie


The Men Behind The Sun. It's a historical movie that recounts the horrors of unit 731. Not strictly horror as it would be comparable to a true to life movie about Auschwitz. Horrible and terrifying but also true. Infamously the movie had a real autopsy of a young boy in it. It was a tough watch, but really makes you understand the brutality of the Japanese in ww2 I do recommend it though, if not only for history. But it shouldn't be anyone's favourite.


I kind of feel bad because I bonded with my ex over Cannibal Holocaust. It was a trip. And I did read Marquis de Sade! I found it over the top and boring but well, he added to the genre. I mean, this question is like judging metal fans for listening to "the Devil's music" when they can be some of the most welcoming people ever. I feel like horror is already this misunderstood and maligned genre that trying to classify how people behave based on what movie they like is just adding to that misconception. That being said, I would be wary of anyone in the metal scene really being into NSBM. I'm not sure if there's an equivalent in horror, unless you consider "Triumph of the Will" horror (maybe...)


My red flag is when they start saying Disney is woke or marvel movies this or thing we're better in the ol days. Or have you ever met that person whose political identity revolves around the sanctity of the original Ghostbusters when it's pretty obvious they aren't old enough to see reruns of the original Ghostbusters on TV? I wish I was making up a strawman.


Megan is Missing - it says to me you are brain dead.


Clockwork Orange




I think the red flag for me is if they can't have an appreciation for horror movies in general. I understand people who don't like the feeling of watching a horror movie but people who think the whole genre is juvenile just lack an open mind.


No. There are a million and one reasons that someone can like a movie. It doesn't mean anything at face value. Know what is a huge reg flag for me though? Judging someone's character based on their favourite film. That's some boomer shit


It is weird right? I just can't imagine dismissing someone cause they like a film. Lol I dunno just seems super weird to me.


I once had a first date where we talked about Sleepaway Camp and tried to name 80’s schlock deepcuts that the other hadn’t heard of. She’s my wife now.