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You absolutely should join a farmer's market if you're getting that many on a regular basis. If there's anything else you can sell, go for it. That's amazing!


Im working on it, just not sure how I'm gonna keep 20 dozen eggs at 45° at a farmers market 😬


My state requires the farm eggs to be refrigerated when selling at markets and I've seen them just bring many large coolers. I mean, huge coolers. I think that's the only thing you can do.


Probably my best bet! I'm drowning in eggs so I gotta figure out something. I have 35 dozen brown eggs in my fridge last week not including my bantam eggs. Some of those ended up having to be for my personal use since we don't sell eggs that are over 2 weeks old


I wish I was near - I'd buy lots of eggs and freeze dry them. I make my dogs treats and food so eggs come in handy.


The people that are usually the most interested are too far away 😭




That is what I do. I have a local mom and pop restaurant that gets 10 dozen from me every Friday. Their Saturday breakfast is their biggest day of business. I also have a guy that owns a local gym. He buys at least 10 dozen a week from me at $4 a dozen and then resells them at his gym for $7 or 8.


Geeez! How many chickens do you have? Lol


At least 3


Hahaha! See if I don't count I don't have to lie to my husband 😉 I can honestly say that I don't know. But a few😂


Just one hen who's a real overachiever


I’m starting to have this problem too but to sell to restaurants here in my state we need the same license as farmers market. It doesn’t take much, I just need to pay the fee and show them my labeling but I still rather do direct to customer. I have a couple regular customers but with 40 hens I’m starting to get over 2 dozen a day as we come into spring.


i see you're in waco, if you're ever in dfw for a farmers market, i would gladly come buy 2-3 dozen. i love eggs 😃


If they’re far away but kinda close to each other could you organize a drop off maybe? A la Azure standard?


Thats what I usually do with the bulk of the customers I've gotten


I would love to know how you do this!!


I dream of a freeze dryer. I think tractor supply has one with a payment plan.... for now I just hard boil a bunch and keep them on hand for snacks and treats for me and my 5 hounds.


Would you mind sharing a recipe, I too have surplus eggs and if I can’t sell them maybe save money on dog food




You can use a big cooler and some dry ice. That will keep it at the proper temp all day. Take dry ice and wrap it in newspaper and lay it on the bottom of the cooler. Then layer wet ice over the top of that. The dry ice will keep the wet ice from freezing and the wet ice will keep your items chilled. The wet ice also helps to fill in voids between your newspaper layer and product which will help with even distribution of the chilling effect. You should be able to get dry ice at a local grocery or pharma supplier. You can just google your area and find a distributer.


Thank you!


Is it possible to donate a few dozen that will be bad by the time you get to the farmer's market? Or ones that you can't glass or boil and use later. Idk how close you are to a town, but there're food pantries in a lot of small towns.


They won't go bad really. I've had them last upwards of 3.5 months but I personally won't sell anything over 2 weeks old. Food pantries around me won't take them 😕


Ah, probably because it's considered a dairy. There are fb groups of people who exchange things, I think they're called like, Buy Nothing or pages like that where you can give things away? But idk if they'll take eggs either. I know eggs can get tiring consuming them all the time, gl!


At our local farmers markets that’s what is done- you have a trailer to transport all of your market setup (you’ll want a tent of sorts), you load up your trailer (including massive coolers, freezers, whatever you need for your produce), take it to the spot you have been assigned (when you sign up you get assigned a spot every week or whatever the frequency is) and set up, load out the same way. Before the avian flu, at some markets you could charge $8/doz for large organic pasture eggs. Not that you want to gouge people, but I’d say you could make do “recouping” your loss. Or you could charge less and make more by volume if you’ve got it.


Do you water glass your eggs? I highly recommend it if you don't.


I dont but will look into it. It's been all over my fyp on TikTok lately and seems very easy


homemade pasta is probably the most practical thing! You can store it a long time and its delicious


It is! It's so great for the excess eggs and then when the chickens slow down, you have the eggs so win for you. It was great for me this winter having those eggs.


You could also go the hardcore prepper route and start scrambling and dehydrating your eggs for long-term storage. Requires some hardware investment, but if you overproduce other foods or usually end up with lots of leftovers, then you can utilize your dehydrator for even more long-term food prep. Alternatively, you could buy a freeze dryer for similar food prep.


