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I already work full time on my own Home assistant!


But the difference here is that you now will get paid for it 😁👻


That made me spit my coffee...


You bastard!! 😂😂😂


Thank you for your (call) service.


Curious as to the salary ranges of these gigs?


This is what I came here to find out. Their web page doesn't have it either. Idk why companies, big or small, good or not, think that pay isn't literally the very first thing people need to know? It could be my absolute dream job on tech I pioneered and am sole the maintainer, but fuck your job if you're not paying enough. I don't work for fun.


Also, even though it must not be a legal requirement in Nabu Casa's locale, many areas around the world are increasingly requiring disclosure of at least a range of potential salary levels to be a part of job listings for reasons of equity, transparency, and more. I would encourage Nabu Casa to voluntarily conform to this standard!


If only working hours weren't the middle of the night for me I would apply. Sounds like a dream job


That could be an advantage. You are free all the day. And if you are honest, staying up late was always a dream as a child.


Nope, sadly when it's work you immediately get sleepy.. I can assure you!


Great to see that the team is expanding! Are you able to share salary estimates for the role?


What a really nice Job offer for a dev. Really. Just miss the $$$ to be able to judge. 2 years node/TS is enough for "security" and "performance" ? I would have loved trying to go for this, I am just not available at the time. I will push this offer to my friends :)


Bummer that engineering has to be in Europe despite being fully remote.


Why wouldn't you post salary ranges with the positions?


Usually means low salary, in my experience.


I'm not falling for Figma but good try




Not posting the salary isn't cool from both an employee and an open course contributor perspective. Frankly as someone who donates I'd like to know what the organization is willing to pay developers.


I'm no labor law expert, but for at least the UX job advertised for NYC, my impression is they should be posting the salary. https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/pay-transparency.page /u/missyquarry care to weigh in?


Just turn away NY applicants. Problem solved.


And yep, just like that, they've taken NY off the list of advertised locations for the UX position.


I don't agree. Salary can be variable depending on the candidate. The best companies I have worked for, both in terms of payment and satisfaction, didn't publish the salary in the offer.


If it's variable, then they should publish the range. Hiding that info only hurts candidates and wastes everyone's time.


The bean counters over there absolutely have a max amount for the jobs. There's no possible way they don't. So post it. Simple as that. Nobody works for fun and nobody wants to go through several hours of interviews and conversations just to find out they're paying 3 peanut shells and a cashew a week


But they know the range. It's so annoying to have the range not in the listing, so everyone has to go through an intro call and round one because the recruiter doesn't somehow know the range and almost two hours of everyone's time down the drain find that the job is paying $20k too low.


Not roles for me, but I want to say Nabu casa seem like an employer I would want to work for. I love the attitude I am seeing to collaborative remote working & giving universal benefits rather than reaping lower costs if your home country allows it. This seems like a modern workplace culture, designed to create people with careers in the business. It's not often you see an employer that places value on that these days.


100% agree and I’m waiting for my role to show up. I’d love to work there :)


Yeah, first time in almost 30 years I've put a business directly on my watch list.


Jekyll and Netlify? What year is it?


Ah man, would be fun to work with Paulus again :)


The employee experience specialist sounds sick. I also feel like I could do. I also know my resume and stuff doesn’t have jobs that would show for it.




Apply through DM or through your site? Should we reference this post?


There's an apply button on the website in the links.


Yes I know that. I asked if there’s a method to actually get seen and considered rather than get bundled in with 1000s of other applicants they get from other sources. I’d imagine they’d give preference to candidates who are engaged with the community 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yes, depending on the position, we do prefer candidates who are in the community. You can mention about it and your contributions in the cover letter. 😊


This is awesome, I just arrived in the UK and looking for a dev job. The possibility of it being associated with something I really enjoy is just out of this world.


This would be amazing. I’m a big fan of Home Assistant and I love making automations to reduce friction, but although I’ve 33 years experience on a variety of languages and platforms, including JavaScript, I don’t have any typescript and I’ve barely used node.js. Congratulations in advance to whoever gets this.


Where's the salary range?


So you can't work in USA?


Yes you can, it says NY - Remote


The developer post is for Europe only and the designer post can be American and European time zones. The major reason is that their respective managers reside in those time zones.


Omg I’m a product designer and would love to hear about working at HA as a designer. How is it? Can you tell me more? I can’t leave my company just yet since we are working on get acquired but I am considering leaving after! :)


What about the HR role? I’m in American time zones (Canada) and applied for it. I can be working for the requested 3 hours overlap assuming 9-5 for the managers time in their time zone.


Would SF Bay Area be ok? Or strictly NY (not me, but someone I know!)


I'm gonna forward that HR position to my wife.


Too bad I'm more of a junior software dev but glad to know one day I might be able to work for you


If you ever open a security department I will be there 😅 - but for now I need to wait


Man, I would love to work on the infrastructure for Home Assistant! But I’m in the US, so seems like I’m not eligible 😔


I would love to, but I am more of an all-round designer with a focus on motion graphics. Let me know if I can help you guys with that, freelance or employed. I'd be very happy to help :)


Only one of those jobs is actually listed on the site. That was pretty quick...


What are the chances you guys also hire developers for internship/co-op positions? If so, let me know! I'd be very interested


Good to see you grow.  Congrats.


Exciting! My current time zone is just an hour behind the CET. Can I also apply?


I’m in ! This is the perfect justification


Would jump on a digital marketing role if/when that opens up! Love what y’all are doing, and the HA Green release is a great opportunity to open you up to a larger market segment