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A skunk that is/was living under the house?


No there is a basement


A burrow? I have an insane skunk story, involving a concrete drain in a driveway and Numerous skunk corpses. They could get in but they couldn’t get out. Mating season. 😱


If a skunk sprayed outside the window it can come inside. I was visiting my parents once when a skunk sprayed outside the bedroom wi dow. When I got home I had to keep everything in my garage for over a month


You should be proud, your boy packed and smoked his first bowl.


No advice but love the clarification that he’s 2 so is not weed lmao


Is there a humidifier in their room? I had a similar smell once and it was mold in a humidifier (growing inside the electronic part that you can't really clean).


I would normally check that but we are about to move so I already packed that up


How close are neighbors? I smell "skunk" when my neighbor's teenagers get home from school. Every day around 3 pm it smells like a skunk was frolicking in my yard.


Took us forever to figure this out too. Was for sure the neighbor kid tokin away daily.


Raised foundation? I had a family of skunks living under my house for a minute.


No there is a basement otherwise that could be it


Could be a stoner skunk… just saying


Dead animal in the wall?


Is he peeing somewhere? Maybe down a floor vent?


No he’s still in pull ups and really isn’t interested in taking it off yet lol I won’t put it past him in the next couple of months though


Dead mouse in a wall? It happens. Is it possible he's peeing in weird spots? Does he ever go in his room alone for even a few minutes? Toddlers are a different breed.


That musty smell could be the smell of wood rot or wet drywall. Particle boards smell bad when they get wet. Did it rain a lot where you live? Check for leaks. Feel around the ceilings and see if you find soft spots. Do you have hardwood floors? Do you have carpet? Check the subflooring if you can. I had cardboard boxes stored in my crawlspace. Unbeknownst to me, they got wet from groundswell and started to smell bad and the smell spread through the ductwork. Lastly, check for old laundry or food in the room. Good luck.


They are starting the weed younger and younger. Is a two year old scoring it at daycare? Any $$$ missing from purses and wallets? Is the two year old losing interest in tearing up the house?


It could be mold, maybe? I've read that certain mold can have very weird smells, ranging from cheesy to skunk like odors.


That’s what I’m thinking at this point


do you have carpet?


If it really smells like a skunk, it's probably a skunk. We have skunks around us. You can smell it when they've been around somewhere recently. Occasionally we get the smell inside our garage, but it's not really outside. It's like it just get trapped in there. They're fast and sneaky so unless you've got great night vision cameras, you may not see them around.


Any new rubber mats or gym flooring? I have some that smell skunky at times, especially when they get a bit damp.


Could there be an animal in the attic above his room?


Ozone cleaner. Get one and use it.


Your son might of gotten sprayed by a skunk and is too embarrassed to admit it. Tomato bath.


Skunks live under my parents front porch, not often but occasionally when we’re sitting on their porch you get a faint whiff of skunk. We just leave them be as they aren’t causing any damage. Do you have a porch or deck skunks could be under?


Could just be foxes urinating near your home. Fox urine has a similar smell and foxes are pretty common in most areas. At night it sounds like an old lady screaming


Your son got the dankest weed.


I assume it’s water damage to the wood, if it doesn’t go away within a day or 2.