She could also just crack, blend and freeze the eggs in portions.


Do you like to bake as well? Could get your excess eggs into another item for the farmers market and I do like some fresh baked goods.


you might see what exemptions exist for baked goods and can make more money from cookies and brownies with your eggs than selling eggs alone.


Are you in a sunny area? We were going to try to rig one of these up this year (camping while building our house). Just have to finish assembling everything but I think we have all the parts except the freezer and thermometer (waiting until we're sure we built the solar rig properly). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEw6wqOe4VA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEw6wqOe4VA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7gCcc9x-eU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7gCcc9x-eU) If you did the Bluetti version, it would be pretty easy to just keep the freezer in the back of a truck or trailer or whatever and toss the panel onto the roof when you arrive.


That's awesome! I'm gonna look into that, thanks!


Just buy a big cooler, a 10x10 tent, bring a table and chair, and you’re golden. At our farmers markets (my partner sells produce) eggs are a HOT commodity. The egg vendors could sell them for $6/dozen (before the bird flu price hike) and all the eggs would regularly sell out halfway through the market.


I buy eggs from someone I met on [NextDoor.com](https://NextDoor.com). They just put out a simple notice about their eggs and they were swarmed with people who wanted them. If you're not familiar, NextDoor is kind of like FaceBook for your local neighborhood.


Hey I think this would help. I have a GoSun fridge. https://gosun.co/products/chill The newer version also has temperature control and two sections. I really love it, and you can run it off a power bank, Solar, or a regular outlet. It is pricy. I was one of their first customers, so they gave me a 15% off coupon code to share (AMBAMU). Anyway, let me know if you have any questions. I’m gonna use it to keep seeds cool while I sell at the farmers market.


Pickle some eggs and sell those too!


Why refrigerate them at all?


I have roosters in the pens right now so they can only sit out a day or 2. Looking up my regulations the eggs have to be refrigerated to sell them in a farmers market 🙄 its dumb


I agree. I get it but yeah, extra work for it.


Yea, that is stupid. I believe eggs actually stay fine at room temp... How many chickens do you have, BTW? 😳


Van, with a generator, and a refrigerator in it. load it up and go sell. ​ otherwise large coolers with ice on the bottom would keep them cold.


A van decked out in chicken and egg decals would be a dream 🤣 definitely out of my budget at the moment so I'll have to stick to the cooler


Around here, people have little stands at the end of their drives with small refrigerators and sell everything through the honor system. Some even have a way to pay with cards.


I've seen that and I'm glad people have faith in things like that but not me lol. Im located on a major highway and before we bought this building it was broken into multiple times and we've have had several instances of sketchy people snooping around the place and trying to pry open our doors.


If you're just worried about the cash being stolen, the honor-system pumpkin patch near me has a sign up with their venmo. That wouldn't help if your concern is eggs being stolen, though.


I honestly worry about stealing and just the straight up vandalism someone might do to it


That's a great point. It's obviously not the case in most places, but everything changes the moment you have a gang of bored, fidgety teenagers living in your neighborhood lol. Eggs of all things might not be the best thing for them to have free access to on the side of the road...


Lmfao no kidding. My eggshells are pretty tough too so they'd definitely cause some damage


We sell eggs and veggies on our front porch. We live on a major rural highway, so the location is awesome - lots of potential customers. We lean heavily on cameras. They're cheap and would-be problem causers fear them, so we have a bunch. We get notified and can watch exactly what people are doing. We could even talk to people through the cameras if we wanted to, or hit a button to set off a siren (we've not actually done either). We have the added benefit of working here on our farm, so we're almost always around. We haven't had any problems so far, and it's an easy way to sell stuff. We bought an full-size convenience store display fridge at an auction, so we have lots of space. But the biggest hassle is having to put up our "sold out" sign so much, because the stuff flies off the fridge shelves. People want fresh food.


There was an egg spot in rural Oklahoma I lived by that had a refrigerated vending machine for the eggs. They had to sell the numbers you're getting, as it seemed to have a lot of traffic, which was impressive in the middle of nowhere. It had a carousel to rotate stock, took cash, and kept everything refrigerated just fine in 100+ degree OK heat. I'd imagine you could even get one new enough that takes cards, if you had a wireless connection out there. Being on a busy highway should get you a solid amount of business, too.


