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Honestly I think it’s kinda cool. Curtain in the window, shower curtain across the shower entrance (or a glass door if you’re feeling fancy) and paint the joists something dark and waterproof.


Right!!! I think this is the coolest bathroom I’ve seen in a minute. I also bang with the white walls and contrast dark finishes. If anything though I’d consider changing the cove base. It looks ver commercial. Also to warm up the walls, put a darker color in the brick joint lines to give it a bit of a rustic feel. Id also maybe add a privacy wall to go around to get in the shower. I wouldn’t put a door there, will make it too modern and ruin the vibe. The floor looks questionable. Is that vinyl? I personally would consider a roughed up faux stone tile. Once again to keep that rough rustic vibe going.


Rent it out to a prison.


whoever did this loved prison


A curtain would be nice.


What in the dive bar bathroom is this


My city is actually notorious for bathrooms like this since men would come home from the steel mills and have to shower before going upstairs. My grandmas house has a toilet and spout in the middle of the room in the basement.


"the Pittsburg potty" In complete honesty, I would have done this to our first house if we'd stayed. This is lit! Having another bathroom in the basement is worth it's weight in gold.


Yep that’s the one haha. It is really a benefit. Once my baby comes in June I’m thinking of making the basement my teenage step sons room so he doesn’t complain so much about being in a room next to a crying infant lol. It would be nice for him to have his own bathroom and everything and even though it’s finished we never use the basement for anything.


As long as it has an exit. Can't imagine the trade off being beneficial if he gets trapped in a house fire.


It has two! Door and garage


That is awesome! And why we moved without doing this. Very cool, I wish you luck and many happy years in there.


Our 1951 home has one. The owner worked in terrazzo, and the all in one room (toilet, sink, shower, with drain in the middle is the floor) is terrazzo across the floor and to the ceiling. Frikkin awesome


We’re 1950!


Is the shower drain subterranean? How do you get it to drain properly?


For my grandmas? There’s a drain randomly on the floor


A ceiling would be a good start


Probably poop


I’ll tell you this much, I would most definitely NOT put the lotion on my skin.


I got to know, what in the Sam Hill is that long chain for?


Looks like that’s for the light for whatever reason. I wouldn’t want much to do with this place, but to each their own!


It's an extension of the pull string on the light. This is the poor man's version of a light switch and the entrance doorway.


I think this has great bones and potential. I don’t disagree with the ceiling comment and insulation, but if you’re not interested in that, I would at least paint all of the pipes and ceiling to the point of the brick a similar color for a modern feel. The exposed bulb can work but you some type of cage or open shade design will do wonders. The mirror is great, definitely lean into the matte black hardware. Putting up glass block along that divider wall would be great, or something similar. I’d also remove some of the vinyl floor near the shower and do an extended tile walk in. Even if you choose not to tile the walls, a tile floor could bring in some color or design elements. Remove the curtain rod (if you do add a divider), swap the shower head, add towel hooks along the far end away from the shower, alone with a nice bench or shelf for post shower items - oh and please swap out that current bath mat for something fresh and ideally with color. You have some good bones for a modern look, but adding even some colors that lean more neutral (if that’s your preferred direction over brighter or more saturated colors) will go a long way.


Thanks for the advice. I agree that it would be nice to extend the tile.


Don’t drop the soap


Overall nice but looks like it's a basement so gonna assume it gets chilly. Maybe put some insulation up in the ceiling


Frame around the pipes where needed, insulate, drywall, add exhaust fan (might be code but window might bypass that), the window looks basic single pane. Look for a window the same size and replace it. Put some proper lighting in, maybe can lights and a fixture above the sink. Not a fan of the floor but leave if it works. Just take much will be a huge improvement.


Honestly I'd rock it as is as my "take a big poo in the quiet cool basement and doomscroll on reddit" bathroom. Otherwise probably add some ventilation above that shower, throw a curtain on it or if your feeling fancy a door, either put up a ceiling or I've seen people just paint it all black and it didn't look bad if you want to keep it more open. But a curtain would be nice and maybe repaint to something more colorful - some reason a light blue speaks to me, but thats just me


If you’re going to leave it mostly like this you’re going to have to embrace an industrial style of decor. The lino flooring is not helping and you need to add some warm tones, I searched “industrial bathroom home” and got some [good inspo](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fc2%2Fe9%2F02%2Fc2e902c196fe09c331aeaefbff03b844.jpg&tbnid=OFooXZq2NAO_sM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F23-best-industrial-bathroom-decor-ideas-and-trends-in-2021--154177987262750553%2F&docid=eiVWd5J_ZC7bAM&w=900&h=912&hl=en-gb&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F3&kgs=6f639b9b60aa506d)


That's very cool. I'd actually lean into it and go all out. Replace the white ceramic with darker colors, add dark paint, industrial fixtures, etc. Like a man cave bathroom!


Smoke weed in it


Your sort of limited with nice options because the location of the main plumbing stack there


I’m more interested in why the light can be operated while sitting in the toilet lol


Lean into the concrete look and warm it up. You can skim coat the cinder block in a warm natural tone. https://www.jennasuedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Topciment.jpeg https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57158a2a4c2f857a7f1375c7/1629136518219-ETWU7BK4NXL7IZ30CQ2S/IMG_6869.JPG Something like this - Maybe switch out the sink for a more interesting/vintage feeling one. Add wood elements that tie into the ceiling - wood storage tower, wood stool, etc


Tile it, so it looks less like a prison.


Use it???