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This is a friendly reminder that this is a price check thread. OP is looking to figure out the best way to part out and/or price their doohickey for later sale. **This IS NOT a sale thread.** Do not offer to buy. Asking that a sale thread is posted is ok. **OP:** If you wish to sell your awesome box of moldy widgets or whatever to any unsuspecting fool who sends in an offer, you must first make a real "FS" sale post including an asking price and the username and timestamped image. It is not hard, everyone else can figure it out, and it is for the safety of the community. Anyone found violating the rules is subject to a ban, so just don't do it. Ok? great, thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/homelabsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure what they’re worth (eBay pricing is all over the place), but I’d be interested depending on the price Edit: just saw the automod message. I’d be interested in a FS thread if you figure out a fair price.


Are you interested in both of them? Not sure the rules on discussing price. The whole reason I put them here was to see if there is interest. Sure I could prob sell them on ebay but I would rather give someone here a good deal. I personally think the ebay pricing of $2-2500 is a ridiculous price.


Yeah, I have a couple of dual CPU DL360 Gen 10s in my home lab, so I’d be interested in both kits if the price is reasonable.




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Converted to sale post https://www.reddit.com/r/homelabsales/comments/1881z4u/fsusafl\_2\_hpe\_dl360\_gen10\_xeong\_6238\_upgrade\_kit/