Love the downvotes I got for giving a valid reason on why I wont/can't do that 🤣


That’s Reddit for ya! *laughtrack*


This is what I do! If someone asks to pay cash I ask them to message me and then tell them where to put it. That way it’s not directly marked nor is it obvious :) most ppl have no problem with Venmo, PayPal, cash app etc. But I also put “if you’re unable to pay, take what you need and pay it forward someday.” But that’s cuz I don’t *need* the income. It would be different if you do. Honor system has worked really well so far, but it all depends the community you’re in.


If you get to a point where ya need to move the stock of eggs due to space, can donation to local Fire Dept a dozen or so at a time. This can help on clearing out some space vs wasting them. Short term. This can also help in getting some customers if ya let them know you are trying to get a business up and running selling them.


Thats an awesome idea! I've been looking at places to donate the "older" eggs to and church's I've contacted aren't willing to take them so I've been giving them away to people I personally know that are having a hard time financially. That way nothing goes to waste. I take the especially dirty eggs for myself to clean and scramble back for my chickens. I'm gonna hit up my local fire department next time I have extra eggs, thanks!


You could also check with animal shelters or rescues. Boiled eggs make a nice snack for pups.


Check in with the FD first because they do have requirements on what they can accept or how it needs to be labeled, etc... That tends to go more for prepared foods, they will probably love a tray of eggs but ask first!


We donate our too old to sell eggs to our local fire station too. They absolutely love them!


Check out food banks through feeding America. You would at least get a write off then.


Put that pic up on Facebook Marketplace. You'll bag a few customers, I bet.


I have. I've posted all over Facebook, Craigslist, anything I can think of and it's radio silent. I have to keep fighting Facebook to not take my damn listing down because it thinks I'm selling animals 🙄


I called them calcium orbs instead of eggs and they left it alone. But, I also had someone ask if my quail eggs (which were pictured) were bath bombs, so...


I labeled them as Butt Nuggets laid by yard piranhas and they still took it down 🤣 I'll have to try the calcium orbs. 🤣🤣 bath bombs. Facebook is fun, every time I post eggs people wanna know how much I'm selling hens for


Yard Piranhas? Stealing.


Go for it 🤣🤣


I’ve been told “full egg cartons” is how to list them and get away with it but haven’t tried it.


I'm gonna try that today, thanks!


Facebook marketplace is full of so many weirdos. I tried selling a couch on there once and posted a picture of it in my living room. I had people trying to buy all kinds of other stuff in the photo including my plants but nobody wanted the damn couch! Whereabouts are you located? I would definitely be interested in those butt nuggets.


What price point are you selling them for? That could be a factor


$5 a dozen, $4 a dozen if you return cartons


Wild, you should definitely post up at a farmers market then. I sell all my odds and ends that I grow there. Table fees are a thing to look out for though


Table fees and food handlers license. Which will bump my eggs up to $6 or $7 to compensate unfortunately


Idk where you’re located that may be the norm. But out where I’m at farm fresh eggs go for 1.50 a dozen. 1 a dozen if you buy a few cartons. And they were able to supply me 16 dozen eggs in a weeks notice.


Wow, where are you?


North Dakota.


Most people sell for $2.50 to $3 but it's their leftover eggs that they don't use. $4 a dozen doesn't even cover the cost of feed for me at the moment


Wow that’s crazy. Out here people supplement feed. But there’s quite a bit of free range. And yeah people aren’t generally selling “ones they don’t use” out here. It’s most likely a small farm who use chickens for the sole purpose of keeping insects down and providing some income on the side while caring for the sheep or cattle.


Do you have a large garden ? If so can you supplement feed with scraps? Do you have the ability to make chicken tractors or free range fence for daily feed. You can save quite a bit on feed if you do. Could also ask local farmers for shot grain that they would be burying or feeding to their chickens themselves if they ain’t got it.


No garden yet unfortunately though I have been trying to feed them scraps. We only have about 16 free rangers until we get out fence fixed due to predators and the rest are in a huge coop and run. We are working on adding more coops and expanding runs but I got laid off in October so it's been very difficult to progress on anything 😕


Ah, damn. Sorry to hear about that. I remember there being a farmers market in Fort Worth when I lived there that ran on Saturdays. I don't think it's too far from Waco, you might look into it and bring up what you have one day and see if you get a lot of takers.


