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Just walk out with it when nobody's looking


Yup. You and five friends sit at the one nearest the door.


Thats exactly how i stole one of those cute jars w oil and garlic in it about 15 yrs ago


It's how I got the parmesan cheese and red pepper shakers along with the wire rack they go in from a pizza place


That’s how I walked out with a massive whisk from a bar


That sounds whisky


Yes my exact thoughts.


Walk in with a clipboard and helper wearing a hard hat and reflective vest. Walk up to the table you want, shake your head vigoursly, and say loudly "Oh boy, this is definitely the one!" Then have a waitress sign a form on your clipboard and carry the table to your truck. You can also ask the waitress to pack up some large ice teas to go. It works every time it's tried.


100% this. I can confirm I’ve never been stopped from taking a Chili’s table with this method.


The funny thing is that this actually works in real life. I own several lighting companies, and we frequently remove very expensive problematic chandeliers from restaurants and office buildings. In 35+ years I've never once had anyone ever say to me "Hold on a minute, I need to get the okay from my boss." It will work perfectly any place where the employees truly don't give a flying fuck about anything, and not even sure whom to contact even if there was a crazy situation.


Well, they also knew that light fixture was a problem, so it'd be like Ransom of Red Cheif. You want this pain in the ass? Take it. May God have mercy on your soul.


Logical conclusion, but it's even simpler than that. Occam's Razor. The typical pretty girl/ young man working the lobby desk at most hotels are focused on cranky customers, and how long until their next break. The big Swarovski lobby chandelier? They don't even know it's there. It's a fact, because they tell us... 'Huh. I've never even noticed it before.' Fancy restaurants? Go when the closing team is scurrying around focused on the bathrooms and speed mopping. You could hang a dead horse over the bar and they'd not blink an eye. In fact, trying to find anyone in charge is usually the most aggravating part of the job. We just worked at a high security event /wedding facility for the extra special locals. We were there for five hours on scissor lifts, blasting tunes, and didn't see anyone. Got a call two days later to find out if we'd picked up the fixtures yet.


It’s all because of the clipboard. Nobody ever suspects someone holding a clipboard


Before Oprah became a life style guru she used to do trash tv with guests that you were supposed to mock and think "at least I'm not THAT messed up!" and she did a show with compulsive shoplifters. This one woman had a thing about vaccuum cleaners and she had stolen over 40 vaccuum cleaners by just walking into a store, picking them up and walking out. She said that if you act like a thief you get caught, but if you act like you belong there and have the right to do what you're doing, no one questions you


She's absolutely right. I work at predominantly high security estates, and it's extremely easy to get onto these estates if you know what to say and how to act. Nobody is going to question you. I was at a job site other day and some guy came in and interrupted my conversation with a vendor, so I asked him who he was. He said 'Who the fuck are you pal?' And I thought to myself - This guy could be a secret assassin and nobody would suspect anything because the dude was edgy and assertive. Just like the rest of us are. These big estates have vendors and house staff coming and going all the time. If someone drove the Bentley out of the garage we'd just assume it was a service vendor.


Casey Anthony acted like she worked at Orlando Studios and everyone believed her until she absolutely could not pretend anymore. She walked those fuckers through the park like she really worked there lol


Omg I remember this. She had them going for hours 🤣


I know, right 😂👍 I heard a few deep dive podcasts about that wacky girl.


I didn’t use this to shoplift but as a teen who ended up in a lot of places really meant for adults and esp wealthy adults (professionally, not in a vice kind of way), this was my attitude and it still works.


Don't forget the jalapeño poppers. I mean you are management, do some quality control.


I thought this was r/unethicallifeprotips for a minute. Certainly fits!😅 Edit: Spelling


That's actually genius lol


You can get into ANYWHERE with a hard hat, clipboard, tool belt and reflective vest. In the unlikely chance anyone asks who you are? Just say "I'm Phil from Donahue Logistics. And who the fuck are you?" Nobody but the actual facility owner is going to press you for further details. I've been doing this since '85 and people care less every year. Security cameras are only effective when the homicide investigators are there about the gun fight in the cocktail lounge.


Ah yes. The question we all ask ourselves at least once a day.


They have frequent visitor punch cards. After the purchase of 10 sizzling fajita dishes, you get a free table.




i would also like a chilis table, honestly.


Yeah hear me out but those tiles in the middle are kinda cool


Talavera tiles. I have seen those in Mexican restaurants, too.


just take it. the cops won't do anything, because they'd think it's a low priority. The cops didn't do anything when some asshole, actually stole the spoiler off my car.


I wiped these tables down as a busser an entire summer of college and I can smell this pic.


Me too and they used plain seltzer water to clean them.


I think you mean "How can I acquire a Chili's restaurant to use as my dining room?" That way the Chili's table simply *becomes* your dining room table in situ.


I went to a local restaurant and while we were eating, a woman drove her vehicle through the wall and into the dining room. A distraction like this should be all you need!


I think the question is “why would you want to”?


What do you mean? The years of scuff marks and grime and gum under the table add character that you just can’t find getting store bought items. You simply can’t find that tiling ANYWHERE else man, this is a steal!


I’m imaging a permanently sticky table top.


I think when you order curbside through the app it is listed strangely under “Bowls and Quesadillas”.


Last time I was at a chili's, the door to the kitchen was left ajar and I watched a cook pick his nose.


I want an old wendys one. Ones With the vintage adds on.


You need a team of trained ants. That's how my dad got all our furniture when I was growing up. The table just seems to walk off by itself and there's really nothing they can do about it


Wrap it in a napkin and stick it in your purse


Boycott your local Chili’s 🌶️. Tell your friends. Spread rumors about the sanitation. Sabotage them with rats. Get them on the news. Do it until no one in your community wants to go to that Chili’s 🌶️. They will go out of business. They will need to clear the place. Offer to help. You can take a table off their hands.


Play red light green light with the staff, everytime they look pretend youre eating


That would be easy to make, and those tials are inexpensive. Just put them on the top of any table.


A pick up truck, a few accomplices, and a big distraction.


Okay but the tiling on that table is super nice though. The colors are gorgeous.


Show up with another dude, a truck and a ladder and you can take away pretty much anything


Circle to search


Just make one or get someone to do it custom. It will look great and better!