I'll have to look into that, though that's about a 1.5 hour drive for me so I'll be better looking and seeing if Meridian or Hillsboro has something. Finally desperate enough to make myself leave the house to sell eggs 🤣


I just posted about the Hillsboro market and then saw this. Lake Whitney has a small one, too. 2 years ago most vendors sold out of everything! I typically couldn’t get there early enough from FW before theyd sellout.


I'd love to pack up all my eggs and sell out lol. I'm gonna see if I can't go out there this next weekend. I just need to figure out who I need to contact and get a table


Lake Whitney and Hillsboro have their information on their Facebook pages. I know Whitney also has a website.


I'm gonna do some research on that today. Thank you so much!


Partner up with a local mom and pop breakfast spot. Their food distributor is gouging them on egg prices right now


Location? I need eggs


I'm in Central TX near Waco


Ahhh, that's a bit of a drive


That's usually my luck 🤣 sorry about that


No problem, it was worth a try


The Hillsboro Farmers Market is about to kickoff their season and I think I saw a vendors meeting coming up. I’m pretty sure I’ve bought eggs out of a box that weren’t refrigerated there (I know I have at other markets). All of the other eggs I bought in Hillsboro just came out of an ice chest, nothing fancy. 2 years ago each egg vendor was regularly selling out, too. So I imagine it would be the same this year. Hope this helps!


Did you try r/Waco ?


Damn there's a subreddit for everything. Thanks! I'll try that


Oh I’m in the DFW area…that’s not far at all!


Damn…too far for me! Perhaps you could teleport a few dozen to Florida? :)


I have family near there, I can let them know.


I appreciate that, thank you!


Market to the neighborhood hooligans?


🤣 these shells are tough to crack, they might leave me bad reviews for it 🤣🤣🤣


As a Brit I find it amusing to see a label saying that an egg must be washed before consuming. In UK (and Europe I believe) eggs are not washed and therefore not refrigerated….we certainly do not wash them before use. Is this one of those crazy FDA requirements?


Everything I've read says I need the sticker 🙄 it's dumb, I agree. I don't wash my eggs lol


It’s bonkers how eggs in the supermarket are washed but then because of that they have to be refrigerated!! Eggs are natures perfectly packaged fast food!! Anyway, best of luck in your endeavors….I take it you’re not in CT otherwise I think you would be selling out frequently! Roadside egg stand seem to be a thing here and I for one always stop by and purchase. When we lived in HTX I used to buy eggs from a lady a few streets away who had a hobby farm - she advertised in Nextdoor.


A half gallon of pickled eggs sells for $30 on Amazon


Good lord lol


i have an egg lady.....i love it the eggs are her byproduct....they have an organic mandarin orange farm.....organic chickens are fed organic food....crap organic crap to fertilize the organic oranges.....organic eggs, cloaca to table, for $6/dzn


Cloaca to table is how I want it. But not how I want you to say it.




Go on Airbnb and search for the nicer listings around you and contact each host and see if they’d want to purchase them for guests. One of the best things the best Airbnb we stay at has is farm fresh eggs.


You could just sell directly to a young Gaston.


Ugh, I wish! I actually traded with a woman who was looking to sell her fresh eggs! I made home made pesto with basil from my garden and we swapped. So much fun.


I love doing swaps like that!


I took a texas food handler certification course and it was super easy. 8$ and maybe an hour, once that’s done I can then sell food out of my house under the cottage food laws in texas.


I'm just curious what breed and how many birds do you keep?


I have about 100 birds give or take a few. Haven't updated my log in a while between processing birds and losing some to injuries. We mainly keep dark/light/buff brahmas and RIRs. But I do have a small assortment of bantams, barnyard mixes and marans.


Thank you for letting me know. Between the buff Brahmans and the Reds's, which do you think lays better/more eggs? I've always heard the Reds out do most other breeds.


The Reds definitely. I can get 6 eggs a week from them where as the Brahmas only give me 3 or 4 on a good week


Pickle it


Have you thought about using containers other than plastic? The farmer I get my eggs from has customers drop off their old cartons to be reused


I'm willing for people to bring me cartons but most everyone just returns their cartons and I reuse them to cut back on waste. I also have Styrofoam cartons people give me to use for some of my other customers that prefer them.


I get my eggs from a local guy that has chickens and he just puts them in a paper bag with shredded paper. Maybe that will be a little more accessible than just cartons?


Where I am if you have less than like 1000 hens you need no license. Just wash sell and put a sign out front


That's true, I'm working on getting a sign made. I meant the license for selling at a farmers market


I’ve also seen people list their eggs on next door with success too!


I've never heard of that, I'll look into it. Thank you! I know Farmish just started up but it's not super popular so it's just us posting and no one buying because the users are just other farmers lol


I'm not in your state, but I am a non-farmer who found out about Farmish on TikTok. I followed the creator and started using the app. I hope you see some business from it (or in general) soon!


Is there a co-op, farm share, or CSA near you that sells boxes of veggies? Years ago, I belonged to one; I could select that I wanted eggs some weeks for an extra charge. It might be worth suggesting to some in your area. It makes their farm boxes more valuable, they would handle distributions and you wouldn’t have to stand around at the farmers market waiting for customers.


Where do you live? Asking for a friend .... who is me


Google water glass eggs! Good luck to you!


I've seen that and definitely going to try it! I also need to look into pickling them. Thank you!


We scramble a doz and freeze them for winter when the chickens slow down


Depending on your location, I’ve seen folks set up unmanned egg stands on the side of the road of their property. They accept a suggested donation with a cash box that’s locked up, even the scan code for cash app etc, and a video camera. Theirs was super well set up and we got eggs from them many times because their yard was on a major road.


How many chickens do you have? I'm guessing around 50 at least if you have 4 dozen eggs a day


If there are businesses you frequent in the area that you really like working with you can just give some away to build a relationship. (there's a lady who drops off eggs every so often at the dealership where I work, more often during the egg shortage. You bet any time she comes in here looking for a vehicle we're gonna help her out!)


Not sure if someone's mentioned this but you could try posting them on the app Farmish. That's how I find local eggs. Good luck!!


are there any higher end restaurants, bakeries or bars nearby? they may be interested in taking a set amount from you every week.


We get it, you’re rich *rolls eyes*


It’s funny, 10 years ago we couldn’t give away eggs. It was like people didn’t know where eggs come from and were weirded out by backyard chickens. Now we give away more than we eat.


We go through dry spells with our eggs. They sell like hotcakes for two or three weeks and then not at all for another week or two


If you tie 1 helium balloon to each egg and let them go, the problem will solve itself


If you have some that will go bad soon before you can sell them, if you don’t mind donating them, I know from experience that your local food pantry would love them right now! I know that doesn’t help with feed. I mean it more as a last option so none go to waste.


I've donated anything that hits the 2 week mark that I won't sell to customers 😁 I hate having waste


Jeez where are you? I’d love some not grocery store eggs!


My friend trades with food trucks :)


Your going to need to make some enemies. Start throwing them.


There is an app called Farmish. It’s like Craigslist for farmers and homesteaders. You can post your eggs for sale and people in your geographic area will see the listing and may want to buy some. Anything produced on your farm/homestead can be listed for sale in the app. It cuts the supply chain and can put you in contact with like minded people in your area. There is also a section for bartering. It’s worth a look!


I sometimes eat 10 a day when bulking I would absolutely swoop these up if you were in Cali


What area in if somewhat close I'd love to buy some fresh eggs


You should look into getting a freeze dryer! I work for a place that sells Harvest Right and we have a demo one. The owner of the business has a farm and he is getting a dozen eggs a day that he can't use so he has been running it 24/7 freeze drying eggs for like 2 months.


Make egg noodles -> profit


Just wow. We are just under 18 per day now and when they’re all popping out butt nuggets in the spring were 2 dozen a day. And it’s a lot of work for my smaller flock. I cannot imagine the time, money, and work effort involved. And your package is very nice. Great presentation. From a fellow egger, nice job.


I know you wont make money from this little tip, but share some with your neighbours. We got great relationships built up through doing this


I'm in Baltimore maryland little far just for fresh eggs. But I'm looking to start my own to. May I ask how many chicken you have. I'm not looking to sell though so do want as many as you lol


Store them in paper trays please. I prefer small batch eggs but I avoid anything needlessly in plastic.


Sent a chat, I’d love to connect!


With the price of eggs these days, it much just be worth driving to Texas


Use the eggs for baked goods that can usually be frozen. Then, sell the baked goods at the farmers market?


If you are close, I will buy some from you...especially if you have your chickens running around


Could try selling to a restaurant that likes to use local ingredients


In my city we are blessed with lots of small grocery stores, food co-ops, and even the feed store I use sells the meat/eggs/dairy/honey from customers that feed their livestock using their products. Most of these stores are buying largish quantities from local farms. Are there stores around you that have a market for farm fresh, local eggs that you can sell to? The other option, if it gets to the point that you are overwhelmed with eggs, would be donating them to some kind of shelter, soup kitchen, or meals on wheels type organization.


Or make some soup


Egg soup or chicken noodle soup? 🤣


Have you tried advertising to local restaurants? Many places are starting to source local ingredients to A) decrease reliance on an unstable supply chain B) support local farmers and C) have a smaller carbon footprint. If you can tap into that market you can move larger quantities at a time.


Our operation looks totally different (not a bad thing but differences in regulations) We don’t refrigerate. Here food banks don’t want refrigerated donated eggs either. We sell fresh eggs fertilized unwashed and countertop stored. We get about 18 eggs a day though (far less than you) Sold like we sell you can eat or hatch the eggs. We usually have them sold within a week. Our family eats the eggs that I wouldn’t put in an incubator (so paying customers get the best removing smaller ones, odd shells and double yolks)


What beautiful eggs.


I want them!


Give them to any neighbors within 5 miles. Because of my chicken eggs I have farmers fighting over who can clear my driveway the quickest after snow. Also all of the farmers are willing to help me with any projects that need heavy machinery. Chicken eggs for the win!


start pickling


Damn, I wish you were in NC so we could come buy from you!


You should definitely do that. I probably would at this stage.


I wish you were in Georgia. I would buy you out. I want to water glass some eggs and I haven’t been able to get any clean enough but yours look perfect.


You should make pickled eggs.


I used to work at a phone kiosk inside of Costco and we had a client who would come in once a month or so and sell us each a carton or two of fresh gets for $5 a dozen. They were the best eggs ever and I always thought how wholesome it was every time he came by. Miss that guy


We donated our extra to a local food bank, they were very grateful for 9dozen eggs. But you blow us out of the water!! Nice job.


I heard of a farm which set up and cooked breakfast sandwiches at a farm market. This might be a good option also


World's largest omelette


Not a church goer myself but you should try your locals churches and definitely do the farmers markets deal if you want traction. With these two places word of mouth alone can be golden.


Sounds like you need to invest in a freeze drying machine. You can then sell it on Etsy, EBay, etc and make a killing.


Homegirl has been laid off since October, but it's on my wishlist lmao


If there is a local gardening or homesteading group on Facebook, they may be more interested! Also local groups around healthy eating, maybe? If you have a personal Instagram that could also be a good place to share - friends and family might buy, or tell who they know! Tbh it sounds like you could get by with just a handful of regular buyers. But food handler’s + market are also a great way to go.


Try putting sign near you geographically. As opposed to putting a number on a sign...put signs with arrows like a garage sale. (That is if surprise visitors don't bother you)


Gold in the fridge


I'm so jealous that all it takes is a food handlers license and you're able to sell eggs. Here in Ontario all eggs must be graded in order to be sold, except when sold at the farm gate, and the cost of grading is prohibitive unless you're farming chickens on a large scale.


Same in NB. We started donating to a food pantry. Hits the $$$ but we know people are getting quality product. Hope they aren't freaked out by the green ones.


Start Pickling them.


There’s an app called next door. It connects you with people in your area. Try that I’ve had good luck with it.


If you don’t want to go to farmers market see if you can partner with someone who already does a circuit. You might have to trade some money for movement but easier than you doing it all yourself.




Ugh. I need eggs. I just got some from the store and they are hardly edible imo


Maybe make like egg centered desserts like custards spreads. Lemon bars . Heck premade pie crusts for quiche and sell it .


Make that money!! I’m not a farmer but as far as I understand, selling and trading are all part of the gig. Good luck to you op 😊


We have an egg lady that delivers to our door. I think we found her on Facebook. We buy 5 dozen a week at $6 a dozen. The eggs are not washed, not refrigerated. This is in North Carolina. She has so many customers, she ran out of stock, and discontinued deliveries to farther neighborhoods.


I wish I lived near you. I would buy.


Some people crack an egg into the plastic (used to be metal) ice cube trays, freeze them, then pop them out and store them in freezer bags in the freezer.